Blueberry - composition, caloric content, useful properties. The benefits of berries and their calorie: blueberry blueberry carbohydrates per 100 grams

Blueberry is saturated with vitamins B1, B2, E, C, PR, calcium minerals, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron.

The calorie content of frozen blueberries per 100 grams is the same as in the fresh berries. Thus, the product contains 39 kcal, 1 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat, 6.6 g of carbohydrates.

When using rapid frost, blueberries retains most of its beneficial properties. If the berry froze and burned several times, its benefits decrease significantly.

Blueberry benefits

Blueberry benefits is as follows:

  • the berry is enriched with vitamin C and organic acids that contribute to the strengthening of immunity, improving the state of the vessels, activating the work of the heart, as well as slowing the processes of aging;
  • blueberry has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic effect;
  • with regular use of the berries, the exchange of substances is accelerated, the operation of the stomach and intestines is normalized;
  • doctors recommend to eating blueberries for the prevention and therapy of avitaminosis;
  • the useful properties of the product as auxiliary agent in the treatment of cystitis, hypertension, colds are proved;
  • the berry restores the normal level of cholesterol in the blood, activates the production of gastric juice;
  • blueberries contain iron, so it is extremely useful in small-class;
  • berry pectins provide cleaning of the body from toxins and slags;
  • the product has a beneficial effect on the state of the urogenital system;
  • in men, blueberries helps to warn prostatitis, impotence;
  • due to low caloric content, blueberries can be included in the diet during weight loss.

Damage to blueberries

As with any other product, the blueberries have a number of their opposition. Berries should be abandoned from its individual intolerance and the development of allergic reactions. Blueberry intoxication is manifested in the form of vomiting, nausea, headaches, weaknesses.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the blueberries eat only after agreeing with the attending physician. This will avoid intoxication and allergic reactions at the kid.

The berry is contraindicated at dyskinesia of biliary tract. From it should be abandoned when taking the blood thinning drugs.

Blueberry is a berry of a broomber family, it is considered a refuge of blueberries. Blueberry fragrant, tasty and fairly useful. The berry is used for cooking jelly, compotes, jams. It can be consistent with fresh, but it is best to cook delicious juice. We draw your attention, Blueberry bushes love to grow around, and its essential oils are negatively affecting the body - lead to strong headaches. Previously, because of this, it was thought that harmful blueberries, so they began to call it a gathering, drunk, Boligol. In fact, when collecting, you need to keep track of what grows next to the blueberry bush. Berry is characterized by powerful, useful effects.


The berry contains many vitamins - carotenoids, provitamin A, B1, RR, B2, vitamins K, P, ascorbic acid. Blueberry is rich in mineral salt, copper, iron, phosphorus, organic acids - acetic, lemon, benzoic, apple, oxal. In blueberries contain tubyl substances, pectins, fiber, sugar, coloring agent, amino acids.

Anthocyans are considered particularly valuable, they help increase the efficiency of antioxidant components. It is worth noting, compared with in blueberries more anthocyanins. Substances, in the composition of blueberries have an anticarcinogenic, rejuvenating effect. If we regularly use berries, the skin will be rapidly restored, collagen is produced, the blood vessels from harmful cholesterol are cleaned. Due to this wall arteries, capillaries will acquire elasticity, flexibility. In addition, blood flow improves, cells will be saturated with sufficient oxygen.

Due to the fact that in blueberries contain a sufficient amount of tannic substance, fiber, pectin, one can clean the body from radionuclides (cobalt, strontium), salts of heavy metals, toxic components, slags.

How many calories are in blueberries? 100 grams of berries contain at least 61 kcal. Therefore, it is recommended to use blueberries to those who sits on a strict diet, does not want to abandon fatty foods. Proven! If consuming fatty foods, the level of triglycerides will decrease, the fat is significantly reduced on the stomach.

Studies have proven: blueberries - better preventive remedy for diseases of vessels, hearts, it helps prevent metabolic syndrome.

How does blueberries affect the body?

We note the berry has a cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, anticerotic, choleretic, anticitial effect. Blueberries has a positive effect on the digestive system, makes it possible to normalize the intestinal function, restore the pancreas work, lead the level of blood sugar levels.

We draw your attention, infusion with blueberry berries has a fastening effect, it is used to combat dysentery. If you prepare a decoction of the berry leaves, it will turn out to be a fairly efficient laxative, which will help get rid of the constipation. We celebrate, in blueberries contain vitamin K, it is he who allows you to fight low blood coagulation.

Attention! For blueberries to benefit the body, you need to more seriously approach its choice. It is recommended to use whole berries, they should not be damaged, rot. If the blueberry is fresh, it will be dry, blue, have a white flare.

Collection and harvesting

We need to collect the berry when it completely matures - at the end of summer. We pay attention to the blueberries - a soft, gentle berry, so it is necessary to treat it extremely careful, otherwise damage it. After the collection, overrobe the berry - to freeze the big, and the small overheat.

Blueberry is stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks. You can store the frozen berry for about a year, just buy special packages for this so that the outsider smell of fish, meat does not penetrate.


Consider, blueberries are considered a fairly allergenic berry, it is not necessary to abuse it. Otherwise, everything will end with nausea, headache, vomiting. Excess antioxidants greatly harms health. They lead to a decrease in oxygen in the muscles, violate their functionality.

Blueberry is contraindicated with biliary tract. During pregnancy, the berry may cause the strongest allergic reaction. It is not recommended to get involved in a berry during breastfeeding, it leads to a diathesis in an infant.

Dietary recipes


Prepare 500 grams of blueberries, 200 grams of blueberries, 300 grams of sugar, water (2 liters). Berries need to rinse, go through, then pour into enameled dishes. After the berries are crushed, sugar is added, the juice must start. Water poured into the pan and everything is slowly boiling for about 10 minutes. When the drink is completely ready, strain it, break into a glass jug. Morse serve chilled or warm. It is especially useful at, ORVI, diseases of the respiratory system.

Mannik with blueberry (253 kcal)

Prepare a semolina (glass) + kefir (200 ml) + wheat flour (glass) + eggs (2 pieces) + 50 grams of butter + glass of sugar + food soda (1.5 teaspoons) + blueberry chamber.

The mannicon is preparing in a slow cooker (the best thing that it is not a pressure cooker, otherwise all the beneficial properties of products are lost. Be sure to follow this sequence:

  • Wear eggs with sugar.
  • Add to eggs oil.
  • In another bowl, beat kefir + semolina.
  • Place the semolina to the egg.
  • Add flour, soda.
  • Bear and wash the blueberry berries, pour into the dough.
  • Pour the dough into the bowl.
  • Prepare in the "Baking" mode for about an hour.

Thus, blueberries are one of the beneficial berries that can be consumed fresh or prepare a delicious jam, compote from it. The main thing is to collect it correctly, and if you buy, make sure that it is not dedicated or treated with different harmful substances. Do not save and buy a second-time product.

Dietary food requires marginal care to products that are included in the diet. In addition, only a calorie content just once and approximately note for yourself, as often and in what quantities, one or another product can be included in the menu, and it will no longer apply any harm to your figure. From this article you will learn how many calories in blueberries.

Blueberry calorie

Like all berries, blueberries - the product is very light. On average, the caloric content of fresh blueberries per 100 grams is 39 kcal (of which 1 g of protein, 0.5 g of fats and 6.6 g). It makes it easy to include such a yum in a diet for weight loss, without fearing that it will negatively affect weight.

However, it is still not necessary to get involved in blueberries: there are natural sugars in its composition, therefore it is recommended to 14.00, when the metabolism is quite well.

Blueberry can become a light and plenty of afternoon or second breakfast - in order to have a good snack, it is enough to eat one glass of this berry and drink a glass of mineral water. This is not only a useful way to reinforce, but also a vitamin feeding for the body.

Blueberry composition

Blueberry is rich in sugar, pectins, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PR. It contains a record amount of iron that is well absorbed. Also in large quantities there are potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium.

Due to the high content of beneficial substances, the simple turning on the blueberry helps to solve many health problems.

Useful properties of blueberries

Blueberry is used as a medicament for many states and diseases, and is also an excellent preventive agent. The list of its useful properties is quite large:

For those who follow the figure, it is important to remember that blueberries accelerates the process of fat cleavage, so its presence in the diet for weight loss instead of the desserts is quite acquitted and will even benefit.


Blueberry - kind of leaf falling shrubs from kind Vaccinium Family Vereskovye. To taste, the berries are not so sweet, like a blueberry, with a pleasant smell. Store blueberries in birch boxes, sometimes wrapping in moss and watering fish fat. At temperatures below -15 berries can be stored for a long time.

Blueberry can with confidence to be called natural lycakera, because the use of this berry can largely improve health and serve the prevention of various diseases.

Blueberry calorie

Blueberry caloric content is 35 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberry berries are very helpful. They contain up to 8.0% of sugars, about 3% of organic acids (apple, lemon, oxalous, acetic, benzoic). The content of pectins at the blueberry is the highest of all forest berry plants and comes to 0.5%. Pectic substances are able to bind and output radioactive metals - strontium and cobalt.

Blueberry fruits contain many macro- and microelements that contribute to blood formation, strengthening the walls of vessels regulating the metabolism in the body. Blueberry shoots contain tubyl substances, leaves - arbutin, flavonoids, triterpenoids, steroids, tannins.

Antioxidants help protect the body from the destructive effect of free radicals and chronic diseases associated with the aging process. Fresh blueberry berries contain many of the natural antioxidants of the type of vitamins, and.

Blueberry berries are used as an anti-cutting agent, a stuffing and promoting normalization of metabolic processes. Blueberry juice is given in feverish states, violations of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to enhance the release of gastric juice. Blueberry berries are shown in gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice, enterocolites, more often in the form of infusion.

Blueberry in cooking

From blueberries, compotes are boiled, decoctions, add to dairy cocktails, make wine and tincture, jam, jelly, prepare a grazing, etc.

Blueberry is a shrub that gives dark blue berries, which are matured in the middle of summer in the foothills and near the swamps. Its leaves and fruits are real pantry organic acids, vitamins, mineral salts. They are used as an anti-cutting agent, stimulate the work of the digestive tract, increase the metabolism, improves blood formation and stabilizes blood sugar levels. In addition, blueberries belongs to.

Berries of plants are rich in biologically active substances, their value is especially high due to chemical composition. The fruits contain a large amount of flavonoids, vitamin A, K, E, and S. Such a ratio of vitamins causes immunostimulating and antioxidant properties of berries.

As for the mineral composition, in the first place is potassium, then descending:, phosphorus, sodium. As part there is, although in a small amount, it is almost completely absorbed by the body. The magnesium contained in the plant helps limit the use of some pharmacy sedatives.

Present in blueberries apple, benzoic, lemon, acetic and other types of organic acids, tanning substances. The content of pectins in the shrub fruits is the highest among the berries and is about 0.5%, these compounds are able to remove radioactive metals from the body.

With an increase in body temperature, the patient give juice from the berry or decoction, it is also shown in disruption of the digestive tract, to enhance the secretion of gastric juice, to restore vision. Infusion of berries are prescribed during gastritis ,.

The macro and microelements contained in the plant contribute to the regeneration of the walls of blood vessels, stimulate blood formation, improve the metabolism. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory blueberries will help in the fight against angina, rheumatism, intestinal wand with dysentery, quantity.

Almost all substances contained in the berries are present in the leaves of the plant, only the concentration is slightly lower.

The composition of the berries (per 100 grams of raw mass):

Compound Units. At 100g
water g. 87,7
carbohydrates g. 6,6
cellulose g. 1,2
mono- and Disaccharides g. 6
fat. g. 0,5
proteins g. 1
cholesterol g. 0
potassium mg. 51
calcium mg. 16
magnesium mg. 7
sodium mg. 6
phosphorus mg. 8
iron μg 800
vitamin C mg. 20
vitamin B. mg. 0,01
vitamin B. mg. 0,02
vitamin RR mg. 0,28

It is important that the beneficial properties of berries are saved with culinary processing and freezing.

Use for weight loss

One of the glorified properties of blueberries is low calorie, in 100 g of fresh product contained only about 40 kcal. Thanks to this nuance, blueberries can be safely included in the dietary menu without fear to type extra weight.

The berry is known for its fat burning properties due to the content of polyphenols. These substances contribute to the splitting of fat existing in the body and impede the formation of new fatty depots.

So, at least, some scientists claim. The fact is that the blueberry for weight loss is applicable, it is possible to diversify the diet and significantly reduce its calorie content. Blueberry, with regular use, helps in the fight against constipation, being a powerful stimulator of intestinal peristaltic. Thanks to the astringent effect, it contributes to the elimination of toxins in the human body.

Restrictions and allergies

The benefits and denial of blueberries are notions inextricably connected. Blueberries has pronounced allergenic properties, it is impossible to use it in unlimited quantities, especially for children and people inclined to allergic reactions.

Plant berries can provoke intrauterine poisoning of the fetus, for this reason for women "in the position" or nursing these berries are prohibited.

Because of its choleretic properties, the fruits are categorically contraindicated to people who are diagnosed with dyskinesia of biliary tract. In case of non-compliance with the recommendation, you can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Simple and delicious recipes

Recipes desserts with blueberries will help to brighten the same diet menu and will add new forces in the fight against overweight. With blueberry and oatmeal, it is suitable for a snack or breakfast, and a piece of cottage cheese-berry cakes will replace the sdobu and candy.

Smoothie with blueberry and oatmeal

  • 40 g of fastest oatmeal;
  • 150 g of yogurt;
  • 50 g of blueberries;
  • 100 g of pears;
  • honey - to taste.

Clean the pear, cutting the seeds, cut it on the slices. Wash and dry blueberry berries. Place the cereal of oatmeal into the bowl of the blender, grip them to the state of flour. Lower pear and blueberries into the container, add honey. Grind all components. Add yogurt. Beat everything up to homogeneity within a few minutes.

Cupcake with blueberry and cottage cheese

  • 220 g of flour;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 200 g of blueberries;
  • vanillin.

Mix sugar with butter. We add vanillin, a mixture of sugar and oil into the reared cottage cheese, we enter one by one. Mix well. Having rushed half of the flour, then the second, mixed with a baking powder. All stirred intensively. The form perturbate with flour and lubricate oil. We put in the form of our mixture and dry berries. We bake at 170 ° C for 50 minutes.

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