Download plans for individual speech therapy lessons. II. Finger gymnastics. Gymnastics for the eyes

Technological map of speech therapy lesson.

Topic: "Automation of sound [D] in syllables, words


Automate the sound [d] in words, syllables.

Develop phonemic hearing, voice power.

Activate the dictionary on the topic "words with sound [d]"

Equipment for the teacher: presentation, visual material: Dasha, image of words. Visual aid for articulation control, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics

Student equipment: Mirror, signal cards.

The form of organizing an individual lesson: individual.

Individual lesson plan:

1. Organizational stage. (Psychological attitude) - 1-2 min

2.Preparatory stage - 5-7min

3. The main part - Operational and performance stage - 10-15 minutes

4. Assessment-reflective stage. Self-assessment by children of their own activities. Summing up the results of the lesson - 2 min.


Methods and techniques of work

Activities of a speech therapist

Student activities

I .Organizational stage

Goal: emotional attitude to the lesson. Self-determination for activity.

Character introduction

Welcomes students. Creates the emotional mood of students in the classroom.

Guys, what will we have with you?

What do we learn in private lessons?

What helps us to speak correctly and beautifully?

Today she came to our classD asha. She will watch you as you work in class.

The psychological attitude of students.

Individual lesson.

To speak correctly and beautifully.

Tongue, lips, teeth (organs of speech, articulation apparatus)

II ... Preparatory stage

Goal: preparation of the speech apparatus for the automation of the sound "D".

1 mimic exercises

2. Respiratory gymnastics.

4. Exercises exercises for fine motor skills.

5.Articulation gymnastics.

3.The main part - Operational and performance stage

1) Acquaintance with sound [d]

Working with a profile

3) Development of phonemic hearing.

4) Reading syllables.

5) Working with pictures

6.The stage of approval

7. The evaluative-reflective stage.

Demonstration by example.

Visual, practical, directions


control over inhalation and exhalation.

A practical method.

Visual. Prctical


Visual, practical.


Visual search method.

Highlighting the essential features of objects, combining words into a group.

Checking the assimilation of the material by oral questioning

Let's perform mimic exercises.

1) Place the mirror in front of you, and now

    Show the expression on your face when you meet your best friend.

    Show the expression on your face when you got a bad grade.

    Show the expression on your face when you are surprised at something.

    Show the expression on your face when you see something scary.

Mini-summary: What controls did we perform with you?

2) Guys. Dasha invites us to a tea party, but the tea is very hot, we need to blow on it so that it cools down faster.

Let's do breathing exercises.

Mini-summary: What exercise did we do?

Suggests exercises for voice power.

Look closely at the board. Yes, the sha calls us for a ride on the elevator.

A (from quiet to loud) and O (from loud to quiet.

Well done!


What did you learn by completing the assignment? For strength ...? What?

Suggests performing finger gymnastics. Look, Dasha is asking us for help again. This time she needs to help her collect the mosaics.


We will perform articulation controls

Place a mirror in front of you.

1. "Smile-tube" (slide)

2. "Delicious jam" (slide)

3. "Whitewash the ceiling" (slide)

4. "Snake" (slide)

Mini-summary: What exercises did we do?

Today in the lesson we will work on the sound, and which one, you will learn by guessing the riddle that Dasha has prepared for us

Doesn't hurt anyone

And everyone pushes her. (A door)

What is the sound at the beginning of a word?

What is our duty sound in class today?

Put mirrors in front of you

Say [d]

How are the lips positioned during pronunciation?

Working with the profile: look carefully at the slide. When pronouncing the sound [d] ...

Let's characterize the sound on duty:

What signal do we designate?

Mini-summary: What have we learned about the sound [d]?

We will learn to distinguish the sound [d] from other sounds. I will pronounce sounds, and if you hear our duty sound, then show the sound signal.: B, h,D , t, m, p,D .

Among the syllables: Da Ru, Do, That, Dy

Among the words: Hand, Duga, House, Slipper, Oak

Mini summary :

Mini-summary: What did you learn by completing the assignment?

Guys, take a close look at the board. What are the pictures, what is shown on them?

Let's place our words in the houses with you.

Let's count.

Look at the slide. How many doors do you see? Name.

What did you learn by completing the assignment?

What was the occupation now?

What did we do?

What sound did we study with today?

What fairytale hero came to our class today? Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!

Mimic controls

For face.

Perform mimic exercises according to the teacher's instructions.

Mimic exercises for the face.

Performing breathing exercises

Breathing exercises

Exercises for voice strength.

Finger gymnastics, for hands.

Perform exercises according to the standard in front of the mirror.

articulation exercises

Solution "Door"

- [D]

Pronouncing the sound [d] several times.

sound [D] is a solid voiced consonant.

TV, call, acc.

Blue with a bell.

Show with a signal when to hear the sound [d]

Found the sound on duty among other sounds, syllables, words

and at


oh s

oak, door, house, garden, chest.

one door, two doors, three doors, etc.

Make up phrases.


We got acquainted with the sounds [d], divided words into syllables, did sound analysis the words.

- [ d]


Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation R

Theme. Sound automation [p] in words and sentences

Objective: To consolidate the automation of sound [p] in words and sentences.

1. consolidation of the pronunciation of the sound [p] in syllables, words and sentences;

2. development of manual and speech motor skills;

3. development of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

4. Expansion and refinement of the dictionary on the topic "Animals";

5. consolidation in speech of the coordination of numerals with nouns;

6. development of attention, memory, thinking.

Lesson form:

Individual lesson.

Working methods:

  • Verbal (story, conversation)
  • Practical (articulation exercises)
  • Visual (working with subject pictures, cards with words)


1. Mirror for individual work;

2. Pictures depicting animals;

3. Cards with the names of animals.

4. Child's speech diary.

I. Organizing time.

Hello Misha! Today in the lesson we will pronounce the sound [p] separately, in syllables, words and sentences. Let's start with finger gymnastics.

II. Finger gymnastics.

Game "Fingers greet".

Let's play the game "Fingers greet". First, the fingers of the right hand will greet each other. (The exercise is performed with a speech therapist teacher). Tip thumb the right hand alternately "greets", touches the tips of the index, middle, ring fingers, the little finger of this hand. And now the fingers of the left hand will "greet" ... The fingers greeted and warmed up. Now let's warm the tongue and lips. Let them move too.

III. Articulating gymnastics (performed in front of a mirror, under the count).

You already know all the exercises that we are going to do now. I suggest you repeat them.

Lip exercises:

  • "Smile" - keep your lips smiling. The teeth are not visible.
  • "Tube" - to pull the lips forward with a long tube.
  • Alternation of "Smiles" and "Tubules".

Exercises for the tongue:

  • "Delicious Jam". Stick out your wide tongue, lick your upper lip and remove your tongue deep into your mouth. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • "Horses". Suck your tongue to the palate, click your tongue. Click slowly, hard. Pull the hyoid ligament. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • "Fungus". Open your mouth. Suck your tongue to the sky. Without lifting your tongue from the sky, pull it down strongly lower jaw... Keep the tongue in this position for a count from 1 to 10-15.
  • "Harmonic". The mouth is open. Suck your tongue to the palate. Without lifting your tongue from the palate, strongly pull down the lower jaw.

IV. Clarification of the articulatory way of pronouncing the sound [р].

- Recall that when pronouncing the sound [p]:

- lips open

- teeth are open

- the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars

- the wide tip of the tongue is raised to the "tubercles" and trembles.

V. Pronunciation of isolated sound [p]. Work on the voice.

Pronounce the sound [rrrr] for a long time on one exhalation loudly, quietly, in a whisper.

One, two, turn around and turn into animals.

Draw an angry tiger and show how menacing he growls [rrr ...].

Depict a woodpecker sitting on a tree and how he knocks on a tree [tr-p-p-p-p ..].

Imagine how an affectionate kitty purrs [mur-r-r-r ...].

Show how a curious little crow looks at the nests and squeaks in a thin voice [car-rr-rr…], and the crow-mother answers him with a low voice [car-rrr, car-rrr].

So what sound are we going to work on? (Above sound [p])

So, today for the lesson we will fix the pronunciation of the sound [p] in words, sentences.

Vi. Sound characteristic [p].

Tell us everything you know about the sound [p] (consonant, voiced, trembling, hard).

Vii. Pronunciation of syllables with a change in rhythmic pattern.

Listen carefully and repeat the syllables:

ra-ra - ra-ra-ra

ro-ro - ro-ro-ro

ru-ru-ru - ru-ru-ru

ry-ry-ry - ry-ry

VIII. Automation of sound [p] in words and sentences.

1. Development of phonemic hearing.

I will name the words. If you hear the sound [p] in a word, clap your hands.

Words: cancer, fox, walrus, hare, elk, panther, wolf, otter, leopard.

2. Pronounce syllables and words.

Sconce - sconce - brother

Bra - bra - bra - take

Bry - bry - bry - spray

Bra - bra - bra - splatter

Bro - bro - bro - eyebrows

Bro - bro - bro - drop

Bru - bru - bru - bar

3. Game exercise "Make a word".

I will name the 1st syllable, and you add the word "point" to this syllable, then name the word that you got.

kar (point)

rope (point)

chickens (point)

bl (point)

kof (point)

handicap (dot).

4. Vocabulary work, introduction to the child's active vocabulary of the words: zebra, cobra, tiger, giraffe.

Look closely and tell me who is shown in these pictures? (tiger, zebra, giraffe, cobra, camel).

Tell us everything you know about these animals. (If the child does not name animals, check with him)

The tiger is a large predatory animal with a striped skin.

Zebra is a wild striped horse that lives in hot countries.

The giraffe is an animal with a very long neck and long legs.

Cobra is a poisonous snake.

A camel is an animal with one or two humps.

Make sentences with the given words.

Now, be careful, remember and name the pictures in the order in which they are laid out. (The order of the pictures changes twice).

Now close your eyes and tell me what has changed?

What animals is the tiger in between?

Which animal is the cobra in front of?

What animal is the giraffe behind?

IX. Reading words with the letter p. Work on spatial orientation.

We worked with the pictures, and now we have the names of these animals.

What animals are hidden in the words arbez, rgit, ardyv, avorok? (Zebra, tiger, otter, cow). The names of the animals should be read from right to left.

Find which of them is superfluous.

Tell me why?

X. Physiotherapy "Find animals".

Several more animals hid in the office. Be careful.

Find them. Pronounce the names of the animals correctly.

Which animal did you like the most? Make a sentence with this word. (Pictures: kangaroo, camel, mole, lynx.)

Where can you meet these animals? (In zoos, in a circus.)

Have you ever been to the zoo? Tell me who you saw there.

XI. Coordination of numerals with nouns.

Count the word "zebra" from 1 to 10.

Pattern: one zebra, two zebras, etc.

Count back from 10 to 1 the word "tiger".

Pattern: ten tigers, nine tigers, etc.

XII. Conjugation in the present tense.

Now we are going to change the phrase "build a house for the tiger."

Sample: "I am building a house for the tiger", You ..., He ..., She ..., We ..., You ..., They.

XIII. Formation of related words.

Form related words from the word camel. (Baby camel, camel, camel, camel.)

XIV. Pronunciation of tongue twisters.

Repeat the tongue twister with the word "camel" after me. "I am a humpback camel, all the guys like me."

XV. Selection of antonyms.

We have named many animals and they are all different.

I will name "words" that denote bad qualities, and you say the opposite in meaning - good words.

Evil - (Good)

Laziness - (Hard Work)

Cowardice - (Courage)

Sadness - (Joy)

Animals are different: evil and kind, cowardly and brave, lazy and hardworking, sad and joyful, but we must love and protect all of them, protect and cherish.

XVI. Lesson summary.

GB (O) S (K) OU S (K) O boarding schoolVIII type No. 3



individual lessons,

carried out

within the subject-methodological


teachers correctional technologies 03/16/2015

with 0 grade student Tatyana G.

prepared and conducted

teacher speech therapist

N.A. Barbashina

2014-2015 account year

Theme: “Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of labiodental sounds.

correlation of sound and letter " IN».

Goal: teach to pronounce a sound [IN], to acquaint with the graphic image

letters "IN".

Tasks: - to teach the correct articulation, clear pronunciation of the sound [B],

to acquaint with the letter and fix the graphic image of the letter "B";

develop the skill of correlating sound with a letter, promote

development of articulatory and fine motor skills, graphomotor

Promote the development and correction of phonemic

perception, voluntary attention, visual gnosis,

letter mnezis, enrichment, clarification and activation

Foster motivation for classes, promote development

self-control skills.

Equipment: individual cards with tasks, subject

pictures, the letters "B" of various sizes and colors, a cotton ball,

colored pencils, workbook, mirror.


1. Game (lesson is built using game moments).

2. Change of activities during the lesson.

3. Searching actions (looking for the letters "B" among other objects and letters).

Health-saving technologies:

1. Massage of hands and fingers.

2. Exercise for the formation of a smooth air stream (blowing on a cotton

3. Exercises for the eyes.

4. Physical education.

Stages of the lesson

Stage objectives


Organizing time

Stage objectives:

Emotional attitude to the lesson;

Development of visual memory.

1. Greetings.

2. Task: find your own among the notebooks according to the subject picture.


Preparatory stage

Stage objectives:

Preparing the child's hand for graphic and manipulative



articulation apparatus for speech actions;

Development of perception and reproduction of speech.

1. Massage of hands and fingers.

2. Articulating gymnastics: performing static exercises "Smile", "Fence", "Tube";

Performing dynamic exercises "Swing", "Watch", "Bite the lip", "Blow on the cotton wool".

3. Strengthening the skill of reflected speech (repetition of syllables):

That - that - that - you

Pa - po - poo - py

Na - but - well - us

Ma - mo - moo - we

Ba - bo - boo - would


Working on the topic of the lesson

Development and correction phonemic perception, articulatory skills, visual perception.

Development and correction of visual perception, graphomotor skills, self-control skills

1.clarification of the dictionary:

What were they blowing on? ("on INhu "- pronunciation), what color is it?, touch it, what is it? (white, soft, light).

What is it? (" INata ")

2. Clarification of sound articulation [B]

Pronunciation clearly with emphasis on the first sound.

Isolated sound pronunciation [B] with articulation refinement.

Pronunciation in direct syllables:

Woo - woo - you

Wo - woo - you - woo

Woo - you - wa - in

You - wow - woo - woo.

3. Consideration of subject pictures, their independent naming; reflected naming of pictures with the highlighting of the first syllable when pronouncing:









With what sound did you begin to pronounce the words-names of pictures? What was the first sound? Show how we “bite the sponge”, when we pronounce the sound [B], pronounce the sound again correctly.

4. Work on an individual card (Appendix 1). Acquaintance with the letter "B".

Finger stroking the "barbed" letter "v", "letter" letters in the air, shading letters in different directions, pencils of different colors.


A moment of relaxation.

Stage objectives:

Removal of intellectual stress;

Change of dynamic pose;

Development and correction of the skill of perception (execution) of instructions

5. Physical education.

Get up, walk around the office, find all the letters "v", put them on the table and count.

Development and correction of visual memory, voluntary attention, graphomotor skills

We continue to work

6. Work on an individual card (Appendix 2).

"The letter is lost."

Instructions: lead your eyes and pencil along the line, when you see the letter "B", say: "B"! and outline it with a blue pencil.


Exercise for the eyes.

Relief of eye strain and fatigue

The object pictures are arranged in such a way that the pictures of Vali and Vanya are located on opposite sides of the row with pictures.

Instructions: without turning your head, look at Valya, look at Vanya, look at Valya again, then at Vanya.

- development of graphomotor skills, visual-spatial orientation, visual gnosis.

Strengthening the skill of correct sound articulation

7. Typing the letter "B" in the notebook.

8. Reinforcement of articulation and sound [B].

Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson with a 7-year-old child with a speech therapy conclusion of the FFNR on sound setting [S].

Theme: sound setting [FROM] .


    Skill formation correct pronunciation sound[FROM].

    Consolidation of the ability to perform a complex of articulatory exercises necessary for sound production [FROM] .

    Formation of the correct diaphragmatic type of physiological respiration.

    Development of phonemic hearing.

    Development of the ability to form possessive adjectives.

    Development of visual perception, memory.

    Development of general motor skills.

    Formation of arbitrary differentiated facial movements.

Equipment: pictures of a mosquito, an anteater, a tiger, a helicopter, a hippopotamus, squirrels, bear, lion, wolf; tails: squirrels, wolf, bear, lion.

1. Organizational moment.

Hi! Komarik came to visit us today.

The speech therapist shows the child a picture of a mosquito.

Do you remember his beautiful song? Today in the lesson we will learn to sing a mosquito song.

First, we'll prepare.

2. Breathing exercise.

Let's get up, put our hands on our stomach. Let's take a deep - deep breath so that our hands open. Exhalation. Again!

The speech therapist teaches the child to perform the exercise correctly: on inhalation, the muscles of the ribs and the front wall of the abdomen move up and to the sides, while exhaling, the abdomen is pulled in.

The speech therapist does the exercise, the child's hands are on the diaphragm. The speech therapist controls the movement of the child's diaphragm during inhalation and exhalation.

3. The game "Clap if you hear".

Let's listen to the song of the mosquito together. Clap if you hear a mosquito song .

The speech therapist covers his mouth with a sheet of paper, gives an auditory standard of sound. After the child has listened to the "mosquito song", the speech therapist will forgive the child to select the given sound with a clap in the palm of his hand:

In the sound row [b, s, n, s, n, k, s, n, s, d, t, l];

- in syllables [ra, so, you, then, sa, pa, yes, so, su];

In words [catfish, house, bowl, scooter, broom, crackers, growth, piece, nose, bus].

It is performed standing, feet - shoulder-width apart, hands on the diaphragm.

At the command of the speech therapist, the child takes a deep breath without raising his shoulders, then exhale.

The child performs the exercise independently according to the instructions.

The child is doing the exercise.

5.Articulatory gymnastics.

Today the mosquito invites us to fly with him by helicopter to hot countries. We arrive and see a tiger and anteater .

The speech therapist shows the child pictures of a tiger and an anteater.

The tiger smiles at us broadly. Let's smile like a tiger. Smile so that the top and lower teeth, stretch the lips to the limit and hold this position. The teeth are closed (Repeat 3 times).

Let's take a look at anteater ... Look what a long, narrow muzzle he has. He got ready to drink some water and made a "straw". Let's repeat. Pull out the lips with a tube: the lips need to be pulled slightly forward, as if forming a square. The teeth are closed. Hold the "tube" for 3-5 seconds.

Now let's try to alternate the movements of the lips in a smile and a "tube".

Our tiger loves to swing on a swing. Come on and we'll try. Place the wide tip of your tongue on your lower lip, lift it on your upper lip (repeat 4-5 times).

Go ahead and see a huge tree. And there are nuts under the tree. Our tigers will help us collect them. Press the firm tip of your tongue against your right cheek. Now to the left. One more time (Repeat 4-5 times).

Now let's go to the path to find other animals. Let's make a road: put a wide spread tongue on the lower lip, and hold it in this position for a count of 5.

We walk and see the river. Let's make a bridge to cross the river. Let's smile, show our teeth, open our mouth, lower the tip of the tongue over the lower incisors, bend the tongue forward ("built a bridge").

At the expense of the speech therapist, the child will stretch his lips to the limit, and hold this position.

At the expense of the speech therapist, the child pulls out his lips with a tube: pull the lips slightly forward, as if forming a square, holds this position for 3-5 seconds.

At the expense of the speech therapist, the child will stretch his lips to the limit, and hold this position, pulls the lips slightly forward with a "tube" alternately.

At the expense of the speech therapist, the child puts the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip, lifts it on the upper lip. Repeat 4-5 times.

The child from the inside rests with a firm tongue on the right cheek, then on the left cheek.

The child puts a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.

The child smiles

shows teeth, opens mouth, lowers the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors, pushes the middle part of the back of the tongue forward.

6.Put sound

From the articulatory way.

And so you and I met a lion. He is the strongest beast. Let's surprise him. Let's show him a trick. Smile, make a bridge, blow on the tip of your tongue.

If the child does not succeed, we put the soundmechanically.

Speech therapist asks the child to pronounce the syllable repeatedlythe one a speech therapist inserts a probe between the alveoli and the tip (as well as the front of the back of the tongue) and gently presses it down. By controlling the probe, the speech therapist changes the size of the gap until the desired acoustic effect is obtained.

Raise a pen, can you feel which air stream comes out cold or warm? Strong or Weak?

With the back of the hand, the child should feel the exhaled stream of air. Pay attention to the fact that it goes in the middle of the tongue, strong and cold.

The child smiles, puts the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors, blows on the tip of the tongue.

Cold. Strong.

7. Game "Behemoth".

Great! We sang a mosquito song to the lion, we move on. And we see a big, big hippo. Let's show how surprised we were! Look how serious he is. Let's make a serious face too. Look how big the hippo's cheeks are. Let's puff out our cheeks like him. The hippopotamus is very happy, let us show him that we are also very happy to see him.

At the appropriate command, the child raises his eyebrows, frowns, puffs out his cheeks, smiles.

    Physical culture break

Our hippo wants to do exercises, let's do it together with him.

One two three four...

Hands higher, legs wider!

Left, right turn

Tilt back,

Lean forward!

The speech therapist reads the verse and performs the appropriate movements

    Game "Whose Tail".

Well, we looked at the animals, we need to return home. We approach the helicopter and see that the tails of various animals stick out from its windows.

The speech therapist shows pictures depicting the tails of different animals: a squirrel, a bear, a lion, a wolf.

Please look at the pictures and think about whose tail it is. Now tell me, what is he?

    Game "Who is missing."

Now look at these pictures again. I will hide one of them, and you tell me which one is missing.

9. The game "Guess"

Think and tell me, which of the animals shown in these pictures should not fly with us? Why?

The speech therapist shows the child pictures of a squirrel, bear, lion, wolf.

Well done. You can color these pictures.

The child listens to the verse and performs the appropriate movements.

The child forms possessive adjectives:squirrel, wolf, bear, lion.

The child names the missing picture.

The child chooses a picture, justifies the answer.

10. The result of the lesson. Performance evaluation.

I really liked our lesson with you. Did you like the lesson? What animals have we met today? Who do you remember more?

The speech therapist assesses the child's activity in the lesson, compares the results with the results of the previous lesson.

The child talks about his experiences.

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