A summary of musical classes with children of the preparatory group "Cheerful Cube. Abstract thematic classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Software content.Show types of singing activities for the development of singing skills and creative abilities.

Singing for development music perception : Singing melodies and exercises for the development of ideas about height, tech, duration, sound strength (the development of sensory abilities).

Song performance: singing with accompaniment and without it; Singing with its own essential accompaniment on children's musical instruments, singing for tracking movements (dance).

Singing into musical educational activities: singing vocal exercises for the acquisition of singing skills and musical knowledge.

Song creativity: improvisation, essay of melodies to given texts.

TARGET.Education in children of singing culture. Acquisition for them to music. Development of vocal (sound formation, singing breathing, dictation), choral (cleanliness of melodic intonation, ensemble) and creative skills. Learning each child to independently find the desired singer intonation, to develop the knife.

Fastening the material passed.

Equipment (demonstration material ): Layouts of trees depicting forest; house; Forest toys are animated to which tasks are attached; "Magic" bell; Children's musical instruments (bells, musical boxes, triangles, musical hammer); Flangegraph with notes and a violin key.

Distribution individual material: Little flanneluga in the number of children, music signs for them.

Travel course.

Children enter the music hall under the phonogram of Shansky's song "having fun together", greet with the music director.

Music leader:

- Guys, today we go to an interesting journey. On the way, we will need to overcome various obstacles, perform different tasks. And the path to us will indicate the "magical" bell, which we take with you. But first we need to sing a speaker about Echo, so as not to get lost in the forest.

Children perform the "Echo" singing (music. Andreva).

And now, guys, we will go along the path in the forest.

The musical leader brings children to the tree, on which the cuckoo sits and calls the "magic" bell.

- Guys, look, who sits on a tree? What is this bird?

- Children:


M.R. - Yes, guys, it's a cuckoo. Let's sing about her song.

Children sing the song "Artist"(Muz. D. Kabalevsky, Sl. Viktorova), playing himself on joining and losing to music. Tools.

M.R. - Well done boys! Let's go further.

Children with music. Suited to the tree, followed by the hedgehog. Rings "Magic" bell.

M.R. - Guys, who is this hiding behind the tree?

Children. - Hedgehog!

M.R. - Right. He prepared us a task, and what, now we know.

Music executive reads task:

Children lay notes on notonic, showing the adulted or jumping movement and direction of the melody; Survise intervals.

M.R. - Guys, let's build a bridge through a stream on a large flannelhemph.

Children lay out gammu to major .

M.R. - That's what bridge from a note turned out, just like in our song "Sounds of Music." Let's sing it.

Children sing the song " Sounds of music".

M.R. - Oh, guys, see what a house in front ... ( Rings in the "magic" bell). But in order to get into it, you need to perform a finger speech speaker "Magnifier".

M.R. - And now let's see who lives in the house, and what a task he prepared for us.

Music . Hands. The task of the owner of the house and reads it:

"Peer your melodies for familiar poems, sang them with intonation, heard in the text:

1. Quietly, slumpingly -

Bay-Bay Binki,

Buy the son of the boots,

Put on the legs

Let the track.

2. Light, joyful -


Looking in the window!

Sun, fit,

Red, show

3. Gently, gentle -

Cat, kitten, kitty,

Cat, sulfur publ,

Come, cat, spend the night -

Our child download .

4. Frightened -


Caught Koshkin House!

Cat jumped out

Eyes bulging.

5. Justice, naughty-

Antoshka. Aunt

Straw leg.

Himself with the top,

Head with a pot! "

Children compose and play speakers.

M.R. - Well done guys coped with all the tasks. That ended our journey into the forest, and we returned to kindergarten again. Let's sing our poop "Here is such nonsense."

Children perform a speaker "Here is such a nonsense."

M.R. - Guys, what helped us in our journey to cope with all the tasks?

Children. - Music and songs.

M.R. - That's right, guys, music is helped everywhere in life. So let's sing our favorite "Song - Wonderland."

Children sing "Song - Wonderland."

M.R. - And also guys, our friendship helps us. We know the "dance of friendship". Let's do it and show what our friendly guys are.

Children perform "Horovod of friendship."

M.R. - That ended our occupation. Guys, you are great! I coped with all the tasks, overcame all obstacles. And what do you remember most and liked in our musical journey?

Children recall the course of classes, share their impressions.

M.R. - I prepared you a gift - an album and paint so that you draw what you liked the most in the classroom. Goodbye, guys!

Children thank the musical leader for a gift, they say goodbye and leave the music hall under the phonogram of Shansky's song "Freshly walk together."

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ProgramoE. content:in the game, it is to cover the skills and skills of children in all kinds of music.

Music-rhythmic naisks of preschoolers: moving Rhythmichno, listening to music, to translate with a different kind of movement on another in the dependence on the part of the music work, learn to change a strong current of Takt. Easy the definition of correctness in the simpleness, to achieve ease, naturalness and ease of movements.

Create a sense of rhythm in children, exercise in the copy of the novel rhythmic patterns in the game on music instruments.

It is possible to furify the skills of the choir and individual expressive singing, with musical accompaniment and under the phonogram. Slide for diction, correct Articulacates.

To consult politeness in handling partners in the game, Tazets.

Equipmento.:Machining cube, on a coaster Attached wallpaper-tasks, wooden spoons, pictures of animals (lion, hedgehog, squirrel, piglet), tan-lead rebuilding schemes.

H.o.d za.nitsia

Children under the march ofo.give in the hall and stocka.ÜT in She.rangs along the window.

Music meets thema.lion leader


Music leader: (runs away): Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Music leader:Our detection smoothly erected, hands, "sneak", said!

Music leader cols the rhythmic pattern, children repeat chlopes.

Music leader:The children of the hands lowered, and the "Zdrew" have been normented!

The musical leader is toggle a rhythmic pattern, children repeat their legs.

Music leader:Guys, what mood did you come to the lesson? To make your mood even better, I suggest you to play a little. Want to? Ready?

Music leader:

Attention, attention!

I invite all the guys.

Today with me together

A little play!

Please, what I have a landscape cube: big, beautiful. And it seems to me, he is completely difficult. On our side, there is some kind of picture. We'll see now. And let's try to grind a cube with you and perform everything that has drawn on his side. Soglac?

Thurs with a cube to play,

ego overd.

Cube, cube, pole.

What should we do!

Adult or D. e. ti a. a cube, and the further course of classes depends on the side of the part on the cube with a picture. P o. the task is completed, the picture from the cube is cleaned.

1 picture depicting domestic birds.

Music leader:

We had a picture.

It's not a dog, not a pig.

There are geese, turkey,

Everybody makes charging.

And we are guys with you, the musical warm-up "Ki-Ko-Ko"

Children perform a musical and rhythmic composition "Bird Dvor" (Collection of A.I.Burnino "Rhythmich eC kaya Moz. a. iKA ")

Two picture with image of wooden spoons.

Music leader:

What did the picture fall out on a cube?

Spoons are different,

And on them are pursuing.

Remove rhythm.

Immediately in the beaches will go anyone.

Derevyannye Locks

Let's knock, a little.

I think it's time to play on spoons. (children take two spoons)Now together, together try to play spoons. You have dormitated to look attentively, and the slower with me, it's too much to repeat words and hit in spoons.

Rhythmic exercise

1, 2, 3 - you are na lodges,

(D.e.ti gamesa.rhythmic N.a. account, teacher progo.cooking SLe.locks)

1, 2, 3, 4 - here we bought feet

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - We are playing on them!

Music leader:And not to arrange a real orchestra ???? Then get rustled in the circle and sit down on your knees. ( children sit in a circle on the knees)

It is important that we have a robby, carefully treat any music instrument, so you need to gently hit the game to be gently crashing.

Children perform rhythmic exercises with spoons, transmitting one (two) spoons to the partner on the right

After a spoon, children go on chairs

Music leader:

Cube, cube, pour.

What do you do to smoke!

3 Picture with a rhythmic pattern Ta-Ti-Ta

Music leader:Guys, what do you remind these mugs and why are they different in size? Let's swinging this rhythmic pattern. Well done! Oh, guys, it seems we woke up with your cotton animals. Just try to guess which of them will appear in front of you now ...

Children in cotton teacher determine the rhythmic formula, then find it a graphic image lion, hedgehog, squirrel, pig

("This amazing world" I.M.Ka.plunova, I.A.Novokoltseva)

4 picture depicting 3 whales (dance, march, song).

Music leader:Look, what is this incomprehensible picture? Who will say that it is depicted on it?

Children listening a. excerpts from musical works are called them, the genre is determined.

Musica.lion leader:

Cube, cube, sleep.

What do we do to smoke!

5 Picture with pictures of familiar songs.

Music leader:Here is a riddle. So a mystery. What do you think these are pictures ???

If the song is singing rhythmic, shriekingly, it is not necessary to sing loudly -

It will sound perfectly. The throat may get sick.

Children perform songs: "Better friend a. can not found" E.Aseva - Heading

"My Russia" sl. Solovieva Muses. G. Truv - fixing

"Mommin a. Song " sl.m. Plyatkovsky, Muz.M.Partshaladze - Repetition

6 picture with outbreaka.live gamesa.d.e.tay.

Musica.lion leader:Guys, look, fell a picture on which the guys play fun. Do you want to play a fun game? Can someone read the name of the game? (Ku-ku) as well, that we also know such a game and can play in it. Only first let's remember the basic rules: play in pairs, you need to get up like this (scheme), change in places through left shoulder, not coming around at each other, rhythmichna clap your hands ...

Children perform the dance game "Ku-ku"

Music leader: Guys, you have liked you to play with a cube, wouldfully have been held with all his inquiries. I duma, all the lot, that was friendly and everyone did together. Yes, and helped us with the music. Therefore, I will predict the right games.

Children play a game song with acceleration "h a. butchek with a cap "

Each word must be gestured:

Chairs - one hand on the belt, the second is set aside, palm up

With a lid, - hands folded in front of the breast, like two parallel horizontal lines.


With a bump, - cotton in palm over head

With hole, - hands dilute on the sides

With holes

Couple goes. - satisfied, execute "ILOa.pin »Hands in front of each other shows hands going steam.

The text and movement are then repeated in the reverse order.

Pairs goes off holes

Hole in the shishchka

Crying in a cap

A lid on the kettle.

Rotational motions are performed by TAZ (stir sugar)

The game continues 2 more times, but the pace is accelerated.

Music leader:I invite everyone to ride on the bus-buckacher! Want to?

Children play the moving game "Locker with stops"

All children become each other for the music director or as an educator. Each hands are elongated forward, put on the shoulders ahead standing. To the music adult leads children in a circle or snake, stops, says:

1. "Arto.p! OISTa.novka hlo.potushkino! " Everyone claws on a rhythm specified by adults.

2. Stop! OISTa.novka Topotkino! (All tolete).

3. "Poprogaykino"

4. "Mahalkino"

5. "Huggling"

6. "Cryclikino"

7. "By me.stas SIDa.alkino "- all children get to the places.

Musica.flax hando.leadere.l:Guys, a cheerful cube was empty, which means that we managed to fulfill all his tasks. But I really want to know if your mood changed after fun games with a cube? Here are different balloons. Look at their expression and go to the ball, what mood you have left, from our today's meeting in the musical hall.

Music leader:

It's time to tell you "Goodbye"!

We grace for all the stales!

Title: Abstract musical classes with children of the preparatory group "Cheerful Cube"

Position: Music Manager
Place of work: MBDOU "Dresses" Chamomile "
Location: Village Unjugan, Oktyabrsky district, Khmao Yugra

Abstract musical activity

Subject:Music professions

Preparatory to school group


1. Formation in children of the system of reference knowledge, skills and methods musical activityproviding a database for later acquaintance with music.

2. Wear the skills of free improvisation in a voice, dance movements, playing children's musical instruments. Develop a horizon, vocabulary, memory, thinking.

3. Relieve an emotional and conscious attitude to music in the process of different types of musical activity: singing, dance movements, playing musical instruments.

Travel course:

Children enter the hall to the music of "March of toy soldiers" Music P.I. Tchaikovsky. Marked in a circle, stop with the end of music.

1.1SviSvie. Span "Hello!"

Guys, did you know what kind of music did you enter the hall? (Answers)

Who is the composer of this music? (Answers)

What is this music in character? By genre? (Answers)

1.2 Presentation of goals and objectives.

Guys, tell me, please, who in the profession dream of becoming when you grow up? (Answers)

And what professions do you even know? (Answers)

What professions work in kindergarten?

What do you think is the name of my profession? (Answers)

Why is it called "Music Manager"? (Answers)

And why do you need a profession musical leader? (Answers)

Want to know what else there are musical professions? ( answers)

Learn a lot of new things and interesting will help us a magic wand. Are you ready to learn a lot of new and interesting?

Let's say the magic words "Once, two, three, we show the picture!"

Music teachers work in school, they teach children beautifully sing, playing different musical instruments .

What do you think is the name of this profession?

What do you know about the profession of singer? (Answers, explanation of the words "singer", "singer",)

Let us turn into singers and singers. Magic wand will help us:

Once, two twist and in singers turn! (Children cover their eyes and circling on the spot, pronouncing magic words)

3. Songs on the choice of children(singing with soloists and chorus)

Guys, do you want to see a new image on the screen? Then, you need to close your eyes and pronounce magical words: "Once, two, three, we show the picture!"

Who gues how this profession is called?

4.Iigra "Board Word"

A musician who plays a piano - ............. pianist

The musician who plays a violin - ............... violinist

A musician who plays on the bayan - ................ accordionist

The musician who plays the drum - ............... drummer

Tell me, please, if all these musicians play together, how will such a group of musicians be called?

Do you think who is the most important orchestra?

The word "conductor" means "manage". So, the conductor is a person who manages the orchestra, choir. Let's remember what the choir is? (children's responses)

How to become a conductor? What we lack? (Orchestra and conductor sticks,)

Let's play the game "Conductor and Orchestra" ( the "conductor", "musicians" are heard musical instruments)

5. Agra on children's musical instruments "Lee in the garden" in the garden "

(after the game on dmi, the children closes their eyes and utter magic words, on the slide screen. Children guess the names of composers)

What unites these people? Who are they by profession? ( composers)

What do you know about the profession "Composer"?

Let's turn into composers with you.

Children cover their eyes and utter words: "Once, two, twist, in composers turn!"

6.Igra "come up with a melody"

Children sing names for invented melodies. For example, "My name is Natasha"

Guys, have you ever heard the word "DJ"? What does this word mean?

DJ is a person who includes dance music on a disco. Well, dance?

7. Steam dance.

8.The Costogue. Game "Magic Wand"

(The music director transmits the magic wand to children. Who in his hands stick, he says that he learned about the lesson, the impressions that I liked. At the end, the musical leader takes a stick in his hands and celebrates the most prospective, attentive children)

A speaker "Goodbye!" Exit to the music.


  • contribute to improving the concentration of attention and its duration in children with unstable attention;
  • develop the fantasy of children, the ability to transfer words to the impression of listened music;
  • create conditions for emotional dialogue;
  • develop communicative skills in the game of playing musical instruments;
  • prompted to perform movements in accordance with the rhythm and mood of music, express emotions in motion;
  • learn to transfer the impressions in the drawings.


  • reproduction of the painting of Queenji "Moonwalk";
  • children's musical instruments;
  • attributes for dance - ribbons, sutants, scarves, handkerchiefs;
  • drawing accessories.

Travel course:

Before children on the easel, the reproduction of the Kindji painting "Moonwalk".

MUZ. Head: Guys, I will read the poem, and you think about what is said in it.

In the blue sky floats over the fields

Clouds with gold edges;

Slightly noticeable over the forest fog,

Warm evening transparently Rumba.

This is the cool night,

Grepes collects over a narrow interline

A month a fire ball gets up,

Red glow is given the forest.

Crotko stars Golden shine,

In the pure field, peace and silence;

Exactly in the temple, I stand in silence

And in delight I pray from the soul.

(Children talk about the content of the poem.)

True, it says about how beautiful the night is. Night is the most mysterious time. We do not know what is happening at night in nature, because we always sleep. And so the night always seems mysterious, mysterious, even frightening. After all, in the dark, all items acquire strange, unusual outlines. You can be frightened by any harmless bustle, and take it for something unusual and frightening. Even in fairy tales, it is at night that important and mysterious events occur, and any night rustic seems loud and frightening.

But darkness do not need to be afraid. Night Nature lives a special, interesting life. Stars are lit in the sky, the moon comes out. Everything is illuminated by some mysterious light, all transforming and changing around, (Music Moonlight music sounds, music leader continues on the background of music).

Water becomes silver and glitters, overflow, as if scales of huge fish. And the trees turn into mysterious creatures that are talking to each other, rustling with leaves.

If you leave at night to the street, the darkness immediately overshadows you, and it seems that there is no one in the world, only you and the stars. I want to sit, think, dream, listen to the sounds of the night.

Many composers described the beauty of the night in their musical works. Listen to the play of Tchaikovsky "Barcarol" in front of the notes of this music, the composer placed such a poem:

Let's go ashore, there waves

Feet will be loss

Stars with mysterious sadness

Will shine above us.

(Children listen to music, share their impressions.)

Yes, this is a quiet music that lulls ... And what is the name of the music that you can burn a child? (answer)

Lullaby is vocal music, she sing it. What voice and what melody should be clinging? (Answers)

Let's try to execute the lullaby. And so that it is even more beautiful to help yourself with the tools (conversation with children about what tools can be used and why, and what techniques you need to play. Children sing Pauls's lullaby.)

Most people rest at night, but some do not sleep because they should work. Look at this picture (view)

Shepherd can't sleep, otherwise the whole herd will wake up, so he sits and plays on the horn. Around the dusk, shine stars, the month shines because of the tucca. What do you think the melody plays a shepherd? (Answers) Let's listen. (Children listen to the music of Kabalevsky "walks a month over the meadows." At the end, they talk about the mood of music, means of musical expressiveness.)

Margarita Gorbatyuk
Music in B. preparatory group

purpose: Form.


musical impressions.


4. Develop ear for music, memory, rhythm feeling, ability to understand visual and expressive opportunities music.

5. Expand knowledge about the simplest elements music diplomas.

6. Training the game on the simplest musical instruments.

classes, develop speech.

8. To accustom to show respect from your comrades, the ability to listen to others.

Software content.

1.1 Entrance under the march.

1.2. Song greeting.

2. Exercise.

"Cheerful sticks" Mojuzhelova. Develop the ability to freely move from intense, energetic movement to a calmer.

Dance traffic.

"Legs to the heel and at the same time breed hands"

3. Hearing.

Develop the ability to consciously perceive thoughtfully musical Work on the example "Kamarinskaya" Tchaikovsky.

a) Song "Dudge" Russian folk song Caraseva processing. Exercise children in accurately reproduced by the voice of the gradual motion of the melody up and down, stroll a rhythmic pattern.

b) find out the song Popatenko "Russian side", learn 3 verses song, work out breathing, develop a figurative perception music.

5. Music - Rhythmic movements.

6. Creativity.

The game Ku-ku - Development of improvisational skills in the dance.

7. UGRA in the orchestra "Italian Polka".

8. Music Rhythmic movements.

Dance "Twisted in the dance".

9. Final part.

Travel course.

Children enter the hall under "Marshoslavsky"

MUZ. Head: welcomes them on a speaker "Hello children"

Children: answer.

MUZ. Head: What mood you came to occupation?

Children: answer.

1. Music - Rhythmic exercises.

1."Merry Jacks" MUZ. Mojuzhelova.

Children perform Jacks, and with a change of character music Go to a circling step.

MUZ. Head: Getting the attention of children to keep the right posture and security.

2. Dance movement under the Russian folk melody.

Play putting on the heel and at the same time smoothly breed hands. (child show).

3. March - go to the chairs.

2. Hearing.

MUZ. The leader plays an excerpt from "Kamarinskaya" P. I. Tchaikovsky and asks children to remember the name and author of the work, say that it depicts (portrait).

Children: P. I. Tchaikovsky in Kamarinskaya depicted a dance.

MUZ. Head: Tchaikovsky loved to listen to the folk music. Based on some melodies, the composer wrote his own works.

Such a melody sounds in "Kamarinskaya", Listen to the party of the right hand 9. Taking the basis of a simple, unpaired folk melody, the composer composed a play for piano.

Showing cards with the image of children dancing waltz, polka, folk dance.

Tell me, please, which of the illustrations comes to music?

Children choose a card with a folk beach. Next muses. The head proposes to listen to "Komarinskaya" Performing Russian folk instruments and tell what tools they heard. (Children answer and show a picture with tools).

MUZ. Head: Differs Lie music, executed on the piano from the one that Russian folk instruments are performed.

Children: sure. Music Performing Russian folk instruments to listen more interesting, because several instruments with different voices are playing at once.

MUZ. Head: really "Komarinskaya" The execution of Russian folk instruments sound bright and juicy. Tell me guys that you imagine listening "Kamarinskaya"?

Children: Dancer dance.

MUZ. Head: How does he dance?.

Children: At first it was a movement of rhythmic, but not very fast, as if the dancer is only configured. But then a replacement of a calm character comes a joyful cheerful, all accelerating passion.

Soon the dancer gets tired and dancing is no longer so quickly and here he slowly finishes his dance.

a) MUZ. Head: today on classes We will conceive a new song. Guessing the riddle you will learn the name of this speaker.

In the forest carved

Smoothly treasured

Sings pours

What is the name of? (Dudge)

Then children get acquainted with the speaker itself, which is called "Dudge" Russian folk in the processing of kiseleva.

The nature of the song, the direction of movement of the melody is determined. She is calm, singing, smooth, the melody smoothly rises, then it sinks (Show on a lot of cars). Understand the rhythmic pattern of the speaker.

Then children perform a speaker, showing movements as they play on a pipe (on Du Du-Du).

Follow the singing position.

b) MUZ. The head is playing a song melody.

Guys, name the song and the composer who wrote music to Ne.(portrait).

Children: This song is called "Russian side" Composer Popatenko.

MUZ. Head: What goes about this song?

Children: The song will be on the native side, about her beauty, endless expanses (consider illustrations)

MUZ. Head: Do these illustrations match the song?

Children: Yes correspond to.

Now we will teem 3 verse (I sama).

And now you will drink 3 verse "Chain" i.e. each by phrase.

Now we sing it all together. We take the breath between the phrases and hold it to the end of the phrase. Breathing must be quiet and unnoticed, for this, follow the singing position. Sing 3 verse.

MUZ. Head: And now I will fulfill the whole song, gentle, singement, well-preparing endings, at the same time taking a breath, joining in time. Follow the singing position. Put the structure of the song.

4. Dance creativity

MUZ. Head:

and now, the bastard,

it is time to play.

Get acquainted with the game Ku-ku

We stand in pairs, perform movements in the text, and and the loss every couple comes up with your movements.

5. Playing for children musical instruments.

MUZ. Head: Play and tatsuet you are good, but what are you musicians now see.

Children disassemble the tool.

Sounds "Italian Polka" Rachmaninova.

6. Music-Romic movements.

MUZ. Head:

Again music sounds.

We will not sit.

Is it possible not dancing

Listen music such.

Dance "Twisted in the dance"

7. Final part.

MUZ. Head: Recall what we did on classes.

Children: answer.

MUZ. Head: Well done!

I wish you all the best!

Listen more often musicAnd you will become better, kinder, smarter!

Analysis classes.

purpose: Forming musical abilities Children.


1. To form aesthetic feelings in children, cause positive emotions, enrich musical impressions.

2. Generate performing singing skills.

3. Improve the skills of movement under music.

4. Develop ear for music, memory, feeling of rhythm, ability to understand expressive opportunities music.

5. Expand knowledge about the simplest elements of the music. Letters.

6. Teach the game on the simplest music tools.

7. Improve the creative activity of children on classes, develop speech.

8. To accustom to show respect for your comrades, the ability to listen to others.

To solve these tasks, the following methods were used and receivers:

Visual: Illustrations for a song, pictures for determining the dance, cards with music. Tools, notable mill, portraits of composers.

Sluban - conversation, mystery, questions and answers, explanation for the content of the game.

Practical - display of dance movement, execution "Kamarinskaya" Tchaikovsky on piano, breathing testing in the song.

Children were confidential on classesActive, answered questions. The tasks have managed to implement in full.

The structure of unrepired educational activities includes the following steps.

1. Psychological setting: Song - greeting.

2. music - Rhythmic exercises "Merry Jacks" Mozhelevova. Dance moves.

3. Hearing: "Komarinskaya" Tchaikovsky.

4.1 Span "Dudge".

4.2. "Russian side".

5. Dance creativity: the game Ku-ku.

6. Game in the orchestra "Italian Polka" Rachmaninova.

7. Music-Thermal movement: "Twisted in the dance"

8. Final stage. Summed up joint activities.

In educational activities used the integration of 10 development areas.

1. Music - formed emotional responsiveness, frowned musical impressions.

2. Cognition - the formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of the horizons of children in the field music, Acquaintance with the work of Tchaikovsky, Popatenko.

3. Socialization - the development of gaming activities. The game Ku-kuplaying for children musical instruments, Development of independence, initiative.

4. Communication - the development of the speech of children, the enrichment of the dictionary (conversations, questions and answers).

5. Security - formed the basics of security when performing music-Rimic exercises game Ku-ku, Dancing.

6. Health - watched posture when performing music-Thermal movements and singing position when singing.

7. Physical education - accumulation and enrichment of motor experience.

8. Chumbled - made a riddle, used an artistic word.

9. Artistic creativity - developed dance creativity in the game Ku-ku.

10. Labor - kids removed musical instruments.

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