Board Ivan IV. Ivan Grozny - biography, information, personal life

In 1533, Vasily III unexpectedly overnight on autumn hunting under Volokolamsky. Having learned from the doctors that his position is hopeless, the Grand Duke made the last important orders concerning the management of the country and the fate of his three-year-old son Ivan. He introduced the board of seven boyars guardians, not a great princess. So there was a famous Moscow Semiboyarschina. In the guardian council, with a small Ivan IV, IV were a boyars M. Yuryev, V. Shui, M. Vorontsov, Prince Andrei Staritsky, Prince Mikhail Glinsky, I. Shui, M.Tuchkov. Boyache-guardian crowned Ivan IV a few days after the death of the Grand Duke. They hurried to prevent the rebellion of the specific prince Yuri, who had dreamed of the highest power for many years. Guardians in order to prevent troubles captured Yuri and threw him into the dungeon, where in 3 years they worryed hunger.

The transfer of power in the hands of guardians caused discontent of the Boyar Duma. Vasily III and the leaders of the Duma developed intense relationships. The most dangerous opponent for the guardians was one of the main leaders of the Duma Prince Ivan Obhechin-Telepnev-Obolensky, whom Elena Glinsky, barely firmly melting her husband, made his favorite. He provided a Gljing great service. Being a senior boyar of the Duma, threw the audacious challenge to the seveniboyarschin and achieved the destruction of the guardianship system over the Great Princess. Semiboyarschina ruled the country less than a year. Her power began to collapse on that day, when the Palace Okek took Mikhail Glinsky to prison.
With the help of Sheepskin, Elena Glinsky made a genuine coup, removing from the guardian council first M.Glinsky and M. Vorontsova, and then Prince A. Stiritsky. So, Glinsky became the reserve at his son - the young Great Prince. She usurped the power that Vasily III had a seveniboyarschin.
After imprisoning, Mikhail Glynsky's imprisonment for rentheh, it was dangerous, perhaps only from the younger brother Vasily III Andrei Staritsky. He owned the extensive principality and had an inspirent military force. And although he signed a "damned diploma" about the faithful service of the government and was deprived of guardianship functions over the juvenile Great Prince, he was still dangerous. And when he raised the rebellion, it was It was decided to deal with it. His deception was lured into Moscow, grabbed and "planted in the sharpening to death." On the prisoner they had a kind of iron mask - a heavy "iron hat" and for half a year they worry in prison.
The Board of Elena Glinsky lasted for almost five years (1533-1538). Prince Sheepy-Telepnev-Obolensky and Metropolitan Daniel began a major role in state affairs. The Renting Glinsky was noted by the fight against separatism of specific princes and boyars, resistance to the growth of monastic land tenure.
In 1534-1535 "Monetary reform. To reform in the country there were two monetary systems: Novgorod (216 money) and Moscow (200 money), while Moscow money was two times easier than Novgorod. After the reform, the silver coins of three advantages were received: a penny (formerly Novgorod Money), money (Moscow) and hedgehog (half-one). The external difference of new money from the old one was that a horseman with a spear was depicted on a penny (hence "Kopeika"), unlike rider with a sword on old Moscow money . Rubles, grivens, Altya did not minimize, and were only countable units (1 rub. \u003d 10 hryvnias \u003d 100 kopecks \u003d 200 money \u003d 400 half; Altyn \u003d 3 cop. \u003d 6 money). Thus, as a result of monetary reform in The state was introduced a single mint system, and the main coin of the Russian state in the XVI - early XVII centuries. became a penny. A new coin system has remained unchanged: from small silver humeren (204 grams) minted 300 more to.
At the same time, cities are strengthened, especially on Western borders. In Moscow in 1535-1538. The Chinese urban wall was constructed. The Government of Elena Glinsky achieved a truce with Lithuania (1536) at the neutralization of Sweden. Elena Glinsky died in 1538, they rumored that she was poisoned.
After the death of Elena Glinsky, political orientation in the highest echelons of power changed. Immediately after that there was a coup. Telepnev-Obolensky threw a dungeon.
The authorities have completely passed to the Boyar Duma, in which the struggle of two influential groups was constantly taking place: the first led by Prince I.F. Belsky was inclined to continue the domestic policy aimed at the further centralization of the state, and representing the mainly Seversk Principality, and the second - headed With princes of shuisky, decisive opponents of a strong great power, around which Rostov-Suzdal Principles united.
In the summer of 1538, the government was headed by Prince I.V.Suysky. In July 1540, they changed the grouping led by Prince I.F. Belsky, and in January 1542, Shui (A.Shui and others) once again won. In December 1543, Vorontsov was headed by the Boyarian S. Vorontsov (died in July 1546), and in the summer of 1546 - the grouping of the princes of Glinsky. Boyar rule was accompanied by many opals, confiscations, executions and murders. All this contributed to a significant weakening of the central authorities, strengthening the arbitrariness of the governors, as a rule, representatives of the ruling families. Under the pressure of the nobility, Shui began to carry out a lift reform (lip - district, on the territory usually coincides with the county). The first literactions belong to October 1539. The essence of the lifting reform was reduced to the fact that the most important criminal cases about "slave Lidh people" first in Pskov and some northern lands (Novgorod and Vyatka), and then in the center were made from the competence of the governors and were transmitted In the maintenance of nobles, from the environment of which "favorite heads" (headlights) were chosen for this purpose. The reform undermined the judicial and administrative power of feudal nobility in the field. Control over the activities of luminous bodies in the center carried out a special commission of the Boyar Duma ("Boyars who are ordered by the robbery).
In the period of the Boyarsky government, the estimation of the estates of provincial feudal feudals was also carried out, lands in most areas of the country were arranged, land tenure and state investigation were streamlined. At the same time, the members of the ruling groups were captured by the significant proportion of palace and proteinous lands, state revenues cleared. At the same time, the situation in the southern and eastern borders was complicated, Kazan raids were noticeably their. In the north and east of the Russian state in connection with this, the city of Meshchera, Buijorod, Love, Reception, Ustyig, Velid, Vologda, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Balakhna, and others were built or additionally. However, raids continued: in 1538, 1539, 1540 (three) , 1541, 1542 (two), 1544. Nizhny Novgorod, Balahna, Meshchera, Murom, Gorokhovets, Vladimir, Yuriev, Shuya, Kostroma, Vyatka, Galich, Torky, Ustyug, Vyatka, Galich, Tutma, Ustyug, Great and others, who weakened by the boyar rule, did not have to stop the Kazan raids at the time of the Boyar rule to the Boyar rule.
The end of the Boyarsky Board is usually associated with Ivan IV and the formation of a compromise government (elected glad).
On January 16, 1547, Ivan IV officially accepted the royal title, who was considered to be equal to Imperial. In the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, after a solemn prayer, Metropolitan Macarius laid on his head a monomach hat - a symbol of royal power. It was embroidered with pearls and is elegantly removed by golden *** shocks. As you can see, the hat was tailored along the Tatar pattern. The new title of Ivan IV now sounded like this: "King and Grand Duke Moscow and All Russia." The wedding of Ivan IV on the kingdom was the most important political event of that time, and he became the first Russian king.
One of the initiators of this political action was the new head of the Russian Church of Macarium (1543-1568), the former Novgorod archbishop. Metropolitan became an adviser to the young king.
However, 1547 was for Ivan not only the year of adopting the royal title, but also the time of the first strong nervous shock. In June, the Great Fire took place in Moscow, which destroyed a significant part of the city. Many people lost their property and bed. The townspeople accused the fire of the princes of Glinsky (by the way, it was completely in vain), a natural uprising broke out. Uncle Tsar Yuri Glinsky was killed, and Mlinsky's courtyards looted. The frightened king was saved in the village of Vorobyevo near Moscow. However, he managed to calm the rebels, and then cruelly to punish them.

The Protopop Vasily Kuzmich appointed five people, their "great gentlemen," as his "Great Lords", as he calls them: KN. Mikhail Lvovich Glinsky, Mikhail Yurevich Zaharin, Ivan Yuryevich Shigrug (Zhigovina), Gregory Nikitich Liestatina and Rusin Ivanovich (Semenova). According to a fair remark V. B. Kobrin, "Such a selection of dedication shows the amazing proximity of the surroundings of spiritual father and the Son - Protopopopa and the Grand Duch All Russia."

Indeed, from the five named faces four - kN. Glinsky, Zakharin, Shigon and Dyack Lesser Putyatin - took part in drawing up the will of Vasily III, and the first three, as we already know, listened to the last meld of the Grand Duke - "About His Great Princess Elena, and why her without him, and what to She is a boyar go, and ... As without him, the kingdom is construed. " But it turns out that the fifth spoken of Protopopopa - R. I. Semenov - also included in the nearest environment of the Grand Prince: According to the chronicle of the death of Vasily III on the list of Dubrovsky, Boyarin Zakharin immediately after the death of the sovereign, sent for the Kingdom of Rusyn Ivanov Son Semenov to After removing the measure from the deceased, bring the stone coffin. Being bedding, Semenov had constant access to the person of the sovereign.

Thus, in the light of the procitized testament of the Blagoveshchensky Protopopa, it is not random to see the special trust provided by Vasily III to three advisers: Glinsky, Zakharian and Chig. It is in them that there are serious foundations to see the Great Duke Distillers who had to ensure the fulfillment of his last will. Indirectly, this assumption is confirmed by the fact (known to us from the chronicle story) that it was their Vasily III left at himself - letting the rest of the boyars - to give the last guidance on the situation of the Great Princess and the "Arrival" of the state. It is very likely that the words of the Pskov Chronicler, who noticed that the Grand Duke "ordered" the son of Ivan's "Berker to 15 years with his boyar" (allocated by me was already treated with the same three persons. - M. K.). Much less than this definition - "Boyar few" is suitable for that group of ten people with whom Vasily Ivanovich consulated about his spiritual letter and in which many researchers see the guardianship, or regentic, advice at a small Ivan IV.

Above, I mentioned the long discussion of historians on the issue of whether the orders of Vasily III were on the creation of the regency at his son were made to the spiritual diploma of the Grand Prince. Part of the researchers, starting with V. I. Sergeevich and A. E. Presnyakova, responded to this question affirmatively; The opposite point of view was adhered to A. A. Zimin, and recently - H. Rus. The study of the tradition of high-grade wills shows that in this dispute is right, rather, Zimin: No instructions on the future of management in such documents did not contribute. Moreover, Russian medieval law did not know the concept of "regent": as we will see in the future, this circumstance gave rise to complex collisions in real political life, when the actual rulers tried to legitimize their position.

It is quite possible, as already mentioned that officially in his will, Vasily III "ordered" the heir only to Metropolitan Daniel. But the functions of hearthritis, trusted by the Grand Duke, as I assume, "triumviratu" in the composition of Glinsky, Zakharin and the Ziphogyan, actually implied a considerable amount of powerful powers. That is why contemposes perceived these debris as the guardians of the Minor Ivan IV and the real rulers of the country. Evidence of this can be considered the words of the Pskov Chronicler. Similar information about, in whose hands was actually the power in the first weeks and months after the death of Vasily III, there were foreign observers. We are now moving to studying these information.

4. Foreign certificates about the guardianship at the Minor Ivan IV

Foreign certificates of events of the 1530s. At the Moscow courtyard still remains essentially unclaimed. Until recently, researchers have known only one essay of this kind - "Notes on Muscovite Affairs" (in the German publication - Moskovoy) Sigismund Herrestein, where the story was brought to the death of Elena Glinsky (1538). However, as the source analysis of the "Notes" showed, the value of information reported by Austrian diplomat about events in Moscow after the death of Vasily III is very small: the story of Herberstein sins excessive moralization, not free from anachronism, and the main thing - the information contained in it is secondary, being fully borrowed from Polish sources.

It is why it is advisable so to start with the consideration of the earliest news of the situation at the Moscow courtyard, which were obtained in the Lithuanian capital already at the end of December 1533 - early January 1534. This information is contained in letters that Prussian Duke Albrecht received from his correspondents at the courtyard of the Polish king and The Grand Duke of Lithuanian Sigizmund I. Correspondence of the Duke was the extensive Fund for the former Königsberg archive, which is now in the secret state archive of Prussian cultural heritage (Berlin-Dale). Letters of interest to us are published by Polish scientists as part of the collection of diplomatic documents "Act Tomizian".

As is clear from the message of Peter Opalinsky, Kashetelna Ledzsky, Duke Albrecht dated December 27, 1533, the first news of the death of the Grand Duke Moscow came to Vilna from Polotsk and other border sites on December 24th. It also reported that the sovereign left a small son ("maybe four or five years old"), which uncle, i.e. The brothers of his late father, want to deprive the princely power (De Ducatu et Imperio Insidias Strunt).

January 6, 1534 Nikolay Nipshits, secretary of Sigismund I and a permanent correspondent of Prussian Duke at the Royal Court, reported Albrecht from Wilna: "... a reliable news came from Moscow that the Grand Duke died and that his son, three years old, was elected Grand Prince , and Prince Yuri (Herczog Yorg), his cousin (? - FETER), - guardian (Formund), and this board is set for 10 years (Das Regem X Jor Befolen). On that day, however, Nipshits did not send this letter to the addressee and did a prescription to him: "They say that Prince Yuri (Herczog Yurg), which should be a guardian, wants to be a great prince (Vyl Selbst Grosfurscht Seyn), Why can you expect an internal war in Moscow ".

Another Vilensky correspondent of Albrecht, Marcin Zborovsky, Old Town Odolanovsky and Shidlovsky, wrote him on January 10 that "his royal majesty [Sigismund I. - M. K.] became more famous that his enemy Muscovite recently broke up with life and before death I chose my successor who had not yet attacked his successor to the grandeur in the prestrol, having visited his care of his two par police officers; The same Muscovite left two of his legitimate native brothers (former already in adulthood), which may have had more rights to such election and custody (Maius Interese Ad Talem Electionem et Tutelam ... Habuissent); What brothers did not object and did not oppose this proclaimed election then. "

John Vasilyevich (Ivan's nickname (John) Great, in late histinery Ivan IV Grozny; August 25, 1530, the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow - March 18, 1584, Moscow) - Great Prince of Moscow and All Russia (from 1533), 1st king of All Russia (from 1547) (except 1575-1576, when Simeon Bekbulatovich Simeon was nominally nominally).


Son of the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily III and Elena Glinsky. According to the father's line, Ivan Kalita dynasty took place, on the motherboard - from Mama, who was considered the hedge of Lithuanian princes of Glinsky.

Grandma, Sophia Paleologist - from the genus of Byzantine emperors. Himself erected to the Roman Emperor Augustus, the former supposedly the ancestor of Rurik according to the pedigree legend invented by that time.

Brief description of the board

Came to power at a very early age. After the uprising in Moscow, 1547 rules with the participation of the circle of approximated persons, which Prince Kurbsky called the "Chosen Rada". With it began the convening of Zemsky cathedrals, the judiciary of 1550 was drawn up. The reforms of military service, judicial system and government administration were carried out, including the elements of self-government at the local level (lifting, Zemskaya and other reforms). In 1560, the elected Rada fell, her main figures were in opal, and a completely independent rule of the king began.

In 1565, after the flight of Prince Kurbsky in Lithuania, an oprichnina was introduced.
Under Ivan IV, the growth of Russia amounted to almost 100%, from 2.8 million km² to 5.4 million km², and Kazan (1552) and Astrakhan (1556) Khanate, thus, were converted and joined, thus, to the congestion of Ivan the Terrible Square of the Russian state It became more of the rest of Europe.

In 1558-1583, the Livonian war was carried out for entering the Baltic Sea. In 1572, as a result of a persistent multi-year struggle, an end to the invasions of the Crimean Khanate (see Russian-Crimean Wars), Siberian's accession began (1581).

Trade relations were established with England (1553) as well as Persia and Central Asia, the first typography in Moscow was created.

Internal policy of Ivan IV, after the failure of the failure during the Livonian war and as a result of the desire of the king, to establish the despotic power, it acquires a terrorist nature and in the second half of the reign is marked by the institution of oprichnin, mass executions and murders, defeat Novgorod and a number of other cities (Tver, Wedge, Torzhok). Okrichnin was accompanied by thousands of victims, and, in the opinion of many historians, its results, having connected with the results of long and unsuccessful wars, led the state to ruin and socio-political crisis, as well as to strengthen the tax burden and the formation of serfdom.


Childhood of the Grand Prince

Moscow Princes (1276-1598)

Daniel Alexandrovich
Yuri III Danielovich
Ivan I Kalita
Simeon proud
Ivan II red
Dmitry Donskoy
Vasily I.
Vasily II Dark
Ivan III
Vasily III, wife Elena Glinsky
Ivan IV Grozny
Fedor I Ioannovich
Yuri Zvenigorodsky
Vasily Kosovoi
Dmitry Shemyaka

Vasily III, Ivan IV Father (there is an explicit similarity with a Parsunte portrait of a son (see below), except that Vasily has a more dense physique)

According to the lifestyle, the grandflower of the grandflower, the grandflower passed to the older son of the monarch, however, Ivanu ("direct name" on the birthday - Titus) was only three years old when his father Grand Prince Vasily was seriously ill. The closest challengers on the throne, except for young Ivan, were the younger brothers of Vasily. From the six sons of Ivan III, two - Prince Staritsky Andrei and Prince Dmitrovsky Yuri.

Anticipating an ambulance, Vasily III formed to manage the state "seventh" Boyar Commission. The guardians were supposed to be "borker" of Ivan until he reaches 15 years. The guardian council included Prince Andrei Staritsky - the younger brother of Father Ivan, M. L. Glinsky - Uncle Great Princess Elena and Advisors: Brothers Shui (Vasily and Ivan), M. Yu. Zaharin, Mikhail Tuchkov, Mikhail Vorontsov. According to the Great Prince, the order of the Board by the country by trusted people should have been preserved and decrease in the aristocratic boyar duma.

The existence of the Regent Council is recognized not by all historians, so according to the historian A. A. Zimin, Vasily passed the maintenance of public affairs of the Boyar Duma, and the guardians of the heir appointed M. L. Glinsky and D. F. Belsky.

Vasily III died on December 3, 1533, and after 8 days, the boyars got rid of the main challenger on the throne - Dmitrov Prince Yuri.

The guardian council ruled the country for less than a year, after which his power began to collapse. In August 1534 there was a number of permutations in the ruling circles. On August 3, the prince of Semyon Beliek and the experienced warlord Ocolnichy Ivan Lyatsky left Serpukhov and drove off to the service to the Lithuanian prince. On August 5, one of the guardians of the juvenile Ivan, Mikhail Glinsky, was arrested - Mikhail Glinsky, who was also died in prison. The brother of Semyon of Belsky Ivan and Prince Ivan Vorotynsky with children were captured for matchmaking with the ranks. In the same month, another member of the guardian council was arrested - Mikhail Vorontsov. Analyzing the events of August 1534, the historian S. M. Solovyov concludes that "all this was a consequence of the overall indignation of the nobles on Elena and her pet Obolensky."

Ivan groznyj. Parsuna

Attempting Andrei Staritsky in 1537 to seize power ended in failure: locked in Novgorod from the front and rear, he was forced to surrender and finished life in prison.

In April 1538, 30-year-old Elena Glinsky died, and after six days the boyars (Prince I. V. Shuisky and V. V. Shuisky with advisers) got rid of Obolensky. Metropolitan Daniel and Dyak Fedor Mishurin, convinced supporters of the centralized state and the active leaders of the Government of Vasily III and Elena Glinsky were immediately suspended from government management. Metropolitan Daniel was sent to the Josepho-Volochsky monastery, and Middlerich "Boyar was executed ... Not loving that he stood for the Grand Duke of Cause."

"Many between Boyar Beach Enjoyment about the Korsthech and about the tribal, everyone with their own sovereign, not a state," so describes the chronicler years of the boyars of the boyars, in which "Kiyzho himself and the highest Sanov wish ... and beyond the birth of Validia, and not true, and The desire for the embezzlement of chusage estate. And Veliya Kramol is erected, and the dominance of sake of each other is a cowarrium ... on his friends herself, and their houses and the Treasure and Treasures of their filfilled richness. "

In 1545, with the arrival of 15 years of age, Ivan reached the age of majority, thus becoming a full ruler.

Wedding to the kingdom

The ceremony for storing the certificate of approval on the kingdom of Ivan IV. Artist F. G. Soltsev. Russia, F. Chopin Factory. 1853-48. Bronze, casting, gilding, silvering, chasing. GIM

Wedding Ivan IV to the kingdom. The chronicle miniature on the postal stamp of Russia, 1997

On December 13, 1546, Ivan Vasilyevich first expressed Makaria's intention to marry (for details, see below), and before it was married to the kingdom "following the example of the progenitor".

A number of historians (N. I. Kostomaraov, R. G. Skrynnikov, V. V. Kobrin) believe that the initiative of the adoption of the royal title could not emanate from the 16-year-old young man. Most likely, Metropolitan Macarius played an important role in this. Hardening of the power of the king also favorably favorably on the mother line. V. O. Klyuchevsky adheres to the opposite point of view, emphasizing the desire for power early at the sovereign. In his opinion, "the King's political duma was developed by secret from others", the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wedding became a complete surprise for the boyars.

The ancient Byzantine kingdom with his commercial emperors was always a way for Orthodox countries, but it fell under the imperfect strikes. Moscow in the eyes of Russian Orthodox people was supposed to become the heiress of Tsargrad - Constantinople. Celebration of autocracy personified and for Metropolitan Makaria celebration of Orthodox faith. So walked the interests of the royal and spiritual authorities (Philofey). At the beginning of the XVI century, the recognition and idea of \u200b\u200bthe divine origin of the Sovereign's power is becoming increasingly distribution. One of the first on this spoke Joseph Volotsky. A other understanding of the authorities of the Soviet Protopope Sylvester later led to the reference of the latter. The idea that the autocratic is obliged to obey God and its establishments in everything, passes through all the "Message of the King".

On January 16, 1547, a solemn wedding ceremony was held in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, whose rank was compiled by Metropolitan himself. Metropolitan laid the signs of royal dignity on him - the cross of the life-giving Tree, Barma and the Hat of Monomakh; Ivan Vasilyevich was anointed world, and then Metropolitan blessed the king.

Wedding to the kingdom of Ivan IV

Later, in 1558, Constantinople Patriarch reported Ivan Grozny that "the royal name it comes to the Church of the Cathedral on all Sundays, as the names of the former Byzantine kings; It is commanded to do in all the dioceses, where only Metropolitans and bishops are, "and about your gloomy wedding to the kingdom from St. Metropolitan All Rusi, our brother and collisher, accepted by us for the benefit and worthy of your kingdom. " "Yavi," I wrote Joachim, the Patriarch of Alexandria, "in the current times of the new feeder and the Spriverler about us, a good advocate, chosen and the god of the Kholitima of the Holy Human Resource, what was the once aveaker and equivalent to Konstantin ... Your memory will be incessantly not only In the church rule, but also on the trapes with ancient, former kings. "

The royal title helped take a significant position in diplomatic relations with Western Europe. The grandnya title was translated as a "prince" or even the "Great Duke". The title of "Tsar" in the hierarchy stood on a par with the title of Emperor.

Consistently title has already been provided with Ivan England from 1554. The question of the title in Catholic countries was more complicated, in which the theory of the Unified "Sacred Empire" tightly held. In 1576, Emperor Maximilian II, wanting to attract Grozny to the Union against Turkey, offered him in the future the throne and the title of "Major [Eastern] Cesareri". John IV reacted completely indifferent to "Greek Decoration", but demanded the immediate recognition of the king "All Russia", and the emperor gave way to this important fundamental question, especially since Maximilian I recognized the royal title for Vasily III, the sovereign "God's Grace Cessera and the owner of the All-Russian and Grand Duke. " The papal throne turned out to be much more stubbornly, who defended the exclusive right of Daps to provide royal and other public titles, and on the other hand, did not allow violations of the "Unified Empire" principle. In this irreconcilable position, the Papal See found support from the Polish king, who perfectly understood the importance of the claims of the Moscow Soviet. Sigismund II presented a note by the Papal Preclosion, which warned that the confession of the IVA title "Tsar All Russia" will lead to rejection from Poland and Lithuania land populated Muscovites "Rusyn", and will attract Moldovan and Valahov on his side. For its part, John Iv attached a particular importance to the recognition of his royal title by the Polish-Lithuanian state, but Poland has not agreed on the entire XVI century to its requirement. From the successors of Ivan IV, his imaginary son of Lzhedymitri I used the title of "emperor", but Sigismund III, put it on the Moscow throne, officially called him just a prince, not even "great."

As a result of the coronation, the relatives of the king strengthened his position, having achieved significant benefits, however, after the Moscow uprising of 1547, the genus Glynsky lost its entire influence, and the young ruler was convinced of the developmental inconsistency between his ideas about the power and the real state of affairs.

Domestic politics

Ivan IV reforms

V. M. Vasnetsov Tsar Ivan Grozny, 1897

From 1549, together with the elected Rada (A. F. Adashev, Metropolitan Makariya, A. M. Kurbsky, Protopop Sylvester) Ivan IV carried out a number of reforms aimed at centralizing the state: Zemstvo reform, lifting reform, conducted transformation in the army. In 1550, a new judiciary was adopted, which tightened the rules for the transition of the peasants (the size of the elderly was increased). In 1549, the first Zemsky Cathedral was convened. In 1555-1556 Ivan IV canceled feeding and accepted the provision of service.

The judiciary and the royal diplomas provided the peasant communities of the right of self-government, layouts of filters and supervision of the order.

As A. V. Chernov wrote, the Sagittarius were armed with firearms, which put them above the infantry of Western states, where part of the infantry (Pikiners) had only cold weapons. From the point of view of the author, all this indicates that Muscovy infantry formation, in the face of the king of John Grozny, was much ahead of Europe. At the same time, it is known that already at the beginning of the 17th century in Russia began to form the so-called "foreign insurance" shelves for the sample of the Swedish and Netherlands infantry, impressive Russian military leaders with their effectiveness. The shelves of "Inrogen-building" had at their disposal and pics (speaker), covering musketeers from cavalry, as mentioned by A. V. Chernov himself.

"The sentence of locality" contributed to a significant strengthening of the discipline in the troops, an increase in the authority of the governor, especially not noble origin, and improving the combat capability of the Russian troops, although he met a large resistance to a generic nobility.

With Ivan Grozny, the entrance to the territory of Russia of Jewish merchants was prohibited. When in 1550, the Polish king of Sigismund-August demanded that they were allowed by free entry into Russia, John refused in such words: "In their states, we do not wear any way, we don't want any video in your states, but we want to do so So that God gives in my states, my people were in silence without any embarrassment. And you would, our brother, I didn't write about the sweets to us, "because they were given Russian people from Christianity, and praised potions were brought to our lands and did their dirty to our people."

In order to arrange a printing house in Moscow, the king turned to Christian II with a request to send bookprints, and he sent in 1552 to Moscow through Gansa Missinghemia Bible in Luther and two Lutheran Catechism, but at the insistence of Russian hierarchs the plan of the king for the distribution of translations in several thousands of copies It was rejected.

In early 1560s, Ivan Vasilyevich made a sign reform of state swelling. From that moment on, a steady type of state press appears in Russia. For the first time on the chest of ancient double-headed eagle, the Horseman appears - the coat of arms of the prince Rurikova at home, depicted before it separately, and always with the front side of the state press, while the image of an eagle was placed on a turnover: "The same year (1562) February on the third day the king and The Grand Prince Printing Old Little, which was with the father of his great prince of Vasily Ioannovich, changed, and he learned the print a new folding: the eagle two, and among his man on horseback, and on the other side, the eagle is boldly, and among his injuries. " New printing has grilled a contract with the Danish kingdom of April 7, 1562.

John Vasilyevich Great, Emperor Russia, Prince of Moscow. From the card of the sodel 1574

According to Soviet historians, A. A. Zimin, and A. L. Khoroskevich, the reason for the gap of Ivan the Terrible with the "Chosen Rada", was that the program of the latter was exhausted. In particular, the "imprudent respite" of Livonia was given, as a result of which several European states were drawn into war. In addition, the king was not agreed with the ideas of the leaders of the "Selected Rada" (especially Adashev) on the priority of the conquest of the Crimea compared with military actions in the West. Finally, Adshev showed excessive independence in foreign policy relations with Lithuanian representatives in 1559. And in the end, he was retired. It should be noted that such opinions about the reasons for Ivan's rupture with "Selected Rada" are divided away from all historians. So, N. I. Kostomaraov sees the true counterproof conflict in the negative features of the nature of Ivan the Terrible, and the activities of the "Selected Rada" opposite evaluates very high. V. B. Kobrin also believes that the King's personality played a crucial role here, but at the same time fiends the behavior of Ivan with his commitment to the program of accelerated centralization of the country opposing the ideology of the gradual change of "Selected Rada".


Causes of administration of oprichnina

The fall of the elected Rada is assessed by historians in different ways. According to V. B. Kobrina, this was a manifestation of the conflict of two programs of the centralization of Russia: by slow structural reforms or rapidly, force. Historians believe that the choice of the second path is due to the personal character of Ivan the Terrible, who did not want to listen to people who do not agree with his politics. Thus, after 1560, Ivan becomes the path of tightening power, which led him to repressive measures.

According to R. G. Skrynnikov, it would be easier for forgiven the Grozny resignation of his advisers Adashev and Sylvester, but she did not want to put up with the attempt on the prerogatives of the Boyar Duma. The ideologist of the Boyars of the Kourbi was the most decisive way protested against the infringement of the privileges of the nobility and the transfer of management functions in the hands of ordinary (Dyakov): "Writers of the Russian Prince Great Zelith believes, but elects them from the shine, nor from noble, but in a hundred Popovichi or from simple nationwide And then the haevid is creating the grandees. "

The new discontent of the princes, believes Skrynnikov, caused the royal decree of January 15, 1562 on the restriction of their victims, even more than previously equalized them with the local nobility. As a result, at the beginning of the 1560s. Among the nobility there is a desire to escape from the king of Ivan abroad. So, I tried to flee abroad twice and was forgiven by I. D. Belsky, were caught when I was trying to escape and Prince V. M. Glinsky and Prince I. V. Sheremetev. Among the environment of Grozny increases tensions: in the winter of 1563, the Boyar Kolychev, T. Puhov-Tetherin, M. Sarokhozin were transported to the Poles-Tetherin. It was accused of treason and conspiracy with the Poles, but after pardoned the governor of the city of Starodab, Prince V. Funic. For trying to go to Lithuania, the Smolensk Voivode Prince Dmitry Kurlyatev was withdrawn from Smolensk and exiled to a distant monastery on Lake Ladoga. In April 1564, Andrei Kurbsky was fledged to Poland in the fear of Opal, as the Grozny himself points out in his writings, sewing an indictment letter from there to Ivan.

In 1563, Dyack Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky Savluk Ivanov, planted by Prince for something to the prison, filed denunciation about the "great modified affairs" of the latter, which immediately found a living response from Ivan. The Dyack argued, in particular, that Staritsky warned Polotsk the governor about the intention of the king to sest fortress. The king forgave the brother, but deprived of the part of the lot, and Princess Efrosin Staritsky on August 5, 1563 ordered to bring in the nuns of the Resurrection Resident on the river. Sheksna. At the same time, the latter was allowed to preserve a servant with him who received several thousand fourth of the Earth in the vicinity of the monastery, and the near Baban Adhetors, and also allowed trips to the Bogomol to the neighboring monastery and embroidery.

Veselovsky and Khoroshevich put forward the version of the Voluntary Tasting of Princess in the Nuns.

In 1564, the Russian army was divided into p. Dela. There is a version that it served to the beginning of the treasury of those whom the terrible account was the perpetrators of the defeat: cousins \u200b\u200bwere executed by the cousins \u200b\u200b- Princes Oberensky, Mikhailo Petrovich Repinn and Yuri Ivanovich Kashin. It is believed that Kashin was executed for the refusal to dance on a feast in a squash mask, and Dmitry Fedorovich Obolensky-Sheepskin - for the fact that Fedor Basmanov, his homosexual communication with the king, was executed for a quarrel with Basmanov and the famous Governor Nikita Vasilyevich Sheremetetev.

Allegory of the tyrannical board Ivan the Terrible

In early December 1564, according to Schokearev's studies, an attempt was made by armed rebellion against the king, in which Western forces took part: "Many noble venoms gathered in Lithuania and in Poland a considerable game and wanted to go against the king."

Official institution

In 1565, Grozny announced the introduction of Okrichnin in the country. The country was divided into two parts: "Sovereign Lightness of Okrichnin" and Zemstvo. In the Ochrichnina, mostly, the northeastern Russian lands, where there were little boyars. Alexandrovskaya Sloboda became the center of Oprichnina - the new residence of Ivan Grozny, from where on January 3, 1565 the messenger of Konstantin Polivanov was delivered to the clergy, boyars and the people about the renunciation of the king from the throne. Although Veselovsky believes that Grozny did not declare his refusal to power, but the prospect of the state of the sovereign and the offensive of "gospel time", when Velmazbi can again force the city traders and artisans to do everything for them for them, could not not to template the Moscow citizens.

The decree on the introduction of Okrichnina was approved by the highest authorities of the spiritual and secular power - the consecrated cathedral and the Boyar Duma. It is also believed that this decree confirmed its decision the Zemsky Cathedral. However, according to other data, the members of the Cathedral of 1566 protested abruptly against Okrichnina, submitting a petition about the abolition of Orytrics for 300 signatures; All the petritions were immediately planted in prison, but quickly released (as R. G. Skrynnikov believes, thanks to the intervention of Metropolitan Philip); 50 was subjected to trade execution, several triggered languages, three beheaded.

The beginning of the formation of an oprich troops can be considered the same 1565 year, when a detachment of 1,000 people selected from "Officon" counties was formed. Each scramble brought an oath to the faithfulness of the king and bought out not to communicate with the earth. In the future, the number of "Ochrichnikov" reached 6000 people. In the urinary army also included troops of Sagittarov from Official territories. From this time, the servants began to share in two categories: children boyars, from the ground, and the children of Boyar, "courtyard and city", that is, the sovereign sovereign from the "royal court". Consequently, an urinary army must be considered not only the states of the regiment, but also serviced people scored from oprichny territories and served under the superiors of homing ("courtyard") governors and heads.
Schlichting, Taube and Cruz mention 500-800 people "special Officials". These people, if necessary, served as the role of trusted tsarist fees, who carried out security, intelligence, investigative and punitive functions. The remaining 1200 ryrichnikov is divided into four orders, namely: bedding, the maintenance of the Palace premises and the area of \u200b\u200bthe royal family; Brown - weapon; The stable, which was carried out by a huge horse farm of the Palace and the Tsarskoy Guard; And satisfying - food.

The chronicler, according to Froyanov, places the blame for the troubles, who fell into the state, to the "Russian land that was amusing in sins, internecine breeding and treason": "And then, by sin, Rushing all the earth, the chostas, the rebellion is great and hatred in all people, And the internecine brand and the trouble is great, and the sovereign to the anger was promoted, and for the great treason Tsar teacher an oprichnin. "

Being an ocher "igumen", the king performed a number of monastic duties. So, at midnight, everyone got up for an obscure, at four in the morning - to the Sautren, at eight there was a lunch. The king showed an example of piety: He himself called to Sautren, sang on the closer, it prayed diligently, and during a common meal read the sacred Scripture aloud. In general, the service took about 9 hours a day.

At the same time, there is evidence that orders about the executions and torture were often given in the church. The historian G. P. Fedotov believes that "not denying the conquering moods of the king, it is impossible not to see that he knew how to combine atrocity with church pupils in the established household forms, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe Orthodox kingdom."

With the help of ghosters who were exempted from judicial responsibility, John IV forcibly confiscated boyars and princely defendants, transmitting them to noble scrambles. The Boyars and Princes themselves were provided with estates in other areas of the country, for example, in the Volga region.

To the dedication to the San Metropolitan Philip, which occurred on July 25, 1566, they were prepared and signed a gram, according to which Philip promised "not to join the Oprichnin and the royal use and, on delivery, because of the Officient ... Metropolis does not leave."

The administration of the oprichnin was marked by mass repressions: executions, confiscations, opalas. In 1566, part of the optone was returned, but after the Cathedral of 1566 and the requirements for the abolition of Officon, terror resumed. Opposite the Kremlin on the Neglinnaya (on the site of the current RGB) a stone oprichny yard was built, where the king was moved from the Kremlin.

Metropolitan Philip refuses to bless Ivan Grozny

In early September 1567, Grozny caused Jenkinson's English Messenger to himself and he handed over to Queen Elizabeth I request for asylum in England. It was connected with the news about the plot in the land, who set the goal to overthrow him from the throne in favor of Vladimir Andreevich. The basis was the denominations of Vladimir Andreevich himself; R. G. Skrynnikov recognizes a fundamentally unresolved question, whether the "farmer" is really a perturbed, or everything was reduced only to careless conversations of the opposition. According to this case, a number of executions followed, also a keen boyar Ivan Fedorov-Chelyannin was exiled to Kolomna, an extremely popular in the people with his integrity and judiciary (shortly before he proved his loyalty to the king, issuing a Polish agent to him with diplomas from the king).

With these events, the public speech of Metropolitan Philip is connected against the king: On March 22, 1568, in the Assumption Cathedral, he refused to bless the king and demanded to cancel an oprichnin. In response, the Ochrichniki scored to death with iron sticks of the servants of Metropolitan, then the process in the church court was excited against the Metropolitan. Philip was cast from San and exiled in Tverskoy the monastery.

In the summer of the same year, the chelylan-Fedorov was accused of being allegedly with the help of his servant was going to overthrow the king. Fedors and 30 people recognized by His accomplices were executed. In the royal synodics, it is written as described: decorated<то есть убито - жаргонный термин опричников>: Ivan Petrovich Fedorova; In Moscow, Mikhail Kolychev was decorated and three sons; By cities - Prince Andrei Katirere, Prince Fedor Troekirov, Mikhail Lykov with a nephew. "Their estates were defeated, all servants are interrupted:" DECIDE 369 people and all decorated July to the 6th (1568) ". According to R. G. Skrynnikov, "the repression was carried in general a messful character. They grabbed without parsing friends and familiar cheesens who survived Adashev supporters, the naval who were in the emigration of the nobles, etc. Bhed all who dared to protest against Okrichnina." In the overwhelming majority they were executed even without The visibility of the court, on denunciations and reimbursions under torture. Fedorov King himself personally struck the knife, after which the crypts were cut off with their knives.

In 1569, the king committed itself with his cousin: he was accused of intention to poison the king and executed together with servants, his mother Efrosinia Staritsky was recessed with 12 nuns in Sheksne River.

"Search for Novgorod treason"

The "wanted list" was the continuation of the Official activity, which was held for 1570, and many prominent ryrichniki were also involved in the case. From this case, only a description in the correspondence book of the Embassy Order was preserved: "Pillars, and in it a sealing list from a changed case of a change in the business of 1570 at the Novgorod bishop of Pimen and in Novgorod Dyakov and on the attain, as they with (Moscow) boyars ... Want to Novgorod and Pskov to give the Lithuanian king. ... And the king of Ivan Vasilyevich ... Wanted an evil intention to lime and on the state of putting Prince Volodimer Ondreyevich ... In this case, many people talk about that treason on Novgorodsky Archbishop and on his advisors and spoke on themselves, and in fact, many of the deaths, rosy KazNMI , and other sent to the turmors ... Yes, Tuo List, Cowgling Casnii death, and some execution, and Coo go ... ".

At the end of the same year, the king began a campaign to Novgorod, the reason to which the denunciation served as a certain vagabol, Volynets Peter, for something punished in Novgorod, and accused of Novgorod, headed by Archbishop Pimen in the intention to put on the throne of Prince Vladimir Staritsky and transfer Novgorod and Pskov Polish King. V. B. Kobrin believes that "the denunciation was frankly ridiculous and contradictory", as the Novgorodians were attributed to two incompatible aspirations. Moving at Novgorod in the fall of 1569, the ghouls staged mass murders and robbery in Tver, Klin, Torzhok and other oncoming cities. In the Tver Advent of the Monastery in December 1569, Metropolitan Philip personally strangled in December 1569, who refused to bless the campaign to Novgorod.

Ochrichniki. I am depicted the murder of I. Fedorov-Chelyantnin, whom the Terrible forced to get dressed in royal clothes and sit on the throne, bowed to him, and then hit the knife with the words: "You wanted to take my place, and now you are, the Grand Duke, enjoy the dominion that ! "

According to the historian G. P. Fedotov, "it is natural to assume that Malyuta had another secret order or a good royal thought guessed. Otherwise, he probably would not dare to make what he had committed, or could not remain unpunished. " The main version of the murder of Metropolitan is its lives, the XVI century

The army, according to Zimin, has dropped 15 thousand people, including 1500 Sagittarov. K. Valishevsky mentions that Ivan himself arrived after an advanced detachment with five hundred of his guard.

On January 2, advanced detachments led by V. G. Zyuzin approached Novgorod and hooked the city of the complaints, sealed the treasury in monasteries, churches and private houses, they were arrested and put "on the right" monks, priests and prominent Novgorod residents. January 6, Ivan himself appeared at the city.

On January 8, during the meeting of the Official Troops with the Novogorod clergy on the Great Bridge through Volkhov, the king accused of treasoning the Archbishop of Pimen. The latter was arrested and imprisoned. (Subsequently, the aspirated squire of Afanasy Vyazemsky was accused of tried to warn Pimama about arrest, subjected to a trade execution and exiled to Gorodetsky Posad to the Volga, where he died.)

Then followed the execution that lasted until February 13. It was executed with the use of various torture many citizens, including women and children. According to the Russian story of the defeat of Novgorod, which coincides in most details with the German report, Ivan ordered to pour the Novgorod in the incendiary mixture and then, burnt and still alive, discharge into worshi; other before drowning dragged behind the sleigh; "And the wives of them, men and female Paul babies" he commanded "Potchu for the Ruta and for Nosa Opako back, babies to his mother and knituha, and with the great height of the beloved sovereign of them in the water." The priests and monks after various bullying were clogged by the batons and dropped there. Contemporaries report that Volkhov was damaged by corpses, and the living legend was stored back in the XIX century.

Private houses and churches were robbed, property and food Novgorod destroyed. Ochrichnikov detachments sent to 200-300 km, created robbery and murders across the entire district. The number of dead is unknown, modern scientists consider them from 4-5 (R. G. Skrynnikov) to 10-15 (V. B. Kobrin) thousand, with a total population of Novgorod in 30 thousand.

In Pskov, the king itself killed the head of the Pskovo-Pechersk Monastery of Cornelius. The third Pskov chronicle tells about the murder of St. Andrey Karbsky, as well as the "Tale of the beginning and the foundation of the Pechersk Monastery" (the end of the XVI century), which says "from the monster of the world with the earth king, he was presented to the Heavenly King to Eternal Housing." In the royal "San Obligar" Kornilius was marked first in the list of persons executed in Pskov.

A total of 300 people were accused. July 25, 1570 In Moscow, a mass execution took place in Moscow: 184 people were pardoned and released on the bars, the rest are executed by different tortures: so, the famous diplomat Primary, which accused of supporting communication with the Polish king (the Poles themselves laughed at this Approval), was healingly cut into small pieces, the Treasurer of Funic was killed, alternately dining with boiling water, then cold water. At the same time, Archbishop Pimen, allegedly the center of all conspiracy, was only aimed at reference. Under mills, the terror fell and some of the pricks of Okrichnina, in particular, Alexey Basmanov, who was considered by her initiator, and his son Fedor - Fedor forced him to cut off his head to his own head.

The exact number of those killed in the Novgorod pogrom causes controversy. Figures that provide contemporaries can be exaggerated and higher than the number of the population of Novgorod (30 thousand). However, much more people lived throughout Novgorod Earth, and terror was not necessarily limited directly to Novgorod. The recording of the king in the synod was preserved from the Kirillo-Belozepran Monastery: "According to Malyutinskaya Hyugoraskaya parcels (tasks), a thousand four hundred and nine teeth of the Orthodox Christians, yes, from Fifteen Fifteen Fifteen, the names of themselves, Lord, Weighs. The record is based, as they believed on the documentary report of Skratov. R. G. Skrynniknikov added to this number by the namely named Novgorod residents and concluded that 2170-2180 victims of the Novgorod pogrom were listed in the San Oblique, while noting that the reports could not be full and many acted "regardless of the regions of Soscaratov", and allowing the total figure Victims of 4-5 thousand. V. B. Kobrin considers these figures highly understated, emphasizes that the detachment of Malutes was only one of many detachments, and evaluates the number of those killed in 10-15 thousand, with the total population of Novgorod in 30 thousand. In addition, it should be noted that the result of the destruction of edible reserves was hunger (so the cannibalism was mentioned), who was accompanied by the epidemic of the plague. As a result, according to the chronicles, in September 1570, the general grave was opened in September 1570, where I buried the surrounded victims of Ivan the Terrible, as well as those who died from hunger and illness, counted 10 thousand corpses. V. B. Kobrin believes that this grave was not necessarily the only place of the burial of the dead.

In 1571, the Crimean Khan Devlet-Garyre invaded Russia. According to V. B. Kobrin, the decomposed Okrichnina has demonstrated a complete non-function: the ryrichniki, accustomed to the robbeles of the civilian population, simply did not appear on the war, so they were scored only on one regiment (against five-sized regions). Moscow was burned. As a result, during the new invasion of 1572, the oprichny army was already united with Zemsky; In the same year, the king generally canceled Ochrichnin and banned her name itself, although in fact, as the "Survae of the courtyard", Ochrichnina existed before his death.

Foreign policy

Growth of the Russian state at Ivan IV

Ivan Grozny, contemporary Elizabeth of English, Philip II of Spanish and Wilhelm Orange, the leader of the Netherlands Revolution, has to solve military, administrative and international tasks, similar to the goals of the creators of the new European powers, but in a much more difficult atmosphere. The talents of the diplomat and the organizer he may be all surpassed.
- Vipper R. Yu. Ivan Grozny. - Mr.: Publisher of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1944. P. 8.

Part of the aristocracy and the Roman dad persistently demanded to join the fight against the Turkish Sultan Suleiman first who had 30 kingdoms in their subordination and 8 thousand miles of the coast.

Tsar's artillery was diverse and numerous. "At least two thousand guns are always ready for the battle of Russian artilleryrs ..." - heded the emperor Maximilian II his ambassador John Kobenzl. Moor of all impressed by heavy artillery. Moscow chronicle without exaggeration writes: "... kernels have large cannons for twenty powder, and other guns are a little easier." The largest Gaubita in Europe is "Kashpirova Cannon", weighing 1200 pounds and a caliber of 20 pounds, "hovering horror, took part in the siege of Polotsk 1563. Also, it should be noted another feature of the Russian artillery of the 16th century, namely its durability, "the modern researcher Alexey Lobin writes. "The guns, cast on the command of John Grozny, were in service with several decades and participated in almost all the battles of the XVII century."

Kazan hiking

In the first half of the XVI century, mainly during the reign of Khanov from the Crimean kind of Gireev, Kazan Khanate was led by permanent wars with Moscow Rus. Total Kazan Khans committed about forty trips to Russian lands, mainly in the outskirts of the regions of Nizhny Novgorod, Vyatka, Vladimir, Kostroma, Galic, Murom, Vologda. "From the Crimea and from Kazan to the middle of the ground was empty," the king wrote, describing the consequences of invasions.

Trying to find peaceful ways to settle the settlement, Moscow supported the loyal Russia of the Casimovsky ruler of Shah Ali, who, becoming Kazan Khan, approved the project of Unia with Moscow. But in 1546, Shah Ali was expelled by Kazan, who was erected by the throne Khan Safa-Hires from the dynasty hostile to Russia. After that, it was decided to move to active actions and eliminate the threat emanating from Kazan. "Starting from this point, the historian indicates," Moscow put forward a plan for the final yield of Kazan Khanate. "

Total Ivan IV headed three campaigns to Kazan.

First campaign (winter 1547/1548). The king came out of Moscow on December 20, because of the early thaw in 15 versts from Nizhny Novgorod under the ice on the Volga, siege artillery and part of the troops were gone. It was decided to return the king with the crossing back to Nizhny Novgorod, while the main governors with those who had to cross part of the troops reached Kazan, where they entered into battle with the Kazan army. As a result, the Kazan army retreated behind the walls of the Wooden Kremlin, the Russian army did not dare without siege artillery, and stood under the walls seven days, retreated. On March 7, 1548, the king returned to Moscow.

The second campaign (autumn 1549 - Spring 1550). In March 1549, Safa Garya suddenly died. Having accepted the Kazan Mace with a request for peace, Ivan IV refused to him, and began to collect the army. On November 24, he left Moscow to lead the army. Connecting in Nizhny Novgorod, the army moved to Kazan and February 14 was at its walls. Kazan was not taken; However, when the Russian troops is raised not far from Kazan, when the Sviyagi River is falling in the Volga, it was decided to put a fortress. March 25, the king returned to Moscow. In 1551, in just 4 weeks from carefully numbered components, the fortress was collected, called Sviyazhsky; She served as a reference point for Russian troops during the next hike.

Icon "Blessed Milit of the Heavenly King", written in memory of the Kazan campaign of 1552

The third campaign (June-October 1552) - ended with the Take of Kazan. A 150-thousand Russian army participated in the campaign, the armament included 150 guns. Kazan Kremlin was taken by storm. Han caller-Magmet was issued to Russian governors. The chronicler recorded: "For himself, the sovereign did not tell Imae either uniform Mednita (that is, neither a single penny), nor captivity, the Tokmo of the Unified Tsar callers, and the banners of the royal and the Grad's guns." I. I. Smirnov believes that "Kazan campaign of 1552 and the brilliant victory of Ivan IV over Kazan not only indicated the major foreign policy success of the Russian state, but also contributed to the strengthening of the king's foreign policy positions."

In the defeated Kazan, the king appointed Prince Alexander the Gorbatoy-Shuisky Kazan governor, and Prince Vasily was silver his companion.
After the establishment in Kazan, the bishop department, the king and the church cathedral on the lot were elected to her Hegumen Guria in San Archbishop. Guri received an indication of Kazan in Orthodoxy from the king solely at his own desire of each person, but "unfortunately, there were no such prudent measures everywhere: I took the intolerance of the century ...".

From the first steps to conquer and master the Volga region, the king began to invite to his service the entire Kazan to know who agreed to swear to him, sending "in all uluses to black people Yasanoy, humans dangerous to go to the sovereign not a fear of anything; And whoever rejuvenated, the God of Mustil; And their sovereign will comply, and they would have paid Yasaki, Yaksa and the former Kazan king. " Such a nature of politics not only did not require the preservation of the main military forces of the Russian state in the Kazan, but, on the contrary, I did the natural and appropriate challenging return of Ivan to the capital.

Immediately after the capture of Kazan, in January 1555, the ambassadors of Siberian Khan, the calm asked the king so that he "the Earth Sibirskaya took away from his name and from the parties all the way he interpreted (defended) and put his own on them and his man sent him to "

The conquest of Kazan was tremendous importance for folk life. Kazan Tatar Horde tied up under its power into one strong whole complex foreign world: Mordwo, Cheremis, Chuvash, Voyakov, Bashkir. Cheremsa for the Volga, on r. Unzhe and Wind, and Mordva behind the eye was detained by the colonization movement of Russia to the East; And the raids of the Tatars and other "language" on Russian settlements were terribly harmed them, the ruin of the farms and leading to the "full" of many Russian people. Kazan was a chronic ulcer of Moscow life, and therefore her taking was a folk celebration, a folk song. After taking Kazan, for only 20 years, she was turned into a large Russian city; At various points of the foreign trade, fortified cities were delivered as the support of the Russian power and the Russian settlement. The folk mass reached out, not medal, on the rich lands of the Volga region and in the forest areas of the Middle Urals. The huge space of valuable lands were various by the Moscow authorities and mastered by popular labor. This consisted of the "Kazan Take" value, which was sensitive to the people's mind. The lesson of the Lower Volga and Western Siberia was the natural consequence of the destruction of the barrier to which the Kazan kingdom was for Russian colonization.
- Platonov S. F. Full course of lectures in Russian history. Part 2

The conquest of Kazan was not the consequence of the personal popularity of the young king and there was no consequence of the aspirations of the Great, but not for everyone clear what, for example, was the desire to conquer the Baltic regions; The conquest of the Kazan kingdom was a feat of the necessary and sacred in the eyes of every Russian person ... (for) this feat was made for ... the worrying of Russian regions, to liberate the captives of Christian.
- Solovyov S.M. Russian history…

It should be noted that the history of Kazan hikes is often counted from the campaign that took place in 1545, which "wore a military demonstration and strengthened the position of the" Moscow Party "and other opponents of Khan Safa-Girea."

Astrakhan hiking

In early 1550s, Astrakhan Khanate was an ally of the Crimean Khan, controlling the lower flow of the Volga.
Until the final subordination of Astrakhan Khanate at Ivan IV, two campaigns were made:
The campaign of 1554 was committed under the command of the Governor Yu. I. Priorsky-Shemyakina. In the battle of the Black Island, the Russian army broke the head Astrakhan squad. Astrakhan is taken without a fight. As a result, Han Dervish Ali, who promised support for Moscow, was given to power.

The campaign of 1556 was connected with the fact that Han Dervish Ali moved to the side of the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire. The campaign was headed by Voevod N. Cheremisinov. At first, the Don Cossacks of Ataman L. Filimonov detachment defeated the Khan tska by Astrakhan, after which the Astrakhan was again taken again without a fight. As a result of this campaign, Astrakhan Khanate was subordinate to Moscow Rus.

Later, Crimean Khan Devlet I Gary took attempts to melt Astrakhan.

After the conquest of Astrakhan, the Russian influence began to stretch to the Caucasus. In 1559, Pyatigorsky and Cherkasy princes requested Ivan IV to send them a detachment to protect against the raids of the Crimean Tatars and priests to maintain faith; The king sent them two governors and priests who have updated the fallen ancient churches, and in Kabarda showed broad missionary activities, cross many in Orthodoxy.

In the 1550s, Siberian Han Coyager and big legs were dependent on the king.

Wars with Crimean Khanate

The troops of the Crimean Khanate arranged regular raids on the southern territories of Moscow Rus from the beginning of the XVI century (raids 1507, 1517, 1521). Their goal was the robbery of Russian cities and the prison of the population. In the reign of Ivan IV raids continued.

It is known about the campaigns of Crimean Khanate in 1536, 1537, undertaken together with Kazan Khanate, with military support for Turkey and Lithuania.
In 1541, Crimean Khan Sakhib I Gary made a campaign ended by the unsuccessful siege of Zagaisk. His army was stopped by the River Oka by Russian regiments under the command of D. F. Belsky.

In June 1552, Khan Devlet's Gury made a campaign to Tula.

In 1555, Devlet I Garya repeated a trip to the Moscow Rus, but, without reaching Tula, he hurked back, throwing all the extraction. During the departure, he entered the battle of the village of Suppiections with a Russian detachment given by him. The battle did not affect the result of his campaign.
The king lost to the demands of the opposition aristocracy about the campaign on the Crimea: "The men brave and courageous advised and stuck, and he moves himself (Ivan) with his head, with great troops at Perekopan Khan."

In 1558, the army of the Allied Moscow of the Polish Prince Dmitry Vishnevetsky wins over the Crimean army from Azov, and in 1559 the Moscow army under the command of D. F. Adashev made a campaign on the Crimea, raving the large Crimean port of Gözlev (now Evpatoria) and freed many Russian captives .

After the capture of Ivan the Terrible of the Kazan and Astrakhan Hangey, Devlet's Gary swore to return them. In 1563 and 1569, along with Turkish troops, he performs two unsuccessful campaigns to Astrakhan.
The hike of 1569 was much more serious than the previous ones - along with the land Turkish army and the Tatar Connection on the Don River, the Turkish fleet rose, and the construction of a shipping channel began between Volga and Don the Turks - the purpose of them to hold the Turkish fleet to the Caspian Sea for war against its traditional enemy - Persia. The ten-day Astrakhan siege without artillery and under the autumn rains ended with nothing, all the attacks of the garrison under the command of Prince Silver beat off. Also unsuccessfully ended and an attempt to break through the channel - the gateways systems Turkish engineers have not yet known. Devlet's Gury, not satisfied with the strengthening of Turkey in this region, also secretly interfered with the campaign.

After that, three more campaigns are performed in Moscow lands:
1570 - a ruin of Ryazan;
1571 - A trip to Moscow - ended with the burning of Moscow. As a result of the April Crimean-Tatar raider coordinated with the Polish king, the southern Russian lands were ruined, tens of thousands of people were killed, more than 150 thousand Russians were notified into slavery; With the exception of the Kremlin, the whole Moscow was burned. John a week before Khan switched to OKU, due to contradictory data of intelligence, left the army and went deep into the country to collect additional strengths; When informing the invasion, he moved from Serpukhov to Bronnitsy, from there to Alexander Slobod, and from Sloboda - to Rostov, as they did in such cases, Dmitry Donskoy and Vasily I Dmitrievich. The winner sent to him in charge of literacy:
All because of the Kazan and Astrakhan, and the only light wealth apply to the dust, hoping on the Majesty of God. I came to you, the city of your burned, wanted your head and head; But you did not come and did not mind us, but also praise, what is the Moscow sovereign! There would be a shame and dorotility in you, so you came against us and stood.

Ivan answered humble petition:
If you're angry for refusing to Kazan and Astrakhan, then we are Astrakhan want to give you

He came to the Tatar ambassadors in Sermyg, saying to them: "You see me, what am I? So de the king (khan) made me! All-de my kingdom paid and the treasury Fire, Dati dend me to me. Karamzin writes that the king handed the Devlet-Hire to his requirement of a certain noble Crimean captive, who accepted Orthodoxy in Russian captivity. However, Devlet-Garya was not satisfied by Astrakhan, demanding Kazan and 2000 rubles, and the next year the invasion repeated.

1572 - The last large campaign of the Crimean Khan into the reign of Ivan IV ended with the destruction of the Crimean-Turkish trocery. For the decisive defeat of the Russian state, a 120-thousand Crimean and Turkish Horde moved. However, in the battle of young people, the enemy was destroyed by the 60-thousand Russian army under the guilty of Voevod M. Vorotnsky and D. Twig, 5-10 thousand returned to the Crimea (see the Russian-Crimean War 1571-1572). The death of the selected Turkish army near Astrakhan in 1569 and the defeat of the Crimean Horde near Moscow in 1572 laid the limit of Turkish-Tatar expansion in Eastern Europe.

The winner at youngsters, Vorotynsky, the next year was accused of the intention of the king and died from torture, and during torture himself, the king himself was raised by his staff.

War with Sweden 1554-1557

The war was caused by the establishment of trade relations between Russia and Britain across the White Sea and the Northern Arctic Ocean, which strongly struck the economic interests of Sweden, who received considerable income from transit Russian-European trade (Forthen).

In April 1555, the Swedish flotilla of Admiral Jacob Bugga passed the Neva and landed the army in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nutty fortress. The siege of the fortress did not bring results, the Swedish army retreated.

In response, Russian troops invaded Swedish territory and on January 20, 1556, the Swedish detachment of the Swedish city of Kiwinbb was broken. Then there was a collision from Vyborg, after which this fortress was precipitated. Siege lasted 3 days, Vyborg resist.

As a result, in March 1557, a truce was signed in Novgorod for a period of 40 years (entered into force on January 1, 1558). The Russian-Swedish border was restored according to the old line, defined by another Nutritionary peace treaty from 1323, under the Treaty of Sweden returned all the prisoners of Russians together with the captured property, Russia returned the Swedish prisoners for redemption.

Livonian War

Causes of war

1553 year. Ivan Grozny takes Captain Censlore

In 1547, the king entrustes Saxon Shlude to bring artisans, artists, drugs, pharmacists, typographicers, people skillful in ancient and new languages, even theologists. However, after the protests of Livonia, the Senate of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck arrested Shlitte and his people (see the case of Schlitte).

In the spring of 1557, on the banks of Narva, the king Ivan puts the port: "The same year, July, the city from the German Ust-Narov-Rossen River by the Sea for the Sea Shipping River," of the same year, April, sent the king and the Grand Duke of the Prince Prince Dmitry Semenovich Shatunova Da Peter Petrovich Golovina Yes Ivan Khodkova for Ivangorod, but ordered at the Narone below Ivanhagorod at the mouth on the sea city to put for the ship's refuge ... ". However, the Hanseatic Union and Livonia do not miss European merchants to a new Russian port, and they continue to walk, as before, in Revel, Narva and Riga.

An essential importance in the choice of Ivan IV directions of hostilities was played by the Known Treaty on September 15, 1557 of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian and the Order, which created the threat to the establishment of Lithuanian power in Livonia.

The agreed position of Hanza and Livonia to prevent Moscow to independent maritime trade, leads the king of Ivan to the decision to start the struggle for a wide way out to the Baltic.

During the war, the Muslim regions of the Volga region began to supply the Russian troop "Multiple Treyday Magnaya", well prepared for the offensive.

The position of Russian spies on the territory of Lithuania and the Livonian Order of 1548-1551. Described Lithuanian publicist Mikhalon Litvin:
There are already a great many Moscow faders who are often emerging among us, [...] they secretly convey their plans to their plans [...] The Livonians are killed by these, although Moskvites did not occupy any of their lands, but they are always connected with them the eternal world and the contract [good ] Neighborhood. Moreover, who killed receives, besides the property of the killed certain amount of money from the government.
- Mikhalon Litvin. About the bushes of Tatars, Lithuanians and Moskvites

The beginning of hostilities. The defeat of the Livonian Order

In January 1558, Ivan IV began Livonian war for mastering the coast of the Baltic Sea. Initially, military actions developed successfully. Despite the raid on the South Russian lands of the 958 Crimean Horde in the winter, the Russian army led active offensive actions in the Baltic States, took Narva, Derpt, Neighles, Neigauses, defeated the Order of Truzen under Riga. In the spring and summer, 1558 Russians captured the entire eastern part of Estonia, and by the spring of 1559, the Army of the Livonian Order was finally crushed, and the Order himself actually ceased to exist. At the direction of Alexei Adashev, Russian governors adopted a deceit on the truce, emanating from Denmark, which lasted from March to November 1559 and began separating negotiations with the Livon city circles on the revolution of Livonia in exchange for some concessions in trade from German cities ... at this time of the land of the Order Transfer to the patronage of Poland, Lithuania, Sweden and Denmark.

The king understood that without a military fleet it is impossible to return the Russian Baltic lands, leading the war with Sweden, the speech of the associate and Hanseatic cities that had armed forces on the sea and dominated by Baltik. In the first months of the Livonian war, the sovereign is trying to create a caper fleet, with the involvement of Danesan, turning marine and river vessels to military ships. In the late 70s, John Vasilyevich in Vologda began to build his military fleet and tried to transfer him to the Baltic. Alas, a great plan was not destined to come true. But even this attempt caused a real hysterium at sea powers.
- N. Parfenyev. Governor of the land of Russian. Tsar John Vasilyevich Grozny and his military activities.

Entering the War of Poland and Lithuania

On August 31, 1559 Master of the Livonian Order Gothard Ketteler and the King of Poland and Lithuania Sigismund II entered into Wilne Agreement on the entry of Livonia under the Poland Program, which was supplemented by September 15 by the Military Assistance Treaty by Poland and Lithuania. This diplomatic action served as an important border during the development of the Livonian War: Russia's war with the Livonius turned into the struggle of Eastern European countries for Livonian inheritance.

In 1560, at the congress of the Imperial Deputies of Germany, Albert Mecklenburg reported: "Moscow tyrant is being taken to build a fleet on the Baltic Sea: in Narva, he turns shopping ships belonging to the city of Lukietic, in the military ships and transfers the management of them with Spanish, English and German commanders." The congress decided to turn to Moscow with a solemn embassy to bring Spain, Denmark and England, to offer the Eastern Power of the Eternal World and stop her conquest.

On the reaction of European countries, Professor of St. Petersburg University, historian Platonov S. F. writes:
The performance of Grozny in the struggle for the Baltic Pomorie ... struck the middle Europe. In Germany, "Muscovites" seemed to be a terrible enemy; The danger of their invasion was painted not only in the official relations of the authorities, but also in the extensive fly literature of leaflets and brochures. Measures were taken to prevent Muscovites to the sea, nor Europeans to Moscow and, separating Moscow with the centers of European culture, prevent its political strengthening. In this campaign against Moscow and the Grozny, a lot of unreliable about Moscow nravas and the despotism of the Terrible ...
- Platonov S. F. Lectures in Russian history ...

In January 1560, Grozny ordered the troops again to go to the offensive. The army under the command of the princes of Shui, Silver and Mstislavsky took the fortress of Marienburg (Aluksne). On August 30, the Russian Army under the command of Kurbsky took Fellin. An eyewitness wrote: "The oppressed Est rather agrees to comply with Russian than the German." Over all Estonia, the peasants rebelled against German barons. It was possible to quickly complete the war. However, the governors of the king did not go to the seizure of the roar and failed in the siege of Weisenstein. Alexey Adashev (Vohelvoy Big Regiment) was appointed in Fellin, but he, being a huge, miring in the local disputes with his governors who were standing above, got into opal, was soon taken into custody in Derpte and died there from the warmth (rumored that he was I was poisoned, Ivan the Terrible even sent one of the neighboring nobles to Derpta to investigate the circumstances of the death of Adashev). With this, the courtyard left and tumbled into the monastery Sylvester, and so far and their smaller approximate - the selected Rada was the end.

During the siege of Tarwast in 1561 Radziville convinced Voevod Kropotkin, Putyatina and Trusov to pass the city. When they returned from the captivity, about a year we sat in prison, and Grozny forgave them.

In 1562, due to the lack of infantry, Prince Kurbsky was defeated by Lithuanian troops under the brief. On August 7, a peace treaty was signed between Russia and the Denmark, according to which the king agreed with the annexation of the Islands of Ezel.

February 15, 1563 surrendered to the Polish-Lithuanian garrison of Polotsk. Here, on the orders of Grozny, he was recessed into the holes of the frum, the preacher of reforming ideas and the companion of Feodosia Kosovo. Skrynniknikov believes that the igumen of the Josepho-Volokolam Monastery Leonid supported the reprisal of Polotsk Jews. Also on the royal order of Tatars who took part in hostilities were killed by Bernardian monks in Polotsk. The religious element in conquering Ivan Grozny Polotsk also celebrates Khoroshevich.

"The prophecy of the Russian ward, the wonderworker of Peter Metropolitan, about the city of Moscow, which his hands will be charged to the shoulders of his enemies: God has dismissed, the city of Polotsk, I gave our hands," the king wrote to our hands, that "all the wheels, levers and actuators of the authorism of the government operated accurately and distinctly and justified the intentions of the organizers."

At the proposal of the German Emperor Ferdinand to conclude a union and unite efforts in the fight against the Turks, the king stated that he was fighting in Livonia in almost his own interests, against Lutheran. The king knew what place did the idea of \u200b\u200bCatholic counterreformation occupied in the politics of the Habsburgs. Speaking against Lutherov teaching, the Terrible threw a very sensitive string of Habsburg policy.

As soon as Lithuanian diplomats left Rus, the military actions resumed. On January 28, 1564, the Polotsk Army P. I. Shuisky, moving towards Minsk and Novogrudok, unexpectedly fell into the ambush and was headed by the troops of N. Radziville. Grozny immediately accused of betraying the Voevod M. Robnin and Y. Kashin (heroes of taking the Polto) and ordered them to kill them. Kurbsky in connection with this reinforced the king that he shed victorious, holy blood "the governor" in the churches of God. "

A few months later, in response to the accusations of the Kurbsky, Terrible, directly wrote about the perfect boyars crime.

In 1565, Augustus Saxon stated: "Russians are rapidly soldered the fleet, gaining skippers everywhere; When Muscovites will be enhanced in the naval, they will not be able to cope with them ... ".

In September 1568 was overthrown from the throne ally of King Eric XIV. Grozny could only disrupt anger about this diplomatic failure, arrested by the ambassadors sent by the new Swedish king Yuhan III by the announcement of the rupture of the contract of 1567, but it did not help to change the anti-Russian nature of the Swedish foreign policy. The Great Eastern Program put the purpose of seizing and inclusion in the Swedish kingdom not only those lands in the Baltic States, which were occupied by Russia, but also Karelia, and the Kola Peninsula.

In May 1570, the king signed a truce with the king of a sigismund for a period of three years, despite the huge number of mutual claims.

The proclamation of the King of the Livonian Kingdom was delivered to the Livonsk nobility, which was freedom of religion and a number of other privileges, and Livonian merchants, who received the right free duty-free trade in Russia, and instead of foreign merchants, artists and technicians in Moscow. On December 13, the Danish king Frederick concluded a union with the Swedes, as a result of which the Russian-Danish Union did not take place.
The main condition for the consent of its election to the Polish king, the king put the assignment to the Poland of Livonia in favor of Russia, and proposing to return Polotsk with suburbs to the Poles in the quality of compensation. But on November 20, 1572, Maximilian II concluded an agreement with Grozny, according to which all ethnic Polish lands (Great Poland, Mazovia, Favoria, Silesia) moved to the empire, and Moscow received the Livonia and the Lithuanian principality with all his possessions - that is, Belarus, weigly, Ukraine , so noble to know hurried with the election of the king and elected Heinrich Valua.

January 1, 1573 Russian troops under the command of Grozny took the fortress of Weisinstein, in this battle was killed.

January 23, 1577 The 50,000 Russian Army again took root into the siege, but it was not possible to take the fortress. In February 1578, Nunci Vichetius Laureo was alarming in Rome: "Muscovite divided his army into two parts: one is waiting for Riga, another under Vitebsk." In the same year, having lost in the siege of Venden guns, the king immediately ordered others, with the same names and signs even more against the same quantity. As a result, all the Livonia on Dvina, with the exception of two cities - Revel and Riga, was in the hands of Russians.

The king did not know that at the beginning of the summer offensive of 1577. The Duke of Magnus changed his suzerain, secretly by contacting his enemy - Stefan Battoore, and led negotiations about the separate world. This treason has become apparent only six months later, when Magnus, escaped from Livonia, finally moved to the side of the Commonwealth. In the army, the Batory many European mercenaries gathered; The Batorians hoped that the Russians would take His side against their tyrant, and for this, started a hiking printing house, in which the leaflets were printed ... Despite this, a numerical advantage, Magmet Pasha reminded the batatory: "The king takes a difficult matter; The power of Muscovites, and, with the exception of my Lord, there is no more powerful sovereign on Earth. "

In 1578, the Russian army under the command of Prince Dmitry Twigovinina took the city of Waralen, busy after the flight of King Magnus, a strong Swedish garrison.

In 1579, the Royal Racing of Vezesislav Lopatinsky brought the king from the Batory to a diploma with the declaration of war. Already in August, the Polish army surrounded Polotsk. The garrison was defended three weeks, and his brave was marked by the Batory itself. In the end, the fortress surrendered (August 30), and the garrison was released. Secretary of Stephen Batory Heidnestein writes about the prisoners:
"According to the establishments of their religion, they consider loyalty to the sovereign to such an extent obligatory, as the loyalty to God, they exalt the firmness of those who have kept their princes to the last breath, and they say that their souls, swaying with the body immediately move on the sky.
- Heidnestein R. Decree. cit.

Nevertheless, "Many Sagittarius and other Moscow people" moved to the side of the Batory and were set by them in the neighborhood of Grodno. Following the ranroom, moved to the Great Luki and took them.

At the same time, direct negotiations negotiations about peace with Poland were walking. Ivan Grozny offered to give Poland all the situation, with the exception of four cities. Bathers did not agree and demanded all the Livonian cities, to the principle of Sebezh and paying 400,000 Hungarian gold for military costs. It brought out terrible, and he answered with a sharp letter.

After that, in the summer of 1581, Stephen Batori invaded Russia deep into Russia and besieged Pskov, which, however, could not take. At the same time, the Swedes took the Narva, where the 7,000 Russians fell, then Ivangorod and Koporye. Ivan was forced to go to negotiations with Poland, hoping to conclude with her then the Union against Sweden. In the end, the king was forced to agree on the conditions under which the Livonian cities, who for the sovereign, king to give up, and Luke the Great and other cities that the king took, let him give away the sovereign "- that is, a distinguished almost quarter of a century war ended with recovery Status Quo Ante Bellum, thus being fruitless. The 10-year-old truce under these conditions was signed on January 15, 1582 in the Phalsk people

Even before the completion of negotiations in Jame-Zapolsky, the Russian government launched the preparation for the military campaign against the Swedes. The collection of troops continued throughout the second half of December and at the turn of 1581-82, when the main controversial issues between Russia and the respite of the compulcade were already settled, and the final decision was made to organize the campaign "on the Svoy Germans". The offensive began on February 7, 1582 under the command of the Voivpends M. P. Katirev-Rostovsky, and after the victory near the village of Lyalitsa, the situation in the Baltic States began to change noticeably in favor of Russia.

The prospect of the return of Russia of the lost access to the Baltic Sea caused great concern from the king and his environments. Bathers sent their representatives to Baron Degadi and to King Yuhan with an ultimative requirement to transfer Poles Narva and the rest of the land of Northern Estonia, and in return promised significant monetary compensation and assistance in the war with Russia.

Negotiations of official representatives of Russia and Sweden began to be very 1582 and completed in August 1583 by signing a two-year truce with the concession of the Swedes of Novgorod fortresses - Yama, Koporye and Ivangorod. By signing a truce for such a period, Russian politicians were calculated that with the beginning of the Polish-Swedish war they would be able to return the Novgorod suburbs captured by the Swedes and did not want to associate their hands.

In the division of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, two different epochs was concluded at the same time on the assessment of the personality and activities of Ivan the Terrible: it served as the main basis for the diminution of his historical role, to bring him among the greatest tyrants. Unfortunately, when analyzing this issue, most historians focused their attention on changes in the inner life of the Moscow state and little was considered with an international situation in which (it) was within ... the reign of Ivan IV. Sigor critics as it were forgot that the whole of the second half of the reign of Ivan the Terrible was held under the sign of a continuous war, and the most severe war, which ever led the Great Russian state.
- Vipper R. Yu. Ivan Grozny. - Mr.: Publisher of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1944. P. 55

During the reign of Ivan Grozny, trading relations with England were established.

In 1553, the expedition of the English navigator Richard Chenersler rented the Kola Peninsula, entered the White Sea and threw anchor to the west of the Nikolo-Korel monastery opposite the village of Nynoks, where they found that this terrain is not India, but Muscovy; The next parking lot of the expedition was near the walls of the monastery. Having received the news of the emergence of the British within its country, Ivan IV wished to meet with Chereser, who, overcoming about 1000 km, arrived with the honors to Moscow. Soon after this expedition in London, the Moscow Company was founded, which later received the monopoly trade rights from King Ivan. In the spring of 1556, the first Russian embassy headed by Osip Nedey was sent to England.

In 1567, through the plenipotentiary English ambassador, Anthony Jenkinson, Ivan Grozny led negotiations on marriage with the English Queen Elizabeth I, and in 1583 through the nobleman Fedor Pishemsky woven to the relative of Queen Mary Hastings.

In 1569 through his Ambassador Thomas Randolf Elizaveta I gave to understand the king, which is not going to interfere in the Baltic conflict. In response, the king wrote her that her sales representatives "about ours about state heads and about honor and about the income of Earth do not think, but they are looking for only their trade arrogans," and canceled all the privileges previously provided by the Moscow Trade Company created by the British. The next day after that day (September 5, 1569), Maria Temryukov, died. In the Cathedral sentence of 1572, it was written that she was "enemy maliciousness to be poisoned."

Cultural activity

"We are telling God, holy angel, and my soul is the pile of the body of Izimaši, and the flesh of strollers and the coffin of betrayers, molim, holy angel, my soul from the network of catching, Major."
Ivan IV, "Canon Angel Grozny"

Ivan IV entered the story not only as a conqueror. He was one of the most educated people of his time, possessed phenomenal memory, theological erudition. He is the author of numerous messages (including Kurbansky, Elizabeth I, Stephana Bator, Yuhan III, Vasily Dirty, Jan Khodkevich, Jan Rokita, Prince of Polibensky, in Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery), Persecution of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Canon Archangel Mikhail (Under the pseudonym of parfons is routine). Ivan IV was a good speaker.

By order of the king, a unique monument of literature was created - the facial chronicle arch.

The king contributed to the organization of typography in Moscow and the construction of the church of Vasily blissful on Red Square. According to the testimony of contemporaries Ivan IV was the "husband of a chusarian telling, in the science of book teaching and a multi-self-bearer". He loved to ride in the monasteries, was interested in the description of the life of the great kings of the past. It is assumed that Ivan inherited from the grandmother Sofia Paleologist the most valuable library of the seasons despotov, which included ancient Greek manuscripts; What he did to her is unknown: by one versions, the library of Ivan Grozny died in one of the Moscow fires, in others - was hidden by the king. In the 20th century, the search was made by individual enthusiasts, the library of Ivan Grozny in the dungeons in the dungeons became a plot that constantly attracts the attention of journalists.

Khan on the Moscow throne

Simeon Bekbulatovich

In 1575, at the request of John of Grozny, Biscures and Khan Kasimovsky Simeon Bekbulatovich Veden was on the kingdom, as the king "Grand Duke of All Russia", and John Grozny himself called Ivan Moscow, left the Kremlin and began to live on Petrovka. After 11 months, Simeon, retaining the title of the Grand Prince, went to Tver, where he was given a lot, and Ivan Vasilyevich again became referred to as the Grand Duke of All Russia.

In 1576, Stadan offered to Emperor Rudolf: "Your Roman-Cesar Majesty should appoint one of the brothers of your Majesty as a sovereign who would take this country and manage it ... Monasteries and churches must be closed, cities and villages should be the prey of military people. "

At the same time, with the direct support of the Nogai Murz Prince Urus, the excitement of Volzhsky Chelers flashed: the cavalry of up to 25,000 people, attacking the Astrakhan, devastated Belevskie, Kolomna and Alaki lands. In conditions of insufficient rebounding of the number of three royal regiments, the breakthrough of the Crimean Horde could lead to a very dangerous consequences for Russia. Obviously, wanting to avoid such a danger, the Russian government and decided to transfer troops, temporarily abandoning the onset of Sweden.

January 15, 1580 A church cathedral was convened in Moscow. Turning to the highest hierarchs, the king directly spoke, how hard his position: "Countless enemies rebelled to the Russian power," because he asks for help from the church.

In 1580, the king defeated the German slob. Frenchman Jacques Generget, who has lived in Russia for many years, writes: "Livonians who were captured and brought to Moscow, confessing Lutheran faith, having received two temples within the city of Moscow, sent publicly a service there; But in the end, because of their pride and vanity, the temples said ... were destroyed and all their homes were ruined. And, although in the winter they were expelled by nagi, and the mother gave birth, they could not blame anyone except for themselves, for ... they behaved so arrogant, their manners were so arrogant, and their clothes are so luxurious that they could all To adopt the princes and princesses ... The main barysh. They gave them the right to sell vodka, honey and other drinks, on what they are covered not 10%, and hundreds, which will seem incredible, but it is true. "

In 1581, Jesuit A. Possevin went to Russia, speaking as an intermediary between Ivan and Poland, and at the same time hoping to lean the Russian church on the Ulya with Catholic. His failure predicted Polish hetman Rasalsky: "He is ready to swear that the Grand Duke is located to him and in favor of the Latin faith will take him, and I am sure that these negotiations will end with the fact that the prince will hit him with a crutch and drive." M. V. Tolstoy writes in the "History of the Russian Church": "But the hopes of Pope and the efforts of the assevine were not crowned with success. John had all the natural flexibility of his mind, dexterity and prudence, whom Jesuit himself had to give justice, hesigned the harassment of the permission to build Latin Churches in Russia, rejected the disputes about the faith and connecting churches on the basis of the rules of the Florentine Cathedral and did not get involved in the dream promise of the acquisition of all The Empire of Byzantine, lost to the Greeks as if for the derogation from Rome. " The ambassador himself notes that "the Russian sovereign died stubbornly, leaving the conversation on this topic." Thus, the papal throne did not receive any privileges; The possibility of joining Moscow in the Lono of the Catholic Church remained as foggy, as before, and meanwhile the Pope Ambassador was to begin his intermediary role.

The conquest of Siberia Yermak Timofeevich and his Cossacks in 1583 and the captivity of the capital of Siberia - Soper - put the beginning of the circulation of the ongoing foremen in Orthodoxy: Yermak's troops were accompanied by two priests and hieromon.

"And such in the state of the year 49, and in total, except for 54 years. Putting in summer 7092 March on the 18th day. "
Mineya service. Palena.

The study of the remains of Ivan Groznya showed that in the last six years of life he developed osteophytes (salt sediments on the spine) and to such an extent that he could no longer walk - he was worn on her stretchers. The surveyed remains M. M. Gerasimov noted that he had not seen such powerful deposits and the deepest old people. Forced immobility, connecting with a general unhealthy lifestyle, nervous shocks, etc., led to the fact that in her 50 years old, the king looked already a stray old man.

In August 1582, A. Possevin in the report of Venetian Signoria stated that "the Moscow Summer is not long." In February and early March 1584, the king is still engaged in public affairs. By March 10, the first mention of the disease belongs (when the Lithuanian ambassador "in connection with the state ailment" was stopped on the way to Moscow). On March 16, a deterioration was made, the king fell into unconsciousness, however, on March 17 and 18 felt relief from hot baths. But after noon on March 18, the king died. The body of the sovereign swallowed and bad smelled "due to blood decomposition"
Vofliofi has retained the suicide order of Tsar Boris Godunov: "Ever the Grand Sovereign of the Movement of the Foreignness of the Body and the Blood of the Lord, then at the testimony of the confessor of his archimandrite Feodosiya, tears his eyes filling, verb Boris Feodorovich: I tell you the soul of my and the son of His Feodor Ivanovich And give your Irina ... ". Also before death, according to the annals, the king bequeathed to the younger son Dmitry Uglich with all the villages.
It was reliably to find out whether the death of the king was caused by natural reasons or was violent, difficult.

There were stubborn rumors about the violent death of the Terrible. The chronicler of the XVII century reported that "the king was given to the poison of near people." According to the testimony of Dejak Ivan Timofeyev, Boris Godunov and Bogdan Belsky "prematurely ceased the life of the king." Crown Hetman Zholkevsky also accused Godunov: "He deprived the life of the King Ivan, bribing the doctor who he treated Ivan, for it was such that if he had not warned him (not ahead), he himself would be executed with many other noble nobles" . Dutchman Isaac Mass wrote that Belsky put poison in the royal medicine. Gores also wrote about the secret plans of Godunov against the king and put forward the version of the king's suffocation, with whom V. I. Koretsky agreed: "Apparently, the king was given first poison, and then for loyalty, in a turmoil, rising after he suddenly fell , also invented. " Historian Valishevsky wrote: "Bogdan Belsky (CO) His advisers had an adviser to King Ivan Vasilyevich, and now the boyar wants to break and wants to find the kingdom of his advisor (Godunov) under King Fedor Ivanovich.

The version of the formation of Grozny was checked at the opening of the royal tombs in 1963: studies showed a normal content in the remains of arsenic and increased mercury content, which, however, was present in many drugs of the XVI century and which was treated by Syphilis, who was allegedly the king. The murder version was deemed not confirmed, but not refuted.

The character of the king on the reviews of contemporaries

Image of Ivan IV from Western Source

Ivan grew up in the situation of palace coups, the struggle for the authorities of the Boyars of Chuisian and Belskie. Therefore, it was the opinion that murders, intrigues and violence surrounded by him contributed to the development of suspicion, vigorously and cruelty. S. Solovyov. Analyzing the influence of the era of the Epoch on the character of Ivan IV notes that he "did not conscious of moral, spiritual means for establishing the truth and a dress or, even worse, well, forgot about them; Instead of a kidding, he strengthened the disease, taught even more to torture, fires and feet. "

However, in the era of the elected Rada King was characterized enthusiastic. One of the contemporaries writes about the 30-year-old Grozny: "The custom of John is to keep themselves pure before God. Both in the temple, and in the prayer of the secluded, and in the Board of Boyarsky, and among the people he has one feeling: "Yes, I miss the Most High pointed to rules my true anointing!" The court is unloaded, the safety of everyone and the common, the facility of the states entrusted to him, the celebration of Faith , Freedom of Christians is an everful thought of him. Burdened by affairs, he does not know other jits, except for conscience of peaceful, except for the pleasure of doing his duty; Does not want ordinary coolness of the royal ... Affectionable to the venels and people - Lyubovy, awarding everyone, in dignity - a generosity, eradicating poverty, and evil - an example of good, the innocent king who wants to hear the Glow of mercy on the day of the terrible trial: "You are the king of Truth!" "

"He is so inclined to anger that being in him, eats foam, as if horse, and comes as it were in madness; In such a state, he is also infused on counter. - writes Ambassador Daniel Prince from Boohova. - The cruelty, which he often performs on his own, has the beginning in nature, or at the lowestity (Malitia) of the subjects, I can not say.<…> When he at the table, the eldest son sits down his right hand. He himself gross morals; For it rests on the elbows on the table, and since it does not eat any plates, it eats food, taking her hands, and sometimes abdicated laid again back into the cup (in patinam). Before drinking or there is something from the proposed, he usually marks himself with a big cross and looks at the hungry of the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. "

Prince Katiew-Rostovsky gives Grozny the following famous characteristic:
King Ivan the way ridiculous, eyes having sulfur, nose is skewed and pound<длинный и загнутый>; age<ростом> Greats hairs, dry body having, the shoulders having a high, breasts are wide, the muscles of the tasty, the husband of Chusudny tranquility, in science of book teaching, is satisfied and a multi-self-bearer, to the militia is kept and for his fatherland is standing. On slaves his own, from God given to him, crucial velima, and for shedding blood for killing kept and inexorably; Many people from Mala and to Velika in the kingdom of their pursuit, and many hails are their empty, and many saint ranks are incubated and the death of a non-silicue of Pueby, and a lot of sodes over slaves with their, wives and maiden Blud Dexes. The same king Ivan a lot of blessing, the host of Loming and demanding them from the treasures of his own inaccessible. This is why King Ivan.
- N. V. Waterozov. History of ancient Russian literature

The historian Solovyov believes that it is necessary to consider the personality and character of the king in the context of his surroundings in his youth:
The word excuses of such a person will not utter the historian; He can only pronounce the word of regret, if, peeringly carefully in a terrible image, under the gloomy features of the torment, the sorrowful features of the victim; For here, as everywhere, the historian is obliged to indicate the connection of the phenomena: selfishness, contempt of a common good, the contempt of life and the honor of the neighbor sowed Shuisky with comrades - Grozny grew up.
- CM. Solovyov. History of Russia from ancient times.


Reconstruction of the appearance of Ivan IV according to the skull, made by Professor M. Gerasimov

Certificates of contemporaries about the appearance of Ivan the Terrible are very scarce. All its existing portraits, according to K. Valishevsky, have dubious authenticity. According to the reviews of contemporaries, he was dried, had a high height and a good physique. Ivan's eyes were blue with an insightful look, although in the second half of his reigning there is already a gloomy and sullen face. The king shaved his head, wore a big mustache and a thick reddish beard, which heavily went to the end of his reign.

The Venetian Ambassador Marco Fotorino writes about the appearance of the 27-year-old Ivan Vasilyevich: "Beautifully".

The German ambassador Daniel Prince, who was twice in Moscow at Ivan the Terrible, described the 46-year-old king: "He is very high growth. The body has full strength and rather thick, big eyes that he is constantly running and everything is observed in the most thorough way. His beard is redhead (RUFA), with a small shade of black, rather long and thick, but the hair on the head, like a large part of the Russians, shaves the razor. "

In 1963, the Tomb of Ivan Grozny was opened in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The king was buried in the closure of Schimonha. The remains found that the growth of Ivan the Terrible was about 179-180 centimeters. In recent years of life, its weight was 85-90 kg.

Soviet scientist M. M. Gerasimov used the technique developed by him to restore the appearance of Ivan the Terrible on the preserved skull and skeleton. According to the results of the study, it can be said that "By 54, the king was already an old man, his face was covered with deep wrinkles, under the eyes - huge bags. Clearly pronounced asymmetry (left eye, the clavicle and the blade were significantly more right), the heavily nose of the descendant of Paleologists, the squeamish-sensual mouth gave him an unavailable appearance. "

Tsar Ivan Grozny admires to Vasilis Melentievna. (S. Sedov, 1875)

Vasilisa Melentievna

Ivan Grozny and Son His Ivan on November 16, 1581 (I. Rupin, 1885)

On December 13, 1546, the 16-year-old Ivan was consulted with Metropolitan Makariya about his desire to marry. Immediately after the weddings took place in January, noble dignitaries, Ocolnichny and Dick began to go around the country, looking for the king of the bride. Looking brides was arranged. The choice of King fell on Anastasia, the daughter of the widow of Zakharian. At the same time, Karamzin says that the king was guided by no knowledge of the genus, but the personal advantages of Anastasia. The rite of wedding took place on February 13, 1547 in the temple of Our Lady.

The marriage of the king lasted 13 years, up to the sudden death of Anastasia in the summer of 1560. The death of his wife has greatly influenced the 30-year king, after this, the events of historians note the fracture in the nature of his rule.

A year after the death of his wife, the king joined the second marriage, having combined with Maria, originating from the genus of Kabardian princes.

The number of wives of Ivan the Terrible is definitely not established, historians mention the names of seven women who were considered wives Ivan IV. Of these, only the first four are "weddings", that is legitimate from the point of view of church law (for the fourth marriage prohibited by canons, Ivan was obtained a cathedral decision on its admissibility). At the same time, according to the 50th rule of Vasily, even the third marriage is already a violation of the canons: "There is no law on Troybrash; Therefore, the third marriage is not compiled by law. In such cases, they look like on uncleanness in the church, but in the nationwide condemnation of these are not exposed, as the best rather than dissolutely love. " The justification of the need for fourth marriage was the sustainable death of the third spouse of the king. Ivan IV swore the clergy that she did not have time to become his wife. The 3rd and 4th king's wives were also chosen according to the results of brides.

A possible explanation of the numerous marriages that is not peculiar to that time is the assumption of K. Valishevsky that John was a big fans of women, but at the same time he was a big pedant in compliance with religious rites and sought to possess a woman just like a legitimate husband.

In addition, the country needed an adequate heir.

On the other hand, according to John Gorsay, who knew him personally, "he himself boasts, he crushed a thousand virgins and the fact that thousands of his children were deprived of his life" According to V. B. Kobrina, this statement, although it contains a clear Exaggeration, brightly characterizes the depravity of the king. The Terrible Himself in spiritual literacy admitted both "forn" simply, and "Pultural Blutters" in particular

Opelness Name Years Life Wedding Date Children

1 Anastasia Romanovna, died during the life of her husband 1530/1532-1560 1547 Anna (died at 11 months old), Maria, Evdokia, Dmitry (died in infancy), Ivan and Fedor
2 Maria Temryukovna (Kutena) mind. 1569 1561 Son of Vasily (p. 2 / Art. Art. / March - † 6 / Art. Art. / May 1563. He was buried in the royal tomb of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.
3 Marfa Doggyna (died (poisoned) two weeks after the wedding) mind. 1571 1571 No
4 Anna Kolovskaya (forcibly tonsured in a nun under the name of Daria) (mind. 1626) 1572 No
5 Maria Dolgoruky (died for unknown reasons, for some sources killed (recessed) after the first marriage night Ivan) mind. 1573 1573 No
6 Anna Vasilchikova (forcibly tonsured in the nun, died for a violent death) (mind 1579) 1575
7 Vasilis Melentievna (referred to in sources as a "marry"; forcibly tonsured in the nun in 1577, according to legendary sources - Ivan killed) mind. 1580 1575 No
8 Maria nagging mind. 1612 1580 Dmitry Ivanovich (died in 1591 in Uglich)

Tsarevich Dimitri Ioannovich. Copy from "Titular" XVII century

The burial of four, legitimate for the church, the wives of Ivan Grozny were located until 1929 in the Voznesensky monastery, the traditional place of the burial of the Grand Prince and Russian Tsaritsa: "Next to the mother of the Terrible Four of his spouses."

Fedor I John, Parsuna

Dmitry Ivanovich (1552-1553), heir of his father during the deadly disease in 1553; In the same year, the baby accidentally dropped the borders during the loading of the ship, he fell into the river and drowned.
Ivan Ivanovich (1554-1581), according to one of the versions, who died during a quarrel with his father, for another version, died as a result of the disease on November 19. Married three times, no offspring left.
Fedor I Ioannovich, male children no
Tsarevich Dmitry, died in childhood

Results of the reign

The dispute about the results of the reign of the king Ivan Vasilyevich is already five centuries. He began during the life of Grozny. It should be noted that in the Soviet times, the representations of Ivan Grozny, dominant in the official historiography, were directly dependent on the current "general line of the party".

Karamzin describes the Terrible as a great and wise sovereign in the first half of the reign, a merciless tyrant in the second:
Between other serious experiences of fate, over the disasters of the specific system, over Iga Mughal, Russia was supposed to experience a thunderstorm of the amples-torch: he stood with love of autocracy, because she believed that God would send an ulcer and earthquake and tyrants; I did not preven the iron skip in the hands of John and twenty-four years demolished the destroyer, arming the only prayer and patience (...) In humility, the generosity, the sufferers died on the frontal place as the Greeks in thermopils for Fatherland, for faith and loyalty, without having thoughts about Bunte. In vain, some alien historians, apologizing to John, wrote about conspiracies, as if destroyed by it: these conspiracies existed the only intention of the king, in all evidence of our chronicles and states of state. The clergy, boyars, the citizens of the famous would not cause the beast from the Vertipod of Sloboda Aleksandrovskaya, if they plunged the betrayal, which absorbs them as ridiculous as a sorcerence. No, the tiger was drunk by the Blood of the Lamb - and the victims, frowning in innocence, demanded justice, a dying memoirs from contemporaries and offspring! .. ..

Ivan Grozny shows his treasures to the English ambassador Gore

When joining the throne, John inherited 2.8 million square meters. km, and as a result of his board, the territory of the state increased almost twice - to 5.4 million square meters. km - a little more than the rest of Europe. According to some reports, during the same time, the population of Russia decreased from about 9-10 million to 6-7 million people.
Assessing the results of the king's activities to create Russian artillery, J. Fletcher wrote in 1588:
It is believed that none of the Christian soverees have such a good artillery and such a reserve of shells as the Russian king, which partly serve as a confirmation of the Armory in Moscow, where they stand in a huge number of all kinds of guns, all the cast copper and very beautiful.
The same J. Fletcher pointed to strengthen the permissions of commoners, which had a negative impact on their motivation to work:
I often saw our own item (like that: fur, etc.), everyone looked around and looked at the doors, as people who are afraid that they do not overtake them and did not capture any enemy. When I asked them, for what they did it, I learned that they doubted whether there were any of the visitors of someone from the royal nobles or which son of Boyarsky, and so that they did not come with their accomplices and did not take them forcibly all product.

That is why the people (although generally capable of carrying any works) stands out of laziness and drunkenness, without worrying about anything else, except for day intake. The same happens that works inherent in Russia (as mentioned above, like that: wax, fat, skin, flax, hemp, and so on.), It is mined and exported abroad in an amount, much less against the previous one, for the people, being It is crammed and deprived of everything that acquires, loses all hunting to work.

Evaluating the results of the king to strengthen the autocracy and eradication of heresies, the German officer Stadan wrote:
Although the almighty God punished Russian land as hard and brutally, that no one would be able to describe, yet the current great prince achieved that throughout the Russian land, throughout his power - one faith, one weight, one measure! Only he is one rules! All that he orders, - everything is performed and everything that is forbidden - really remains banned. No one will reach him: neither spiritual nor laity.

For Russia, the time of the reign of Ivan the Terrible remained one of the most gloomy stripes of its history. The defeat of the Reformation Movement, the desire of Okrichnin, "Novgorod Trek" - here are some milestones of the bloody path of Grozny. However, we will be fair. Near the milestones of another path - the transformation of Russia into a huge power that included the land of Kazan and Astrakhan Khanni, Western Siberia from the Ice Ocean to the Caspian Sea, the reform of the country's management, strengthening the international prestige of Russia, the expansion of trade and cultural ties with European and Asia countries
- Zimin A. A., Khoroshevich A. L. Russia Times of Ivan Grozny. M., 1982. P. 151.

V. B. Kobrin extremely negatively assesses the results of Okrichnin:
Pisch books drawn up in the first decades after the Okrichnina, create the impression that the country has experienced a devastating enemy invasion. "Empty" lies not only more than half, but sometimes up to 90 percent of the Earth, sometimes for many years. Even in the Central Moskovsky district, only about 16 percent of Pashnya was processed. Frames are frequent "Pashnya-Frelog", which is already "rowed rustling", "forest-groves of pores" and even "Forest threw in a log, in a pole and in a helper": the brown forest managed to grow on a former Pashne. Many landowners broke so much that they threw their estates, where all the peasants were running out, and turned into beggars - "Magted Rooms."

From the point of view of N. I. Kostomarov, almost all the achievements during the reign of Ivan Grozny fall on the initial period of his rule, when the young king was not yet an independent figure and was under dense guardianship of the elected Rada. The subsequent period of Ivan's reign was marked by numerous external and domestic political failures. N. I. Kostomaraov also draws the attention of the reader to the content of the "spiritual will, compiled by Ivan Grozny about 1572, according to which the country was supposed to divide between the sons of the king for semi-independent diets. The historian claims that this path would lead to the actual collapse of a single state for a scheme well known in Russia.

Ivan Terrible about himself

Further from Adam and until this days of all premiums in the lawlessness of the sinless, sit for all hating ESM, Caino, the murder of Prel, Lameh like, the first killer, Isavi followed by a bad definition, Rouvima liked, desecrated by the Father's bed, inconsistencies and other a lot of fierce and anger. And so much in the wow of God and Tsar Passion, Az Razum is crushed by birth, and Scottle with the mind and progress, it is so much the head of the defense of the desire and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wisdom, the challenge of the murder, and fornication, and all the zlago delays, the language of impassment, and foul language, and anger, and rage, and the impotations of all kind of business, the exhaust and pecy of pride and the aspirations of the highly aggregate mind, the rover of the touch of overhairs, and the robbery is irrelevant, and the shortening, and the murders of the internal, the same thoughts with all sorts of bad things, cheerful, cheerful Parcelly Blutters, and the abstinence and hazing on any kind of evil, Nosu is the flow of fastest to any kind of evil, and squander, and the billing, and the robbery of irrepage of wealth, and other inconsistencies. (Spiritual diploma of Ivan Grozny, June-August 1572)

Tsar Ivan and Church

A rapprochement with the West in John IV could not be left without the foreigners who came to Russia did not talk with Russians and did not contribute to the prevailing spirit and debate in the west.

In the fall of 1553, the Cathedral was opened in the case of Matthew Bashkina and his accomplices. For heretics, a number of charges were presented: the denial of the Holy Cathedral Apostolic Church, the rejection of the worship of icons, denial of the strength of repentance, dismissive attitude to the decree of the Universal Councils, etc. The chronicle reports: "And the king and Metropolitan told him, excavating, to estimate He is Christian Himself is a confession, concealing the charm, Satanino Yerethehood, Mntyosh Bo madness from all-seeing eyes. "

The most significant relationship of the king with Metropolitan Makarius and his reforms, Metropolitan Philipp, Protopope Sylvester, as well as the cathedrals that took place at the time, were reflected in the activities of the Foreign Cathedral.

The question of canonization

At the end of the 20th century, some of the church and nearby circles discussed the issue of canonization of Grozny. This idea has met the categorical condemnation of church sacred and patriarch that indicated the historical failure of the rehabilitation of Grozny, on his crime to the church (murder of saints), as well as rejected statements about his folk reverence.

The XVI century is the era of Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584). Born on August 25, 1530. In the Resurrection Chronicles, under 1542, it was recorded that he blessed the Son of Ivan's son and handed him the Scepter of Great Rus, and his wife ordered to keep the state "under his son" to Mature. Another version - passed power to the Boyars to the adulthood of the Son, but Elena usurped the power (Pskov chronicles). Elena 25, Vasily III - 50 years. The woman did not transfer the board, Vasily never consulted with his wife (Skidniknikov). Semiboyarschina (prototype of early XVII century) - 11-12 Boyar for 12 years, at the head of Vasily III put his younger brother Prince Andrei Staritsky, human influential and wealthy, as well as Shui. The 3-year-old Ivan was crowned a few days after the death of his father. The boyars were afraid of the rebellion of the prince Yuri, who would have inherited Vasily, if there were no children. Yuri was thrown into the dungeon and worry hunger after 3 years. The transfer of power in the hands of guardians caused discontent of the Boyar Duma. In the Boyarskoy Duma in 1505, by the time of entry into the throne of Vasily III - 10 people: 5 Boyar and 5 okolnichih. Boyarskaya Duma has kept the meaning of the highest organ of the monarchy. She has all the levers of administrative and military management. In the XVI century The Duma was headed by a servant prince, and the composition was aristocratic.

The transfer of power in the hands of guardians caused discontent of the Boyar Duma. One of the main managers of the Duma was Prince Ivan Ozhena-telepnev-Obolensky, Favorit Elena Glinsky. For military merits, Vasily III complained to him Boyarsky Chin and made the keen - the eldest boyar of the Duma. On the burial of Vasily III Elena Glinsky went to the people accompanied by 3 guardians (V. Shuisky, Mikhail Glinsky, Mikhail Vorontsov) and sheepskin. Sister Sheepskin was the mother of Ivan IV. Guardians ruled less than a year. The first was eliminated by Mikhail Glinsky. With the help of Sheepin, Elena Glinsky weakened the guardian council, removing Mikhail Glinsky, and then M. Vorontsova and Prince Andrei Staritsky (signed a diploma to the loyalty to Elena Glinskaya, i.e. guardian functions were eliminated when he appeared in Moscow, he was imprisoned on him They put the "Iron Hat" and for half a year they worry). Mikhail Glinsky was downtown in prison. Vorontsova made the governor of Novgorod.

Old advisers Vasily III developed reform projects in the Duma. In local management, the duty to pursue the "Lidh people" is entrusted to the elected nobles - lipstone, i.e. District judges (lip - district). In M. Builded construction. The monetary reform was carried out. With the expansion of the turnover, you need more money, but the stock of the drag of metals. Therefore, falsification of a silver coin began. Fakes - sequel hands, lily tin in the throat, but did not help. With the Glinen authorities, he seized from the appeal to the old multiple coin and crossed it according to a single model. The main monetary unit was the silver Novgorod money, called a penny (the image of the rider with a spear), and on the old Moscow - the rider with a saber - a saber.

The Board of Helena Glinsky lasted less than 5 years. In the last year I had a lot of sick, often went on a manty. Elena Glinsky died in April 1538. Rumors of poisoning poison. Again the seven-bedroom guardians intensified. Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Shuisky (50 years old, married Anastasia, cousin Ivan IV) The representative of Aristocracy is married to those who have gained impact thanks to the personal location of Vasily III (Boyar Tuchkov, Yuriev, Duma Diaki). Six months after the death of Glinsky, the near Diaka Fedor Mishurina was executed. Tuchka sent to a link to the village. The associate of Vasily III, Metropolitan Daniel is lowled. But the old prince Vasily Shuisky died, and his younger brother Ivan had experience and authority. After removal, Vladimir returned with a numerous detachment, Metropolitan IOASAF was lowered (arrested in the presence of Ivan). After his death, the main among the Shuisi became Andrei, he was killed in 1543 as a result of Shui noticeably weakened. Ivan at this time is 13 years old. His younger brother Yuri deafonal from birth. Deliched with a furious temper: in 12 years, he dropped dogs and cats from the roof, and in 14 people, robbed the inhabitants on the streets. Andrei Shuisky killed by Psary by order of Ivan. 15 years of age, but showed himself only by opals and executions.

The beginning of an independent rule - accepted the title of king. Ivan III called himself the king of All Russia, but officially did not accept the title (used only in relations with the Livonian Order). Ivan corona January 16, 1547 Metropolitan Macarius laid on his head a monomach hat - a symbol of royal power. Legend: After a hike in Monomakh, his grandfather Emperor Konstantin (in fact, the dead) gave the grandson to Porphyra from his head to establish the world, and from Monomakh, the imperial regalia switched to Moscow kings. On February 2, 1547, a wedding with Anastasia took place.

With the majority of Ivan, Glinsky has reinforced again. The grandmother Tsar Anna with the children received extensive lands, Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich Glinsky (Uncle Ivan) became keen on the day of coronation.

In the spring and summer of 1547, fires began in Moscow, artisans and merchants were injured, Vinyli Glynsky. The omen - June 3 fell a large bell with a wooden bell tower of the Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin. June 21 Great Fire in the Kremlin, China City and other areas. On June 26, the uprising began, the Armed Citizens broke into the Kremlin and demanded to give Mlinsky to violence. From the Assumption Cathedral of Yuri Glinsky (Uncle Ivan IV) and scored stones. Glina yards looted. Ivan went to Vorobyevo village. But on the third day, the crowd moved to Vorobyevo to continue massacre with clay. Ivan IV "Surprise and Horrible." The boyars hardly convinced that the Glinsky is not in Vorobyev, and the crowd returned to the capital. Promised to remove from Mikhail Glinsky affairs. After the uprising from the Boyarskaya Duma, Glinsky was removed. On June 22, 1547, "Cathedral (or meetings) of reconciliation" of the Tsar and Muscovites (not even Zemsky was held.

At this time, the monarch shared power with aristocracy. "The king pointed out, and the boyars sentenced." Through the Boyarskaya Duma, it was known in the center and on the ground. The boyars were obtained in the feeding of the city and the counties (that is, they collected duties to themselves). Planterity - appointment is not on suitability and experience, but by the audience and position of the relatives.

Boyars In the XVI century The members of the Boyarskaya Duma were named, and earlier all major warders. The nobles were called to the middle of the XV century. Small administrative and judicial servants of princes. Then the word was not used to the 30s. XVI in. Nobles - those who come in Sovereign yard - Corporation of sovereign service people. Nourish notebook 1552-1562 Shows the composition of the "courts of the yard". He developed from the middle of the XV century, and the term nobles - from the middle of the XVI century. The bulk of servicing people was called children boyars (small markers, from the 1430s. Term), i.e. Nobles (on the local right they held the Earth) - the top of the serving people. Scene did not give nobles the opportunity to occupy the highest state posts and get into the Boyar Duma.

One of the troops of the king was Metropolitan Macarius, survived many boyars and was 20 years old under Ivan. Wedshned Ivan to the kingdom, the idea of \u200b\u200b"God-in-friendly" kings. At the initiative of Makaria, church reform was carried out. The spiritual cathedral was canonized by several dozen local worshi, declared "new miracles." It raised the significance of the National Church. Church leadership made a justification for the thesis of the Divine origin of the King power.

Favorites Rada Formed by the beginning of 1549 in fact, the government, the Tsar Council. She developed a reform program. Close to the king of Dyack Ivan, the temptish, the small Kostroma marker Alexei Adashev (served in the published order, where the arms were going to, then he went to the government order and became a state storage and got into the Boyar Duma). Adashev is known in essentialness, pulled out for a long time, put in the house of cripples and whores. The priest Sylvester (born in Novgorod in the family of the priest, served in the Kremlin Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, perhaps amounted to or edited by Domostroy - instructions for the Son of Anfim, and perhaps for the young king). After the Moscow Fire of 1547, on behalf of Ivan IV, Sylvester restored the murals of the Kremlin Councils. Fulfilled the role of the political adviser to Grozny. In 1550, Sylvester wrote a message to Ivan IV, where he was said about the responsibility of the king before God, argued the need for wise government, for the truthfulness and meekness of the sovereign itself (much in the spirit of Osiflyan). At the same time, in front of the Cathedral of 1551, he talked about the need to limit the monastery land tenure. In general, the idea of \u200b\u200ba political compromise between the king, nobility and aware, as well as between non-stoppers and Osiflans.

Ivan Semenovich Peresvetov Born in Lithuania, came to the service to Moscow, but many years spent in poverty. In two mentors, he substantiated a program for limiting the influence of the aristocracy. Peresvetov described as an ideal sample of the Ottoman Empire as an unlimited nobility monarchy. The Orthodox Greek kingdom died due to nobles, lazy rogues, but the kingdom of Magomet-Saltan flourishes due to its soldiers. Ideal is a military monarchy. He advised Ivan IV to choke a thunderstorm on the head of wine, to complain about ordinary warriors (that the royal generosity to the warriors, then his wisdom), to approve the unlimited power of the monarch. It was assumed that servicing people need to provide a salary, and funds from citizens with the introduction of solid prices in city markets. The first clearly expressed the idea that it was necessary to limit the political domination of the nobility, to introduce the nobility to state affairs. Against the Boyar Zasil. I advised the king to cancel local country.

IN 1549 G. The second church "Cathedral of Reconciliation" was held: Boyarskaya Duma, church leadership, governors, boyars children. Ivan came about the need for change, with threats against the boyars-feeders (he opposed children of boyars and serving people). There was a short time, but bright time discussing problems. It was decided to correct the lawsuit. The third similar cathedral passed a year before the stalling of 1551 on it, obviously, a new judiciary was adopted 1550 g.: The norms of Yuriev's Day are preserved, you can leave for two weeks. Special attention is paid to the system of central and local governance. The formation of orders is accelerated, the functions of serving ordinary bureaucracy are expanded, the arbitrariness of the vehicle governors in the field is somewhat limited. New judicial articles provided for the obligatory participation of elected Zemstvo authorities - the Old Town and the "best people" - in the vicarious court.

Stallor Cathedral 1551 Ivan IV spoke with "royal issues" containing an extensive program of transformation: economic issues - about domestic customs duties, social issues - location limit, universal land census, review of land tenure and feedings. The clergy gave an answer to 100 chapters. Forep discussed church life and "Zemstvo buildings". S.O. Schmidt believed that she was not an ordinary church cathedral, but not Zemsky, can be called church-Zemsky. In his opinion, meetings 1547, 1549 and 1550. You can call the cathedrals of reconciliation. Cathedrals of the middle of the XIV century. - The factor in the organization of the authorities of the centralized state, when the Council of the Sovereign from Princes and Boyar, as well as the highest clergy, has expanded at the expense of representatives of different lands, this is the infancy form of the Zemsky Councils.

Displays of the chosen thousand. Selected from nobility and nobility and endowed the estates near Moscow. Could be caused for responsible service orders. The organization of the Streetsky troops - 3 thousand Streetsky squad for the personal guard of the king. But the main combat force of the Russian army in the XVI century. There is a feudal militia from small nobles.

State and church. In the center of the country to 1/3 lands belonged to the church. Attempts to partial secularization of church estimates were noted. Extractors criticized the reforms of Macaria and did not believe in new wonderworkers. Ancient Artemy advised to limit the land wealth of the church. But secularization plans failed. Only in May 1551, a decree on the confiscation of all lands and land transmitted by the boyars of the Duma, bishops and monasteries after the death of Vasily III. The law banned the Church to acquire new lands without a report to the government. Due to this, the Land Fund was replenished, but the main land riches of the church were preserved. The church was taken away from the submitted privileges - "Tarkhanov".

The follower of the Nile of the Sorovsky was the Igumen Trinity-Sergius Monastery Artemy. He was raised at the request of Ivan IV, but caused dissatisfaction with the monks with his unusual politics. He left the monastery, but in 1553 he was brought to the church court, he was excommunicated from the church and exiled to the Solovetsky monastery, he fled to Lithuania, where he died. Preached monastic asceticism. It criticized the violence over heretics, believed that the sacred writing should be comprehended by reason and approach his assimios consciously.

Matvey Bashkin - The royal deque, the son of Boyarsky - in 1554 was convicted as a heretic. Views are known in the investigative matter. Out of the church, cursed and exiled into the Volokolamsky monastery. Rejected the official church, icon, against the superiority of spiritual power over secular. Against the transformation of free people in the boal hills. Let go of his hills to freedom.

Feodosij Kosovo. Fight from the helmet and kneaded on Belozero to the monks. In 1554, he was arrested for the spread of heresy, delivered to Moscow, but fled to Lithuania. Drew the main dogmas of Orthodoxy. Skito did not recognize the terrace of God, saw in Christ not God, and man. Rejected the church as an institution, iconing, rites, criticized the plot of priests. Refused to believe in wonders and prophecies. Preached the equality and fraternity of all people, condemned the war.

Conducted substantive Reform (see Economy). Uniformity of taxation. The "big coch" is introduced depending on the estate affiliation of the landowner. Protection (state) peasants paid housing at 500 quarters of "good land", church feudals - in 600, serviced landowners and the palace in 800. Thus, the secular landowners are provided with benefits compared to the church and especially with peasants. It was supposed to suspend the launch of the lands and the ruin of small-cell nobles.

Domestic reforms ceased to the 7-year period of the Kazan War. The dynastic crisis caused by Ivan's severe illness. From under Kazan Ivan hurried to Moscow, because His wife was waiting for a child - Tsarevich Dmitry was born. In the spring of 1553, Ivan was seriously ill, made in the heat, did not recognize close people. On March 11, 1553, the near boyars swore the baby Dmitry, on March 12, a total oath was appointed for members of the Boyarskaya Duma and metropolitan ranks. The relatives of Tsar Staritsky, Prince Vladimir and his mother, were preparing to seize power - Prince Vladimir and his mother, they even called the specific troops to Moscow and distributed them to them. Vladimir Faithful Ivan people banned access to the patient. On the day of the overall oath, Vladimir refused to swear a baby-nephew, but the remaining members of the Duma were already sworn. As a result, Vladimir and his mother Euphrosynia swore. Noble boyars sympathized with them, since in the event of the death of Ivan IV, during Dmitry, the Regent Council headed by the Brothers of the Queen of Anastasia Romanovna Boyars Zakhariani. The outcome of the dynastic crisis depended on the position of the church, Macarius did not intervene. Ivan IV recovered. Thanks to the intervention of the Sylvester, the supporter of Staritsky Boyarovsky, Rostovsky, did not execute, and pardoned and after punishment, Batogas were sent to prison on the White Lake.

From the beginning of the XVI century. Known orders - Central institutions, obeyed the Boyar Duma. After the war, the reforms of the governing bodies were completed, and a single ordered system took shape. Embassy, \u200b\u200bdischarge (military affairs and service of the nobles), the Land Property), Pushkarsky, Streletsky,

Yamskaya. Taxes are treated, the order of a big arrival. Robber (criminal offenses and the highest judicial instance). This group of orders acted throughout the state. The second group of orders - in the territories or discharges of the population - large (supply of the palace) and regional palaces (Novgorod, Tverskaya, Ryazan, Kazan, etc.), butter.

Boyarskaya Duma controlled the activities of orders, sent some roundabouts and boyars. With the formation of orders, it was finally determined as the highest body of state power. The servant bureaucracy was engaged in ordinary office work. There was no complete uniformity of the order system. In the middle of the XVI century. There were about 50 orders, by the end of the century 80. Orders were headed by boyars or nobles (judges). In the state of each order, the devices, fucked, scribes (20-50). In the 1560s. Boyarskaya Duma increased dramatically - up to 42-44 boyars and 16-18 okolnichih, and by the end of the government Ivan IV decreased to 12 boyars, 6 okolnichih and 7 duma nobles.

Changes in the central office touched local. In 1555-1556 Adopted "sentence" about feeding and service. According to cities and mosses, the headlights were sent, which participated in court cases, and the former defeats in favor of the feeder were replaced by a special interpretation of the "faded ooo", which went to the treasury. Local reform (cancellation of feedings) was not everywhere. The first were eliminated by large governorship in the center - Ryazan, Kostromskoye, etc. New feeding rates went after taking Kazan and first success in the Livonian War in 1558. Cancellation of feedings was stretched for years. Instead of canceling, feeding began to regulate the fastened fees. The restructuring of local government bodies quickly spent only in the north and in Pomorie, where few state peasants lived, and there was no feudal land tenure. The court and the collection of the filings, which the feeders were engaged earlier, moved to the "favorite heads" who made the population (diplomas 1555-1556). In the central counties, this reform transferred the supervision of local governments to high-headed and cities, whom the noblemen were elected. Now lifting eases, and not the governors-feeder tried in criminal matters. The activities of the Lamp Starost led the robbery in Moscow.

In 1556, a military service was transformation. The general view of the noble militia was held, during which serunen people and Noviki received local salaries, and not those who didn't seem to see their land possessions (widows, juvenile children of nobles, who ruined owners, part of the nobles). The authorities equated victims to the estates in relation to military service. And landowners, and warders had to serve mandatory military service and participate in the campaigns "equestrian, crowded and weight." From every 150 tenth of arable land, the landowner took the warrior in full service. The reform ordered the noble service and increased the combat capability of the army in front of the Livonian war.

Reforms of the 1550s. Strengthening centralized power and went towards the wishes of the nobility, but was compromised. The nobles were more often attended on the lengths of the Cathedrals gradually by the Zemski. The state acquired the features of a representative monarchy.

At the turn of the 60-70s. XVI in. In Russia there were three-year crustaceans and hunger, then the plague. The army suffered large losses from the Crimeans and in the war for the Baltic States. Because of the destroyed, the location of the local foundation began. Therefore, the local militia decreased: 1563 - 18105 children of Boyar, 1572 - 11974, 1604 - 13137.

The resignation of Alexei Adashev occurred during the Livonian War. In 1560, on the cathedral, he was deprived of military leadership, sent to submission to the governor Yuryeva Hilkov. His Kostroma and Pereslavl lands were confiscated. Sylvester retired on peace in Kirillov. The monastery did not hold him the king. In 1560, Queen Anastasia died, accused of witchcraft former rulers. Sylvester was transferred to the Solovki for the eternal imprisonment. Adasheva took in Yuryyev in custody, a month later died - ailment of fire, suicide? Ivan IV from humility switched to luxurious femors and fun. The persecution of Adashev and Sylvester's relatives began (a flash of terror), allegedly gathered to hand over the Lithuanians of Starodub.

After the resignation of Sylvester and Adashev, Ivan IV tried to revive father orders when things were solved in a circle of several trusted advisers. After the second marriage Ivan IV supplemented the will. In the event of his death, Ivan ordered to form in the heir of Tsarevich Ivan the Plekunsky Council. The king appointed 7 showpric. The boyars attacked by Regentic powers brought the oath to the faithfulness of the heir and made a special "recording" with a special "record" (preserved). The senior regent Ivan IV made the nephew of Prince Mstislavsky, not influential. Other boyars Danil Romanovich and Vasily Mikhailovich Yuryev-Zakhariah, Ivan Petrovich Yakovlev-Zaharin and Fyodor Ivanovich Smart-Kolychev, as well as Prince Andrei Telylevsky and Peter Gorensky, who did not have boyar ranks. Thus, mostly relatives of Anastasia, who were not popular with the nobility and young friends of the king. Not as in Vasily III. Attempts by Ivan IV to rule uniquely, without a advice with great boyars, with the help of relatives, there were dissatisfaction with aristocracy.

Zakharians tried to strengthen their influence on orders. Dyack Ivan Temkish became a state printer. Through it, the most important documentation was held, he kept royal printing. He began with the fact that he replaced the small seal of a large with symbols of autocracy - a double-headed eagle, on one side - in the midst of his man on horseback, to another - unicorn. The Government of Zakharynyh lasted until 1564, Danila Romanovich died at the end of the year, and new people came to power.

The power of Knyazhisko-Boyarskaya knew was based on Earth. Law OT January 15, 1562 on Princely Varyans, approved by the Boyarskaya Duma, forbade the princes to sell and change the generic victakes. Failure princely possessions that have previously rebounded by monasteries declared ownership of the treasury. The brothers and nephews of the deceased could inherit such land only with the permission of the king. Widow and daughters were issued compensation. All transactions on behavioles from 1533 to 1556 should be revised. But such a policy was electoral: against the Vorotnsky and the whole Sudal nobility (princes of Suzdal-Shui, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Starodubsk - in the Boyar Duma, their 17, in the sovereign yard 265), but did not touch the princes of Staritsky, Glina, Belsky and Mstislavsky.

In 1563, the king suspected (not without reason) in the treason of his cousin Prince Vladimir, established supervision of his family. Ivan IV ordered to confiscate the old principality. The fate of Staritsky should have decided to solve the highest clergy, not a Boyar Duma (family). Vladimir returned the principality, but under the control of the faithful terrible people. Aunt Euphrosin was touched into the nuns (Staritsa Evdokia), in the Resurrection Women's Monastery, it was founded. Comparatively mild punishment. In the chronicles made information about the conspiracy of Staritsky during the activities of the elected Rada. The death of Metropolitan Macaria (1563), who settled behind the Opt princes, untied the formidable hand. The new Metropolitan became the confessor of the king Andrei (he was torn under the name Athanasius in the miracle monastery). Alexey Basmanov-Plescheyev approached the king (Father Publishing in Vasily III), the military service, distinguished himself under Kazan, in the first days of the Livonian war was able to take Narva. He became the main adviser to Ivan the Terrible. Kourbi reproached the king for debauchery with Fedor Basmanov (Prince Fyodor Ovchinin for such hints was strangled with cops on the orders of Ivan the Terrible). Persecution to know. The first sacrifices of Sheremeteva, Ivan and Nikita are taken into custody. Ivan Sheremetev was a member of the elected glad, he selected property, torture, prison. Nikita was removed in prison. Zakhariahs could not prevent reprisals with relatives.

At the beginning of 1564, having learned about the failures of the army in Lithuania, Ivan Grozny ordered the execution of the princes of Repnin and Kashin, distinguished by Polotsk. Prince Kurbsky was especially indignant in the fact that they were executed during prayer. After the capture of Polotsk, the attitude of Grozny with Kurbsky was spoiled. He did not receive honors, and sent to the fortress of Yuryev as a governor of Livonia. In a year April 30, 1564 He fled to Lithuania. In Yuryev, his wife, property, books remained. From M. Friends warned him about the upcoming opal. Before shooting, secret negotiations with Lithuanians and the Polish king were led. Kurbsky (ideologue of the Boyars) protested against the infringement of privileges for the nobility and transfer to the management of orders. Kurbsky accused Grozny in the extermination of the Suzdal nobility and the looting of her wealth. Kurbsky issued Livonian supporters of M., with whom negotiations led, and called the names of Moscow agents at the Royal Yard. Many have fled to Lithuania, dissatisfied with the king (political emigration). Probably, after leaving Kurbsky was robbed by the Germans and Lithuanians (selected gold, foxes with a hat and horses).

After flight to Lithuania, Prince Andrei Kurbsky in May 1564 wrote a message to the king. On July 5, Ivan the Terrible wrote him the answer. He wrote that God himself gave the ancestors of Prince to work to the Moscow sovereigns who were free to execute and prevent their subjects - the Halds. I reproached in the boyars treks: the boyars with Sylvester and Adanes wanted to destroy the heir to Tsarevich Dmitry and transfer the throne to the prince Vladimir. Not a boyars, but a monarch whose power is approved by God. Grozny led arguments in favor of repression and persecution against nobility. Kurbsky soon received rich estates from the king and stopped the controversy with Grozny. He participated in the invasion of Lithuanians in Russian lands, defeated the Russian building. In Moscow, the servant of Kurbsky Vasily Shibanov was executed (through him Kurbsky wanted to pass the messages, they caught on the way and brought in chairs), and the corpse was exposed to intimidation. Boyaro Morozova was sharpened in prison only for tolding his people to bury the body. Gorensky, appointed to the Regentic Council, tried to escape abroad, hung him in Moscow.

The king lost the support of a significant part of the boyars and church leadership, he could not manage the country with ordinary methods. The support of the nobles could be obtained by expanding their privileges and rights. But Grozny chose another path. A special corpus of noble security was created, members who used many privileges to the detriment of the rest of the serving class. Terror has become a way to resolve contradictions. Unusual way, because No support for boyars and church leadership. Ivan announced the renunciation of the throne. I am in the Kremlin the most revered icons and state treasury. December 3, 1564 left with his family. Metropolitan, boyars, etc. remained in Moscow. In early January, Alexandrovsk Slobodov informed that he left the state and decided to settle where God would put. Obviously, Ivan experienced a deep nervous shock, almost all her hair fell out (believed in the divinity of his power). From the Slobody sent a letter to the Boyar Duma and Citizens. The Duma announced the Opal, the crowd of renunciation of the king, as if opal is just knowing, the dualists-boyar. Representatives of merchants and citizens said they would remain true to the old oath, will ask the Tsar defenders, ready to destroy the traitors themselves. S.O. Schmidt believes that the foreman has occurred the Zemsky Cathedral with the participation of landing people. Boyarskaya Duma is forced to contact the king with a petition for return. Ivan IV nominates new accusations against the boyars: they were waiting for his wife, wanted to deprive him of legal rights, etc. The king demanded emergency powers to fight plot. During the month, a verdict was preparing for an oprichnin. In mid-February, the king returned to Moscow. February 1565 - autumn 1572. - Oprichnina.

In the literature there is no consensus relative to the origin, goals and character of the original. This is: 1) a policy aimed at the centralization of power, the elimination of the residues of feudal fragmentation; 2) the device created for this policy; 3) Territory, sovereign courtyards. Ivan stated that she intends to establish an oprichnin with the courtyard, army and territory. It is right without a council with the Boyar Duma to impose opals, execute the boyars and select their property. Moscow State (Zemstnia) in the management of the Boyar Duma. For Officials, a special boyars of the Duma (formally the head of the brother of Tsaritsa Mikhail Cherkasy, but in fact Plescheyev - Alexey and Fyodor Basmanov, Vyazemsky, Zaitsev, Village).

The Ochrichnin includes part of Moscow, major palace volosts (for supplying products), the northern treasures (Vologda, Ustyug, Dvina) with rich trading cities, the centers of the salt industry (the old Russ, Kargopol, Galitskaya, Vych Stretch) - Salt Monopoly. Supported by Suzdal, Mozhaisky, Vyazemsky and other small treasures were taken to Okrichnina. In the Ochrichnina, the honey nobles not related to the boyars took place. The archer from doubtful nobles should have struggled with aristocracy. Ochrichnikov was forbidden to communicate with the land. Worn black clothes from coarse cloth. To the belt of a quiver with arrows wore a semblance of brooms. Officon Thousands created as a privileged personal king guards. To ensure the ledge of the earth, it was confiscated from landowners who were not accepted on the oprichny service.

In the methods of oprichnina is largely meaningless. He led to the rampant terror, which in the end, collapsed on the Ochrichnikov himself. Oprichnina hit the Boyar Duma. In the first days of Officials, along with the 15-year-old Son, Prince A. B. Gorbatoy-Suzdal, the hero of the capture of Kazan. All the fault is that he was not afraid to move the king. Prince S.V. Prince was executed. Rostovsky, many princes Rostov, Yaroslavl, Starodubsk sent to a link to the eastern outskirts of the state. Rostov's executed soon, and they brought the head to Moscow. The son of Kourbsky, who fled to Lithuania, was diminished in prison, and the Earth was unsubscribed in the treasury. Optial prince was selected their victobs. Many were exiled to Kazan. About 180 people are subject to Kazan brazing books. 2/3 of them had a princely title. The property was not allowed to take with them the property, on the way there was a reference to the link. The link was accompanied by confiscation of property. In the Yaroslavl district, the land of relatives of the Kourbi Princes of the Eashadles are taken - they are the richest branch of the Yaroslavl house. The princes of Sitsky, relatives of Queen Anastasia are also evicted. About 40 kourbo families were evicted. Many confiscated lands were outside the ovary borders. Public executions arranged five, but the oprichny army should suppress the dissatisfaction of landowners in confiscations.

But after a year after the administration of Officials in the spring of 1566, Ivan IV announced a "forgiveness" of the Oplia Prince. Most of them have received permission to return to Moscow, where they referred to their former lands, or compensated for them in other counties. The prince Mikhail Vorotinsky returned from the link and the old victorcia returned to him - the specific principality with the cities of Odoye and Novosil. Most returned from the Kazan reference, except the most influential. But compensation only in part could reimburse the aristocracy inflicted damage. Lands, at least approximately equal princely lacked. Therefore, many have received their former victobs, but launched. The political role of the Suzdal nobility after the Okrichnina fell, so the anti-luminous orientation of the oprichnina decreased. If in the yard list 1552-1562 The number of Suzdal princes was 265 people, then on the list of 1588/879 - 88. The strongest blow to the Suzdal nobility. Suzdal princes were sitting in the territory of their former principalities and continued to own land. Unlike the few specific princes of predominantly Lithuanian origin, the rootic Suzdal to know the durable connections with the nobility. The political claims of Suzdal nobility scared Ivan IV, and it was she who became the main object of persecutions when Grozny tried to strengthen his unlimited power. The first dick repressions had an anti-joine orientation. No amnesty and partial return of generic lands with obsolete princes could eliminate the consequences of Okrichnina.

The weakening of the prince's nobility put forward a lower layer of boyars - Staromoskovskoy Boyarsky families of chelyants, buturlin, zakharia, frost, Plescheyev. They had large defendants in the old Moscow counties. They led the land after the institution of Okrichnina. Staromoshkovskoye dish and the tops of the nobility were the most mass support of the monarchy. When their dissatisfaction of the Okrichniki began to rise, from the limited repression of ryrichniki switched to a mass terror. The opposition supported the clergy.

On May 19, 1566, the Metropolitan of Athanasius in the absence of the king folded San and retired in the miracles of the monastery. The next Metropolitan was the igumen of the Solovetsky Monastery Philip (Fyodor Stepanovich Kolychev). He took place from a noble Staromoshkovsky kind, but his cousin was his cousin.

Oprichnina influenced the local system. In the middle of the XVI century. On each Novgorod estate accounted for 20-25 yards, and after a hundred years only b. Small landowners among Novgorod were about 85%, i.e. There was a process of crushing the estate.

Zemsky Cathedral 1566: 205 representatives of the nobility and nobles, 43 of the Deca and Podochi. They were not elected, but appointed the government. Basically know, the average nobility is 160-170 people, almost no. The goal of the government is to achieve from the land at the consent of the agreement on the introduction of new taxes to justify military spending. For the first time, the top of the merchants was invited to the Cathedral - 1/5 of the Cathedral. Thus, it was not just a government meeting with officials.

In 1566, more than 300 noble land (perhaps the participants of the Zemstvo Cathedral, mostly nobles and even the boyars) were requested before the king on the abolition of Okrichnin. Obviously, they counted on the compromise - agreed to the introduction of taxes and asked about the abolition of Okrichnina. The jubiors were put in prison, they released the sixth day. 50 instigators were beaten with sticks on the trading area, several languages \u200b\u200bwere cut, three were beheaded (Prince Prince, Karamyshev, Bundov - participants of the Zemstvo Cathedral).

After the opposition is speech, Ivan Grozny took the Kostroma County to Okromnina, and 2/3 of local nobles fell into ryrichniki (from 1 to 1.5 thousand the number immediately). Rumors about the conspiracy in the land scared the king. He was going to go to the monks, thought about his departure with his family abroad to England. Dissatisfied boyars the best applicant for the throne believed Brother King, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, and not the 13-year-old Son of Grozny. Vladimir Donons King, and according to his order, he asked the stable Boyharin Chelyantin to draw up lists of trusted persons - 30 people. The 3-year period of terror began, even the chroniclel in M. stopped. Therefore, few reliable news. The point of conspiracy Vladimir Andreevich went to 1567-1570 gg (Terror period), 3200 people were executed on it. On March 22, 1568, Metropolitan Filipp requested to cancel the Okrichnin in the Assumption Cathedral in the crowd of the people. The king did not receive blessings from him. The king strengthened terror. The victims of the keen Chelyutnin rose Maluta Skuratov, the king himself participated in Bezhetsky to the top near Tver. The pogrom was walking from March to July 1568. With the defeat of Votchin, the Boyar servants and the chores. September 11, 1568, together with the senior boyar Duma, 150 nobles and ordinar people were executed than their servants and holsters. Some of the princes returning from the Kazan link were killed. The convicts were tried in absentia, killed at home or on the street, left a brief note about the crimes of "conspirators". In the presence of the Boyarskaya Duma and the highest clergy condemned the recurrent Philip. During the service in the Assumption Cathedral, the Ochrichnikov burst, rushed from Philip Klobuk and took into the Epiphany Monastery. They should have burned down the charges, but the Terrible replaced the penalty eternal imprisonment in the monastery prison. Due to discord with the Metropolitan, Grozny moved to the Alexander Slobod. Transmitted large sums in Kirillov Monastery (as possible shelter) and built a fortress in Vologda.

Situation is complex. War eases, in 1568 and 1569. Died harvest. By 1570, the price of bread rose 5-10 times. In Novgorod, cannibalism in the days of an educational puff. In Tver from hunger, three times more people died than from the pogrom. From the autumn 1570 epidemic of plague from the west in 28 cities. In Moscow, 600-1000 people died a day. In the fall in Novgorod, 10 thousand MIRs were buried during the year.

Military outposts on the roads so that they did not leave from the affected places (burned on the fires along with the property). In the cities of the Guardian, the plague courtyards with dead and alive were tightly. The consequences of oprichny pogroms are incomparable with the severe effects of natural disasters. But the war and Okrichnina aggravated the situation.

In 1569, the tetherin traitor, changing the scram), ordered the guard of the Izbor to open the gate. After the liberation of the city, the Izborschie, the hellly was announced by the traitors and executed. The execution of Dyakov in the Russian Livonia nearest to Islaska. Suspended in the treason also the ordinal administration of Pskov and Novgorod. 500 families were evicted from Pskov. From Novgorod - 150 (2-3 thousand people). If Ivan III evisted the tops, then Ivan IV is the lower layers.

In a difficult situation, a fabricated version of the attempt by Vladimir Andreevich to the life of the king. He was sent to Nizhny Novgorod after the execution of Chelyanthnina. Allegedly a cook, who went to N. Novgorod for Belorybits, brought poison for the king. The Euphrosyne Aunt is taken from the Goriysky Monastery, and while she was taken along the Sheksna River in the settlement, poisoned with carbon monoxide. Vladimir forced to drink a cup with poison. The second wife (cousin's cousin) and a 9-year-old daughter poisoned. Children from the first wife are left alive - Vasily and two daughters. Then Ivan IV returned the father's father's nephew.

In December 1569, the Okrich Duma decided to campaign to Novgorod. Version - Peter Volynets composed a false letter about the treason of Novgorod, the king believed that they would like to go to the side of the Poles. The king announced the "great treason" of Novgorod. On January 8, 1570, the king arrived in the city. He was encountered by the clergy with crosses and icons, but the king called Archbishop to the traitor and refused to take a blessing from him. Arrests, torture, execution began. Some merchants killed, 200 nobles and 100 members of their families, 45 devices and orders and the same members of their families. The treasures of the Sofia Monastery took the treasure. Ochrichniki began smashed Posad. The beggars were kicked out for the gate, and many died from cold and hunger. The treasury was replenished and stroke the population. About 2-3 thousand people died in Novgorod.

After the defeat of Novgorod moved to Pskov. Residents met bread-salt. Special blow against the clergy. Pechora igumen cut off his head, robbed churches, taken into the Slobod of the bell. The pogrom stopped after the prophecies of the Yurodya Nikola, who filed the king to leave the city to avoid a great misfortune. Less victims than in Novgorod, because many families are universe. 220 people from these resettles were killed under Tversule and Torzhok. As a result, trading with the West was undermined for many years.

Pogrom Novgorod strengthened the contradiction between the king and the top of the earth. Ivan Viscovani talked with the king (head of the Embassy Order, he already executed his brother) to stop bloodshed. Team and some other devils are arrested. July 25, 1570 they were executed. Of the 300 people 180 were released on the market square. Ivan the viscous was cut into parts, the State Treasurer Nikitu Fugenov was hosted alive in boiling water. The main devils of the Moscow Zemstvo orders, Boyar, Archbishop of Pimen, more than 100 Novgorod residents are executed. Following this, KazNenes (allegedly for contact with Pimen) Alexey Basmanov and his younger son Peter (senior Fedor did not touch, but to prove devotion, his father's personally stabbed), Ophlin-Shtcheyev, and others. Fedor Basmanov was sent to the exile to the White Lake, there and died. Vyazemsky (Okrichy Distripping) was referred to the city on the Volga and worry in prison. All Officon Duma is crushed (the intrigues of the Malyuts Skuratov and Vasily dirty - put forward in the Novgorod pogrom). Skuratov contributed to the marriage of Grozny with Martha Dog, to breed with the king. His daughters are married to Glinsky, Boris Godunov and Prince Shuisky.

Submitting those who created an oprichnin, the king ordered the complaints of the Zemskie complaints about crimes of crimes. The king got rid of old advisers and boyars. In 1572 it was even forbidden to mention the name of the Okrichnina. Oprichnina struck the economy and culture. Particularly injured city. The registration of autocratic orders was accelerated.

After three years, on August 2, 1575, the first post-off government was executed: Prince Boris Toulupov (from the king's squire), Vasily Smart-Kolychev (Socratov's successor). In 1575, Ivan the Terrible redefined the crown and put on the throne of the servant of Tatar Khan Simeon Bekbulatovich. Not influencing, performed all that ordered. About a year, Han stayed on the throne. He sent with honor to the Grand Diction in Tver, then his Terrible. Again the execution (former ghosts and Zemsky Boyar - Prince Kurakin, Boyarin Bourinlin, etc.) and the new edition of Okrichnina (under the guise of "lots"), Ivan Grozny took the Rostov, Pskov, Dmitrov, Staritz, Zubzov, Rzhev. The specific arrest was arrested in the land. The pogroms did not repeat, was completed by the defeat of the Boyarsky Circle, which managed Omitnina at the end of its existence. Hounded Nagi, Velsky, Godunov. In connection with failures in the Livonian war, the governor accused of treason (for the surrender of Polotsk).

After that, Ivan Grozny began persecution on his son Ivan. In 1578, the king fell ill and when he recovered, began to treat his son with distrust, since Tsarevich was popular. The first wives of Tsarevich Evdokia Saburov and Petrov-Nevlow (although Ivan Grozny chose himself) sharpened to the monastery, the third Elena Sheremetev beat to the miscarriage (found in one shirt, and no less than three). When Ivan tried to protect his wife, Grozny wounded him with a staff in his head at the temple, Tsarevich died from the wound. Version of the British Jerome Gorsay that Grozny in rage hit his son with a rod in the ear so that he got sick with hot and died on the third day. From the letters of Grozny Boyars it follows that the quarrel occurred on November 9, 1581, and Ivan died after 11 days (because of his own cruelty, the king ruined and the son and heir). Ivan Grozny ordered him to remember him "on weeks." He decided to posthumously forgive all the boyars executed by his order. Lists of killed by crochets were sent to the monasteries with money.

Fedor became the heir to the throne. Ivan asked Boyar to think who is still suitable for the throne, but everyone remembered the results of his two renunciations and asked the king not to remove into the monastery, and there was no one in the sovereigns. Under the last testament, I appointed four regent under Fedor - Uncle Tsarevich, Boyarin Yuryev, Head of the Duma Prince Mstislavsky, Boyarin Prince P.P. Shuisky, gunboy Bogdan Velsky (baby nephew). Boris Godunova did not include, as Fedor was going to breed with Irina (no children). On March 19, 1584, King Ivan Grozny died for playing chess. There is a version that the king was poisoned by Bogdan Velsky and Boris Godunov - with his pets.

Killed the Board of Ivan the Terrible from the executions to 4 thousand people (R.G. Skrynnikov). The population decline acted across the country and reducing passengers. By 1584, 5/6 pashni was not session in the Moscow district. In the Novgorod land, 1/13 of arable land was treated. The norms of Yuriev's Day ceased to be observed, reserved summer, the only regulator was the violence. Taxes did not significantly change in the second half of the reign of Ivan, but the launch, the shoots of the peasants. In economic relations (except for the southwestern and southeastern counties) the country is ruined. External and domestic trade decreased.

Family life of Ivan the Terrible

Marriages in the royal family are a matter of political and religious nature. Ivan decided to follow the example of the father, and the boyars and the roundabouts went through the country to watch the brides from 12 years and older. For the rustle of the bride, the nobles threatened opal and execution. Boyar, without waiting for brides from the province, brought their relatives. The king was sucking Anastasia, the daughter of the Roman Noman Yurevich Zaharin. Her uncle was a bastard of young Ivan. Glinsky did not consider zakharia dangerous rivals. Marriage lasted 13 years, 6 children - Anna and Maria died to a year, the third child was Dmitry. At 6 months, he was lucky on a mantis in Kirillov Monastery, on the way back he died due to the accident. When the stroke sticks to the shore, turned over, and the child died. On March 28, 1554, Zarevich Ivan was born, after 2 years the daughter of Evdokia was born, she lived less than three years. On May 31, 1557, the Third Son Fedor (painful) was born. Anastasia did not live up to 30 years, she was buried in the Resurrection Monastery in Moscow.

The second wife was brought from Kabarda - Princess Kuchny, Daughter Prince Temir. In Orthodoxy, the name Mary Temryukovna Cherkasskaya took the name. The son of Vasily from this marriage died baby. I went with my husband to Vologda, got sick and died in the Alexandrovsk Sloboda. In 1570, Ivan arranged a new look of 1,500 noble brides. The 40-year-old Ivan on the advice of Malutes Skuratov chose Martar a dog, but she died, even without becoming after the wedding, Ivan's wife actually (by the way, he did not turn to Tlena in Fobile). After a few months they played a wedding with Anna Kolovskaya, after a year she was exiled to the monastery, and at the same time the land took place at her high relatives.

After the death of Skuratov, Vasily Smart-Kolychev approached the king. Ivan Grozny married Anna Vasilchikov Oh. On the third day after the execution of the intelligent king, Soslava's wife in the monastery. The Sixth Women of the Tsar became the widow of Vasilis Melentyev. Children of an unknown Deca Melecet Ivanova (died during the period of Okrichnina) Fedor and Marya received 1.5 thousand tents of Pashny, forests and meadows. The marriage with the unvilitory was not associated with dynastic considerations (the beard of Svarna and Krasnaya), but quickly died. The sixth marriage period was the most successful in the life of the king.

In 1581, the king of the Tsar Nagya sues his niece to the king. The seventh marriage was concluded in violation of church rules, many considered him illegal. In 1582, the son of Dmitry was born. Ivan was going to change this wife to the Englishman to strengthen ties with England and get help of her fleet at the Baltic: Washed to the Queen Elizabeth, then to her relative of Mary Hastings. The Queen refused under the pretext of her unhealthy ("sick, and he was not the most red"), his face was spoiled.

Ivan IV Vasilyevich , nickname Grozny , by direct named name and Smaragd, in the Towing - Ion

sovereign, Grand Prince Moscow and the first king of All Russia

short biography

John's nickname IV Vasilyevich, Grand Duke Moskovsky and All Russia (from 1533), the first Russian king, ruled from 1547 for 50 years, 105 days - among all who ever headed the Russian state, this is a record. John Grozny was the son of the Grand Duke Moscow and All Russia, Vasily III, a descendant of the Rurikovsky dynasty. His mother, Princess Elena Glinsky, belonged to the oldest genus, originating from Maama.

Ivan Vasilyevich was born near Moscow, in p. Kolomna August 25, 1530 by the ruler, however, so far only nominal, he began three years old and was under the supervision of a special guardian boyars commission created by his father, who premeditated ambulance death. However, the state was in power of this Council less than a year, after which numerous perturbations occurred.

In 1545, the fifteen-year-old Ivan, who became an adult at the then excellent, turned into a full ruler. The solemn ceremony of his wedding for the kingdom took place on January 16, 1547 in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The initiative of this rite was the 16-year-old sovereign itself, but many historians believe that this decision he took not without someone else's influence. In 1560, the king abolished the elected Rada and began to rule solely independently.

For many years of the reign of Ivan Grozny, marked by a large number of all sorts of reforms and changes in the life of the state. For example, during it began to create Zemsky cathedrals, the system of orders has developed, an oprichnin was formed. The king struggled with his enemies, sometimes imaginary, the harsh and merciless methods. They were imposed a temporary ban on the traditional for Yuryev day the transition of serfs to new owners.

In the field of foreign policy, the reign of Ivan Grozny was marked by a large number of wars, which were almost without a break. If at first a sovereign accompanied by luck (in 1552, Kazan was conquered, in 1556 - Astrakhan Khanate), then the 25th Livonian war ended for Russia with huge losses. At the same time, Ivan Grozny did a lot for the development of trade and political relations with other states, in particular, with England, Holland, Bukhara Khancy and others.

Ivan Grozny remained in centuries not only as a ruler, but also as a kind of, contradictory personality. From the position of that time, the king was a man educated. The fame of the Message to Kurbsky speaks of its outstanding literary abilities. It is possible that some literary monuments of that time, in particular, the chronicle crops, the "sores of the category" and others were compiled not without the influence of the king. It is known that he made a lot for typography, contributed to the development of architecture, initiating the construction of a number of structures, in particular, the Church of Vasily Blessed in Moscow.

Energy, determination, foresight of the sovereign adjointed in his nature with doubts spontaneous actions. The king traced the sadistic inclinations, the mania of persecution; His steep temper, the attacks of anger entered the story, one of these outbreaks ended in 1582 by the murder of his own son. Shortly before the death, he accepted at nightness.

The point in the biography of Ivan Grozny delivered on March 18, 1584. The Moscow Arkhangelsk Cathedral became the place of its burial. After the death of the sovereign, they talked a lot about the fact that it was violent. At the same time, it is known that in mature years he did not have excellent health and looked much older than his years. For 6 years before the death of the king, his spine was in such a deplorable state that the sovereign was moved onto stretchers. It is not possible to reliably confirm or refute the rumors about the murder.

Biography from Wikipedia

Ivan IV VasilyevichTitz and Smaragd also called the names of Tit and Smaragd, in the village - Iona (August 25, 1530, Kolomenskoye village near Moscow - 18 (28) March 1584, Moscow) - Sovereign, Grand Duke Moscow and All Russia from 1533, the first king of All RUSi (from 1547; besides 1575-1576, when Simeon Bekbulatovich Simeon Bekbulatovich nominally was nominally.

The eldest son of the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily III and Elena Glinsky. Nominally, Ivan became the ruler in 3 years. After the uprising in Moscow, 1547 rules with the participation of the circle of approximated persons - "Selected Rada". With it began the convening of Zemsky cathedrals, the judiciary of 1550 was drawn up. The reforms of military service, judicial system and government administration were carried out, including the elements of self-government at the local level (lifting, Zemskaya and other reforms). The Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate was conquered, Western Siberia, the area of \u200b\u200bDonskoy, Bashkiria, the Land of the Nogai Horde are attached. Thus, with Ivan IV, the growth of the territory of the Russian state amounted to almost 100%, from 2.8 million km² to 5.4 million km², Russia became the size of the whole of the rest of Europe to the congestion.

In 1560, the elected glad was abolished, its main figures were in Opalu and began completely independent reign of the king in Russia. The second half of the Board of Ivan Grozny was noted by a lane of failures in the Livonian war and the institution of Okrichnin, during which the country was ruined and the old generic aristocracy was shown and the position of the local nobility was strengthened. Formally, Ivan IV rules longer than any of the rulers ever stood at the head of the Russian state - 50 years and 105 days.

early years

According to the father's line, Ivan took place from the Moscow branch of the Rurikovsky dynasty, on the motherboard - from Maima, who was considered by the hedge of Lithuanian princes of Glinsky. Grandmother on Father, Sofia Paleologist - from the genus of Byzantine emperors. Grandmother of Mother Anna Yakshich - Daughter of Serbian Voivier Stephen Yaksich. Ivan became the first son of the Grand Prince Vasily III from the second wife, after many years of childlessness. Born on August 25, he received the name Ivan in honor of St. John the Forerunner, the day of the care of the chapter of which falls on August 29. He was baptized in the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery by Igumen Joasaf (Scripsychnaya); Two elders of the Josepho-Volochsky Monastery were elected to the perceivers - Inok Cassian Bosoy and Igumen Daniel.

Childhood of the Grand Prince

The legend states that in honor of John the Church of Ascension in Kolomensky was laid in honor of John. According to the Long-Prestia, the Long-Room Prestol, established in Russia, turned to the eldest son of the monarch, however, Ivan ("direct name" on the birthday - Tit) was only three years old, when his father Grand Prince Vasily III was seriously ill. The clutch of the throne except were younger brothers Vasily. From the six sons of Ivan III, two - Prince Staritsky Andrei and Prince Dmitrovsky Yuri.

Anticipating an ambulance death, Vasily III formed to manage the state "seventh" Boyar Commission (it was the name "Semiboyarschina" for the first time at the PRECUTY Council for the first time, more often, in modern times, associated exclusively with the oligarchic boyars of the era of the vague time in the period after the overthrow of the king of Vasily Shui). Guardians were supposed to protect Ivan until he reaches 15 years. In the guardian council included his uncle, Prince Andrei Staritsky (the younger brother of the Father - Vasily III), M. L. Glinsky (Uncle Mother - Great Princess Elena) and advisors: Schui brothers (Vasily and Ivan), Mikhail Zaharin, Mikhail Tuchkov, Mikhail Vorontsov. According to the Great Prince, the order of the Board by the country by trusted people should have been preserved and decrease in the aristocratic boyar duma. The existence of the Regent Council is recognized not by all historians: So, according to historian A. A. Zimin, Vasily III handed the management of public affairs of the Boyar Duma, and the guardians of the heir appointed M. L. Glinsky and D. F. Belsky. The mother for Ivan was prescribed by A. F. Chelylulynin.

Vasily III died on December 3, 1533, and after 8 days, the boyars got rid of the main challenger on the throne - Dmitrov Prince Yuri.

The guardian council ruled the country for less than a year, after which his power began to collapse. In August 1534 there was a number of permutations in the ruling circles. August 3 Prince Semyon Belsky and experienced commander Ocolnichy Ivan Vasilyevich Lyatsky left Serpukhov and drove off to the service for the Lithuanian prince. On August 5, one of the guardians of the juvenile Ivan, Mikhail Glinsky, was arrested - Mikhail Glinsky, who was also died in prison. The brother of Semyon of Belsky Ivan and Prince Ivan Vorotynsky with children were captured for matchmaking with the ranks. In the same month, another member of the guardian council was arrested - Mikhail Vorontsov. Analyzing the events of August 1534, the historian S. M. Solovyov concludes that "all this was a consequence of the overall indignation of the nobles on Elena and her favorite Ivan Obolensky."

Attempting Andrei Staritsky in 1537 to seize power ended in failure: locked in Novgorod from the front and rear, he was forced to surrender and finished life in prison.

In April 1538, 30-year-old Elena Glinskaya died (one of the versions, she was poisoned by boyars), and after six days the boyars (Princes Ivan and Vasily Vasily Shui with advisers) got rid of Obolensky. Metropolitan Daniel and Dyak Fedor Mishurin, convinced supporters of the centralized state and the active leaders of the Government of Vasily III and Elena Glinsky were immediately removed from the government. Metropolitan Daniel was sent to Josepho-Volozky Monastery, and Mistrich " boyar executed ... not love that he stood for the great prince of business».

According to the memories of Ivan himself, " prince Vasily and Ivan Shui unimproved [...] in guardians and thus reigned", The future king with brother Yury" began to educate as foreign monasters or the last poor people, "right up to" deprivation in clothing and food».

In 1545, Ivan reached majority at the age of 15, thus becoming a full ruler. One of the strong impressions of the king in his youth was the "Great Fire" in Moscow, which destroyed over 25 thousand houses, and the Moscow uprising of 1547. After the murder of one of the Mlinsky, relative of the king, the rustic workers were in the village of Sparrow, where the Grand Duke was hidden, and demanded the issuance of the rest of Glinsky. With great difficulty managed to persuade the crowd to disperse, convincing her that there was no Glinsky in Sparrow.

Wedding to the kingdom

Big sovereign title Tsar John IV Vasilyevich by the end of the board

Bzh҃їeyu mlⷭ҇tїyu, velikїy gdⷭ҇r tsr҃ i҆ velikїy ki҃z і҆ѡann vasilїevich vseѧ rꙋsїi, vladimїrskїy, moskovskїy, vovogorodskїy, tsr҃ kazanskїy, tsr҃ a҆strahanskїy, gdⷭ҇r pskovskїy, velikїy ki҃z smolenskїy, tverskіy, yu҆gorskїy, permskїy, vѧtskїy, bolgarskїy i҆ i҆nyh, gdⷭ҇r i҆ velikїy ki҃z Novagoroda NOVOVYSKSIYA, RѧZANSKYA, POLOTSKYY, ROSTOVSKYSKYA, ꙗ҆ROSLAVSKYYA, BѣLOZERSKYA, ᲂU҆DORSKYYYYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAKYAYAYAYAYAYAYAKYAYLAYAYAYAYAKYAYAKYAYAYAKYAYAYAKAYAYAKYAYAYAKAYAYAKYAYAYAKYAYAKYAYA ꙗ҆ꙗ҆ꙗ҆ꙗ҆SKYYYї ѻ҆ ѻ҆ ҆҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ҆ ѧ ҆-ѧ ҆ ҆-҆ ҆ ҆

On December 13, 1546, Ivan Vasilyevich first expressed Metropolitan Macaria's intention to marry, and before that, Macarius suggested Ivan Grozny to marry the kingdom.

A number of historians (N. I. Kostomaraov, R. G. Skrynnikov, V. B. Kobrin) believes that the initiative of the adoption of the royal title could not come from the 16-year-old young man. Most likely, Metropolitan Macarius played an important role in this. Hardening of the power of the king also favorably favorably on the mother line. V. O. Klyuchevsky adhered to the opposite point of view, emphasizing the desire to power early at the sovereign. In his opinion, "the King's political duma was developed by secret from others", the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wedding became a complete surprise for the boyars.

The ceremony for storing the certificate of approval on the kingdom of Ivan IV. Artist F. G. Soltsev. Russia, F. Chopin Factory. 1853-48. Bronze, casting, gilding, silvering, chasing. GIM

The ancient "Greek kingdom" with his commercial rulers has always been a model for Orthodox countries, but it fell under the strikes of incorrect. Moscow in the eyes of Orthodox Russian people was supposed to become the heiress of Tsaryagad-Konstantinople. The triumph of autocracy personified for the Metropolitan Makaria celebration of the Orthodox faith, so the interests of the royal and spiritual authorities were awake (Philofey). At the beginning of the XVI century, the recognition and idea of \u200b\u200bthe divine origin of the Sovereign's power is becoming increasingly distribution. One of the first on this spoke Joseph Volotsky. A other understanding of the supreme power with the Protopope Sylvester later led to the reference of the latter. The idea that the autocratic is obliged to obey God and its establishments in everything, passes through all the "Message of the King".

On January 16, 1547, a solemn wedding ceremony was held in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the chin of which was compiled by Metropolitan. Metropolitan laid the signs of royal dignity on Ivan: the cross of the life-giving Tree, Barma and the Hat of Monomakh; Ivan Vasilyevich was anointed world, and then Metropolitan blessed the king.

After the wedding of Rodnia Ivan strengthened his position, having achieved significant benefits, but after the Moscow uprising of 1547, the genus Glynsky lost its entire influence, and the young ruler was convinced of the developmental inconsistency between his ideas about the power and the real state of affairs.

Later, in 1558, Constantinople Patriarch Ioasaf II reported Ivan Grozny that " the royal name is commemorated in the Church of the Cathedral on all Sunday days, as the names before the former Greek kings; It is commanded to do in all dioceses, where only there are Metropolitans and bishops», « and about your blessed wedding to the kingdom from St. Metropolitan of All Russia, our brother and slave, we are accepted for the benefit and worthy of your kingdom». « Javi N., - wrote Joakim, Patriarch Alexandria, - in the current times of the new feeder and the Spriverler about us, a good advocate, selected and the God of the Saint Holy Criminal Offense of this, what was once a commercial and equivalent to Konstantin ... Your memory would be inener not only in the church rule, but also on a meals with ancient, former Before kings».

The new title made it possible to take a significant position in diplomatic intercourse with Western Europe. The grand-road title was translated as the "Great Duke", the title of "king" in the hierarchy standing on a par with the title of Emperor.

Since 1555, the title of Ivan since 1555 was admitted by England, a little later, Spain followed Spain, Denmark and the Florentine Republic. In 1576, Emperor Maximilian II, wanting to attract Grozny to the Union against Turkey, offered him in the future the throne and the title of "Major [Eastern] Cesareri". John Iv took a completely indifferent to the "Greek Decoration", but demanded the immediate recognition of himself with the king of "All Russia", and the emperor gave way to this fundamentally important issue, especially since Maximilian I Tituloval Vasily III " God's grace Cessera and the owner of the All-Russian and Grand Duke" The papal throne turned out to be much more stubbornly, who defended the exclusive right of the PAP to provide royal and other titles, and on the other hand, did not allow violations of the principle of the "Unified Empire". In this irreconcilable position, the papal throne found support from the Polish king, which perfectly understood the importance of the claims of Moscow. Sigismund II presented a note by the Papal Preclosion, which warned that the confession of the IVA title "Tsar All Russia" will lead to rejection from Poland and Lithuania land populated Muscovites "Rusyn", and will attract Moldovan and Valahov on his side. For its part, John Iv attached a particular importance to the recognition of his royal title by the Polish-Lithuanian state, but Poland has not agreed on the entire XVI century to its requirement. So one of the successors of Ivan IV his imaginary son Lzhedimitri I used the title of "Cesarer", but Sigismund III, who helped him take the Moscow throne, officially called him just a prince, not even "great."

About digital designation in the title of Ivan the Terrible

With the Esdar for the throne in 1740, the Emperor's infant John Antonovich, in relation to the Russian kings, wearing the name Ivan (John), introduced a digital indication. John Antonovich became referred to as John III Antonovich. This is evidenced by rare coins with the inscription " John III God's greatness emperor and autocrats All-Russian».

« Praded John III Antonovich received a refined title of Tsar John II Alekseevich All Russia, and Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny received a refined title Tsar Ivan I Vasilyevich All Russia" Thus, initially Ivan the Terrible called John first.

The digital part of the title is IV - first was assigned to Ivan the Grozny Karamzin in the "Story of the Russian State", since he began counting from Ivan Kalita.

Board with "Selected Rada"

V. M. Vasnetsov Tsar Ivan Grozny, 1897


From 1549, together with the "Chosen Rada" (A. F. Adashev, Metropolitan Macarium, A. M. Kurbsky, Protopop Sylvester, etc.) Ivan IV carried out a number of reforms aimed at centralizing the state and building public institutions.

In 1549, the first Zemsky Cathedral was convened with representatives from all classes, except the peasantry. In Russia, an estate-representative monarchy took shape.

In 1550, a new judiciary was adopted, which introduced a single unit of tax challenge - a large hone, which was 400-600 tents of the Earth, depending on the fertility of the soil and social position of the owner, and limited the rights of the horses and peasants (the rules for the transition of peasants were tightened).

At the beginning of the 1550s, Zemskaya and Lubnoy were held (he has begun by the Government of Elena Glinskaya) reform, the redistributing part of the authority of the governors and the magazines, including the judicial, in favor of elected representatives of the proteinous peasantry and nobility.

In 1550, the "Favorites One Thousand" Moscow nobles received estates within 60-70 km from Moscow and was formed by the semi-regulatory shooting army armed with firearms. In 1555-1556, Ivan IV canceled feeding and adopted a service provider. Prophyters were obliged to equip and bring warriors depending on the size of land possessions on a par with the landowners.

When Ivan Grozny was formed a system of orders: the petition, the Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Subject, Streetsky, Pushkarsky, Brown, Robber, Printed, Sokolniki, Zemskie Orders, as well as quarters: Galitskaya, Ustyuga, New, Kazan order. In the functions of the Embassy Order from 1551 (72, the head of the "On the Atonement of the Captive"), the king was added to the implementation of the redemption from the Horde of the prisoners submitted (for this, a special land tax was collected - "Polonynyny Money").

In early 1560s, Ivan Vasilyevich produced a sign reform of state swelling. From that moment on, a steady type of state press appears in Russia. For the first time on the chest of ancient two-headed eagle, the rider appears - the coat of arms of the princes Rurikova at home, depicted before it separately, and always from the front side of the state press, while the image of the eagle was placed on a revolving. New printing has grilled a contract with the Danish kingdom of April 7, 1562.

The stalloral cathedral of 1551, in which the king relying on non-stoppers was hoping to spend the secularization of church lands, sensed from January-February to May. The church was forced to respond to 37 questions of the young king (of which the part denounced the riots in saint and monastic management, as well as in monastery life) and adopt a compromise collection of solutions to Pokrov, who regulated church issues.

With Ivan Grozny, the entrance to the territory of Russia of Jewish merchants was prohibited. When in 1550, the Polish king of Sigismund-August demanded that they were allowed by free entry into Russia, John refused in such words: " in our states, I do not wear any river, Zaida in his states of Liha do not want any video, but we want God to give my people in my states were in silence without any embarrassment. And you would, our brother, I did not write about the sweets to us", Because they are Russian people" from Christianity they took, and praised potions in our lands were brought and the dirty of many people did our people».

Kazan trips (1547-1552)

In the first half of the XVI century, mainly during the reign of Khanov from the Crimean kind of Gireev, Kazan Khanate was led by permanent wars with Moscow Rus. Total Kazan Khans made about forty trips to Russian lands, mainly in the regions of Nizhny Novgorod, Vyatka, Vladimir, Kostroma, Galich, Murom, Vologda. "From the Crimea and from Kazan to the middle of the ground was empty," the king wrote, describing the consequences of invasions.

The history of Kazan campaigns is often counted from the campaign held in 1545, which "wore the nature of the military demonstration and strengthened the position of the" Moscow Party "and other opponents of Khan Safa-Girea." Moscow supported the loyal Russia of the Casimovsky ruler of Shah Ali, who, becoming Kazan Khan, approved the project of Ulya with Moscow. But in 1546, Shah Ali was expelled by Kazan, who was erected by the throne Khan Safa-Hires from the dynasty hostile to Russia. After that, it was decided to move to active actions and eliminate the threat emanating from Kazan. " From now on, - Indicates the historian, - MOSCOW put forward a plan for the final crushing of Kazan Khanate».

Total Ivan IV headed three campaigns to Kazan. During the first (winter 1547/1548), due to early thaws in 15 versts from Nizhny Novgorod, a siege artillery was left under the ice on the Volga, and the troops ended up to Kazan stood under it only 7 days. The second campaign (autumn 1549 - Spring 1550) followed the news about the death of Safa-Gurya, also did not lead to the take of Kazan, but the Sviyazhsk fortress was built, which served as a reference point for Russian troops during the next trip.

The third campaign (June-October 1552) ended with the Take of Kazan. A 150-thousand Russian army participated in the campaign, the armament included 150 guns. Kazan Kremlin was taken by storm. Han caller-Magmet was captured by Russian governors. The chronicler recorded: " The Sovereign did not tell me by the same Mednita(i.e. neither a single penny) nor captivity, Tokmo single king caller-magmette and banners royal and cannons Grad" I. I. Smirnov believes that " Kazan's campaign of 1552 and the brilliant victory of Ivan IV over Kazan not only meant the major foreign policy success of the Russian state, but also contributed to the strengthening of the king power" Almost simultaneously with the beginning of the campaign in June 1552, Crimean Khan Devlet's Gury made a campaign to Tula.

In the defeated Kazan, the king appointed Prince Alexander the Gorbatoy-Shuisian to the Kazan governor, and Prince Vasily was silver his assistant.

After the establishment in Kazan, the bishop department, the king and the church cathedral on the lot were elected to her Hegumen Guria in San Archbishop. Guri received from the king. An indication of the conversion of Kazan in Orthodoxy exclusively at their own desire of each person, but "unfortunately, there were no such prudent measures everywhere: the intolerance of the century took her own ...".

From the first steps to conquer and master the Volga region, the king began to invite all the Kazan to his service to know him who agreed to swear, sending " for all uluses, black people, Yasanny, humans are dangerous, in order to go to the sovereign not a fear of anything; And whoever rejuvenated, the God of Mustil; and their sovereign will comply, and they would have been paid for Yasakov, Yaksa and the former Kazan king" Such a nature of politics not only did not require the preservation of the main military forces of the Russian state in the Kazan, but, on the contrary, I did the natural and appropriate challenging return of Ivan to the capital. During the Livonian war, the Muslim regions of the Volga region began to supply the Russian troop "Multiple Treyday Magnifier", well prepared for the offensive.

Immediately after the capture of Kazan, in January 1555, the ambassadors of the Siberian Khan, the calm asked the king to " the whole earth, Sibirskaya took the name from his name and from the parties all the way interpreted (defended) and put his tribute to them and his person sent himself to whom the tribute to collect».

Astrakhan hiking (1554-1556)

In early 1550s, Astrakhan Khanate was an ally of the Crimean Khan, controlling the lower flow of the Volga. Before the final subordination of Astrakhan Khanate at Ivan IV, two campaigns were made.

The campaign of 1554 was committed under the command of Prince Yuri Prince-Shemyakina. In the battle of the Black Island, the Russian army broke the head Astrakhan squad, and Astrakhan was taken without a fight. As a result, Khan Dervish Ali, who promised support for Moscow was shown to power.

The campaign of 1556 was connected with the fact that Han Dervish Ali moved to the side of the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire. The campaign headed the Voivode Ivan Cheremisinov. First, the Don Cossacks of Ataman Lyapun Filimonov detachment defeated the Khan tska under Astrakhan, after which the Astrakhan was again taken again without a fight. As a result of this campaign, Astrakhan Khanate was subordinate to the Russian kingdom.

In 1556, the capital of the Golden Horde of Saria-Batu was destroyed.

After the conquest of Astrakhan, the Russian influence began to stretch to the Caucasus. In 1559, Pyatigorsky and Cherkasy princes requested Ivan IV to send them a detachment to protect against the raids of the Crimean Tatars and priests to maintain faith; The king sent them two governors and priests who have updated the fallen ancient churches, and in Kabarda showed broad missionary activities, cross many in Orthodoxy.

War with Sweden (1554-1557)

During the reign of Ivan Grozny, Russia's trade relations were established with England across the White Sea and the Northern Arctic Ocean, which strongly hit the economic interests of Sweden, who received considerable income from transit Russian-European trade. In 1553, the expedition of the English navigator Richard Chensward rented the Kola Peninsula, entered the White Sea and threw anchor to the west of the Nikolo-Korean monastery opposite the village of Nynoks. Having received the news of the emergence of the British within its country, Ivan IV wished to meet with Chereser, who, overcoming about 1000 km, arrived with the honors to Moscow. Soon after this expedition in London, the Moscow Company was founded, which later received the monopoly trade rights from King Ivan.

Swedish king Gustav I Was after an unsuccessful attempt to create an anti-Russian Union, which would have been the Grand Denmark Lithuanian, Livonia and Denmark, decided to act independently.

The first motive for the announcement of the War of Sweden was the seizure of Russian merchants in Stockholm. On September 10, 1555, the Swedish admiral of Jacob Bugge with a 10-thousand troops besieged nuts, attempts by the Swedes to develop an offensive to Novgorod were cut off by a watchman under the command of Sheremeteyev. On January 20, 1556, the 20-25-thousand Russian army broke the Swedes from Kivinebba and besieged Vyborg, but could not take it.

In July 1556, Gustav I came up with a proposal of the world, which was accepted by Ivan IV. On March 25, 1557, the second Novgorod truce for forty years was concluded, which restored the border defined by another Orekhov peace treaty from 1323, and approved the custom of diplomatic relations through the Novgorod governor.

Start of the Livonian War

Causes of war

In 1547, the king instructed the Saxon Shlitte to bring artisans, artists, drugs, pharmacists, typographs, people skillful in ancient and new languages, even theologians. However, after the Livonian protests, the Senate of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck arrested Shlitte and his people.

In 1554, Ivan IV demanded that the Livonian Confederation of the return of arrears of the "Yuryevskaya Dani", refusal from military unions, and the continuation of the Lithuania established by the Livonian Confederation of 1503. The first debt payment for Derpte was to take place in 1557, but the Livonian Confederation did not fulfill its obligation.

In the spring of 1557, a port was put on the banks of Narva by order of Ivan, the port: "The same year, July, the city from the German Ust-Narov-River Rosseni by the sea for the sea ship's refuge," of the same year, April, sent the king and the Grand Duke Rilling prince Dmitry Semenovich Shatunov Da Peter Petrovich Golovina yes Ivan Khodkova on Ivanorod, but told on the Narone below Ivanhagorod at the mouth on the sea city to put for the ship's refinery ... "However, the Hanseatic Union and Livonia did not miss European merchants to a new Russian port, and they continued to walk , as before, in Revel, Narva and Riga.

The Krasnaya Treaty, concluded on September 15, 1557 between the Grand Durability of Lithuanian and the Order, created a threat to the establishment of Lithuanian power in Livonia. The agreed position of Hanza and Livonia to prevent Moscow to independent maritime trade led the King Ivan to the decision to start the struggle for a wide way out to the Baltic.

The defeat of the Livonian Order

In January 1558, Ivan IV began Livonian war for mastering the coast of the Baltic Sea. Initially, military actions developed successfully. The Russian army led active offensive actions in the Baltic States, took Narva, Derpt, Nashlos, Neigauz, broke the Order of Tirssen under Riga. In the spring and summer, 1558 Russians captured the entire eastern part of Estonia, and by the spring of 1559, the Army of the Livonian Order was finally crushed, and the Order himself actually ceased to exist. At the direction of Alexei Adashev, Russian governors adopted a deceit on the truce, emanating from Denmark, which lasted from March to November 1559 and began separating negotiations with Livon city circles about Zamaria Livonia in exchange for some concessions in trade from German cities. At this time, the land of the Order is transferred to the patronage of Poland, Lithuania, Sweden and Denmark.

In 1560, at the congress of the Imperial Deputies of Germany, Albert Mecklenburg reported: " Moscow tyrant is being taken to build a fleet on the Baltic Sea: in Narva, he turns shopping ships belonging to the city of Lukietic, the military ships and transfers the management of them with Spanish, English and German commanders" The congress decided to turn to Moscow with a solemn embassy to bring Spain, Denmark and England, to offer the Eastern Power of the Eternal World and stop her conquest.

The performance of Grozny in the struggle for the Baltic Pomorie ... struck the middle Europe. In Germany, "Muscovites" seemed to be a terrible enemy; The danger of their invasion was painted not only in the official relations of the authorities, but also in the extensive fly literature of leaflets and brochures. Measures were taken to prevent Muscovites to the sea, nor Europeans to Moscow and, separating Moscow with the centers of European culture, prevent its political strengthening. In this campaign against Moscow and the Grozny, a lot of unreliable about Moscow nravas and the despotism of the Terrible ...

Platonov S. F. Lectures in Russian history ...

Hikes against Crimean Khanate

The Crimean Hanges of the Gireyev Dynasty from the end of the 15th century were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, which conducted an active expansion in Europe. Part of the Moscow Aristocracy and Roman Pope insistently demanded from Ivan the Terrible to join the fight against Turkish Sultan Suleiman first.

Simultaneously with the beginning of the Russian offensive in Livonia, the Crimean Connection made a raid to the Russian kingdom, several thousands of Crimeans broke through in the surroundings of Tula and Prier, and R. G. Skrynnikov emphasizes that the Russian government in the person of Adashev and Viscovatoy "had to conclude a truce on the Western turns" Since it was preparing for a "decisive collision on the southern border." The king lost to the requirements of the opposition aristocracy about the campaign on the Crimea: " guards brave and courageous advised and stuck, but moves himself (Ivan) with his head, with great troops at Perekopan Khan».

In 1558, the army of Prince Dmitry Vishnevetsky won the Crimean army at Azov, and in 1559 the army under the command of Daniel Adashev made a campaign on the Crimea, raving the large Crimean port of Gözlev (now - Evpatoria) and freed many Russian prisoners. Ivan Grozny suggested the Union to the Polish king Sigizmund II against the Crimea, but he, on the contrary, leaned towards the Union with Khanate.

The fall of the "Selected Rada". War with the Grand Durability Lithuanian

On August 31, 1559, Master of the Livonian Order Gothard Ketler and the King of Poland and Lithuania Sigismund II AUGUST concluded the Vilensky Treaty on the entry of Livonia under the Lithuanian Program, which was complemented by September 15 by the Military Assistance Treaty of Poland and Lithuania. This diplomatic action served as an important border during the development of the Livonian War: Russia's war with the Livonius turned into the struggle of Eastern European countries for Livonian inheritance.

In January 1560, Grozny ordered the troops to go to the offensive again. The army under the command of the princes of Shui, Silver and Mstislavsky took the fortress of Marienburg (Aluksne). On August 30, the Russian army under the command of Kurbsky took the Master's Residence - Fellin Castle. An eyewitness wrote: " The oppressed Est rather agrees to comply with Russian than the German" Over all Estonia, the peasants rebelled against German barons. It was possible to quickly complete the war. However, the governors of the king did not go to the seizure of the roar and failed in the siege of Weisenstein. Alexey Adashev (Vohelvoy Big Regiment) was appointed in Fellin, but he, being a honey, miring in the local disputes with his governors standing above, got into opal, was soon taken into custody in Derpte and died there from the warmth (rumored that he I was poisoned, Ivan the Terrible even sent one of the neighboring nobles to Derpta to investigate the circumstances of the death of Adashev). In this regard, he left the courtyard and silenced to the monastery of Sylvester, and with those fell and their smaller approximated - elected Rada was the end.

In the fall of 1561, Vilenskiy on education on the territory of the Duke of Duchessia Kurland and Semiglia and the transition of other lands into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was concluded.

In January-February, 1563 was taken Polotsk. Here, on the orders of Grozny, he was recessed into the holes of the frum, the preacher of reforming ideas and the companion of Feodosia Kosovo. Skrynniknikov believes that the igumen of the Josepho-Volokolam Monastery Leonid supported the reprisal of Polotsk Jews. Also on the royal order of Tatars who took part in hostilities were killed by Bernardian monks in Polotsk. The religious element in conquering Ivan Grozny Polotsk also celebrates Khoroshevich.

On January 28, 1564, the Polotsk Army P. I. Shuisky, moving towards Minsk and Novogrudok, unexpectedly fell into the ambush and was headed by the troops of N. Radziville. The Terrible immediately accused of betraying the Voevod M. Repnina and Y. Kashin (heroes of capturing Polotsk) and ordered them to kill them. Kurbsky in connection with this reinforced the king that he shed victorious, holy blood of the governor "in the churches of God." A few months later, in response to the accusations of the Kurbsky, Terrible, directly wrote about the perfect boyars crime.

Official period (1565-1572)

Allegory of the tyrannical rule of Ivan Grozny (Germany. The first half of the 18th century). A picture from the German weekly David Fassman "Conversations in the Kingdom of Dead" (it. Gespräche in Dem Reiche Derer Todten; 1718-1739).

Causes of administration of oprichnina

According to Soviet historians, A. A. Zimin, and A. L. Khoroskevich, the reason for the gap of Ivan the Terrible with the "Chosen Rada", was that the program of the latter was exhausted. In particular, the "imprudent respite" of Livonia was given, as a result of which several European states were drawn into war. In addition, the king was not agreed with the ideas of the leaders of the "Selected Rada" (especially Adashev) on the priority of the conquest of the Crimea compared with military actions in the West. Finally, "Adashev showed excessive independence in foreign policy intercourse with Lithuanian representatives in 1559" and eventually was resigned. It should be noted that such opinions about the reasons for Ivan's rupture with "Selected Rada" are divided away from all historians. So, Nikolai Kostomarov sees a true conflict selection in the negative features of the character of Ivan the Terrible, and the activities of the "Selected Rada", on the contrary, evaluates very high. V. B. Kobrin also believed that the Personality of the Tsar played a crucial role here, but at the same time fiends the behavior of Ivan with his commitment to the program of accelerated centralization of the country opposing the ideology of the gradual change of "Selected Rada". Historians believe that the choice of the first path is due to the personal character of Ivan the Terrible, who did not want to listen to people who disagree with his politics. Thus, after 1560, Ivan got on the path of tightening power, which led him to repressive measures.

According to R. G. Skrynnikov, it would be easier for forgiven the Grozny resignation of his advisers Adashev and Sylvester, but she did not want to put up with the attempt on the prerogatives of the Boyar Duma. The ideologist of the Boyars of the Kourbi most decisively protested against the infringement of the privileges of the nobility and transmission of control functions in the hands of ordinary (devices): " the writings of Russian Prince Great Great Verit believes, but elects them from the shine, nor from noblen, but more than Popovich or from simple nationwide, and then hate wedel».

The new discontent of the princes, believes Skrynnikov, caused the royal decree of January 15, 1562 on the restriction of their patrimonial rights, even more than before, having equalized them with a local nobility.

In early December 1564, according to Schokearev's studies, an attempt was made by armed rebellion against the king, in which Western forces took part: " Many noble venomazhov collected in Lithuania and in Poland a considerable party and wanted to go against the king of their».

Official institution

In 1565, Grozny announced the introduction of Okrichnin in the country. The country was divided into two parts: "Sovereign Luxury Okrichnin" and the land. In the Ochrichnina, mostly, the northeastern Russian lands, where there were little boyars. Alexandrovskaya Sloboda became the center of Oprichnina - the new residence of Ivan Grozny, from where on January 3, 1565 the messenger of Konstantin Polivanov was delivered to the clergy, boyars and the people about the renunciation of the king from the throne. Although Veselovsky believes that Grozny did not declare his refusal from the authorities, but the prospect of the departure of the sovereign and the offensive of "gospel time", when Velmes can again force urban merchants and artisans to do everything for them for them, could not have not to template Moscow citizens.

The first victims of the Oprichnina became the most prominent boyars: the first governor in the Kazan campaign A. B. Gorbatoy-Shuisky with Son Peter, his Shurin Peter Hovrin, Ocolnichy P. Golovin (whose genus traditionally held the posts of Moscow Treaschairs), P. I. Gorensky-Obolensky ( His younger brother, Yuri, managed to escape in Lithuania), Prince Dmitry Shevyrev, S. Loban-Rostovsky et al. With the help of ghosts, who were exempted from judicial responsibility, Ivan IV forcibly confiscated boyars and princely defenders, transmitting them to noble scrawing. The Boyars and Princes themselves were provided with estates in other areas of the country, for example, in the Volga region.

The decree on the introduction of Okrichnina was approved by the highest authorities of the spiritual and secular power - the consecrated cathedral and the Boyar Duma. It is also believed that this decree confirmed its decision the Zemsky Cathedral. But a significant part of the land protested against Okrichnina, so in 1556, about 300 noble faces of the land were published by the cancellation of the Okrichnina; From the gibilities of 50 by the trade execution, several languages \u200b\u200bwere cut down, three were beheaded.

"Moskovsky shy. End of the XVI century (Konstantino-Elegenian Gate of the Moscow Dynamus at the turn of the XVI and XVII centuries) ", 1912

To the dedication to the San Metropolitan Philip, which occurred on July 25, 1566, a gram was prepared and signed, according to which Philip promised, "not to join the oprichnin and royal use and, by delivery, because of the original ... Metropolis does not leave." According to R. G. Skinnikov, thanks to the intervention of Philip, many gibilities of the Cathedral of 1566 were released from prison. On March 22, 1568, Philip refused to bless the king and demanded to cancel Okrichnin. In response, the Ochrichniki scored to death by iron sticks of the servants of Metropolitan, then the process in the church court was excited against Metropolitan. Philip was cast from Sana and exiled in Tverskaya dere the monastery.

Being an ocher "igumen", the king performed a number of monastic duties. So, at midnight, everyone got up for an obscure, at four in the morning - to the Sautren, at eight there was a lunch. The king showed an example of piety: He himself called to Sautren, sang on the closer, it prayed diligently, and during a common meal read the sacred Scripture aloud. In general, the service took about 9 hours a day. At the same time, there is evidence that orders about the executions and torture were often given in the church. Historian G. P. Fedotov believes that " not denying the rest of the moods of the king, it is impossible not to see that he knew how to combine atrocities with church pupils in the established household forms, is defiled by the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe Orthodox kingdom».

In 1569, the cousin of Tsar Prince Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky died (allegedly, according to rumors, by order of the king he was brought to him with a poisoned wine and orders, so that Vladimir Andreyevich himself, his wife and their elder daughter drank. A little later, Vladimir Andreevich's mother, Efrosinya Staritskaya, was killed, repeatedly stood at the head of the Boyar plots against John IV and repeatedly pardoned him.

Hike to Novgorod

In December 1569, suspected Novgorod to know in comprehension in the "plot" of the recently killed by his order of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky and at the same time in the intention to convey to the Polish king, Ivan, accompanied by the big troops of Ochrichnikov, made a campaign against Novgorod. Moving at Novgorod in the fall of 1569, the ghouls staged mass murders and robbery in Tver, Klin, Torzhok and other oncoming cities.

In the Tver Advent of the Monastery in December 1569, Metropolitan Philip personally strangled in December 1569, who refused to bless the campaign to Novgorod. Rod Kolychev, to which Philip belonged, was persecuted; Some of his members were executed by order of Ivan.

On January 2, 1570, combat units surrounded the city, hundreds of priests were planted under arrest, monasteries were taken under complete control. Four days later, the king himself came here. He defended the service in the Sofia Cathedral and then ordered the reprints. Okrichniki began to make it in the whole city and its surroundings. According to the records of the chronicles, the punitives did not regret anyone, adults and children were tortured, beat, and then dumped directly into the Volkhov River. If anyone survived, then pushed under the ice sticks. According to various sources, died from 2 thousand to 10 thousand people.

Crazy with Novgorod, the king performed on Pskov. The king limited himself only to the execution of several Pskov and the robbery of their property. While the legend says, the Terriblehouse has a single Pskov Yurody (some Nikola Saloz). When the dinner time came, Nikola handed to a formidable piece of raw meat with the words: "Eat, you eat human meat," and after - I was threatened by Ivan by many troubles, if he does not spare the inhabitants. Grozny, disobeying, ordered the bells from one Pskov monastery. At that same hour, his best horse fell under the king, which made an impression on Ivan. The king hastily left Pskov and returned to Moscow, where the "wanted list" began about Novgorod treason, which was held for 1570, and many prominent ryams were also involved.

Russian-Crimean War (1571-1572)

In 1563 and 1569, along with the Turkish troops, Devlet's Gury made two unsuccessful campaigns to Astrakhan. In the second campaign, the Turkish fleet was also involved, the Turks were planned to build a channel between the Volga and Don to enhance their influence on the Caspian Sea, but the campaign ended in an unsuccessful 10-day siege of Astrakhan. DEVTLET I GEAR, dissatisfied with the strengthening of Turkey in this region, also hidden prevented a campaign.

Starting from 1567, the activity of Crimean Khanate began to increase, hiking was performed every year. In 1570, the Crimeans, almost without having unsubsioned, were subjected to a terrible devastation area of \u200b\u200bRyazan.

In 1571, Devlet Gary took a campaign to Moscow. Having deceived Russian intelligence, Khan moved Oka under Kromov, and not Serpukhova, where he was expected by the royal army, and rushed to Moscow. Ivan went to Rostov, and the Crimeans set fire to the emissions of the capital not protected by the Kremlin and China. In the correspondence followed, the king agreed to give the Khan Astrakhan, but he was not satisfied with this, demanding Kazan and 2000 rubles, and then declared his plans to seize the whole Russian state.

Devlet Gary wrote Ivan:

All because of the Kazan and Astrakhan, and the only light wealth apply to the dust, hoping on the Majesty of God. I came to you, the city of your burned, wanted your head and head; But you did not come and did not fight against us, but also praise, what is the Moscow Sovereign! There would be a shame and dorotility in you, so you came against us and stood.

The stunned defeat Ivan Terrible in the response message answered that he agreed to transfer to the Crimean control of Astrakhan, but Kazan refused to return to the Gires:

You write about the war in the literacy, and if I will write about this, I will not come to a kind thing. If you are angry for refusing to Kazan and Astrakhan, then we want to give you Astrakhan, only now it's impossible to be this business soon: for him we should have your ambassadors, and I cannot do such a great business; Until we granted, they gave the deadlines and our land did not fought

Ivan came to the Tatar Ambassadors in Sermy, saying to them: "You see de me, what am I? So de the king (khan) made me! All-de my kingdom paid and the treasury Fire, Dati dend me to me.

In 1572, Khan began a new campaign to Moscow, ended with the destruction of the Crimean-Turkish troops in the battle of young people. The death of the selected Turkish army near Astrakhan in 1569 and the defeat of the Crimean Horde near Moscow in 1572 laid the limit of Turkish-Tatar expansion in Eastern Europe.

There is a version based on the "History" of Prince Andrei Kurbsky on which the winner with young people, Vorotynsky, next year, was accused of the intention of the king, and he died from torture, and during torture himself, the king his staff was rapidly.

Great Prince John IV Vasilyevich
(miniature from the royal titular of 1672)

The escape of the king from Moscow

Sources report different versions about the escape of the king. Most of them converge on the fact that the king went to Yaroslavl, but came only to Rostov. In the news of the Wiele of the Devlet-Hire, which occurred in April - May 1571, the notes of the Gordsee fairly accurately, judging by other sources, transfer the canvas of events, starting with the burning of Moscow.

John Vasilyevich Great, Emperor of Russia, Prince of Muscovy. From the card of the sodel 1574

End of Okrichnina

In 1571, the Crimean Khan Devlet-Garyre invaded Russia. According to V. B. Kobrin, the decomposed Okrichnina has demonstrated a complete non-function: the ryrichniki, accustomed to the robbeles of the civilian population, simply did not appear on the war, so they were scored only on one regiment (against five-sized regions). Moscow was burned. As a result, during the new invasion in 1572, the oprichny army was already united with Zemsky; In the same year, the king generally canceled Ochrichnin and banned her name itself, although in fact, as the "Survae of the courtyard", Ochrichnina existed before his death.

Inappropriate actions against the Devlet-Hire in 1571 led to the final destruction of the official top of the first composition: the head of the Officer Duma, the Tsarsky Shurin M. Cherkasi (Saltankul Murza) "For the intentional sense of the king under the Tatar strike" was planted on Yasnelnichy P. Zaitsev hung at the gate of his own house; Official boyars I. Chebotov, I. Vorontsov, butler L. Saltykov, Kravychy F. Saltykov and many others. Moreover, the reprisals did not subsigh even after the battle of young people - noting the victory in Novgorod, the king treated in the Volkhov "Children of Boyar", after which the ban on the name of the Orytrician itself was introduced. At the same time, Ivan Grozny wrapped the repression on those who helped him first deal with Metropolitan Philip: Solovetsky Igumen Paisius was sharpened on Valaam, Ryazan Bishop Filofee was deprived of San, and the balancing of Stefan Kobylin, who was superior to the Metropolitan in the adolescence of the monastery, was exiled to the distant monastery of the stone Islands.

International relations during the Official Period

In 1569 through his Ambassador Thomas Randolf Elizaveta I gave to understand the king, which is not going to interfere in the Baltic conflict. In response, the king wrote her that her sales representatives "about ours about state heads and about honor and about the income of Earth do not think, but they are looking for only their trade arrogans," and canceled all the privileges previously provided by the Moscow Trade Company created by the British.

In 1569, Poland and the Grand Principality of Lithuanian united in the Confederation Commonwealth. In May 1570, the king signed a truce with the king of a sigismund for a period of three years, despite the huge number of mutual claims. The proclamation of the king of the Livonian Kingdom was delighted by the Livonian nobility, which was freedom of religion and a number of other privileges, and Livonian merchants, who received the right free duty-free trade in Russia, and instead of foreign merchants, artists and technicians into Moscow. After the death of Sigismund II and the suppression of the Yagellon dynasty in Poland and Lithuania, Ivan Grozny was considered one of the candidates for the Polish throne. The main condition for the consent of its election to the Polish king king, the king put the concession of the Poland of Livonia in favor of Russia, and in the quality of compensation, proposing to return Polotsk with suburbs to Poles. But on November 20, 1572, Maximilian II concluded an agreement with a formidable agreement, according to which all ethnic Polish lands (Great Poland, Mazovia, Favoria, Silesia) had to move away to the Empire, and to Moscow - Livonia and the Grand Principality Lithuanian with all his possessions - that is Belorussia, weigly, Ukraine, so noble to know hurried with the election of the king and elected Heinrich Valua.

In March 1570, Ivan Grozny issued a "tsarist diploma" (Caperary Certificate) Danchanin Carsten Rode. In May of the same year, having bought and equipped the ships to the royal money, the way came out in the sea and until September 1570 was produced in the Baltic Sea against the Swedish and Polish merchants.

Khan on the Moscow throne

In 1575, at the request of Ivan the Terrible Kresthenny Tatar and Khan Kasimovsky Simeon Becklatovich Veden was on the kingdom, as the "Grand Duke of All Russia", and John Grozny himself called Ivan Moscow, left the Kremlin and began to live on Petrovka.

According to the English historian and traveler Jils Fletcher, by the end of the year the new sovereign selected all the letters complained by the biccopies and monasteries, which have already enjoyed several centuries. All of them were destroyed. After that (as if displeased with such a act and the bad rule of the new sovereign), the Grozny took again the Scepter and, as if, in the pleasedness of the Church and the clergy, it was allowed to resume the letters, which he already distributed from himself, holding and connecting so much lands to the treasury as he himself was anything.

This way, Grozny took away the biscuopy and monasteries (except for the land attached to the treasury) the unpelled number of money: in some 40, from the other 50, from another 100 thousand rubles, which was done by them with a view to not only multiply their treasury, but also to remove The evil opinion about his cruel government, showing an example of another king's worst in the hands of the other king.

This was preceded by a new burst of executions, when he was defeated by the circle of approximated, which was established in 1572, after the destruction of the upperic top. Cutting from the throne, Ivan Vasilyevich took the "lot" and formed his "specific" Duma, which was now filled with Nagi, Godunov and Belsky.

Final stage of the Livonian War

On February 23, 1577, the 50,000 Russian army again took a root in the siege, but it was not possible to take the fortress. In February 1578, Nunches of Vingeniy Laureo, with alarming, brought in Rome: "Muscovite divided his army into two parts: they are waiting for one by Riga, another under Vitebsk." By this time, all the Livonia on Dvina, with the exception of only two cities - Revel and Riga, was in the hands of Russians.

In 1579, the Royal Gonole Vezseyslav Lopatinsky brought the king from the Batory to a diploma with the declaration of war. Already in August, the Polish army took Polotsk, then moved to the Great Luki and took them.

At the same time, direct negotiations about the world with Poland went. Ivan Grozny offered to give Poland all the situation, with the exception of four cities. Bathers did not agree and demanded all the Livonian cities, in addition to semity and paying 400,000 Hungarian gold for military costs. It brought out terrible, and he answered with a sharp letter.

After that, in the summer of 1581, Stephen Batori invaded Russia deep into Russia and besieged Pskov, which, however, could not take. At the same time, the Swedes took the Narva, where the 7,000 Russians fell, then Ivangorod and Koporye. Ivan was forced to go to negotiations with Poland, hoping to conclude with her then the Union against Sweden. In the end, the king was forced to agree to the conditions for which the Livonian cities, who for the sovereign, king to give up, and Luke are great and other cities that the king took, let him give way to the sovereign "- that is, a distinguished almost quarter of a century war ended Status Quo Ante Bellum, thus being fruitless. A 10-year-old truce under these conditions was signed on January 15, 1582 in the Jama Zapolsky. After the intensification of hostilities between Russia and Sweden in 1582 (the Russian victory under the Lalyans, the unsuccessful siege of the siege of the hassle) began peaceful negotiations, the result was the plus truce. Yam, Coporye and Ivangorod went to Sweden together with the territory of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland adjacent to them. The Russian state turned out to be cut off from the sea. The country was ravaged, and the northwestern regions depcomted. It should be noted that the Crimean raids affected the course of the war and its results: only for 3 years out of 25 years there was no significant raids.

Last years

With the direct support of Nogai Murz Prince Ulus, the excitement of Volzhsky Cheremis broke out: the cavalry of up to 25,000 people, attacking the Astrakhan, devastated Belovsky, Kolomna and Alaki lands. In conditions of insufficient to suppress the rebellion of the number of three royal regiments, the breakthrough of the Crimean Horde could lead to a very dangerous consequences for Russia. Obviously, wanting to avoid such a danger, the Russian government and decided to transfer troops, temporarily abandoning the onset of Sweden.

On January 15, 1580, a church cathedral was convened in Moscow. Turning to the highest hierarchs, the king directly spoke, how hard his position: "Countless enemies rebelled to the Russian power," because he asks for help from the church. The king finally managed to completely take away the method of increasing church possessions of the patrimonies of serving people and boyars - they often gave their victobin to the Church's mortgage and on the mumage of the soul, which was harmful to the state's defense capability. The Cathedral decided: the bishops and monasteries of the victuchin from serviced people do not buy, in the mortgage and in the remembrance of the soul do not take. Votchiny, bought or deposited from serviced people, take away to the royal treasury.

In 1580, the king defeated the German slob. French Jacques, who had lived in Russia for many years, writes: " Livonians who were captured and brought to Moscow, confessing Lutheran faith, having received two temples inside the city of Moscow, sent publicly a service there; But in the end, because of their pride and vanity, the temples said ... were destroyed and all their homes were ruined. And, although in the winter they were expelled by nagi and in what mother gave birth, they could not blame anyone in this, except for themselves, for ... they behaved so arrogant, their manners were so arrogant, and their clothes are so luxurious that they can all It was for the princes and princesses ... The main young lady gave them the right to sell vodka, honey and other drinks, on what they are nothing 10%, and hundred that will seem incredible, but it is true».

In 1581, Jesuit A. Possevin went to Russia, speaking as an intermediary between Ivan and Poland, and, at the same time, hoping to incline the Russian church on the Ulya with Catholic. His failure predicted Polish Hetman Zamoysky: " He is ready to swear that the Grand Duke is located to him and in favor of the Latin faith will take him, and I am sure that these negotiations will end with the fact that the prince will hit his crutch and round" M. V. Tolstoy writes in the "History of the Russian Church": " But the hopes of the dad and the efforts of the assevine were not crowned with success. John had all the natural flexibility of his mind, dexterity and prudence, which Jesuit himself had to give justice, helling the harassment of the permission to build Latin Churches in Russia, rejected the disputes about the faith and connecting churches on the basis of the Rules of the Florentine Cathedral and not fond of the dreaming promise to acquire all The Empire of Byzantine, lost to the Greeks as if for the derogation from Rome" The ambassador himself notes that "the Russian sovereign died stubbornly, leaving the conversation on this topic." Thus, the papal throne did not receive any privileges; The possibility of joining Moscow in the Lono of the Catholic Church remained as foggy, as before, and meanwhile the Pope Ambassador was to begin his intermediary role.

The conquest of Western Siberia Yermak Timofeevich and his Cossacks in 1583 and the capture of the capital of the Siberian Khanate - I wanted the beginning of the appeal of the local population in Orthodoxy: Yermak's troops accompanied four priests and hieromons. However, this expedition was committed against the will of the king, which in November 1582, he drew Stroganov for the fact that they called on their victory of the Cossacks - "thieves" - the Volga Atamans, who "first quarreled us with the Nogai Ordo, the Nogai ambassadors were broken on the Volga, and the Ordabazars robbed and beat, and our We have many robberies and losses of Chinili ". Tsar Ivan IV ordered Stroganov under the fear of "big opals" to return Ermak from a hike to Siberia and use his forces to "protect Perm places". But while the king wrote his diploma, Ermak had already hit the Kuchum crushing defeat and took it to the capital.


The study of the remains of Ivan Grozny showed that in the last six years of his life has developed osteophytes, and to such an extent that he could no longer walk on his own and worn on her stretchers. The surveyed remains of M. M. Gerasimov noted that he had not seen such powerful deposits in deep old people. Forced immobility, connecting with a general unhealthy lifestyle and nervous shocks, led to the fact that in his 50 years the king looked like a stale old man.

In August 1582, A. Possevin in the report of Venetian Signoria stated that "the Moscow state live for a long time." In February and early March 1584, the king was still engaged in state affairs. By March 10, there is the first mention of the disease when the Lithuanian ambassador was stopped on the way to Moscow in connection with the ailment of the sovereign. On March 16, a deterioration was made, the king fell into infamousity, but the 17th and 18 March felt relief from hot baths. After afternoon, March 18, the king died. The body of the sovereign swallowed and badly smelled "due to blood decomposition." Jerome Gorda stated that death had suffered a king for playing chess.

Vivloofi retained the suicide order of Tsar Boris Godunov: "Even the Grand Sovereign of the Movement of the Foreignness of the Body and the Blood of the Lord, then at the testimony of the confessor of his archimandrite Feodosia, the eyes of his eyes filling, verb in Boris Feodorovich: I order my and son of my Feodor Ivanovich's soul And give your Irina ... ". Also before death, according to the annals, the king bequeathed to the younger son Dmitry Uglich with all the villages.

It was reliably to find out whether the death of the king was caused by natural reasons or was violent, difficult because of hostile to the court.

There were stubborn rumors about the violent death of the Terrible. The chronicler of the XVII century reported that "the king was given to the poison of near people." According to the testimony of Dejak Ivan Timofeyev, Boris Godunov and Bogdan Belsky "prematurely ceased the life of the king." Crown Hetman Zolkevsky also accused Godunov: "He deprived the life of the king Ivan, bribing the doctor who he treated Ivan, for it was such that if he had not warned him (not ahead), he would be executed with many other noble nobles" . Dutchman Isaac Mass wrote that Belsky put poison in the royal medicine. Gores also wrote about the secret plans of Godunov against the king and put forward the version of the king's suffocation, with whom V. I. Koretsky agreed: "Apparently, the king was given first poison, and then for loyalty, in a turmoil, rising after he suddenly fell , also invented. " Historian Valishevsky wrote: "Bogdan Belsky with his advisers yielded the king Ivan Vasilyevich, and now the boyars beyond and wants to find the king of the Moscow Fedor Ivanovich the kingdom of Moscow to his adviser (Godunov)."

The version of the Poisonment of Grozny was checked at the opening of the royal tombs in 1963. Studies showed a normal content in the remains of arsenic and an increased mercury content, which, however, was present in many drugs of the XVI century and which was treated by Syphilis, who was presumably sick king. The murder version remained a hypothesis.

At the same time, the chief archaeologist Kremlin Tatyana Panova, together with the researcher, Elena Alexandrovskaya considered the conclusions of the 1963 Commission in incorrect. In their opinion, the permissible norm of arsenic at Ivan the Terrible is exceeded by more than 2 times. In their opinion, the king was poisoned by a "cocktail" from arsenic and mercury, which was given to him for some time.

Family and Children

The number of wives of Ivan the Terrible is definitely not established, historians are mentioned the names of six or seven women who were considered wives Ivan IV. Of these, only the first 4 are "weddings", that is legitimate from the point of view of church law (for the fourth marriage prohibited by canons, Ivan was obtained a cathedral decision on its admissibility).

The first, the longest of them was imprisoned as follows: On December 13, 1546, the 16-year-old Ivan was consulted with Metropolitan Makarius about his desire to marry. Immediately after the weddings took place in January, noble dignitaries, Ocolnichny and Dick began to go around the country, looking for the king of the bride. Looking brides was arranged. The choice of King fell on Anastasia, the daughter of the widow of Zakharian. At the same time, Karamzin says that the king was guided by no knowledge of the genus, but the personal advantages of Anastasia. Wedding took place on February 3, 1547 in the temple of Our Lady. The marriage of the king lasted 13 years, up to the sudden death of Anastasia in the summer of 1560. The death of his wife has greatly influenced the 30-year king, after this, the events of historians note the fracture in the nature of his rule. A year after the death of his wife, the king joined the second marriage, having combined with Maria Temryukovnoy, who came from the genus Kabardian princes. After her death, Marfa Dogkin and Anna Kolovskaya became wives. The third and fourth wives of the king were also chosen according to the results of brides, and the same, since Martif died 2 weeks after the wedding.

This is the number of legitimate marriages of the king, and then information becomes more mandated. It was 2 similarities of marriage (Anna Vasilchikov and Maria Nagaya), lit in reliable writing sources. Probably, information about the late "Wives" (Vasilisa Melentyev and Maria Dolgoruky) are legends or pure falsification.

In 1567, through the plenipotentiary English ambassador of Anthony Jenkinson, Ivan Grozny led negotiations on marriage with the English Queen Elizabeth I, and in 1583, through the nobleman, Fedor Pishemsky woven the relative of Queen Mary Hastings, not embarrassed by the fact that he himself was at this time once again married .

A possible explanation of the numerous marriages that is not characteristic for that time is the assumption of K. Valishevsky that Ivan was a big lover of women, but at the same time he was a big pedant in compliance with religious rites and sought to possess a woman only as a legitimate husband. On the other hand, according to the Englishman Jerome Gores, who knew the king personally, "he himself boasted the fact that he crushed a thousand virgins and the fact that thousands of his children were deprived of their lives." According to V. B. Kobrin, this statement, although it contains an obvious exaggeration, brightly characterizes the depravity of the king. The Grozny himself, in spiritual literacy, recognized and "fornicated" simply, and "Parisheless Blutters" in particular.




(all - from Anastasia)
  • Anna Ioannovna (August 10, 1549-1550) - Died, without living up to a year.
  • Maria Ioannovna (March 17, 1551 - December 8, 1552) - died in infancy.
  • Evdokia Ioannovna (February 26, 1556-1558) - died for 3 years of life.

Personality of Ivan Grozny

Cultural activity

Ivan IV was one of the most educated people of his time, possessed phenomenal memory, theological erudition.

According to the historian S. M. Solovyova,

none of the sovereign of our ancient history was distinguished by such a hunt and such a decrease to talk, argue, orally or writing, on the People's Square, at the Church Cathedral, with a departing boyarian or with foreign ambassadors, which is why he received a nickname in the verbal wisdom of the rider.

He is the author of numerous messages (including Kurbsky, Elizabeth I, Stephana Bator, Yuhan III, Vasily Dirty, Jan Khodkevich, Jan Rokita, Prince Haminensky, in Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery), Persecution of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, to Petra's Press Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, canona angel of the Grozny Voivod (under the pseudonym of the Parfunctions is robing). In 1551, by order of the king, the Moscow Cathedral ordered the spiritual sexes to organize in all cities of the school for children to "Teaching a diploma and the teaching of a book letter and church petty Psalmny ". This Cathedral approved the widespread use of many-voice singing. According to Ivan the Terrible, in Alexander Sloboda, something like a conservatory was created, where the best musical masters, such as Fedor Peasant (Christian), Ivan Yuriev-Nose, Potapov Brothers, Tretyak Zhorintsev , Savluk Mikhailov, Ivan Calomanitine, Cross Dyack Andreev. Ivan IV was a good speaker.

By order of the king, a unique monument of literature was created - the facial chronicle arch.

In order to arrange a printing house in Moscow, the king turned to Christian II with a request to send bookprints, and he sent in 1552 to Moscow through Gansa Missinghemia Bible in Luther and two Lutheran Catechism, but at the insistence of Russian hierarchs the plan of the king for the distribution of translations in several thousands of copies It was rejected.

Based on the printed courtyard, the king contributed to the organization of typography in Moscow and the construction of the church of Vasily blissful on Red Square. According to the testimony of contemporaries, Ivan IV was " the husband of Chusudny telling, in the science of book teachings, satisfied and the multi-advantape" He loved to ride in the monasteries, was interested in the description of the life of the great kings of the past. It is assumed that Ivan inherited from the grandmother Sofia Paleologist the most valuable library of the seasons despotal, which included ancient Greek manuscripts; What he did to her is unknown: by one versions, the library of Ivan Grozny died in one of the Moscow fires, in others - was hidden by the king. In the 20th century, the search was made by individual enthusiasts, the library of Ivan Grozny in the dungeons in the dungeons became a plot that constantly attracts the attention of journalists.

The largest Russian composers of this time, who used the patronage of Ivan IV, Fedor Peasant (Christian) and Ivan Nose consisted in the choir of Summer Tsarist Dyakov.

Tsar Ivan and Church

Rapprochement with the West at Ivan IV could not be left without the foreigners who came to Russia did not talk with Russians and did not contribute to the prevailing spirit and debate in the west.

In the fall of 1553, the Cathedral was opened in the case of Matthew Bashkina and his accomplices. Heretics were filed a number of charges: the denial of the Holy Cathedral Apostolic Church, the rejection of the worship of icons, denial of the strength of repentance, dismissive attitude to the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils, etc. The chronicle reports: " And the king and Metropolitan told him, excusted, to tidy ... He is Christian his own confession, concealing the charm, Satanino heretism, Mntyosh Bo madness from all-seeing eyes».

The most significant relationship of the king with the Holy Metropolitan Macarius, Metropolitan Hermann, Metropolitan Philipp, Reverend Cornilius Pskovo-Pechersky, as well as Protopopa Sylvester. The acts of church cathedrals that took place at the time were important - in particular, the stamp cathedral.

One of the manifestations of deep religiosity Ivan IV is considered to be significant contributions to various monasteries. Numerous donations to the polarity of the shower of people killed by its decree have no analogues not only in Russian, but also in European history. However, modern researchers note the initial profanation of this list (the inclusion of Orthodox Christians in it is not on baptismal names, but on worldly nicknames, as well as inners, "leading women", etc.) and consider the synod "just a peculiar key, with which Monarch hoped to "buy out" from the panel of demons the soul of the deceased Tsarevich. " In addition, church historians, characterizing the identity of Ivan the Terrible, emphasize that "the fate of Metropolitans after St. Makaria completely on his conscience" (they were all forcibly reduced from the First Prone, and from Metropolitan Athanasius, Kirill and Anthony did not even survive the graves). Do not honor the king also mass executions of Orthodox priests and monks, robberies of monasteries and the destruction of churches in Novgorod lands and estates of optocobal boyars.

The question of canonization

At the end of the 20th century, some of the church and nearby circles discussed the issue of canonization of Grozny. This idea has met the categorical condemnation of the church priest and the patriarch, who indicated the historical failure of the rehabilitation of the Terrible, on his crimes In front of the church (murder of saints), as well as rejected statements about his folk reverence.

The character of the king on the reviews of contemporaries

Ivan grew up in the situation of the palace conspiracies, the struggle for the power of the Boyars of Chuisian and Belskie. Therefore, it was the opinion that murders, intrigues and violence surrounded by him contributed to the development of suspicion, vigorously and cruelty. S. Solovyov, analyzing the influence of the era of the era on the character of Ivan IV, notes that he "did not conscious of moral, spiritual means for establishing the truth and a dress or, even worse, well, forgot about them; Instead of calculation, he strengthened the disease, taught even more to torture, fires and feet. "

However, in the era of the elected Rada King was characterized enthusiastic. One of the contemporaries writes about the 30-year-old Grozny: "The custom of John is to keep themselves pure before God. Both in the temple, and in the prayer of the secluded, and in the Board of Boyarsky, and among the people he has one feeling: "Yes, I miss the Most High pointed to rules my true anointing!" The court is unloaded, the safety of everyone and the common, the facility of the states entrusted to him, the celebration of Faith , Freedom of Christians is an everful thought of him. Burdened by affairs, he does not know other jits, except for the conscience of peaceful, in addition to the pleasure of doing his duty; Does not want ordinary coolness of the royal ... Affectionable to the venels and people - Lyubovy, awarding everyone, in dignity - a generosity, eradicating poverty, and evil - an example of good, the innocent king who wants to hear the Glow of mercy on the day of the terrible trial: "You are the king of Truth!" " .

"He is so inclined to anger that, being in it, emits a foam, as if horse, and comes like in madness; In such a state, he is also infused on counter. - writes Ambassador Daniel Prince from Boohova. - The cruelty, which he often performs on his own, has the beginning in nature, or at the lowestity (Malitia) of the subjects, I can not say.<…> When he at the table, the eldest son sits down his right hand. He himself gross morals; For it rests on the elbows on the table, and since it does not eat any plates, it eats food, taking her hands, and sometimes abdicated laid again back into the cup (in patinam). Before drinking or there is any of the proposed, he usually marks himself with a big cross and looks at the hang-made images of the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. "

The historian Solovyov believes that it is necessary to consider the personality and character of the king in the context of his surroundings in his youth:

The word excuses of such a person will not utter the historian; He can only pronounce the word of regret, if, peeringly carefully in a terrible image, under the gloomy features of the torment, the sorrowful features of the victim; For here, as everywhere, the historian is obliged to indicate the connection of the phenomena: selfishness, contempt of a common good, the contempt of life and the honor of the neighbor sowed Shuisky with comrades - Grozny grew up.

- Solovyov S. M. History of Russia from ancient times.


Certificates of contemporaries about the appearance of Ivan the Terrible are very scarce. All its existing portraits, according to K. Valishevsky, have dubious authenticity. According to the reviews of contemporaries, he was dried, had a high height and a good physique. Ivan's eyes were blue with an insightful look, although in the second half of his reigning there is already a gloomy and sullen face. The king shaved his head, wore a big mustache and a thick reddish beard, which heavily went to the end of his reign. "The story of the Book of Say from the previous years" the first third of the XVII century describes the ruler: " King Ivan the way ridiculous, the eyes having sulfur, the nose is skewed, pounding; The age is great, the bicham is dry, the body is having, the shoulders having a high, chest wide, muscles of thick; Chusudagago's husband telling, in science of booknago reading satisfied and multi-self-member ...».

The Venetian Ambassador Marco Fotoscarino in the "Donation of Muscovy" writes about the appearance of 27-year-old Ivan Vasilyevich: "Beautifully".

The German ambassador Daniel Prince, who was twice in Moscow at Ivan the Terrible, described the 46-year-old king: "He is very high growth. The body has full strength and quite strong, large narrow eyes, which are all observed in the most thorough way. Jaw outstanding forward, courageous. He has a redhead beard, with a small shade of black, rather long and thick, curly, but the hair on the head, like a large part of the Russians, shaves the razor. In the hand, the staff with a heavy knob, symbolizing the fortress of state power in Russia and the great male dignity of the king himself. "

In 1963, the Tomb of Ivan Grozny was opened in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The king was buried in the closure of Schimonha. The remains found that the growth of Ivan the Terrible was about 180 cm. In recent years of life, its weight was 85-90 kg. Soviet scientist M. M. Gerasimov used the technique developed by him to restore the appearance of Ivan the Terrible on the preserved skull and skeleton. According to the results of the study, it can be said that "By 54, the king was already an old man, his face was covered with deep wrinkles, under the eyes - huge bags. Clear asymmetry (left eye, the clavicle and the blade were significantly more right), the heavy nose of the descendant of Paleologists, the squeezing-sensual mouth gave him an unavailable appearance. "

Estimates of the results of the Board

The dispute about the results of the Board of Ivan Grozny began during his life and continues at present.

In the eyes of contemporaries

J. Fletcher pointed to strengthen the permissions of commoners, which had a negative impact on their motivation to work:

A. D. Litovchenko. Ivan Grozny shows his treasures to the English ambassador Gore. Canvas, oil. 1875. Russian Museum

I often saw our product (like something: fur, etc.), everyone looked around and looked at the doors, as people who fear them, so that they did not overtake them and did not capture any enemy. When I asked them, for what they did it, I learned that they doubted whether there were any of the visitors of someone from the royal nobles or which son of Boyarsky, and so that they did not come with their accomplices and did not take them forcibly all product.

That is why the people (although generally capable of carrying all sorts of work) indulge in laziness and drunkenness, without worrying about anything more than day intimacy. From the same thing happens that the works peculiar to Russia (as mentioned above, like that: wax, fat, skin, luna, hemp and so on.), It is mined and exported abroad in the amount of much less against the former, for the people, being It is arched and deprived of everything that acquires, loses all hunting to work.

Evaluating the results of the king to strengthen the autocracy and eradication of heresies, the German officer Stadan wrote:

Although the Almighty God punished Russian Earth so hard and brutally that no one would be able to describe, yet the current great prince achieved that throughout the Russian land, along his entire power - one faith, one weight, one measure! Only he is one rules! Everything that he orders, - everything is performed and everything that is forbidden - it really remains banned. No one will reach him: neither spiritual nor laity.

Historiography of the XIX century

Nikolay Karamzin described the Terrible as the Great and Wise Sovereign in the first half of the reign, a merciless tyrant - to the second:

Between other serious experiences of fate, over the disasters of the specific system, over Iga Mughal, Russia was supposed to experience a thunderstorm of the amples-torch: he stood with love of autocracy, because she believed that God would send an ulcer and earthquake and tyrants; I did not preven the iron skip in the hands of the John and twenty-four years demolished the destroyer, arming the only prayer and patience, so that in the best times to have Peter the Great, Catherine in the second (history does not like to call living). In humility, the generous sufferers died on the frontal place as the Greeks in thermopils for the fatherland, for faith and loyalty, without having thoughts about Bunte. In vain, some alien historians, apologizing to John, wrote about conspiracies, as if destroyed by it: these conspiracies existed the only intention of the king, in all evidence of our chronicles and states of state. The clergy, boyars, the citizens of the famous would not cause the beast from the Vertipod of Sloboda Aleksandrovskaya, if they plunged the betrayal, which absorbs them as ridiculous as a sorcerence. No, the tiger was drunk with blood of the Lamb - and the victims, frightened in innocence, the last gaze to the distressive land demanded justice, the dying memories from contemporaries and offspring!

The good glory of Johnnes survived His Hudu Glory in the People's Memory: the silence was silent, the victims were thinned, and the old legends eclipsed with the newest.

From the point of view of Nikolai Kostomarov, almost all achievements during the reign of Ivan Grozny fall on the initial period of his rule, when the young king was not yet an independent figure and was under dense care figures of the elected glad. The subsequent period of Ivan's reign was marked by numerous external and domestic political failures. Kostomarov draws the attention of the reader to the content of the "spiritual will, compiled by Ivan Grozny about 1572, according to which the country was supposed to be divided between the sons of the king on semi-independent diets. The historian claims that this path would have led to the actual destruction of a single state on a scheme well known in Russia.

Sergey Solovyov saw the main pattern of activity of Grozny in the transition from the "generic" relations to the "state", which completed the Okrichnina ("... In the will of John IV, the specific prince becomes completely subjects of the Grand Duke, the elder brother, which is already the title of king. This is the main thing The phenomenon is the transition of generic relations between princes to state ... "). (Ivan Botin indicated that, as in Western Europe, the feudal fragmentation in Russia is replaced by a political association, and compared Ivan IV with Louis XI, the same comparison of Ivan with Louis is celebrated by Karamzin).

Vasily Klyuchevsky considered the internal policy of Ivanimnaya: "The question of state-powered has become a question about personal security for him, and he, as not to moderately, the frightened man began to beat right and left, without disassembling friends and enemies." Oprichnina, from his point of view, prepared a "real Kramol" - troubled time.

Historiography of the XX century

S. F. Platonov saw in the activities of Ivan the Terrible strengthening of Russian statehood, but condemned him for the fact that "a complex political case was even more complicated by unnecessary torture and gross debauchery" that the reforms "took the nature of the general terror".

R. Yu. Vipper considered in the early 1920s of Ivan the Terrible as a brilliant organizer and the Creator of the largest power, in particular, he wrote about him: "Ivan Grozny, contemporary Elizabeth of the English, Philip II of Spanish and Wilhelm Orange, the leader of the Netherlands Revolution, has to To solve military, administrative and international tasks, similar to the goals of the creators of the new European powers, but in a much more difficult situation. He may be the talents of the diplomat and the organizer. " Hard measures in domestic politics Vipper justified the seriousness of the international situation in which Russia was located: "In the division of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, two different epochs were concluded at the same time, the assessment of the personality and activities of Ivan the Terrible: it served the main basis for the detiming of his historical role, for the enhancing His among the greatest tyrants. Unfortunately, when analyzing this issue, most historians focused their attention on changes in the inner life of the Moscow state and little was considered with an international situation in which (it) was within ... the reign of Ivan IV. Sigor critics, as it were, forgot, that the entire second half of the reign of Ivan Grozny took place under the sign of a continuous war, and with the most severe war, which ever led the Great Russian state. "

At that time, the views of the Vipper were rejected by Soviet science (in the 1920s and 1930s he saw in the Grozny oppressor of the people who prepared the serfdom), but subsequently were supported during the period when the personality and activities of Ivan Grozny became official approval from Stalin. During this period, Terror of Grozny was justified by the fact that the Ochrichnina "finally and forever broke the boyars, made an impossible restoration of the orders of feudal fragmentation and consolidated the foundations of the state system of the Russian National State"; Such an approach continued the concept of Solovyov - Platonov, but was complemented by the idealization of the image of Ivan.

In 1940-1950, Ivan Grozny was engaged in a lot of academician S. B. Veselovsky, who had no opportunity because of the position dominated at that time to publish the main works in life; He refused to idealize Ivan the Terrible and Okrichnin and introduced a large number of new materials into a scientific circulation. The roots of Terror Veselovsky saw in the conflict of the monarch with the administration (the sovereign yard as a whole), and not specifically with large feudal bathers; He believed that in practice, Ivan did not change the status of the boyars and the general procedure for managing the country, but limited himself to the destruction of concrete actual and imaginary opponents (for the fact that Ivan "beat not one boyars and not even a boyars predominantly", indicated already Klyuchevsky).

The first time the concept of the "state-owned" internal policy of Ivana was supported by A. A. Zimin, speaking of a reasonable terror against the feudalists who betrayed national interests. Subsequently, Zimin accepted the concept of Veselovsky on the absence of a systematic fighting against a doard; In his opinion, Okrich Torrore has affected the Russian peasantry. Zimin recognized both crimes and state merit of Grozny:

For Russia, the time of the reign of Ivan the Terrible remained one of the most gloomy stripes of its history. The defeat of the reform movement, the increasingness of the Okrichnina, "Novgorod Pogrom" - here are some milestones of the bloody path of Grozny. However, we will be fair. Near the milestones of another path - the transformation of Russia into a huge power that included the land of Kazan and Astrakhan Khanni, Western Siberia from the Ice Ocean to the Caspian Sea, the reform of the country's management, strengthening the international prestige of Russia, the expansion of trade and cultural ties with European and Asia countries

V. B. Kobrin extremely negatively assesses the results of Okrichnin:

"Pisch books, compiled in the first decades after Official, create the impression that the country has experienced a devastating enemy invasion. "Empty" lies not only more than half, but sometimes up to 90 percent of the Earth, sometimes for many years. Even in the Central Moskovsky district, only about 16 percent of Pashnya was processed. Frames are frequent "Pashnya-Fleehead", which is already "rowed rustling", "forest-groves of pores" and even "Forest threw in a log, in a stroke and in a helper": the Browny Forest managed to grow on a former arable land. Many landowners were aroused so much that they threw their estates, where all the peasants were running from, and turned into beggars - "dragged between the courtyard". "

Internal policy of Ivan IV, after the failure of the failure during the Livonian war and as a result of the desire of the sovereign, to establish a fearless monarch of power, acquires a terrorist nature and in the second half of the reign is marked by the institution of Officials (6 years), mass executions and murders, defeat Novgorod and inconsistencies in other cities (Tver, Wedge, Torzhok). Okrichnina was accompanied by thousands of victims, and, according to many historians, its results, together with the results of a long and unsuccessful war, led the state to the socio-political crisis.

Positive characteristics

Despite the fact that in Russian historiography, the negative appearance of the reign of Ivan Grozny was traditionally emerged, it also existed a direction, inclined to positively assess its results. As a general assessment of the results of the reign of Ivan IV, determined by historians who adhere to this point of view, you can specify the following:

Evaluating the results of the heyday of the Russian state, author (R. G. Skrynnikov) It mentions the cessation of feudal assistance, the unification of land, the reform of Ivan the Terrible, which strengthened the system of government and armed forces. This made it possible to crush the last fragments of the Golden Horde on the Volga - Kazan and Astrakhan kingdoms.

But next to this, at the same time they were the failure of Russia in the Livonian War (1558-1583) For the exit to the Baltic, there were cripples of the 60s. XVI century, hunger, plague, devastating the country. There was a discord Ivan IV with a boyars, the section of the state on the land and the oprichnin, oprichny goats and executions (1565-1572) who weakened the state. ... the invasion of the 40-thousand Crimean Horde, the big and small Nagai Hordes in Moscow in 1571, the battle of Russian regiments with a new invasion in the summer of 1572 at the approaches to Moscow; The battle of young people, under the Danil Monastery in July 1591, those battles became victories.

S. V. Bushyev, G. E. Mironov. History of Russian Goverment

In addition, historians who adhere to the beneficial influence of the Board of Ivan the Terrible on the development of the Russian state, the following statements lead as the positive results of his reign:

1) preservation of the country's independence. With sufficient grounds for comparing the scale of the Kulikovsky battle with the battle of young people (participation of 5 thousand in the first, for example, - according to S. B. Veselovsky or 60 thousand according to V.N. Tatishchev, and over 20 thousand in the second - according to R. G. Skrynnikovka), the latter also had an orphanage for the further development of the state: it was finished with an inevitable danger of regular devastating Tatar-Mongol expansion; "The chain of the Tatar" kingdoms ", stomping from the Crimea to Siberia, was broken forever."

2) the formation of defense bodies; "... a curious and important feature in the activities of the Moscow government into the most gloomy and darkness of the life of the Terrible - in the years of his political failures and inner terror ... - Caring to strengthen the southern border of the state and the settlement of the" wild field ". Under the pressure of many reasons, the Government of the Terrible began a number of agreed measures on the defense of their southern outskirts ... ".

Together with the crushing defeat of the troops of the Crimean Khanate, with Astrakhansky, - "Kazan Take" (1552) He opened the Russian path in the lower house of the Great Russian River Volga and the Caspian Sea. " "Among the solid failures of the end of the war (Livonskaya) Siberian taking Ermak flashed like lightning in the night darkness, "predetermined, together with the strengthening of the success of previous items, the prospect for further expanding the state in these areas, with the death of Ermak," "under the high royal arm" took over the Moscow government sent to Siberia , to the aid of the Cossacks, their governor with "frosting servants" and with the "people" (artillery) "; And as for the eastern direction of expansion, he himself says the fact that already "after half a century after the death of Yermak, the Russians went on the shores of the Pacific Ocean."

"The Livonian War of Grozny was the timely intervention of Moscow as paramount importance to the international struggle for the right to use the Baltic sea routes." And even in an unsuccessful campaign, most of the most detailed researchers traveled positive factors by the fact that at this time there was a long trade with Europe by sea (through Narva), and that later, after a hundred years, I implemented and developed as one of the main directions of my policy. Peter.

"The old look at the Okrichnina abolished as a meaningless venture of a crazy tyrant. It sees the application to the large land Moscow aristocracy of that "withdrawal", which Moscow power usually applied to the commander of the classes of submissive lands. The withdrawal of large landowners with their "Votchin" was accompanied by the crushing of their possessions and the transfer of land into the conditional use of a small servant of Luda. This was destroyed by old to know and the new social layer of "Boyar Children", Officer servants of the Great Situer was strengthened. "

3) the general condition of the culture is characterized by the rise, the mature development of which it became possible only after overcoming the troubled. "The raids of Crimeans and terrible fires caused Moscow and Muscovites heavy damage during the reign of John Ivan Vasilyevich. Related after that Moscow slowly. "But the reign of John Grozny," according to I. K. Kondratieva, "it was still one of the wonderful reigns that were imposed on Moscow, and with her and on the whole of Russia the seal of special greatness." Indeed, during these years the first Zemsky Cathedral took place in Moscow, was created by the stamp, the Kingdom of Kazan and Astrakhansky were conquered, Siberia was joined, trading with the British (1553) (as well as with Persia and Central Asia)Opened the first typography, Arkhangelsk, Kungur and Ufa, were built, Bashkirs were taken to Russian citizenship, the Don Cossacks were established, the famous church of the Intercession was erected into the memory of the conquest of the Kazan kingdom, a better known under the name of Basil Blessed. " Established Streletsky army.

However, critics of such an approach indicate a small role that Ivan IV himself played in all these events. So, the main commander, provided in 1552, the conquest of Kazan was Alexander Gorbatoy-Shuisky, while previous hiking on Kazan in 1547 and 1549, headed by Ivan IV personally, ended in failures. Subsequently, the hunchback shuisky was executed by order of Ivan the Terrible. Initial successes in Livonia and the capture of Polotsk are associated with the name of the talented commander of Peter Shuisky, after whom Military successes in the Livonian war stopped. The victory over the superior forces of the Crimean Tatars with young people was provided thanks to the military talents of Mikhail Vorotnsky and Dmitry Twigs, and the first was also subsequently repressed by Ivan. Ivan Grozny himself, both at the first Crimean campaign in 1571 and at the second in 1572 fled from Moscow and there was a military action in Novgorod and Alexander Sloboda. In addition, it is believed that Ivan Terrible with great distrust treated watchdog people, guarding the southern borders and from the events of the king in the Crimea there were many children of Boyars, one of which, Kudyar Tyshenkov, subsequently held the Crimeans around the circumferential paths to Moscow. Also, researchers - culturities indicate a unique link between the political regime of the state and the cultural condition of society.

According to a survey of the FOM conducted in the fall of 2016, the overwhelming majority of Russians (71%) positively assess the role of Ivan the Terrible in history. 65% of Russians would approve the installation of the monument to Ivan Grozny in his settlement.

Ivan Terrible in Culture

S. A. Kirillov. "Ivan groznyj". 1990.


  • The death of John Grozny (1909) - actor A. Slavin.
  • Song about merchant Kalashnikova (1909) - actor Ivan Potemkin
  • Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny (1915) - actor Fedor Shalyapin
  • Cabinet of wax figures / Das Wachsfigurenkabinett (1924) - Konrad Faidt
  • Wings of Hop (1926) - Leonid Leonidov
  • First Print Ivan Fedorov (1941) - Pavel Shpringfeld
  • Ivan Grozny (1944) - Nikolay Cherkasov
  • Tsarist Bride (1965) - Peter Glebov.
  • Sports, Sports, Sports (1970) - Igor Class
  • Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession (1973) - Yuri Yakovlev
  • Tsar Ivan Grozny (1991) - Kahi Kavsadze
  • Kremlin Secrets of the Sixteenth Century (1991) - Alexey Zharkov
  • Revelation of John the first primer (1991) - Innokenty Smoktunovsky
  • Thunderstorm over Rus (1992) - Oleg Borisov
  • Ermak (1996) - Evgeny Evstigneev
  • Old songs about the main 3 (1997) - Yuri Yakovlev
  • Miracles in Racelyov (2004) - Ivan Gordienko
  • King (2009) - Peter Mamonov
  • Ivan Grozny (2009 television series) - Alexander Deidov.
  • Night at Museum 2 (2009) - Christopher Guest
  • Terrible Time (2010) - Oleg Dolin
  • Treasures O. K. (2013) - Gosh Kutsenko


  • Ivan Grozny (1943) - a play in two parts Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
  • Ivan Vasilyevich (1936) - Piez Mikhail Bulgakov.
  • The death of John the Terrible - Piez Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. It is initial in the trilogy "Death of John Grozny. Tsar Fedor John. Tsar Boris. "
  • Pskovtyanka (1871) - Opera Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Written on the plot of the same play of the lion mivea.
  • Vasilisa Melentievna (1867) - Piez Alexander Ostrovsky.
  • Great Sovereign (1945) - Piece of Vladimir Solovyov.
  • Marfa Posalman, or the conquest of NOVAGOROD (1809) - Piedor Ivanova's play.
  • 2016 - Chronicles "Ivan Grozny" in the municipal theater. M. M. Bakhtina (Orel). Director - Valery Simonenko


  • Roman-trilogy "Ivan Grozny" V. I. Kostyleva (Stalin's 2 degree premium for 1948).
  • "Prince Silver. The story of the time of John Grozny "A. K. Tolstoy
  • "Kudyar" N. I. Kostomarova
  • Roman "Third Rome" L. Zhdanova
  • "Ivan Grozny" Henri Troyia
  • "Ivan IV. Grozny "E. Radzinsky
  • "Ivan Grozny" R. Paine, N. Romanov
  • "Corsairs Ivan Grozny" K. S. Badigina
  • "Tsari and Skaltolets" V. A. Usova
  • "Faces of the immortal power. King John Grozny "A. A. Ananyeva
  • "The Secret Year" M. Gigolashvili


  • Songs "Terrible Tsar" and "Tsar John" Zhanna Bichevskaya
  • Song "Ivan Grozny kills the son of Ivan" Alexander Goroditsky
  • The TERRIBLE ONE Song of the German Hevi-Metal Grave Digger Group.


  • Three paintings dedicated to the death of the son of Ivan Grozny:
    • Ivan Grozny and Son His Ivan on November 16, 1581 Repina I. E. (1885).
    • John Grozny at the coffin killed her son Shustova N. S. (1860s).
    • Ivan Terrible at the body of the son killed him Schwartz V. G.
  • Death of Ivan Grozny (Painting Konstantin Makovsky, 1888)
  • Two pictures dedicated to Vasilis Melentievna:
    • Vasilisa Melentievna and Ivan Terrible N. V. N. N. (1880s).
    • Tsar Ivan The Terrible admires to Vasilis Melentievna Sedova G. S. (1875)
  • Tsar Ivan Grozny Vasnetsova V. M. (1897).
  • Okrichniki N. V. N. N. (Earlier, 1904) Picture.
  • Ivan the Terrible and Malyuta Skuratov Sedova G. S. Picture.
  • Tsar John Groznyy in the Akurodoye Nikolay Saloz Pelevina I. A. Picture
  • Tsar Ivan Grozny asks Hegumen Kirill (Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery) to bless him into monks Lebedeva K. V.Picture.
  • Ivan Grozny shows the treasures of the English ambassador Gore Lithovchenko A.D. (1875).
  • Metropolitan Philip refuses to bless the king of Ivan the Terrible (engraving in the picture V. V. Pukirev).
  • Ivan groznyj. Sculpture Mark Antocol.


  • On October 1, 2016, in Orel, based on the decree of Ivan the Terrible, on the embankment at the Epiphany Cathedral of the Merge of the Rivers of Oki and Orlyak, the monument was first installed in the history of Russia. On October 14, 2016, in the presence of the governor of the Oryol region Vadima Benevsky, the writer Alexander Okhanova, the leader of the "Essence of the Time" of Sergey Kurginyan, the leader of the Biker Club "Night Wolves" Alexander "Surgeon" of the Zaddanov and a large number of citizens, a grand opening of the monument took place.
  • On November 4, 2017, a monument to Ivan Grozny was established in the village of Irkovo Alexandrovsky district. The author of the bust - Alexander Apollonov.

Computer games

  • In Age of Empires III, Ivan Grozny is represented as a leader of the Russian civilization.
  • On the night of the Museum 2, Ivan Grozny is represented as one of the four major villains, along with Al Capone, Camooner and Napoleon.
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