In his conversation, there is a huge number of compliments, often banal and learned in advance.

Date: 2019-03-27

Women love beautiful courtship, romantic deeds and constant compliments. It is a womanizer who is a man who is able to easily seduce the opposite sex, while the number of broken women's hearts increases with geometric speed. It is very difficult to win and keep such a man, because he is freedom-loving by nature.

How to identify a womanizer man?

To understand who a man womanizer is, you need to navigate male psychology. First of all, one should distinguish a man in love from a womanizer who tries not to miss a single skirt. This kind of guy is distinguished by confidence, they get to know various people without a shadow of embarrassment.

The psychology of a womanizer is characterized by self-confidence and narcissism. It is not uncommon that the main feature of such a person is narcissism, selfishness and overestimated self-esteem. At the same time, he has many positive qualities that a man uses perfectly for his own purposes. For example, communication skills and knowledge of female psychology become those levers with the help of which he wins the attention of any girl he likes.

To recognize and identify a womanizer man, you should know how a person behaves when meeting, it is especially important to calculate the first signs:

  1. at the moment of meeting the guy shows excessive self-confidence;
  2. uses banal compliments and prepared romantic phrases with incredible speed and dexterity in order to embarrass the girl;
  3. immediately begins to talk about his own person and his merits in order to impress;
  4. clothes are catchy and noticeable for a woman to remember;
  5. will never miss the opportunity to attract the attention of other women - not this one, so another will fall under his charm;
  6. the womanizer is often only available in the evening, as does not want to mix riotous life with everyday life, and is not set up for long-term relationships.
The reasons and psychology of such behavior of the opposite sex are often associated with previous bitter experiences and fear of a new relationship. Sometimes a man becomes a womanizer as a result or in spite of upbringing, when the mother was too domineering, and the father was listed as henpecked.

It is believed that while the man has not made up his mind, he is a womanizer; the reasons that occur most often are the young age of the guy. In this case, a stormy temperament, irrepressible charm and an increased amount of male hormones lead to the fact that a man needs to find a way out of his energy, he becomes a womanizer.

What to do and how to behave if your man is a womanizer?

The psychology of a man-womanizer is based on the manipulation of people, he says only what women want to hear. Therefore, when communicating with a womanizer, it is necessary to divide all the words spoken by two and not take it too seriously.

If the womanizer is very assertive, the woman should not give up at the first opportunity. You should behave as indifferently and dismissively as possible, because such men are hunters by nature, he is hooked when a girl says, "No" - this stirs up interest and stimulates further action.

Lovelace is easy enough to offend with words. The situation is determined by the psychology of such guys, they are confident in their irresistibility and any criticism of his ideal person can be perceived as a personal insult.

Situations are not uncommon when women can complain: “My man is a womanizer! What to do?". It is extremely rare that people change, but do not forget that each personality is individual, perhaps your partner loves flirting, and he does not cheat on you.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question - will the man be a womanizer change or not? Skeptics will answer that no way, optimists will say that a woman can change him. But psychologists believe that only if a man has truly fallen in love, has strong feelings and has experience in relationships, then he will be able to overcome the dependence on the constant change of partners.

Men are womanizers by zodiac sign

In order not to fall into the network of a womanizer, it is recommended to determine him not only by behavior or external signs, but also to use astrological forecasts. Male womanizers by zodiac sign have the following ratings:
  • The most faithful are Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn. According to astrological doctrine, these signs can be surrounded by great attention of women, but they always remain with their chosen one, and Capricorns simply do not have time to seduce and seduce, they are aimed at solving financial problems.
  • Cancer, Virgo and Taurus are the zodiac signs that are considered the best family men. They love home comfort and do not seek outside connections. Only Taurus remain connoisseurs of female beauty for life, but at the same time remain faithful to their soul mate.
  • Aquarius, Leo and Gemini are overly sociable and inquisitive. Men of these signs are subject to temptation and passion, the instinct of a hunter and a conqueror is most developed in them.
  • Sagittarius, Aries and Pisces are at risk because it is under these signs that womanizers and ladies' men are born, who, without embarrassment, indulge in all serious things, and rarely hide their adventures, but are extremely proud of their popularity.
You can get the attention of a man of a womanizer and even he will be seriously carried away by a woman, but you should not expect worship and long-term serious relationships from him. Such a connection is unlikely to last long, while significant damage to women's feelings and self-esteem will be done. Why is this needed? Maybe you should find a less loving man?

Each joint appearance turns into torture for you: your man looks at each skirt, in between times he has time to weighed out compliments to the girls and comment out loud on their charms. Women consider the definition of "womanizer" a curse, but for men it often sounds like a compliment. What if you got such a copy?

Womanizers are different: practitioners and theorists, strong and weak, ours and others. And everyone needs their own approach.

Someone else's husband

He is married. But, as it turns out, this strange misunderstanding does not prevent him from enjoying relationships with other women. You know about his lovingness, but still you respond to his advances, believing that it is in you that he will see the very one and only.

Try not to lose your head. It is unlikely that he will leave his wife. If she accepted him like that, then he too is pleased with the convenience of the situation. If she does not agree with his behavior, then, of course, he can divorce her, like any other who does not close her eyes to his adventures. In general, men of this category can marry willingly and often. Intimate relationships with him are best avoided. First, put yourself in the shoes of his wife (and this may well happen), and secondly, having gained access to your body, he will quickly lose interest and go in search of a new victim.

Incomplex boy

Perhaps as a child he suffered from a lack of attention and is now trying to catch up. Communication with women is a reason for him to assert himself. A painful breakup that a man once experienced leads to this behavior. Once humiliated, he tries not to get serious.

or tear them apart first, without waiting for the woman to leave him. In a relationship with such a man, you will need a lot of patience and a willingness to understand him. Help him realize himself in some area besides love - in sports

Platonic womanizer

He spreads into a charming smile in front of every woman, regardless of the degree of her attractiveness and age. He loves to humor and make compliments, but his relationship does not go beyond words. On the contrary, he is even afraid to bind himself with intrigues, because he does not want to risk an established relationship for the sake of a fleeting hobby. Having fallen in love with such a man, accept his harmless pranks. In the end, he chose you. And in sex, try to be different every time - here all kinds of role-playing games will come in handy.

Classics of the genre

This type of men is distinguished by the extreme inconstancy of hobbies. He is active, easy-going and has high self-esteem. Flirting with women is a lifestyle for him. He simply cannot deny himself the pleasure of discovering and getting to know new women. Sex with such a man seethes with all the colors of life.

Usually he knows how to please a woman. But if, going to bed with him, you cannot get rid of the thought of how many more partners he had and will have, then such a relationship will not lead to anything good.

How to get along together?

  1. Re-educating a womanizer is almost impossible, but for the sake of your and his love, he can pull himself together and at least for a while stop running after every skirt. But at the same time, you risk getting a gloomy and dissatisfied partner with life, and not at all the happy and confident man with whom you once fell in love.
  2. The ostrich policy is not to notice his adventures. You don’t ask him why he was late at work again, and you don’t notice his ardent glances at the girl at the next table, but he, appreciating his dedication and patience, comes back to you every time.
    But soberly assess your capabilities: how long will your patience last?
  3. Accept him for who he is - this method is similar to the previous one, with the only difference that you are not deceiving yourself or each other. You know that your husband is not indifferent to all women at once, sometimes he likes to go to the left, but at the same time you understand that he does not have serious feelings for his mistresses and all his novels are short-term. This method is suitable for a strong and confident woman.
  4. You can invite him to try free love. That is, you close your eyes to his intrigues, but at the same time you also have the right to small romances. Maybe it will sober him up. Although, think about your actions in advance in the event that he agrees.
  5. In sex, give him the opportunity to lead, be affectionate and certainly admire his masculine abilities.

Every girl dreams of being not just loved, but also the only one with her boyfriend. True, not all males are capable of belonging to only one woman. Noticing the qualities of a womanizer for your boyfriend, think about whether you need a relationship with a polygamous man. And if your feelings are stronger than common sense and fear of becoming another trophy, develop your own strategy of behavior that will allow you to be not just one of his list of "victories", but a real queen in his female kingdom.

If your boyfriend flips over every skirt, first you need to figure out the reason for this behavior. Usually girls refer to the fact that it is a genetic predisposition. In fact, you need to "dig" deeper.

"Women's" education

Often, male womanizers from childhood are surrounded by excessive female attention. Having matured, they cannot do without constant guardianship, love and affection, which they received from their mother and her friends, grandmothers and older sisters.

From an early age they are doomed to the role of Casanova. If you meet just such a guy, try to be his friend, lover, and caring mother. By surrounding a man with the necessary attention, you have every chance to save him from the need to look for missing emotions on the side.

Low self-esteem

Guys who are ready to love all the girls in the world seem confident in their ideality. In fact, they experience a lot of complexes, which they get rid of by methods of conquering women. Winning girls' hearts, womanizers prove to themselves and to those around them that they are interesting to the opposite sex. This is a kind of "doping" from which you have to wean your boyfriend.

If the reason for your boyfriend's "weaknesses" is precisely in low self-esteem, use psychological techniques: assure him of irresistibility and masculinity, more often focus on his merits. In general, your task is to relieve a man of complexes, so that he does not assert himself at the expense of other women.

In search of a soul mate

If you've heard about your current boyfriend's past adventures, don't be dramatic. What came before you does not mean that it will happen again with you. Probably, your lover was just looking for his only one, and perhaps it is you. Talk to the young man frankly, say what worries you, listen to his position and just observe. There are cases when men settle down when they meet a woman who suits them in every sense.

How to reeducate a womanizer?

Putting up with the fact that your boyfriend is a womanizer is quite difficult. Perhaps every girl will at least try to reeducate a womanizer. To be successful in this difficult endeavor, it is important to choose the right tactics. Reproaches, scandals, surveillance - these are clearly not effective methods of dealing with the weaknesses of your boyfriend. The more the womanizer's freedom is limited, the more he will defend it, proving to himself that no one encroaches on his bachelor life.

In a relationship with a womanizer, you need to watch out not for him, but for yourself. Visit the gym, beautician, hairdresser and keep up with fashion. Throw away your old shabby robe, buy lacy underwear, defile in front of your beloved only in a well-groomed form. Perhaps, if you are "on top", your faithful will simply lose the desire to look at other women. A man should admire and admire you, conquer and conquer. Maintain a small distance so that the guy does not consider you an achieved target and continues to unravel that "highlight".

How to accept a womanizer?

If the re-education of the womanizer has not yielded results, and the desire to be close to such a guy has not dried up, it remains only to accept the current situation. Change the way you look at the problem by finding positive aspects in it.

So, what are the advantages in a relationship with a womanizer:

You can be sure that he is better than others, because out of many, he still stays with you. This means that the rest are just fleeting hobbies, and with you - everything is serious and for a long time.

If your boyfriend is so attracted to girls, then he is really good-looking. Enjoy the fact that he is an ideal lover (as a rule, womanizers are just such) and his other qualities (generosity, courtesy, attentiveness).

Feeling guilty, the womanizer will not torment you with jealousy. Therefore, you yourself can, at least, flirt with other men.

If you are not lucky enough to meet a monogamous person, do not despair. In most cases, men know how to be grateful. And even a Don Juan is able to appreciate your understanding and silence. Closing your eyes to the pranks of your young man, you will receive his respect, warmth and love doubly. The main thing is to know when to stop, so as not to lose pride, and by your behavior to show such a man that you do not see rivals among the ladies around him.

Many girls at least once in their lives suffered from a meeting with a womanizer. On the one hand, such experience is necessary, but on the other hand, the price may be too high. How to act if such a man appeared in life so as not to become another victim.

As you know, such heroes of our time can be distinguished by their behavior and actions. You need to get to know your chosen one better in order to find out who he really is. Attention should be paid mainly to the little things. , if during a quarrel, a person behaves rudely, this does not mean that he is a womanizer. Excessive attention to the opposite sex characterizes such men well. Relationships can be long-term, but not as ideal as we would like. As soon as he begins to notice that they want something more from him than just evening walks, going to the movies and good sex, there are a million reasons to end this romance. The main thing for him is freedom in choice and action. If a guy, being in a relationship, unceremoniously flirts with other girls, this is one of the first signs of a womanizer.

How to understand that a man is a womanizer 7 sure signs that will betray anyone

These signs will be enough to bring such a person to clean water. Even if he wants to carefully hide his behavior under the guise of romantic actions or cute compliments, the result will not change.

How to understand that a man is a womanizer 7 sure signs that will betray anyone:

  1. When meeting another girl, a man behaves very relaxed. He is self-confident, relaxed and open to new relationships. At the first meeting, such behavior is not easy to notice, but with constant communication, when he puts himself on a step higher, everything becomes clear.
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Such males will not appreciate your borscht and daily expectations. He needs a girl with character who can withstand a complex character. Don't be afraid to voice your dissatisfaction by showing unwillingness to put up with his bad habits.

Sooner or later, such a man will want to start a family and live a quiet life, leaving everything in the past. Some realize this earlier, others later, and the rest will be in search of new sensations all their lives. One day the most inveterate womanizer will fall in love. In this case, it will not be easy for a girl who will become the object of adoration of a womanizer. On the one hand, only her will get all the tenderness and love. True, the actions will be very contradictory, because a man simply does not know how to attract and charm the one who is so much loved. It can be anything - ridiculous actions, compliments not in the right place, stupid smiles, in general, everything that he did before without hesitation is now so difficult for him. On the other hand, a girl should be sympathetic to his past and not try to radically change it. For your sake, he himself will change, only with time. When the behavior of a womanizer in loveyou should be patient and just wait.

How to distinguish a womanizer from a man in love

To distinguish a womanizer from a sincerely loving man, you need to carefully watch all actions. In order not to hang a cliché on your partner, check him well. All men are flattered by the attention of girls, but this does not mean that they are womanizers. A person with sincere feelings may have drawbacks, but they should not be confused with a lifestyle. The womanizer does not offer to start a family or at least move on to a new stage of the relationship. How to distinguish a womanizer from a man in love, he will not give you flowers and will not call you in the morning. There can be no serious and stable relationship, this is the law for him. If a womanizer fell in love, then get ready for a double blow, very pleasant, but not easy.

Why a man becomes a womanizer psychology

The main question is why a man became a womanizer? What made him decide who is to blame and why should those around him suffer? For each person, such a way of life was formed in different conditions. Someone initially does not want a relationship and is constantly forced to change women. Others simply do not know how to love and be afraid to open their hearts towards such amazing feelings. Sometimes the woman is to blame for this behavior. Maybe once a man did everything to be loved, but his hopes were not justified.

Quite simply, you can say:

  • lying,
  • betrayal
  • unrequited love.

It is precisely such events in the past that have so strongly affected the present and the future. Revenge on one girl, in the person of a female, is very often found in the case of womanizers. The fear of opening up and the fear of being abandoned is what lies behind the appearance of a strong, self-confident man. From despair, it remains only to break women's hearts and make the fair sex suffer. Why a man becomes a womanizer psychologysuch a person hides behind a special mask and is not available to everyone.

Each person is individual in his own way, and womanizers are no exception. Men with an exciting past and a fickle future. So that a naive girl does not suffer from the merciless torment of such a guy in the initial stages, you should look closely at the person and not rush to open your heart to him.

Now it is often said about karma in the relationship between a man and a woman, a spiritual connection from past lives, the law of attraction and the predetermination of fate. And many women perceive a man who at this moment in life is next to her as a kindred spirit. She always sees it as her mission, destiny, the will of heaven. And the fact that he is not at all what she dreamed of, the fact that he makes her unhappy, this must be endured. This means that karma is like that. Even if a man raises a hand to her, humiliates her as a woman, insults her. Even if a man is a womanizer, she prefers to close her eyes to his endless betrayal and silently suffer. Work off invented karma.

How many problems we have in life because of our own stupidity! And karma has nothing to do with it. We just come up with a convenient excuse for what is happening, and the roots do not lie in the mistakes of a past life. Of course, I myself write that when a husband is cheating on his wife, then she needs to think about her behavior. But now we are not talking about legal marriage, this is in the first place. And secondly, we are talking about an impenetrable, incorrigible womanizer who is saturated with love for all women to the bone. There is a category of male seducers. And now you fell for his hook. He didn't fall for your spell, but you fell for him. And the relationship seems to be tied up, become serious, only he continues to lie all the time, after which you discover the indestructible fact of treason. And then another one. And further. And his promises that this is the last time begin, declarations of love and pleas for forgiveness. You don't have to put up with all this! This is not karma!

Karma is that you have drawn this man into your life. And all you need to do in order to work it out is to understand why you pulled it in. Correct this in yourself and wait for a really worthy man who is destined for you by fate.

If a man womanizer entered your life, it means one thing. You consider yourself worthy of such a man. You have low self-esteem, self-doubt goes off scale, and subconsciously you think that you are not worthy of such happiness to be with a decent man. And the womanizer will give you time, and will go to others. This is not your man! He gives his love to other women in exactly the same amount as to you. Are you near him? So, you think that they are unworthy of the best.

What if the man next to you is a womanizer?

1. Raise your self-esteem, learn to love, respect and value yourself. Read how to do this in the article and the book. Only when you yourself realize that you deserve the best can you end this relationship.

3. Forgive this man. For hurting you. For deceiving your hopes and expectations. For bringing suffering and disappointment to your soul. And along with him, forgive all the men who have ever been in your life. Without forgiveness, you won't regain your integrity, you won't be ready for a new relationship.

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