"Features of the development of children with mental delay. "Features of the mental development of children with mental delay

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten combined species №61"



Educators and parents

Topic: "Features of the development of children

with delay mental Development»


teacher -defectologist:


Julia Olegovna
Khotkovo 2011.

Impaired mental function


  1. Introduction

  2. Causes of SRR

  3. Features of memory, attention, perception, when delayed mental development

- Specific features of children's memory with ZPR


- Causes of violated attention.


- Causes of violated perception in children with SRR

4. Features of the mental activity of children with ZPR

- General disadvantages of the mental activity of children with ZPR

5. Features speech processes with SPR

- Causes of violation of speech

6. Features of the emotional development of children with ZPR

4. Conclusion

The study of the laws of the anomalies of the development of the psyche is the necessary task of not only pathopsychology, but also to the defectology and child psychiatry, it is the search for these patterns, the study of the causes and mechanisms for the formation of a defect mental development allow you to diagnose violations and look for their correction.

The spectrum of violations of mental development in children is quite wide, but the mental delay is much more common.

The delay in mental development (SRR) - the syndrome of the temporary lag of the development of the psyche in general or its individual functions, the slowdown in the determination of the potential capacity of the body, is often found when entering school and is expressed in the insufficiency of the overall stock of knowledge, limited ideas, immaturity of thinking, small intellectual focus, predominance of gaming interests, rapid surpriseness in intellectual activity

The causes of the emergence of the CPR can be divided into two large groups:

1. Causes of biological nature;

2. Causes of a socio-psychological nature.

Biological reasons include:

1) various variants of pregnancy pathology (severe intoxication, reshob conflict, etc.);

2) the presence of a child;

3) generic injuries;

4) various somatic diseases (heavy flu forms, rickets, chronic diseases - Pokoka internal organs, tuberculosis, impaired gastrointestinal suction syndrome, etc.)

5) nonsense brain injuries.

Amongcauses of a socio-psychological nature Select the following:

1) Early tearing a child from mother and education in complete isolation in social deprivation conditions;

2) a deficit of a full, appropriate age activity: subject, game, communication with adults, etc.

3) distorted conditions for upbringing a child in the family (hypoems, hyperopka) or authoritarian type of education.

The basis of the SRR is the interaction of biological and social reasons.

When systematics, ZPR Vlasova TA and Pessner M.S. Allocate two main forms:

1. Infantilism - violation of the ripening rate of the most late forming brain systems. Infantilism may be harmonious (associated with a functional impaired, the immaturity of the frontal structures) and disharmonic (due to the phenomena of the organics of the brain);

2. Asthenium - a sharp impact of somatic and neurological nature, due to functional and dynamic violations of the Central nervous system. Asthenium may be somatic and cerebral-asthenic (increased idleness of the nervous system).

Classification of the main types of SPR by K.S. Lebedinskaya relies on the classification of the Vlasoy - Pessner, based on its etiological principle:

- Constitutional SCR (the cause of the occurrence is not maturing the frontal departments of the brain). These include children with simple harmonious infantilism, they retain more younger age, they prevailing gaming interest, the training does not develop. These children under favorable conditions show good leveling results.

- SOMATOGENIAL ECRR (the reason is the transfer of a child of a somatic disease). This group includes children with somatic asthenia, the signs of which are depletion, the wealth of the body, reduced endurance, lethargy, the instability of the mood, etc.

- PRD of psychogenic origin (the reason - the adequatic conditions in the family, distorted conditions for the education of the child (hyperopka, hypoophek), etc.)

- CPR cerebral-asthenic origin. (Cause - brain dysfunction). This group includes children with cerebral asthenia - increased pulpability of the nervous system. Children are observed: neric-like phenomena; increased psychomotor excitability; Affective mood disorders, apatico-dynamic disorder - decrease in food activity, total lethargy, motor dismissal.

In the clinical and psychological structure of each of the listed options for SPR There is a specific combination of immaturity of the emotional and intellectual sphere.
Memory, attention, perception

with mental delay

Insufficient formation of cognitive processes is often the main reason for the difficulties in children from the CPR when studying at school. As numerous clinical and psychological and pedagogical studies show, a significant place in the structure of a defect in mental activity under this development abnormality belongs to memory violations.

Observations of teachers and parents for children with SPRs, as well as special psychological studies indicate the shortcomings in the development of their involuntary memory. Much of the fact that normally developing children remember easily, as if by itself, causes considerable efforts from their lagging peers and requires specially organized work with them.

One of the main causes of insufficient productivity of involuntary memory in children with the CPR is to reduce their cognitive activity. In the study

T.V. Egorova (1969) This problem was subjected to a special study. One of the experimental techniques used in the work provided for the use of a task, the purpose of which consisted in laying out pictures with images of objects into groups in accordance with the initial letter of the name of these items. It was revealed that children with a delay in development not only worse reproduced verbal material, but also spent on his recall noticeably more time than their normally developing peers. The main difference was not so much in the extraordinary productivity of the responses, how many different attitude towards the goal. Children from the CPR independently did not attempt to achieve a more complete recall and rarely used for this auxiliary techniques. In cases where it was still happening, the substitution of the goal of action was often observed. The auxiliary method was not used to remember the desired words beginning with a certain letter, but to invent new (foreign) words on the same letter. In the study of N.G. The poddubnaya studied the dependence of the productivity of involuntary memorization from the nature of the material and the peculiarities of activity with it junior schoolchildren with SPR. The subjects had to establish the semantic links between the units of the main and additional sets of words and pictures (in different combinations). Children from the CPR found difficulties in assimilation of the instructions for the series requiring independent selection of nouns suitable in meaning to the pilot-presented pilot of pictures or words. Many children did not understand the task, but they sought to quickly get experimental material and start acting. At the same time, they, unlike normally developing preschoolers, could not adequately appreciate their capabilities and were confident that they knew how to perform the task. Revealed distinct differences in both productivity and the accuracy and stability of involuntary memorization. The amount of correctly reproduced material was normal above 1.2 times.

N.G. The poddubnaya notes that the visual material is remembered better verbal and in the reproduction process is a more effective support. The author indicates that the involuntary memory in children with the CRAP suffers not to such an arbitrary, therefore it is advisable to be widespread using them.

TA Vlasova, M.S. Pevzner point to a decrease in arbitrary memory among students with mental delay as one of the main reasons for their difficulties in school learning. These children do not remember the texts, multiplication table, do not hold the goal and conditions of the task in the mind. They are characterized by oscillations of memory productivity, rapid forgetting learned.
Specific features of children's memory with CPR:
- reduction of memory and memorization rate;

- involuntary memorization is less productive than normal;

- Memory mechanism is characterized by a decrease in the productivity of the first memorization attempts, but the time required for complete memorization is close to the norm;

- the predominance of visual memory over verbal;

- reduction of arbitrary memory;

- Violation of mechanical memory.

Causes of violated attention:
1. Asthenic phenomena have their influence.

2. Normality of the mechanism of arbitrariness in children.

3. Motivation notification, the child shows a good concentration of attention when it is interesting, and where it is required to show another level of motivation - a violation of interest.

Researcher of children with ZPR ZHORDKOVA L.M. Notes the following features of attention characteristic of this violation: Low concentration of attention: The inability of a child to focus on the task, on any activity, fast distractions.

In the study of N.G. Poddubnaya clearly manifested the features of attention in children

cRR: In the process of performing the entire experimental task, cases were observed

- Winning attention, a large number of distracts,

- Fast depletion and fatigue.

- low level Sustainability. Children cannot study the same activity for a long time.

- Narrow scope of attention.

- more violated arbitrary attention. IN correctional work With these children, it is necessary to attach great importance to the development of arbitrary attention. To do this, use special games and exercises ("Who is attentive?", "What happened on the table?" And so on). In the process individual work Apply such techniques as: drawing flags, houses, sample work, etc.
Causes of violated perception in children with SRR:
1. In the CPR, the integrative activity of the cerebral cortex is violated, big Hemispheres And, as a result, the coordinated work of various analyzer systems is violated: hearing, a motor system, which leads to a violation of the systemic mechanisms of perception.

Disadvantages of attention in children with CPR.

The underdevelopment of approximately research activities in the first years of life and, as a result, the child does not have a full-fledged practical experience necessary for the development of his perception.
Features of perception:
Insufficient completeness and accuracy of perception is associated with violation of attention, arbitrariness mechanisms.

Insufficient focusing and organizational attention.

Slowness of perception and processing of information for full-fledged perception. The child with the CPR takes more time than a normal child.

Low level of analytical perception. The child does not think about the information that perceives (I see, but I don't think. ").

Reduced perception activity. In the process of perception, the search function is broken, the child does not try to look at it, the material is perceived superficially.

The most rudely violated more complex forms of perception, requiring the participation of several analyzers and having a complex character - visual perception, visual and engine coordination.

The task of the defectologist is to help the child with the SRR streamline the processes of perception and learn to reproduce the object purposefully. In the first academic year, adult learning leads the perception of a child in class, at an older age, children are offered a plan for their actions. For the development of perception, the material for children is offered in the form of schemes, colored chips.
Features of the development of mental processes in children with ZPR
U.V. studied this problem ULENKOV, T.V. Egorova, TA Strekalova and others. Thinking in children from the CPR is more preserved than the mentally retarded children, the ability to generalize, abstragging, to help, to transfer skills to other situations.

All mental processes affect the development of thinking:

- level of attention of attention;

- The level of development of perception and ideas about the world around (the richest experience, the more difficult conclusions can make a child).

- level of speech development;

- The level of formation of the mechanisms of arbitrariness (regulatory mechanisms). Than older childThe more difficult tasks he can solve.

By 6-7 years old, preschoolers are capable of performing complex intellectual tasks, even if they are not interested in it (the principle works: "So it is necessary" and independence.).

In children with SRR, all these prerequisites for the development of thinking to one degree or another are violated. Children hardly concentrate on the task. These children have a violated perception, they have a fairly meager experience in their arsenal - all this determines the characteristics of the child's thinking with a mental delay.

The side of cognitive processes, which in a child is broken, is associated with a violation of one of the components of thinking.

Children with CRA suffers a coherent speech, the ability to plan their activities with speech is broken; Internal speech is broken - active logical thinking Child.

General disadvantages of the mental activity of children with CRAP:

Formation of cognitive, search motivation (peculiar attitude to any intellectual tasks). Children seek to avoid any intellectual effort. For them, the moment of overcoming difficulties is unattracting (refusal to fulfill the difficult task, the substitution of the intellectual task is closer, the gaming task.). Such a child performs the task not completely, but its simpler part. Children are not interested in performing a task. This feature of thinking is manifested in school when children are very quickly losing interest in new subjects.

The absence of a pronounced approximate stage in solving mental problems. Children with SRR begin to act immediately, with the go. This provision was confirmed in the experiment N.G. Poddubnaya. Upon presentation of the instructions for the task, many children did not understand the tasks, but sought to quickly get experimental material and start acting. It should be noted that children from the CPR are more interested in faster to complete the work, and not the quality of the task. The child does not know how to analyze the conditions, does not understand the significance of the approximate stage, which leads to the emergence of many errors. When a child begins to learn, it is very important to create conditions so that it originally thought, analyzed the task.

Low mental activity, "thoughtless" style of work (children, due to hasty, inorganized at random, do not consider in full condition; there is no directional search for solutions, overcoming difficulties). Children decide the task at an intuitive level, that is, the child seems to be the answer correctly, but cannot explain it. Stereotype of thinking, its template.

Vite-shaped thinking. Children with CPR find it difficult to act on a visual sample due to violations of analysis operations, violation of integrity, focus, perception activity - all this leads to the fact that the child is difficult to analyze the sample, select the main parts, set the relationship between parts and reproduce this structure in the process of own activities.

Logical thinking. In children with a delay in mental development, there are violations of the most important thinking operations that are constituting logical thinking:

Analysis (enjoyed in small parts, it can not allocate the main thing, identify minor signs);

Comparison (compare items according to incomparable, irrelevant features);

Classification (the child carries out a classification often correctly, but can not realize its principle, can not explain why he did it).

In all children with the SRR, the level of logical thinking is significantly lagging behind the level of a normal schoolboy. By 6-7 years, children with normal mental development begin to argue, making independent conclusions, try to explain everything.

Children independently seize two types of conclusions:

Induction (the child is able to make a general output by private facts, that is, from private to general).

Deduction (from total to private).

Children with SRRs are experiencing very large difficulties when building the easiest conclusions. The stage in the development of logical thinking is the implementation of the output of two parcels - still a little accessible to children with the CPR. For children to manage to conclude, they have great adult assistance, indicating the direction of thought that distinguishes the dependencies between which the relationship should be established.

According to ULENKova, U.V., "" Children with CRAPs do not know how to reason, draw conclusions; Try to avoid such situations. These children, due to the non-formation of logical thinking, give random, rampant responses, show the inability to analyze the conditions of the problem. When working with these children, you must pay special attention On the development of all forms of thinking. "

Features speech processes with SPR

Also at the CPR in children, violations of all parties are detected speech activity: Most of the children suffer from sound-proof defects; have limited vocabulary; Weakly own grammatical generalizations.

Violation of speech under the SRR are systemic in nature, since it is noted difficulties in understanding the lexical relations, the development of the lexico-grammatical system of speech, phonderatic hearing and phonematics perception, in the formation of a connected speech. These peculiarities of speech lead to difficulties in the process of mastering reading and writing. Conducted studies V.V. Vorontsky and V.G. Petrova showed that in the CPR, the underdevelopment of speech activity directly affects the level of intellectual development. Three plans for cognitive prerequisites for speech development can be distinguished:

  • the level of intellectual development of the child is reflected in the structure of the semantic field;

  • the formation rate of explanatory operations is affected at the level of language competence;

  • speech activity correlates with processes cognitive activity.
The reasons for speech disorders can be various factors or their combinations:

  • difficulties in distinguishing sound sounds (with normal hearing);

  • damage during the childbirth of the speech zone located on the top of the top;

  • defects in the structure of speech bodies - lips, teeth, language, soft or solid neba. An example is the short bridle of the language, the cleft of the upper sky, called the "Wolf Pustia", or an incorrect bite;

  • insufficient mobility of lip and language;

  • illiterate speech in the family and others.

Features of the emotional development of children with ZPR

The emotional state of the child is of particular importance in mental development. Emotions - a special class of mental processes and states that are consistent with various form Man's relationships to subjects and reality phenomena. There are significant links between the level of verbal intelligence, instability of attention, a focus on educational activities and the emotional-volitional sphere of children with the SRR. The underdevelopment of the emotional-volitional sphere manifests itself when the child is moving from the CPR to systematic learning. In the studies of M.S. Pevzner and TA Vlasova notes that for children with SRRs, it is primarily inorganized, non-critical, inadequacy of self-esteem. Emotions of children with ZPR are superficial and unstable, as a result of which children are inspired and prone to imitation.

Typical children with CPR Features in emotional development:

1) the instability of the emotional-volitional sphere, which is manifested in the impossibility of for a long time concentrate on targeted activity. The psychological cause of this is the low level of arbitrary mental activity;

2) manifestation of the negative characteristics of crisis development, difficulties in establishing communicative contacts;

3) The appearance of emotional disorders: children feel fear, anxiety, prone to affective actions.

Also, children with ZPR are inherent symptoms of organic infantilism: the absence of bright emotions, a low level of affective-needed sphere, increased fatigue, poverty of mental processes, hyperactivity. Depending on the prevalence of the emotional background, two types of organic infantilism can be distinguished: unstable - it is distinguished by psychomotor dismissal, impulsiveness, inability to self-regulation of activity and behavior, brake - features a predominance of a reduced mood background.

Children with CPRs are distinguished by non-independence, immediacy, do not know how to purposefully perform tasks, control their work. And as a result, the low productivity of work in conditions is characteristic of their activities. learning activities, attention instability at low performance and low cognitive activity, but when switching to the game, respectively emotional needs, productivity increases.

In children with SRR, the immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere is one of the factors that slow down the development of cognitive activity due to the nonformation of the motivational sphere and low levels of control.

Children with SRRs are experiencing the difficulties of active adaptation, which prevents their emotional comfort and equilibrium of nerve processes: braking and excitement. Emotional discomfort reduces the activity of cognitive activity, encourages stereotypical actions. Changes in emotional state and after this cognitive activity proves the unity of emotions and intelligence.

Thus, we can distinguish a number of essential features characteristic of the emotional development of children with the SRR: the immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, organic infantilism, the non-conduciveness of emotional processes, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, a tendency to affective outbreaks.

The study of the features of the development of the intellectual and emotional sphere made it possible to see that symptoms of SRR very sharply manifested in the older preschool ageWhen learning tasks are put before children.

The retreat of mental development is manifested in a slowdown pace of maturation of the emotional-volitional sphere and in intellectual insufficiency.

The latter is manifested in the fact that the intellectual abilities of the child do not correspond to age. Significant lag and originality is found in mental activity. All children from the CPR have disadvantages of memory, and this applies to all types of memorization: involuntary and arbitrary, short-term and long-term. The backlog in mental activity and the features of memory are most pronounced in the process of solving problems associated with such components of mental activity, as an analysis, synthesis, generalization and abstraction.

Given all the above, this children need a special approach.

Requirements for learning, taking into account the peculiarities of children with the CPR:

Compliance with certain hygienic requirements in organizing classes, that is, classes are conducted in a well-ventilated room, attention is drawn to the level of illumination and placement of children in classes.

Careful selection of visual material for classes and its placement so that the extra material does not distract the child's attention.

Control over the organization of children's activities in classes: It is important to think over the possibility of a change in the class of one type of activity to others, to include in the plan of physical attacks.

The defectologist must follow the reaction, for the behavior of each child and apply an individual approach.

List of references:
Vlasova TA and Pessner M.S. About children with deviations in development. M. 1985

Children with ZPR / Ed. Vlasova TA M., 1983

Lebedinsky V.V. Violations of mental development in children. M., 1984

PEVZER MS and others. Mental development of children with violation of mental health M., 1985

Poddubnaya N.G. The originality of the processes of involuntary memory in first-graders with SPR // Defectology, No. 4, 1980

Strakalova TA Features of logical thinking in preschoolers with ZPR // Defectology, No. 4, 1982

Strakalova TA Features of visual thinking in preschoolers with ZPR // Defectology, №1, 1987

ULENKOVA U.V. Six-year-old children with SPR. M., 1990

Reader: Children with Development Violations / Sost. Astapov V.M., 1995

Lebedinsky V.V. "" Violations of mental development in children "" M, 1984g.

Vlasova TA, Pevzner M.S. About children with development deviations. M., 1973

Children with ZPR / Ed. Vlasova TA, M,. 1984

Poddubnaya N.G. The originality of the processes of involuntary memory in first-graders with SPR // Defectology, No. 4, 1980

Poddubnaya N.G. The originality of the processes of involuntary memory in first-graders with ZPR // Defectology, №4. 1980

Strakalova G.A. Features of visual thinking in preschoolers with ZPR // Defectology, №1, 1987

Strakalova TA Features of the logical thinking of the preschooler with ZPR // Defectology, №4, 1982

ULENKOVA U.V. Six-year-old children with SPR. M., Pedagogy, 1990

MBDOU Kindergarten Combined View No. 6

danilov Yaroslavl Region

teacher-defectologist Voronina Lyudmila Yuryevna

Consultation for educators

Topic: "Features of the psychic Development of children with mental delay "

ZPR- violation of the normal rate of mental development, manifested in a slow motion of the maturation of the emotional-volitional sphere, in intellectual insufficiency.

Pre-school childhood is the period of the most intensive formation of cognitive activity and personality as a whole. From the position of an inexperienced observer, preschoolers from the SRR are not so different from the peers and parents often do not attach the meanings that the child later began to walk on their own behalf, to act with the items that he was delayed speech development, increased excitability, unsustainable attention, fast fatigue. The older preschool age becomes obvious difficulties in the assimilation of the kindergarten program, and with the beginning of training in school, the picture of violations becomes more pronounced due to difficulties in the assimilation of the school program, psychological problems acquire a deeper and persistent character.

These children are characterized by inorganized behavior everywhere: in children's garden, at school, at home. Jewels, hyperactive, restless. May during the lesson or classes stand up, jump, climb under the table, in class or lesson to play toys. This distinguishes them from the norm.

But together with mobility, these children have very low cognitive activity, there are no cognitive interests.

Children with CPRs are extremely distracted, non-permanent, the activities of them are unfamiliar, with great difficulty brought to the end. It is characterized by bad memory, since it is most related to the condition of the cerebral cortex, they do not remember what is happening around them. Low performance, depletion, fast fatigue. Most manifests motor awkwardness. Especially motor awkwards manifests itself during drawing, learning the letter.

Unstable, offended, according to the most minor reasons can praise, laugh, sometimes nervous breakdowns.

Household speech is right enough, but as a rule, these children do not deployed proposals, often in one word or non-prolonged proposal. Characteristic no need for communication. It is used in purely progressive purposes. Do not tell as it was in kindergarten, with whom, as played. They have no motivation to communicate. Normal children often in preschool age invent their words non-socialism. There are no neologisomes at all. The dictionary is limited, the lag in the formation of the grammatical system, phonetic-phonmematic violations.

Much difficulty is a description of the storyline. There's nothing there - they say. Others describe a picture with the lack of actors. Only with the help of questions, the child with the SRR can describe the picture. Standing in the development of speech is also manifested in insufficient speech regulation, which is significantly lagging behind the norm.

They have the action on speech instructions, since it is quickly losing it, they do not remember. Usually they do not accompany their actions by speech, can not sum up, evaluate the work performed, plan the upcoming.

Independent activities. The backlog in the development of thinking is extremely pronounced, but very unevenly. For example, solving the tasks of vividly - an effective thinking, the children of the CRAP are very close to the norm. When solving the tasks of visual-figurative thinking, children have difficulty. Here the results are lower than normal, but ahead of mentally retarded. A pronounced violation is manifested in solving problems of verbally - logical thinking, here children with SRRs show themselves at the level of mentally retarded in an easy degree (ridiculous pictures, the fourth extra, laying a series of consecutive pictures).

Part of the children are well classified according to the subject grounds, but cannot explain why they did it. This is because children with the CRR have no systematic ideas about the world around, they have no thought operations formed: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, conclusion.

Children with SRR stand out in gaming activities. In gaming activity, they are very lagging behind the norm. Children normally own a role-playing game and strive for participation in it. Most children with CRAP lacks creativity in the game. Alone role-playing game does not occur. Games of their monotonous, poor in content, deployed plot is missing

Sensory disorders, they are very rare in the SRR, but more often than normal, and in general, weakly pronounced brain damage can affect hearing receptors at the level of perception when information is being recycled. All abnormal children decreases the speed of receiving and conducting information and processing of reception due to the violation of the cortical function, the speed of information is covered. Often, perception is characterized so that they are listening, but do not hear, they look, and not see. When classifying objects and geometrical figures in color and generic affiliation, senior preschoolers with the CPR gave the same results as normal, only a small help was required, and in the form below, especially low - largest.

Causes of SPR.

What are the potential opportunities?

A feature of the delay in the mental development of children is a qualitatively different structure of intellectual failure compared to mental retardation. These are children with minimal lesions of the cerebral cortex, even special equipment does not determine the brain defeat. Factors are the same as in mental retardation, but damage minimum local: pathological childbirth (wrapped in umbilical umbilical impairment, imposition of tongs, application of vacuum; injuries, injuries of the head in childhood up to 3-4 years, brain inflammation and brain shells, encephalitis and meningitis), infectious diseases Mothers during pregnancy.

In the practice of working with children with the CPR distinguish 4 of the main options for the delay of mental development:

1. CPR of constitutional origin - with this embodiment, the features of emotional and personal immaturity are on the foreflap in the structure of the defect. The infantality of the psyche is often combined with the infantile type of physique, with the "childishness" of the Mimici, Motoriki, the predominance of emotional reactions in behavior. Gaming activity is more attractive for them, here they show creativity, they do not like them and do not want.

2. Somathogenic genesis - occurs in children with chronic somatic diseases of the heart, kidney, endocrine system, etc. children characterize phenomena of psyche and physical asthenia, which leads to a decrease in performance and the formation of such personality traits as timidity, fearness. Children grow in conditions of restrictions and prohibitions, their circle of communication is narrowed, the stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding is not replenished. During the sensitive period, the child was just in a painful state. But there are few such cases. Manifestations - reduced performance, fatigue, secondary infantility.

3. PRR of psychogenic genesis (social plan) in the early appearance and long-term effects of psychotrauming factors (cruelty, hyperopka, hopelessness). In such situations, resistant shifts in the neuropsychic sphere of the child may occur, which leads to the pathological development of the person: the child predominates impulsive reactions, the inability to slow down their emotions, negativity, aggressiveness, hysteria, and other - timidity, fear, fear, mutimism, then There is a violation in the emotional - volitional sphere, a decrease in performance, non-formation of arbitrary regulation of behavior.

4. ZPR cerebral-organic gene is the largest part of children with SPR. These children are characterized by primary violations of cognitive activity, is the most resistant form and represents the most severe form of the SRR, often there is a border with mentally retarded.

But often there are delays and social plan, when a child is developing in a neglect environment and does not receive the amount of information in the need for its age. The backlog may be associated with psychotrauming environmental factors (dissatisfaction of its emotional needs: the separation from the mother, the lack of emotional contacts). The closer to communication, the child is better developed. Energy exchange and vertical position gives impetus to mental development.

He adversely affects the excessive careek of the parents, stacking. It often happens when a child grows painful, weak and parents try to do everything for him. Such a child is growing helpless, infantile, egocentric, he is weakly formulated volitional qualities, motor skills, lagging behind in development.

The mental development of children with the CPR is distinguished by uneven disorders of mental functions: at the same time, some thinking may be more stored compared with memory, attention, mental performance.

In contrast to oligophrenia, children with the SRR lack there is no inertness of mental processes, they are capable not only to take and use assistance, in the form of tips and approval, but also to transfer the learned mental skills to other situations. With the help of an adult, intelligent tasks can be performed close to normal levels. This qualitatively different from children with mental retardation.

Topic: Psychological and Pedagogical Characteristics of Children with CPR

For the first time, the concept of "mental delay" was used in 1915. German psychiatrist Emil Farter. Under this name, the scientist combined all the forms of dementia. In the future, the terms "Delay of the Tap of Mental Development", "Delay of Mental Development" were offered G.E. Sukhareva to designate a group of poor younger students with a violated tempo of physical and mental development (psychophysical and mental infantilism) or with functional disorders of mental activity (cerebraschenic states). In subsequent years, the term "mental delay" began to be used in relation to children of early and preschool age.

Mental Delay Delay is one of the most common forms of mental pathology. children's age. In recent years, scientists have noted an increase in the number of children with mental delay.

The causes of the CPR are: the defect of the child's constitution, somatic diseases, organic lesions of the central nervous system (CNS).

The causes of the CPR may have low-pressure organic damage to the brain, genetically due to the insufficiency of the central nervous system and its main department, intoxication, infection, injuries, and the like.

Development of perception.Children with CPR are difficult, auditory, tactile perception. The speed of performing perceptual operations is reduced. Low level of development has tentatively - research activities. Children do not know how to examine the subject, do not show approximate activity, resort to practical orientation methods in the properties of objects. The sensory experience is not fixed for a long time and is not summarized. The features of the representations are concluded in their schematic, limitedness and availability of stereotype elements. Pupils have difficulty in mastering ideas about the magnitude, do not identify and do not indicate its parameters. Analyzing perception is weak. Children cannot allocate structural elements Items, their spatial ratio, minor details. The holistic image of the subject is formed slowly. From the auditory perception of gross violations is not observed. However, schoolchildren have difficulty orientation orientation. Mostly suffers from the phonemematic hearing. Great effort requires recognition of items to the touch. If violations in elementary sensory processes In children with the CPR, it is not observed, then high-quality deviations are detected in the complication of perceived objects or under conditions that make perception (time limit, disguise, etc.).

Development of attention and memory. The attention of children with SRR is unstable. They have uneven performance, insufficient focusing activities. Schoolchildren act impulsively, easily distracted during the fulfillment of the task, it is difficult to switch from one to another type of activity. The fulfillment of tasks is affected by the insufficiently developed ability to arbitrarily regulate behavior. Concentrate their attention is difficult.

For children with ZPR, characteristic features are a limited amount of memory, reduced memorization strength, inaccuracy of playback educational material and quick loss of information. Verbal memory suffers to the greatest extent. The productivity of memorizing visual material is higher than verbal. Low results are detected under the need for active operating with a memorable material, transforming it during playback. At the same time, children have potential opportunities for the development of random memorization, which can be implemented using correctional techniques (semantic correlation, grouping material on features, etc.).

Development of thinking children with zitrottrates from the level of normally developing peers. The lag of verbally logical thinking is especially pronounced. The closest to normal development is visual-effective thinking. Schoolchildren with SRR are not formed a number of mental operations: classification, generalization, conclusion, comparison, distraction, analysis, synthesis. They have no readiness for intellectual effort, there is a reproductive nature of activity and a decrease in the ability to create new images. They do not distinguish essential signs when generalizing, the comparison is made by random signs, it is difficult to distinguish signs of differences. In the development of thinking, the lack of accumulated knowledge and ideas adversely affects. Under conditions, when children with the SRR receive assistance from an adult, the proposed tasks can be performed at the level close to the norm. Students educational institutions Potential opportunities in terms of ability to master the educational material.

The development of speech and communication.Having burned schoolchildren with the CPRs are noted the shortcomings of sound testing, limited vocabulary. At the level of impressive speech, difficulties are observed in understanding complex instructions, logic-grammatical structures. Children badly comprehend the content of fairy tales, text with hidden meaning. In speech, adjectives are rarely found. They have an understanding of verbs. Schoolchildren with the CPR find it difficult to embody the thought in the unfolded speech statement, retell the story, describe a visual situation. The most characteristic types of adgrammatisms are: skip or redundancy of members of the sentence, errors in coordination and management, the use of official words, determining the time of verb, the difficulties in word formation, structural non-erase of the statement. When drawing up the story, slipping is observed from a given topic to another, bringing into the story of side associations, frequent repetition of the same words, phrases, return to the thought expressed.

In communication there are two groups of difficulties that are associated with impulsiveness and intensity of children. Impulsive children are distinguished by screaming, noise, mobility. In communication do not always show correctness. With adults are affectionate, but can easily enter into conflict. With the inhibited children it is difficult to communicate. They do not mind, do not express their point of view. Without mutual activity, communication is reduced to the leadership of the adult and the subject of the child. Children of this category are not ready for incoming personality. They only achieve the level of situationally business communication.

Development of imagination junior schoolchildren with the CPR is characterized by the prolongation of its reproductive nature. Interest in tasks on creative imagination depends on complexity. The shaped vision of the imaginary situation is not formed enough. There is a low level of combinatorial abilities. Imagination activities are combined with imitativeness. Children experience difficulties in the performance of creative tasks associated with the change, the combination of the specified plot, the image and when creating their own designs. The visual and verbal support is not for children with the "starting mechanism" for children to unfold creativity. Students rarely appear fantasy, fiction. They have no viability of imagination, ease when new images arise. New images do not differ in brightness and originality.

The development of the personality and the emotional-volitional sphere. L.S. The main features of the emotional and volitional sphere of children with the CRAP were voiced: the lack of differentiation of emotional reactions, the inadequacy and disproportionality of reactions to the effects of the environment. The lag in the development of the emotional sphere is manifested in a light change of mood, lability and contrast of emotions. Children with CPRs are noted affective reactions, anxiety, anxiety. The underdevelopment of the emotional sphere is manifested in a weak understanding of the emotions of both others and their own. Successfully children identify specific emotions. Own simple emotional states are worse than the emotions of the characters depicted in the pictures. Disorders in the emotional sphere are to reduce the possibility of arbitrary regulation of behavior, which is manifested in increased excitability or inhibition.

The main negative consequence of the pathological level of personal development is the presence of pronounced difficulties in socio-psychological adaptation, manifested in the interaction of the personality with society and with himself.

Thus, children with SRR do not have pronounced development deviations, but have difficulty in social adaptation. The peculiarities of the mental development of children with the CRAP do not impede the development of educational programs, but require their adjustment.

All children with a delay in mental development are not formed readiness for school learning.

This manifests itself in the immaturity of the functional state of the central nervous system (weakness of braking and excitation processes, difficulty in the formation of complex conditional bonds, lagging in the formation of links between analyzers) and serves as one of the reasons that the guys are hard to master the reading and writing skills, often confuse letters , similar to drawing, have difficulties in self-reproducing text.

Children with mental delay are distinguished by reduced mental performance. The level of mental performance depends on the degree of weakening of the child and the nature of the organic or functional lesion of the brain.

All children with a delay in mental development have a decline in attention. According to the psychologist G. I. Zhenvkova, the decrease in the sustainability of these guys may be different in nature: the maximum stress of attention at the beginning of the task and its subsequent decrease; the onset of focusing after a certain period of work; Periodic stress shifts of attention and its recession throughout the work time.

Studies of psychologists revealed in most children with a delay in mental development the inferiority of subtle forms of visual and hearing perception, spatial and temporary violations, lack of planning and performing complex motor programs. Such children need more time to receive and process visual, auditory and other impressions. This is especially brightly manifested in difficult conditions (for example, if there are simultaneous speech stimuli, having a meaningful and emotional content for the child). One of the peculiarities of the perception of such children is that the similar quality of items are perceived by them as the same (oval, for example, perceived as a circle).

This category of children are not enough formed by spatial representations: orientation in the directions of space is carried out at the level of practical actions, perception of inverted images is difficult, difficulties occur during spatial analysis and synthesis of the situation. The development of spatial relations is closely related to the formation of constructive thinking. Thus, when folding from complex geometric patterns, children with mental delay often cannot carry out a full-fledged formal analysis, set the symmetry, the identity of the parts of the designed figures, arrange the design on the plane, to connect it into a single integer. It should be noted that relatively simple patterns are children with a mental delay, unlike mentally retarded, are performed correctly.

Significant "scissors" are observed in children with a delay in mental development between the formation of practical skills and skills in the field of spatial relations and the possibility of their understanding and reflection in speech. The guys experience great difficulties in understanding the logic-grammatical structures expressing spatial relations, it is difficult for them to give a verbal report when performing tasks based on the awareness of these relations.

Memory in such children is reduced. Particularly suffer from those types that require the participation of mental processes (mediated memorization). The most elementary types of memory are reduced.

Mechanical memory these children are characterized by a decrease in the productivity of the first memorization attempts. But the time required for complete memorization is close to normal. The guys, although they have difficulty in memorizing words, in most cases successfully coped with the task (mentally retarded children do not cope with it). An involuntary memorization of junior schoolchildren with mental delay is less productive than that of normally developing 5-6-year-old preschoolers. There is a decrease in the productivity and stability of arbitrary memorization, especially under considerable load.

Children with a delay in mental development detect the greatest violations at the possession of mediated memorization. There is a significant discrepancy between the ability to apply a certain intelligent reception and productivity of its use. Very significant in terms of diagnostics, the task for studying the mediated memorization (Methods A. P. Leontheva): They are called words, and the child is asked for to facilitate the memorization picked up for each word a picture. Looking at the pictures, the child must reproduce the specified words. When performing this task, children with mental retardation are selected for memorizing the same pictures as normal developing peers. However, the subsequent reproduction of words on the basis of the pictures selected by them causes significant difficulties, they often reproduce at all those words that were called the experimenter.

Consequently, children with mental retention. Basic difficulties are experiencing in cases where the intelligent reception is required. Calcularly backward children can not find it possible to choose a picture to a given word, and reproduce the word on it. Unlike children with mental delay, they experience great difficulties in the use of a certain intelligent reception, and in the productivity of its use.

Regardless of the structure and content of the material, up to grade 4 are preferably used by mechanical memorization, while normally developing children during this period (from 2 to grade 4) is intensively developing arbitrarily mediated memorization.

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