Speech therapy notes. Summaries of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with he r (period 3)

Re not awning

Cand. ped. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy RP1U named after A. I. Herzen E. A. Loginova

Nishcheva N.V.

H71 Summaries of subgroup speech therapy classes in senior group kindergarten for children with HE R.- SPb .: CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2007.- 704 p.

The letter Shsh

Lesson 1

Consolidation of ideas about spring and its signs. Clarification, expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic "Spring" (spring, thaw, sun, cloud, icicle, drops, thaw, willow, puddle, stream, drift of ice, ice floe, bud, snowdrop, coltsfoot, mimosa, violet, grass; rook, rook, rooks, nest, starling , nightingale, stork, cuckoo, swallow, duck, goose, swan, insect; clean, blue, transparent, first, long, sonorous, fragile, white-nosed; step, melt, warm, drip, appear, flow, rumble, swell, blossom , fly in, wind, bring out, grow). Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of one-root words). Improving the skills of syllabic analysis and word synthesis. Improving the syntactic side of speech (drawing up simple common sentences). Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound (p) in a sentence.

Development of dialogic speech, visual attention, thinking, articulatory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, tactile sensitivity.

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility. Raising love and respect for nature.

Equipment. A magnetic board, a sounding ball, a bowl with plastic stones, small items for making sentences, a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky's play "Snowdrop", a container with stripes and dots for analyzing sentences, a ball, notebook No. I by number children, container

with pencils, object pictures with the sound [p] in the names of objects, multi-colored paper boats.

Preliminary work. A walk in the park, observing the changes in spring in nature, talking about the signs of spring. Learning the exercise "Maple". Hearing and discussion with the musical director of PI Tchaikovsky's play "Snowdrop" from the album "The Four Seasons". Examination and discussion with the tutors of the paintings by S. Gerasimov "The Last Snow", I. Levitan "March". Making multi-colored paper boats with tutors.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.[Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Create an emotionally positive background. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of one-root words).]

Speech therapist invites childrenvcabinet. In the study quietly sounds a recording of the play by PI Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop". Children greet the speech therapist and stand next to the chairs. The speech therapist turns off the tape recorder and reads a poem.

Drops are jumping loudly from the roof,

Icicles are crying over the window.

Drops are jumping into my palm

And grandma's cat

On the steps, on the railing.

The cat even opened its mouth.

Drops are jumping loudly from the roof.

Spring is coming to us.

We hear: Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap!

N. Nishcheva

Let's form the words of one family from the word drip. Sit down. Let's play this sounding ball game. The speech therapist takes turns rolling the ball to the children.

Speech therapist. What was jumping off the roof in the poem I read?

1 - baby. Drops.

Speech therapist. What starts in the early spring in the hot weather?

2nd child. Drops.

Speech therapist. What can you call a small drop?

3rd child. Droplet.

Speech therapist. If drops are dripping, what are they?

4th child. Dripping.

Speech therapist. Let's repeat all the words of one family, starting with the word drip.

Children. Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip.

Speech therapist. Well done! You've got off to a great start.

2. Exercise "Divide into syllables".[Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words. Development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.]

The speech therapist removes the ball and places a bowl filled with transparent plastic stones on the table.

Speech therapist. See how many drops have dripped into our bowl. Put your hands in it and find items related to spring.

Children put their hands in a basin and each find one object.

Speech therapist. Remember the name of your subject and divide it into syllables. Slap the word, on stressed syllable stamp your foot.

1st child. Sun. Three syllables.

2nd child. Icicle. Three syllables.

3rd child. Snowdrop. Three syllables.

4th child. Rook. One syllable.

Speech therapist. Wonderful. I am proud of you!

3. "Make a proposal."[Development of syntactic speech standing (drawing up simple common sentences based on the visual image).]

The speech therapist removes the basin, but leaves the objects for the children and places a picture on the magnetic board (Fig. 44).

Speech therapist. Make sentences about your subjects. In the sentence, be sure to say what items you have. I think the picture will help you.

1 - baby. The bright sun shines in the spring.

2nd child. Long icicles appear on the roofs.

3rd child. The first snowdrops bloom on the thawed patches.

4th child. Black rooks arrive and start building nests.

Speech therapist. What fellows you are! From your suggestions, you can compose a story about spring. Who can do this?

1st child. The bright sun shines in the spring. Long icicles appear on the roofs. The first snowdrops bloom on the thawed patches. Black rooks arrive and start building nests.

Speech therapist. Clever girl! You have a wonderful story. Indeed, spring has come to us, and all week we will talk about its signs.

4. Ball game "Signs of Spring".[Clarification and expansion of knowledge about spring and its signs.]

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the carpet and picks up the ball.

Speech therapist. Now we will throw the ball to each other in a circle and remember the signs of spring that we observed on a walk in the park, on the way to kindergarten and from kindergarten. The sun shines brightly and warms up.

Throws the ball to a child standing next to him.

1st child. In the sun, the snow began to melt.

2nd child. The first thawed patches appeared around the trees.

Throws the ball to the next child.

3rd child. Grass turned green on the thawed patches.

Throws the ball to the next child.

4th child. Merry streams ran.

Throws the ball to the next child.

1st child. The nights are shorter and the days are longer.

5. Exercise "Maple".[Coordination of speech with movement.] The speech therapist removes the ball and invites the children to do the already familiar exercise.

The icicle is melting outside the window

Children stand with their faces turned in

circle. Perform4 jump on the tiptoe

kah, keep their hands on the belt.

The wind tears the clouds to shreds.

Hands up. Tilts of the body to the left

to the right.

Unclenches, unclenches

Hands in front of the chest. Elbows down

Maple tight fists.

way down. Opening the fists.

He leaned against the window.

4 jump.

And the snow will barely melt

Tilts left and right.

I have a green palm

Turn to face each other.

Maple will last before everyone else.

Stretch out their right hands to each other.

S. Kogan


6. Exercise - Lay out the diagram. [Improving the skill of analyzing a sentence.]

The speech therapist invites the children to sit on the carpet and places a container with plastic strips and dots in front of them.

Speech therapist. Let's count the words in the sentence that Dasha made and lay out its diagram. List the words in order.

Children. In the spring, the sun is shining, bright. There are four words in the sentence.

Speech therapist. Lay out the diagram. Children lay out the diagram.

Speech therapist. Why is the first line in the diagram not like everyone else, but with a "pipe"?

Children. The first word in a sentence is capitalized, "pipe" and indicates a capital letter.

Speech therapist. Right. Well done! Disassemble the circuits. Speech therapist removes the container.

7. Work in notebook No. 1.[Development of visual attention, perception, fine motor skills. Prevention of written speech disorders.]

The speech therapist invites children to the table, distributes notebooks to them, puts a container with pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. Open your notebooks - See what the artist has drawn for you and guess the riddle:

Hanging outside the window

Ice bag.

It is full of drops

And it smells like spring.

Children. It's an icicle.

Speech therapist. Right. Circle the drawn icicle with a blue pencil and color it, and then circle and paint with any pencil the roof on which it hangs.

Children carry out the task. The speech therapist evaluates their work.

8. Exercise "Spring Stream".[Automation of the correct pronunciation of the [p] sound in a sentence using words with the [p] sound in different positions.]

The speech therapist removes notebooks and a container with pencils.

Spring has come, icicles

Decorating cornices.

The streams gurgle fervently

Washing away the snowdrifts.

Now I suggest you play the Spring Stream game.

The speech therapist distributes object pictures to children (a willow branch, a rook, a snowdrop, three multi-colored paper sailboats).

Speech therapist. Imagine that you are standing on the bank of a stream and see everything that happens next to it. Answer my questions. Try to pronounce the sound [p] correctly. What is reflected in the brook? Start your answer with words in the brook Dasha.

1st child. A willow branch is reflected in the brook.

Speech therapist. Who sees their reflection in the brook, Vadik?

2nd child. The rook sees his reflection in the brook.

Speech therapist. What kind of flower grows by the spring brook, Nastya?

3rd child. A snowdrop grows by the spring stream.

Speech therapist. What do we see in the brook, Arisha?

4th child. In the brook we see multi-colored sailboats.

Speech therapist. Fine! You spoke beautifully and answered my questions correctly. I'm proud of you!

9. Competition game "Who has more boats".[Expansion of the vocabulary of verbs on the topic "Spring".]

The speech therapist leaves the children with object pictures.

Speech therapist. Now let's have a competition. You must tell about everything that can happen to the subject in your picture, what it does. For each word you find, you will receive one boat. The winner is the one with the most ships. The boats will come in handy when you go for a walk to the stream.

1st child. The willow branch comes to life, blossoms, sways, bends.

2nd child. The rook flies, walks, looks for worms, builds a nest, hatches chicks.

3rd child. The snowdrop appears, blooms, sways, trembles.

4th child. Sailboats float, sway, turn over.

Speech therapist. Look who got the most ships. Children. This is Vadik.

Speech therapist. Vadik, you are a winner today! Let's slap Vadika!

10. End of the lesson.[Assessment of children's work.] The speech therapist invites children to remember what they talked about in class, list the games and exercises they liked, and then assesses the work of each child.

Session 2

Correctional educational goals. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic "Spring". Improving the skill of drawing up a story from a picture according to a previously drawn up plan. Formation of a holistic perception of what is depicted in the picture. Improving the skill of sound analysis and synthesis. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with a new letter Shsh. Prevention of written speech disorders.

Correctional and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech, phonemic perception, visual attention and perception, thinking, articulatory, fine and general motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility. Raising love and respect for nature.

Equipment. Magnetic board, ABC books, workbooks and exercise books according to the number of children, containers with chips and pencils, a ball.

Preliminary work. Consideration of the painting "Spring" in the lesson on the development of speech, a conversation on it, vocabulary work, collective drawing up of a story plan.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.[Clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Spring". Improving the skill of sound analysis of words. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.]

The speech therapist meets the children at the door of the office, organizes a greeting, invites the children to a table with object pictures.Nishcheva N. V. We study together. Senior group. Home notebook. - SPb., DET-STVO-PRESS, 2006.

Speech therapist. Today we will continue our conversation about spring, get to know the new letter, read and play. The one who will name the object in the picture and determine the first sound in its name will sit down.

1st rib. Snowdrop. First sound [n).

2nd child. Icicle. First sound [s].

3rd child. Sun. First sound [s].

4th child. Birdhouse. First sound [s].

Speech therapist. You have done an excellent job. Well done! And which of the words you mentioned is superfluous and why? Pay attention to the first sounds in these words.

Children. Superfluous word snowdrop. It starts with the sound [n]. And all other words begin with the sound [s].

2. The game "Clap your hands."[Development of phonemic perception.]

The speech therapist removes pictures.

Speech therapist. Listen to the poem and think about which sound occurs in it more often than others.

Shura put on a fur coat, lost her scarf and hat.

Children. Sound [w].

Speech therapist. Let's say the sound [w] all together.

Children, together with a speech therapist, pronounce the sound [w].

Speech therapist. Feel: when we utter this sound, the tongue is "a cup" behind the upper teeth, the teeth are brought together, the lips are rounded. This means there is an obstruction in the mouth. Do you think the sound [w] is a vowel or a consonant?

Children. Consonant.

Speech therapist. Right. You cannot sing it with your mouth open. What circle will we designate this sound?

Children. Blue.

Speech therapist. Place your hand on the neck, pronounce this sound and determine if it is voiced or deaf.

Children. He is deaf.

Speech therapist. Hard or soft?

Children. Solid.

Speech therapist. Right. This is a consonant solid voiceless sound. Moreover, he is always solid. You will clap as soon as you hear the [w] sound.

W, S, W, 3, d, w, w, s, t, w.

Sha, zhu, sho, su, za, shi, zo.

Sled, ball, scythe, heat, bump, sew, stand, wide, empty.

Children listen and clap their hands when they hear the sound [w].

Speech therapist. Well done! You were attentive and did not make mistakes.

3. Exercise "Who is listening carefully?"[Development of phonemic perception.]

The speech therapist puts a container with chips on the table.

Speech therapist. Let's have a competition. I will read you a poem, you will listen to it carefully and take as many chips as you hear words with the sound [w]. The one who listens carefully will win.

The speech therapist reads a poem expressively.

The cat skipped after the mouse.

The cat is tired and the mouse is tired.

Little animals quietly sat next to each other -

Pointed ears and round ears.

N. Nishcheva

Children take chips from the container. The speech therapist checks how many counters each of the children has.

Speech therapist. Let's determine who is the winner. How many chips did you need to take? List and count the words with the sound [w].

Children. Cat, mouse, skipping, cat, mouse, side by side, little animals, ears, ears. Nine words. You had to take nine chips.

Speech therapist. Have who has nine chips? Who is the winner?

Children. Vanya has nine chips. He became the winner.

Children put chips in a container.

4. Exercise "Who is more likely? *[Developing skills in sound analysis and synthesis.]

The speech therapist leaves a container with chips on the table.

Speech therapist. And now the game "Who is more likely?" I will list the sounds, and you will think what happens if you pronounce them together. Whoever thinks faster will get the chip. The winner should have the most chips. Sh, a. What happened?

1 - baby. Sha.

Speech therapist. Right. Get the chip. Sh, o. What happened?

2nd child. Sho.

Speech therapist. Right. Take the token.

Similarly, work is carried out on the synthesis of syllables and words: shu, shi, shower, ball. The speech therapist, together with the children, counts the chips, determines the winner and rewards him with a sticker on the notebook.

5. Work on the book "My primer".[Acquaintance with the letter Shsh. Formation of the skill of deliberate reading. Development of phonemic perception, coherent speech.]

The speech therapist distributes ABC books to children, opened on page 55.

Speech therapist. Take a look at the picture at the top of the page. I will read you a poem to her again.

Shura put on a fur coat,

I lost my scarf and hat.

What words of this poem contain the sound [w]?

Children. Shura, fur coat, scarf, hat.

Speech therapist. Right. Now look at the letters to the left of the picture. These are uppercase and lowercase letters Shsh. Below them you see one blue circle. What does it mean?

Children. So the letter Shsh denotes only the sound [w].

Speech therapist. It is true that in the Russian language there are such consonants that denote only one sound. Letter NS denotes only a solid consonant sound [w]. Let's find in the picture at the bottom of the page all objects that have the sound [w] in their names. First name the objects or objects whose names begin with this sound.

Children. Rosehip, bumblebee.

Speech therapist. Now look for objects that have this sound in the middle.

Children. Chestnut, chamomile.

Speech therapist. Finally, look for objects or objects whose names end with the sound [w]. Children. Reed, ruff.

Speech therapist. Now turn the page. Let's read.

1st child. Sha.

2nd re be but K. Shu.

3rd child. Sho.

4th child. Shi.

1st child. Step.

2nd child. Ears.

3rd child. Dasha.

4th child. Masha.

1st child. Pasha.

2nd child. Sasha.

3rd child. Our.

4th child. Fur coat.

1st child. A cap.

2nd child. Bear.

3rd child. Porridge.

4th child. Cupboard.

1st child. Reed.

2nd child. Checkers.

Speech therapist. Now look at the pictures and read the captions below them.

3rd child. Ears.

4th child. Shower.

1st child. Jester.

Speech therapist. Now read the sentences.

2nd child. The cat is on the closet.

3rd child. There is a mouse at the closet.

4th child. Masha has a hat.

1st rib. Dasha has a fur coat.

L o gop e. You read very well today. Well done! You can close the primers.

Children close their primers. The speech therapist removes them.

6. Exercise "Maple".(Coordination of speech with movement. (Repetition. See: Lesson 1. Topic "Spring".)]

The speech therapist invites the children to walk on the carpet and invites them to do a familiar exercise.

7. Work in notebook number 2.[Development of fine motor skills] The speech therapist invites children to the table, distributes exercise books to them, puts a container on the tablewithpencils.

Speech therapist. Take a look at the right page. What do you see at the top of it?

Children. Hat, balloons, large and small letters Shsh.

Speech therapist. Right. Color in both letters first. What pencil do you need for this?

Children. Blue because the letter III- consonant.

Children paint letters.

Speech therapist. Now think about how to color the hat and balls correctly. Complete the task.

Children complete the task, the speech therapist supervises them and provides assistance, if necessary.

Speech therapist. Now put down colored pencils and take simple ones, let's write a letter Shsh. See how I do it on the board. I write from top to bottom three vertical sticks, and then from left to right at the bottom - a horizontal stick-base. Write four capital letters and three small letters point by point.

We will write words and sentences in individual lessons. Close your notebooks.

The speech therapist collects notebooks, removes a container with pencils from the table.

8. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Spring" according to a collectively drawn up plan.[Development of coherent speech.)

Speech therapist distributes exercise books to children "Let's do together."

Speech therapist. Open the notebooks where the bookmarks are. Let's continue working on the painting that you and Nina Nikolaevna were examining. What is the name of the painting?

Children. The painting is called "Spring".

Speech therapist. Remind me of the outline for the painting that you drew up.

Children. First, we will tell you who we see in the picture, where they came, what they are doing. Then we will describe the spring nature, we will tell you about the sky, sun, snow, a stream, plants, animals. At the end, we will tell you what mood the picture evokes.


The artist painted a boy and a girl in the picture. They came for a walk in the park and launched boats into the stream. The boy has already lowered two boats into the water and is pushing them with a stick. And the girl still holds her boat in her hands.

The painting depicts spring. The sky is high and clear. The sun is starting to warm up. The snow is melting, streams are running. Mother-and-stepmother blossomed on the thawed spots. Birds chirp merrily.

The picture evokes a joyful mood.

The speech therapist invites children to choose the best storyteller and rewards him with a sticker or a stacker.

9. Exercise "Watchful eyes".[Development of visual attention, perception, phonemic representations.]

The speech therapist invites children to continue working on the painting.

Speech therapist. Let's determine which of you has the most alert eyes. Look at the painting and find all the items that have the sound [w] in their names. For each word I will give you one token.

Children find in the picture and name a hat, scarf, feathers, flags, pants, hood. The speech therapist gives them chips. All together determine the winner.

10. End of the lesson.[Assessment of children's work.] At the request of a speech therapist, children list the tasks they have completed, talk about what they have learned new and interesting. The speech therapist evaluates the activities of each child.

Session 3

Correctional educational goals. Updating the dictionary on the topic "Spring". Formation of a holistic impression of the "The Rooks Have Arrived" depicted in the painting. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Improving the skill of sound analysis (determining the place of sound in a word). Automation of the correct pronunciation of the [p] sound in a sentence. Improving the skill of writing and reading words.

Correctional and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech, phonemic representations, thinking, articulatory motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility. Developing a sense of justice. Fostering a respect for nature.

Equipment. Magnetic board, easel, album "Introducing landscape painting" (Introducing landscape painting. - SPb., DETSTVO-PRESS, 2006.), plane images of migratory birds and trees, cards with syllables, "traffic lights" and plastic ducklings according to the number of children ...

Preliminary work. Observation of migratory birds during a walk, clarification of the concept migratory birds, expansion of the dictionary on the topic "Migratory birds". Observing spring sky... Conducting experiments with snow in a corner

experimentation, expanding the vocabulary of adjectives when answering the question "What snow?"

Learning the exercise "The geese are back."

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.[Speech therapist reading the poem "Spring" by E. Stuart. Development of speech hearing. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.]

The speech therapist invites children to the office, organizes a greeting. Children take seats near the chairs in a semicircle in front of the easel.

Speech therapist. Today we will continue our conversation about spring. Listen to a poem about spring. The one who will remember at least one sign of spring from this poem will sit down.

Spring has come on a snowy, On a wet carpet. She scattered snowdrops, Sowed the grass. Badger families on time Raised from minks. I gave out birch sap to the Children. She looked into the den: - Well, get up, bear! - She breathed on a twig - It's time to turn green! Now spring is a beauty Calling from all over Geese, swifts and storks, Cuckoos and starlings.

Children name one sign of spring and sit down. The speech therapist invites them to list unnamed signs.

2. Examination of the painting by A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" and conversation on it.[Formation of a holistic impression of what is depicted in the picture. Development of dialogical speech. Clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Spring".]

The speech therapist places a reproduction of the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" on the easel.

Speech therapist. The poem says:

"Now spring is a beauty Calling from all over the Geese, Swifts and storks, Cuckoos and starlings."

Who are they? How do we call them?

Children. These are migratory birds.

Speech therapist. What do you know about migratory birds?

1st child. They fly away to warm regions in the fall, and return to us in the spring.

2nd child. They arrive and begin to build nests, hatch chicks.

Speech therapist. Right. What kind of migratory birds do you see in the painting by the Russian artist Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov?

3rd child. They are rooks.

Speech therapist. What are the rooks doing?

4th child. They build nests on birches and are going to hatch chicks.

Speech therapist. List everything the rooks do.

1 -y rebenok. They fly, shout.

2nd child. Build nests.

3rd child. Twigs and blades of grass are carried in their beaks.

4th child. One rook walks in the snow looking for twigs.

Speech therapist. Right. Work is in full swing in the rook settlement. Noisy rooks build nests and shout loudly: “Kra! Kra! " They were the first to return to us from warm countries and brought spring on their wings. What signs of spring do you see in the picture?

The speech therapist organizes the conversation. If the children's answers are not sufficiently developed, he himself makes more detailed inferences.

1 -yrebenok. The sky is gray, covered with clouds, but blue gaps are visible among the clouds.

2nd child. The sun's rays make their way through them

3rd child. Snow is melting. He became wet, loose, dirty.

4th child. Streams have run, and there is water among the trees.

Speech therapist. Well done. You talked very well about what is shown in the picture.

The speech therapist removes the painting from the easel and invites the children to the table.

3. Exercise "Choose pictures".[Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words.]

The speech therapist lays out pictures with images of migratory birds on the table, and fixes three planar images of trees on a magnetic board.

Speech therapist. On or next to a birch tree, you will place those birds whose names have one syllable each. On or near the oak tree, you will place those birds whose names have two syllables. On or next to a willow, you place those birds with three syllables in their names.

Children carry out the task.

Speech therapist. What are the birds on the birch and next to it?

Children. Rook, swift, goose.

Speech therapist. What are the birds on and next to the oak?

Children. Starling, stork, duck.

Speech therapist. What are the birds on the willow?

Children. Swallow, cuckoo, nightingale.

Speech therapist. Fine! You placed the birds correctly, dividing their names into syllables.

4. Exercise "Make a proposal."[Improving the grammatical structure of speech.]

The speech therapist invites children to continue working, removes unnecessary images of birds, and places the rest so that children can make sentences with different pretexts.

Speech therapist. Now tell me what the birds are doing.

1st rib. Goose stands under a birch.

2nd child. A starling flies over an oak tree.

3rd child. The cuckoo sits on a willow branch.

4 th child. The duck stands between the oak and the willow.

Speech therapist. Fabulous! You are just great!

Speech therapist removes flat images.

5. Outdoor exercise "The geese are coming back".[Coordination of speech with movement, development of creative imagination.]

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, Snow melted at home. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha We fly around the clouds. Above! Below!

They run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.

Change the direction of movement.

I see! I see!

descend again.

As they run, they rise on their toes

Here is a familiar river! Over the vastness of the valleys Turn around, goose wedge! - We returned! We returned!

descend again. Running on tiptoes again. Change the direction of movement.

Stop, face in a circle, flap imaginary wings

We touched our native land!

A. Mashutis

Squat down.

6. Guessing riddles. [Development of speech hearing, thinking, coherent speech.]

The speech therapist invites children to sit on the carpet in Turkish.

Speech therapist. Guess my riddles about migratory birds and explain how you did it.

Flies to us with warmth,

The path is long.

Sculpts a house over the window

From grass and clay.

1 -y rebenok. This is a swallow. She comes to us in the spring from warm countries. She sculpts her nest from clay.

Speech therapist. Right. And here is the second riddle.

Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this?

2nd child. Nightingale! He sings the best. He has a gentle voice.

Speech therapist. Very good. Listen to the third riddle.

On the sixth is the palace,

There is a singer in the palace

And his name is ...

3rd child. Starling. Birdhouses are often set up on poles. And starlings are also good singers.

Speech therapist. Right. And finally, the last riddle.

Black, nimble,

Shouts: "Krak!"

Enemy to worms.

4 th child. It's a rook. He is black, shouts: "Krak!" It feeds on worms.

Speech therapist. Wonderful. You not only guessed my riddles, but also gave the correct explanations.

7. Game "Rooks".[Automation of the correct pronunciation of the [p] sound in a sentence.]

The speech therapist again invites children to the table, places a plane image of a pussy willow on a magnetic board, puts on a table plane images of flying rooks, a rook in a nest, a flying rook with a worm in its beak, a rook sitting on a branch.

Speech therapist. I want to test how you can pronounce the [p] sound. Take pictures of birds, find a place for them on or near the willow, make sentences.

1 -yrebenok. The rook and the rook are circling over the willow.

2nd child. Rook sits in a nest on a willow tree.

3rd child, Rook carries a rook worm.

4 th child. Another rook sits on a willow.

Speech therapist. Wonderful! You have made beautiful sentences and pronounced the sound [p] correctly.

8. Exercise "Cheerful ducklings."[Development of phonemic representations (determination of the place of sound on the background of a word).]

The speech therapist removes flat images, distributes "traffic lights" and plastic ducks to children.

Speech therapist. Now let's play with the ducks, who also returned to us from warm countries. They will help us determine the place of the sound [w] in words. If you hear this sound at the beginning of a word, the duck will walk in a red meadow. If the sound [w] is in the middle of the word, the duck will walk in the yellow meadow. If the sound [w] is at the end of the word, then the duck will walk in a green meadow. Listen carefully. Feather, reeds, noise, noisy, sun, baby, make noise.

Children mark the place of the sound in the word with a duck at the "traffic light". The speech therapist evaluates their work.

9. Exercise "Compose and Read."[Improving the skill of writing and reading words with the letter Sh.]

The speech therapist places flat images of birds on a magnetic board and a card with a syllable near the beak of each bird.

Speech therapist. Read the syllables that the birds brought us.

Children. Ba, shu, shi, u, sha, ka, ka, shal.

Speech therapist. Try to compose words from these syllables and read them.

Children put together words and then read them. In the process of work, the speech therapist removes images of birds from the board.

Children. Fur coat, ears, porridge, hat.

Speech therapist. Well done! You did an excellent job of my last assignment. The birds are happy with you too. No wonder they brought you syllables.

10. End of the lesson.[Assessment of children's work.]

The speech therapist removes the cards with syllables from the board and invites the children to remember what they did, what games they played, what they liked to do. Then the speech therapist assesses the performance of each child in the class.

Session 4

Correctional educational goals. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic "Spring". Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of one-root words. Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words). Improving the skill of reading sentences. Sound pronunciation automation [p].

Correctional and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech, speech hearing, visual attention and perception, thinking, articulatory and fine motor skills, tactile sensations.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment. Magnetic board, album “Wildlife. In the world of plants ", subject pictures with images of the first spring flowers (Nishcheva and V. First spring flowers. Coloring book. - SPb., CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2005.), "My primer", notebook No. 2, coloring book "First spring flowers" "according to the number of children, a container with pencils, a ball, pictures depicting girls with bouquets.

Preliminary work. Examining slides and postcards, pages from the album “Wildlife. In the world of plants "(The world of nature. Plants. - SPb .. CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2005.), with images of spring flowers, clarification of ideas about the life of plants in spring, expansion of the dictionary on the topic" First spring flowers. " Learning poems about the first spring flowers.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.]

A speech therapist with a container in his hands meets the children at the door of the office. He organizes a greeting, invites the children to take one picture from the container and go to the chairs around the table.

Speech therapist. The one who names the plant in the picture and divides its name into syllables will sit down.

Children take turns dividing the names of the first spring flowers into syllables (fi-al-ka, under-snow-nik, cro-cous, prost-rel) and sit down.

Speech therapist. What is drawn in your pictures?

Children. These are the first spring flowers.

Speech therapist. Today we will continue talking about spring and talk about the first spring flowers, primroses. The speech therapist removes subject pictures.

2. Telling verses about the first spring flowers.[Improving general speech skills.)

The speech therapist puts the album “Wildlife. In the world of plants. "

Speech therapist. Look at the pictures and name the plants depicted on them.

Children. Crocus, coltsfoot, lumbago, lungwort, snowdrop, anemone.

Speech therapist. Tell poetry about the first spring flowers. Try to pronounce sounds correctly, speak clearly and expressively.

1 th child. I'll tell you a poem about a snowdrop.

I was born!

I was born!

The snow has broken through

He was born!

Wow, what are you, snow, prickly,

You're cold, snowy, and feisty.

You dream of frost in vain

You will melt very soon.

You will float away in a stream into the river

AND not a word to say.

A. Matutis

2nd child. And my poem is about mother-and-stepmother.

Golden petals

Fragile stem.

Blossomed by the river

Sunny flower.

Only a cloud has come

The petals have shrunk

On green stalks -

Round lumps.

N. Nishcheva

3-Baby. I will tell a poem about lumbago.

On the clearing, a lumbago -

Like a bunch of purple arrows.

On shaggy stalks

Drops of the sun in flowers.

N. Nishcheva

4th child. Aya want to tell you about the anemone.

Flowers look like snowflakes

Like snowflakes, white and light

Like snowflakes, graceful, beautiful,

The breeze is subject to the breeze.

N. Nishcheva

L o gop e d. You recited the poems wonderfully. Well done! Slap yourself!

3. Work in the coloring book "First spring flowers".[Development of the skills of sound analysis (determining the place of sound against the background of a word) and fine motor skills.]

The speech therapist distributes coloring books to children, puts a container with pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. Open your notebooks, look at page three. Listen to the poem.

Take a look! What's the trick?

A crocus crawled out from under the snow.

It's slightly chilly in the wind

But there is no more beautiful flower.

N. Nishcheva

How many sounds [k] do you hear in a word crocus! Children. There are two sounds [k] in this word.

Speech therapist. Determine the place in the word for each of these sounds.

Children. One sound is at the beginning of a word, and the other is in the middle.

Speech therapist. Right. Now turn the page. Do you see what crocuses the artist painted? Take a simple pencil and draw another flower, and then color the picture correctly.

Children complete the task, the speech therapist monitors their posture and provides the necessary assistance. Then he invites the children to rate each other's work and rewards everyone with stickers.

4. Game with ball "Family of words".[Development of the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of one-root words).]

The speech therapist removes books and a container with pencils, invites children to the carpet, picks up a ball.

Speech therapist. Let's imagine that we went out into a clearing in a spring forest and play with a ball in the familiar game “Family of Words”. Today we form a family from the word Spring. During the game, we will throw the ball to each other. What is the name of the cranberries that are harvested in spring?

1st child. Vesnyanka.

Speech therapist. What appears on the nose and cheeks in spring?

2nd child. Freckles.

Speech therapist. What colors are we talking about today?

3rd child. About spring.

Speech therapist. What song do the starlings sing?

4th child. Spring.

Speech therapist. Well done. Fine! Let's repeat these words. Children. Spring, springtime, freckles, about spring, spring.

5. Exercise "Maple".[Coordination of speech with movement. (Repetition. See: Lesson 1. Topic "Spring".)]

The speech therapist removes the ball and invites the children to do a familiar exercise.

6. Game with ball "Couples".[Development of phonemic representations.]

The speech therapist takes the ball again.

Speech therapist. Let's play another ball game. I will pronounce the syllable with the sound [s] and throw the ball to you, you will catch the ball and pronounce the syllable with the sound [w], without changing the vowel sound. Ca.

1 - baby. Sha.

Speech therapist. Su.

2nd re bin approx. Shu.

Speech therapist. Sy.

3rd child. Shi.

Speech therapist. Co. 4th child. Sho.

Speech therapist. Fine. Now let's play with words. Change the sound [s] in my words to the sound [w]. Helmet.

1st child. Kashka.

Speech therapist. Mask.

2nd child. Masha.

Speech therapist. A bowl.

3rd child. Bear.

L o g o pe d. Toffee.

4th child. Irishka.

Speech therapist. Fabulous! It was not an easy task!

She removes the ball and invites the children to the table.

7. Work on the book "My primer".[Development of phonemic representations (differentiation of sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words, sentences).]

The speech therapist invites children to the table and distributes primers to them.

Speech therapist. Open the primers where the bookmarks are. Let's read the pairs of syllables, words and sentences on the page to the right.

1 - baby. Sasha.

2nd child. Su-shu.

3rd child. Sy-shi.

4th child. Sha-sa.

1 - baby. Shu-su.

2nd child. Shi-sy.

3rd child. Sasha.

4th child. Land.

1st child. Drying.

2nd child. Sasha is drying.

3rd child. Helmet.

4 th child. Mask.

1 - baby. A bowl.

2nd child. Helmet-porridge.

3rd child. Mask-Masha.

4th child. Bowl-Bear.

Speech therapist. Very good. Well done!

Collecting primers.

8. Work in notebook number 1.[Development of phonemic representations (differentiation of sounds [s] and [w] in words).]

The speech therapist distributes notebooks to children, puts a container with pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. I want to check how you will distinguish between the sounds [s] and [w] when performing an independent assignment in a notebook. Take a look at the right page. Connect the pictures with the letters that are written in their names, and then color these pictures.

If the speech therapist doubts that the children know the names of the objects shown in the pictures, he first invites the children to name them. Children complete the task on their own. The speech therapist evaluates their work.

9. Game "Spring bouquets".[Automate the sound [p] in the sentence.]

The speech therapist removes notebooks and pencils, takes out pictures of girls with bouquets, or flat images of girls and flowers.

Speech therapist. Give the girls names with the sound [p] and tell them how many crocuses they have in their bouquets. Try to pronounce the sound [p] correctly.

1st child. Ira has three crocuses.

2nd child. Raya has five crocuses.

3rd child. Rose has seven crocuses in her bouquet.

4th child. Tamara has only one crocus.

Speech therapist. Well done. I liked that you pronounced the [p] sound correctly.

10. End of the lesson.[Assessment of children's work.]

The speech therapist invites children to remember what they talked about in class, what games they played, what was especially interesting for them to do. Then he assesses the work of each child, sums up the study of the topic.

Speech therapist. So our last lesson on spring has ended, but spring continues, and we will talk about it both in class and in our free time, so you will learn a lot more interesting things about this time of year.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 46"

Trans-Baikal Territory

Abstract frontal occupation on literacy training

(v preparatory group)

Treasure Journey


teacher speech therapist

Khomyakova Svetlana Nikolaevna



Goals and objectives of the lesson

Correctional educational:continue teaching sound analysis and word synthesis; develop graphomotor skills and visual attention; improve the skills of movement to music.

Correctional and developmental: to develop phonemic and speech hearing, to form orientation in the sound system of the language; develop visual perception, attention, memory; enrich vocabulary, practically acquainting with antonyms.

Correctional educational: create good mood, educate accuracy, kindness, the ability to follow the game rules; desire and ability to work in a team, to encourage activity and independence

Equipment: easel with a map, toy - Luntik, a boat made of thick paper, didactic game"Collect flowers", envelopes with tasks, handouts (sound chips, sun rays, pictures, fishing rods, fish, markers, pebbles)

Course of the lesson

I. Organizing time. (Children enter the hall to music)

Speech therapist: Guys, look how many guests we have in the hall today. Let's say hello to them all together.

Children: Hello!

1. Psychogymnastics

Speech therapist: Now let's stand in a circle and wish each other good morning, and a little ball will help us to do this.

(Children stand in a circle with the speech therapist. Lyric music sounds.)

This ball is not simple, but magical. With his warmth, he radiates goodness and transfers it to the people who hold it in their hands. We will pass it on with our right hand, referring to each other by name and wishing good morning.

Children greet each other

  1. Problematic situation:

Speech therapist: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. He came to visit us ... let's guess who it is?

Children guess the name of the hero by the first sounds of the picture words. (Spoon, Iron, Scissors, Phone, Needle, Sweets - "LUNTIK")

Luntik: Hello guys. I want to invite you on a dangerous journey. The fact is that I went through old things and found a map where treasures are hidden, which must be reached by ship. But I need a team. Do you agree to sail with me?

Children: Yes.

Luntik: Difficult trials await us, and only by coping with them, we will get treasures. Are you ready for the challenge? Then let's go.

Speech therapist: Let's say the magic words: "Turn around yourself and find yourself on the ship"

Children: All together say the magic words.

Breathing exercises

Speech therapist: Here we are standing on the ship, imagine that the warm sun warms us and we breathe the healing sea air. Let us breathe some fresh air (Breathe in through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Development of visual attention

Speech therapist: (unfolds the map and shows the children) Guys, here is a map, as the tasks are completed, the ship will move along the map). What else do all travelers need on the way?

Luntik: Guys, I will show you pictures, and you try to guess what it is. (Shows pictures drawn by points)

Children guess pictures and explain why these items are needed.

Speech therapist: "1,2,3 - our ship sail forward!"

3. Introduction to the topic.The ship sailed to Sound Channel.

Sound characteristic.

Speech therapist: So, the first test. (Envelope with a sentence) I am now going to read the sentence, and you will determine what sound is heard more often than others in these words? (L)

The boat was sailing on the waves.

Speech therapist: Characterize this sound. What sound is that? (vowel or consonant)

Children : Agreeable, because there is a barrier - a tongue.

Speech therapist: What else is he?

Children : Solid, sonorous.

Speech therapist : We can swim further.

II. Main part.

Speech therapist: So, we got closer to Lake of Changes.

Development task phonemic perception

Add Sound Game (Ball)

Goal: Development phonemic hearing, attention, thinking.

Speech therapist: I will speak the word, and you try to change it so that the L sound is the second in this word:

sleep - elephant, gas - eye, sweat - raft, side - block, dry - hearing, pan - plan, kok - clok, owl - words, cube - club.

Speech therapist: Guys, what are sounds?

Children : Sounds are what we hear and pronounce

Speech therapist: Where does the sound L live? (in the letter L)

Speech therapist: Guys, tell me, what does this letter look like? (Answers of children)

Development of fine motor skills

Speech therapist : Guys, now we will try to lay out this letter from stones, on the shore of the lake. Well done! Let's go further.

Speech therapist : Guys, now we will go outto the Plain of Flowers.

Guys, you do not think that this clearing is somehow strange, as if enchanted. Look, there's an envelope here. "An evil sorcerer has bewitched flowers, if you disenchant flowers, then go on your way further"

Game "Collect flowers".

Purpose: Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis

The group is divided into three teams. One collects a flower with petals - pictures, in the name of which there is the sound Л at the beginning of the word, the other - a flower with petals - pictures, in the name of which there is the sound Л in the middle of the word, and the third command - the sound Л at the end of the word.

Speech therapist: Well done, you have successfully completed this task, and we can sail further.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we are entering a very difficultStrait of Opposites.A new task awaits us here

End a sentence with enemy words

Purpose: Exercise children in the selection of antonyms.

The fluff is light, and the stone is…. (heavy)

The weather is hot in summer and… in winter. (cold)

The mustard is bitter, and the sugar is ... (sweet)

The soup is hot, and the compote is ... (cold)

The hare is cowardly, and the lion is…. (brave)

The grandfather is old, and the grandson is ... (young)

The wolf is well fed in summer, and in winter ... (hungry)

The asphalt is rough, but the stone ... (smooth)

The puddle is shallow, and the river ... (deep)

The sorceress is kind, and the witch ... (evil).

(Children say sentences and walk throughribbed bridge)

Speech therapist: Now is the time to rest. We ended up with you on the island "Fizminutki".

5. Fizminutki Island (Dance - with umbrellas, movement to music)

Syllable reading task

Purpose: Practice the skill of post-word reading.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we need to move to another island. But to get there, you have to go over the bumps and read the syllables. (LA, LO, LU, LY, LE, AL, UL, OL, YL, EL). Children read syllables.

6. Island of Words

Sound analysis of the word.

Look guys what it is here. (Sun) And something is sad.

Here's a new task envelope. It is necessary to decipher the word by syllables. (WOLVES, ELEPHANTS) From the first word take 1 syllable, from the second 2 syllables. What word came out? (WAVES)

Let's split this word into syllables (Children clap)

How many syllables are in the word VOL-NY? (two).

Let's, guys, take a ray and lay out a diagram of this word. (Children work with chips).

Children characterize sounds.

(Raise the beams up to show guests the correctness of the task)

Speech therapist: What good fellows you are! Now what is our sun? (Merry)

Speech therapist : There are unusual fish in this river. While the ship is on the way, I suggest catching fish in the ear, but first you need to stretch your fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

On a visit.

Development of graphomotor skills

Game "Fisherman"

Purpose: Development of fine and general motor skills, visual perception.

Children take turns fishing with a magnetic fishing rod from the river with words where the letters have been washed out by water. Children go to the table, sit on chairs and instead of dots, insert the letter L into a word, and each read their own word.

Speech therapist: Guys, what did you print now? (letter L)

Speech therapist: And how does a letter differ from a sound? (Letters - we see and write)

III. Bottom line.

L: Guys, we have successfully coped with all the tests, got to the treasures. Let's see what is hidden in the chest. How do we open the castle? We need a key.

Luntik: I remembered, I have a key, only I did not know what it was from.

(Children open the chest, find treats there)

Well, our journey has come to an end. It's time to go back to kindergarten.

Now let's say the magic words "I will turn around myself and I will find myself in kindergarten"

Did you guys enjoy traveling? (children's answers)

What sound and letter did we meet?

Where have we been with you?

Now let's say goodbye to the guests and go to the group.

List of used literature:

  1. Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents. A collection of homework assignments for overcoming the underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers. - SPB .: "Childhood-Press", 2004.
  2. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech in preschoolers: A guide for parents and teachers. - M .: OOO "AST Publishing House", 2000. - 48 p.
  3. L.V. Lopatina Speech therapy work with kids preschool age... - SPb .: "SOYUZ", 2004. - 192 p.
  4. Literacy training for preschool children (lesson plans). Compiled by G.F. Martsinkevich - Volgograd. Ed. “Teacher”, 2001. - 129 p.
  5. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words (textbook for speech therapists). - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS. 1999 .-- 245 p.
  6. T.V. Tumanova Formation of sound pronunciation in preschoolers. –M .: “Gnom-Press”, 1999. - 64 p.

Synopsis of a subgroup lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "Travel to the land of sound [R.]"

Lesson for children of the preparatory group engaged in the speech center.

Program tasks of the lesson: to fix the sonorous sound P in syllables, words, in sentences and in coherent speech, to develop phonemic processes, articulation and fine motor skills... And also to develop general motor skills and coordination of movements, develop memory, attention. To form self-control of speech in children, to instill friendly relations.

The lesson is subgroup, but the elements of the lesson can also be used on individual lesson, as well as educators in a literacy class.

When compiling the lesson, I used the literature of the authors:

N. V. Elkina, T. I. Tarabarina - "1000 riddles" Yaroslavl, 1997

E.A. Pozhilenko - "The Magic World of Sounds and Words" guidelines- Moscow, 1999

I.V. Medvedeva, T.G. Matorina - "Logo Games" popular speech therapy - S-P, 2003


To fix the pronunciation of the sound [R.] in syllables, words, sentences of coherent speech

Repeat the algorithm for analyzing the articulation of sound [R.];

Develop phonemic processes, articulatory motor skills, fine motor skills;

Develop general motor skills and coordination of movements,

Develop memory, attention;

Form self-control of speech;

Cultivate friendships.


Demonstration and visual material:

Riddles about fairy-tale heroes; scheme articulatory gymnastics; a four-word crossword puzzle in the form of a step; a painting depicting Karabas Barabas (evil and kind); toys Buratino, Little Red Riding Hood, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, a picture of a rainbow for sound analysis of a word, letters R., A, D, U, G, A; a picture of a river; sound houses; puzzles.


Marker; mirrors; circuits for sound analysis; notebooks, pens in blue, green, red.

Technical means:

Record player; cassette with recording of "sobs".

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Announcement of the topic.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

4. Characteristics of sound.

5. Pronunciation in syllables.

6. Pronunciation of sound in words.

7. Use of prepositions.

Introducing the new word "sobbing"

Use of words - antonyms

Game: "Opposite Words"

Enrichment of vocabulary (proverb about friendship)

8. Dynamic pause

9. Work in notebooks. Sound-letter analysis the words.

10. Pronunciation of sounds [R.], [R. "] in sentences, pure clauses.

1. Organizational moment

Guys! Do you love to travel?! Today I propose to go on a journey where sound lives, and which one you guess for yourself. Listen to the riddle poems:

The grandmother loved the girl very much, gave her a red hat, the girl forgot her name

Well, tell her her name (Little Red Riding Hood)

Round nose, piglet,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground, A small crochet tail, Instead of shoes - hooves

Three of them - and to what

Brothers are alike, Guess without a clue,

Who are the heroes of this tale? (three pigs)

Father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden

What a weird

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

Everywhere its long nose sticks in.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

(Children guess riddles)

Yes, this is Kr-r-rasnaya Hat, Bur-r-ratino, three por-r-dewdrops. Now tell me what sound is found in all these words. (Children answer the sound [R.])

2. Topic message:

To the land of what sound are we going? The journey will not be easy, we will encounter various obstacles.

To set off, we need to remember our main rule:

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game,

That's right, we speak clearly,

We are never in a hurry

3. Articulation gymnastics:

Do articulatory gymnastics. (photo 1,2)

(Complex of articulatory gymnastics to the sonorous sound [R.]) - pronounce the sound [R.], (loudly, quietly)

4. Sound characteristic:

Tell me about the sound of [R.]. What is he? (vowel or consonant, hard, soft, voiced, voiceless)

And so on the way.

5. Pronunciation in syllables:

Development of phonemic hearing.

Here we are offered to play the game "Think of a word by the first syllable"

Who knows what a syllable is? (Answers of children)

The game

RA-RA-RA the game begins.

I ask you to name the words with the syllable RA (ROCKET, RANA, CANCER ...)

We continue the game - where are the words with the syllable RU? (HAND, STREAM, SHIRT)

Guess the rebus (FISHERMAN) which syllable is the first?

Now pronounce the words from the "scattered syllables":

Scattered syllables game

The speech therapist pronounces the hotel syllables, the children must compose the word RA, NO (EARLY, NORA) RO, DO, GA (ROAD)

6. Pronunciation of sound in words:

Let's lay out the steps from words

(remember with the children that we hear sounds, and write letters, each sound has its own letter)

KRASSWORD from and four words.

On the first step, a word of six sounds:

QUESTION: What does a person fly into space on? (ROCKET)

Second step:

QUESTION: What does a student not go to school without? (HANDLE, BAG) - Digging a step:

QUESTION: If a kitty has two tassels on its ears,

That pussy beware because it's (LYNX)

Fourth step:

QUESTION: Creeps on the contrary,


The claw grabs everything under water. (CANCER)

7. Using prepositions:

We climbed these steps and got to whom?

to Karabas Barabas (exhibited by the evil Karbas Barabas)

Are you sitting next to whom? (near Karabas Barabas)

Where am I? (behind Karabas Barabas)

What is Karabas Barabas? (angry, angry)

The new word "sobbing"

(I turn on the recording with "sobbing")

Hear someone sobbing (clarification of the meaning of the word)

They are crying because Karabas Barabas took one sound from them. I will name them without this sound, but you guess who it is?

There they are crying: Bu atino, K asnaya Hat, Chebu Ashka, Kodil Gena - how to call them in one word. (TOYS), and if they are from a fairy tale (TALE HEROES) (Heroes of fairy tales are displayed)

What sound did Karabas Barabas take from them (Sound [R.])

Do you know why? .... (children fantasize)

To become even more angry, angry.

Game "Opposite Words"

An adult says a word, children say the opposite word (antonymic words)

Whoever Karabas Barabas touches will say:

Evil is good

Black White

Angry - cheerful

Bad is good

Scary - beautiful

Rough - affectionate, gentle

Lazy - hardworking

(kind Karabas Barabas is exhibited)

What has K.B. become? (Kind, funny)

Who did K.B. become friends with? (With Little Red Riding Hood, with Cheburashka, children enumerate fairy-tale characters)

What has he become to them? (friend)

Enrichment of the dictionary Gena Crocodile invites you to remember such a proverb; "Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth" (we repeat several times)

8. Dynamic pause:

We played and were tired

Amicably we all got up quietly

They patted their hands once, twice, three.

Feet stomped once, twice, three.

We go and we sing one, two, three.

We live very amicably one, two, three.

Sat down, got up, got up, sat down

And they didn't hurt each other

We will rest a little

And again we will go on our way.

(Children sit at tables)

9.3 letter-by-letter analysis of words:

Karabas Barabas and his friends will show us the way if we solve the riddle:

A multi-colored rocker hung over the river "(RAINBOW)

(confused letters of this word are exposed)

Here again, someone mixed up all the letters

Put the letters in the order you want, and tell me which letter is missing. Make sound analysis this word

(one child does at the blackboard, the rest individually at the tables)

10. Pronunciation of the sound [R.] in sentences, pure phrases.

On the magic road - the rainbow, the friends went into their fairy tales, and we came to the river (a picture of the river is exhibited)

We need to cross the river how? (crossing, ferry, bridge)

And as a bridge we will have sentences that you will make with the words that are in the picture with the sound [R.]. (Make up sentences)

How do you write the sentence. Greek rode across the river.

(Make up proposal diagrams)

Who will finish the pure Greek talk?

How many letters R. has depicted the artist.

11. Outcome:

We crossed the river and found ourselves near how many houses? (two)

In what house does our sound [R.] live? (in the house of consonants)

Where do we live?

What is the name of our land, city, homeland, kindergarten, capital of the district?

In which of the named words is the sound [R.] soft, in which hard?

Well done guys sound [R.] thanks you for coping with the tasks in the country and gives you REBUSS as a gift.

How did you like the trip?


1. N. V. Elkina, T. I. Tarabarina - "1000 riddles" Yaroslavl, 1997

2. E.A. Pozhilenko - "The magic world of sounds and words" methodical recommendations - Moscow, 1999

3. I.V. Medvedeva, T.G. Matorina - "Logo Games" popular speech therapy - S-P, 2003

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