A few words about what the coming year will be like in such important areas as money, career, health. And also about what it promises for each sign of the eastern calendar

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
According to Eastern legend, it was in this order that these animals came to say goodbye to Buddha when he left the Earth. And as a reward they received the right to control time and human destinies once every twelve years. On January 28, 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster according to the eastern calendar will come into its own..
This year will be very important for the history of human civilization; it will be full of colorful, bright, loud, global and memorable events. The main color of the year is red, which represents beauty, energy and power.
Therefore, the forces of good will be given additional fuel for victory over evil in all its manifestations.
The element of the Year of the Rooster 2017 is fire, therefore, many of our troubles will burn out and, like a phoenix bird, we will be reborn for a new happy life.
Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded for those who do not look for easy ways and crooked paths, do not violate moral and legal laws, speak little and work hard, and persistently, grain by grain, create the foundation for their success and well-being.

Features and characteristics of the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a bird that has a clear voice, bright plumage and exudes cheerfulness.
This symbol marks the beginning of something new, because the rooster is one of the first to wake up at dawn and notify people that a new day has arrived.
People born in the year of the Fire Rooster are distinguished by their indestructible willpower. This type of rooster has all the makings of a leader and often uses all these qualities. They make excellent leaders and managers. Nature has endowed such people with a strong, proactive character, thanks to which they do not give up on their plans halfway, but always achieve their goals.
Another characteristic characteristic of Roosters is straightforwardness. They tell a person to his face everything they think about him. Of course, some people don’t like this behavior and stop being friends with the Rooster. That is why representatives of this sign do not have many friends.
Due to the fact that the element of the 2017 symbol is Fire, they are extremely energetic and purposeful. Their temperament will be the envy of many; it is rare to see a Rooster exhausted or tired. They literally emit waves of energy that are transmitted to those around them.
This sign is valued for hard work, assertiveness and ambition. There is an opinion that such people are not afraid of problems - they are ready to endure and overcome everything. Roosters are excellent competitors, they are passionate and ready to win at any cost. It is worth noting that the love of victory manifests itself not only in the professional sphere, but also in love! Although in love, representatives of this bird show too much selfishness, which prevents them from building normal long-term relationships.

Below you will find out what the 2017 Year of the Rooster has in store for each zodiac sign.

Knowing your year of birth, you can easily find the eastern horoscope sign you are interested in and read in the appropriate section about yourself and your loved ones.
The Chinese horoscope by year will help you better know yourself and recognize the character traits of your friends. Also, using the Chinese horoscope, you can find out your compatibility with other people and learn how to smooth out negative aspects in communication and enhance positive ones.

Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Bull: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Cat: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

2017 promises Rats quite eventful days and various situations from which they will have to find a way out. To avoid unfavorable moments, the stars recommend remaining in the same state in which the Rats are now, continuing to work at the same pace, without rushing to change anything, since changes now may not work in your favor.
However, no matter what the difficulties, Rats will still definitely cope with them and come out of any situation as winners. Loved ones and family need to be given more attention; you should not break family ties and rush into hasty decisions.
It is also recommended to postpone moves until next year, since any changes can end unpleasantly and only cause losses.
This year it will be very wise if the Rat begins to strengthen its bastions, preserving the best that it was able to acquire in the past period.
It will be restless both in professional activities and in the sphere of personal life - the Rat will feel constant tension, and it will hardly have to rest. The energy potential of the Rat, due to great experiences and anxieties, will be significantly reduced. A representative of this zodiac sign must seriously engage in strengthening and restoring his health, and for this it is necessary to use a wide range of methods and means - from official medicine, to auto-training methods, folk and oriental medicine.
The stars recommend that Rats spend more time on their health, relax and spend time in the fresh air in order to gain strength and energy for subsequent achievements.
In difficult situations, Rats will be helped by their constant optimism; do not forget to act judiciously and be guided by reason, not emotions.
In the sphere of love, the Horoscope predicts success for Rats, but only if they make enough effort for this. Do not lose your loved ones and loved ones, and in case of quarrels and conflicts, be the first to make concessions and compromise.

For the hardworking and calm Ox, 2017 will be a successful year for the Red Fire Rooster. The Ox will be able to make his career practically from scratch, improve his financial situation, be able to achieve his goals and set new goals for himself.
His whole life this year will be quite lively - the Ox will communicate a lot, he will find new friendships and partnerships that will become a guarantor of mutual assistance in work and life.
In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will begin a favorable period for the Ox, in which he can become the undisputed winner at the end of the year in the field of work, business or finance.
But this does not mean at all that the year will be easy - there will certainly be difficulties, and the Ox will need to solve them immediately, without waiting for their concentration along the way. First of all, these difficulties will be related to the sphere of communication. A representative of this zodiac sign, who loves to set rules, establish order and maintain it, will be faced with the fact that someone will certainly violate the order he has created.
Problems will also arise in the area of ​​the Ox’s personal relationships, his family affairs, and relationships with distant and close relatives.
In order not to subject his life to too great and insidious tests, the Ox needs to concentrate his attention on practical matters, for example, renovating or buying an apartment, teaching children, doing housework, and buying necessary things. If the Ox strengthens his personal life, he will withstand the pressure of this year's turmoil.
Due to the fact that the Ox will be forced to constantly be nervous, his energy potential will experience large fluctuations. The Ox simply needs to maintain his health for active work, as well as his mood and moral stability to withstand any stress. Much attention should be paid to the work of the heart - it is better for the Ox to undergo an examination and receive recommendations from cardiologists.
Since the Ox will be doing well in work and finances, he will have many envious people and ill-wishers. The Ox should not succumb to provocations and enter into conflicts; he should be as calm as possible in any situation, even if there are skirmishes and conflicts around him.
At the end of the year, conflicts will subside, and high-profile victories in work and business will force the Ox to be lenient even towards those who were against him.

2017 will not be an easy year for Tiger. Luck will favor proactive, extraordinary reasoning Tigers, who will not be inferior in strength to the owner of 2017 - the Rooster. Therefore, representatives of this sign should not forget that they are rivals with the Rooster and should avoid conflicts and carefully think through their steps.
Quarrels in the family cannot be ruled out; there is also a risk of breaking up alliances, and to avoid this, Tigers should keep their emotions to themselves, no matter how difficult it may be, since there will not be many chances to create a new alliance.
In matters of the heart, not everything will go smoothly, due to the Tiger’s excessive grumpiness and pickiness, which will interfere with harmony with his beloved person. Internal discomfort will not give the Tiger the opportunity to create normal relationships with the opposite sex; because of your barbs and grumpiness, your partner will harbor a grudge against the Tiger. Quarrels in the family cannot be ruled out; there is also a risk of breaking up alliances, and to avoid this, Tigers should keep their emotions to themselves, no matter how difficult it may be, since there will not be many chances to create a new alliance.
In the field of finance in 2017, the Tigers will experience success.
There will be a real opportunity to significantly improve your financial situation, and in order not to miss it, you should not give free rein to your negative emotions, otherwise conflicts with partners and superiors can reduce everything to zero. The Rooster will give the Tigers the opportunity to always remain in the thick of things and the center of attention, and this means concluding promising deals. Your income will increase, which will encourage you to spend money generously. Large purchases are likely in winter and summer.
Considerable difficulties will await the Tiger in his career growth; at the beginning of the year there will be confusion and turmoil, and in order to put everything in order, a lot of energy will be required.
However, success will not be long in coming if difficulties do not confuse the Tiger and force him to give up. You just have to devote yourself entirely to achieving your chosen tasks and priorities.
The stars do not advise going on vacation in the summer, since it is during this time that you will be able to show yourself and your business skills 100%. The reward will not be long in coming; already at the beginning of autumn you will be able to reap the fruits of your labors.
In the year of the Rooster, the Tiger's health may be at risk. Stress caused by difficulties in your personal life and turmoil in the workplace will affect emotional instability, which will accelerate the waste of energy.
Take a vacation, which should be divided into two parts, and engage in physical education. Rest alone will help you collect your thoughts and think about everything that has happened to you. It is advisable for the Tiger to do this in the spring, when the immune system is weakened due to vitamin deficiency. Do not forget that illnesses arise from nerves and bad thoughts, which should be driven away from yourself, you should watch your diet, spend more time in nature and go on trips to the sea or to the mountains.

2017 for Rabbits promises to be eventful, changeable and unstable. In the first months of the year, you will experience increased activity and success in all your endeavors, but in the second half of 2017, Rabbits will experience calm and measured rest.
Be attentive to the machinations of ill-wishers, as your excessive kindness and reliability can be shamelessly taken advantage of.
However, the Rooster, the owner of this year 2017, will largely patronize and favor the Rabbits, helping them achieve all their goals.
And the last months of the year will demonstrate to you improvement and progress in all areas of life.
In the sphere of love, 2017 will be promising and productive for Rabbits: new acquaintances, hobbies, romances await you, and perhaps even Rabbits will find their soulmate during this period.
Their natural kindness and gentleness will become reliable helpers in the love sphere of life, all your relationships will become even stronger, more reliable, favorable and long-term. A union with a loved one will make you happy, give you joy, tranquility, comfort and warmth.
At the same time, the most favorable period for developing romantic relationships will be summer. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to take a vacation at this time and go in search of the love of your life.
The more active and productive you work, the greater the profit will be during this period. The first half of 2017 will be especially favorable financially, which will bring additional income, but will also require capital investments - for education or for family needs.
Having learned about your financial well-being, your friends may also make themselves known and want to borrow money from the Rabbits. Be careful and reasonable in this situation so as not to encounter fraud, otherwise you may not get your money back.
In terms of career growth, 2017 also promises to be favorable - the stars promise Rabbits rapid advancement on the career ladder, promotion, good luck and success in business, as well as an increase in salary. Particularly successful will be contacts with business partners who will gladly accept all the Rabbits’ proposals and help bring them to life.
Business trips may also become more frequent, but this will only benefit Rabbits, as it will help them gain new, valuable experience, improve their skills, see other cities and countries, and show their best side.
But in the area of ​​health, problems are possible.
Rabbits should be especially careful at the beginning of the year so as not to catch a viral disease, a cold, and also to prevent the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Do not forget about mandatory prevention and make every effort to recover, otherwise poor health will accompany Rabbits throughout the year.

2017 for Dragons will be distinguished by stability and success in all matters that began their development in the previous year. The stars recommend staying away from possible risks and gambling offers, since they are unlikely to bring the Dragons anything other than wasted nerves and money, and the losses can be serious.
Nervous and conflict situations should be avoided, and the stars also advise Dragons to be calmer and accept possible criticism with gentleness. Reasonableness, gentleness, lack of selfishness, patience - these qualities will help the Dragons to continue to be at their best in 2017.
Approach with prudence the reassessment of your own values, when making important and responsible decisions, be guided by common sense, not emotions, and remember that all your decisions can affect not only you, but also your loved ones, who also worry about you.
In the sphere of love, 2017 promises to be a very fruitful and favorable year for Dragons. In relationships with your soulmate, complete understanding, love, happiness, mutual feelings, warmth and comfort will reign. The stars advise you to diversify your relationships, to introduce into them an element of surprise and originality, which will raise your feelings to a new level.
It will be useful for Dragons to take a vacation and go with their loved one somewhere on vacation to relax after hard work and gain strength in the company of a loved one. Family life will also bring only joy and success.
Closer to autumn, lonely Dragons will be lucky enough to meet their soulmate, and if you do not miss this moment, then fate will reward you with a strong and lasting long-term love union. And if it comes to weddings, then you can rest assured that you will live a long and happy life in your family life.
As for money, the Chinese horoscope for 2017 predicts a very favorable and lucky time for the Dragons. New, significant profits are possible, everything will go up, success and prosperity await the Dragons in business.
At the same time, you will receive new profitable offers, which you should carefully consider and choose among them the most promising option that will help increase your wealth. The first half of the year will be marked by purchases of real estate or other large objects, and this will be a very profitable investment.
Very warm and pleasant relationships will develop with colleagues, career advancement is possible. It would also be a good idea to educate yourself, improve your qualifications at work, and increase your business experience.
But it is better to avoid conflicts and quarrels, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation that could harm the Dragons. Try to avoid unnecessary rudeness and harshness, show your leadership qualities and make decisions based on logic and common sense.
2017 promises to be the most favorable year in business.
The Dragons will also not be let down by their state of health - in the year of the Rooster you will be at the peak of your capabilities, health problems will fade into the background and will not bother you. The main thing is not to forget about rest and a healthy lifestyle.

The wise Snake in 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster will feel the mood of the year, which will reward her with special strength, charm, and attractiveness, which will allow her to achieve great success both in work and in her personal life.
In 2017, the elegant and intelligent Snake will have special authority in the team. She will be inclined to wide communication, although the Snake’s secrets and plans will not be told to a wide circle of listeners. More of a contemplator than a participant, the Snake will still greatly influence the course of events around her - many people will only wait for her opinion on this or that issue, and her word can become law.
This year, the Snake does not need to be a careerist - she will easily overcome the steps of the career ladder even without actively fighting for a place in the sun. The Snake will need friends to support its ideas. If the Snake comes up with very promising ideas, then a team of like-minded people will be happy to help bring them to life. However, the Snake should not rely only on luck and the people around them, because this year the accumulated experience, skills and abilities to solve various problems will become especially valuable.
If the Snake starts or runs his own business, then he should use this period as a launching pad, rebuilding and reorganizing the enterprise to a more efficient level. She must compare the results of the year with her own results obtained in the previous period - in order to evaluate the full effectiveness of her work, notice mistakes and correct them in time.
Nothing threatens the health of the Snake in the coming year, unless it itself provokes illnesses through violations of the regime and bad habits.
The financial sphere of the Snake will tend to increase capital, and this will allow it to plan the future on a more promising scale.
This year the Snake may change his place of work or place of residence, get married, or give birth to a child. All events of the year will have a favorable outcome for her life, so it is in the hands of the Snake to turn even problems to her own benefit.
2017 promises the Snakes extreme luck and incredible love activity. Spring will be the most productive and eventful time of the year for Snakes, when you will be able to fully demonstrate your charm and attractiveness, making new acquaintances and starting intriguing romances. Snakes are guaranteed active attention of the opposite sex, as well as adventures in the sphere of love, but be careful! Having played too much, Snakes can go too far, and the situation can end in tears.
However, have no doubt that with reasonable control of your activity, you will be filled with positive emotions, joy, satisfaction and happiness. Snakes who are already married need to be more careful - fleeting affairs and flirting should not go too far so as not to destroy your marriage.

Individuals born in the year of the Horse will strive throughout 2017 to live to the fullest, to live for pleasure, without putting pressure on themselves and giving an amazing charge of energy to everyone around them. The incredible energy of these individuals will easily help them solve serious problems, of which there will also be many this year.
The Chinese horoscope for 2017 for the Horse promises drastic changes in life associated with a new passion or a new hobby that will completely captivate these people and make them happy.
The main advice to these individuals for the entire 2017 will be the wish not to give up in any situation, because even in a hopeless situation, loyal friends will always come to the aid of Horses.
The love impulse of people of the Horse sign will allow them to charm almost any person and even make him fall in love with them.
However, inconstancy can destroy them, because their passion, which will ignite like a match, will also quickly go out, flaring up for another person. The grievances of once loved ones can cost that person dearly. It is important to be frank with each partner, which will allow you to part on good terms and without hysterics.
Married Horses will often be subject to emotions; thunder and lightning will often flash in their relationships with partners, but in the end, it is precisely such individuals who will be the first to make concessions and the first to ask for forgiveness. Horses should think about the integrity of the family and show less selfishness.
It cannot be said that in 2017 Horses will strive to change their career position at all costs.
Most likely, these people will avoid painstaking and intense work, since all their thoughts will be occupied by love, new joint plans with a loved one, as well as travel.
Meanwhile, Horses have an unusually wide potential, and therefore they can work well remotely, become consultants or image makers, which will also make good money and make new connections.
It is worth devoting more time to work in the second half of the year, when a serious investigation or audit will be conducted against the Horses, as a result of which this person will have to defend his honor and dignity.
If we say that for representatives of the Horse sign the Year of the Rooster will be wasteful, it means to say nothing.
The Chinese horoscope for 2017 for the Horse says that these people will spend too much money on themselves and their family. To prevent this from happening and to ensure that your finances are invested profitably, you should think about major renovations in your home at the beginning of the year.
But even here, Horses will purchase the most exclusive furniture and the most expensive materials, wanting to conquer their guests with the luxury and decoration of their home.
But the profitability of such individuals in 2017, compared to previous periods, will fall sharply. However, do not despair, because this is a necessary respite, after which the Horses will again rush into business and making money.
Since Horses themselves regard 2017 as a respite between big and important matters, this year they will devote a lot of time to their health.
To prevent the most serious pathologies, you will need to undergo a full examination at the beginning of the year and find out the cause of hormonal imbalance in the body.
In addition, these individuals may experience problems with the kidneys and genitourinary area in the first half of the year. Existing diseases will need to be treated urgently so that they do not cause infertility.
Among other things, Horses need simple, complete rest, preferably in one of the southern countries, where, in addition to rest, it will be possible to undergo a course of therapeutic and restorative treatment.

The Chinese horoscope promises countless transformations and changes for the Goat in 2017. The New Year will be a year of change for you and will give you many positive impressions and positive emotions. Finally, the Goat will receive what she so lacked in character and personal qualities.
Of course, not everything will be as easy and simple as it seems at first glance, but if you overcome with dignity all the difficulties that fate will give you, you will be able to gain the necessary experience and a huge inexhaustible supply of strength.
The stars warn that in 2017 it is better for Goats not to count on strangers and rely only on themselves, since even close friends will be helpless and unable to help you solve your problems.
Of course, such situations will require a lot of effort, patience and energy from you, but in the end you will be rewarded with the successful and productive implementation of all plans and desires. To take a break from tension and workload, the stars advise Goats to spend more time with their family and friends, go to the movies or theaters together, go on vacation outside the city, attend exhibitions and simply visit each other.
In the area of ​​love, the stars advise single Goats to take more decisive action, move forward, never give up and be more active in order to find their soulmate and win her or his affection. On your way this year you will meet many influential people, meeting whom will bring you not only self-confidence and reliable support, but also possible romantic relationships. Flirt more, and then your happiness will definitely be in your hands.
In the field of finance, Goats are shown significant activity in business, advancement in business, as well as possible large income. True, this will require a lot of effort, but it will definitely pay off several times over, delighting you with a stable income and large earnings.
However, you should not forget about prudence - dishonest machinations can significantly undermine your authority and even lead to prison or legal proceedings.
In terms of career, 2017 will remain calm and stable - no significant ups, however, and no downs that could negatively affect your material or physical well-being.
Carefully approach the issue of choosing business partners, and then, if you trust the right people, all your enterprises and ideas will be realized with extreme success.
The stars recommend approaching issues related to the health and well-being of Goats with special care and thoroughness. Do not forget about the diagnosis and prevention of various diseases, because this is what will help you feel your best without worrying about health problems. The stars also advise paying more attention to a healthy lifestyle, not forgetting about proper nutrition and exercise.

2017 promises those born in the year of the Monkey a lot of energy and dynamics throughout the year. The Monkey, grinning at the obstacles placed by the Rooster, overcomes them with its characteristic ease and love of life. And despite the fact that throughout the year the Monkey will be faced with adversity, he will bypass them and overcome them with a smile on his face.
This only emphasizes the turmoil of 2017, which will bring a lot of conflicts and take away a lot of nerves. But don’t be upset, overall the year will be successful and full of joyful events.
Already in 2017, Monkeys will take up serious and promising projects that will contribute to their success and fame. And you should not be afraid of envious people plotting intrigues - all obstacles will face a fiasco. Many of these matters will be hindered by the Monkeys’ own ardent and changeable temperament, who will not find any use for them. After all, Monkeys are not used to concentrating intently and for a long time on just one act; they quickly get carried away by others, thereby jeopardizing their career prospects.
As long as Monkeys have a hobby and there are no financial difficulties, career plays a lesser role for them.
In 2017, the Rooster will only confirm the truth that the Monkeys’ finances never accumulate, since they are used to living for today, without worrying about tomorrow. And in the coming year they will be wasteful and generous, as before, without thinking about their earnings.
True, funds from last year’s savings will last until approximately half of 2017. So many Monkeys should limit their purchases, spend money exclusively on necessary and truly necessary things, otherwise they risk being completely broke.
The Monkeys will not get bored with their family and everything will be harmonious with them. But you should pay attention to your loved ones and family, and reduce everyday problems to a minimum.
In 2017, there will be an opportunity to please your soulmate with a romantic trip. And lonely Monkeys will be lucky enough to catch cupid's arrow in the coming year. And if they are not distracted by constant worries, but succumb to romantic inspiration, then next year they will find themselves in the grip of great love. It would be a mistake to miss such a chance, since next year will not be as favorable for matters of the heart.
Starting from the spring of 2017, Monkeys should seriously think about their health, get checked, pass all the necessary tests, undergo examinations, as there is a danger of developing complications in the functioning of the urinary system by the summer. And if you don’t take care of yourself in time, complications and more serious illnesses are quite likely. Monkeys have a risk of diseases in the back and spine, so you should protect yourself from stress and not lift heavy things.

The always emotional and passionate Rooster will not find 2017 monotonous and boring at all. It must be said that this character of the Chinese horoscope always knows how to find adventures for himself - the coming year will not do without them. If he does not lose his inherent ardor, passion, enthusiasm, sensuality, the Rooster can achieve his highest goals, and at the same time preserve what was earned earlier.
In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will unexpectedly open up new opportunities for this sign. From the very first days of the year, he can receive an offer of a new position or a profitable job, receive a bonus, an increase in salary.
This is not a gift or an advance - just last year, the representative of this zodiac sign made a lot of effort to create a solid base for himself in professional activities or business. He is very hardworking, copes well with any tasks, feels good both in organizing events and in the most routine activities, which, undoubtedly, cannot but be noted by the company’s management. But the feelings that sometimes overwhelm the Rooster can interfere with his career plans.
The representative of this zodiac sign is very emotional. Passion usually guides him, and he, under its influence, can commit impulsive, rash acts. If he does not learn to control his emotions, he can develop conflicts in the work team, as well as disappointment and moments of despair in his personal life.
In the coming year, financial transactions and real estate transactions will go well for the Rooster. In all matters, he must be open and honest, and avoid work that involves dishonest ways to achieve the goal. Intrigues and gossip will hover around the Rooster’s personality; he needs to learn to avoid them so as not to get involved in a long-term and destructive conflict.
In the personal life of the Rooster there will be everything - boundless love, tenderness, mutual understanding, and major quarrels, scandals, total misunderstanding.
The continuation of the Rooster's family and love relationships depends on whether he takes a position of constructive dialogue or a position of destructive confrontation. Close relatives will contribute a lot to the couple’s relationship, but the Rooster must be calm and correct, defending his own right to make independent decisions.
In general, this year can be considered very successful for representatives of the Year of the Rooster; he will be able to set ambitious goals and has everything to achieve them.

Dogs should be patient in 2017 in order to survive all the hustle and bustle that will fall on them in the first months. Both in the work and family spheres, great achievements will be expected of you, but not in everything and not always will you be able to live up to the expectations placed on you.
The achievements achieved last year will remind of themselves - now the Dogs will have to work twice as hard and more productively in order to maintain their success at the height and show their own endurance.
Both relatives and superiors expect many achievements from people born in the year of the Dog this year, so you must prove your experience and qualifications.
In the sphere of love, Dogs will experience new achievements and yet unconquered heights.
It is quite likely that you will find your loved one, your soul mate, because 2017 promises to be filled with romance, love and care for Dogs. However, the stars advise you to carefully look at all candidates and not to rush into making decisions, so as not to regret it later. Be vigilant, attentive and reasonable, and then you are guaranteed a happy future next to your loved one.
New acquaintances will be frequent and long-term. If you already have a soulmate, then this year your relationship with her will improve, all quarrels will disappear, and every day spent together will become a fairy tale.
As for finances, this area of ​​Dogs’ lives depends entirely on their hard work and productive work. If you put in enough effort, the long-awaited career advancement, salary increase and business success are just around the corner. But the stars also recommend relying only on yourself and not relying on others, so as not to face a significant loss of money and investment.
Relations in the work team can be somewhat tense, the stars predict various conflicts, disagreements and quarrels, and if Dogs take part in them, then the atmosphere at home will be tense.
To avoid this, the stars advise to be patient, not to respond to insults and not to be provoked, so as not to inflame the situation in the team even more.
In 2017, you will receive several lucrative offers that you should not refuse, as they will result in significant profits. In addition, in these projects Dogs will be able to express themselves, reveal their new facets in the field of creativity, imagination and talents.
The stars also strongly recommend paying close attention to your health and not forgetting about prevention in order to avoid viral diseases, especially in the cold season.

The year 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster will be very restless for the good-natured and impressionable Pig. The Pig is worried about everything connected with surprises, and this year will be full of such events. In order not to provoke failures this year, the Pig must slowly get rid of its excessive emotionality and become more confident and stable in its actions and thoughts.
In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will experience a variety of feelings. Her life often resembles one big novel, in which there is a place for passion, jealousy, love and hatred. Very often the Pig replaces the concept of energy with its excessive sensitivity, which, however, apart from hysterics and damaged nerves, gives it nothing.
In the coming year, the Pig may suffer because of its own tongue, illustrating the famous phrase “my tongue is my enemy.” A representative of this sign of the eastern calendar can tell information about someone “in secret to the whole world,” and will provoke a conflict that has every chance of becoming very protracted and unpleasant for both sides.
The energy of the Pig this year will be quite high, and instead of directing it towards unnecessary conflicts, unproductive experiences and feelings, the Pig can concentrate on work, build a career, and develop business.
This year, the Pig, who is engaged in a creative profession or scientific and experimental activity, has every chance to gain his share of fame, achieve excellent results in his work, and provide himself with a solid material base for future endeavors. Even in creative work and office work, the Pig can use original methods for solving ordinary problems, which will earn authority and attention in the team.
The Pig will be fine with the financial side of things. She will receive a stable income and will find the best use of her funds by investing them in her own business, dealing with real estate or finance.
The Pig's health will be good in the coming year, but it must refrain from the stress that it inflicts on itself.
The pig should devote time to exercise, going to the gym and swimming pool. The Pig's excessive emotionality can be slightly smoothed out by pleasant music, contemplation of nature, relaxation sessions, and auto-training.

The Rooster is perhaps the brightest representative of the Eastern horoscope. He is majestic and demonstrative, but at the same time restive and warlike. Not only do the aggressive character traits of a “bully” negatively influence the fate of the Rooster himself, but often during the year of his reign they become the cause of a series of failures for the astrological signs of the zodiac. Astrologers warn that in 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will test the strength and endurance of many representatives of the zodiac circle. Tests and provocations from the owner of the year are more likely to be possible for those who surrender to the will of fate, and do not take the initiative into their own hands, as the wayward and decisive Rooster likes.

Zodiac signs that are in for a lot of bad luck


An unpredictable and contradictory year awaits you in all respects. At the same time, he is ready to open up very unexpected prospects for you. Whether you use your chance to catch luck by the tail depends entirely on your persistence and ability to be always on the alert. If you manage to pull yourself together in time, the Rooster will change his anger to mercy, succumb to despondency - the year will become a continuous test.

Advice from astrologers: Be extremely restrained, filter what you want to say more carefully, or better yet, keep your mouth shut!


The year will require extremely decisive actions from you. You will have to break off established but outdated relationships, stop communicating with good friends, and put an end to a hopeless career. Breaking your comfort zone is never easy, and it can feel like you're having a series of failures. But look at this as a new opportunity to radically change your life and create your own new “paradise.”

Advice from astrologers: Avoid all sorts of adventures and unjustified risks. Questionable events promise you big trouble.


2017 will be difficult for you in all your endeavors. All year long you run the risk of being hostage to disappointments and depression, which can force you to close yourself within “four walls.” Perhaps this is for the best. In the year of the Fire Rooster, it makes more sense for you to sit out in a quiet, cozy place. If you manage not to fall under the hands of the warlike Rooster, then at the end of the year he will send his mercy on you, and you will receive the long-awaited well-being.

Advice from astrologers: Do not give in to provocations - there is a high probability of conflicts that can escalate into a real war!


A very difficult year awaits the representatives of the sign, in whose character the traits of indecision and lack of initiative are especially pronounced. This can lead to major troubles at work, and even cause dismissal. The entire burden of this burden will fall solely on your shoulders, since your loved ones will refuse to understand and support you. The situation will also be aggravated by upheavals in your personal life, which will immediately affect your health.

Advice from astrologers: Breaking the vicious circle will not be easy, but if you set out to become the master of your own life, success is guaranteed.


All 12 months you will have to overcome obstacles and work actively. But if laziness becomes your motto of the year, don’t count on success! And even when you become energetic and businesslike, you will have to try hard to achieve even minor victories. The Rooster will reward those who are especially persistent like royalty and will give them a unique opportunity to radically change their lives.

Advice from astrologers: Pursue your dreams! A business you like has the greatest chance of success.

Zodiac signs who are unlucky in love


It will be a difficult year for those who are already married. Serious problems will arise out of love, but parents will come to the rescue. To avoid tragedy, the stars advise you to listen to their opinion, even if it is absurd at first glance. For free Geminis, the year of the Rooster prepares several novels, but each of them can end before they even begin.

Advice from astrologers: You can count on success in love with a person who has already claimed your heart once.


Leos who are not in a relationship face great love trials. Extremes (from wild delight to terrible disappointment) will haunt you almost all year. But the main tragedy of the year is “unfree” love. The ruler of the heart may turn out to be a family man or a gigolo. In any case, such relationships are doomed.


Representatives of the sign who are in relationships are at great risk of losing them in the year of the Rooster. Life's ups and downs will be to blame. Their consequences can negatively affect mood and cause prolonged depression. Irritability, and sometimes rudeness, are not the best companions of love. Leave your bad mood at home.

Advice from astrologers: If you succeed in straightening out your relationship and returning your “offended” love, it will be in September. And a child conceived during this period can strengthen it.


Difficulties will arise in building long-awaited relationships. Loosen your grip and you'll be fine. Otherwise, you will spend your life alone for a long time. Family Scorpios will also fight for love in family battles. Do not give in to hidden confrontations, otherwise a frivolous conflict will turn into a cold war, which may push you to betrayal with irreversible consequences.

Advice from astrologers: If you keep your emotions in check, love will settle in your home in the fall.


Although the beginning of the year does not foretell any love turmoil, the Rooster still “got it up” at the representatives of this sign. There will be a lot to be nervous about. Summer will bring serious disagreements for couples, and if you don't curb your stubbornness, your partner will do it for you. Obviously, “breaking off the horns” will not be painless for you. Therefore, practice loyalty and compliance in relationships, and do not bring the situation to a critical point.

Advice from astrologers: Be able to get around the “sharp corners” created by the Rooster, and harmony awaits you in your relationship, which was not even there before.

Zodiac signs at risk of poverty


Credit debts threaten to become a “sword of Damocles” that will hang over your head for the next year. Moreover, these can be both your obligations and those of your irresponsible relatives. Close old loans urgently, but new ones, of course, are out of the question (at least until September-October). If you follow the advice of astrologers, the formidable Rooster will cool down his ardor, and by the end of the year you will be able to improve your finances and start opening bank deposits.

Advice from astrologers: Do not make large purchases in installments and do not take out a mortgage before July 2017.


Money disaster will become your reality in 2017 if you enter the Year of the Rooster with outstanding debts. They, like a snowball, will begin to acquire more and more new financial obligations. No matter how strange and illogical it may seem, only charity can help you escape from the trap of poverty. Share what you have in abundance (here we are talking not only about material wealth, but also about spirituality), and financial success will return to you.

Advice from astrologers: Think about changing your field of activity, otherwise financial difficulties will return to you with enviable consistency.


The beginning of the year does not foretell any difficulties with money, which cannot be said about the end of the year. The rooster can give you a “pig”, and as you understand, it will not be a piggy bank. Therefore, with the arrival of summer, start saving money in case of a financially harsh winter. This year there is also a high probability of going broke on bank investments - hold off on such monetary transactions.

Advice from astrologers: Get into the habit of recording expenses and carefully planning your expenses. This will significantly save your budget and allow you to avoid financial ruin in a difficult year.


You will fully experience what it means to be “unlucky with money” in the coming year. The time for total savings and an ascetic lifestyle will come for you. This is how the Rooster will “teach a lesson” to the overly wasteful representatives of this sign. But if you respect money and know how to correctly set financial priorities, then you can easily avoid the instructive trials of the owner of the year. But be that as it may, additional part-time work will not hurt anyone - the Rooster loves housekeepers.

Advice from astrologers: You won’t have to count on large incomes this year, so start saving. The financial situation will stabilize only by the end of the year.


The year promises to be financially tense – your finances are already getting ready to sing romances. You shouldn’t hope for luck in the year of the obstinate Rooster. You can only rely on your own intuition. Listen, the voice of your soul will tell you how to avoid a financial crisis. If you do not panic and are able to quickly respond to the proposed circumstances, by the end of autumn you will be able to stabilize the situation.

Advice from astrologers: Do not risk your capital in the year of the Rooster. The only area where your investments will be beneficial is charitable projects.


The cause of financial insolvency may be your increased emotionality, temper and aggression. Towards the end of August, be extremely restrained, because... It is during this period that your business partners will require increased concentration and efficiency from you. Your well-being for the next few years will entirely depend on the success of joint projects and the fruitfulness of cooperation.

Advice from astrologers: You can completely trust your friends in financial matters; they will be able to provide you with powerful support.

Year of the Rooster for the Horse (1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Rooster horses will allow you to correct mistakes. Have you ever dreamed of slamming your days away like a draft and starting everything from scratch, without any erasures? This, of course, is impossible, but it will feel very similar! The main thing is that a new Horse enters the new life: wiser and remembering where the rake lies. And then your dreams may well come true! Career rise? Please! Expanding your own business? Of course! An offer of marriage? Already tomorrow!

It’s a pity that it’s not so easy to give up your own experience (and memories). The horse will be faced with a difficult choice: to give up everything that is available in order to trust the unknown and try out the beta version of his own life, or to try to collect and glue together everything that has been acquired through backbreaking work, piece by piece, trying to build a castle of his own happiness on this foundation. Hurry up, the next time such an opportunity will not present itself soon!

For those who do not know how to dodge a rake: a necessary condition for a Horse who wants to succeed is repentance. Apologize from the bottom of your heart if you know you were wrong, admit mistakes if you made them.

The Year of the Rooster will be rich in emotions. You will decide even financial issues under the influence of feelings, and the state of love will become permanent. Bouts of inspiration will strike you as if you had contracted the Zika virus - this is the main danger of the year. When you want “drama club, photo club, but I also want to sing,” and everything works out for you. And everyone praises you - it’s very difficult to choose just one or two or three classes. And so you can scatter your luck: the year of the Fire Rooster will sooner or later come to an end, but with what baggage you spend this enchanting year depends on you.

By the way, in addition to completely positive passions, you may well become a victim of a dark passion - jealousy. More trust and respect for your soul mates, dear Horses! If you are already married, think about whether you are leaving too little personal space for your spouse. If you are not married, then most likely this will not happen to you in the coming year for the reasons described above: there are too many opportunities, too many attractive girls (boys) ready to pay attention to you, how can you choose your only love? Well, there are years for falling in love and having fun, this one is just like that - take advantage of it!

About finances: luck and luck are different. Yes, any project, any undertaking that you start will enjoy the unconditional support of the Universe. But if you think that you can easily get money by winning, for example, the lottery, then you are very mistaken. There will be as much help from the Universe as you like, but it’s better not to expect gifts. The first profit should be spent on reducing debts, and when there are no loans left, think about investments. A successful (lunar) year, as mentioned above, still lasts 354 days.

Astrologers assure that the coming 2017, also known as the year of the Fire Rooster, will become a landmark year for many of us. Most zodiac signs are expecting significant changes. Mostly for the better, but, alas, not for everyone. But as always…

Who are you, Mr. Rooster?

The patron of the year is a leader, even a careerist in some places, but always a good organizer. Those born under the shadow of this sign have something to look forward to. Changes for the better will begin very soon. As, in fact, everyone who feels business acumen. For those who are easy-going and not afraid of change, all roads will be open in 2017.
Go ahead, brainstorm, many fortresses will fall under the onslaught of your intellect and energy.

A few words about what the coming year will be like in such important areas as money, career, health. And also about what it promises for each sign of the eastern calendar.

So what will finance sing to us?

Financial issues, as usual, will depend not only on the configuration of celestial bodies, but also on those combinations that develop in politics and the big economy. But, alas, it’s not easy there, and the first half of the year will definitely remain unstable.

What to do, how to neutralize the echoes of global problems in the personal monetary system? The recipes are simple, proven long ago, and in the year of the Rooster they work more clearly than ever. Why? Yes, because the Rooster can’t stand lazy people, but he will definitely help everyone who is ready to work for the good of the family and themselves, their loved ones.

Career ladder or straight up elevator?

For those who have been preparing to jump up the career ladder for a long time, the time has come for a low start. Yes, yes, it's time! Don’t be afraid to change, change jobs, get new business partners. Get up with the roosters, and no “roasted rooster” will peck you in the crown. At least for now, so feel free to take advantage of the moment.

By the way, the rule works not only in the business and mental sphere, but also in terms of physical self-improvement. It is next year that it will be easiest to achieve the long-desired seductive forms. And also pump up your abs, tighten your facial muscles, and generally look fresher and prettier. Which will also be a bonus for success in business.

Health will not increase on its own

Our well-being, of course, depends not only on the heavenly bodies and not even on the skill of the luminaries of medicine. We ourselves can and must do a lot for ourselves and our loved ones. And as soon as possible, since the year will become a catalyst for advanced diseases. Palliative “tablets under the tongue” and “drops for bedtime” will no longer work. It's time to go to the doctor, trust a specialist if you don't want to be taken to him by an ambulance.

Rat(everyone whose year of birth is 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972 and onwards). Wisely, indifferent to the fuss around. He sits in his hole, and does the right thing. Next year, the storms raging around will have little impact on it. Stability is a great thing in our era of “Brownian” movement of events.

Bull: citizens born in 1937, 1949, 1961 and older at intervals of 12 years. For some time, the “artiodactyls” were in uncertainty, doubt, and soul-searching, but the time had come to perk up. Believe in yourself, the stars will shine especially brightly for you this year! One “but”: be careful with advisers and do not take on dubious enterprises. Weigh your strengths - and forward to the goal!

Tiger: born in 1938, 1950, 1962, etc. One of the few signs that should take a time out in 2017. Yes, yes, go with the flow and don’t try to fight the elements. Because otherwise he will waste his energy and will not achieve results. Well, it’s just such a plan! Don't rebel, don't cry, don't create chaos around you. Relax and engage in contemplation, self-education, and reassessment of values. This will be an excellent starting capital for future victories.

Born in the year Rabbit/Cat, that is, in 1939, 1951, 1963 and subsequent years of the cycle, a difficult year will also await. They themselves will not particularly strive to jump over their heads. And those who flicker around in search of success will irritate and irritate the Rabbits. But they will still have to give themselves some acceleration, since problems will appear and they will have to be solved. But it’s okay, everything will work out in the end!

Dragons(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976 and onwards). This is who next year will give special competitive advantages! We don’t know for sure why, but the Fire Rooster favors this sign. The question is: will Drakosha take advantage of this head start or will he prefer to enjoy life without worrying about tomorrow. The choice is yours.

Snakes. If your year of birth is 1941, 1953, 1965, etc., get ready for a challenge. For some reason the Cockerel is looking at you with suspicion. It might inadvertently peck a little. However, if you don’t yawn, then the attempts of the bird are not scary, and you have the strength to overcome difficulties. Turn small obstacles into large springboards to fly forward and upward. You can do it!

Horses(all those born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978...). Who better to succeed than you in a year when hard work is especially valued! This is your time, don’t even doubt it! In addition, over the past year or two you have managed to accumulate a margin of safety, which will guarantee quick victories. Even if someone deliberately harms you, puts a spoke in your wheels, you will easily crush them and will not leave the distance.

Goats/Sheep, born in 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979 and onwards. And for them, the year will be painted with rainbow colors and decorated with major notes. They may even be able to afford to rest on their laurels a little. But not for long! Be alert, your well-being and complacency will greatly offend someone. Don't miss a possible shot in the back. It won’t become too painful, but still you shouldn’t give your ill-wishers such a chance for gloating.

Monkey(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980...) see off their year, but do not part with Fortune’s favor. You won’t be bored this year either: there will be well-deserved holidays and pleasant surprises. But you will have to work a little harder for this than in the outgoing year. But for Monkeys this is not a burden at all, but a worthy way of self-affirmation.

Born in the year Rooster, that is, in 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981 and subsequent “iconic” ones, of course, will be on horseback. Or on a high perch, if you prefer. He is the center of attention, and this is very important for Cockerel. In order to be noticed and praised, he is not averse to working hard. This means that luck in tandem with your own efforts will definitely give the desired positive result.

(everyone who comes from 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982 and subsequent years of the cycle). Representatives of this sign will soon enter the year of overcoming obstacles. These will not be overwhelming tests, no, just worries will pile up with the persistence of annoying flies. There is no use in brushing them aside; just solve the problems in the order they are received. And don’t perceive them through a magnifying glass, as you sometimes try. Everything will pass, they will pass, and there will definitely be better days and years ahead.

Boar, or readers born in 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983... This sign is no stranger to working, digging the earth, earning wealth for the family. The Rooster sees and appreciates this, and is even ready to help. You just don’t always accept this help. Or you waste your energy on trifles, or even on negative emotions. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and you will definitely overcome all difficulties together!
