What is useful for figs for the body. Useful properties and contraindications of figs: fruits for women's beauty, male strength and good health of the whole family

In ancient times, the fig tree was a symbol of wealth and well-being, fertility and love. This is not surprisingly - the berries of the plant, which also called the flag, wine berries and a flabby, are very tasty and nutritious, their healing properties were known to the ancient Greeks.

So, Alexander Macedonian warriors always had a bag with dried or dried berries in a campaign, because the wound he heal from these fruits, and after a severe campaign or a fight, the berries helped to quickly restore the forces. Is the fig that is so valuable?

Useful and therapeutic health properties

Figs - South Plant, and its fruits have long been used in the kitchens of different nations. But fresh berries are spoiled literally per day or two, so most often we are dealing with dried figs that fully retain all the qualities of fresh fruits.

Dried fruits are more nutritious, have a saturated taste, give strength, fill us with energy and increase the mood. Landsome give preference to them by adding to desserts, baking, muesli, etc.

Figs can boast the richest composition, it has vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B11, RR, as well as pectins, proteins, various enzymes, fiber, sugar, amino acids, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, etc. In dried ray, as it turned out, minerals are even greater than in fresh: sodium - 10 times, calcium - at 5.

Potassium in it is only slightly less than in nuts and 3 times more than in fresh berries, and iron fruits are richer than apples that doctors are recommended for anemia.

What diseases do figures help?

  • Juice berries Displays sand and stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, has a beneficial effect on the liver and spleen
  • Eliminates the infectious and viral skin diseases, removes toxins and effective in the prevention of cancer diseases.
  • A record number of potassium strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes pressure, improves hemoglobin performance, strengthens the walls of the vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots and venous insufficiency. Regular use of berries can prevent infarction, stroke, hypertensive crisis.
  • Figs are used with colds, pharyngitis, sore throat, strong cough, laryngitis and voice loss. Prepare a remedy for these diseases simply: 6 fruits scratch in 400 ml of milk and take a warm decoction of 50-60 ml 4-6 times a day.
  • Calcium is a very valuable mineral in the menu of children and the elderly, it strengthens bone tissues and teeth, raises the total tone, prevents impairment.
  • Figa quickly removes poisonous and toxic substances, therefore used in the treatment of poisoning and liver disease.
  • Dried or dried figs are always recommended to have athletes, tourists, people engaged in severe physical labor. He quickly assimilate and restores the strength.
  • Fiber, microelements and fresh fruit acids are gently cleaned by the intestines, get rid of constipation and bloating.

Figs are extremely useful for men. It is an effective medicine with prostatitis, gives a tide of energy and restores male strength at any age.

You can create a healing drink at home yourself: Ice 2 medium-sized berries in 250 ml of warm milk, insist 10-12 hours, and then drink milk and eat berries. The course of treatment is about a month.

For women, regular inclusion in the menu of fresh and dried figs is a way to solve many health problems.

Figure will help:

  • get rid of excess weight. Just replace one meal 2-3 berries, and soon you will feel how extra kilograms go. Fruits help to activate metabolism and remove excess fat. Also, fresh figs can be the main food in a unloading day. The diet on this day should be like this: 1 kilogram of berries, 500 g of vegetables or fruits, 2 liters of low-fat kefir.
  • put in order legs. At heels, legs often get tired, begin to perform veins, varicose veins appear. Cover with these painful and unstattic problems is not so easy, especially if your work is sitting. Now among employees of offices, more than half suffer from such troubles, and expensive ointments help not always. The solution to the problem is much simpler: one or two fruits (dried or fresh) will be enough to prevent such problems.
  • get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a blence caused by infectious or fungal disease of women's organs.

For children, figs, first of all, delicious delicacy, very sweet and interesting, with pinkish or yellowish vile inside. The kids eat it with pleasure, amazing the organism necessary vitamins and microelements.

A mixture of cashem from figs, liquid honey, warm milk and butter - a tasty and very effective cough remedy. Puree from fresh figs - a tasty and reliable remedy for children's constipation, a way to improve appetite and establish digestion. However, before cooking for a child dishes or medicinal mixes with figs, make sure he has no allergies on this product.

Calorie Yagoda

The energy value of figs is noticeably higher than many of the fruit usually, so people who follow their weight, you need to eat with caution in small quantities.

Calorie per 100 grams of fresh berries is 50-70 kcal. For comparison, in watermelon and grapefruit - about 35 kcal, in Apricot - 47 kcal, pear - 54 kcal, strawberries - 28-35 kcal.

Drier and dried flask berries are much more nutritious than fresh in 100 grams more than 250 kcal!

Use during pregnancy

Even for not yet born babies and future mothers, the benefits of figs are huge! Very often, women waiting for the family replenishment suffer from weakness, nausea, disorders of digestion, anemia, depression.

  • supposes the body of a child and mother with the necessary micro- and macroelements
  • allows without medicines and unpleasant procedures to solve problems with difficult chairs
  • improves blood quality, raises hemoglobin and promotes the correct development of the fetus
  • he contributes to the work of happiness - serotonin hormone. With its help, the future mommies will be easier to cope with unrest, mood swings, depressed states.

It should be remembered that for pregnant women who quickly gain weight, figs can be harmful due to quite high calorie content.

During breastfeeding, the lactation of figs will become a valuable source of potassium and calcium for the baby, and it also stimulates the release of maternal milk. A decoction of berries will be especially valuable in cases where the intolerance to milk and dairy products is observed.

Harm and contraindications

Inzhar - fruit growing in the warmth of the climate, where not only people, but also birds, insects, other animals want to be destroyed. Accordingly, trees are often treated with pest repellent drugs or to improve the preservation of fruits.

Berries treated with chemicals can bring harm to health, so if you are not sure that the fruits are absolutely "clean", the peel is better not eating and be sure to wash them before use.

When buying dried FIGs, be sure to make sure that there are no ticks or other small insects. Whitish raid on dried fruits Some are taken for mold, but just not dangerous is not dangerous - these are crystalline glucose, speaking on the skin, completely harmless and very sweet.

Direct contraindications to the use of figs doctors and nutritionists do not give, but strongly recommend not to include it in the menu when aggravating the diseases of the stomach, diabetes, gout, allergies. However, and completely healthy people are unsafe there is a figu in unlimited quantities, the overeating can only harm. For well-being enough to eat 2-4 fetas.

Enjoy sweet and useful figs and stay healthy and vigorous!

Fig is a useful southern berry with a peculiar sweet taste. Most often used in dried. But at the end of the summer, fresh fruits appear for a while. What is the benefit of figs? What are the properties and methods of using fig tree fruits?

Botanical description

It grows in southern countries and regions - in Egypt, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, in the Crimea Peninsula. It is a high tree to 13 meters. Foliage tough, large, palpal-blade. Figovy tree is considered one of the most ancient cultures. In the people, it is called a wine berry, a threshold, fig tree, FIG.

Value represent ripe fruits. In alternative medicine, the leaves and root are used to prepare therapeutic decoctions. Spelling of the pear-shaped form, with many seeds. There are varieties of different colors. Most often occurs green figs with a yellow tint. He is eating raw, prepare jams, jam. Delicious dried fruits are obtained from black figs. After drying, the berries acquire a lighter shade. White figs for taste reminds black.

You can not eat unselfish fruits. Their Milky Juice when entering the body causes poisoning. It is used as an external agent - for the treatment of acne and the removal of warts.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The fig tree flies quickly, but all year round is sold in a sluggish form. In the process of drying, the fruits do not lose beneficial properties - the concentration of valuables even increases. The table shows the data on the nutritional value of fresh and dried berries.

Table - Nutritional value of dried and fresh figs

Calorie is also changing - in the fresh fruits only 74 kcal, in the dried - 257 kcal. The concentration of nutrients differs. Data on the content of vitamins is shown in the table.

Table - Vitamins content in fresh and dry figs

Vitamin content of 100 gFresh, mg.Dried, mg.
BUT7 7
E.0,11 0,3
IN 10,06 0,07
AT 20,05 0,09
AT 50,3
AT 60,11 0,08
AT 90,006 0,021
Pp.0,4 0,7

The chemical composition includes valuable elements - calcium, potassium, magnesium. There are phosphorus, iron, sodium. Figs contain natural enzymes, organic acids, pectins. The useful properties of figs are reinforced by phytosterol content, omega-3, omega-6, glycerinic acid.

A moderate number of figs benefits during pregnancy. It contains the necessary substances for the proper intrauterine formation of the fetus. Balanced combination of vitamin B9 and iron prevents anemia. In the period of breastfeeding, the berries of the fig tree are used to enhance lactation.

Fruit action on the body

For treatment, dried or dried figs are used more often. It does not lose its useful properties during storage. Fresh fruits are available only a few months a year.


Therapeutic properties of dried figs are known for a long time. This is an effective constructive, toning, immunomodulatory, anti-infinite agent. The most common use of its use in ten cases.

The treatment of fresh figs is no less efficient. It is used in the therapy of the diseases listed above. But in the fresh fruits of the fig tree there are additional healing properties.

  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It has a light diuretic effect, improves the work of the kidneys, relieves inflammation.
  • Dermatological diseases. The juice of fresh mixture wipes the skin with acne rash, inflammation of surface fabrics.
  • Fungus. Frox contains in the composition of a substance that has antifungal effect.
  • Rheumatism. Compresses from berries facilitate pain in rheumatism, arthritis, other diseases of the joints.

In the leaf of fig tree, contains fourocumary, organic acids, essential oil, steroids, tanning substances, flavonoids. With diarrhea, meteorism, poisoning, colitis, bronchitis can be brewed tea from figs to facilitate the patient's condition.

The benefits of fig

The fig tree benefits the male and female organism, having a different action on it. At the same time, the effect of strengthening immunity and improving the overall state is achieved.

For women

For women, the benefits of figs consists in delivering from common diseases, a favorable effect on appearance. With the right, regular use, the fig tree has the following effect on the female organism.

  • Varicose. Fig reduces swelling, strengthens the walls of the vessels, dilutes blood, eliminates the severity and pain in the legs.
  • Cramps. During pregnancy, after a long carrying of high heels, women sometimes reduced the calf muscles. The fig tree compensates for the lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium, eliminates an unpleasant symptom.
  • Regeneration of skin cells. Internal and external use of figs improves skin condition.
  • Weight loss . The wine berry provides for weight loss due to the elimination of an extra liquid, a soft laxative effect. The figs normalizes the metabolism, enhances the intestinal motility, removes slags and toxins. To achieve weight loss, the figuction needs to be used in moderate quantity, replacing one of the food intakes with two and three fruits.

For men

Still in the ancient East knew how much the figs were useful for men. Sweet berry was used to strengthen men's power. Now the spectrum of the use of the mixture has expanded.

  • Prevention of heart attack. The figs strengthens the walls of the vessels, stabilizes the emotional state, improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure. All this is the powerful prevention of early infarction.
  • Increase potency. Due to the saturated chemical composition, the fig tree reduces the manifestation of erectile dysfunction.

On dry fruits, a whitish raid is formed. It is not mold, but glucose crystals that make dried fruits are especially sweet and tasty.

Possible harm and contraindications

With a number of diseases, the fig ohth will not make it easier, and aggravates the patient's condition. Carefully examine the list of these diseases before starting treatment with dry or fresh fruits. Consider contraindications of figs.

  • Diseases of the pancreas. If the pancreas is inflamed, it does not cope with a large sugar volume.
  • Diabetes . Fig causes an increase in blood sugar due to the high glucose concentration.
  • Blood coagulation disorders. Fig diluted blood - contraindicated people with low coatability.
  • Gout. The fig tree contains oxalic acid - it aggravates the state when goug.
  • Disease gasts. The use of figs is contraindicated with gastritis, ulcers, due to a large amount of fiber.

In these cases, the harm of figs will outweigh it. Even healthy people do not need to abuse the fig. A large number of sweet fruit eaten will cause diarrhea, bloating.

Recipes of medicines

Depending on the disease, drugs from figs and its leaves are prepared by different recipes. The table indicates the necessary ingredients, a method of preparation, indication for use.

Table - drugs from figs

MedicineIngredientsCookingIndications for use
Broth leaf- dried leaves;
- Water.
- a tablespoon of raw materials poured a glass of water;
- boiling 5 minutes
- kidney disease;
- Dermatological diseases (externally)
Broth fruits- figs;
- Water.
- 3-5 fruits poured with a glass of boiling water;
- 5 minutes boil on low heat;
- rub in a homogeneous mass
- Stones in the kidneys;
- Diseases of the thyroid gland
Infusion of leaves- dried leaves;
- Water.
- 3 tablespoons of raw materials poured 0.5 liters of boiling water;
- insist 5 hours
- Bronchial asthma;
- urinary tract and kidney disease
Fig with milk- Dry fruits;
- Milk
- 2-3 crushed fetus are added to a glass of milk;
- boiling 2 minutes;
- insist within an hour
- cough;
- sore throat;
- Increased temperature
Laxative- figs;
- Raisin;
- ground ginger;
- nutmeg
- 100 g of dried fruits are passed through a meat grinder;
- Add half a teaspoon of spices;
- the mass is smeared, form balls
Constipation (eat two balls on an empty stomach)
Inzhira syrup- the fruits of the fig tree;
- water;
- sugar;
- ginger;
- Lemon.
- 8 fruits are cut;
- poured with glass of water, boil 20 minutes;
- take the berries, add a glass of sugar into the decoction, a spicy root, lemon juice;
- cook for 5 minutes, pour into a bottle
- cough;
- influenza;
- problems with digestion
Decoction of leaves on milk- Dry leaves;
- Milk
- 2 tablespoons of raw materials poured 200 ml of hot boiled milk;
- insist before cooling;
- Filter
- Angina (varnish the throat);
- Narya

Figs are useful for the spine. With osteochondrosis, it is recommended before bedtime for one and a half months there is a mixture of dried fruits. Portion for each reception: one fruit of figs, one prune, five pieces of kuragi. Additionally, you can make a decoction of Figi fruits.

You can eat fig from a leather or without it - it does not contain harmful substances in the skin. Dry the fruits crude - it is difficult to remove the peel from dry fetus, and sometimes it is impossible.

Rules of drying and storage

It's easier to buy ready-made dried fruits, but some prefer to dry figs at home. Fruits are pre-crossed, wash and dried. There are several ways of drying.

In the sun

Description. Traditional way of making dried fruits. When drying, the fruits do not lose useful properties. The only problem is the sweet smell attracts insects.


  1. Prepared fruits are cut in half, lay on the grid of a cut up.
  2. Wrap marley to protect against insects.
  3. Leave in the sun for four to six days.
  4. The fruits ride on the thread, hang in a shaded place until the final drying.

In the oven

Description. Figs are dried in the oven at the minimum temperature to keep as much valuables as possible. For the fruits constantly monitor - they will burn if they do not turn over for a long time.


  1. The washed and dried fruits of the fig tree are lattice.
  2. The oven includes a minimum temperature, the door is left ajar.
  3. Dry for two or three days with interruptions at night, periodically turning the fruits.

In the electric rig

Description. In the dryer with a short time, the most delicious dried fruits are obtained. They acquire a beautiful color, retain all vitamins and nutrients.


  1. Figs are cut in half, lay out on a tissue napkin.
  2. Half fruits are evenly laid on the pallets of the electric dryer.
  3. Middle-sized fruits are dried around ten o'clock, large - longer.

Proper to store the figuction - in paper or tissue bags. In banks, they are joined, rewind, molds. It is better to keep packing with dried fruits in a shaded, dry, well ventilated place.

To give greater sweetness dried fruits, figs pre-boil in sugar syrup. In three glasses of water, a glass of sugar is suited, dissolved, laid out figs, boil seven or ten minutes. Berries are folded on the colander, give a drain of the liquid, dried by any convenient way.

Culinary recipes

Sweet desserts, salads are prepared from figs. It combines well with a bird and meat - gives them a unique exotic fragrance. With the fruits of the fig tree extinguish the pork, they stuff the turkey and duck. The figs did not accidentally receive the nickname of wine berries. In southern countries, it is often used to prepare sweet, fragrant wine.


Description. To prepare a compote, use fresh or dried fruits. Previously wash them, dried. Figs can be combined with other fruits by adding spices.

List of ingredients:

  • figs - 300 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 2.5 liters.
  1. Water is poured into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Place figs, sugar fall asleep, boil ten minutes.
  3. Shivovka shift figs into banks.
  4. Poured with syrup, roll.
  5. Banks turn the lid down, wrapped with a towel.


Description. Jam from figs can be used as dessert or therapeutic agent for colds, weakening immunity. Below is a basic recipe. If desired, it can be supplied with spices, other dried fruits.

List of ingredients:

  • dried fruits from figs - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • water - a half cups;
  • lemon acid - pinch.

Sequence of cooking

  1. Fig washed, dried, make punctures to the toothpick.
  2. We boil water, the figs are boiled ten minutes.
  3. The fruits get, washed with cold water, dry.
  4. Cooked thick syrup. Berries are laid out in it, it is boosted on a slow heat for about 40 minutes.
  5. Five minutes before the preparedness add citric acid.
  6. Enclosed jam on sterile banks.

The use of figs with cough, cold, constipation and other diseases is a pleasant and safe way of treatment. If there are no contraindications, the fruits of the fig tree will benefit when they are turned on into a daily diet.

Fig - This is a deciduous tree, belongs to the Family Family and is included in the genus of ficuses. The plant fell into a human resource for a long time, starting from the end of the eleventh century to our era. To date, figs are a common culture in the countries of the Mediterranean, in the Carpathians, in Georgia, Abkhazia and the Black Sea coast.

The figs are called differently: "Figa", "Figuction of ordinary", "fig tree", "wine berry", "Frozawa". So the name "Mochkovitsa" is often found in the text of the Bible and the Old Testament. The tree has a smooth bark with a light gray tint. Hard leaves of plants are large, located on the branches in turn, have from three to seven blades that resemble palm fingers.

Fig: how grows, description

Inflorescences are developing at shortened shoots located in the sinuses of the leaves. Inflorescences are divided into men's caproindes and female figs that appear on different trees. Men's inflorescences have a kind of bouquet of small flowers, while women's flowers are largely large in the inflorescence.

After pollination, women's flowers form a nozzle, where every fruit is nut. In the process of pollination of the majority of figs, small, black wasps of blastofa play an important role. Only some parthenocarpic varieties obtained during the breeding process can do without insect pollinators.

Figing covers fine, gentle peel with the smallest hairs. To taste it is fragrant, fleshy and sweet. The color of fruits can be different: purple, yellow, yellow-green and dark blue. Mature, fresh fruits contain many sugars. According to one source, it is about 24%, to another to 75%. Also in the figs are fats, organic acids, proteins and coumarin. Not mature fruits in food are not used due to the content of Milky juice.

The economic value of figs is due to its nutrition and excellent taste. In cooking, figs are used to prepare various jams and jams. They are dried and canned and used when baking bread. Apply the fruits of fig tree and in medicine. To do this, after harvesting, the tree is collected by the foliage, dried and crushed it. Of the resulting raw materials make a drug for the treatment of skin diseases (leafing and skin pigmentation).

The fruits themselves have therapeutic properties that help with the fight against the diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs. Due to the fact that in the fruits of the fig tree contains a large amount of iron, they are used in preparations for patients with anemia.

Due to elegant and spectacular foliage, the fig tree is often grown as a decorative, indoor culture. The tree is planted in a large cadku or pot and carefully take care of him. However, it is almost impossible to achieve flowering and fruiting at home.

Useful properties of figs, composition and calorie

Surely one who at least once has been in the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkey, or China, did not miss the opportunity to try the valuable and delicious fruit of figs.

On the one hand, in his homeland it is cheaper, and on the other hand, it is used to bring it to Europe exclusively in the dried form, because figures of figs are very sensitive to even minor mechanical impacts, which deteriorate almost instantly. These are now manufacturers carefully pack the fruit into separate cardboard containers and export to other states where such a "miracle" of nature is not.

Of course, doctors recommend how to use the fruits of wild varieties. But to "taste" them will be only on the homeland of figs, for which not everyone can go. Therefore, it is necessary to buy a cultured version. It was created with the aim of obtaining large crops, which is why the plant does not contain male inflorescences and, as a result, inedible capsifigs.

Seriously, the consumer does not always draw attention to the modestly reclining on store and market shears round or pear-like juicy fruits covered with light gray skin (although depending on the variety it can be brown and green, and even bright orange) with Honey taste and numerous small seeds inside, called nuts. Indeed, with the mind they are unattractive, but in their "useful" composition is invaluable.

Dried figs

Fruits of figs are characterized by:

  • almost complete absence of fats and, as a result, cholesterol; It observes only carbohydrates and some proteins;
  • a large content of various sugars (they constitute about 70% of the total composition of therapy) and useful organic acids;
  • the presence of vitamins of the group B, C and A (True, the latter is presented in a negligible percentage, which allows you to use this fruit to people suffering from carotene allergies);
  • the content of such important trace elements like potassium, calcium, manganese, iron.

So what is the benefit and harm of figs in its use?

If we evaluate the impact of all these components, then you can specify a number of useful properties from food in fresh figs:

  1. Normalization of blood pressure. Doctors point out that the main cause of hypertension is potassium and sodium imbalance in the human body. And if in a diet to include figs, the pressure not only is normalized, but also acquires a stable rate.
  2. Strengthening the bone system. Due to the fact that a delicious fruit contains a sufficient amount of calcium, a person has the opportunity without the use of special calcined drugs, negatively active on the kidneys, maintain the density and strength of bones. After all, the use of one fetus replenishes the daily need of the body in this trace element. Especially figs are useful for pregnant women and those who have crossed the threshold of menopause, when hazardous osteoporosis is most often developed.
  3. Removal of toxic substances. The figs enters the group of antioxidant fruit.
  4. Treatment of urinary and biliary disease. It was found that the juice and the flesh of this fruit gently and painlessly crush stones in the bustling bubble and kidneys.

Useful properties of figures for weight loss

New studies on fig properties

The scientific developments of scientists of recent years allow us to conclude about the qualitative effects of figs to reduce body weight. Initially, in Asian countries, from where a berry, figs used not only in order to improve health, but also for weight loss.

The ability of figs is perfectly cleaned from cholesterol organism vessels, influence the beneficial on the digestion system makes this berity of valuable in the diet of healthy nutrition. Vitamin composition (Vitamin B), carotene, Nicotinic acid - all this "jewelry" of the "wine berry". For example, Nicotinic acid can normalize the work of the stomach, to become a means of prevention of atherosclerosis.

Nutritionists appreciate in figs Minerals that play a leading role in eliminating extra kilograms. Slimming - the burden is not easy, therefore it is still attractive in this plan on the basis of figs. Potassium, which is contained in a berry, normalizes the water balance of the body, reduces the accumulated fatigue, is responsible for the operation of all vessels and muscles. Moreover, it is potassium that makes a significant contribution to the prevention of atherosclerosis.

"Non-existent" fiction diet

Nutritionists in pure form do not distinguish a diet based exclusively on fig fettes. The berry itself in large quantities contains sugar, for example, 3 berries of fresh species is 50 kilocalories, but 100 grams in dried form are already 250 kilocalories.

Experts, based on the data obtained, came to the conclusion that the abuse of figures of figs is dangerous for the figure, but 10 berries per day is the norm of healthy and useful food. For example, by half an hour before lunch, 2 berries of figs, you can provoke disappearance, dull feeling of hunger and reduce the amount of food during dining meals.

Figs in the amount of up to 8 pieces can be a wonderful delicacy for dinner or afternoon. It is known that nutritionists are sometimes recommended, if possible, arrange days of unloading unloaded on figs. So, more expedient to the afternooner to use in food solely figs and any, but the unsweetened drink.

Fig - energy source

The juicy fruits of figs are perfectly quenched thirst and feeling of hunger for a long time. The daily need of a human body in potassium and life-affirming calcium, which gives the power of the gland is satisfied when eating 20 fruits of this berry.

The properties of figs are invaluable by consumers during the harvest of the berries, since at this time (1 month) can easily arrange unloading hops. A fusion based on fanning berries is overweight, allows the muscles to strengthen, and restore life forces. Experts found out that figs contribute to improved immunity.

Harm figs for the body

There are contraindications to the use of this product:

First of all, diabetes.It is also important to know that people suffering from gout are better not to use in large quantities, because it contains a large amount of oxalic acid.

Due to the large content of fiber, people who suffer from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature, should also refuse to eat this albeit of a fruit, because it can aggravate and sharpen the main disease.

Along with the beneficial properties that provide useful properties, this fruit is considered to be harmful to people who suffer from pancreatic diseases.

Contraindicated to use figs with pancreatitis. Also, if you have a stomach disorder, you should care yourself, because having a good effect in constipation, it will give the opposite property in diarrhea, thereby causing dehydration of the body.

It is impossible to eat figs and before sitting behind the wheel (it turns out, he synthesizes alcohol in the blood).

Useful properties of figs for women

Skin and Hair Care: Home Cosmetics Recipes with Fig

What is the use of figs for women? Oriental beauties actively include figs in the care program for their delicate skin. To feel the stunning effect of rejuvenation, it is enough just to cut the fruit of the fetus for two halves, and then slightly massage the face and neck. Fifteen minutes later, it is possible to wash clean water without adding soap.

All over the world, cosmetologists love and appreciate the figs for such "talents":

  • He remarkably strengthens his hair, protecting them from damage and cutting;
  • fruits contribute to deep moistening, cleansing and toning the skin;
  • fig effectively smoothes wrinkles, gives skin elasticity and elasticity;
  • he literally erases from the face of acne, acne and other low-attractive rashes;
  • figure tree fruits noticeably improve the state of the nails: they acquire strength and strength.

Such multifaceted properties of figs allow it to be based on the basis of delicate tonic and scrubies, as well as masks for the face and hair.

Mask with figs for all skin types

This caring agent allows you to use both fresh, so dried fruits. In the case of dried figs, it must be pre-dunk in milk or boiled water - just fifteen minutes.

Next, 2 pieces need to be chopped in a blender, after which it is combined with 1 yolk, a tablespoon of bee honey and a similar amount of any vegetable oil (better olive or grape seeds). The composition is applied to clean dry skin.

In addition to the person, you can also pamper the zone with the neckline and neck. The active action of the mask takes about twenty-five minutes, then it must be removed with a wet cloth moistened in mineral water.

Mask with fading skin

If you combine figs with mango, it turns out an excellent tool for maintaining the youth of the skin. For the preparation of smoothing masks, the following components will be required:

  • fruits of figs (2 pieces);
  • peach oil (1 tablespoon);
  • ripe mango (1 piece);
  • chicken egg (1 piece);
  • cottage cheese (half a compartment);
  • honey (20 ml).

After all the ingredients are well stirred, the mask is applied to the face for half an hour (the composition must be warm). Remove it with a cotton swab, moistened with fresh milk. Then the face is additionally rinsed with heated water.

The duration of the nutrient mask is 2 months, the optimal number of procedures is 1-2 for each week.

Mask with figs for dry skin care

Fig allows you to quickly and easily cope with inflammation on dry skin. He intensively moisturizes, gives velvety and heal all the micro-injunctions of the skin.

It will take only 1 ripe fruit fruit fruit. It should be cleaned, strain and connect with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Curd - firing mask leave twenty-thirty minutes, you need to remove it with milk and warm water.

Moisturizing mask with figs

This tool perfectly copes with the tasks of moisturizing and nutrition, at the same time improving the complexion. Read:

  • almond oil (1 tablespoon);
  • figs (3 pieces);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • egg (1 piece);
  • milk (200 milliliters);
  • oatmeal flour (half a compartment).

Figs need to clean and cook in milk. Then, after stirring with the rest of the ingredients, it is thoroughly whipped with a blender.

A mask withstanding for forty minutes is best to apply in autumn - winter time (when the skin needs enhanced care). The frequency of repetitions is up to two procedures per week for a couple of months.

Fine-skin mask

Older leather, prone to inflammatory processes and swelling, will strengthen the mask based on figs, apple and banana. The composition is as follows:

  • figs (2 pieces);
    bold cottage cheese (2 tablespoons);
    banana (1 fruit);
    egg (1 piece);
    sour apple (1 piece);
    peach oil (20 ml);
    Oil solution of vitamin E (10 drops).

Cottage cheese, egg and the flesh of each of the fruits need to be chopped in a blender. Vitamin can be added both before and after the beating, the main thing is to achieve a homogeneous, carefully mixed, consistency.

The presented mask is used not only on the skin of the face and neck, but also in the decolte area. It can also be used as a nutrient hand cream.

The composition should be applied with a dense layer, the duration of the procedure is no longer forty minutes. It is recommended to remove the remnants of the caring tool, first with a napkin and then alternately warm and cool water (ideally mineral).

The traditional course is 2 months in 3 procedures per week. Mask is especially well manifest in winter.

Toning lotion with figs

In order for the skin to gain a healthy, gentle and shining look, it is worth it to process with a useful lotion from figs. It is preparing extremely simple: it is only necessary to make an infusion at the rate of 25 grams of fruits on a glass of steep boiling water. To ensure that the components come to active action, it takes several hours, after that the infusion is fastened.

Wipe the face with this natural lotion is needed daily, in several approaches.

Figs for teeth whitening

Achieve a dazzling smile? There is nothing easier! It will take only fiction ash and a little glycerin. Components are connected to each other to the consistency of thick paste. It should be cleaned every day.

Hair mask with figs

Useful goodness perfectly manifests itself in hair care. To improve the quality of the hair and cure sequencing tips, a pair of dried fig fruits and 200 ml of milk will be required.

Fruits must be pouring milk and bring to a boil on low fire. Then, everything is the same in slow mode, the composition copies to a homogeneous consistency. After some cooling, a mask can be applied on the hair. Daily use is allowed.

Obviously, such a delicacy as figs, worthy of the title of tireless fighter for women's beauty!

Jam from fig

Jam from figs will be the winter with a real ray of light, which will fill your home with a bright aroma and refined taste.

For the preparation of french jam, you need to clean 100 pieces of green figs. Do not forget to wear before cleaning gloves. Peel to half-preparation in a large amount of water. Ready figs Solve in cold water and squeeze slightly.
Boil 1 kg sugar in three glasses of water until a thick syrup is obtained.

When he is ready, add fig and cook on medium heat until the water is completely absorbed into the fig. And finally, add 1 tbsp. Lemon juice. Boil and remove from fire. For larger aroma, you can put an asterisk of cloves or vanillin.

Fig in syrup

2.5 liters:

- a kilogram of figs;
- 700 g of sugar;
- Two or three stars of Badaina;
- half a glass of water;
- teaspoon of vanillina;
- lemon;
- Cinnamon stick (4 cm).


  1. Wash in figs and put it in a colander, dip in boiling water for a minute, then move it to cold water.
  2. Connect water with sugar, mix and put on fire. When bubbles are formed, it is necessary to remove from the fire, squeeze lemon juice there, mix. Immerse all figs and spices in syrup, cover with a lid and put six to eight hours.
  3. Peel in the syrup of figs for three to five minutes (count from the moment of boiling), remove from the fire, cover with the lid and leave for the night. To peck on the morning for five minutes (from the moment of boiling), remove from the fire.
  4. Fill the prepared jars in fuel, pour the syrup on top. Roll, you can close with plastic covers. Store figs in syrup in a dark place.

Fig: landing and care in open soil

When choosing a seedling, you need to choose the correctness of the figure of figs.

Purple Sukhumsky, Sochi-7, Kadota, Solar - These grades of figs with their delicious and juicy fruits, hide for growing in an open and closed soil, or room. Bruunswick, Panashi., Brown Turkey, red Bordeaux, Crimean black, Dalmatian, very often found in different regions and withstand up to 20 degrees of frost.

To secure figs from icing, it needs to wrap it with paper, film, film or hurt to the ground and pour foliage and hide with sponbond.

Different varieties vary in demanding to pollination. There are sorts of self-polling, requiring pollination or go samopidal.

Modify figs can be seeds, cuttings, roots or glasses. When buying a seedling, you need to know what method it is breeding, and whether the parent tree has fruits.

Seeds are rarely leaving, and the growing plant gives small fruits, because of this, this method is rarely applied. For breeding from seeds, fruits are needed from a samopidal tree or a tree pollinated by male flowers from a nearby fig tree.

A stalk with four kidneys must have oblique sections on both sides. It is planted in a container with a mixture of peat, earth and sand, which is pre-calcined and watered by a solution of manganese. To form a good root system, small notches are made above the cut.

The lower slice should be blown up to the second eye below. Upper, tower over one, two kidneys over the soil.

Also, the cuttings can be put in a jar with water with the addition of growth accelerators, this method allows you to quickly roigate the plant and transplant it immediately into the soil.

The landed stalks in the ground or container should be covered with a polyethylene or cut bottle.

The figure of figs requires constant moisture. The straight rays of the sun should not fall on the plant, but it should not grow in the shade. After a half months, the film or a bottle can be removed on the day and with time to remove the usas. To adapt, it needs to be sprayed with water from the pulverizer several times a day.

The transplant to the ground from the tank can be produced when green leaves and the plant will appear completely root. Fruption begins in two years. Up to this point, the plant grows intensively, then the growth is suspended.

In the spring, feeding nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers is underway. In the summer and early autumn, it is possible to fertilize with humid, superphosphate fertilizers and a potash salt.

The roasting piglets and grooves, raised land, are coming and growing better. The branches are drawn and watering, after a couple of months, the plant can be separated from maternal and transplant. After a couple of years, these chains will give fruit.

For transplanting you need to choose a place with a southern windless side. Roots of the plant, if you are without an earthen koma, make in liquid breeding clay. With a cool climate, figs are recommended to plant into the trench.

For good fruiting, you need to form a crown of a tree or bush. With growth in 30 centimeters, the central escape is plugged. An adult plant should have 4 major branches. For molding a small bush, extra branches are removed.

Figs, with proper care, can grow in different latitudes and on different soils. It refers to cold-resistant plants, and with a good choice of planting material, grows into a beautiful bush or a tree, which gives useful and delicious fruits to two times a year.

Video: Engine benefit for the body

Fig (He is a fig tree, he is a fig tree, he is a wine berry) - a deciduous subtropical tree of the family of the mound. His historic homeland is small asia, but now figs are spread throughout the Mediterranean. In our country, he is cultivated on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory and in the Crimea. Fig is considered one of the most ancient cultural plants. His fruits are greater value - sweet juicy nollodies with many seeds of nuts.

Rich chemical composition of fresh and dried fruits, calorie

You need to use them within 6 hours after collecting, otherwise figs spoils. That is why, in antiquity, people learned to dry the figs.

Dried figs - product exclusively nutritious. No wonder they were played by the warriors Alexander Macedonsky, going to the campaign.

Sahars in figs are a lot. Fruits of some varieties may contain up to 70% glucose and fructose.

Thus, some vitamins when drying figs are lost (C, B5), the content of others, on the contrary, increases.

Of mineral substances in the fruits of figs find:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

By the number of useful potassium in-champion and is inferior only to nuts.

For the body of men

The lesions of the vascular system, hypertension and heart disease often become the cause of erectile dysfunction.

The figs helps and for the prevention of early heart attacks and strokes in men. He also quickly restores mental and physical forces at hard work.

For the health of women

The fruits of figs decide a serious vascular problem, familiar to many women - varicose veins.

In the eats of the feet and seizures of the calf muscles, which often suffer from high-heel lover, dried figs are eliminated from unpleasant symptoms. This is due to the replenishment of potassium deficiency, calcium and magnesium.

The ability of figs to improve the regeneration of skin cells is useful for women taking care of their appearance. Fresh fruits can be used in dietary nutrition to reduce the body and detoxification of the body.

Is it possible to eat children?

In the absence of allergy, figs can be safely given to children. This valuable product will improve the digestion and appetite kids will become a useful source of energy.

Figs are rich in folic acid necessary for children for normal development of immune, nervous and circulatory systems.

To cover the daily need in this "vitamin of joy", it is enough to give a child a few stuffs of dried smear per day.

Usefulness during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women to eat figs can be used if there are no individual contraindications. The vitamin and mineral complex contained in these fruits will supply the body of the future mother to all necessary for the formation of the fetus.

Good combination of iron and folic acid will prevent anemia development during pregnancy. A large amount of fiber normalizes digestion.

Figs have a property to stimulate lactation, so they can be used during breastfeeding period.

At the same time, caution and measure should be taken: the use of a nursing mother of figs in large quantities can cause a child from a child and bloating.

Therapeutic properties of fruit and leaves

For the millennium, fill in folk medicine has accumulated great knowledge of his healing properties. In his treatises, he mentioned by Avicenna.

To this day, figs are used by naturopaths for the treatment of many diseases:

  • bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia (to relieve cough);
  • pharyngitis, angina (for rinsing the throat and decrease in temperature);
  • constipation (for stimulation of intestinal peristals);
  • depression (to increase tone);
  • anemia (to increase hemoglobin levels);
  • hypertension (for removing spasm of vessels and as a diuretic);
  • inflammation of the urogenital system (as a diuretic);
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis (for blood dilution).

Already mentioned warriors of Alexander Macedonian used dry figs to prepare a wound-healing drug.

In addition to fruits in folk medicine, green leaves of the fig tree are successfully applied. They are used to treat injections, boils and eczema.

Inbira leaves serve as raw materials for the manufacture of the drug "Psoberan", with which vitiligo is treated.

Not for all fruits of figs are equally useful, some of them can harm. To refrain from its use, people suffering from the following diseases:

  • hyperacidal gastritis and peptic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergic reactions to figs are rare, because in the figs there are very few essential oils. But people prone to allergies, it is better to treat the figs carefully and to eat its fruits in minimal quantities.

Delicious home recipes

From the fruit of the fig tree at home, you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy drinks and delicacies.

Milk-firing cocktail. On 300 ml of milk to take 4 flushed dried fetus, and peak them in milk for a few minutes. Put the figs to the blender, add 1 tbsp. l. Money and 4 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts.

All chop and beat, gradually adding milk.

Engine Spectacle. Take 200 g of dried apples, 6 dried figs and 6 Monnislivin. Rinse dried fruits and soak in warm water for an hour.

Throw back on the colander, move to boiling water, peak 2-3 minutes. Remove from fire and insist within an hour. Serve a drink with honey.

Furniture compote for the winter. Fresh figs Wash, remove the fruits and blanch for 5 minutes, and then lower the fruits into cold water. Dismix them to banks.

Cut the required number of syrup from the calculation of 300 g of sugar and 3 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water. To pour into the hot syrup of foul, pasteurize at 85 ° C and roll.

Jam from fig. Fresh ripe fruits thoroughly wash, cut the fruits and fold into the tank. Fall as a fig sugar. The weight ratio of fruits and sugar - 1: 0.7. Cover the tank and leave for 3 hours so that the figs will give juice.

Place the container on a small fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam and pecking 5 minutes with constant stirring. Remove from the fire, cover with a towel and let it brew for 10 hours.

Then repeat the process again: boil, pecking for 5 minutes and give to stand 10 hours.

At the final stage, jam boil, pecking 10 minutes, add lemon juice to taste and a little vanillina. Remove from fire, pour over sterilized banks and sod.

How much and how to eat?

The figs should be fresh and completely matured - only in this case he will benefit health.

The color of the skin "right" ripe figs depending on the variety is purple, burgundy, yellowish, etc. The flesh of fresh figs is gentle, jelly-like, smell is pleasant, without acid.

If figs smell like sour, it is not necessary - the fruit is spoiled.

Rules for consumption of fresh figs:

  • before eating the fruits carefully, but carefully wash;
  • cleaning from the skin is not necessary, you can eat with it;
  • if I do not like the peel, the fig is cut in half, and only the flesh is eaten;
  • the child can give figs, scrapeing the flesh with a teaspoon.

Before serving on the table, figs are beautifully cut by slices, pour yogurt, sprinkle with nuts. The culinary use of figs is not limited to desserts.

These fruits are perfectly combined with meat, and you can use them for stuffing ducks or turkey, for the preparation of Mediterranean salads with mozzarella, asparagus, sweet pepper, grenade, nuts.

Fig is a fruit that has many advantages. It is nutritious and useful, possesses a number of medical properties, rarely causes allergies and almost does not have contraindications.

The use of figs in cooking allows you to diversify the menu and add a spicy oriental notch into it.

Inzhar is a universal folk remedy for the treatment of a variety of diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract. The benefits of health figs are incredibly diverse. In particular, the figs fits perfectly at high temperatures.

It is best to use it not in the cheese or dried form, but in the composition of the beam, which acts effectively. The body under the action of figs and reduces the body temperature, which will make the fruit by its universal means for symptomatic treatment of colds, influenza, bowel disease, liver and other diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

With other unpleasant states, fresh or dried figs in folk medicine also has such properties:

  1. With an angina, the decoction of fig tree fruits can be used to rinse the throat. You can also rinse the oral cavity during stomatitis in aggregate with medication treatment.
  2. Fruits can be used as a diuretic, which is useful in the body with some types of poisoning and to reduce blood pressure.
  3. Inzhar benefits the functioning of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract, provided that there are no gastrointestinal diseases.
  4. Due to the entry into potassium, the fruit is useful for cardiovascular and nervous systems. This trace element is actively used in the CNS transport processes. The presence of potassium in figs contributes to strengthening vessels, prevention of hypertension and venous insufficiency.
  5. The figrine has a beneficial effect on the bloodstream system yet, it is absorbed by the already existing blood clots and dilutes the blood that does not allow to form a new one.
  6. In terms of constipation, figs are necessary because it has a laxative effect.
  7. The benefits of figs for women are indisputable, because it helps to lose weight.

It is known that Avicenna recommended to consume figs in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to the large maintenance of fetas of figs, potassium, ficin, phosphorus and magnesium salts, this plant is a reliable tool in the fight against anemia and to purify the walls of the vessels from plaques. Under what diseases treats figs?

Bronchitis. Four to five fruits of figs are triturated to homogeneous mass and poured a glass of heated milk. Also, this recipe helps in trachekit, bronchiectatic disease and bronchitis.

Urolithiasis disease.The three or five fruits of figs are poured with a glass of boiling water and boil on slow heat for five minutes. The resulting mass is taken by small parts two hours after each meal. The medicine grinds the stones and contributes to their removal of their urinary tract and kidneys.

Broth of fig freshers: 2 tablespoons of dried figs are boiled in 1 cup of milk before softening. Take a means of 100 g 2-3 times a day. Such a medicine is recommended for gastritis, for rinsing of the throat, externally in the form of a sequence in acute inflammatory education in the region of periosteum or connective tissue, jackets, furunculaes.

Fruits of figs are useful both adults and children. If you need to get rid of boils and lichen, urrips and ulcers, fresh leaves need to be applied to the patient. Recommended the use of fresh fruits weakened people who have suffered any diseases.

Recipes with figs from diseases

Figs can be knit, and in such or fresh, it is useful in epilepsy. The juice of fruits contributes to the removal of sand from the kidneys, healing wounds. From warts and birthmarks can be delivered, applying to the skin softened non-fermentation.

The ash of figs in the water insist on water and with this liquid make a row with inflammation of the nerve. Inbira leaves help when hardening the eyelid and thickening the shells of the eyes.

The resulting milk juice from figs is treated with the initial stage of cataracts, they clean the wet veil. Vitamins and microelements included in figs contribute to the generation of serotonin - substances that increase the mood and improving well-being.

Folic acid is useful for pregnant women, since he participates in blood-forming processes and supports the immune system. The fig is considered a fruit, the richest of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and fiber.

Inzhar - leader in the content of minerals, so necessary in the treatment and prevention of heart disease and vessels. Calcium has a beneficial effect on the bones and joints. Thanks to the fiber, the body is easily struggling with cholesterol, gets rid of toxins and slags. Of the fruit of figs prepare delicious jams, shelle, candy, compotes, wine, vinegar.

Dried fig. In dried and sluggish form, fruit has a large concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugars. The 100 grams of this valuable product contain three hundred forty kilocalories, so this is a very nutritious fruit.

Dried figs are effective as an antipyretic agent, differs in the cooler effect. Therapeutic fetus acts as a laxative, and the miraculous decoction of dried fig fruits on milk is used with cough, dry cough, with the swelling of voice ligaments.

Dried fruits can be bought in any supermarket today, you need to choose light yellow fruits. They fill the body with energy, give strength, raise the mood. Figs are used as an antitumor agent, take it upon irradiation and anemia.

Fig with cough milk. In folk medicine, when the cough attacks during a cold and with cough, a decoction of fetus fruits on milk is used. The course of treatment should be continued 10-15 days, the drug will remove the cough and increase the body's resistance to respiratory diseases.

With a tightly closed lid, the composition should be withstanding 0.5 hours on slow heat until the volume decreases by about 1/3, after which itching the pan to break the figs and leave it to the complete cooling: 3-4 hours is enough for figs to give all its beneficial properties .

It is necessary to store the medicine in the bank, tightly covered the caproic lid, in the refrigerator. More than 0.5 liters of drugs can not be prepared, it will thicken on the second day, it will be a little pull.

In the figs have many names: fig, fig, smirninskaya or wine, bodhi. He refers to the widest cultures that cultivated a person. Foreign fruits are used for the healing of various diseases, for the overall strengthening of the body and maintain immunity, in culinary and cosmetics purposes.

The most ancient find of petrified fruits was found in the Valley of Jordan. Thanks to absolute periodization, their age is determined - at least 11 thousand years.
Judging by multiple data recorded in historical sources, the exceptional properties of the figs are known and used from ancient times. Nowadays, she did not lose their healing and nutritious qualities, nor popularity.

Calorie and chemical composition

Fruits of figs, depending on the variety, there are yellow, black and blue and black. They are extremely tasty and saturated with a lot of useful substances.

The caloric content of fresh figs is not too large, despite the fact that it has a very sweet taste. Fresh contain 49-57 kcal per 100 g.
Due to dehydration, the volume of dried berries decreases and the concentration of sugars increases. Its caloric content becomes 244-257 kcal per 100 g.

Did you know? Fig is sacred in many countries in Europe and Asia, in Egypt and India and in other parts of the world, where it grows. His beneficial properties, so valuable in the ancient world, have determined its popularity. Egyptian tradition gives it fertile qualities, Indian- Colding, giving spiritual enlightenment and immortality, Islamic tradition considers Figu in the very paradise tree, on which the forbidden fruits grow.

At 100 g of the product, the fig contains approximately:

  • proteins - 3 g;
  • fats - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 58 g;
  • dietary fiber - 18 g;
  • organic, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids - 2.4 g;
  • water - 16 g;
  • saccharide - 55 g;
  • starch - 3 g;
  • ash - 3 g;
  • calcium - 144 mg;
  • magnesium - 59 mg;
  • sodium - 11 mg;
  • potassium - 710 mg;
  • phosphorus - 68 mg;
  • iron - 0.3 mg.
In addition, the FIGURE Berry has a powerful set of vitamins: beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP.
Although figs - Pretty Caloric Productst, its unique composition allows you to introduce these berries in the dietary diet.

Useful properties of figs

The fruits of wine berries are consumed in fresh and dried. At the same time, all the benefits of fresh berries persist and even enhances due to an increase in the concentration of substances as the amount of water decreases.

They contribute:

Did you know? Figing leaves, according to the biblical legend, were the first clothing of the first people. In the images that have come down from the time of antiquity and the rebirth, chasing the beauty of the body, the genitals are covered with them. Probably, they should be the choice due to the form close to the male sexual body.


Fresh wine berry has exceptional healing properties:

  1. It is used in the treatment of fungal diseases.
  2. One who regularly uses figs in food strengthens its bones. This is especially important for the elderly.
  3. Fresh figs should be cautious to enter into a diet of pregnant and lactating women: its benefit is undoubted, but harm to the body is probable. A pregnant woman can accelerate the pace to gain weight, or the level of sugar in its blood will rise. It can provoke colic in the baby, passing through the maternal milk.
  4. It also has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  5. Thanks to the iron content, firing juice is used in the treatment of anemia.
  6. Magnesium and potassium in the composition of the product supply muscle tissue building material and contribute to improving the work of the heart muscle, it is useful for tachycardia.
  7. The wine berry has a valuable quality of blood dilution, which contributes to a decrease in cholesterol and risk reduction to get atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Important! The use of figs in the diet is a preventive measure of the disease of ischemic disease, the likelihood of hypertension and heart attack is also reduced. Eating this wonderful berry in food reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and even diabetes mellitus.

The treatment uses fresh fruits, juice, decoctions and infusions of them. Infusion gives anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, have a regulating effect on metabolism. Milk-fictional infusions are very popular.


Despite the fact that all useful substances remain in dried fruits, their properties are somewhat different.
By reducing the amount of water, the level of sugars increases to the indicator of 70%. At the same time, the level of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements and other substances remains the same.

Since most people are available for dried figs, it makes sense to consider, what is the benefit of it and there is harm to the body.

Did you know? Buddhism treats Fig as a symbol of insight, due to the fact that the Buddha was under this tree awareness of the meaning of being. Sacred tree and in the Roman Empire, because under his canopy, the wolf focused her milk Romula and Rem- Founders of Rome.

Due to dried figs, accessible at any time of the year:

  • the intestinal peristalsis improves;
  • the body displays slags and toxins;
  • improves the work of the intestine;
  • connecting tissue and cartilage will be better enough due to pectins contained in the fruits;
  • antioxidants contribute to the purification of blood from cholesterol plaques, purify small blood vessels and give them elasticity;
  • iron, potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and blood system of the organism, normalize blood pressure, rhythm and heart rate.
  • boiled with milk, it is universally used as an expectorant, sweat and antipyretic agent;
  • group vitamins B have a positive effect on the nervous system: improve the mood, normalize nervous activity, increase performance.

Important! Thanks to a pronounced laxative effect, it is not recommended to use figs before a responsible event, a trip, etc.

The figva is considered a "female berry", with it all sorts of beliefs, signs and recipes are bizarrectating rational and mythical sides.

What is the dried fan, carrying his glory from the depths of centuries, for women?

  1. Those who want to reset unnecessary kilograms can take advantage of the method, in which one "engineering" day is arranged weekly. In fact, in addition to 100 g of dried fruits, this day is supposed to use a kilogram of raw fruit, shelted raw vegetables and 2 liters of degreated kefir.
  2. Women love sweets, but often forced to avoid them. An excellent alternative will be a few sluggish fusion berries, which for all the sweetness is much more useful than chocolates, candy, chips, etc.
  3. From the practice of Eastern medicine, recommendations were taken to facilitate menstrual pain, eating several fig berries.
  4. The figs can not only contribute to a dropping of excess weight, but also help to gain the missing, if you know how it is correct: regular use in large quantities due to the caloric content of the product will quickly add kilograms, while dosage use will help clean the intestine, which helps to reduce weight.

How to choose correctly

Fresh figs, untreated and useful, can only be destroyed where it grows, because he has an extremely short expiration date - just a few hours after removal from.

He fully justifies one of his names "Wine Berry" - fermentation begins very quickly.

Did you know? An obscene gesture called "Figa", symbolizing in different interpretations of sexual intercourse or demonstration of genital organs, has ancient roots and is, depending on the situation and culture, an insult, indecent proposal, to get rid of unclean power, manifestation of disagreement and resistance, refusal From submission and even therapeutic agent, for example, from barley.

Fresh fruit

Needless to say that suspicious unfamiliar people and in unverified places are better not to buy anything, including figs.
The aroma of the berries is pleasant and sweetish, it should not be too saturated. If the fruit gives shaggy, it is spoiled. Fresh high-quality fruits should be:

  • without mechanical damage;
  • moderately soft;
  • the maximum dark shade inherent in this variety;
  • it is necessary to prefer the berries of the same size
  • a large number of seeds speaks of high taste indicators.
Transportation of fresh figs is carried out with marginal caution: fruit damage sharply reduces them without that short expiration date.

Important! Never buy solid unripe fruits- They will not "reach" at home, like apricots or tomatoes.

Dried fruits are more accessible, you can buy them at any time of the year. Choose brown, beige or gray berries, depending on the variety.
Tips for the choice of dried figs:

  1. The fruit should have a matte tint regardless of the color dictated by the variety. Brilliant beautiful berries are treated with sulfur gas.
  2. Special meaturacy unprocessed chemistry berries also do not differ.
  3. A high-quality product is a bit.
  4. Sometimes the surface is covered with a white bloom, which is crystallized glucose. Such a product is characterized by sweetness.
  5. Dry coarse texture in combination with sour or salted flavor indicates that the product is overdue.
  6. Even if you are confident as a purchased product, it is better to soak it in water in the water, to dissolve possible harmful connections.

Did you know? Jesus on a fig tree did not find fruits and put a curse on him, after which the tree dried up, so dried fig tree in the Christian tradition- symbol of heresy.

How to store

Figure berries are subject to storage in the processed form, and the fresh one has an ultra-valid expiration date.

Fresh fruit

If you are lucky to be at the end of summer in the region where this amazing berry grows, and you managed to buy it for eating in food, it is better to eat it as soon as possible.
If there is a need for storage, use the refrigerator. Temperature should be approximately 1 ° C. Maximum storage period - a few daysDepending on the source state of the product.

Left under room temperature, figs wanders on the same day.


Not everyone knows how to store dried figs. In a dry, cool, dark place, it is stored for several months: the longer than the land is air and below the temperature. In case of non-compliance with the terms, the product reuses, it is harmful. The packaging must be tightly evacuated. Sun rays are excluded.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks were attributed to fig fruits the ability to emphasize courage and give forces, so the athletes speaking at the Olympic Games included figs into the diet and absorbed in large quantities. Warriors took dried berries with them, especially if long and tedious transitions were to be.

Before use, it is desirable to soak dried figs on an hour in warm water, which soluct chemicals. Boiling water can destroy part of the beneficial substances of the product.

Application in cooking

Healthy person can eat figs for figs in any form.
This exotic product will make its notes to any dish:

  • in fresh or dried form, they are replaced by sweets and chocolates;
  • dried fruits are added to compote, used in fillings for cakes and other products;
  • there is no unselfish berries in the raw form, but they become very tasty, sliced \u200b\u200band baked with nuts and honey;
  • ripe fruits, chopped and refilled by whipped cream or sour cream, is a refined and nutrient dessert;
  • the berries of the fig tree, filed with soft cheeses, are a magnificent snack for white wine or champagne;
  • add product to meat dishes, bird dishes, salads, snacks;
  • of course, this fruit is harvested in traditional ways: jam, jam, passer, canned compotes;
  • figing berries even make wine.
Furniture jam retains almost all the beneficial properties of the product and is used as dessert, medicine and rehabilitating after drug disease.

Did you know? Ancient Greek culture also attached fgam fruit frankly erotic meaning. They symbolized the genitals: entirely- Men's crazy in half- Women. Information about it is upgraded to IXVIII centuries BC e. Figs are invariably present on the images of God fertility and winemaking Dionysus, the ministry of which had frankly erotic meaning.

Application in cosmetology

It is not surprising that such a useful product has found its use and won a worthy niche in cosmetology.

It has the ability to regenerate, moisturize and soften. It is applied for:

  • moisturizing the skin;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • rejuvenation;
  • fighting wrinkles.

Daily cleansing, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing masks and mixes with fruits are widely used and bring a tangible effect.

Contraindications and harm

Fig - Unique productThe beneficial properties of which are known for a long time and are used to this day, but there are also contraindications.

  • acute inflammatory processes of any part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • urolithiasis.
With caution, it can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Despite the minimal contraindications, people who do not have them, do not have to eat figs in large quantities. Sufficient daily rate for a healthy body - 2-4 pieces.

The figs possesses an indisputable benefit and takes a worthy place among the healing products. It is not only useful, but also delicious both in itself and in combination with other products: its presence adds exotic notes into dishes.

Despite the food and healing value, before adding this miracle bodies to the diet, contraindications and individual intolerances should be eliminated.

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