Posts from the category " Documentation"

Business idea: private speech therapy office

Business idea: private speech therapy office

Investments: from 70,000 rubles Payback: from 2 months Reforms of preschool education carried out in 2013 led to a massive reduction in speech therapists in kindergartens. The opening of private speech therapy rooms has become the only possibility

Speech therapist portfolio

Speech therapist portfolio

Natalya Krasnolutskaya We are not doctors or geologists, But we have no bitter regrets. We are speech therapists, speech pathologists. Hello! We work with preschool children, develop their hearing and speech, and consider it our main concern to take care of children's health. We are concerned about articulation

Diagnosis of speech development in children aged 3-4 years

Diagnosis of speech development in children aged 3-4 years

In this article: For all children of a certain age, it is mandatory to undergo testing with a speech therapist. If you have problems with speech, your visits will become frequent - the doctor will provide the necessary therapy. In any case, for children over 4 years old, it is compulsory

Design of a speech therapy room for preschoolers

Design of a speech therapy room for preschoolers

Teacher-speech therapist at MADOOU d/s "Buratino" p. Kyra Correctional subject development environment for preschoolers Speech development is the most important condition for the full development of children. To correct speech deficiencies, enrich and improve speech, it is necessary to

Kemerovo Savelyeva Elena Nikolaevna

Kemerovo Savelyeva Elena Nikolaevna

Leitmotif Every morning I come to kindergarten and go into my office. My office is a creative workshop, the entire socio-psychological microclimate of which creates conditions for personal self-realization. I like him very much, but I dream that

Diagnostics of the development of children 3 – 4 years old

Diagnostics of the development of children 3 – 4 years old

Diagnostics of the development of children 3–4 years old will help you independently assess the level of mental development of your child and find out what still needs to be worked on. Diagnostics involves six small tests that will take you very little time. If