Low iron in the blood in women symptoms and treatment. Iron: blood norm, why low or high iron level in blood and female problems

This substance plays an important role in the livelihood of the body. In the blood of a person there is a so-called associated serum iron, which, for various reasons, can increase or decrease that, as a rule, testifies to the presence of various pathological conditions. Find out what is this element and what is its value for the body.

What is serum iron

The correct ratio of all substances you need is a pledge of good health. At the same time, iron (Fe) is considered one of the most significant for the body of metals. This microelement is part of pigment proteins, cytochromes and acts as a coenchander of many chemical reactions. The body contains about 4-7 mg of iron. In the bone marrow, liver and spleen Fe is found in the form of intracellular ferritin. Only the plasma concentration of this protein complex is a reliable reflection of metal reserves.

Serum ferritin serves as a peculiar "iron depot", which is used both in excess and disadvantage of this trace element. In the fabrics, Fe is in the form of hemosiderin. Serum iron is determined in conjunction with transport protever transferin. This complex is used by the body as needed, while fabric and intracellular reserves remain inviolable.


Iron has paramount importance to the body. Plasma This element is located in a complex with a transport protein. Due to this "tandem" there is a binding of freight oxygen incoming when breathing, which is subsequently supplied to all organs and tissues. Iron serum participates in many energy processes and redox reactions:

  • dNA synthesis;
  • cholesterol exchange;
  • blood formation process;
  • detoxification processes.

Serum iron rate

When evaluating the serum concentration of the trace element, an alimentary-dependent character of this indicator should be taken into account. The intake of iron into the body occurs together with food, therefore a moderate decrease in the concentration of the associated transferin during a non-stroke diet or reception of drugs that prevent FE absorption is considered to be a physiological phenomenon that can be easily eliminated by correction of the diet.

When a serious iron deficiency is pressed, appropriate drug treatment is prescribed. It should be borne in mind that in the morning in serum contains a slightly more specified trace element than in the evening. With all this, the experimenter of the serum FE can be varied in patients belonging to different age categories.

Among women

In the body of a weak gender representative, iron metabolism flows under the influence of a constantly changing hormonal background, therefore the serum iron rate in women in women is slightly understated and is about 10.7-21.5 μmol / l, which is due to most of the menstruation. During pregnancy, the content of plasma Fe can also be significantly reduced. So, during the tooling of the fetus, this indicator should not fall below 10.0 μmol / l.

In men

Under the condition of balanced nutrition and compliance with the day mode, iron reserves in the strong floor are spent in optimal mode. The decrease in ferritin inside the cells in men occurs due to liver diseases, which often occurs against the background of abuse (or even poisoning) with alcoholic beverages and their surrogates. The normal period of serum iron in men is ranging from 14.0 to 30.4 μmol / l.

In children

The content of FE in the blood of small patients varies depending on their age, weight and growth. Children under the year, which are solely on breastfeeding, are susceptible to a minor reduction in hemoglobin. This fact is due to a limited content in the body of kids of the so-called hem iron, which is not a reason for concern. The serum FE norm in children is 7-18 μmol / l, and the most older guys can reach 9-21 μmol / l.

Serum iron lowered

Most patients tend to suffer from FE lack. This condition is often manifested as a latent deficiency. In other cases, the lack of iron is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. In persons suffering from anemia, there are strong headaches, muscle weakness, fast fatigue. The serum FE indicator in such patients is less than 9 μmol / l. The reasons for the reduction of iron concentration are as follows:

  • chronic diseases;
  • defective nutrition and vitamin deficit;
  • renal failure;
  • iron-deficiency anemia
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • destruction of red blood cells;
  • impairment of iron suction for intestinal diseases;
  • oncology.

Serum iron raised

This state is found very rarely. In patients with elevated plasma iron content, or hemochromatosis, yellowing is marked eye apples and skin cuts, heart rate disruption, weight loss. In the course tool Research In such patients there is an increase in liver, myocardial dystrophy, pancreatic dysfunction. Excess iron (about 50-70 μmol / l) negatively affects all organs and systems. Iron in serum is increased, as a rule, against the background of the following pathologies:

  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • primary hemochromatosis;
  • receiving iron-containing drugs;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • lack of folic acid;
  • chronic liver diseases.

Blood test for serum iron - decoding

This laboratory study is prescribed not only to patients with different pathologies, but also to conventional patients during the annual preventive inspection. The degree of iron absorption directly affects the functioning of the entire body, because it is very important to periodically check the accumulation of this element. This is especially true for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What shows

Plasma iron is in the associated state. The diagnosis of anemia is based on the definition of transferin concentration. Serum's iron binding ability reflects the so-called yossa indicator. In order to identify the tissue deficit, the content of ferritin inside the cells is determined. Any deviations identified during biochemical blood test are a reason for appointing additional laboratory research.

How to pass

Given that the early morning is characterized by several elevated whey Fe, experts recommend checking the degree of saturation by this element a little later. As a rule, the study of plasma on the iron content is carried out from 8 to 10 am. Analysis is rented on an empty stomach. The day before the blood fence, it is necessary to refrain from the reception of oily food and alcohol consumption.

Level anemia is a hypochromic microcolitical anemia, which is a consequence of an absolute decrease in the human body in the human body. According to WHO, this syndrome meets every sixth man and every third woman, that is, in the world, about two hundred million people are subject to him.

This anemia was first described in 1554, and preparations for its treatment were first applied in 1600. It is a serious problem that threatens the health of society, as it has no small effect on performance, behavior, mental and physiological development. This significantly reduces social activity, but, unfortunately, anemia is often underestimated, because gradually a person gets used to a decrease in iron reserves in its body.

Very often, it is waiting for adolescents, preschoolers, babies and women who have already reached the childbearing age. What are the reasons for such a deficiency of iron in the human body?

The reasons

A very frequent cause of the development of iron deficiency anemia serve blood loss. This is especially true of long and constant blood loss, even if minor. In this case, it turns out that the amount of iron that enters the human body along with food, less than the amount of iron that is lost. Even if a person consumes many products containing iron, it may not fill its drawback, since the possibilities of physiological absorption of this element from food are limited.

The usual daily diet assumes the iron content in the amount of about 18 grams. In this case, only about 1.5 grams or 2 is absorbed if the body has increased needs in this element. It turns out that iron deficiency occurs when more than two grams of this element are lost per day.

Iron losses differ in men and women. In men, the losses occurring from then, feces, urine and exhaust epithelium, not exceeding one milligram. If they consume enough iron along with food, then its deficit does not develop. Women's loss of iron is greater, as there are additional factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and menstruation. Therefore, women need the need for iron is often greater than its suction. So, consider the causes of iron deficiency anemia in more detail.

  1. Pregnancy. It is worth noting that if there was no deficiency of iron before pregnancy or lactation, the data are most likely not to reduce the reserves of this element. However, in the event that the pregnancy has come a second time, and the gap between the first and second pregnancy was small, or the deficit of iron was already developed in front of it, it will become even more. Each pregnancy, every kind and lactation period leads to a loss of about 800 mg of iron.
  2. Bloodstocks from urinary tract. This is a rare reason, but it still meets. Iron deficiency arises due to the permanent allocation of red blood cells with urine. Also, this element may be lost without being an erythrocyte hemoglobin component. We are talking about hemoglobinuria and hemosideurinuria in patients with Markiafa-Mikeli disease.

  1. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. This is the most common cause of anemia in men, and women have a second reason. Blood loss data can occur due to peptic disease duodenal estate or stomach, invasions with helminths of the tumors of the intestine or stomach and with other diseases.
  2. Bloodstocks in closed cavities with impaired iron reutelation. This form of iron deficiency anemia includes anemia occurring in an isolated pulmonary siderosis. This ailment is characterized by constant blood loss in the pulmonary tissue.

Newborn and chest children are subject to iron deficiency anemia for the following reasons:

  • blood loss in the prelationship of the placenta;
  • intestinal bleeding accompanying some infectious diseases;
  • damage to the placenta during cesarean section;

Such condition B. childhood Massed serious dangers in itself, since the child's body is most sensitive to iron deficiency. By the way, the child has anemia to develop due to improper nutrition, which can be expressed in malnutrition or monotonous nutrition. Also in children, as in some adults, the cause can be glisted intoxication, due to which the oppression of the production of red calves and all hematopoia occurs.


A set of symptoms for anemia depends on how much iron deficiency is expressed and at what speed this state continues to develop. The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are best to consider, based on two important syndromes. But before this, you will briefly mention about several stages and degrees of the severity of anemia. Total allocated two stages:

  1. In the first stage, the deficit has no clinic, such anemia is called latent;
  2. In the second stage, anemia has a deployed clinical and laboratory picture.

In addition, the classification of iron deficiency anemia involves the separation of the disease by gravity.

  1. The first severity is considered easy. The HB content ranges from 90 to 120 g / l.
  2. The second, average, severity suggests the HB content ranging from 70 to 90.
  3. With severe, the content of HB does not exceed 70.

And finally, the most important thing is the separation of iron deficiency anemia, depending on clinical manifestations. There are two important syndrome, each of which has its own characteristics.

Anemic syndrome

It is characterized by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin content, as well as defective provision of oxygen tissues. All this is manifested in nonspecific syndromes. The person complains about increased fatigue, general weakness, dizziness, heartbeat, flickering of flies, noise in the ears, shortness of breath with a physical plan load, faint, drowsiness, reduced mental performance and memory. The subjective manifestations are first anxiously disturbed by the physical plan, and subsequently at rest. An objective study reveals the pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes. In addition, the appearance of pastosity in the field of face, stop and legs. In the morning, swelling occurs under the eyes. It is worth noting that not all of these signs are manifested immediately from one person.

Anemia is developing myocardine sinders. It is accompanied by such symptoms such as tachycardia, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, deafness of the heart tones, moderate expansion of the left borders of the heart and the low systolic noise showing in the auscultative points. If anemia is leaking long and hard, this syndrome can lead to insufficient blood circulation of a pronounced nature. Conductive anemia does not develop sharply. This happens gradually, because of what the human body is adapted and manifestations of anemic syndrome are not always pronounced.

Siderophenic syndrome.

It is also called hypostere syndrome. This condition is due to the tissue deficiency of iron, which is why the activity of many enzymes is reduced. Siderophenic syndrome has many manifestations. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia in this case are such:

  • addiction to acidic, salty, sharp or spicy food;
  • dystrophic skin changes, as well as its appendages, which is manifested in dryness, peeling of hair loss, early satellite, fragility, nail dullness, and so on;
  • the perversion of taste, manifested in an irresistible desire to eat something small and unusual, such as clay, chalk;
  • perversion of smell, i.e. addiction to smells that are perceived by the majority of both unpleasant, for example, gasoline, paints and so on;
  • angular Stomatitis;
  • urination at urination imperative character, the inability to restrain with sneezing, cough or laughter;
  • atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • glossite characterized by pain and sawing in the field of language;
  • explicit predisposition to infectious inflammatory processes;
  • siderophenic subfebilitation when the body temperature rises to subfebrile magnitudes.


To assign effective treatmentIt is necessary to distinguish anemia with iron deficiency from other types of hypochromic anemia, which develop for other reasons in which there are many pathological conditions caused by the impaired processes of hemoglobin formation. The main difference is that other types of anemia occur in the case of a high concentration of iron ions. Its reserves are fully stored in the depot, in connection with which there are no symptoms of the tissue deficit of this element.

Further diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is to determine the reasons that led to the development of this disease. The reasons we looked higher. You can identify them with different methods.

Differential diagnosis includes:

  • methods for determining lost blood in women during menstruation;
  • radiographic studies of the intestine and stomach;
  • studies with which the uterine fibromyoma is eliminated or confirmed;
  • laboratory methods, explored blood, bone marrow and determining iron exchanging indicators; For example, the doctor is not easy to identify bleeding that occurred in the digestive tract and its causes, but it is possible to diagnose with counting the number of reticulocytes; The increase in the number of these elements is a sign of bleeding;
  • gastroscopy; irrigoscopy; Columre and RectorOnoscopy; These studies are carried out even with frequent bleeding from the nose and other states that are associated with blood loss;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy; then a small surgical intervention, which is held in the event that there is a proven blood loss from the gastrointestinal area, but it is impossible to identify the source of such bleeding; Thanks to this method, you can visually consider everything that happens in the abdominal cavity itself.


Treatment of iron deficiency anemia is aimed at treating pathology, due to which the iron deficiency has developed. Very important point is the use of iron-containing drugs that help restore iron stocks in the body. It is unacceptable to the routine purpose of drugs containing iron, as it is expensive, inefficient and often leads to diagnostic errors.

Sick anemia is very important to eat properly. The diet includes a sufficient amount of meat products that contain iron in the gem composition. It is absorbed more efficiently. However, one only power to improve the situation in the body due to anemia will not work.

Conduct iron deficiency anemia with iron-containing oral preparations. Parenterals are used in the case of special readings. Today there are quite a lot of drugs that contain salts of iron, for example, ocheron, ferroplex. Cheap and comfortable are drugs that have two hundred milligrams of iron sulfate, it turns out that in one tablet there are fifty milligrams of elementary iron. For adults acceptable dose - one or two tablets three times a day. Adult patient per day should receive at least two hundred grams, that is, three milligrams per kilogram, meaning elementary iron.

Sometimes unwanted phenomena may occur due to the reception of iron-containing drugs. Most often it is associated with irritation, which occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. This usually concerns its lower departments and manifests itself in diarrhea or pronounced constipation. This is usually not connected with the dosage of the drug. However, irritation occurring in the upper departments is just due to the dosage. This is expressed in pains, unpleasant sensations and nausea. In children, unwanted phenomena are rare, and is expressed in the temporary darkening of the teeth. So that this does not happen, the drug is best to give the root of the language. It is also recommended to clean your teeth more often and drink a liquid medication.

If unwanted phenomena are expressed too much and are associated with the upper gastrointestinal departments, it is possible to take the drug after meals, and you can also reduce the dose received at a time. When preserving such phenomena, the doctor may prescribe drugs that contain a smaller amount of iron. If this method does not help, it is advised to switch to slowly active medicines.

The main reason for the ineffectiveness of treatment is continuing bleeding. Reveal and stop bleeding - the key to successful therapy.

We list the main reasons that lead to the ineffectiveness of treatment:

  • combined deficit when not only iron, but also folic acid or vitamin B12;
  • incorrect diagnosis;
  • reception of drugs that are slow.

To get rid of iron deficiency, take medicines containing this element, you need at least three months and even more. The use of oral preparations will not overload the body with iron, since absorption decreases sharply when reserves the reserves of this element.

The main indications for the use of parenteral drugs are as follows:

  • the need to quickly reimburse the deficiency of iron, for example, before the operation or in the case of significant blood loss;
  • impairment of iron suction due to the damage to the small intestine;
  • side effects from the reception of oral preparations.

Parenteral administration can give unwanted phenomena. It can also lead to the fact that iron is accumulated in the body in an undesirable amount. The heaviest side effect of the reception of parenteral drugs is an anaphylactic reaction. It may occur both with intramuscular administration and intravenous administration. This reaction rarely occurs, but parenteral drugs in any case should be applied only in a specialized medical institutionin which in any moment can be rendered urgent Care.


Any disease, if it is not treated on time, will not lead to anything good. The same is the case with anemia. In this state, the body is experiencing a kind of stress that can be expressed in loss of consciousness. In such a state, a person can get to the hospital, where doctors will have a variety of surveys to understand the cause. This includes blood test, gastroscopy, and so on.

For example, it may be found that a person has gastritis with reduced stomach acidity, which is why there is a reduced amount of iron in its body. In this case, vitamin B12 is prescribed by twenty days. But this does not eliminate the cause of anemia, since a person has a sore bowel or stomach. Therefore, doctors such a patient will give recommendations related to its disease, and also advise the blood every few months.


Prevention of iron deficiency anemia includes four main methods.

  1. Reception of iron preparations in order to prevent those people who are in the risk area.
  2. Eating products containing iron in large quantities.
  3. Regular observation of blood condition.
  4. Elimination of sources of blood loss.

A very important point is the prevention of anemia in childhood. It includes:

  • the correct mode of the day;
  • rational feeding;
  • preventive courses for receiving iron preparations up to 1.5 years.

If breastfeeding is breastfeeding, the prevention is considered timely administration of the feeding. If feeding is artificial in nature, then children are advised to give milk mixtures, which are approximately approximate to breast milk and have an iron form, easy for assimilation.

It is important to closely monitor the child's diet in the second half of the year. At this time, the own stocks of iron are already depleted, so the sharp necessity arises to replenish its reserves. Make it helps the protein part of the diet, as protein and iron are the components of the erythrocytes. Such products include eggs, meat, fish, cheese, cereal and vegetable dishes.

It is also necessary to ensure that such important trace elements such as manganese, copper, nickel, group vitamins in and so on are in order for the child's body. Therefore, in the diet should be there such products like meat beef, beets, green peas, potatoes, tomatoes, and so on.

As can be seen, both adults and children are important to monitor their nutrition and lifestyle to prevent anemia. However, if any symptoms occur, we also spoke in this article, it is necessary to immediately go to the doctor and do not give your body to get used to this painful state. Timely treatment of anemia returns to a person his activity and prolongs life!

But what does this mean, a few know. Why is hemoglobin decrease, iron deficiency appears and doctors recommend the treatment in this case?

Our expert is responsible for these questions. hematologist Lyudmila Papush.

Below the planks

What is anemia? Nine people out of ten will answer: anemia. This concept so worried about everyday life that no one thinks over its decoding. But "little" does not mean that blood in your body is missing. With its number just everything is in order. Problems with "Quality": under blood anemia lacks full red blood cells - red blood tauros. And they contain hemoglobin, which is responsible for the "delivery" of oxygen into each cell of the body tissues. And if its level is lowered, very unpleasant things are occurring: organs and fabrics are experiencing oxygen starvation, and therefore, unable to work in full force.

Anemia can be hereditary blood disease, and maybe a temporary "abnormal" state. For example, when the body is experiencing a deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid, after injury with large blood loss, etc. But 90% of anemia is the so-called iron deficiency: the name itself says that the body lacks the iron. Why? Let's try to figure out.

And adults and children

With iron deficiency anemia, balance is broken: the loss of iron in the body exceeds its suction. This happens in children during periods of rapid growth (on the second year of life and in adolescence) or due to the infection of worms. Anemia is a frequent companion of pregnant women and lactating women who have needed the need for hardware - because they have to "share" them with the child.

But the most common cause of iron deficiency in adults is often repetitive small bleeding (from 5-10 ml per day). Motherly diseases can cause them: from bleeding ulcers and hemorrhoids to gastric cancer. Women have the main reason for the lack of iron - uterine bleeding (caused by endometriosis or other gynecological diseases) and abundant menstruation, men have bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Often, we ourselves rob themselves: unloading days, self-sufficient diets are a very short way to iron deficiency.

Obviously or hidden?

Anemia is not flu: infected and ill. It develops slowly and for a long time A person does not even suspect that the "process went." And it is important to catch anemia at the start, then it will be easier to cope with her easier. There is a lot of disturbing symptoms of this disease, but it is important to know about the main - this is a light color of the tongue and gum, the brittleness of the nails, the general weakness. In the elderly, anemia can cause shortness of breath, a rapid heartbeat, brainwater disorders - darkening in the eyes, noise in the ears, dizziness.

Suspicions of anemia arise from a doctor when a patient general analysis Blood shows a reduced hemoglobin level in the blood and a decrease in the number of erythrocytes. But the details are always important, you need to get to the reasons for such a state. Especially in the elderly - they are often "combined" different types of anemia.

Diagnosis begins with blood tests. For example, to install iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to check the level of serum iron blood. If the deficiency of vitamin B12 is suspected - determine its level in the blood, and with a lack of folic acid - its level in serum and red blood cells. But be prepared for what you need much more analyzes and will have to pass surveys, for example, the stomach and intestines, and the woman to check the gynecologist.

Anemia in adult people for a doctor always a signal to begin searching for the main disease, because, as a rule, anemia is only his companion.

Iron iron Rotn

It is believed that the best way to raise the level of hemoglobin - there are more products containing iron. Old folk recipes advise: Prepare dishes from the liver, eat carrots, beets, walnuts, Apples, drink pomegranate juice, and you quickly lift hemoglobin.

In fact, it is not. Because iron is different. Indeed, in many fruits and vegetables, a lot of legumes, but absorbed it badly. As from the liver, where iron compounds are presented in the form of complex proteins that are not easy to pick up the body. It is best absorbed by the so-called hem iron, contained only in meat and a bird.

But that it learns, it is important and what meat is. For example, if there is much less on the garnish of pasta or porridge: much less: in cereals they contain fitats that bind it. Excellent partner of meat dishes - vegetable sides of zucchini, broccoli, onions, greenery (they contain substances that stimulate blood formation). It makes it difficult for the absorption of iron and calcium, so dairy and meat products are poorly compatible.

Fats are depressing blood formation, so fat varieties of meat and fish and the greater the larger are excluded. But butter and any vegetable is sunflower, olive, corn, pumpkin, etc. - must be on your desk. Do not drink tea immediately after eating - the tannin connects the iron, without letting it be absorbed. And do not get too fond of coffee - this drink "flushes" iron from the body.

Help the absorption of iron vitamins, especially C. Useful every day to drink orange and tomato juice. And eat more fruits and vegetables: Best suppliers ascorbic acid - Black currant, citrus, kiwi, Bulgarian sweet pepper. In winter, when the content of vitamin C in fresh fruits and vegetables drops sharply, perfectly fill its sauerkraut and infusion of rosehip.

In letter and in spirit

If, during repeated blood tests, hemoglobin remains at the same level or continues to decline, it is necessary to move on iron preparations. For children, they are produced in the form of dragee, capsules, syrups (there are solutions for injections). For adults - in tablets and injection. There are monocomponent drugs - that is, those that contain only iron (they are usually prescribed to those who suffer allergies) and combined, where iron is combined with different vitamins that contribute to its better absorption.

Injections The doctor may appoint in those cases if the absorption of iron in the intestines is dramatically impaired (with inflammatory bowel diseases, strong diarrhea).

But we, as a rule, preference are given to tablets. Because, on the one hand, the iron "in the rank" is digested worse, on the other (paradox!) - You can overdo it with its dosage. What is also not good. Because iron, once hitting the body, is not excreted from it, but lies in the so-called "depot". Superior spare hardware can provoke development sugar diabetes, severe liver diseases, hearts and even breast cancer.

Do not make mistakes!

So that the pills worked well, it is important to take them correctly. Best of all - in the second half of the day, it is at that time the iron is absorbed more actively. And no later than an hour before meals, - hitting the intestines, it should absorb without contacting food.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of anemia. During the reception of iron-containing drugs, the chair may be dark color - this is normal. But sometimes there are constipation or a liquefied chair, nausea appears. If such symptoms are saved for a long time, it is necessary to replace the drug or reduce the dose. If with anemia you picked up ORVI or influenza, then iron preparations do not take it during the disease.

After a month of treatment, blood control is made. If during this time the hemoglobin level did not increase or continues to decline, the doctor suspends treatment and sends a patient to a new examination, since the diagnosis must be specified - perhaps anemia is not caused by a deficiency of iron, but by other reasons.

If you smoke a lot, you may have anemia, despite the fact that the blood test shows: the hemoglobin level is normal. And this is because the carbon monoxide contained in cigarettes is connected to hemoglobin and its special form is formed. Such hemoglobin is not able to transfer oxygen. And in order to fill it with a shortage, the body increases the production of hemoglobin, its level is high, but there is little sense from this. Therefore, abroad, for example, the level of hemoglobin in smokers are calculated depending on the number of cigarettes smokers.

Iron - an integral part of hemoglobin that helps blood cells to deliver oxygen to the muscles, the brain and all other organs. So it is quite logical that the lack of iron slows down many reactions in the body, they simultaneously arise lethargy, weakness, chills and general ailment.

Iron deficiency in the body of a woman is critical and seriously violates his activities. The iron deficit epidemic is the missing link in female fitness; When iron level decreases sharply, the growth of indicators of force, endurance and power stops, whatever efforts you are attached. Abundant menstruation and heavy workouts are equally depleted by iron reserves. Some women suffer from chronic deficit of this trace element - they lose more iron than to get from food. In this case, it makes sense to choose effective vitamins with iron specifically for women.

Iron deficiency in the body

Iron deficiency is detected using blood test.In women and men, the level of ferritin in serum should be in the range of 50-150 ng / ml. To find out whether your level of ferritin norm corresponds, hand over a general blood test. Many doctors mistakenly argue that for women the ideal indicator of the level of ferritin in serum is 15 ng / ml, but it is not. Women need the same amount of iron as men. Ferrithin levels below 30 ng / ml indicates a lack of iron in the body of a woman.

If you experience excessive fatigue and misses workouts, it does not necessarily mean that you do not have the power of the will or you are unable to withstand the workload. The reason may wage in the deficiency of iron in the body. Do not panic, it is easy to fix.

"I thought I was dying and I was still ..."

I was cold, the mood was tearful and I felt strong fatigue.No energy drink could bring me out of this state. No training could try me. All gave the opposite effect. I lay in bed and wondered how others manage so easy to be energetic?

It was hard for me absolutely everything - stand, move, feel happy, even think. When my young man (now the husband) called and asked to cook dinner, I did not know what to answer. The decision was too hard. Yes, and I could not go to dinner somewhere. So I cried. I wanted to explain to him that I feel bad, but I could not understand what exactly was going on. I did not hurt anything, but I felt disgusting myself.

Hands and legs poured lead weight.I went to a group training, because the mini-rod seemed too heavy me. At that time, the nurse did not take my blood for donation, because the iron level in it was clearly below the norm.

Then I had the idea that there should be a connection between these phenomena.I began to take vitamins with iron for women and a few days later it became similar to a normal person - the determination and feeling of happiness returned, and energy appeared. Despite the fact that iron deficiency is most likely preserved, my well-being is clearly improved.

However, I am not a doctor, and I do not advise blindly, without appropriate analyzes and consulting a doctor to take additives to replenish iron reserves in the body. But by nature I experimenter and tell you that I had to reconsider my knowledge about the gland.

Over the years, I believed that the proper nutrition, rich in spinach and red meat, will be enough not to face the iron deficiency. But it was not so. The lack of iron in the body in women is not a joke, and only food products do not get rid of you from him. Read and try to learn from other people's mistakes.

What is the function of iron in the body?

Iron - an integral part of hemoglobin that helps blood cells to deliver oxygen to the muscles, the brain and all other organs. So it is quite logical that the lack of iron slows down many reactions in the body, they simultaneously arise lethargy, weakness, chills and general ailment.

No matter how many red meat in your diet. If you have chronic lack of iron, then you absolutely need to take vitamins with iron for women. If you run or power sports, they are hardly trained or suffering from abundant menstruation, most likely you will not be able to get the required amount of iron only by consumption of meat.

Of course, revealing the next steak, you will feel better, but it will be connected only with his taste, and not with the fact that the dish rose the level of iron in your blood. If the iron content in the body is low chronically, then for its normalization, you will have to be regularly as a drug addict, consume iron-containing food additives.

But among men, the lack of iron meets less often, as they do not lose blood every month unlike women. However, athletes of endeady sports, donor men, and those who have diagnosed inner bleeding fall into the iron deficit risk.

Even a small iron deficit leads to problems

Even if your iron level is not enough to earn anemia, even a small disadvantage of this trace element can cause unwanted consequences that you may not even suspect.

Low iron level causes:

    Damage to harmful products

    Rembossing cold

    Sleep, not bringing rest and depression

    Dizziness and headaches

    Fatigue and irritability

    Hair loss

    Muscular weakness

And this is just a brief list of all problems associated with iron deficiency in women.When my iron level became too low, I began to pursue the attacks of a short-term loss of consciousness and dizziness when it was difficult to put the dumbbells on the floor after a series of attacks in the penetration. Primitive lack of iron turned my life into a real hell.

Normal or optimal iron level in women

In order to check the level of iron in the body, hand over the OAK (general blood test) and blood test for ferrine. Look at the indicators of the content of ferritin in serum.

Ferritin- This is a protein with which iron is transported to organs and tissues. Its indicator should be no less than 30 ng / ml, but ideally about 50-150 ng / ml. At such numbers insists Dr. George Juetersonke, a progressive osteopath doctor. In his opinion, everything that below 30 ng / ml is too small. When do you replenish fuel reserves in the car? When is it completely spent and the car will stop halfway? Or do you follow the sensors and add fuel as needed? Most doctors will not say that you have a lack of iron until your car fails. Before the doctor recommends that you receive vitamins with iron, you can already earn anemia.

Are you an active modern woman, what to wait for life to become unbearable, if you can increase the level of iron while its blood content is only slightly lower than the norm?

Unfortunately, even today in modern and developed society, we are faced with the problem of diagnosis.Most therapists say that the standard of ferritin in serum fluctuates in the range of 15-150 ng / ml. So, if you have a "normal" level of the doctors in 15 ng / ml, but you feel lethargy, weakness and emptying, the doctor can diagnose you something else ...

When the analysis showed that my level of ferritin in serum is 18 ng / ml, the doctor reported that the iron level in my body is " middle degree gravity ", and I need to start taking iron or vitamins with iron for women as soon as possible. So my attending physician has started testing and controlling my blood performance while the level of ferritin has not reached about 80 ng / ml - five times higher than the figure that Most doctors consider sufficient.

By the way, most doctors consider a healthy ferrithic range for men 50-150 ng / ml, and for women, the norm is 15 ng / ml? Is not obvious nonsense? The size of the body and the number of muscles in men and women do not correspond to such a significant difference in numbers.

Is not it female organism Needs a much smaller amount of iron? No, damn it. Despite the words of the doctors, the level of ferritin in the serum, both in men and in women should be in the range of 50-150 ng / ml. Let the opinion of the doctors differ from this standard, but it is better at the upper limit of the norm than suffering from the deficit.

Iron content in products or how to increase iron levels in the body?

Briefly consider the content of iron in products. Most of all iron is contained in meat, liver, bird, seafood, dark leaf vegetables, such as spinach, legumes, beets and in real human blood, if you are a vampire or cannibal. And their combination with products containing vitamin C improves the absorption of iron.

However, if your nutrition is affected by iron, then the only way to maintain the normal level Fe is the reception of special hardware preparations or vitamins with iron, especially if you have abundant menstruation, or you are intensively trained. I relate myself to meathers, but five red meat dishes per week do not save me from anemia. So the reception of the gland is of great importance for me.

If you have an extremely low level of iron, it makes sense to take more serious additives containing much more iron than the usual recommended daily rate. Even taking large doses of iron, it may take several weeks to raise its level to optimal. Having achieved the desired level, the dosage can be reduced to supporting.

It is important to control the results of analyzes. Do not forget that excess of iron can also lead to serious problems. One of the unpleasant side effects of iron-containing drugs are constipation. Fortunately, there are special additives without such effects. Also, this problem eliminates the reception for the night of magnesium-containing additives.

My advice: To solve problems with iron, contact a competent specialist, and if you have not yet found it, start at least with the reception of vitamins with iron.

Iron deficiency in women: depression or anemia?

In the US, each fourth women takes medicines that stabilize the mood. Is a quarter of all women suffer from depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and so on? Undoubtedly, this is a consequence of biological problems, but if they are also a consequence of anemia or something like that, then the eradication of the cause, you can get rid of the undermining symptoms.

Incorrect diagnosis is terrible.So, if you are not sure if you have anemia or not, and refer to the doctor with the symptoms described above, that is, the chance that depression is diagnosed with you, chronic fatigue or something else. What would happen if a few years ago, when I cried without a reason and most of the time felt apathy, I would have been prescribed antidepressants? Now I would have to deal with side effects drug on the background of acute anemia? Through friends, relatives, acquaintances are looking for a competent specialist.

Communication of iron problems with thyroid hypofunction

Hormones of the thyroid gland play a huge role in metabolism and hypothyroidism is a serious problem.It is especially unpleasant that a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones and low iron levels in the body are closely connected.

Doctors disagree in the opinion of what is ahead: Reducing the production of hormones of the thyroid gland leads to a deficiency of iron or vice versa? True, both of the opinion. My attending physician said that many women diagnose the pitipofing of the thyroid gland, when in reality they simply suffer from iron disadvantage. But there are those who argue that iron deficiency is a consequence of hypothyroidism. Probably both opinions are partly correct.

It is true that the violation of the function of the thyroid gland (and all the problems associated with the digestive system and the intestinal operation) may interfere with the absorption of nutrients, which makes it impossible to use that iron that a person gets with food and food additives.

Conversely, low iron levels can disrupt the work of the thyroid gland. So, If you are going to hand over a general blood test, it is advisable to check the work of the thyroid gland. If there is an opportunity, find a specialist who will help you understand these issues, if the doctor did not clarify the situation, look for another specialist.

Pass the blood test iron content

Find such a doctor who will make you an active participant in solving the problem of iron deficiency, or independently deal with the results of the analysis. Be aware of what happens to your health, because if the views of your attending physician are outdated, then it will not have to suffer from the consequences.

A good doctor always strives for his patients with the mind relate to their own body, and bad keeps patients in ignorance. Remember that you can always pass the blood test without sending a specific doctor. If you suspect about iron problems, find out which tests you need to pass and what figures should be paid attention to. Posted.

Dani Shugart.

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Fatigue, weakness, worsening well-being had to experience, probably, every person, regardless of age. The reason for such ailments is often the low level of iron in the blood becomes.

This trace element is one of the most important components for the body, which regulates many physiological processes, that is, it provides adequate functioning. Therefore, the deviation from the norm is sooner or later affects the health of the body, and in the absence of proper surveys and subsequent therapy, it may cause serious diseases and even death.

At the same time, at the initial stages of pathological changes in the content of iron complex and long-term treatment, it will not be necessary - it will be possible to do only to the correction of food habits. Iron (FE) - a microelement without which many processes of the body's vital activity would be impossible. The most of them are known for a wide range of people oxygen exchange, blood formation and maintenance of immunity.

The trace element refers to the most necessary components required to ensure normal physiological activities and the health of all cells and tissues. Considering that FE is not synthesized directly by the cells of the human body themselves, and it comes mainly with food, you should know what to do in case of its deficiency or oversupply.

The iron is the main regulator responsible for sufficient oxygen exchange, as well as a key element of hemoglobin - a protein compound that is part of the erythrocytes (red blood cells). The latter, in turn, perform a function of a peculiar vehicle carrying oxygen to all cellular structures of the human body.

With a lack of iron, hemoglobin loses the ability to associate the necessary amount of oxygen, which leads to the so-called starvation and, as a rule, to the development of various pathologies. Next, but no less important is the responsibility of hemoglobin - this is the implementation of binding of carbon dioxide and the release of it in the lungs.

It should be noted that in hemoglobin there is a majority of all iron in hemoglobin, that is, if its total content is 4 g, then in the described protein - 2.5 g. The rest of the trace element falls on the bone marrow, spleen, liver and Moomoglobin.

The role of the latter compound can be compared with an oxygen cylinder providing an oxygen margin on emergency, for example, when under water. Regarding the remaining iron functions in the body, it should be said that it is also necessary for the implementation of cholesterol exchange, DNA production, redox reactions and the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

In addition, the trace element participates in the destruction of toxins and is part of cytochromes involved in the accumulation of energy resources. And even now listed not all the functions of iron, especially if you consider that it is a component over hundreds of enzymes.

Reference! To maintain a sufficient amount of iron in the body, a person is required to consume 10-30 mg per day. It increases in the need for pregnant women and during lactation, as well as after injury, surgical intervention and patients with a certain list of serious pathologies.

How to find out the level of FE in the blood?

To find out whether the body of iron is enough, you need to pass the blood for a general or as it is also called a clinical analysis. But in the form of this study, information about the particular content of the trace element will not be indicated. It is possible to find out the necessary indicator when estimating the content of hemoglobin, which in the document is denoted by the English abbreviation HB or HGB.

Its concentration is indicated in grams per liter (g / l) or decylitr (g / dL). If the hemoglobin level is high, then in the body an oversupply of iron, if the norm below is, on the contrary, the lack. Most often there is a reduced content of this protein. The examination in most cases is prescribed the therapist under certain patient complaints, but also analysis is an integral component of preventive inspections.

Blood for research is taken from Vienna in the first half of the day on an empty stomach. On the eve of the diagnosis, heavier food should be excluded, dinner should be light and no later than 20.00 hours. It is also forbidden to drink alcohol, and it is recommended to refrain from intense physical Loads.

The results of diagnostics are usually ready after 1-2 business days, but if necessary, most private laboratories can be answered in a few hours. In addition to this method, iron content is determined in biochemical analysis blood. Often, this examination is assigned as an additional if there are some deviations associated with erythrocytes in the above described above and specifically with hemoglobin.

Daily rate

In a healthy adult, hemoglobin contains about 68% of the whole iron located in the body. On the remaining proteins, which also have in its composition FE, to which the ferritin (iron depot), Mioglobin and Trasferrin (iron transport) are distributed, respectively, 27%, 4% and 0.1% of all microelement reserves.

In the human body there is about 4 g of iron, and about 2.5 g it is concentrated in the blood. In order for all processes in the body to occur at a normal level, the number of microelement consumed should be as follows:

  • children - 4-18 mg;
  • men - 10 mg;
  • women - 18 mg;
  • pregnant women for 20-40 week - 33 mg.

At the same time, 2-2.5 mg of iron can flow from food through the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). That is why if a person receives a smaller number of trace element from the outside, its receipt is reduced directly into the cells of the body. Such a decrease is the cause of a very common state - iron deficiency anemia (waiting).

Signs of lack of iron

Recognize manifestations of the deficit described by the trace element is easy, especially if its degree is sufficiently heavy. Low iron people can be determined by the next list of symptoms.

Change the structure of the skin, hair and nails. If the FE content is lowered, over time, patients note dry skin, peeling and the occurrence of various defects (for example, cracks). Nails become thin and lucco-shaped concave (coylonichy), often observed transverse allocations. Hair is losing the shine, early gray, become brittle, weak and fall out.

Disorders characteristic of mucous membranes. Glossite develops - inflammation of the language, accompanied by atrophy of flavors. The deficiency of iron in most cases leads to hateitis - the formation of cracks in the angles of the mouth, and is also a factor increasing the likelihood of caries and paradontosis. The lack of a microelement often becomes the reason for the appearance of atrophic gastritis, atrophy of the mucous nasal cavity and the esophagus, which leads to dysphagia (disruption of the function of swallowing food).

Perversion of taste. People, in the body of which marks the lack of iron, are experiencing a pronounced desire for eating chalk, dental powder, ice, starch, coal, clay, sand, raw mince and dough, croup.

In addition, such patients begin to like unusual smells - gasoline, acetone, fuel oil, naphthalene, varnishes, kerosene, rubber and raw land.

Acquisition with shoe-eyed eyes. It is also one of the characteristic signs of low iron content. Sklera or outer protein sheath eye becomes bluish due to the fact that iron deficiency causes the cornea dystrophy, and the vascular network of the eye, which is not visible in the normal state, starts shining.

Muscular hypotension is a decrease in the tone. In most cases, this symptom applies to all muscle structures. Because of this, some patients have a violation of urination up to commandable urges, such as inability to restrain in coughing, sneezing, laugh, as well as night incontinence.

In addition, with a decrease in the level of the trace element, muscle pain is noted. In children, the lack of Fe becomes the delay of motor and intellectual development. Its deficiency leads to the dysfunction of the immune system, that is, a decrease in the performance of protective mechanisms.

With a reduced iron content in the blood, the sclera acquire a bluish tint

Why does iron deficiency arise?

The lack of a microelement occurs due to the exceedment of the amount of derived from the body from the body, and gradually this state will develop in a wait.

Among women

The reasons for the occurrence of anemia can be the most diverse, and first of all in the risk category consists of female. Their daily need for iron is almost twice the male, and during the tooling of the child, there is still twice.

This is due to the hormonal changes occurring in this period, which lead to a fluid delay, thereby artificially increasing blood volume, and as a result, reduced hemoglobin levels. The body has to contact their own iron reserves, which are contained in the liver, muscle tissues and bone marrow.

In addition, for the full formation of the embryo, a certain amount of FE is also needed, and its supplier is the maternal organism. But women have a pregnancy far from the only reason for the development of the iron deficiency.

For one menstruation, about 80 ml of blood is lost in the norm, and when various deviations associated with the reproductive system organs, uterine bleeding, leading to significant blood loss, often occur. The result of such violations, as a rule, is iron deficiency anemia.

The next reason leading to a weak half of humanity is lactation. The child receives everything necessary, including trace elements and, in particular, iron from Mother's milk, which can lead to a significant decrease in the substance, and with its insufficient replenishment and serious diseases.

A separate problem, especially recently, has become various new-fashioned diets, vegetarianism and veganism, which is also the frequent cause of the emergence of the iron deficiency. Of course, in plant food, there is also a described element, but it is significantly less than in animal products, and it is much more difficult to absorb the body.

The main source is meat and offal, so they must necessarily be present in the diet. Women who deliberately refuse meat food expose their risk along with the desired slightness and beauty also to receive iron deficiency anemia. And there is such a disease, just what will have to be treated, so it still adversely affects appearance, resulting in leather, hair and nails will require special attention to recovery.

No less dangerous for female belongings are considered to be the menopausal period, since at this time there is a noticeable decline in the production of hormones, as a result of which the absorption of iron is worse.

In men

Representatives of the strong half need less iron, and they are very rarely refused meat or fish, the so-called basic suppliers Fe. In addition, they do not threaten the loss of the trace element because of the toaling and birth of the child. To avoid waiting, it is only necessary to replenish the daily physiological losses of the trace element that occur with regular loss of the gastrointestinal mucosa and do not exceed 1 mg per day.

At the same time, for men, ironing iron levels in the body are various injuries to which they are subjected to specific professional activities, exhibitors of sports and so on , including iron.

In children

Very often there is a reduced level of the microelement in the blood of the blood in children, and it can appear at any age. At the kid to the year, receiving breast milk, the lack of FE can develop due to a lack of it in the parent organism, and in twins or premature children, iron reserves are consumed even faster.

In addition, quite often the deficiency of iron is observed in the child of the breast, which is on artificial feeding. For other common factors of children's ironing deficiency, irrational nutrition, glides invasion, lack of vitamin C, thyroid dysfunction and impaired absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Anemia in a child may occur in a hidden form and remain unnoticed by years, not leading to pronounced manifestations. During accelerated growth, which occurred for 2-4 years and in the pubertal period, children also often become victims of it, which is explained by the global restructuring of the body and perturbations in its main systems.

In these periods, the child must fully eat, get enough vitamins to minimize the possible risks of the development of various diseases. Lack of iron in childhood may cause many deviations in the formation of the Central nervous system.

Such children often lag behind in developing from their peers, they deteriorate their performance, attention, the quality of learning knowledge and immunity is reduced. This marks an increase in the frequency of ORVI diseases, chronic adenoiditis, tonsillitis, etc.

Reference! According to WHO materials, about 600 million people all over the world suffer from iron deficiency anemia. The hidden form of iron deficiency is observed in one third of the population of Europe.

Correction methods

If the disease has caused caused by the iron deficiency, it should be very scrupulously approach to its treatment and fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor. It is possible to increase the level of iron in the blood in several ways, and they are often prescribed in the complex to achieve a quick result.

Reception of iron-containing medical staff

With severe pathology, when symptoms are clearly expressed, and any delay can lead to hazardous complicationsnecessarily prescribed medicinal productsFE containing. They include a bivalent or trivalent iron. The first form of the trace element is better absorbed and is absorbed by cells of the body, therefore it is the main component of drugs used for oral use.

Such drugs are intended for simultaneous reception with food, and doctors resort to their appointment in most cases anemia. The dosage is calculated according to the principle of 2 mg / kg human body weight. These funds make it possible to raise the concentration of iron very quickly, and in a few days there is an increase in hemoglobin, and, consequently, an improvement in the patient's condition. A month later, his indicator returns to normal values.

It should be known that the drugs of such actions cannot be independently canceled without consulting the doctor, since the resulting effect must be fixed. This group includes drugs made on the basis of potent substances, such as iron sulfate, Globron-H, iron fumarate, hemoofer (iron chloride), etc. These drugs are accepted exclusively to appoint a specialist, since they have a certain list of contraindications.

If a person has a history of the digestive system in an history of the digestive system or suffers from the hypersensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract and cannot receive tablets with the FE content because of this, then injection forms of drugs are prescribed. Also, infusion solutions with the inclusion of the required amount of iron are prescribed during the severe course of anemia when you need to act as quickly as possible.

It should be remembered that the daily amount of the trace element in injections should not exceed 10 mg. As a rule, preparations created based on the FE glucoonate, Fe (III) hydroxide and others, which are selected individually in each case are used.

Ferrum Lek - Drug Treatment with High Iron

Bades and vitamin complexes

In addition, non-economic funds are successfully used for therapy, which contain vitamins and various trace elements, including bivalent iron. These are mainly vitamins that are perfectly combined with Fe (A, B, C, D, E). By the amount of iron content in these complexes, they are divided into drugs for adults, children and pregnant women.

Most often, such funds are made in the form of a dragee, and they are recommended to use 1 or 2 times a day after eating, drinking a small amount of water. Badic or biologically active additives with iron content - another means of irritable origin, capable of rapidly increase the number of described element. These are peculiar compositions necessary for the organism substances.

To date, the dietary supplements are produced in dragee, tablets, capsules, powders, bars, solutions, pastels, etc. It can be used as an additive to food, and some are already included in those or other products. The iron, which is part of such biodeadows, is quickly and easily absorbed by the body and actively enters the exchange processes.

High FE diet

With a not particularly launched form, it is waiting for iron in the blood without the use of drugs and biodeadows. They are successfully replaced by products containing a large amount of this trace element. First of all, it is a liver (beef and pork), other offal, meat (beef, turkey, rabbit) and fish.

Also have an increase in iron content and vegetable products - oat and buckwheat, dried fruits, nuts, legumes, peachers, blueberries, bran, spinach, etc. It is recommended to combine meat and fish dishes with garnish from vegetables for optimal learning of the trace element. It should be squeezed by drinks with a high content of vitamin C, for example, citrus or tomato juice or compote.

Attention! It should be remembered that the Tanin prevents the assimilation of Fe, so it is not recommended to combine with iron-containing food to increase its level, coffee and tea.

Basic sources of iron

Folk remedies

With all the variety of all sorts of drugs and biodeadows, many patients do not refuse well-proven methods of alternative medicine, that is, recipes used by still distant ancestors. Also, quickly as medicines to raise folk remedies, the iron level is unlikely to succeed, but this will be a consistent and stable process, the result of which will be consolidated for a long time.

The most common, and besides a simple recipe for waiting, it is a morning reception of 100 g of a grated carrot, refilled by vegetable oil or sour cream. Also well raises iron in the blood of radish. It should be grate, and use 2-3 teaspoons to use 5-6 times a day, drinking water. In parallel, it is recommended to take 1 time per day 20 grains of mustard.

Such treatment lasts at least a month, after a certain time it can be repeated in preventive purposes. An infusion of rowan has a beneficial property, for the preparation of which 2 teaspoons of fruits pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist about an hour. Delicate the resulting infusion follows throughout the day in 3-4 receptions.


Based on the materials of statistics, which indicate the prevalence of the iron's prevalence among the population not only Russia, but also other countries, should carefully take care of the quality of their nutrition.

Not to syndict the body with various diets that are far from balanced nutrition, and at the first signs of pathology to contact the hospital for surrendering the blood test and consultation of a specialist. After all, like most other diseases, waiting in the early stages is treated very quickly and inexpensively for the patient.

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