Physics. New full guide to prepare for OGE

Preparation for OGE and EGE

Basic general education

Line UMK A. V. Pryskin. Physics (7-9)

Preparing for OGE in physics: Task number 23

In the 9th grade, schoolchildren are first faced with mandatory state exams. What does this mean for the teacher? First, it is worth the task of setting up children to enhanced preparation for certification work. But the most important thing is: not just give full-fledged knowledge of your subject, but to explain what kind of task is to do, disassemble typical examples, errors and give students all the tools for the successful passing of the exam.

When preparing for OGE, the most questions causes experimental task №23. It is the most difficult, respectively, on it and the most time is given - 30 minutes. And for its successful implementation, you can get the most points - 4. This task begins the second part of the work. If you look into the codifier, we will see that the controlled elements of the content here are mechanical and phenomena of electromagnetism. Pupils must show the ability to work with physical instruments and measuring instruments.

There are 8 standard equipment sets that will be needed on the exam. What exactly will be used, it becomes known a few days before the exam, so it is advisable to carry out additional training before the exam with those tools that will be involved; Be sure to repeat how to read indications from the instruments. If the exam is held on the territory of another school, the teacher can arrive in advance to watch the ready-made sets. Cooking instruments for the exam Teacher should pay attention to their health, especially susceptible to wear. For example, the use of an old battery can lead to the fact that the student is elementary cannot establish the required current strength.

It is necessary to check whether the devices are coincided with the specified values. If they do not coincide, then the true values \u200b\u200bare indicated in special blanks, and not those that are recorded in official sets.

The teacher responsible for conducting the exam can help a technical specialist. He also monitors compliance with safety during the exam and can intervene in the progress of the task. It is necessary to remind the disciples that if they wanted a malfunction of any device during the execution of the task, you need to immediately report it.

There are three types of experimental tasks encountered on the physics exam.

Type 1. "Indirect measurements of physical quantities." Includes 12 topics:

  • Density of substance
  • Power of Archimedes
  • Friction coefficient Slip
  • Spring rigidity
  • The period and frequency of the oscillations of the mathematical pendulum
  • Moment of force acting on the lever
  • Working force of elasticity when lifting the cargo using a moving or stationary block
  • Work of friction force
  • Optical power collecting lenses
  • Electrical resistance resistor
  • Operation of electric current
  • Electric current power.

Type 2. "Presentation of experimental results in the form of tables or graphs and a formulation of output based on the experimental data obtained". Includes 5 topics:

  • Dependence of the force of elasticity arising in the spring, on the degree of deformation of the spring
  • The dependence of the oscillation period of the mathematical pendulum from the length of the thread
  • The dependence of the current current occurs in the conductor, from the voltage at the ends of the conductor
  • The dependence of the friction force of sliding from the strength of normal pressure
  • Properties of the image obtained using a collecting lens

Type 3. "Experimental verification of physical laws and consequences." Includes 2 topics:

  • The law of the consistent connection of resistors for electrical voltage
  • The law of parallel compound of resistors for power of electric current

Preparation for OGE in Physics: Student Tips

  • It is important to record very accurately in the answer blank all that the rules require. Checking its work, it is worth looking again, whether nothing is missed: a schematic pattern, the formula for calculating the desired value, the results of direct measurements, calculations, the numeric value of the desired value, the output, etc., depending on the conditions. The absence of at least one indicator will lead to a decrease in the score.
  • For additional measurements made to the form, the assessment is not reduced
  • The drawings must be made very carefully, the careless schemes also take away the score. It is important to learn to control the indication of all units of measurement.
  • Recalling the answer, the student should not specify the error, but it is worth conveying information that the verifier has criteria and the correct answer already contains the boundaries of the interval, within which the correct result may turn out.

Preparation for the exam in general and to the experimental task in particular can not be spontaneous. Without the constantly developed skill of working with laboratory equipment, you are almost impossible to perform tasks. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with demonstration options for examination work and disassemble typical tasks during laboratory.

Detailed analysis of all types of tasks you can see inwebinar.

Many parents criticize the modern educational system due to its significant orientation to receive abstract points, rather than real knowledge. There is some truth in this, but in any case, each student expects GIA in grade 9. If in the future is expected to enter a technical university, then preparation for OGE in physics is one of the key ways to achieve this goal. Real knowledge is important here, and not an estimate in the table. How to prepare for OGE in physics to get the desired score?

Secrets of successful training
  1. Availability of a plan.

    Without a plan of action, it is difficult to get a really high score. If the preparation for OGE in physics will not have the extreme time of assimilation of the required information, then to the date of the exam, the probability of the presence of gaps in knowledge is high. At the same time, the main thing in the existing plan is the compliance of the objectives of the student, including psychological. After all, the learning process is not always simple and requires stress cerebral activity, after which there must be time for rest.

  2. Understanding the current level of knowledge.

    This is important not only at the beginning of training, but also directly in the process to determine the level of progress. Preparing to GIA, the best way to monitor knowledge - trial tests. Having passed such testing to Junium, the schoolboy will receive an optimal level of load, which makes it possible to effectively study the "problem places" so that they do not cause the loss of points on the exam.

  3. The ability to adjust the preparation by a mentor.

    The assimilation of those may have different productivity. For example, some schoolchildren easily understand interference and diffraction of light, and for others this topic is complex and requires more attention. Preparation for the exam in the Union of the Schoolboy passes with constant support of a specialist who will tell you what to focus on, and that it is enough to remember how to prepare for OGE in physics systematic and effectively.

The development collected and summarizes the experience in solving the tasks offered to OGE in physics in grade 9, within the framework of the "Kinematics. Straight movement" section. The author tried to develop a small course in which an example of the analysis of basic simple tasks is formed an understanding of the general principle of solving tasks on this topic. Development contains 19. unique Jobs with a detailed analysis of each, and several tasks indicate several ways to solve that, in the opinion of the author, it should contribute to a deep and complete assimilation of the methodology for solving such tasks. Almost all the tasks are copyright, but in each of them the features of the tasks of the OGE form are reflected. The overwhelming majority of tasks are focused on a graphical representation, which contributes to the formation of meta-delta skills. In addition, the development contains the minimum necessary theoretical material, which represents a "concentration" of the general theory for this section. It can be used by the teacher when preparing for a regular lesson, when conducting additional classes, as well as is also designed for a student, which in self is preparing for the surrender of OGE in physics.

Methodological manual (presentation) "Electromagnetic oscillations and waves. Preparation for GIA "was drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the state final certification (GIA) in the 2013 physics and is intended to prepare graduates of the main school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demonstration version of the examination work (electromagnetic oscillations and waves), accompanied by animation and video phrases.

Target audience: for grade 9

Methodological manual (presentation) "Air humidity. Preparation for GIA "was drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the state final certification (GIA) in 2010 physics and is intended to prepare graduates of the main school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demo version of the examination (air humidity), accompanied by animation and video phrases.

Methodological manual (presentation) "Evaporation and condensation. Boiling fluid. Preparation for GIA "was drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the state final certification (GIA) in 2010 physics and is intended to prepare graduates of the main school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demo version of the examination work (evaporation and condensation. Boiling fluid), accompanied by animation and video phrases.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the completed material when reducing the course of physics in grade 9, as well as on the examples of samples in physics in 2008-2010, show the use of basic laws and formulas in the options for examinations of the level A and V.
The manual can also be used for 10-11 classes when repetition of the appropriate in that it will allow you to orient learning on the selection exam in the graduation years.

The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demo version of the examination work (mechanical oscillations and waves. Sound), accompanied by animation and video phrases.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the completed material when reducing the course of physics in grade 9, as well as on the examples of samples in physics in 2008-2010, show the use of basic laws and formulas in the options for examinations of the level A and V.

Methodological manual is compiled to help teachers and students passing GIA in physics based on FII materials to prepare for the exam in a new form; Contains examples of the design of experimental tasks from part 3. The manual can also be used in the lessons of physics 7 - 9 classes in laboratory work, because A description of some laboratory work is not given in the textbook.

Methodological manual (presentation) "The Act of Archimedes. Preparation for GIA "was drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the state final certification (GIA) in 2010 physics and is intended to prepare graduates of the main school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demonstration version of the examination work (Archimedes Act), accompanied by animation and video phrases.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the completed material when reducing the course of physics in grade 9, as well as on the examples of samples in physics in 2008-2010, show the use of basic laws and formulas in the options for examinations of the level A and V.

The manual can also be used for 10-11 classes when repetition of the appropriate in that it will allow you to orient learning on the selection exam in the graduation years.

Methodological manual (presentation) "Pascal law. Preparation for GIA "was drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the state final certification (GIA) in 2010 physics and is intended to prepare graduates of the main school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demo version of the examination work (Pascal law), accompanied by animation and video phrases.

The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the completed material when reducing the course of physics in grade 9, as well as on the examples of samples in physics in 2008-2010, show the use of basic laws and formulas in the options for examinations of the level A and V.

Methodological manual (presentation) "Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Preparation for GIA "was drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the state final certification (GIA) in 2010 physics and is intended to prepare graduates of the main school for the exam.
The development provides summary information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demo version of the examination work (pressure. Atmospheric pressure), accompanied by animation and video phrases.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the completed material when reducing the course of physics in grade 9, as well as on the examples of samples in physics in 2008-2010, show the use of basic laws and formulas in the options for examinations of the level A and V.
The manual can also be used for 10-11 classes when repetition of the appropriate in that it will allow you to orient learning on the selection exam in the graduation years.

Methodological manual (presentation) "Simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms. Preparation for GIA "was drawn up in accordance with the requirements for the state final certification (GIA) in 2010 physics and is intended to prepare graduates of the main school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) \u200b\u200band the plan of the demo version of the examination work (simple mechanisms. The efficiency of simple mechanisms), accompanied by animation and video phrases.

The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the completed material when reducing the course of physics in grade 9, as well as on the examples of samples in physics in 2008-2010, show the use of basic laws and formulas in the options for examinations of the level A and V.
The manual can also be used for 10-11 classes when repetition of the appropriate in that it will allow you to orient learning on the selection exam in the graduation years.

M.: 2019 - 288 p. M.: 2016 - 288 p.

This reference book contains all theoretical material at the rate of physics necessary for the commissioning of the main state exam in grade 9. It includes all elements of the content being checked by instrumentation, and helps to summarize and systematize knowledge and skills for the course of the main school. The course theory is given in a brief and affordable form. Each section is accompanied by examples of tests. Practical tasks correspond to OGE format. They give an exhaustive idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of tasks of examination work and about the degree of their complexity. At the end of the manual there are answers to all tasks, as well as the necessary reference tables. The manual can be used by students to prepare for OGE and self-control, and teachers - to prepare students of the basic school to the final certification in physics.

Format: PDF. (2019 4th ed., Pererab. and add., 288c.)

The size: 3.1 MB


Format: PDF. (2016 , 2nd ed., Pererab. and add., 288c.)

The size: 6.9 MB


Preface 5.
Mechanical phenomena
Mechanical movement. Trajectory. Way.
Move 7.
Uniform rectilinear movement 15
Speed. Acceleration. Equal asked rectilinear movement 21
Free drop 31.
Uniform body movement around the circumference 36
Weight. Density of substance 40.
Force. Addition of forces 44.
Newton's laws 49.
Friction force 55.
The power of elasticity. Body weight 60.
The law of global gravity. Gravity 66.
Body impetus. Pulse Transfer Act 71
Mechanical work. Power 76.
Potential and kinetic energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy 82
Simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms 88
Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal law. Archimedes Act 94.
Mechanical oscillations and waves 105
Heat phenomena
The structure of the substance. Models of the structure of gas, liquid and solid body 116
Thermal motion of atoms and molecules. Communication of the temperature of the substance at the speed of the chaotic movement of particles. Brownian motion. Diffusion.
Heat equilibrium 125.
Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as methods for changing internal energy 133
Types of heat transfer: thermal conductivity, convection, radiation 138
Quantity of heat. Specific heat 146.
The law of conservation of energy in thermal processes.
Energy conversion in heat machines 153
Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid 161.
Melting and crystallization 169
Electromagnetic phenomena
Electrification tel. Two types of electrical charges. Interaction of electrical charges. Electric charge conservation law 176
Electric field. Electric field effect on electric charges. Conductor and dielectric 182
Permanent electric current. Current power. Voltage. Electrical resistance. Ohma law for plot
electrical circuit 188.
Sequential and parallel conductor connections 200
Operation and power of electric current. Lenza Law 206
Ersted experience. Magnetic current field. Magnet interaction. Magnetic field effect on conductor with current 210
Electromagnetic induction. Faraday experiences.
Electromagnetic oscillations and waves 220
The law of rectilinear light propagation. Law
reflections of light. Flat mirror. Refraction of light 229.
Lens light dispersion. Focal length lenses.
Eye as an optical system. Optical devices 234.
Quantum phenomena
Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation.
Rangeford experiences. Planetary model atom 241
The composition of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions 246.
Reference materials 252.
An example of a variant of measuring materials of OGE (GIA) 255
Answers 268.

The directory contains all theoretical material at the rate of physicists of the main school and is designed to prepare students in grades to the main state exam (OGE).
The content of the main sections of the reference book is "mechanical phenomena", "thermal phenomena", "electromagnetic phenomena", "quantum phenomena" corresponds to the modern codifier of the elements of the content on the subject, on the basis of which the control and measuring material (kima) of the OGE are composed.
Theoretical material is set forth in a brief and accessible form. Calcity of presentation and clarity of educational material will allow to effectively prepare for the exam.
The practical part of the reference book includes samples of test tasks, which in form, and in content fully comply with the real options offered at the main state exam in physics.

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