Secret massage techniques to make the child sit down

When the age of the baby approaches 6 months, he should already confidently lie on his tummy, lean on straight arms, grab toys, roll over. This means it's time to start preparing for the next stage of development - doing a stimulating massage to get the baby to sit up, including special exercises. Boys can be helped starting from 5 months, girls - after 6, without violating the correct formation of female reproductive organs by haste.

In order for the little one to sit on his own, not to fall back or sideways, the muscles of the back and torso must be well developed. You can not plant children by force, just fix them with pillows and blankets. This leads to curvature, deformation of the spine, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The most effective way to strengthen the muscular frame, preparing for the baby to sit down, is a baby massage, which includes special gymnastics.

How to massage so that the child sits down faster?

To stimulate the early adoption of a sitting position, the buttocks, back, and tummy are thoroughly massaged. Movements are made 2-3 times.

The baby must be laid face up:

  1. Run stroking the tummy: clockwise; placing the palms parallel, making movements directed in different directions; put the fingers of both hands under the lower back - the vector of paired movements is directed to the navel.
  2. Make rubbing the tummy clockwise: spiral, linear. In the navel area, you can pinch slightly.
  3. Repeat the elements of stroking.
  4. After the massage, put your thumbs into the baby's palms, and take the rest of the fists. Make slow pulling movements directed towards you so that the child sits down. It’s great if the baby tries to pull himself up, bends his elbows. The first time in this position, the baby should be a few seconds. Subsequently, the time gradually increases. With one hand supporting the baby under the head, and with the other, clasping the arms, slowly lay the baby back.
  5. Place the child in your arms so that the back is supported. At this time (5-7 minutes) he can play or lean on something in front of him. Such exercises will help the child to sit down.

We continue the massage so that the child sits down: you need to help the fidget roll over on his stomach:

When massaging the buttocks, so that the child sits down, act only on the upper outer zone:

  1. Stroke the ass alternately with the outer and inner sides of the hands towards the lower back and vice versa.
  2. Make rubbing: rectilinear counter; round.
  3. Stretch the area, moving from the center of the lower back to the hips.
  4. Make light pinches.
  5. After the massage, put a few mattresses or a pillow so that they reach the kneeling toddler to the chest. If the legs are spreading, it is necessary to bring them together, put the handles on a support. Start the exercise with 5 minutes. Put toys in front of the baby.

Additional techniques other than massage to get the child to sit down

Stimulation of the baby to take a sitting position, development of the muscular frame of the back and torso should not be limited only by the time of the massage sessions. During the day you need:

Massage helps to create conditions, a convenient springboard for training, but you can’t force events so that the baby sits down. The baby should begin to sit down when the body is completely ready, and this depends on the individual characteristics of each child. For a child to sit down, each parent needs to make a little effort. And then the process of development of the baby will go much faster.
