Why do polyps appear in the human body. Polyps in the uterus: symptoms and treatment, consequences

- Endometrial focal hyperplasia, characterized by the pathological growth of the uterine mucosa in the form of single or multiple neoplasms on a wide base or leg. Polyps of the uterus are manifested by uterine bleeding, periodic pains, infertility. Polyps of the uterus are diagnosed during a comprehensive gynecological examination - inspection, ultrasound, hysteroscopy, histological examination. Treatment of polypes of the uterus surgical, including polypectomy and caustality of the uterine cavity, sometimes - an overall amputation or extirpation of the uterus.


Polyps of the uterus, or endometrial polyps, are local benign growths from the basal layer of endometrium cells, towering over the mucosa in the form of separate tubercles. The magnitude of the polyps of the uterus varies widely - from a few millimeters (sesame seed values) to several centimeters (golf ball). Endometrial polyps can be both solitary and multiple-knitted with a thin leg or a wide base. In the case of multiple etometrium polyps, they speak of polyposses of the uterus.

Usually endometrium polyps do not apply for the uterine cavity, but in rare cases can germinate through the cervical canal in the vagina. Polyps of the uterus are detected in patients of various age groups - young girls, women of middle and macterus age; The frequency of pathology fluctuates from 6 to 20%. Endometrium polyps are often combined with cervical canal polyps. Polyps of the uterus in gynecology are regarded as a precancerous condition and are subject to mandatory removal.

Classification of polyps of uterus

The structure of the uterine polyp is represented by three main components: endometrial glands, endometrial stroma and central vascular channel. The surface of the polyp is covered with epithelium, the leg includes fibrous stroma and thick-walled vessels. Polyps of the uterus can ulcerate, infect, necrotize, undergo cell metaplasia.

According to the morphological structure, polyps of uterine of ferrous, iron-fibrous, fibrous and adenomatous type are made. Polyps of ferrous type uterus are formed by an endometrial fabric containing the gland; more often develop in young age. Irony-fibrous polypose formations of microscopically represented by the glands of the endometrium and the connective tissue (stroma); We meet in women of mature age. Fibrous type uterine polyps are predominantly dense connective tissue, in which single glands are present; Such polyps are usually diagnosed in women over 40 years. Adenomatous polyps of the uterus consist of a ferrous epithelium with signs of proliferation, structural rearrangement of glands; have prerequisites for transition to endometrial cancer, so they require increased attention.

Among the polyps of the uterus, placental polyps are distinguished separately from fragments of unpleasant fully placenta due to complicated abortion, genera, spontaneous interrupting of pregnancy, facing pregnancy. Placental uterine polyps are manifested by prolonged, abundant bleeding, which can later lead to infection and infertility.

Causes of the development of uterine polyps

In the genesis of polyps of the uterus, the main role is allocated to neurogormonal influence and inflammatory changes in endometrial. Polyps of the uterus, as a rule, are developing against the background of hormonal dysfunction of ovaries and hyperstroynes, which are accompanied by focal endometrial hyperplasia in the form of polypovoid sprouting of the mucous membrane. Along with the Polyps of the uterus, such patients may also meet other diseases due to estrogen, - ferrous hypeometrium hyperplasia, fibroma, adenomyosis, mastopathy, polycystic ovary, etc.

The occurrence of uterine polyps contributes to chronic sexual infections and women's inflammatory diseases (endometritis, adnexitis, ooforite), injuries of the uterus with surgical abortions, endometrial scraping, long-wearing Navy. The risk group on the development of polyps endometrial includes women with arterial hypertension, obesity, thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, immune disorders, neuropsychiatric injuries.

Symptoms of uterine polyps

Regardless of the structure of the uterus polyps, they all cause similar symptoms. After a period of asymptomatic flow, dysfunctional uterine bleeding arise, which can be cyclic or acyclic. Under the uterus polyps, menorgia are noted - abundant monthly, succinous premenstrual discharges, cargo bleeding outside menstruation and after sexual intercourse, metrorals, bleeding in menopause. Permanent bloodstures often lead to a significant anemization, accompanied by the poverty of the skin, dizziness, weakness.

For polyps of the uterus of large sizes, the appearance of pathological mucous white whites, gravity pain at the bottom of the abdomen, discomfort and pain during intercourse. In women of reproductive age, endometrial polyps often cause infertility, in pregnant women - increase the risks of miscarriage and premature births.

The symptoms of uterine polyps are similar to the manifestations of endometriosis, misa of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage, so require professional surveys from the gynecologist.

Diagnosis of uterine polyps

The examination of polyps of the uterus includes collecting gynecological and reproductive anamnesis, conducting a vaginal inspection, ultrasound of a small pelvis, hysteroscopy and metronography, separate diagnostic scraping with histological examination of the endometrium.

In the fibrous structure of the uterine polyp and the absence of menstrual dysfunction, treatment is limited to polypectomy with uterine caution. Irony or iron-fibrous polyps of the uterus after their removal at any age require additional hormonal treatment. To normalize hormonal processes, a selection of oral contraception is made (Kok - ethinyl estradiol in combination with a dienogesthest or desogestrel), the installation of the hormonal intrauterine agent "Mirena", the treatment of gestagens (progesterone, norethisterone, Didrogesterone).

In case of detection of adenomatous polyps, the uterus requires more radical treatment. Women of premanopausal and postmenopausal age is removed by the uterus - overall amputation or hysterectomy. When onconuscreation or the presence of endocrine disorders shows the execution of pangisterectomy - removal of the uterus with adnexectomy.

Prediction and prevention of uterine polyps

A feature of the flow of polyps of the uterus is their inclination to relapses. Recurrent uterine polyps in 1.5% of cases are susceptible to malignant transformation; The greatest risk of endometrial cancer is associated with adenomatous polyps. Therefore, after the end of treatment, the patients remain under the observation of the gynecologist. In the absence of treatment of polyps, anemia develops, infertility. The presence of endometrial polyps increases the likelihood of miscarriage and requires accounting for this factor during pregnancy.

The prevention of polyps endometrial consists in timely and thorough treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, correction of ovarian dysfunction, cautiously carrying out intrauteripal manipulations.

It is called a benign education that is localized on the walls of the critical organ or in the cervical channel.

In fact, it is an education in the form of a nodule, which is attached to the surface of the organ with the help of the leg.

The size of the polyps can be large and small, but the maximum 4 cm. In most cases, education is diagnosed up to 1 cm, and the excessive growth of polyps is extremely rare.

Some types of polyps, despite their benign, can transform into cancer education, so timely diagnosis and proper treatment of formations are mandatory.

Essence of pathology

Polyp has a blood vessel, stroma and cellular structures. The form of education is usually cylindrical, the walls are very thin, and the painting can be from yellowish to almost purple.

Education can be represented as one out of growth and several. In the latter case, they talk about the polypose of the uterus.

As for the age in which polyps can be detected, it is most often happening after 40 years, although the formation of pathology can begin with 11 years of age.

Education is developing from the upper layer of the epithelium, the impetus for the development of pathology is the incomplete rejection of the surface layer of the uterus.

Cells that accumulated on the surface of the mucous leads to the fact that education begins to grow. In addition, the polyp may begin to develop from a piece of placenta, which has not separated into a woman during childbirth or abortion.

Polyposny education in the uterus differ not only in size, but also by cellular structure, and in form.

Types of polyps with different cellular structure will be discussed below, and as for the difference in form, the formation may be conesoid - the base is wide, and to the top, the formation is narrowed, or the mushroom-shaped - the polypa's leg is thin, and the top of the spherical.

The causes of the occurrence and symptoms

Studying pathology, doctors concluded that may be:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • low immunity;
  • long-term emotional overvoltages and stress;
  • age changes;
  • various diseases of the genital organs;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous meat;
  • infections that are transmitted by sexual path;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • obesity;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • vascular growing.

In addition, there are information that the long-term treatment of template (the drug for the treatment of tumor processes) can also provoke the development of a polyp in the uterus - endothelium cells begin to actively grow, which leads to the occurrence of pathology.

As for the clinical picture, it is almost not expressed at the initial stages of the disease, so it is very often a polyp diagnosed by randomly with a prophylactic inspection.

When the polyp reaches significant sizes, may be observed. :

  • different failures in the menstrual cycle;
  • not related to the menstrual cycle;
  • bleeding in women in menopause;
  • pain sensations during intimate proximity, and after sexual contact, a woman can observe the oscillations of bleeding.

Sometimes the polyp can be infected and infected, such a phenomenon is accompanied by pulling pains, as well as the presence of bleeding outlections outside menstruation.

Classification at the location of localization

Polyps can occur in a variety of sections of a female organic organ.

Doctors highlight three zones:

  1. Mastechnic bottom. This localization is considered the most favorable in the point of view of the treatment of education - the clinical picture in this case is absent, and the formation itself is fairly easy to remove.
  2. Uterine wall. If the polyp is formed on the back or front wall, it is difficult to remove it, however, the clinical picture and in this case there is no.
  3. . In this case, the signs of the presence of a polyp are expressed by unpleasant symptoms even if it has a small size. Diagnose this location is easy.

The dependencies between the localization of the neoplasm and its type does not notice.

Types of formations

According to the cellular composition, the polyps are divided into the following types:

  1. Glandular. This formation develops from glandular cells, which are available in the endometrial layer of the uterus. The ironic polyp is similar to the cyst filled with liquid content. Most often, the endometric polyp is diagnosed in young women, this is due to the rapid growth of the endometrium and its more active update. Irony formations may be accompanied by mucous discharges, pains in the lower abdomen, pain during intimate proximity.
  2. . This polyp is formed from fibrous tissue, which divides the outer and inner layer of the mucous membrane. A similar alert is more characteristic of older women - after 40 years. The meager clinical picture of this formation is related to the fact that fibrous polyps do not react to hormonal changes in the body of a woman, and, therefore, it is extremely rare to manifest themselves bleeding.
  3. Irony-fibrous. As it is clear from the title, the formation is represented by two types of cellular structures. More often diagnosed in patients after 35 years, can be multiple.
  4. Adenomatous. In this case, the glandular cells included in the polyp have an atypical structure, and, therefore, can be reborn into malignant education. In most cases, the adenomatous type is considered to be a precancerous state, and must be fully treated with a qualified specialist. Polyps of this species are manifested in frequent and abundant bleeding, as well as in the gravity pains in the lower part of the abdomen. At the inspection, such an education is characterized by a noded or rough surface, as well as it can go to the fallopian wall and destroy healthy fabrics.
  5. Placental. Such a polyp is formed if there is not completely removed in the course of childbirth, abortions or miscarriage. The disease most often leads to infertility and cause breakthrough uterine bleeding.
  6. Granular. This type of education develops as a result of mechanical damage to the mucous membraus - injury, operation, complex labor.

Therefore, when diagnosing an education is extremely important to take fabric fence, since in other ways it is not possible to establish a tissue composition of education in other ways.

What kind of the most dangerous?

Of course, any kind carries and may also break its reproductive function.

About what is dangerous polyp cervix, read.

Almost all polypose formations cause malfunction in the menstrual cycle, and in addition, they can be infected, infected and necrotized. All these processes are extremely negatively affect the body as a whole..

Polyps that are located in the cervical canal can overlap the neck, which makes it difficult to penetrate the seed fluid into the channel.

Education that are localized on the walls of the uterus does not allow an already fertilized egg to attached to the wall surface, which leads to the brand of the embryo.

Some types of pathology provoke severe uterine bleeding, which can lead to anemia.

But the most dangerous polyps, of course, are adenomatous. Since this type of formation contains atypical cellular structures, the risk of rebirth of the polyp in malignant education is very large.

Any kind of polyp can bear a threat to the health of a woman. Inflammatory and infectious processes in education can seriously harm the reproductive system, and cause infertility. In some cases (with a serious flow of inflammation), the childbearing body has to be deleted completely. Placental and adenomatous polyps are considered the most dangerous. The first can provoke abundant bleeding, and in the second case, the transformation of pathology into cancer can occur. However, it is not entirely correct to consider that only adenomatous polyps can be reborn into oncology. Any type in the presence of certain provoking factors can give an impetus for a cancer.

Diagnostic methods

Initially, pathology is diagnosed during a common gynecological examination with mirrors. During this procedure, the doctor can see a polyp saving from the cervical uterine channel.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is directed to the uterus and hysteroscopy.

Hysteroscopy is an optical view of the study of the uterine cavity and the cereal area. The advantage of hysteroscopy lies not only in a 30-fold increase in the mucous membrane, but also in the ability to make a fence of biological material for histological studies, which will eliminate or confirm the presence of an oncological process in a degenerate authority.

In some cases, during hysteroscopy, it is possible to remove pathological education.

As for the ultrasound, this study allows not only to accurately determine the localization of the polypa, but also provide information about the thickness and structure of the endomterial layer.

In addition to instrumental diagnostics, the doctor will not necessarily send the patient to the following laboratory research:

  • blood test on the sex hormones;
  • common clinical blood test;
  • mail to microflora and infection.

Methods of treatment

There are three ways to treat polypotic formations in the uterine cavity and in the cervical canal:

Lack of treatment is unacceptable, since in this case the infectious hearth will be present in the body constantly, and cause various negative consequences.

Folk medicine is usually prescribed to the quality of additional therapy, and is more pointing to the removal of negative symptoms.

Beekeeping products are used, as well as various medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory and painful effects. Get rid of the polyp only by folk remedies impossible.

As for conservative treatment, it is effective only at the initial stages of the disease. A woman is prescribed immunomodulators, vitamins, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as hormonal agents (if the polyp formation provoked a hormonal failure).

Medicase funds are also discharged before operating intervention and after it.



If frequent relapses are diagnosed, and the woman has already come out of the reproductive age, the removal of the cervix may be required or the complete removal of the critical organ.

Conclusion and conclusions

Warning polyp formation is quite difficult, but if the woman regularly passes scheduled diagnostic examinations, it is possible to identify pathology at an early stage.

In addition, since polypose formations may be a consequence of sex infections and inflammatory processes, it is necessary to treat these ailments in a timely manner.

As for the forecasts, the tendency to relapse remote polyps are small - about 10%, however, one cannot forget that this ailment may cause a cancer.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the types and treatment of polyps in the uterus:

In contact with

What are the dangerous polyps in the uterus? The doctor will answer this question. Polyps are a serious pathology that amazes a woman's uterus at any age. The appearance of such a disease is a hazard for health, so they must be deleted.

Why women appear in the uterus polips

Polyps in the uterus appear in endometrial tissues and there are several types:

  1. At the location - in the cervical canal and fabrics.
  2. In structure - adenomatous, fibrous, ferrunts, etc.

In reproductive age, women are characterized by the formation of ferrous polyps, fibroids - for those who have occurred the period of menopause, they cause special alarms in gynecologists. But the adenomatous requires an additional survey, since the forming polyp is able to paint into cancer education.

It may occur due to the fact that in the body there is a serious hormone imbalance. Only a doctor may tell why polyps appear, what causes they cause them. The most common among them are:

  • violation of neuroendocrine processes;
  • increase pressure;
  • abortion frequency;
  • injuries of the mucous meat;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, which is formed by polyps. During this period, the most common education in the cervical canal, and is extremely rare in endometrial tissues.

What is dangerous for women Polyps in the uterus

Women who are diagnosed with such a disease are interested in a doctor than dangerous polyps in the uterus, as they could appear. The answer to the first question will always be one - are dangerous because they become often the cause of the precancerous state. One of the unpleasant and disturbing consequences is that the polyps can go into malignant.

Polyps are able to cause a violation of menstruation, to cause infertility, difficulties with pregnancy. The cycle impairment occurs due to the fact that there is a serious hormone failure in the body, as a result of which menstruation becomes irregular or strong. Therefore, a woman can feel constant fatigue, weakness or lose consciousness.

Because of the hormonal background failure, both infertility develops, and complications during pregnancy - due to the development of endometriosis. It interferes with implanting egg cell, causes bleeding, pairing the placenta, the supply of fetus with blood. Therefore, the fruit can fall behind in development, or premature childbirth can happen.

Symptoms of leakage and diagnosis of the disease. Considering that the polyps may form for various reasons and some time not to cause anxiety at all, you need to know the main symptoms to understand what the polyp is danger in the uterus, how to find it and what to do.

To suspect the presence of such a disease is very difficult, therefore, it is first necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist. Also, often the polyp signals about itself with intermenstrual bleeding. Sometimes blood appears during intercourse or after its end. The factor in the fact that the polyps began to form, they become painfulness during sex or difficulty with conception.

In the cervical canal, the polyps are visible using the mirrors who need a doctor to make a survey.
Usually such symptoms appear if the growths have large dimensions. Small can be seen only on examination in the gynecologist or during diagnostics.

The doctor, suspecting the formation of polyps, sends a woman to a special examination. First, it should be echoscopy. Secondly, the uterus hysteroscopy is carried out. This is the most effective method for detecting polyps, providing many information about the state of the uterus, fabrics, formations.

This diagnosis is carried out using a hysteroscope that is introduced into the uterus through the vagina. With the tool, all information enters the monitor, and to relete the uterus - a solution is supplied through a hysteroscope tube. This contributes to the visualization of the organs, so this method uses during the operation.

A echogram helps to see polyps that reach 2.5 cm in the amount of 2.5 cm, and hysteroscopy is suitable for detecting polyps of different sizes.
Thirdly, diagnosed with ultrasound. Fourthly, an x-ray is used, which is carried out with the help of contrast.

The main goal of any diagnostic is to establish the nature of education - benign or malignant. This is especially dangerous for women who have menopause.

What to do if polyps appeared

Do I need to delete and how to treat? When the polyps begin to appear, the doctor assigns the operation. This is necessary, although many women hope that education will be held independently, discouraged, or simply fear interventions. Removal is assigned not immediately, for example, if myoma is diagnosed in the uterus. It becomes much smaller when menopause comes in women. In the middle age ladies, the operation is postponed, since the Mioma often leads to what the uterus needs to be removed completely. This is a painful process and psychologically.

The remaining types of polyps are removed, and then the histological study of the tissue is prescribed. This allows you to detect an oncological disease in time. Because of this, the removal of polyps is the main method of treating the uterus with this form of the disease.

So that the polyps can no longer be formed, their cutting, scraping, or an alternative way to remove is applied.

The operation lasts long, but is carried out under local or general anesthesia. This allows the doctor with the help of special tools to expand the uterus, and then delete education. But only single, and multiple are removed by scraping method. Often, such an operation is carried out using a hysteroscope. Then the place of removal is migrated, for which liquid nitrogen is used. This substance is increasingly used in gynecology, especially for the treatment of endometriosis. Simultaneously with this, a radio wave method or therapy with a laser is used.

Removal is carried out in day hospital, where a woman comes in the morning, and is restored a few hours after anesthesia.
After the operation, a further treatment is assigned consisting of taking hormonal drugs. Within 6 months, women are required to regularly take special gestage funds. The hormones are not prescribed if the structure of the polyps was fibrous, no failures in the menstrual cycle are observed, or the woman suffers from such diseases as:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Vegeth vascular dystonia.
  3. Excess body mass, which goes into obesity.

Women who are in reproductive age or joined menopause, as well as those who have been cut out fibrous or ferrous education, hormonal treatment is obliged.

When suspicious of cancer formations, the removal of uterus or appendages is prescribed such an operation is called hysterectomy. But before this is appointed additional examination, diagnosis and surrender of analyzes.
Six months after receiving hormonal drugs, women are inspected by the gynecologist and ultrasound to eliminate the formation of new polyps.

The course of treatment is often extended for another few months, combining with preventive measures. Hormone therapy should not be alarming in patients, although many are experiencing that it can cause even large malfunctions in the body and exchange processes. Other women fear, which will be very correct, or they will begin to develop other pathologies. Such concerns are unreasonable, since modern drugs underwent clinical trials are applied to treatment.

With hormone therapy, folk treatment methods are perfectly combined. Considering that herbs have very high efficiency and have a positive effect on the uterus, it is not recommended to take them on their own. Only a doctor who knows all the features of the disease and the condition of the body of the patient can assign similar tools.

Informative video

What is a polyp is a benign neoplasm of the rounded form, germinating from the mucous membrane of the internal organs of a person.

There are many causes and risk factors for the development of pathology, which can manifest itself in all organs with the presence of the mucous membrane. The disease flows for a long time without visible symptoms, and even formed single polyps of small sizes often do not cause absolutely no complaints from a person.

On the disorder of the functions of internal organs and other symptoms, it is possible to suspect the presence of polyps and consult a doctor. If the diagnosis is positive, it is necessary to take care immediately - pathology has serious complications.

Polyps do not represent much danger to the human life and the normal functioning of the body (the exception is the intestinal polyposis) - the neoplasms are dangerous possible complications. These states include:

  • infection;
  • ulceration;
  • bleeding;
  • malignation.

Polyp, regardless of location, susceptible to trauma. After that, pathogenic flora penetrates into it, which causes the suppuration of the polypa and the formation of a source of infection in the body. From such a hearth, according to the system of blood vessels, infectious agents can fall into any organs.

The ulceration is periodically observed in conjunction with infection. At the same time, the injected polyp is revealed, forming a peptic surface. In place of ulceration, secondary infection is possible.

Since the polyp is the formation of the mucous membrane, it also has blood supply vessels. Continuous injury leads to damage to the vessel and blood loss. These bleeding are dangerous by repetitions and chronic bleeding, which can lead to the development of anemia and disorder acid-alkaline equilibrium.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the polyps of female genitals. Many girls wonder: What is the danger of a polyp in the uterus? Such a neoplasm is constantly injured during the menstrual cycle and becomes a source of bleeding.

Incomponated thigh in the ulceration becomes cause of endometritis.

Endometrium iron polyp is an obstacle to normal toaling pregnancy.

Malignation is the most dangerous complication. By its structure, polyps represent benign education. However, uncontrolled cell growth, constant traumatization and infection leads to malignant reincarnation.

This can occur with a disease of any localization, but more people with polyps of colon and bladder are more susceptible.

A separate group consists of polyps of a thick bowel. The emergence of such neoplasms may indicate the presence of a genetically determined disease - the family polyposis of the intestine.

Being in a thick intestine, they significantly slow down the promotion of feces, as well as risk injured and infected. Colon polyps also slow down the normal peristaltics of this organ, one of the symptoms is the development of constipation and intestinal obstruction.

In rare cases, family polyposis affects not only the colon, but all organs of the gastrointestinal tube. Pathology slows down the promotion of the food lump and violates the natural functions of the organs.

When forming in the stomach - problems with synthesis of mucus and hydrochloric acid are observed, as a result of which gastritis and ulcerative pathologies are formed.

There are a large number of risk factors, the emergence of which "helps" the formation of polyps.

However, today it cannot be said that pathology appear from a particular factor and its elimination completely eliminates the risk of the disease (the exception is the family polyposis).

7 The main causes of polyps formation:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. pathology of endocrine bodies;
  3. metabolic disorders;
  4. chronic inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes;
  5. traumatic mucosa damage;
  6. the impact of chemical factors;
  7. impact of radiation.

As a rule, the occurrence of pathology is connected immediately with several reasons. It is possible a combination of a genetic predisposition and chronic inflammatory process or endocrine disorders together with the injury to the mucous membranes.

Symptoms and first features of polyps

Signs of polyps depend on localization and possible complications. Some nasal mucosa polyps are visually detected. The symptom of the endometrial polyp is manifested by bleeding between menstruation, and the intestinal polyposis is a tendency to constipate.

Polyp can be suspected when the first signs and symptoms occur:

  • difficulty of nasal respiration without inflammatory pathology;
  • dysphagia;
  • gastritis in the inefficiency of drug therapy;
  • constant subfebrile temperature;
  • the occurrence of bloody discharge from the vagina, urethra and colon;
  • predisposition to constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • predisposition to diarrhea.

Forms of formations are divided into single and multiple. This classification depends on the localization of pathology. So, a person simultaneously meet single polyps in the nose and in the colon. The multiple say when two or more are revealed within the mucous membrane of a single organ.

Also classified depending on the method of their compound with the mucous membrane:

  • polyp on the leg is a rounded formation, which is clearly degraded from the mucous membrane by a narrow elongated part;
  • a polyp with a wide base has no legs and looks like a rounded formation that rises above the mucous membrane.

Another classification option includes the histological structure of the neoplasms:

  • fibrous polyp contains a large number of connective tissue fibers;
  • adenomatous or ferrous - germinates from the inner glands, which are located in the mucous membrane of the organ;
  • mixed - contain almost the same amount of iron and connective tissue;
  • a simple polyp is exclusively the growing of the mucous membrane.

Classification depending on localization:

  • press sinus;
  • rotoglot;
  • gastrointestinal tube;
  • gallbladder;
  • urinary truck;
  • matter and cervix.

Understand what polyps in the nose is quite simple. It is worth introducing a rounded ledge on the mucous membrane.

Most often, it is localized in the field of the nasal partition and therefore remain invisible to humans. Symptoms are manifested with an increase in pathology in size, which leads to the squeezing of the nasal partition and the difficulty of breathing.

Polyps in the nose often appear in children and rarely malignant. But it is precisely formation data that may cause chronic sinusitis and rhinitis. Polyps that are not in the outer part of the nose are difficult to diagnose due to the comprehensive signs.

However, it is precisely those who prevent the normal flow of air to the body and may cause the development of respiratory failure.

Polyps of internal organs

The occurrence of pathology is possible in all organs where the mucous membrane is located.

Single polyps may not have obvious symptoms, not to disturb the function of the organ, but they are always susceptible to traumatic exposure.

For this reason, when any signs occur, which indicate the finding of polyps, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of polyps

These options for the treatment of polyps surgical methods are distinguished:

  • open operational intervention;
  • laser excision;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • endoscopic operations.

Drug treatment is used to reduce education in size and normalizing the hormonal function of the body.

Removal of polyps in the nose is produced using electrocoagulation, or open surgical interventions.

Open surgical interventions in polyps of internal organs are shown at:

  • suspicion of malignation;
  • the impossibility of endoscopic operation;
  • multiple intestinal polypose.

Unfortunately, neither medication, nor surgical treatment, is not able to prevent the development of relapse.

Polyps are anomalous benign neoplasms of a rounded, capped or irregular shape, which are localized on the walls of the hollow organs and protrude into their lumen. They are attached on a wide base, or have a leg. Such growths may appear on the inner surface of any body organs with mucous membrane.

The most common polyps are found in the following places:


  • Gallbladder;


    Nose cavity.

By themselves, these neoplasms are not terrible, but sometimes they go into malignant tumors. If a person does not have any disturbing symptoms, it does not mean that in the future the polyp will not be reborn in. That is why, no matter if there are discomfort polyps, they must be treated to conservatively, or remove surgically.

Polyps in the uterus

Polyps in the uterus are often diagnosed with the benign growths of the mucous membrane, which are usually caused by serious hormonal disorders. They also appear against the background of various inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis, for example, cervicitis or. In addition, the polyps are often adjacent to endometriosis. Postmenstrual is considered the main symptom of such growths. The signs of polyps include abundant uterine, or vice versa, scarce irregular periods, as well as vaginal bleeding in the period. However, such pathology is sometimes observed with a normal menstrual cycle. Many patients complain of amplifying pain during sexual intercourse. It also happens that no symptoms do not indicate the polyps in the uterus.

For full diagnosis of uterine polyposis Ultrasound examination, metrography and the most informative method is hysteroscopy. Thanks to such modern procedures, the gynecologist can easily assess the overall condition of the polypa, to determine its exact location and size. If growing appears on the background of inflammation, it is enough to cure the focus of infection so that the polyps disappear without interference. With the help of a hysteroscope, it is possible to carry out serious operations to remove large growth in size, while complications will be minimal.

Treatment of polyps in the uterusmost often, produced by a surgical method that implies scraping. Sometimes doctors use and non-surgical treatment by introducing modern progesterone drugs. Hormones contribute to the rapid dryness of growth. However, it should be mentioned that with a conservative method, the risk of re-formation of polyps is very large.

Polyps in nose

Such benign neoplasms like polyps in the nose, most often found in children under the age of 10 years. Nasal polyposis is the same as. However, such pathology can also appear in adults due to the strong growth of the mucous membrane of squeeze almonds. It is this fabric that it is designed to protect the human body from the fall of all sorts of bacteria and viruses.

The main reasons for the formation of polyps in the nose are as follows:

    Multiple infectious diseases of the ENT organs;

    Long lack of fresh air or systematic inhalation of harmful substances;

Frequent symptoms of nasal polyps There are also rashes on the skin around the nose, inflammation of the inner cover of the sinuses, difficulty breathing, problems with sleep, traces of mucus on the wall of the pharynx, the absence of taste, poor smell, snoring and chronic. Most patients with adenoids suffer from terrible headaches and constant runny nose with severe nasal congestion. With small thighs, signs may not appear. And the conservative treatment of infectious diseases and allergic manifestations rarely leads to resorption of polyps in the nose.

Treatment of polyps in the nose Surgical: Usually doctors are inclined to immediately remove such neoplasms. When the polyps grow large groups, a standard endoscopic operation is assigned. To speed up healing, doctors recommend making regular rinsing of nasal sinuses. Conducting preventive measures, the use of antiallergic tools and specific immunotherapy makes it possible to prevent repeated growth.

Endometrial polyps

Polyposis of the uterus endometrial is a serious disease that can be characterized as the uncontrolled formation of multiple benign neoplasms. With such hyperplastic processes, the base endometrium is growing, in other words, the entire inner layer of the uterus. Such a notes most often arises in women aged from 35 to 55 years. In an older age, after menopause, the percentage of morbidity is low. Polyp of the uterine endometrium has body and leg. It consists of epithelial cells. The growths are of different shapes, depending on their structure and structure.

Experts divide the uterine endometrium polips into the following types:





In women of early reproductive age, there are usually obstacles of the ferrous structure. While the patients of mature age are diagnosed or fibrous or adenomatous polyps. It should be noted that iron-fibrous growths are characteristic of any age categories.

For possible reasons for polyposes of uterine endometrialhormonal disorders, inhabitation of uterine cavity, long-term contact of the mucous membrane with intrauterine spiral, miscarriage and frequent interruption of pregnancy, genera with incomplete removal of placenta, decrease in immunity, endocrine disorders, extragnenitial diseases, psychological factors, as well as chronic inflammation of a small pelvis.

The symptoms of the endometrial polyposis can be very diverse:

    Disorders of the menstrual cycle;

    Catching pain at the bottom of the abdomen;

    White, yellowish or brown seals from sex tract;

    Intermenstrual bleeding;

    Painful sensations and bleeding during or after sexual proximity;

    The impossibility of conception or non-leaving pregnancy.

But quite often, such pathology does not show any way. Smaller growths can be found only on an ultrasound study, with endometrial scraping or hysteroscopy.

The main method of treatment of polyposes of uterine endometrial Operational intervention is considered. Under the control of the hysteroscope, the specialist produces the removal of polyps and thorough scattering of the uterine mucous membrane. Depending on the form of outflow and age, the patient is prescribed further treatment and postoperative recovery. It should be mentioned that after scraping of ferruginous and iron-fibrous neoplasms, mandatory hormonal treatment is shown to adjust the menstrual cycle.

Polyps direct guts

Polyp the rectum is a benign ferrous neoplasm that, with the help of the leg, attached to the straight-turn wall. Fighters are often formed by small groups. Such intestinal pathology is found not only in adults, but also in children. In the hereditary polypose, the rectification in most cases is prone to transition to a malignant form. According to modern medical research, middle-aged men suffer from such a disease at least one and a half times more often than women. Early identification and treatment of these neoplasms allows you to count on a positive forecast.

Numerous rectal polyps can be classified as follows:

    In quantity - on single, multiple and diffuse;

    According to the morphological structure - on ferrous, naval, iron-povered, juvenile, hyperplastic and fibrous.

    Pseudopoliposis - can be isolated in a separate group, this is when the mucous membrane is growing as a result of chronic inflammation.

Estimated causes of rectal polyps There are chronic inflammations of the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall, the wetting masses and microtraums caused by frequent constipation. Along with this, polyps growth contributes to the adverse effect of the environmental situation, incorrect meals, hypodynamics and alcohol abuse. It can also be noted the dependence of the polyposis from the diverticular disease and the pathologies of the vessels. Modern specialists do not exclude genetic predisposition to intestinal polypose.

The severity of the symptoms of polyps of the rectum Directly depends on the quantity, size, morphological structure, location and malignant nature of growths. As a rule, such neoplasms are found randomly with a full endoscopic intestinal study. Very large growths can manifest themselves with a feeling of discomfort, bleeding discharge from the rear passage, a sense of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum, as well as soreness at the bottom of the abdomen and the iliac area. Serious disorders of the peristaltic activity of the gastrointestinal tract often contribute not only, but also.

Diagnosis of intestinal polyposis Provides regular surveys at the proctologist. Early detection will help prevent malignant growth and will be a guarantee of successful tumor removal.

Treatment of polyps in the intestines Surgical - since they are practically not subject to decreasing conservative methods, they are simply removed. Those polyps that are lowered are operated on transman. In addition, small growths can be removed by electroxcision during a special endoscopic procedure. Very large growths are removed only in parts. After resection, all polyps must be subject to compulsory histological examination for malignancy.

Polyps in the gallbladder

The growing polyps in the bustling bubble are pathological neoplasms of a benign nature that appear on the mucous membrane. The growers themselves do not pose a danger to a person, but on average in 15% of cases they flow into malignant education without any symptoms.

The most common types of such pathology are:

    Cholesterol polyposis;

    Inflammatory polyposis;

    Gollar Bubble Adenoma;

    Papilloma gallbladder.

Symptoms of bile polyps Usually erased, patients practically do not have complaints, except for discomfort in the right hypochondrium. In rare cases, the intolerance of a certain type of food appears. Often the polyps in the bustling bubble of a person are discovered absolutely by chance with an ultrasound study. To confirm the diagnosis, endoscopic ultrasonography can be prescribed.

Treatment of polyps in the gallbladderAccording to modern doctors, conservative can not be, only surgery is relevant. With extensive clinical manifestations, the entire gallbladder is subject to mandatory removal, regardless of the size of the available. If the growth in the bustle bubble has a size of more than 1 cm in diameter, and several of them, then the organ must be immediately removed due to the risk of malignant rebirth.

After the test ultrasound examination, the doctor make a decision to remove small polyps. Floor growths and with a diameter of less than 9 mm should be monitored once every six months over two years. After this time, if the neoplasia has not increased its size, the ultrasound is carried out once a year. In the case of growth, the polyp must be operated on. Spring without a leg is on the doctor's control once a quarter.

Standard operation for resection of biliary polyps It is a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. With the help of a unique endoscopic technology, you can only delete growth, while retaining the functioning gallbladder.

Polyps of cervical canal

Special benign neoplasms - cervical channel polyps - mainly emanate from the cylindrical epithelium of the endocervix. The causes of these growths are not sufficiently clear. As a rule, such pathology is diagnosed in patients, over the age of 35-37 years. Many specialists are confident that the development of cervical polyposes is the age-related changes in the body, hormonal disorders, as well as various stress factors and the decrease in immunity. It should also be noted that a favorable background for growing can be served mechanical injury to the external ozoque. Often, this type of polyposis develops in combination with the erosion of the cervix and genital organs.

Symptoms of cervical polyposis Pretty pronounced: the polyps grow in the lumen of the cervix, showing themselves with contact bleeding and white. At the same time, non-delicate pains are excluded. The diagnosis of this pathology includes not only a gynecological inspection and colposcopy, but also cervicoscopy and histological analysis of the scraping from the cervix.

According to histological type, the cervical canal polyps are divided into:






According to the structure, such growths are:



  • High-cylindrical;

    With metaplastic changes;

    With immature epithelium.

Removal of cervical polyps It is performed by unscrewing the legs of the polyp and the total caustion of its base, and then the scraping of the entire mucosa of the uterus is made. Usually, regenerating hormone therapy is prescribed after surgery.

Polyps in the stomach

Polyps in the stomach are small speakers on the surface of the mucous membrane. With its shape, such neoplasms on short wide legs resemble small mushrooms, the size of which does not exceed three centimeters. All benign gastric polyps have a glandular structure. Most often they are developing due to chronic and other inflammation. Gastric thighs are divided into groups in several signs: clinical, pathologist, x-ray, etiological and pathogenic.

Polyps in the stomach can be:

    In quantity - single, multiple and diffuse (more than 15 pieces);

    In etiology - inflammatory, adenomatous, hyperplastic and neoplastic (prone to the transition in a malignant form);

    On the structure - naval, tubular and mixed.

Gastric polyps proceed almost asymptomatic. They develop without discomfort and can be detected by randomly with a radiographic study. In rare cases, patients complain of pain in the opposite region. When overlapping the outlet from the stomach appears. When a rather large polyp begins to show himself, there may be a taste of bitterness in the mouth, and traces of blood will be in the cartoons and vomit masses. With serious pathologies, it is not possible to avoid pallor, weakness and grapple-shaped pains when the growths are pinched and fall into the duodenum.

Causes of occurrence Such benign neoplasms may be in the hereditary factor, in chronic gastritis and other inflammations of the stomach. In addition, people over 50-55 years old have the risk of gastric polyps grow significantly. It does not matter, because of which such growths arose - they in any case testify to failures in the work of the entire digestive system.

Treatment of any gastric polyps Based on systematic control, special diet and surgical resection. Required control should be carried out using endoscopic and radiological equipment. Accurate observance of the assigned diet will significantly slow down the development of the unfavorable process. The question of the need for operational intervention is solved in each individual case, depending on the severity of the disease. Endoscopic polypectomy is considered the basic treatment method in modern medicine.

Polyps in the intestines

Polyps in the intestines are a serious danger. They grow on the intestinal walls, overlapping the lumen. Such a neoplasm, as gamartomatous polyps, grow out of the most common tissues of the mucous membrane. Youthighs are in the colon, and adenomatous polyps are a typical optional appendage. The subsequent rebirth of each type of intestinal pathology directly depends on the size and ethiology of growth. The reason for the appearance of polyps in the intestines is only chronic inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease Patients with small polyps in the intestine are practically absent. Sometimes, in the presence of large felling adenomes in the patient's feces, impurities of mucus are noticeable. In strongly launched cases there are bleeding. Large growths can imitate intestinal obstruction, which is accompanied by grapple-shaped painful sensations. In addition, anal or long constipation can begin. Because of the large losses of the protein with large polyps in the intestine, both a violation of homeostasis is often diagnosed.

The diagnosis of such a dangerous pathology includes a reorganoscopy and, if necessary, a finger study of the rectum. The combination of diagnostic methods allows you to identify other accompanying diseases.

Treatment of intestinal polypsThrough a thin leg, provides standard loop electrocoagulation, which is carried out during colonoscopy. The growths with a wide foundation excised. Most benign neoplasms are easy to detect and remove with a modern colonoscope. All leases should be investigated for malignant cells.

If large arrangements do not allow endoscopic removal, they are localized by surgical intervention. Extensive operation is carried out and when removing malignant neoplasms. For resection of the polyp, which was reborn in the early-cancer tumor, use modern endoscopic techniques, and it is necessary to take into account the individual features of each specific outflow.

After removing polyps in the intestine It is necessary to regularly observe the doctor to avoid the recurrence of the disease. And after 50 years, each person is recommended annually to undergo prophylactic studies of the intestine, so that in the early stages to reveal.

Education: Moscow Medical Institute. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Therapeutic Case" in 1991, in 1993 "Professional Diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

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