Posts from the category " Dysarthria"

If you see Swimming in a dream, what does it mean?

If you see Swimming in a dream, what does it mean?

Dream interpretation of swimming Water is a symbol of life. From time immemorial, people have used water for food and hygiene procedures. In the modern world, when there is no water in the house, it is tantamount to a disaster. It is not surprising that water takes up a significant amount of space

How long to cook pasta with egg

How long to cook pasta with egg

Cook the pasta with egg for 30 minutes: first fry the pasta and then simmer it with the egg. How to fry pasta with egg Products Pasta - 100 grams Chicken eggs - 2 pieces Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons Salt and pepper - to taste How to fry poppy seeds

Delicious brisket in brine

Delicious brisket in brine

We can confidently call salted brisket one of the oldest dishes of Slavic cuisine. A piece of salted fatty meat with spices wrapped in a rag accompanied a merchant on a distant journey, a pilgrim, and a simple soldier. And this delicacy was the basis of rac

Fedor Fedorovich Vadkovsky: biography

Fedor Fedorovich Vadkovsky: biography

Fedor Fedorovich Vadkovsky (May 1 (13) (18000513), the village of Pyatnitskoye, Oryol province - January 8 (20), the village of Oyok, Irkutsk province) - poet, musician, ensign of the Nezhinsky Horse-Jager Regiment (1825); Decembrist. Convicted of 1st category. B

Meaning of the word nef, architectural dictionary

Meaning of the word nef, architectural dictionary

), bounded on one or both longitudinal sides by a row of columns or pillars separating it from neighboring naves. Etymology The word "nave" comes from the Latin navis - "ship". Presumably, this name was supposed to be subordinate

Competitive game program “Supergranny”

Competitive game program “Supergranny”

Material: short and long ribbons, plates with team names, threads, knitting needles, fabric, needles, two naked dolls, four combs, utensils for making sandwiches, tea parties. Presenter. Today we have a competition for grandmothers. Both adults and children came to cheer for them.

Purpose and general characteristics of scientific speech

Purpose and general characteristics of scientific speech

Russian language and speech culture DE 1 (Stylists) Functional styles of the Russian literary language Style is a type of literary language that is traditionally assigned in society to one of the spheres of life. Each variety has certain

Presentation on the topic

Presentation on the topic "electric current in various media"

To create an electric current in a medium it is necessary: ​​- the presence of charged particles in this medium; - external electric field. These conditions are met differently in different environments. Let's consider some of them: - metals; - liquids; - gases. Electric

Constellations in February What constellations can be seen in February

Constellations in February What constellations can be seen in February

In February, in the evening sky, Mars and dazzling Venus pass within 5° of each other in the constellation Pisces. Mercury is not visible, hiding in the rays of the rising Sun. Jupiter is observed in the night and morning sky in the constellation Virgo, moving above its bright stars

Class hour on the topic “Schoolchildren’s daily routine”

Class hour on the topic “Schoolchildren’s daily routine”

Class hour “Daily routine or respect your time and the time of others” Goals: to develop healthy lifestyle skills. Teach students to value their time and the time of others. follow the daily routine. Form: conversation Methods: story with elements of conversation and games. Prepare