School psychologist programs of 8 types. The program of individual support of primary school children in the conditions of a (special) correctional boarding school of the VII-VIII types

The speech therapy correction program is compiled taking into account the school curriculum, in which for speech therapy classes in grades 1-3, 4 hours a week, in grades 4-5 - 3 hours a week, in grades 6-7 - 2 hours a week.

The purpose of this program is to develop a consistent step-by-step correction of all components of speech activity.

Speech disorders in mentally retarded children are characterized by persistence. They are eliminated with great difficulty, persist up to the senior grades of a special (correctional) schools VIII species.

Speech therapy work is carried out for 7 years of study.

In this regard, correctional speech therapy work divided into 3 stages:

1. Work on the sound side of speech.

2. Work on the grammatical and lexical structure of speech at the level of words and sentences.

3. Formation of oral and written coherent speech (retelling of different types, composing stories, writing statements).

The program consists of the following sections:

  1. correction of sound pronunciation;
  2. correction of phonemic processes;
  3. correctional work at the lexical level;
  4. correctional work at the syntactic level;
  5. improving coherent speech;

Correction of sound pronunciation is carried out in grade 1 and consists of

from the preliminary stage, the task of which is to prepare students for mastering the sound side of speech, and the stage of sound production, at which pronunciation skills and hearing-pronunciation differentiation of vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants are practiced.

Correctional work at the phonemic level continues in grades 2-3. The purpose of this section is to eliminate phonemic dyslexia, acoustic dysgraphia and dysgraphia associated with different forms language analysis and synthesis. The program includes sections aimed at the formation of syllabic and sound analysis and word synthesis, differentiation of hard and soft consonants (grade 2), voiced and voiceless, sibilant and hissing consonants, as well as the elimination of optical dysgraphia.

Correctional work at the lexical level is carried out in grades 3-5 and is aimed at correcting agrammatic dyslexia and dysgraphia and includes topics such as "Stress", "Words-objects", "Words-signs", "Words-actions".

The work carried out in grade 3 is aimed at overcoming agrammatic dyslexia and dysgraphia: “Concordance of words in number”, “Concordance of words in gender”; "Phrases formed by the method of management" (4th grade), "Unstressed vowels at the root of the word" (5th grade), "Phrases and sentences formed by the method of control" (6th grade).

The section "Improving coherent speech" involves working on the text (grade 5), all types of retelling (grade 6), writing stories and essays (grade 7).



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On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The work program of the optional course "Origami" for grades 5-6 of a special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type

The program contains the following sections: explanatory note; content; educational and thematic plan; information sources; methodological support of the program ...

Methodological research "An integrated lesson as an effective form of development of cognitive activity of primary school students of a special (correctional) educational school of the VIII type"

Currently, Russian pedagogical defectologists are in constant search of effective methods and techniques for improving the cognitive activity of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities ...

Methodical work "Organization and conduct of integrated lessons in the primary grades of a special (correctional) educational school of the VIII type"

Unjustly little attention is paid to the implementation of integrated lessons in special (correctional) schools of the VIII type for children with intellectual disabilities. An integrated approach in teaching elementary schools ...


An explanatory note is given to the speech therapy work program for grades 1-5 of the VIII type school. The main goals and objectives, topics by grade, and what should be able to and know by the end of each grade are indicated ...

The multimedia test can be used during the lesson when studying a number of topics from the design section at the stage of generalizing and consolidating knowledge, as well as to monitor the success of assimilation teaching material... The test will allow you to see the gaps in students' knowledge and outline ways to address them.

Target audience: for grade 8

The test is designed to work at the stage of consolidation or control of knowledge on a given topic. It has three difficulty levels. The first and second levels contain six questions, each of which has several answer options, designed in the form of images of objects. The student must choose the right ones, in his opinion. The third level contains five exercises with the task "Insert the missing letter". All texts omitted vowels after soft and hard consonants. Having determined which letter is missing, the student erases the gap ".." and inserts the desired letter using the keyboard. After completing the work, the student receives an assessment, the number of correct and incorrect answers.

Important! Open the test in MS PowerPoint 2007. When you switch to display mode, the Security Options pop-up window appears. Give the command "Include this content".

Target audience: for grade 3

An interactive crossword puzzle on plastering and painting on the topic: "Wallpaper work" is designed to test the knowledge of students in grades 7-9 of correctional schools of the VIII type. Working with a crossword puzzle contributes to the consolidation of educational material, the development of thinking, attention, memory of students, the development of positive educational motivation. The tasks of using this crossword puzzle are a variety of work with text in the lesson, instilling interest in the subject, as well as the development of voluntary attention and memory of students with disabilities.

Target audience: for teachers

This material was created with the aim of introducing multimedia resources into the course of the lesson, extracurricular activities, independent work of students in a correctional school. The crossword puzzle can be used in the lesson at the stage of consolidating vocabulary words in the 6th grade of a special (correctional) school, as well as for independent work. Working with a crossword puzzle contributes not only to strengthening the spelling of words, but also to the development of thinking, attention, memory of students, and the development of positive learning motivation. Crossword tasks correspond to the principles of correctional pedagogy: they are accessible for understanding of students with intellectual disabilities, arouse their interest, a desire to correctly answer the question, contribute to development cognitive activity and correction of the emotional sphere of this category of children.

Target audience: for grade 6

The interactive simulator was developed for the 5th grade of the VIII type of correctional school (however, it can be used in primary grades general education schools). Includes 21 words with unstressed vowels and 2 "Test yourself" tasks. It can be used for both group and individual work.

The simulator is designed for pupils of 5th grade of a correctional school of the VIII type, it is used in generalizing lessons of writing and speech development after studying the section "Word composition". Includes 12 working slides on the topics "Single root words", "End", "Prefix", "Suffix". Slides can be removed and adjusted as desired by the teacher.

Additional computer settings are required for correct operation. In MS PowerPoint 2007 (2010), click on the Office (File) button, then on the buttons: "PowerPoint Options" - "Trust Center" - "Trust Center Options ..." and select with the radio button "Disable all macros with notification".

Target audience: for grade 5

An interactive test based on the story of Yu.I. Koval's "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov" is designed to test the knowledge of 9th grade students of type VIII correctional schools. The test includes 12 slides with different choice of answers (or answers) and tasks to correct the error. The tasks of using this test are a variety of work with text in a reading lesson, instilling interest in the subject, as well as the development of voluntary attention, memory of students with disabilities.

The presentation was made according to the template for creating tests in PowerPoint, correction is acceptable (except for 1 and 2 slides).

Target audience: for grade 9

This resource includes 22 frequently used vocabulary words from the course "Russian language" for the 5th grade of the VIII type of correctional school. It is used in preparation for vocabulary dictation (at the end of the academic year). Feature: students must enter missing spelling from the keyboard. In case of a mistake, the student has the opportunity to correct the spelling. Words can be selected from the main menu, or you can work with them in order.

Computer settings: - in MS PowerPoint 2007 (2010) click on the Office button (File), then on the buttons: "PowerPoint Options" - "Trust Center" - "Trust Center Options ..." and select with the radio button "Disable all macros with notification ".

SGBOU "Yartsevskaya special (correctional) general education boarding schoolVii - VIII species for orphans and children left without parental care


individual accompaniment primary school children

in a (special) correctional

boarding schools of VII-VIII types

Made up:

Batyuleva N.V. - teacher-psychologist of the highest qualification category

Vavilova O.I. - teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category

yartsevo, 2015

Explanatory note.

The development of a child with a diagnosis follows a special path reflecting the influence of unfavorable socio-psychological factors when they are superimposed on the early lesion of the central nervous system and on the development process as a whole (physical growth, maturation of the central nervous system, the formation of the psyche, social and everyday and moral and aesthetic concepts, etc.).
Purposeful complex psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support of students in a special (correctional) institution should be aimed at creating optimal psychological and pedagogical correctional and developmental conditions for upbringing and education for children with developmental and behavioral problems in accordance with their age and individual characteristics , the level of actual development, the state of somatic and neuropsychic health, ensuring the development of mechanisms for compensation and social integration of each pupil.
A child whose upbringing and training, due to defects in development, is slower, will better master the necessary skills, if they are formed in an organized manner, the most effective methods and techniques, consolidating the acquired skills and abilities in everyday life... For this, a psychologist, speech therapist, social educator, teacher, educator must be able to draw up an individual development program for a particular child.
The program of individual support for the child is approved at a meeting of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the institution. It consists of a map of the initial data of complex diagnostics, which indicates the actual problems of the child, the goal, objectives, principles, desired results student development programs. Drawing up an individual child support program(psychological, pedagogical and medico-social support, adaptive, preventive or correctional and developmental) will help a teacher, educator, speech therapist, educational psychologist, social teacher, medical workers to effectively implement the program content.


    Providing diagnostic and correctional and psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with developmental disabilities in an educational institution, creating conditions for their development


    Comprehensive comprehensive examination of children

    Establishing the nature and causes of the identified deviations

    Determination of the child's potential for providing him with targeted special assistance

    Development of comprehensive targeted programs for the individual development of children

    Tracking the dynamics of development (observation, diagnostic sections at the beginning and at the end of the year to clarify educational route, making appropriate adjustments)

    correction of deviations in development, behavior, study

    advisory work with teachers, parents

When drawing up a program for individual child support, you can use the following methods and techniques:

    study of documents, personal files;

    acquaintance with a medical examination, highlighting unfavorable stages in the development of a child;

    study of society (extracurricular relations, family, inner circle) child;

    diagnostic studies;

    monitoring the child;

    individual and group work with parents and teachers.

Stages of drawing up a program for individual child support.

The purpose of the preliminary stage of work is to collect information about the child.

The purpose of the diagnostic stage: - to study the emotional and personal characteristics of the child, determine his status, zones of actual and proximal development.

The purpose of the correctional and developmental stage: - improvement of the child's mental state, correction of the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres, assistance in socialization, timely organization of medical and recreational activities.

The purpose of the final stage is to analyze the results of the effectiveness of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support, adaptation of the child, correctional and developmental work, etc.

Individual program of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support

The individual program of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support includes the following blocks:


    social and legal support,

    psychological support

    speech therapy support

    pedagogical support,

    educational support.

The goal of medical and recreational support includes the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, the improvement of students, the prevention of somatic diseases, the development of the ability to cope with stress and illness.

The purpose of social and legal support is to implement a set of measures for social protection, communication with parents and their substitutes. Familiarization of students with human rights and fundamental freedoms and the development of skills of social competence and legal behavior.

The purpose of psychological support involves the correction and psychoprophylaxis of the child's personal (emotional, cognitive, behavioral) sphere.

The purpose of speech therapy support involves the correction and development of the speech of a child with developmental problems.

The purpose of pedagogical support is to ensure that children are taught the skills of performing educational tasks, acquiring knowledge, organizing time, and social adaptation.

The purpose of educational support in the normalization and improvement of the leading type of activity, the development of productive activities; developing personal hygiene and self-care skills.

Used Books.

    Blinova L.N. Diagnostics and correction in the education of delayed children mental development - M .: Publishing house NTs ENAS, 2006

    Vilshanskaya A.D., Prilutskaya M.I., Protchenko E.M. Psychological, medical and pedagogical council at school. Interaction of specialists in solving child problems - M .: Genesis, 2012.

    Levchenko I.Yu., Butko G.A., Ortina T.Yu.Psychological-medical-pedagogical council in kindergarten for children with mental retardation // Appendix to the journal Correctional pedagogy: theory and practice

    Psychological and pedagogical counseling and support for child development: A guide for teacher-defectologist / Ed. L.M. Shipitsyna - M.: VLADOS, 2003

    Razenkova Yu.A. The content of individual development programs for infants with disabilities, brought up in the orphanage / Almanac of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, Russian Academy of Education 2003, No. 6.

    Festival of Pedagogical Ideas " Public lesson"Mogila Olga Ilyinichna" Experience of creating an individual development program for a child with disabilities studying in a special (correctional) boarding school ".

    Shipitsyna L.M.Communication training for a mentally retarded child: Tutorial - SPb .: VLADOS North - West, 2010

Appendix 1

Integrated diagnostics baseline data card

for the development of individual correctional and developmental programs for accompanying a child

General information

FULL NAME _______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth________________________________________________________

Date of examination ____________________________________________________

Diagnosis _______________________________________________________________

Conclusion PMPK _____________________________________________________


Doctor (neurological and somatic status) ___________________________

Social teacher _________________ _ ________________________________


Psychologist ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Speech therapist ______________________________________________________________



Teachers _______________________________________________________________


Educator (features of the emotional-volitional sphere, behavior, position in a peer group, self-service skills) ____________________________


General conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council



Doctor __________________________________________________________________




Social teacher ____________________________________________________

Educator-psychologist ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________



Teacher speech therapist _______________________________________________________


Chairman of the Commission ___________________

Doctor ___________________________________

Social teacher _____________________________

Psychologist _______________________________

Speech therapist ________________________________

Appendix 2

for 2011-2012.

Konstantin K. 04/02/2004


Specialist lists

Form of work

Doctor, medical professional

Exercise therapy

Courses of vitamins, nootropics, cardiotrophics 2 r / g

Clinical examination, preventive vaccinations, filling out a health sheet in a class magazine

Social teacher

Complex of measures for social protection

Establish and maintain contact with relatives, search for candidates for a foster family

Work with documentation: housing preservation act. Ind. conversations with the child, teachers


Intellectual (sensory development, imaginative representations, development of all components of attention, perception ...) and emotional-volitional readiness (the level of arbitrary behavior and cognitive activity, social intelligence).

Individual, group lessons,

Teacher speech therapist

    Development of speech motor skills, breathing, voice. Development of general and fine motor skills.

    Correction of sound pronunciation (C, Cb, Z, Zb, Ts; Sh, Zh, Sh,; L, L R, Pb) and syllable structure of the word

    Development of phonemic hearing; language analysis and synthesis.

    Clarification, enrichment, activation of the dictionary.

    Work on the grammatical structure of speech.

    The development of coherent speech.

Ind. lessons

Advice to teachers

Appendix 3.

Psychological representation

for the student of the preparatory class Konstantin K., born 02.04.2005

Received from the SRC "House of Mercy" in the city of Vyazma 09/22/2011

Health status: ZPR, F 90.1 (hyperkinetic disorders), MMD, moderate hydrocephalic syndrome.

F 70, MAAS, dysfunction of the hepatobiliary system, flat feet, hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils.

Personal file information: the mother is mentally incapacitated (mental retardation, I group of disability, does not understand the meaning of her actions and does not direct them), has a brother born in 2003, 2 younger sisters (adopted). We were with my brother under the care of my grandmother until 01/27/2010.

Survey results:

Contact is vocal, easy to establish. The pace of activity is average. The performance is reduced. The activity is unstable. The stock of general ideas and social orientation are limited. Shows increased speech activity.

Disturbed sound pronunciation: hissing, whistling, sonors. The vocabulary is poor with a predominance of verbs and nouns, the phrase is agrammatical.

Attention is not stable enough, quickly depletes, requires switching to another type of activity.

Compares, recognizes, names the main colors of the spectrum and their shades (does not know the name of pink). Correlates objects in shape, confuses names.

Adds cut pictures by purposeful trials.

Fine motor skills underdeveloped.

Conclusion: Low school maturity.

Work to develop multi-component school readiness:

To the teacher: "Student position", prerequisites for reading letters, counting (special readiness), the ability to organize a workplace, to overcome difficulties.

To a psychologist: intellectual (sensory development, imaginative representations, development of all components of attention, perception) and emotional-volitional readiness (the level of arbitrary behavior and cognitive activity, social intelligence)

Speech therapist: speech development.

The teacher should work on the development of communication skills, the correct attitude to school, teaching, teacher, the development of fine and general motor skills, play activities.

Educator-psychologist ____________

Appendix 4

Appendix 5.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the maintenance program



    • 5 - is well oriented on a sheet of paper; accepts the task and how to complete it; knows how to follow the pattern. Compares his work with the model, sees inconsistencies, finds and eliminates errors on his own or with a little help (verbal or non-verbal indication of an error). Understands the meaning of spatial prepositions and adverbs, uses some of them in speech.

      4 - well oriented on a piece of paper. Distinguishes between sides; recognizes objects depicted in different positions; accepts the task and methods of execution. He knows how to work according to the model, but at the end of the assignment mistakes are possible, which he corrects with a little help from an adult. Makes mistakes when using spatial prepositions and adverbs.

      3 - clearly expressed violations of visual perception; acts on the model with verbal accompaniment, needs organizing, guiding, stimulating help. Loses the way to complete the task. Does not recognize objects, letters, numbers superimposed on each other, depicted in different planes, does not recognize unfamiliar objects. There are no spatial prepositions in speech. Corrects mistakes with the help of an adult.

      2 - poorly oriented on a sheet of paper; does not know how to act according to the visual model; procedural activity; he does not see any errors even with a specific indication of them. Does not accept ways to complete assignments. + All the disadvantages of the previous level.

      1 - confuses sideliness, does not focus on a sheet of paper; does not see the line. Does not use a sample when performing an assignment; does not copy letters, numbers, words, simple images, does not recognize objects depicted in an unusual position, superimposed on one another. Help is accepted only in a specific situation, without transfer by analogy. When completing assignments, he needs all kinds of assistance, constant monitoring is necessary.


    5 - the child easily switches from one type of activity to another: he is able to simultaneously perform two types of activities (follow-listen, perform practical tasks and explain); engage in monotonous activities and hold attention, depending on age, from 5 to 15 minutes; simultaneously perceive 5-10 objects.

    4 - not grossly expressed violations of all properties of attention during the lesson, class or, at first, a decrease, and then working into the activity; lagging or lagging behind any one property, or single lagging, getting stuck in the previous activity.

    3 - clearly expressed violations of all properties of attention; guidance and stimulating help is needed. There is a clear tendency to get stuck.

    2- violation of all properties throughout the lesson, class, activity. Roughly stuck on a previous activity. Needs organizing, teaching guidance, stimulating types of assistance. Attention is short-lived (3-6 minutes).

    1- high distraction, rough getting stuck. Help does not accept. Purposeful activity under the constant supervision of an adult.


For grades 0-1 - 5-6 words, objects, pictures.

For grades 2-3 - 7-8 words, objects, pictures.

For 3-4 classes - 8-10 words, objects, pictures.

    5-immediate short-term memory is 50% of the proposed words, objects, pictures at the first presentation; delayed memory (30-60 min) - 90-100%. Remembers more voluminous poems; knows how to retell the text, keeping meaning and consistency; independently tells familiar fairy tales.

    4 - 90-100% of words, objects, pictures reproduces at 4-5 presentation directly and delayed. Memorizing by heart requires multiple repetition, during reproduction allows permutation of one or two words. When retelling, it needs a hint in the form of leading questions or statements.

    3 - immediate short-term memory is 50-60% of the total volume of memorized material after 4-5 presentations with a constant increase. It is possible to introduce other words and get stuck on them. Delayed playback drops to 40-50% of the total. The child does not reproduce independently learned poem. Retelling only on questions.

    2 - operative visual and auditory memory is 20-30% of the proposed volume of words, objects, pictures. Delayed playback drops to 10-20%. Does not memorize program poems, during reproduction, the permutation of words is noted, replacement by others that do not fit the meaning. There is no retelling.

    1 - remembers no more than 10-20% of the proposed material; there is no increase in the amount reproduced from presentation to presentation. Does not repeat the words just spoken. Does not memorize or learns 1/3 of what is proposed by the program. Does not reproduce a read or heard sentence of 3-4 words. The process is difficult to correct.


    5 - divides a word, an object into separate component parts and makes a whole from separate parts. Owns generalizing concepts on topics: clothes, shoes, toys, dishes, furniture, animals, birds, flowers, mushrooms, tools, transport. Excludes the 4th, 5th unnecessary subject at the conceptual level with explanations in 10-16 variants, taking into account age (focus on the program). Categorizes items based on characteristic features for one show with explanation. When comparing objects, it finds differences well, with guiding help - similarities. Emphasizes meaning in stories, plot and plot pictures. Using specific examples, he makes simple conclusions and conclusions.

    4 - owns the techniques of analysis and synthesis, generalizing concepts except for the concepts of "furniture", "transport", "tools". Excludes the 4th, 5th superfluous in 10-12 variants with explanations. It classifies objects, pictures at a leading verbal level with subsequent verbal explanation (here I will put a table, chair, sofa, here flowers, birds ...). Comparing objects (establishing similarities and differences) needs help. Understands the meaning of what he read, pictures, including a series of consecutive pictures from 4-5. Help is needed in the perception of the plot picture. Capable of making simple conclusions and inferences in familiar everyday situations.

    3 - generalization based on non-existent features. Analysis and synthesis processes using. He does not establish the similarities, the differences - with the help. Exclusion of the superfluous in 4-5 simple options, in 3-4 more without explanation. Classification at a non-verbal level with teaching assistance. Does not understand the meaning of what he has read. He does not establish a semantic sequence in the plot pictures, except for simple variants of 3 pictures. Does not establish a causal relationship.

    2 - finding similarities and differences in pronounced variants of the same species or in opposite species or generic concepts (notebook-book, tree-flower) with little help. Owns elementary generalizing concepts: shoes, clothes, dishes, flowers, classification of the same concepts at a non-verbal level. Exception with explanations in 2-3 variants, 2-3 more - without explanation. + Disadvantages of the previous level.

    1 - thought processes in their most elementary form are possible with educational assistance, mainly at a non-verbal level. + All the disadvantages of the previous level.

    The motor sphere.

    5 - good coordination of movements, body control, motor dexterity. Fine motor skills: adherence to the line, uniform pressure, smooth lines, the same size of letters and numbers.

    4 - individual shortcomings are noted: the appearance of broken or moving lines, different sizes of letters, trembling vertical and horizontal lines.

    3 - 3-4 parameters are violated: the line is not respected, weak uneven pressure, rupture, multiple lines.

    2 - 4-5 parameters. Driving or trembling lines are added to the disadvantages of the previous level.

    1 - does not know how to hold a pencil, pen, does not follow the line, different sizes of letters, numbers, figures. Lines are broken, trembling, different pressure or weak pressure, multiple lines.

    Emotional-volitional sphere.

    5 - the mood corresponds to the situation, it is adequate to the situation "here and now". Is independent in decision making. Able to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Manages his behavior, avoids conflict situations, seeks to establish positive relationships with adults and peers. Understands elementary “language of feelings”. The reaction to the remark is adequate.

    4 - there are slight fluctuations in mood. Perhaps the predominance of apathy, indifference in the general unfavorable environment or personal state of health, unfavorable meteorological conditions. He overcomes difficulties with verbal emotional and regulatory support. Mainly manages his own behavior, strives for positive relationships with adults and children. The reaction to the remark is positive.

    3 - the mood is emotionally unstable, depends on the situation, state of health, simply due to minor reasons based on the sensitive nervous system. Can be independent, but can be influenced by a strong leader. He succumbs to difficulties and obstacles, needs organizing and guiding help. Knows the rules of conduct, but has difficulty following them. Does not always control his behavior. Peer relationships are uneven. The reaction to the remark is different, up to negative.

    2 - unstable mood. Not always adequate to the situation and situations. Does not depend on the time of day. Volitional processes are not developed. Affective outbursts are possible in behavior. Knows the rules of conduct, but does not follow them. The business that has begun is not completed even under the supervision of an adult. Amenable to external influences. Self-esteem is not developed, overstated. The reaction to comments is inadequate. Relationships with peers are conflicting. Can be rude to adults.

    1 - the mood is more often euphoric or apathetic, perhaps indifference to everything that happens. Volitional processes are not developed. The activity is unfocused, it needs constant supervision by an adult. Does not control behavior. Frequent affective outbursts, during which it is socially dangerous. Relationships with peers are conflicting. The reaction to comments is negative. Suicidal and masochistic phenomena are possible.

Speech therapist.

Levels speech development students, pupils of primary grades with disabilities are determined as a result of the application of an adapted test method of express diagnostics oral speech junior schoolchildren Fotekova T.A. The method used speech tests proposed by R.I. Lalaeva and E.V. Maltseva.

Purpose: to identify the features of speech and determine the levels of speech development in primary school students with disabilities.

The technique includes four series.

Series 1 - Research of the sensorimotor level of speech - includes 2 groups of tasks:

2. Verification phonemic perception

Series 2 - Vocabulary Research.

Series 3 - Study of grammatical structure.

Series 4 - Research on coherent speech.

The procedure for carrying out the methodology and the assessment system are standardized, but slightly changed in relation to the original source.

Assessment is carried out on a five-point system for each series:

5 points - high level of development

4 points - the level of development is above average

3 points - average level of development

2 points - level of development below average

1 point - low level of development

Speech tests and method assessment system.

Series 1- Research of the sensorimotor level of speech.

1. Study of sound pronunciation.

5 points - impeccable clear pronunciation of all sounds of the native language in any speech situations;

4 points - correct pronunciation all sounds, normal speech rate.

3 points- the child, in isolation, pronounces all sounds correctly, but in phrasal speech, substitutions and distortions of sounds are sometimes observed, i.e. sounds are not automated enough. Instability and lack of clarity of pronunciation. A child can reproduce words of a complex sound-syllable structure only in slow motion.

2 points - violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds (1-4 sounds) one

articulation group in all positions. The child does not finish the words or

shortens them (omit consonants in the confluence).

1point- violation of pronunciation of 5 or more sounds of different articulation groups. Distortion of the tempo and rhythm of speech. Gross distortion of the sound-syllable structure of words (omissions and permutations of sounds and syllables.)

2. Checking phonemic perception.

5 points- well differentiates all sounds of the native language. Accurately and correctly reproduces all chains of syllables with phonetically similar sounds. Correctly selects pictures and words with a given sound.

4 points- the child is able to differentiate all sounds. When playing syllables, you can make a mistake 1-2 times.

3 points- insufficient differentiation of sounds. The first member of the chain is reproduced correctly, the second is likened to the first.

The child chooses pictures and words with a given sound with mistakes. Stable errors are noted in distinguishing 1-2 pairs of sounds.

2 points- the child reproduces chains of syllables inaccurately, rearranges, replaces, skips syllables. Selects words and pictures with the specified sound incorrectly. There are stable errors in distinguishing more than two pairs of sounds.

1point- there is no differentiation of phonetically similar sounds. Refusal from

completing the assignment.

Series 2 - Vocabulary Research.

5 B.The child knows how to quickly find the most accurate word, easily

classifies and summarizes concepts (animals, shoes, transport, etc.), easily

selects definitions for nouns (more than three for each word).

For example, an apple (which one?) Is red, ripe, juicy, large. Without help

the adult correctly names the young of all the animals presented.

Correctly forms qualitative, relative and possessive

adjectives from nouns. Forms a diminutive correctly

affectionate forms of nouns and prefixed verbs. Knows the names


4 b. The child has a sufficient vocabulary, he has skills

word formation, operates with generalizing words, correctly selects synonyms and antonyms (self-correction or the correct answer is possible after stimulating help). Matches 2-3 definitions for a given word.

3 b... The child makes only simple generalizations (clothes, fruits) and finds it difficult to

make more complex ones (transport, etc.). Not all the words presented

selects synonyms and antonyms, or selects them not always correctly.

Matches 1-2 definitions for a noun. Baby animals

calls by analogy: fox - foxes, cow - cows. Makes mistakes when

the formation of adjectives from nouns and other new words.

2 b... Vocabulary is limited to household topics. The child picks up one

definition to a noun and is not always true. Cannot find synonyms, makes mistakes when choosing antonyms. Forms new words incorrectly.

1 b... Poor vocabulary. The child does not own generalizing words, does not

can match the definition to a noun or pick it up incorrectly.

Cannot form a new word even after presenting 3-4 samples.

Series 3- Study of grammatical structure.

5 B... The child correctly understands complex logical and grammatical

constructions. Independently and correctly constructs sentences from words presented in the initial form. Using the pictures, he makes complex sentences using the conjunctions "because", "since", "therefore" and others. Correctly and accurately reproduce the sentence behind the speech therapist. Can find and correct grammatical and semantic errors in an incorrectly composed sentence. Correctly uses constructions with prepositions, can insert a missing preposition into a sentence. Owns both simple and complex forms of inflection (change of nouns in numbers and cases, alignment of adjectives with nouns, pronouns "my", "your" with nouns, nouns with verbs).

4 b... The child makes simple sentences using pictures. When repeating a sentence, it can skip individual words without distorting the meaning and structure of the sentence. Identifies and corrects grammatical and semantic errors in sentences, but with minor inaccuracies. He makes 1-2 mistakes in complex forms of inflection, but corrects himself.

3 b... When making up sentences from the presented words, the child uses the endings correctly, but violates the word order. Using the pictures, he makes very short sentences with a little help from an adult (questions). When repeating a sentence after a speech therapist, he skips individual words and phrases. In an incorrectly composed sentence, he detects an error, but cannot correct it. Doesn't know some pretexts. When inflating complex forms, the child makes more than three mistakes and corrects them only after the speech therapist drew his attention to these mistakes.

2 b... When composing sentences, the child makes grammatical errors, semantic inaccuracies. When repeating a sentence after a speech therapist distorts the meaning and structure of the sentence, does not finish it. The child uses prepositions incorrectly, replaces some prepositions with others that are not suitable in meaning and grammar. With inflection, the child begins to change words only after studying 3-4 examples, while making mistakes.

1 b... When making suggestions for pictures, the child only lists the objects depicted. When composing sentences from the presented words, semantic inadequacy or refusal to complete the task is observed. Does not reproduce the sentence after the speech therapist. Doesn't notice mistakes in an incorrectly composed sentence. Cannot insert a preposition missing in a sentence, even with the help of a leading question. When the words change, the child does not complete the task even after presenting 3-4 samples, cannot understand what is required of him.

Series 4- Research of coherent speech.

5 BWhen composing a story based on a series of plot pictures, the child

independently arranges pictures. His story fits the situation

has all the semantic links in the correct sequence, decorated

grammatically correct, with adequate use of lexical means.

At the same time, the child shows imagination.

When retelling, the child completely correctly reproduces the text after the first presentation, correctly formulates the main idea, consistently and accurately builds the retelling, fully uses the author's vocabulary, skillfully uses complex sentences.

4 b... The child's story corresponds to the situation, is composed without agrammatism. The pictures are laid out on their own, sometimes with the stimulating help of an adult.

The retelling is also built consistently, but the semantic links are reproduced with minor reductions, the author's vocabulary is not fully used, the child replaces the author's expressive means with others; no grammatical errors.

3 b... When composing the story, the child allowed a slight distortion

situations, incorrect reproduction of causal relationships.

There is a stereotyped grammatical design, isolated cases

search for words or inaccurate word usage.

When retelling, the child allows minor deviations from the text; a small amount of teacher's hints are required during the retelling. Uses only simple sentences, there are single grammatical errors, there are short pauses.

2 b... When compiling a story, there is a significant distortion of meaning, the loss of semantic links, a violation of cause-and-effect relationships, the absence of connecting links, or the story is not completed. Or the child can lay out the pictures and make up a story only on leading questions. In this case, the child makes up very short sentences. There are agrammatisms, inappropriate use of lexical means, distant verbal substitutions. When retelling, the child needs to read the text again. There are long pauses, repetitions, the teacher's tips are needed. The child inaccurately builds a retelling, breaks the sequence, distorts the meaning, includes extraneous information, uses words inadequately, makes grammatical mistakes.

1 b. When composing a story, the child cannot complete the task, even with help. He cannot find the connections between the pictures, he simply lists the depicted objects. There is no description of the situation. When retelling, the child cannot reproduce the text, violates its structure, makes numerous pauses, and uses words inadequately. Or the retelling is not available at all, even for questions.


    Learning motivation.

    5-persistent in obtaining information, abilities and skills in various fields of knowledge

    4-independently shows interest in areas of interest

    3-interests are unstable, continue only under the control of an adult

    2-cognitive interest is unstable, even under the control of an adult often and quickly fades away, there is no desire to learn new things

    1-there is no cognitive interest, the child is not interested in anything.

    Academic achievement.

    5-good and excellent (mostly five)

    4-good (mostly 4)

    3-satisfactory (mostly by 3)

    2-does not have time for the main sections of the program

    1- critical level (course content is not available to the child)

3. Fine motor skills.

    • 5-well and skillfully draws or imitates writing. Holds the pencil correctly, measures the pressure when drawing. Draws well. Everything is clear in the figure, incl. and small details. Reproduces many letters, angles, ovals without visible deformation; confident lines.

      4-works quite skillfully with a pencil, but the movements on the paper are still angular, there is no smoothness. Draws clearly enough. The main elements of the picture are clear and consistent with the pattern. Small and thin parts of the pattern are not available. The lines are not clear enough, the corners are poorly recreated.

      3-very tense and "awkward" holding a pencil. Strongly presses on the paper, it can even tear it. Movement on paper is poorly controlled.

      2-draws and "writes" badly. Mostly scribbles. Only individual finished elements of the drawing are visible. Geometric shapes are practically inaccessible.

      1-critical level (aimlessly driving with a pencil on paper)

4. Examination of general voluntary motor skills (Arkhipova EF)

a) "Stand on one leg: left, right."
b) "Jump on two legs with advance."
c) "Throw and catch the ball."
d) "Walk in one place."
e) "Go up and down the stairs."

Criteria for evaluation:
5 points - all tasks are performed correctly;
4 points - all tasks are performed correctly, but in slow motion;
3 points - the tasks are not performed accurately enough, the child stretches his arms to the sides to maintain balance;
2 point - poorly keeps balance, standing on one leg, stumbles quickly, looking for support; the ball is tossed very low; does not maintain balance when stopped on command;
1 point - the task is not completed.

Social and domestic sphere (Educator)

    Physical development

    5- high level physical development

    4-level of physical development above average

    3-average level of physical development

    2- the level of physical development is below average

    1-low level of physical development


    5-neat, independently monitors the appearance, his own clothes, elements of aesthetic taste are formed

    4-looks after the appearance under the supervision of an adult, is interested in fashion

    3-monitors the appearance with the help of an adult, the skills of self-care for clothes are not formed, I like beautiful clothes.

    2-does not monitor the appearance independently, there is no ability to care for clothes

    1-sloppy, does not look after his appearance, does not know how and does not want to take care of his things, is indifferent, indifferent to what he is wearing.

    Self-service skills.

    5-self-service skills perform independently

    4-performs, but partly by himself, partly when reminded by an adult

    3-skills are partially formed and not fixed, performs only under the supervision of an adult

    2-skills are partially formed, but applies with reluctance, even under the strict supervision of an adult seeks not to perform

    1-skills are not formed


    5-communicates with everyone, takes initiative in communication

    4-communicates with everyone, but mainly on their initiative

    3-communicates only with the teacher and the children of the group, ignores others

    2-communicates only with the teacher of the group, mainly on his initiative

    1-refuses to communicate, tries to spend more time alone

    Attitude towards learning.

    5-homework performs independently; uses additional literature; uses the library

    4- he does homework independently, the help of an adult is minimal in difficult places, he himself turns for help

    3-homework is performed independently after repeated analysis of the teacher

    2-prepares lessons only with the help and pressure of the teacher

    1-practically does not do homework

Municipal government general education organization

"Ortho-Eben special (correctional)

boarding school for students, pupils with disabilities "

Municipal district "Ust-Aldansky ulus (district)"

Agreed: Approved:

Head of ShMO Director

Doctorova N.G. ___________ Olesova I.P. "___" ___________ 2016 "___" _________ 2016


on a psychological workshop

for 9 class VIII type

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Compiled by:

Olesova Antonina Petrovna

Arylakh 2016

Explanatory note

Adapted working programm focused on the manual Yakovlev O.S. Development of self-awareness of high school students - Volgograd: Publishing house "Teacher", 2008, book by S. I. Semenak. Social and psychological adaptation of the child in society - Moscow: ARKTI, 2005 and the manual Izard K.E. Psychology of emotions - Moscow: 2002, Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults - St. Petersburg: 2002

Psychological practice lessons in grade 9 are given 2 hours a week, 70 hours a year.

Purpose of the program:

1. Introduce emotions and feelings;

2. Teach to track emotional states and feelings;

3. To teach the expression of emotions adequate to the situation;

4. Dating with the concept of stress;

5. Teach constructive ways to get out of stressful situations;

6. Familiarization of children with the methods of self-regulation;

7. Reducing the level of anxiety in adolescents;

8. Increased self-acceptance.

Program objectives: -

1. To teach productive techniques and skills of cognitive activity.

2. Increase the level of motivation learning activities, develop sustainable cognitive needs and interests.

3. To form skills of self-diagnosis, self-control and self-regulation.

4. Facilitate disclosure individual characteristics.

5. Contribute to the formation of an adequate self-esteem and level of aspirations.

Today, in connection with the changes in various spheres of society, the issues related to the preparation of the younger generation for an independent life have become actual. The issue of socio-psychological adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into modern society is especially acute.

One of the main tasks of the school psychological service is the task of promoting the maximum possible personal and intellectual development of children, which in this school is greatly complicated due to the peculiarities of the development of a mentally retarded child.

Gross underdevelopment of cognitive processes is the most pronounced feature of schoolchildren of type 8. Underdevelopment of mental activity is combined with impaired motor skills, speech, memory, attention, emotional sphere, and arbitrary forms of behavior. As a result, mentally retarded schoolchildren are deprived of the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills on an equal basis with their peers. The defect complicates their education and upbringing, makes the process of forming their personality especially difficult.

Researches of scientists (Vygotsky L.S., Luria A.R., Lebedinskaya K.S., Pevzner M.S.) give reason to consider mental retardation not just "a small amount of mind", but a qualitative change in the entire psyche, the entire personality as a whole , which was the result of the transferred organic damage to the central nervous system.

Children with total underdevelopment have rather gross changes in conditioned reflex activity, an imbalance in the processes of excitation and inhibition, as well as disturbances in the interaction of the first and second signal systems.

The features of the psyche of mentally retarded children have been studied quite fully (Zankov L.V., Petrova V.G., Pinsky B.I., Rubinshtein S.Ya., Shif Zh.I., etc.). As the research data show, in problem children at all stages of cognition there are elements of underdevelopment, and in some cases, atypical development of mental functions. As a result, these children receive an incomplete and sometimes distorted view of the world around them.

The first stage of cognition, perception, is already defective. This is indicated by the research of psychologists: Veresotskaya K.A., Petrova V.G., Shif Zh.I. The main disadvantage is a violation of the generalization of perception, the narrowness of its volume, and a slower pace. All the noted shortcomings occur against the background of the weak activity of this process.

Perception is inextricably linked with thinking, which is the main tool of cognition. In the book "Features of the mental development of students in auxiliary schools" (edited by Zh.I. Shif), a large amount of experimental data is presented that characterizes the inferiority of mental operations of mentally retarded children (synthesis, analysis, comparison, etc.). The main lack of thinking of these children is the weakness of generalizations, i.e. concreteness of thinking. In addition, it is distinguished by inconsistency, which arises from excessive stiffness, viscosity of intellectual processes. Another drawback - the weakness of the regulatory function of thinking - is closely related to the so-called non-critical thinking, i.e. with the inability to compare their thoughts and actions with the requirements of objective reality.

Features of perception and thinking are inextricably linked with the features of memory. The main memory processes - memorization, preservation and reproduction - in mentally retarded have specific features, as they are formed under conditions of abnormal development. It is more difficult for them to realize and remember internal logical connections. In children with total underdevelopment, voluntary memorization is formed later than in normal peers. As noted by L.V. Zankov. and Petrova V.G., the weakness of the memory of these children is manifested in the difficulties not so much of obtaining and storing information, but of its reproduction - and this is their main difference from children with normal intelligence.

In mentally retarded children, attention deficits are strongly pronounced: low stability, distribution difficulties, delayed switching. Voluntary attention is mainly underdeveloped (Baksakova I.L.).

Violations of higher nervous activity, underdevelopment of mental processes are the cause of a number of specific personality traits of schoolchildren of type 8. Psychologists (Vinogradova A.D., Kolomensky N.L., etc.) indicate that, unlike peers with normal intelligence, mentally retarded children are characterized by limited ideas about the world around them, primitive interests, needs and motives. Underdevelopment of cognitive interests (Morozova N.G.), which is expressed in the fact that mentally retarded schoolchildren feel the need for cognition less than their normal peers. This significantly complicates the development of their cognitive processes, leads to a decrease in their cognitive activity, complicates not only the process of teaching these children, but also the formation of correct relationships with peers and adults.

The senior classes have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe laws of mental processes. Each class participant will be able to identify their own shortcomings and choose ways to correct them. This will allow correcting and developing the cognitive sphere of the personality of students. The success of the educational process directly depends on the level of development of cognitive abilities and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, which is what correctional and developmental work with mentally retarded children is aimed at.

Construction principles:

The Comprehensive Approach principle means that remedial work is not limited to “correcting specific deficiencies”. It should be holistic, complex, focused on the development of the personality and psyche of a teenager as a whole. .The program contributes to the development and correction of the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational-personal spheres of the personality of students, involves all types of student activities: play, educational, labor, communication, social, etc.

The principle of consistency assumes the use of all technologies in the implementation of the program: psychological, medical, social, pedagogical and their interconnection. Medical and psychological technologies provide for a system of actions aimed at developing an adaptive personality, capable of overcoming life's difficulties and problems. Socio-pedagogical technologies are associated with the competent provision of information, the formation of educational motivation and the creation of a socially supportive system from the family and school.

The principle of dynamism is aimed at ensuring continuity, integrity, constancy of impact on students, as well as the development and improvement of psychological and socio-pedagogical technologies in the implementation of the program.

The principle of humanity is to create the necessary conditions for each student in time, under which he can develop his abilities to the maximum. A special approach in this regard is required by adolescents with problems in psychophysical development. Recognition of the rights of such a student, his interests, needs, assistance in the process of his personal development are extremely important. This principle obliges to deeply and carefully study each problem teenager, to look for ways and means to overcome the difficulties of his development. The principle of humanity lies in the need to take into account not only the negative aspects of the personality and shortcomings of schoolchildren with developmental problems, but also their positive compensatory capabilities based on intact physical and mental functions.

The principle of the unity of diagnosis, correction and development: the correctional-pedagogical process requires constant monitoring of the dynamics of the development of a teenager and the effectiveness of the implementation of correctional programs. Overcoming the identified violation depends on the correctness and accuracy of its establishment.

Program structure:

1. Emotions and feelings 15 hours

2. Stress and ways to get out of it 8 hours

3. Self-regulation 11 hours

4. Anxiety 12 hours

5. Self-assessment 5 hours

6. Development of self-awareness 19 hours


1. Conversation, story, explanation.

2. Educational game.

3. Art therapy.

4. Practical work.

5. Self-diagnosis method.

6. The method of polling and questioning.

The main one is gaming. Various types of games are used. The presenters are correctional and developmental games. Along with them, the program includes didactic, speech therapy, mobile. They can be individual, pair and team.

Organization of classes:

Each student starts a notebook for classes, in which he performs self-diagnostics, various exercises, draws up a work plan and sketches mood pictograms.

9 classes have 2 hours per week.

In total for the year 9th grade - 70 hours;

Classes are held in a psychologist's office or in the classroom.

The duration of the lessons is 40 minutes.

Forms of organizing student activities:


Working in pairs;


Evaluation criteria:

The program assumes a non-judgmental training system. At the end of the quarter, a credit is given.

Features of the class in which this AOP will be implemented: In total, there are five students in the class. By conclusion of the PMPK are trained according to a special (correctional) program of the VIII type.

Buldakov Valera -attention is unstable, memory is short-term, the level of thinking is below average

Vinokurova Marina -concentration of attention is average, memory is short-term, delayed, level of thinking is average

Samuel Podchkov -attention is stable, the volume of memory is average, slow, the level of thinking is average

Prudetskaya Lida -attention is unstable, memory is short-term delayed, the level of thinking is below average

Sharin Boris -attention is stable, the volume of memory is average, the level of thinking is average

Basic requirements for the results of AOP implementation:

Use different methods and techniques for memorizing information, text, poem;

Control of emotions and feelings;

Use techniques to develop concentration and stability of attention;

Getting out of stressful situations;

To generalize objects and concepts according to different characteristics, parameters;

Be able to evaluate yourself;

Classify objects, concepts based on characteristics;

Establish causal, sequential, temporal relationships;

Find the essential features of the subject;

Find similarities and differences;

Put forward hypotheses, versions, argue your opinions;

Understand the meaning of proverbs;

Practical activities:

Development of techniques for memorizing words, information, text;

Establishment of different connections and relationships between words;

Work on the text;

Drawing up a regime of study and rest;



Semantic memory, imagination;

Cognitive actions and operations necessary for the assimilation of educational material;

Adequate self-assessment of one's capabilities;

List of educational and methodological and softwareused to achieve the planned results of mastering the goals and objectives of AOP:

1. Izard K.E. Psychology of emotions. Moscow, 2002

2. Baeva I.A. Psychological safety trainings at school. S-Pb 2002

3. Lebedeva L. D. Art therapy practice: diagnostic approaches, training system. S-Pb 2002

4. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Trainings for effective interaction with children. S-Pb 2003

5. Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults. S-Pb 2002

6. Psycho-gymnastics in training. Catalog edited by N.Yu. Khryashcheva. S-Pb 2002

7. Yakovleva O.S. Development of self-knowledge of high school students, B-2007

8. Sivtseva L.A. Create yourself. Yakutsk: Saydam, 2005

9. LM Shipitsyn School without drugs. SP: "Education-Culture", 2002

10. T. Nakhodkina Dyil5an beien iliiger. Yakutsk: "Bichik", 2002

11. SM Burtseva Keler kaskili byymyakh. Yakutsk: "Bichik", 2011

12. EP Chekhorduna, NI Filippova Min-o5obun. Min-kiyibin. Min-Citizens Yakutsk: "Bichik", 2007

13. S.L. Tsvetkova Living psychology. Toolkit... Yakutsk, 2014

14. SI Semenaka Social and psychological adaptation of a child in society. Mosvka, 2005

15. TB Anisimova Big book of children's leisure. Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2004

16. Prevention of substance abuse. Moscow: APKiPRO, 2002

17 E.A. Strebeleva Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities. Moscow: Vlados, 2005

And also used methodological developments Gaberkorn V.E. - teacher-psychologist of the highest qualification category and Skorik A.Yu. - a teacher-psychologist of the highest qualification category.

Additionally used:

1. "Games and exercises for social adaptation of schoolchildren" Publishing House Eflax 2003

2. "Games education, training, leisure" edited by VV Petrusinsky 1994

3. Magazines " School psychologist»

4. Reference book of a teacher-psychologist. MCFER Education.

5. Conceptual and terminological Russian-Yakut dictionary of psychology. Yakutsk: "Bichik", 2006

6. Dad, mom, I am a healthy family. Yakutsk: "Bichik", 2000

7. V.Yu. Klimovich Childhood without alcohol. Toolkit. Moscow: Center Planetarium, 2004

Calendar-thematic planning for a psychological workshop for grade 10 of the VIII type


Number of hours






I quarter (16 hours)

Emotions and feelings

Emotions and feelings.

Emotions and feelings. "Change"

Emotions and feelings. "Transfer sheet"

Emotions and feelings. "" Dictionary of feelings "

Emotions and feelings. "Masks in Conflict"

Emotions and feelings. "How to manage emotions"

Emotions and feelings. “The color of my emotional state. Conversation of flowers "

Emotions and feelings. Color your feelings. Analysis

Emotions and feelings. "Pictograms"

Emotions and feelings. "Anger"

Emotions and feelings. "Socially acceptable ways of expressing emotions"

Emotions and feelings. "Literary retelling"

Emotions and feelings. "Group discussion"

Emotions and feelings. "Plots - Riddles"

Emotions and emotional state. Test

Stress and ways to get out of it.

II quarter (16 hours)

Stress and ways to get out of it. "Drawing trees"

Stress and ways to get out of it. "Stress"

Stress and ways to get out of it. "Updating the experience of the group members on getting out of stressful situations"

Stress and ways to get out of it. Lecture

Stress and ways to get out of it. "Drawing a way out of stressful situations"

Stress and ways to get out of it. "What to do?"

Stress and ways to get out of it. "Group discussion"


Self-regulation. "What's new and good ..."

Self-regulation. "The emotional state of my neighbor"

Self-regulation. Actualization of the experience of experiencing stress

Self-regulation. "Drawing our body under stress"

Self-regulation. "Playing with muscles"

Self-regulation. "Balloon"

Self-regulation. "Pump and Ball"

Self-regulation. "Screw"

Self-regulation. "Waterfall"

III quarter (20 hours)

Self-regulation. "Damage and its compensation"

Self-regulation. Group discussion


Anxiety. "What's new and good ..."

Anxiety "Non-verbal portrayal of emotional states"

Anxiety. "Chips on the River"

Anxiety. Lecture "Anxiety, fear"

Anxiety. "Drawing the influence of family problems on our life"

Anxiety. "Looking for reconciliation with the source of anxiety"

Anxiety. "Drawing fear"

Anxiety. Actualization of the experience of defeating fears.

Anxiety. "Drawing a victory over fear"

Anxiety. Group discussion.


Self-esteem. "What's new and good ..."

Self-esteem. "Mirror", "What I Know About Me"

Self-esteem. "Psychological picture"

Self-esteem. "I am the same as you"

Self-esteem. "Advantages and disadvantages"

Development of self-awareness.

Elections (social studies and psychology)

IV quarter (16 hours)

Family and marriage contract

Right to work

Healthy lifestyle life

Disease of the century

Morality and ethics as categories

The conflict of generations in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

"Crime and Punishment"

Impact of stress on our health

Computer and health

"Lost souls"

Wonderful feelings

Human perception of color

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