Methodical techniques for working with children zpr. Methods of teaching children of primary school age with mental retardation

Methodology for corrective work with delayed children mental development in a comprehensive school.

General characteristics of the system of correctional and developmental education.

Correctional and developmental training in educational institutions is pedagogical system, which ensures the individualization of the teaching of children with learning difficulties and implements the principles of an integrated approach to the goals, objectives and content of education, the unity of diagnosis and correction of developmental deficiencies, developmental learning (the development of general learning abilities based on a student-centered approach).

According to the regulations on classes of correctional and developmental education, they mainly accept children who have conclusions of the PMPK(IPC) on mental retardation (PDD) of various origins.

Children with CRD are traditionally defined as a polymorphic group characterized by delayed and uneven maturation of higher mental functions, insufficient cognitive activity, a decrease in the level of working capacity, and underdevelopment of the emotional and personal sphere. The reasons for such conditions are varied: organic insufficiency of the central nervous system, constitutional features, unfavorable social factors, chronic somatic diseases.

When a mental retardation is established in children, syndromes of a temporary lag in the development of the psyche as a whole or of its individual functions (motor, sensory, speech, emotional-volitional), a slow pace of realization of the properties of the organism encoded in the genotype are revealed. As a consequence of temporarily and mildly acting factors, the delay in the rate of development can be temporary.

Deviations in the development of the emotional sphere in children with CRD are manifested in such phenomena of mental instability as emotional lability, easy satiety, superficial feelings, increased immediacy (typical of children at an earlier age), the predominance of play motives over others, frequent mood changes, dominance of one of the backgrounds mood. Either impulsivity, affective excitability, or increased sensitivity to remarks, a tendency to shyness are noted. Problems in the behavior of children with mental retardation, arising from the uniqueness of the development of their emotional sphere, appear most often in a learning situation during the period of adaptation to school.

The tasks of correctional and developmental education

  1. Development to the required level of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning: mobility of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination, etc.
  2. Enriching the horizons of children, the formation of distinct, versatile ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, allowing them to consciously perceive the educational material.
  3. Formation of social and moral behavior of children, ensuring their successful adaptation in school conditions (awareness of the social role of the student, responsible fulfillment of duties dictated by this role - compliance with the rules of behavior in the lesson, communication rules, etc.).
  4. Formation of educational motivation: consistent replacement of the relationship "adult-child", characteristic at the initial stage for children with learning difficulties, relationship "teacher-student", which are the basis for the formation of cognitive processes.
  5. The development of the personal components of cognitive activity, overcoming the intellectual passivity characteristic of children with learning difficulties.
  6. Formation of general functioning skills and abilities: orientation in the task, planning of upcoming activities, its implementation in accordance with the visual image or verbal instructions of the teacher, self-control and self-esteem.
  7. Formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, practical grouping, logical classification, inferences, etc.).
  8. Increasing the intellectual level of development of students and correcting individual deviations (disorders) in development based on taking into account the pace of activity, readiness to master new educational material, etc.
  9. Protection and strengthening of the somatic and neuropsychiatric health of the child: prevention of neuropsychiatric overload, emotional breakdowns, creating a climate of psychological comfort, ensuring success learning activities in frontal and individual work of students; physical hardening, restorative and therapeutic and prophylactic therapy.
  10. Creation of a favorable social environment that ensures the age-appropriate general development of the child, stimulation of his cognitive activity, communicative functions of speech, active influence on the formation of general intellectual and general activity skills.
  11. Versatile systemic control of specialists (doctors, psychologists, defectologists) over the development of the child.

The solution of these problems is possible only with the use of specially developed educational and methodological equipment, which ensures the successful mastering of program material by children with mental retardation that meets the requirements educational standard to the knowledge and skills of students.

Methodological principles for constructing content

teaching material

  • Strengthening the practical orientation of the studied material;
  • Allocation of essential features of the studied phenomena;
  • Reliance on the child's life experience;
  • Reliance on objective internal connections in the content of the studied material, both within the framework of one subject, and between subjects;
  • Compliance with the principle of necessity and sufficiency in determining the volume of the studied material;
  • Introduction of correctional sections into the content of curricula, providing for the activation of cognitive activity, consolidation of previously acquired knowledge and skills, the formation of school-significant functions necessary for solving educational problems.

Organization and content of the work of a teacher-defectologist in the KRO system.

Correctional and developmental work of a teacher-defectologist is built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students in accordance with the structure and nature of violations, their impact on educational activities and the general development of the child. The main form of its organization is individual and group correctional and developmental classes, which can have correctional and developmental and subject orientation. In the theory and practice of teaching children with mental retardation, mental development is considered as the most significant area of ​​correctional work.

An important means of mental development is the formation of methods of mental activity in students and, in particular, methods of thinking. It is known that children with mental retardation have characteristic features of mental activity that complicate the assimilation of educational material during work in the classroom. They are characterized by superficiality of thinking, its focus on random, single signs, inertia, inactivity of thought processes, a tendency to copy, imitation.

A feature of the work of a defectologist is the use of special methods that provide for the special educational needs of children with mental retardation. It is also important to provide for the transfer of the skills and abilities formed in the classroom in the child's activities in the lesson, the connection of the specialist's correction programs with teaching material and the requirements of the school curriculum.

The formation of techniques in the classroom of a defectologist should ensure a gradual transition of students' mental activity to a productive level, provide for "step by step" when presenting material, dosed help, take into account the individual capabilities of the child: the ability to work independently, perform the task in a verbal-logical plan or using visual supports, perceive help of a teacher.

Practical exercises for the formation of mental activity in children with mental retardation.

Actions with numbers and quantities.

Purpose: Formation of skills of oral counting, development logical thinking, the formation of the mobility of thought processes.

Exercise options for learning the numbering of the first ten numbers.

1. I will name a series of numbers. One number in this row is missing. Guess which one:

  • 1,2,4,5,6
  • 7,6,4,3,2
  • 3,4,5,7

2. I will name a series of numbers. The two numbers are swapped. What are these numbers?

  • 2,3,4,6,5,7
  • 1,3,2,4,5,6
  • 1,2,3,5,4,6

3. Several numbers are written on the board.

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6

Read the third number from the left; read the second number from the right; read all these numbers from right to left, read all these numbers from left to right.

4. What is the number following when counting the number three, after the number five, after the number one. What is the number that precedes the number six, the number two, the number four, the number one?

5. I will name the number. Name the previous one. (These exercises are preparatory to learning addition and subtraction.)

6. Which number is 1 greater than 5? 1 less than 7? Less than six per unit?

7. What is the result if five is increased by one? If six are reduced by 1?

8. What numbers need to be added to make the number 5? 4?

Entertaining tasks.

  1. The room has four corners. Natasha put a doll in every corner. Three more dolls sit opposite each doll. How many dolls are there?
  2. There were three birds perched on a tree. Two more birds flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one bird. How many birds are left to sit on the tree?
  3. How long is the fence? The guys were building houses with the help of a constructor. Ira built a fence near her house. She placed 8 1 cm wide strips at a distance of 1 cm from each other. How long is Irina's fence?
  4. Three were playing checkers. Three games were played in total. How many games did each one play?

Dictation of the figure.

Purpose: To develop auditory perception, the required pace of activity, develop small muscles of the fingers, improve graphic skills, develop independence, self-control.

Geometric assignments.

Purpose: To develop logical thinking, to develop the ability to highlight geometric shapes from a complex drawing. To develop various aspects of mental activity - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.

Sample assignment:

Organization of the assignment:

  1. The teacher prepares a drawing at the blackboard.
  2. The work is carried out frontally.

Instructions: What is the name of this figure? (Star). Please count how many triangles there are in it and write it down in a notebook. How many quadrangles? Write it down in a notebook. How many pentagons are there? Write it down.

Instruction: Look carefully at the drawing. Make such a drawing in your notebook. What shapes do you see in the drawing? Write down how many triangles did you see in this drawing?

The main conditions for the successful implementation of the correctional psychological and pedagogical process.

1. To determine the level of a child's intellectual capabilities, the "zone of his proximal development" is taken into account not only in the intellectual aspect, but also in the emotional one:

  • creating a favorable emotional situation, providing for a democratic style of communication, organizing joint activities of a child and an adult, planning interaction with peers (work on an assignment in subgroups);
  • activation of cognitive interest as a means of forming the motivational component of activity based on the use of game techniques, elements of competition, the effect of novelty, etc. at all stages of the child's activity;
  • formation of an "adequate response to failure."

2. The formation of generalized techniques that are used on different educational material and do not depend on its specific content, thereby having a significant impact on the mental development of students.

3. Formation of a technique on a visual basis, in some cases with the use of practical, "external" actions, in others - by operating with visual images, i.e. there is a transition from "external" actions to mental ones.

4. Formation of techniques in a certain logical sequence through a gradual transition from reproductive mental activity to productive independent.

5. Speech articulation of actions at each stage of the formation of a method of mental activity. The weakness of speech regulation of activity, noted in children with CRD, necessitates the inclusion of verbal pronunciation of actions in all stages of the formation of a technique in order to increase the awareness of the assimilated material.

6. Taking into account the individual characteristics of students in mastering techniques. The same task can be performed by students at different levels of independence, using different types of assistance.


The entire system of correctional and developmental education allows solving the problems of timely assistance to children with learning difficulties and adaptation to school. And we see that this form of differentiation is possible with the usual, traditional organization of the educational process, but it is most effective when creating special KRO classes aimed at developing the general abilities of students for learning and correcting individual developmental deficiencies with the obligatory involvement of narrow specialists.


  1. Journals: Education and training of children with developmental disabilities. Correctional pedagogy.
  2. Maths. Correctional and developmental classes with students preparatory group and 1-2 classes primary school... A.A. Shabanova
  3. Children with mental retardation. Correctional and developmental classes in the secondary school S.G. Shevchenko. School Press Publishing House
  4. Acquaintance with the outside world and the development of speech of preschoolers with DPD. S.G. Shevchenko. School Press Publishing House
  5. Didactic games and fun exercises in grade 1. F.N. Bleher Moscow-1964
  6. Formation of thinking in children with developmental disabilities. E. A. Strebeleva Moscow 2005
  7. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in children before school age... L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko Moscow 1989

] .2 History

Mother's age during pregnancy _________________

What is the pregnancy ______ childbirth ______________ outcome of previous birth _____________________________

How was the pregnancy (normal, toxicosis 1/11 of half of pregnancy, increased blood pressure, chronic intrauterine hypoxia, infectious diseases/ influenza, rubella, repeated ARVI, etc. /), Rh-conflict, lod's injuries) ______________________________________

1.5 Presence of physical defects ___________________________

1.6 Head injuries __ ____________________________________

1.7 convulsions(age of appearance, frequency, reasons) ___________________________________________________

1.8 Enuresis__________________________________________________

1.9 Is it registered with a doctor(from what specialist, from what age, with what diagnosis)

1.10 Health group ____________________________

2. Data of psychological and pedagogical examination

Dates of the




1. The level of development of basic cognitive processes

I. Perception


1. Color

A) give the same

B) give red / blue, green, yellow / (item name)

C) name the color

2. Form

A) give the same

B) give round / oval, triangular / (...)

C) name the shape

3. What is drawn?

(pictures with a "noisy" background: tree, pyramid, cat, dog, squirrel, hare)

4. Get to know the subject by its part

(table, car, hammer, rooster, etc.)

Tact silt (stereognosis)

1. Recognize the object by touch (ball, pyramid, car, doll, etc.)

2. Determination of the texture of objects

3. Recognition of volumetric shapes (ball, cube) and plane figures

Auditory perception

1. Orientation in household noises

2. Determining the direction of the audio signal

3. Correlation of noise (sounds) with a certain situation

4. Reproduction of the rhythm (knocking on the task:,,

II. Attention

1. Variant of the proofreading test: "Cross out all the Christmas trees" (S. Liepin's method)

2. Assignment: "What is the difference between the pictures?"

III. Thinking

1. Analysis of the picture with absurdities

2. Sample "4th extra"

3. The task "Continue the row"

4. Classification: a) into two groups; b) into four groups

5. Comparison: (how they are similar, what are dissimilar): a cow and a goat, a squirrel and a hare, a crow and a sparrow, a table and a chair, etc.

A) verbally and logically;

B) based on the picture

IV. Memory

1. Remember (3-5 items):

A) subject pictures;

B) geometric shapes;

B) natural objects

2. Repeat what I say

3. Memorizing 10 words (children 6-7 years old) [Methodology of A. R. Luria]

V. Imagination

1 . "What does it look like?"

(L.A. Wenger's method)

2. Assemble a picture from parts (a variant of the method of SD Zabram-noy)

2. Acquaintance with others

1 . Plant knowledge

2. Knowledge about pets

(including birds)

3.knowledge about a person

(body parts, etc.)


3. Formation of mathematical presented and

1. Quantitative account

A) up to "5" / for children 4-5 years old /;

B) up to "10" / for children 5-6 years old /

2. Comparison of two groups of objects when counting

3. Comparison of 5 items by size

4. Knowledge of geometric shapes

5. Ability to determine the direction (from yourself)

6. Elementary counting operations (addition, subtraction)

4. Data of speech therapy examination

Psychological and pedagogical conclusion;

Vi. 3. 2 The content of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child with mental retardation

In chapter " General information", In addition to the formal data about the child (date of birth, date of admission to preschool / school, etc.), it should be indicated whether he previously attended a preschool institution, where he entered, which class, what age group (for children with mental retardation ) is accepted. It is necessary to briefly describe the child's family and note whether there are circumstances that traumatize him psychologically.

In the section "State of educational knowledge and skills", it is necessary to indicate which academic subject (or subjects) makes it difficult for the child, what he has not learned, what kind of assistance was provided to him by the teacher (including in individual correction classes), and its effectiveness. Here you should describe individual characteristics assimilation of knowledge: the pace of mental activity, the peculiarities of memorization (speed, meaningfulness), efficiency, degree of independence, reaction to help from the teacher, etc.

When describing general development (Section III), the level of knowledge and ideas of the child about the environment is characterized: about his family, the immediate environment, simple natural phenomena. It is indicated what the degree of accuracy and completeness of knowledge is, how adequate this knowledge and ideas are (it is advisable to give relevant examples); how developed the child's cognitive activity is.

When characterizing speech development it is required to give a short description-assessment of the available vocabulary (volume, correctness of the use of words according to their meaning); show the possibilities of using grammatical forms of words; indicate whether agrammatism is noted, difficulties in the language design of statements, whether speech depletion is noted (lexical and grammatical categories and word forms), etc.

It is necessary to note the features of the independent speech of another child, the ability to retell a read or heard text, to compose a story-description of an object, a story based on a plot picture (a series of pictures).

Describing the features of mental activity, one should indicate the presence of the ability to generalize, comprehend matter, the ability to understand logical connections and relationships (in the surrounding reality), the ability to highlight the essential features of objects, the ability to switch from one type of mental activity to another. It is necessary to show the possibilities for the child to use the teacher's help in solving mental problems.

Characterizing the features of educational activity, it is necessary to reflect the following points: how quickly the child gets involved in work, how steadily he performs it, how he switches, what is the pace of his work, performance indicators “is the child impulsive when performing tasks; is assiduous or not; does he master self-control techniques; can whether working independently or needing constant help from an adult; whether it has sustained attention or is easily distracted.

When describing a child's behavior, it is necessary to indicate how disciplined he is in class, outside of class (on a walk, while eating, etc. "; note whether he has motor disinhibition or retardation; what skills of cultural behavior he possesses, how they are formed.

In the section "Characteristics of personality" the following issues are highlighted: personal aspiration - interests (educational and extracurricular); abilities related to educational activities; attitude to public commissions; to comrades and adults (to parents, teachers, educators); what the child does in his free time; whether he is touchy, does he often turn to adults with complaints; what is the prevailing background of his mood; overestimates or underestimates their capabilities; how to deal with academic failure, praise and censure.

The last section of the characteristics is a short conclusion. Here it should be noted the essential character traits and personality traits, including those that are assessed by the teacher positively; indicate what features of child 3 prevent him from successfully mastering knowledge and skills of practical activity, the alleged reasons for this; what is the child's readiness to learn the program of a mass educational or special school, correctional kindergarten); outline the main directions of further pedagogical work. Parameters of formation of voluntary activity of educational type. *

Motivational component of the activity:

The child's interest in the task;

Peculiarities emotional relationship to the process and the result of the activity;

Emotional attitude towards the likely continuation of the activity.

  • regulatory component:
- the degree of completeness of the acceptance of the educational task;

The degree of its preservation until the end of the activity;

The quality of self-control in the course of the assignment;

The level of self-control in assessing the result of activity is whether the child is able to critically assess the results of his work and substantiate this assessment.

Indicative operational component:

Features of the child's planning of upcoming activities;

Features of the verbalization of the task being performed (indicate the child's awareness of the common goal, means and methods of completing the task);

The level of performance and awareness of the actions performed.

Vi. 3.3. Special educational institutions of the VII type

For children with severe mental retardation in the special education system, special boarding schools(schools of the 7th type) and special classes("Equalization classes", classes of compensatory education) at mass general education schools. These forms of organization of training solve common problems, have the same structure and content of training, operate on the basis of a single document.

The tasks of the school (correctional classes) of this type are correctional education and upbringing of students and qualification education in the amount of (at least) incomplete secondary general education school. Period primary education increased by one year. The curriculum includes special lessons on familiarization with the world around and the development of speech, which are of great correction value, as well as individual correction classes. General and combined kindergartens create correctional groups for children with mental retardation; there are also special kindergartens for this category of children.

Normative documents regulating the work of special (correctional) institutions and the main directions of correctional pedagogical work with children with mental retardation in a special school are presented in Appendix No. 1 (p. 289-290).

Vi. 4 The main directions of correctional and pedagogical work with children with mental retardation in educational institutions of the general type. Corrective developmental education concept

As the results of a comprehensive medical and psychological-pedagogical study of children, carried out at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy (Research Institute of Defectology) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, show, children with severe mental retardation (PD) are unable to successfully acquire knowledge in a mass school environment. When working with low-performing students in a mainstream school, teachers usually take a one-to-one approach. They try to identify gaps in the child's educational knowledge and fill them in one way or another: they repeat the explanation of the material and give additional exercises, relatively more often use visual didactic aids and various cards, organize the attention of such children in different ways, actively involve them in the collective work of the class, etc. ...

Such measures at certain stages of training, as a rule, give positive results. However, in children with mental retardation, the insignificant learning gains achieved in this way are in most cases only temporary; in the future, children inevitably accumulate more and more knowledge gaps.

The ego makes it necessary, when teaching children with mental retardation, to apply specific corrections, but pedagogical influences, combined with therapeutic and recreational measures. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out an individual approach to children, taking into account the difficulties characteristic of each child. The educational material should be presented to children in dosage, in small cognitive "blocks"; its complication should be carried out gradually. It is necessary to specially teach children to use previously acquired knowledge.

It is known that children with mental retardation get tired quickly. In this regard, it is advisable to switch students from one type of activity to another. In addition, different types of activities should be used. It is very important that the types of work offered are carried out by children with interest and emotional uplift. This is facilitated by the use of colorful visual-didactic material and game moments in the classroom. The teacher is encouraged to speak to the child in a gentle, benevolent tone and to reward him for the slightest success. This should be the general pedagogical approach to children with mental retardation - students of the general education class, since the temporary nature of this state makes it possible to predict the leveling off of the pace of development of this category of students in 1-2 years and their successful education.

However, one such general pedagogical approach is not enough. Special correctional work is also needed, which is expressed in the systematic filling of gaps in the elementary knowledge and practical experience of children, as well as in the formation of their readiness to master the basics. scientific knowledge in the process of studying certain academic subjects. The corresponding work is included in the content of the initial teaching of specific subjects in the form of the development by children of the preparatory sections for various topics.

During the assimilation of the content of these preparatory sections, Children with mental retardation master the knowledge and skills that are formed in their normally developing peers in the process of acquiring life experience, for example, in the lessons of their native language before starting to study the adjective, a child with mental retardation must learn to highlight and correctly name the signs of objects; in connection with the latter, he needs to replenish his vocabulary with words that denote signs of objects; during such additional preparatory sessions children should learn to use the different grammatical forms of these words.

Preparatory work cannot be limited to some small period of time at the beginning of a child's school life; it will be necessary for several years of study, since the study of each new section of the curriculum should be based on practical knowledge and experience, which, as research has shown, children with CRD usually lack.

Those educational practical actions with subjects that are provided for in teaching methods in a general education school, in most cases, are insufficient for children with mental retardation, since they cannot fill the gaps in their practical knowledge. In this regard, the formation, expansion and refinement of elementary knowledge is organically included in the program for each of the subjects studied in an educational institution. Such a clarifying and clarifying "detailing" of the educational material and preliminary preparation for its assimilation should be carried out primarily in relation to the most difficult topics for assimilation.

The methods of work used are directly dependent on the specific content of the classes. The constant task of the teacher is the selection of such methods that ensure the development in children of observation, attention and interest in the objects and phenomena studied, etc. But even such preparatory work for the study of cognitive material and the formation of subject-practical actions in individual academic subjects is often not enough ... Special corrective work is needed to enrich children with a variety of knowledge about the world around them, develop their skills of "analyzing observation", form intellectual operations of comparison, comparison, analysis and generalization, and accumulate experience of practical generalizations. All this creates the necessary prerequisites for the formation in children of the ability to independently acquire knowledge and use it.

Correctional pedagogical work, carried out with the aim of forming knowledge and ideas about the environment, serves as one of the means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students and increasing the level of their general development.

In addition, it is important for the development of coherent speech in students with mental retardation. Such work helps, first of all, to clarify the content (semantic) side of speech in connection with the improvement and expansion of ideas and concepts and the assimilation by children of the lexical and grammatical linguistic means of their verbal designation. During oral statements about understandable, easily perceived life phenomena, children master various forms and components of speech ( correct pronunciation, lexicon of the native language, grammatical structure, etc.).

Teachers should take into account that the speech of children with mental retardation is not sufficiently developed. This is primarily due to the pronounced in one degree or another the underdevelopment of speech, noted in the majority of children with mental retardation. Children do not understand many words and expressions (or interpret them incorrectly), which naturally makes it difficult to assimilate the educational material. Program requirements assume that students' answers in the classroom must be correct not only in substance, but also in form. This, in turn, assumes that students should use words in their precise meanings, construct sentences grammatically correctly, pronounce sounds, words and phrases clearly, and express themselves logically and expressively. It is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to speak on a daily basis about the work performed, observations made, books read, etc., as well as answer the teacher's questions about the educational material in compliance with all the basic requirements for verbal communication.

Integral part remedial classes with children with mental retardation is the formation and "normalization" of their independent activity (substantive, practical and intellectual) in the process of correctional pedagogical work. It is carried out in all lessons and outside the classroom. In some cases, it becomes necessary to conduct special training sessions.

During educational and correctional work with children with mental retardation, you need to adhere to the following methodological guidelines:

It is necessary to carry out an individual approach to each child in the lessons of the general education cycle and during correctional classes;

It is necessary to prevent the onset of fatigue using a variety of means (alternation of mental and practical activities, presentation of educational material in small "doses", the use of interesting and colorful didactic material, etc.);

In the learning process, one should use, first of all, those methods with the help of which one can maximally activate the cognitive activity of children, develop their speech and form the necessary educational skills in them;

In the system of correctional measures, it is necessary to provide for the conduct of classes that ensure the preparation of children for mastering

Various sections of the program, as well as enrichment of knowledge about the world around;

In the classroom and after school hours, it is necessary to pay attention to the correction of the spontaneous (educational and extracurricular) activities of children;

When working with children of this category, the teacher must show a special pedagogical tact. It is very important to constantly notice and encourage the slightest successes of children, timely and delicately help each child, and instill in children confidence in their own strengths and capabilities.

An essential circumstance that ensures the effectiveness of correctional work is that children with mental retardation in a completely different way than children with intellectual disabilities accept help and use it in their activities; they in most cases show an interest in getting help in cases when they cannot cope with the task on their own.

The traditional pedagogical system, being part of the culture of society, in the 90s began to develop in the paradigm of humanitarian education. Educational practice, having adopted a personality-oriented approach to students as a priority in the school's activities, began to search for new approaches to organizing the educational process in the interests of students.

One of these approaches - differentiated education of children with different educational opportunities and needs - contributed to the division of students into three streams. The general education school now has classes with in-depth study of a number of subjects, gymnasium and lyceum classes for the most capable students, “traditional” classes for ordinary students and classes of compensatory education for children with learning difficulties, the so-called. "Children at risk".

Education in sparing conditions according to traditional programs and textbooks, of course, created generally more favorable conditions for low-performing children, however, the achievement of success by students in the development of general abilities for learning, in correcting deficiencies in educational and cognitive activity and speech, in the normalization of emotional-volitional and personal sphere is possible only if the principles of an integrated approach to diagnosis and correction are implemented in teaching, as well as the principles of developmental learning and individualization of the educational process (L.S.Vygotsky, L.V. Zamkov, Yu.K. Babansky, S.G. Shevchenko and etc.).

A new approach to organizing the education of children with learning difficulties is reflected in the Concept of Correctional and Developmental Education in the Conditions of General Education Institutions, developed at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education and introduced in most regions and oblasts of our country.

Correctional and developmental education in the conditions of general educational institutions is a pedagogical system that implements the principles of the unity of diagnosis and correction of developmental deficiencies, the development of general abilities for learning on the basis of a person-centered approach, which ensures the individualization of teaching children with developmental problems.

The system of correctional and developmental training is based on the principles of an integrated approach to the diagnosis and correction of developmental deviations, developmental training, an activity approach and individualization of training.

Distinctive features of the system of correctional and developmental education of children with mental retardation are:

The presence of a diagnostic and advisory service, working on the basis of interdisciplinary interaction. This service is represented by three levels:

Interdepartmental permanent PMPK (commissions);

District ("cluster") PMPK on the basis of educational institutions of general and correctional types;

Psychological, medical and pedagogical councils of educational institutions (preschool and school).

  • Variability of education: provision of variable curricula, educational and correctional programs, including multilevel in content and terms of study.
Active integration of students into general education gradation classes from correctional and developmental preschool groups or classes after one or two years of study, as well as at the end of the initial stage of education.

Prolongation of correctional and developmental education at the C stage (grades 5-9). If necessary, the very beginning of correctional and developmental work can fall on the 5th grade.

“Maximum social and labor adaptation of students in classes of correctional and developmental education in adolescence to modern social conditions (including in the labor market).

Much attention is paid to the prevention of school difficulties. In preschool institutions or at school, correctional groups for children with mental retardation can be created in order to prepare them for school.

The implementation of the system of correctional and developmental education presupposes the continuity of the rehabilitation process: ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education at the initial (I) stage of education and maintaining, if necessary, such classes at the main (II) stage of education, as well as the opening of such classes no later than the 5th grade ( 6th grade - in exceptional cases). It should be emphasized that this education system allows children and adolescents with mental retardation to freely move to regular classes while achieving positive results in development and educational and cognitive activities.

An important point in the organization of the system of correctional and developmental education is psychological and special pedagogical support for counseling students, in particular counseling, as well as dynamic monitoring of the progress of each child by specialists of the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council. Discussion of the results of such observations is carried out systematically (at least once a quarter at small teachers' councils or councils).

The PMPk (council), as a rule, includes a speech therapist, a teacher-defectologist (oligophrenopedagogue), a practical psychologist, a doctor, a teacher-methodologist - a teacher (or educator) of primary classes. The main functions of the PMPK are: - study of the psychophysical state of the child (medical examination);

Revealing the level of development of the leading type of activity, features of the development of the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere (psychological study);

The study social situation development of the child, the stock of knowledge and ideas that have developed in the preschool period of life and at the initial stage of education (socio-psychological and pedagogical study).

The result of the study of the child by the experts of the council are

Determination of the goals and objectives of correctional work with the child,

Ways and terms of their achievement;

Development of a psychological and pedagogical approach adequate to the child's condition on the part of adults (teachers, parents);

Identifying your child's strengths to build on in corrective work;

Analysis of the course of cognitive and psychophysical development and the results of pedagogical work.

The correctional and developmental educational process with children with mental retardation is built in accordance with the following basic provisions:

The stay of a child with learning difficulties in a comfortable psychological climate when teaching in classes with optimal occupancy from 9 to 12 students, which allows the teacher to successfully implement the principle of individualization of learning (effectively combining verbal, visual and practical methods learning) when explaining and consolidating new material, at all stages of the lesson;

Correctional orientation of all academic subjects, including, along with general educational tasks, the tasks of enhancing cognitive activity, the formation of general intellectual abilities and skills, the normalization of educational activities, the development of oral and written speech, the formation of educational motivation, self-control skills and self-esteem;

Complex impact on the child in order to overcome negative developmental tendencies, carried out in individual and group correctional classes with close interaction of the Teacher, psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist, social teacher;

~ work of the KRO class in the extended-day group mode, which provides a full-fledged preparation of homework.

An important point is the creation of a climate of "psychological comfort" for children with mental retardation in an educational institution. Define. in this case, the following are:

Accounting individually psychological characteristics children in the organization of the educational process;

Choosing a curriculum and program option that ensure the availability of educational material at the initial stage of education;

Individual packages of educational and methodological equipment of training sessions, providing sustainable motivation for achieving success among students;

Formation of self-assessment and self-control skills both at the initial and at the main stages of education.

In the KRO system, the development of general abilities for educational (cognitive) activities is the main goal of correctional
developmental work with students. On initial stages the content and teaching methods are "adjusted" to the individual type
logical characteristics of children with learning difficulties. When the success of teaching in KRO classes helps students get rid of the prevailing negative ideas about their own inferiority, inability to learn, the content of training becomes more complicated, and the pace of passing the educational material
Focus on awakening cognitive activity and the realization of the potential of children is reflected in the structuring of the content of primary education in the KRO system. This is expressed in the following methodological provisions:

Great importance is attached to the knowledge gained on the basis of

Practical experience ", this knowledge is introduced into the learning process, enriching its content with direct observations of children;

In accordance with the principle of schoolchildren's awareness of the learning process, the child is aware of himself as a person, the content of education includes the formation of the child's ideas about his own personal and social status;

A special role is assigned to general educational and general cognitive methods of activity as the most important components of the cognitive process: the ability to observe, analyze, compare, abstract, generalize, prove, classify. These skills are formed on the basis of the material of all academic disciplines;

Educational activity should be rich in content, require a certain intellectual tension from students. At that time, study assignments must be available to everyone.

For a child, both in terms of the pace of their implementation and the nature of the activity, it is important that schoolchildren believe in their capabilities, experience a sense of success. It is academic success that should become the strongest motive for causing the desire to learn, to complete tasks contained in textbooks, didactic handouts, etc .;

The most important condition for effective and accessible content educational process consists in the fact that in each topic the main, basic material is highlighted, which is subject to repeated consolidation, while the educational tasks themselves should be differentiated depending on the corrective tasks to be solved;

A special role is given to the enrichment and systematization of the vocabulary and the development of spontaneous speech by means of all academic disciplines.

Frontal correctional and developmental training, carried out by teachers in all lessons, allows you to ensure the level of assimilation of scientific material, knowledge and skills that meets the requirements of the educational standard.

It is important to consider the following methodological principles constructing the content of educational material, aimed at ensuring the systemic assimilation of the basics of knowledge by students with DPD:

Strengthening the role of the practical orientation of the studied material;

Highlighting the most important features of the studied phenomena; ~ reliance on the child's life experience;

Reliance on objective internal connections in the content of the studied material, both within the framework of one subject, and between subjects;

Compliance with the principle of necessity and sufficiency in determining the volume of the studied material;

Introduction of correctional sections into the content of curricula, providing for the activation of cognitive activity, previously acquired knowledge and skills, the formation of intellectual functions that are significant for learning, which are necessary in solving educational problems.

An essential feature of the correctional and developmental pedagogical process is individual-group correctional work aimed at correcting individual developmental deficiencies of students. Such activities also have general developmental goals:

Increasing the level of sensory and intellectual development

Development of memory and attention, correction of visual-motor and optical-spatial disorders, general and fine motor skills.

In addition, classes can be of a subject orientation: preparation for the perception of difficult topics of the curriculum, filling in the gaps of previous training, etc.

The therapeutic and prophylactic direction ensures the protection of the health of students on the basis of the strictest observance of the volume of the child's primary workload;

Strengthening health through a normalized load in accordance with the health group in physical education lessons;

The study of the dynamics of the state of health on the basis of taking into account the working capacity and morbidity of students. Social and labor direction includes:

Systematic work with parents, preventing emotional breakdowns, psychological overload, providing a protective regime, including a special regime for doing homework;

Work on career guidance and initial vocational training.

According to the Regulations on the classes of compensatory and corrective-developmental education (see Appendix, pp. 294-307), they accept children who have a PMPK (MPK) conclusion on mental retardation of various origins.

The organization of a comprehensive dynamic monitoring of the child's progress makes it possible to practically implement the most important provision of the Concept - the integration of students in KRO classes into traditional forms of education, into classes working according to basic educational programs. The transfer of children from KRO classes to ordinary classes (approved by the pedagogical council.) Is possible only with positive dynamics in the development and sufficient general educational preparation of the student, which are determined and evaluated by specialists school PMPk(council). In the practice of the general education mass school, two opposite positions can be observed in resolving this issue. Some regional education departments, wishing to get the positive results of the implementation of the KRO system as soon as possible, demand that after the 4th grade all children switch to traditional forms of education, not taking into account the fact that the potential opportunities for all children are different. It is clear that if you go on a formal basis and transfer children with severe mental retardation to the 5th grade comprehensive school, then the effectiveness of teaching can significantly decrease, and a child with learning difficulties will move from a favorable, comfortable pedagogical situation to social and pedagogical conditions inadequate to his cognitive capabilities.

In those cases when a child has a complicated form of cerebral-organic cerebral developmental disorder, he needs the correctional help of specialists up to the 9th grade, and in some cases - when receiving secondary vocational education.

At the same time, if children have an uncomplicated (primarily somatogenic) form of CRA, especially if it is caused by unfavorable conditions of upbringing, the prognosis for overcoming mental retardation is very favorable. After 1-2 years, children who studied according to the III variant of the curriculum, and in 50-60% of cases, children who studied according to the I variant of the curriculum (grades 2-4), are transferred to ordinary (mass) classes and, as pedagogical practice shows, they successfully study there. In other cases, the Department of Education is allowed to transfer students in grades 2-4 of the KRO to traditional classes only on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK. If the recruitment of classes was carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the classes of correctional and developmental education and the council conducts dynamic monitoring of the progress of students, there is no need to conduct a successfully learning child through the PMPC procedure.

Below are the main organizational measures in relation to children with mental retardation entering mass educational institutions.

Vi. 4.1 Basic organizational measures in relation to children with developmental delays (MDD of mild and moderate severity) in institutions general education

* Elucidation of the characteristics of the psychophysical development of a child with mental retardation before entering school (preschool educational institutions of the general type). Identification and analysis of the conditions in which the development and upbringing of the Child took place.

Methods used: collection and study of anamnestic data (based on familiarization with medical and pedagogical documentation); conversations with parents and teachers who worked with the child at the previous stage of education. Acquaintance with the data of neuropsychiatric examination

(conversation with a neuropsychiatrist). If necessary, referral of the child for repeated neuropsychiatric examination.

Preliminary (before the beginning of the school year) acquaintance of the pedagogue with the child in order to identify some personality and psychological characteristics, behavioral reactions, obtain data on the level cognitive development, the level of mastery separate types practical activities.

  • The final decision on the possibility of teaching and raising a child in this educational institution; if necessary, repeated referral of the child to the PMPK.
Deciding on the choice of the most adequate form of education for a child: in a preschool educational institution - a regular or special group for children with mental retardation; at school - individual (at home) or school education, teaching in a regular class or a class of correctional and developmental education.

Referral of a child with ZP.R for an in-depth psychological and pedagogical examination. The examination is carried out by the psychologist of the given educational institution or a psychologist from the "Psychological Service" of educational authorities (consultation and diagnostic center).

Programming individual work with a child with developmental delay. ( Individual program remedial education and education is compiled jointly by a child psychologist, teacher [educator, class teacher], defectologist, social educator and a teacher-methodologist.)

Ensuring constant medical control over the state of health of the child and his psychophysical development; periodic neuropsychiatric examination of the child.

Maintaining close contact in the work of a teacher and a psychologist. The teacher and the psychologist jointly develop a program of individual work with the child; constantly exchange information about the child's success in educational and special "corrective" classes (psychological correction); the psychologist gives the teacher recommendations on the implementation of an individual approach to the child, taking into account his personal and psychological characteristics, recommendations on the organization and content of psycho-logical work aimed at the development of basic mental processes and functions (attention, perception, memory, mental operations) in the course of training sessions, in the course of daily versatile communication between the teacher and the child (during game and subject-practical lessons, regime moments, etc.).

Working with the child's parents. Systematic conduct of conversations between a teacher and parents in order to exchange information; recommendations to parents on the organization and content of developmental activities with the child at home, helping the child with homework, etc. Regular conversations and consultations on the following issues:

Organization of the correct daily routine;

Ensuring the full-fledged cognitive development of the child, eliminating gaps in cognitive development;

Classes at home to develop the child's skills in subject-specific and practical activities:

Achievement of the child's lasting assimilation of educational material (knowledge, abilities and skills in accordance with the training program in an educational institution);

Ensuring the full physical development of the child, formation; developing necessary motor skills and

Discussion (at the pedagogical council, meeting of the methodological association) of the issues of a differentiated and individual approach to children in the conditions of this educational


At the end of the school year (at the end of a certain period

Training) provides for a re-examination of the issue of the ways and organization of further education and upbringing of the child, if necessary - re-referral of the child to

Vi. 4.2 An approximate program of complex correctional work with a child with mental retardation

Corrective work with children with mental retardation.

In Russian psychology, the goals of correctional work are determined by understanding the laws of the child's mental development as an active activity process, implemented in cooperation with an adult in the form of assimilating social and historical experience through interiorization and resulting in a system of psychological neoplasms specific for each age stage (L. S. Vygotsky, 1984; A. N. Leontiev, 1972; D. B. E'konin, 1989). The setting of goals for correctional work is carried out in the context of ideas about the structure and dynamics of age (L. S. Vysotsky, 1983; D. B. Elkonin, 1989; G. V. Burmenskaya, 1990; I. V. Dubrovina, 1991). There are three main areas and areas for setting correctional goals:

optimization of the social situation of development;

development of the child's activities;

the formation of age-related psychological neoplasms.

Optimization of the social situation of development is associated with:

first of all, with the optimization of the child's communication both in the sphere of social relations, that is, the child's relations with the "social adult" as a representative of social institutions - a teacher, educator, etc., and in the sphere of interpersonal relations, i.e. relationships with close adults and significant peers. Optimization of communication involves expanding the circle of communication, harmonizing the child's relations with people who are significant to him, enriching the content of communication in accordance with the age-psychological characteristics of the child (M.I. Lisina, 1986).

the second important task of optimizing the social situation of development is to make the necessary adjustments to the educational and educational component - the type of educational institution, the type of family education, the child's participation in different forms extracurricular activities.

the third task is related to the correction of the child's position in relation to the school and the role of the student. Here we are talking about changing the negative defining attitude towards one's interpersonal or social role to an "accepting" attitude due to rethinking the current situation and creating a new, more productive in terms of development tasks, image of "I am in the world" in the child.

The solution of all these tasks, and especially the last one, acquires special significance in extreme life situations - the loss or long absence of people close to the child - as a result of death, a prolonged serious illness, a long business trip, a sharp change in the habitual structure and forms of life (change of place of residence, abrupt the deterioration of the material and economic conditions of the family's life, the expansion of the family with the inclusion of new members), a serious and prolonged illness of the child himself, which necessitates a restructuring of the established way of life.

The development of the child's activities involves making appropriate adjustments both in the motivational component of the activity, ensuring the formation of motives that are significant for the child and adequate to the content of the activity being performed, and in the operational and technical component of the activity. The latter is based on the formation in the child of generalized methods of action in a certain objective activity. The organization of generalized methods of orienting a child in the subject area and providing conditions for the interiorization of external forms of orientational activity constitute a decisive condition for the implementation of the task of forming the main psychological new formations of age (P. Ya. Galperin, 1959).

When specifying the goals of correction, one should be guided by the following rules:

correction goals should be formed in a positive form, not in a negative one. The negative form is a description of behavior, activity, personality traits that should be eliminated, a description of what should not be (R. McFall, 1976). The positive form of presentation of correctional goals, on the contrary, includes a description of those forms of behavior and activity, personality structures and cognitive abilities that should be formed for the child. The definition of the goals of correction should not begin with the word "not", not be forbidden, limiting the possibilities of personal development and the manifestation of the child's initiative. The positive form of determining the goals of correction substantively sets the benchmarks for the "points of growth" of the individual, opens up the field for the productive self-expression of the individual and thereby creates the conditions for setting the goals of self-development by the individual in the long term.

The goals of correction should be realistic, achievable, that is, they should be consistent with the duration of correctional work and the child's ability to transfer a new positive experience of communication and methods of action learned in correctional classes into real practice of life relationships. If the goals are far from reality, then the programs are more evil than their absence, since their danger is that they create the impression that something useful is being done, and therefore replace more significant efforts (A. Clarke , AM Clarke, 1986). When setting the general goals of correction, it is necessary to take into account the long-term and short-term prospects of the child's development and plan as specific indicators of the child's personal and intellectual development by the end correctional program and the possibility of reflecting these indicators in the characteristics of the child's activity and communication at subsequent stages of his development. In addition, it should be remembered that the effects of correctional work manifest themselves over a fairly long time interval: in the process of correctional work, by the time it is completed and, finally, about six months later, one can finally talk about the consolidation or "loss" of the positive effects of the correctional program by the child.

When planning and implementing a correctional program, one must be aware that failure to achieve its goals and the absence of the planned effect can not only preserve the situation of unfavorable development of the child in the form in which it developed at the time of the start of correctional work, but aggravate its severity ... Therefore, it is necessary to control the dynamics of the effects of correctional work, starting from the very first lessons, in order to be able to timely modify the program of correctional work itself, making the required changes to it.

The main stages of correction:

planning goals, tasks, tactics for carrying out correctional work on the basis of a targeted psychological examination of the child and a psychological conclusion about the peculiarities of his development;

development of the program and content of correctional classes, the choice of the form of correctional work (individual or group). Selection of methods and techniques of correctional work, planning forms of parents' participation in the correctional program;

organization of conditions for the implementation of the correction program. Consulting parents. Selection of children in a group. Discussion of the plan of the correctional program with the teacher, the administration of the children's institution;

implementation of the correction program. Conducting correctional classes with children in accordance with the correctional program. Control of the dynamics of the course of correctional work. Conducting parenting groups (in accordance with the correction plan). Informing at the request of teachers and the administration of the child care institution about the intermediate results of correction. Making the necessary adjustments to the work program.

evaluation of the effectiveness of the correction. Evaluation of the results of the correction program in terms of achieving the planned goals. Development, if necessary, of a program for individual case management. Discussion of the results of correctional work with parents, teachers, the administration of the children's institution.

Psychological correction of mental retardation

in preschool children

Without the provision of timely medical and psychological and pedagogical assistance, the developmental delay in a child becomes more pronounced, affects all areas of mental development, and prevents his social adaptation.

The basic educational and upbringing need of a preschooler is the timely qualified identification of delays in the neuropsychic development of the child and their possible complete elimination by all available medical, social and psychological and pedagogical means.

Correctional and developmental work with children with mental retardation is determined in accordance with their educational needs, due to the age, degree and variety of disorders, as well as the socio-cultural conditions of life and upbringing.

Psychological help should be aimed at preventing and correcting existing mental deficiencies, preparing the child for learning and life in society.

The essence of the psychological correction of mental retardation is the formation of the child's mental functions and the enrichment of his practical experience, along with overcoming his speech, motor skills, sensory functions, behavior, etc.

It must be borne in mind that a child with developmental disabilities cannot develop without the help of adults and without specially created psychological pedagogical conditions... You also need to take into account the needs of a preschooler with CRD in communication with peers. These psychological needs can be realized in a group of peers.

At present, in Russia there is a system of types and types of state and municipal educational institutions approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation (dated 02.17.97), among which there is a type of Preschool educational institution (KEI) and various types of preschool educational institutions in which correctional pedagogical education is carried out ... Children with mental retardation attend preschool educational institutions of the compensatory and combined type, where modern methods of correctional work allow timely provision of psychological assistance to a preschool child.

An important place in helping children with mental retardation is now occupied by a permanent psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPK). PMPK specialists conduct a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of problem children, determine the type and forms of their education.

The complexity and polymorphism of mental retardation in children determine the diversity and versatility educational needs children of this category.

EA Strebeleva highlights the specific educational and upbringing needs of children with mental retardation. First of all, it must be borne in mind that such children especially need a situation of success constantly supported by adults. It should relate both to object-oriented practical activity, in which the child could learn and transfer methods and skills to new situations, and to interpersonal interaction. The underdevelopment and specificity of the communicative needs of children with mental retardation require parallel management and individual and collective work. Along with cognitive development, the emotional development of children with mental retardation should go on, which is due to the immaturity of the emotional and moral sphere of the personality of these children.

L.S. Vygotsky, referring to the studies of A. Adler, emphasized that emotion is one of the moments that form character, that “a person's general views on life, the structure of his character, on the one hand, are reflected in a certain circle of emotional life, and on the other hand - determined by these emotional experiences. "

Taking into account such specific needs will contribute to the harmonious socialization of children in society.

One of the main places in corrective work should be given to all forms of manual activity, including drawing, modeling, appliqué, construction, working with mosaics, finger gymnastics, sewing, etc.

Justifying the relationship between the development of finger movements and the intelligence of children, A.L. Sirotyuk suggests using finger gymnastics as a method for correcting the intelligence of children. The purpose of the lessons is to synchronize the work of the cerebral hemispheres, to develop potential abilities, memory, attention, speech, and thinking. In addition, the methodology of A.L.Sirotyuk includes breathing exercises developing the muscles of the tongue. The author also offers a program for the development of the intellect of older preschoolers using the methods of kinesiology.

Children with mental retardation can benefit from exercise games aimed at developing tactile sensitivity.

In work with children with mental retardation, didactic games should be widely used, which contribute to the formation of self-control, the development of sensory standards and skills in educational activities. The book by A. A. Kataeva and E. A. Strebeleva presents didactic games with the help of which a psychologist can solve various correctional problems:

1) the formation of cooperation between a child and an adult and mastering the methods of assimilating social experience;

2) the development of manual motor skills;

3) sensory education;

4) development of thinking;

5) the development of speech.

The value of didactic play lies in the fact that it makes the learning process emotional; with a sufficiently large number of repetitions, it retains the child's interest in the task. This is especially important when working with children with mental retardation.

It must be remembered that a full-fledged corrective effect is achieved when transferring positive shifts from special classes into real daily life child. And this is possible only when the psychologist works in close contact with the parents of the problem child, when the parents know about the positive dynamics and know the ways and methods of consolidating the skills they have developed. Therefore, the main emphasis in the work of the psychologist and parents should be on education.

An important principle of psychological correction of cognitive processes and personality of children is taking into account the form and severity of mental retardation. For example, in children with psychological infantilism in the structure of the cognitive defect, the decisive role belongs to the underdevelopment of the motivational side of educational activity. Therefore, the psychocorrectional process should be aimed at the development of cognitive motives. In children with cerebral-organic genesis, there is a total underdevelopment of the prerequisites of intelligence: visual-spatial perception, memory, attention. In this regard, the correctional process should be aimed at the formation of these mental processes, at the development of skills for self-control and regulation of activity.

The main goal of the psychological correction of children with mental retardation is to optimize their intellectual activity by stimulating their mental processes and the formation of positive motivation for cognitive activity.

For the convenience of analyzing the impairment of cognitive activity, it is advisable to single out three main blocks of the psychocorrectional process: motivational, regulatory and control block.

Table 1. Directions and objectives of psychological correction of children with mental retardation



The inability of the child to highlight, realize and accept the goals of the action

Formation of cognitive motives: create problem learning situations; stimulate the child's activity in the classroom. Pay attention to the type of family education. Receptions:

Creation of game situations; didactic and educational games.

Psychophysiological infantilism

Psychogenic forms of CRA



Inability to plan your activities in time and content

Teach the child to plan their activities in time. Pre-arrange orientation in assignments. Pre-analyze the methods of activity used with the child.


Teaching children productive activities (design, drawing, modeling, modeling)

Somatogenic forms of ZPR

Organic infantilism



The inability of the child to control his actions and make the necessary adjustments for the care of their implementation

Teach results control.

To teach control according to the way of activity.

To teach control in the process of activity.


Didactic games and exercises for attention, memory, observation; training in design and drawing from models

ZPR of cerebral-organic genesis


form of ZPR

Psychogenic form of CRA

Preschool childhood is the period of the most intensive formation of cognitive activity and personality as a whole. If the child's intellectual and emotional potential does not receive proper development at preschool age, then subsequently it is not possible to fully realize it. This is especially true for children with mental retardation (PD).

Delayed mental development in preschoolers is a temporary discrepancy between the level of mental development and the child's passport age, which manifests itself in the discrepancy between the intellectual capabilities of his age (a mild violation of the cognitive sphere), personal immaturity, and the predominance of game interests. This is a syndrome of a temporary lag of the psyche as a whole or of its individual functions (motor, sensory, speech, emotional, volitional). This is not a clinical form, but a slower pace of development.

Mental retardation is a disorder that is overcome with age, and the more successful it is, the sooner it is created. special conditions for the education and upbringing of a child.

Psychological assistance to preschoolers with mental retardation should be determined in accordance with their educational needs, due to the age, degree and variety of impairments, as well as the socio-cultural conditions of life and upbringing.

Organized in this way, psychological correctional and developmental work will solve the problem of developmental delay in preschool children, and affect the success of further education in school and socialization in society.

Children with developmental problems are fatigued, characterized by reduced working capacity, which is largely due to their physical underdevelopment. Many children have a lack of motor skills: stiffness, poor coordination, incomplete range of motion, impaired their volition. Underdevelopment of fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination is also noted. Hand movements can be awkward, inconsistent.

Exercises for the development of general motor skills are aimed at increasing the functional level of the body systems (respiratory, cardiovascular), at the development of such motor qualities and abilities of the child as strength, agility, speed.

The development of fine motor skills is an important indicator of a child's readiness for schooling. The ability to make precise movements with the hand and fingers is essential for mastering writing. Therefore, when preparing a child for school, it is more important not to teach him to write, but to create conditions for the development of small muscles of the hands.

There are many motor development games and exercises.

    Modeling from clay and plasticine (from snow - in winter, in summer from sand and pebbles).

    Drawing, coloring pictures.

    Making paper crafts (applications).

    Making crafts from natural materials.


    Fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks.

    Tying and undoing ribbons, laces, knots on the rope.

    Screwing and unscrewing lids, cans, bubbles.

    Stringing beads and buttons.

    Weaving braids from threads, flower wreaths.

    Bulkhead of cereals (peas, buckwheat, rice - sort out).

    "Showing the poem" (The child shows with his hands everything that is said in the poem. Firstly, it is more fun, which means that the words and meaning will be remembered better. Secondly, such a small performance will help the child better navigate in space and use his hands.)

All these exercises bring threefold benefits to the child: they develop his hands, prepare him for mastering writing; form his artistic taste, which is useful at any age and, thirdly, it has been proven that the development of hands is associated with the development of speech and thinking of the child.

Vasilyeva Galina Sergeevna,


MBDOU number 22 "Blue Bird"

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Salekhard

Currently, the problem of upbringing and teaching preschoolers with mental retardation (PDD) is given considerable attention, both in the field of science and practice. This is due to the fact that the number of children with developmental problems is increasing, and the issues of early detection and correction of developmental disabilities remain insufficiently developed.

Timely organization of corrective action is the main factor that determines the social adaptation and rehabilitation of a problem child. To date, scientific research has convincingly shown and confirmed by practice that the greatest pedagogical opportunities for overcoming deficiencies in the development of a child are in the period of early and preschool childhood, since during this period the psyche is the most plastic. The clinical and psychological-pedagogical study of the phenomenon of mental retardation in children, carried out over the past four decades, has made it possible to obtain valuable scientific data on the causes, clinical and psychological forms of mental retardation in children. The accumulated scientific information and the results of experimental work on the training and education of this category of children in special schools, classrooms and preschool educational institutions, provided a scientific basis for an introduction to the structure special education a new type of school (1981) and preschool institutions(1990) for children with mental retardation.

At the present stage, a certain experience has already been accumulated in the organization of correctional and pedagogical assistance to preschoolers with mental retardation in a special kindergarten. Each of the experimental sites, when organizing their activities, relies on the basic principles of correctional preschool pedagogy, its own " Educational program"And material and technical base. Therefore, their structural and content models have both much in common and some differences. As before, many organizational and methodological issues concerning the principles, methods and specific content of the work remain insufficiently developed. The optimal model of correctional and developmental education and upbringing of children with mental retardation in the conditions of a special preschool educational institution has not been formed.

According to various researchers, there is currently an increase in the number of children with developmental problems. Objective clinical examinations do not reveal gross pathology in a group of these children, however, they experience significant difficulties in assimilating educational programs, in adapting to the social environment, to the conditions of preschool and school institutions... The complexity and polymorphism of mental retardation in children determine the diversity and versatility of the educational needs of children in this category.

Of course, their educational needs will be largely determined by the degree of underdevelopment of cognitive activity, the age of the child, the depth of the existing disorder, the presence of conditions that aggravate the child's well-being, and the social conditions of his life and upbringing.

It is known that a child develops heterochronously: maturation of various morphological structures and functional systems proceeds unevenly. Heterochronism determines the development of a child in ontogenesis. Knowledge of this pattern, discovered by L. S. Vygotsky, allows, through increasing the impact on the child in sensitive periods of his life, to control the neuropsychic development of the child, creating conditions for stimulating the development or correction of a particular function. Child development does not occur spontaneously. It depends on the conditions in which its vital activity takes place. Initially, the child has a very small stock of behavioral responses. However, rather quickly, through his active actions, communication with close people, through actions with objects that are products of human labor, he begins to assimilate "social heritage, human abilities and achievements" (L. S. Vygotsky).

The driving force at the earliest stage of a child's life is the need to overcome the contradiction between the presence of vital, vital needs in a newborn and the lack of ways to satisfy them. In order to satisfy first innate and then acquired needs, the child is forced to constantly master more and more new ways of action. This provides the basis for the entire mental development of the child. Its internal determinants of development, primarily inherited morphological and physiological data, and in particular the functional state of the central nervous system do not provide him with the methods of action necessary to satisfy his vital needs. As a result, the formation of orientational reactions, primarily visual-auditory and visual-tactile, is delayed. And on this basis, the change in the biological motivation for communication with social needs begins to lag sharply. For much longer than his physiologically mature peer, such a child will see the mother as a nurse rather than a partner for communication. Thus, the formation of a child's need for communication is one of the first special educational tasks.

In the first year of life, emotions and social behavior, hand movements and actions with objects, general movements, and preparatory stages in the development of speech understanding are also significant for the development of the child.

In the second year, the following main lines of development are distinguished: the development of general movements, the sensory development of the baby, the development of actions with objects and games, the formation of independence skills, the development of understanding and active speech of the child.

The third year of life is characterized by slightly different main lines of development: general movements, object-game actions, the formation of a plot game, active speech (the appearance of a common phrase, subordinate clauses, a greater variety of questions), prerequisites for constructive and visual activity, self-service skills in food and dressing.

The identification of developmental lines is rather arbitrary. All of them are closely related to each other, and their development is uneven. However, this unevenness provides the dynamics of the child's development. So, for example, mastering walking at the beginning of the second year of life, on the one hand, kind of muffles the development of other skills, and on the other hand, provides the formation of the child's sensory and cognitive abilities, contributes to the development of the child's understanding of the adult's speech. However, it is known that a lag in the development of one or another line is associated with a lag in other lines of development. The largest number of connections can be traced in indicators reflecting the development of play and movements. In addition, it is known that developmental indicators reflecting the formation of play, actions with objects, understanding of speech are pivotal, more stable and less likely to be influenced by unfavorable environmental factors. The indicator of active speech has the least connections, since this is a complex emerging function and at the early stages of development it cannot yet influence other lines of development. But in the second year of life, active speech, as a psychological neoplasm of a given age, is especially sensitive to the effects of unfavorable factors. In the third year of life, a delay in the development of perception and active speech is most often noted.

Revealing the degree of lagging makes it possible, at an early age, to timely diagnose borderline states and pathology. Minor deviations, if neglected by parents and specialists, quickly become aggravated and turn into more pronounced and persistent deviations, which are more difficult to correct and compensate for.

Thus, the basic educational and educational need early age is the timely qualified identification of delays in the neuropsychic development of the child and their possible complete elimination by all available medical-social and psychological-pedagogical means.

Currently, defectologists who are engaged in correctional and pedagogical work with young children with developmental disorders have proved that early and purposeful pedagogical work contributes to the correction of disorders and the prevention of secondary deviations in the development of these children. To achieve maximum efficiency, when carrying out correctional and educational work with children, it is necessary to take into account:
- the structure of deviant development and ZPR option;
- information about the health of the child
- microsocial conditions in the family;
- the age of the child at which he entered a special kindergarten;
- the estimated duration of the child's stay in a preschool educational institution of a compensating type, etc.

Each of the listed blocks has its own goals, tasks, content, which are implemented based on the main lines of the child's development. The main lines of development are considered to be: physical, social and moral, cognitive and speech, aesthetic development.

Diagnostic unit occupies a special place in the pedagogical process and plays the role of an indicator of the effectiveness of health-improving, correctional-developmental and educational-upbringing impact on the child.

When planning the specific content of health-improving and pedagogical work in each age group specialists and educators take into account:

  • principles of special education and upbringing;
  • the results of a comprehensive study of children;
  • the results of a diagnostic examination of a group and an individual child in order to determine or adjust plans for correctional, developmental and upbringing and educational work;
  • tasks of long-term plans of the main sections of the program.

Correctional and educational work with preschoolers with mental retardation, among others, has a specific feature - the younger the age of the children, the greater the proportion of developmental tasks. The work is structured taking into account the individual, typological and psychological characteristics of the child. If work with a child begins at an older preschool age, then correctional and developmental tasks begin to occupy the same place in work with him.
One of the most important principles of building the pedagogical process is the principle of an individually - differentiated approach. It involves the creation of pedagogical conditions to meet the educational needs of each pupil of a special kindergarten. The implementation of this principle also involves the selection of content, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing, taking into account the individual and typological characteristics of children.
The "Educational program" includes the following forms of conducting directly educational activities:

  • frontal educational activities,
  • subgroup educational activities,
  • small-subgroup educational activity - 2 - 3 children,
  • individual educational activities.

The choice of the form of direct educational activity depends on the type of direct educational activity and the age of the children. The implementation of an individually - differentiated approach during GBR is carried out through:

  • dosage of individual educational load, both in terms of intensity and complexity of the material;
  • individual assistance in the form of stimulation to action, additional explanations, etc.;
  • introduction special types help, namely:

Visual support at the stage of programming and completing the task,
- speech regulation at the stages of planning and task execution;
- jointly with the teacher comparison of the sample and the result of his own activity, summing up the results of the assignment and its assessment,
- introduction of elements of programmed learning, etc.

An individual approach is implemented through a system of individual correctional and developmental educational activities of a specialist, which are planned based on the results of a diagnostic examination, as well as through the individual educational activities of an educator on the instructions of a teacher-defectologist and speech therapist during the "correction hour".

Practice shows that with the provision of timely and adequate assistance in a special kindergarten, mental retardation in many cases can be completely overcome at preschool age. Follow-up data confirm these conclusions: most of the pupils successfully master the curriculum of a general education school.

However, in most cases, the practical identification of children with mental retardation begins at the age of 3 or 5, or even at the initial stages of schooling.

Mild developmental disorders in the intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere can be masked age characteristics preschooler, however, with the beginning of schooling, these violations can lead to difficulty in varying degrees of adaptation of the child to school, to limit the possibilities of his education. How earlier child with developmental problems will begin to receive special assistance, the more effective its result will be. The corrective work program should be designed taking into account the characteristics and developmental needs of each child. However, the main directions of correctional work can be identified.

One of the most important tasks is the development of gross and fine motor skills. This is important in order for the child to be healthy and resilient at school, otherwise it will be difficult for him to withstand the load during the lesson and the whole school day.

Children with developmental problems are fatigued, characterized by reduced working capacity, which is largely due to their physical underdevelopment. Many children have a lack of motor skills: stiffness, poor coordination, incomplete range of motion, impaired their volition. Underdevelopment of fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination is also noted. Hand movements can be awkward, inconsistent.

Exercises for the development of general motor skills are aimed at increasing the functional level of the body systems (respiratory, cardiovascular), at the development of such motor qualities and abilities of the child as strength, agility, speed.

The development of fine motor skills is an important indicator of a child's readiness for schooling. The ability to make precise movements with the hand and fingers is essential for mastering writing. Therefore, when preparing a child for school, it is more important not to teach him to write, but to create conditions for the development of small muscles of the hands.

There are many motor development games and exercises.

  • Modeling from clay and plasticine (from snow - in winter, in summer from sand and pebbles).
  • Drawing, coloring pictures.
  • Making paper crafts (applications).
  • Making crafts from natural materials.
  • Construction.
  • Fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks.
  • Tying and undoing ribbons, laces, knots on the rope.
  • Screwing and unscrewing lids, cans, bubbles.
  • Stringing beads and buttons.
  • Weaving braids from threads, wreaths from flowers.
  • Bulkhead of cereals (peas, buckwheat, rice - sort out).
  • "Showing the poem" (The child shows with his hands everything that is said in the poem. Firstly, it is more fun, which means that the words and meaning will be remembered better. Secondly, such a small performance will help the child better navigate in space and use his hands.)

All these exercises bring threefold benefits to the child: they develop his hands, prepare him for mastering writing; form his artistic taste, which is useful at any age and, thirdly, it has been proven that the development of hands is associated with the development of speech and thinking of the child.

A necessary direction of corrective work is the development of perception.

Successful study in primary school depends on the child's ability to distinguish and distinguish from each other various features and properties of an object, on the ability to differentiate such features as color, shape, size of an object and its individual elements. To teach him this means to help him master perceptual actions, i.e. examine objects and isolate the most characteristic properties from them. And also to assimilate sensory stages - generally accepted samples of sensory properties and relationships of objects.

With any kind of deviation from the age norm of development and with any severity of this deviation, conditions can be created for the child to ensure a positive progressive dynamics of his development. The goal of correctional work is not only the development of children's mental abilities, but also their emotional well-being and social adaptation. It is necessary to activate the strength of the child himself, to tune him in to overcome life's difficulties. Children with CRD have large internal reserves and often have very good natural abilities. However, it is difficult for these children to show them due to the limitation in the development of speech, hyperexcitability or inhibition. This means that the purpose of carrying out correctional work is to help them realize their inclinations by selecting the most appropriate tactics for correctional work, choosing special techniques and methods of influencing all areas of the child's personality. Socio-pedagogical and correctional work is carried out on the basis of the principle of formative and gentle teaching. Correctional work involves teaching children the elements of psycho-gymnastics, relaxation, switching from one type of activity to another. This is necessary to prepare children with mental retardation for successful integration in the team of healthy peers and in society in general. It is focused on holistic personality correction and the development of the cognitive and emotional spheres of children with developmental problems.


1.Boryakova N.Yu. "Steps of development". Moscow. 1998 year
2.Konovalenko S.V. "The development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old." Moscow "AST-PRESS" 2003
3. Krutiy E.L. "Magic speech therapy". Donetsk. "Grafi" 2003
4. Tikhomirova L.F. "Exercises for every day: logic for preschoolers." Moscow. "AST-PRESS" 2001
5.Tikhomirova L.F. "Development of the cognitive abilities of children." Moscow "AST-PRESS" 2000
6. Tikhomirova LF, AV Basov "Development of logical thinking in children" Yaroslavl. 1995
7. Shevchenko S.G "Preparing children with mental retardation for school" Moscow. "School press" 2005

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Municipal state educational institution

Pavlovsk secondary school №3

Correctional work

with children with mental retardation.

Completed Primary school teacher

V.V. Kolesnichenko


Corrective work with children with mental retardation.

Insufficient development of cognitive processes is often the main reason for the difficulties arising in children with mental retardation when studying at school. As shown by numerous clinical and psychological-pedagogical studies, a significant place in the structure of a defect in mental activity in this developmental anomaly belongs to memory impairments.

Most of the works on the problems of memory features of children with mental retardation are devoted to the study junior schoolchildren... This is due to the fact that with age, there is a steady increase in the requirements for the effectiveness of memorization, and when educational activity becomes leading in the child's life, the usefulness of the mnemonic function becomes of paramount importance. Imprinting and preserving perceived information in the mind, the ability to reproduce this information at a certain time and in the required sequence are necessary conditions for mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Mental retardation is rarely recognized in preschool age. It is found in the process of preschool clinical examination and is determined when the child begins to experience specific difficulties in the process of learning at school.

Children with mental retardation entering school have a number of specific features. They show no readiness for schooling. They do not have the skills, knowledge and skills necessary for mastering the program material. In this regard, children are unable (without special help) to master counting, reading and writing. It is difficult for them to comply with the norms of behavior accepted at school. They have difficulty organizing activities arbitrarily. Their difficulties are exacerbated by the weakened state of their nervous system.

Students with mental retardation quickly get tired, their performance decreases, and sometimes they simply stop performing the activities they have begun. These and a number of other features indicate that the delay

mental development is manifested both in the slow maturation of the emotional-volitional sphere, and in intellectual deficiency. The latter is manifested in the fact that the intelligence of the child does not correspond to his age. All children with mental retardation have memory deficiencies: moreover, these deficiencies apply to all types of memorization: involuntary and voluntary, short-term and long-term. They apply to memorizing both visual and (especially) verbal material, which cannot affect academic performance. Establishment in the learning process of specific manifestations of uneven development. Determining its structure allows for the development of a well-grounded individual approach. That is why, when diagnosing, it is important not only to find the most serious gaps in the knowledge necessary for the further education of the child, but also to establish the level of mastery of the most important intellectual operations and skills, as well as the possibility of their assimilation and application in appropriate conditions, i.e. find out the degree of learning of children and the ability to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills.

Understanding the nature of the child's deviations gives the teacher the opportunity to find the most correct ways of pedagogical influence. At the same time, it is very important that both the teacher and the parents know that learning difficulties are not the result of negligence or laziness, but have objective reasons in the violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, and in the intellectual, which, however, can be successfully overcome.

As you know, the main difference between educational and other types of activity (play, work) is determined by its focus on acquiring scientific knowledge and mastering the appropriate methods of action, skills, and abilities. In educational activities, a person's ability to manage mental processes and organize their activities in accordance with the task is also formed.

The student's understanding of educational tasks, both private and general (for which it is necessary to perform, to learn something), makes the teaching conscious, interesting, motivated. But the main role of educational tasks in the assimilation of the school curriculum is determined by how much they arouse in the student the need to master the method of action.

When studying the program material, the student performs certain training activities using various operations included in

composition of the course of action. These actions can be performed both in object and in mental terms.

It is difficult for children with mental retardation to do this on their own, therefore timely help in memorizing educational material, parents and teachers plays an important role.

In memorizing educational material, you can use the following methods and techniques.

One of the methods of strengthening memory is actions according to the model, since they occupy a large place in the educational work of the student and at the same time allow one to study a number of essential points of cognitive activity: especially orientation in the task and analysis of the sample, the ability to think over and plan one's work, to isolate the method of activity , monitor the work at different stages, tell about it and give it an assessment.

You can also memorize material through active repetitions, apply various techniques: listen, read, write down, sketch, rely on visual aids. The material fixed as a result of multiple repetitions is stored in memory for a long time and firmly.

Such a technique is often used as a semantic grouping of material. This is a breakdown and division of the material into parts, highlighting the main and essential in each part. The semantic grouping of the material requires active mental work, which should begin with establishing what is most important and essential in the content of the material being studied.

After a general acquaintance with the material, it must be analyzed in detail and divided into semantic groups or parts. In each part, it is necessary to find and highlight the semantic support points, i.e. thoughts

Verbal expressions and images that define the main being

of this part, and formulate this essence orally or in writing in the form

short headings for each part.

Next, you need to establish connections between the parts and help the child understand the logical sequence of their location. Thinking processing should end with the drawing up of a general plan for the location of the educational material.

It should be remembered about the gradual transfer of children to a new level of difficulty.

Clinical and psychological-pedagogical data indicate that deviations in the development of memory are a characteristic sign of mental retardation. The picture of memory impairments has a complex and peculiar appearance. A distinctive feature of the structure of a defect in mental retardation is the involvement of some aspects of memory, while others are relatively intact. The specific manifestations of this heterogeneity are largely individual.

The causes of disorders in children with CRD are due to both various clinical factors (the consequences of the transferred cerebral and somatic diseases, the slowed rate of maturation of certain areas of the brain, impaired neurodynamics), and psychological and pedagogical factors. In this regard, these children show a variety of memory impairments: increased inhibition of traces under the influence of interference and internal interference (the mutual influence of various mnemonic traces on each other), a decrease in the volume of memory and the speed of memorization. One of the main reasons for the decrease in the effectiveness of mnemonic activity in children with mental retardation is their inability to rationally organize and control their work, as well as apply techniques


Despite the presence of a significant range of disorders, children with developmental delay have a fairly high potential for intellectual development. With purposeful corrective work, they can instill the necessary skills in mnemonic activity, which makes it possible to substantially compensate for the underdevelopment of memory processes observed in them.

The core of corrective measures, undoubtedly, is the formation of special memorization techniques in children, i.e. development of their logical memory. Another area of ​​this work can be attributed to teaching children the correct organization of daily educational activities, the formation of their diligence and accuracy, which allows them to overcome their inherent impulsiveness and inability to focus their attention.

Knowledge of the peculiarities of memory in children with mental retardation is extremely important for understanding the general approach to working with them; without this, it is impossible to carry out training in any school subject. However, each subject has its own content and specific teaching methods.

It follows from this that in the organization of effective assistance to children with mental retardation it is not enough to rely only on general approach... It is necessary to know for sure whether the content and methods of teaching in a general education school (namely, they are the basis for teaching such children) to the peculiarities of the development of this group of students, the possibilities for them to assimilate educational material, or whether these methods must undergo some changes.

The methods of work used in this case are also directly dependent on the specific content of the academic subject (practical preliminary knowledge or scientific and theoretical generalization): practical actions with objects, active episodic and long-term

observation of various natural phenomena, excursions, recreation of certain situations, the use of already mastered methods of solving a particular problem, work on pictures, according to a visual model, according to a textbook, according to the teacher's instructions, etc. Which of these methods to use the teacher is determined by to what extent they ensure the development of observation, attention, and the subjects studied in children, the ability to diversify and compare objects according to one and several signs, generalize phenomena, draw appropriate conclusions and conclusions. The most important task of special education for children with mental retardation is their cognitive processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Correctional work on the formation of educational activity can be carried out in the classroom in any subject, but the predominant position in this regard (especially in the initial period of study) is occupied by labor lessons, in which students of the category in question act in the system of the most detailed and outwardly fixed requirements.

It is also important that these lessons allow children to form from visual-practical actions to mental operations, i.e. follow the path of gradual contraction, reduction of actions with real objects through the stage of external verbal articulation to actions in the mind.

In labor lessons, when shaping actions on a visual model, you can most effective way carry out one of the important tasks of correctional work - strengthening the relationship between speech and student activity. The child's articulation of the individual stages of his activity contributes to a more accurate and complete analysis of the sample, comparing his work with it, teaches him to think over and plan future actions, to search for rational techniques.

The formation of the ability to tell about the completed and forthcoming work helps to overcome indecision, confusion, strengthens children's confidence in their own strength.

Recklessness, chaotic activity gives way to purposeful actions. The statements of children help to comprehend the work being performed, isolate the educational task, realize the correctness or erroneousness of the actions performed, and adequately assess the result of the work in accordance with the established requirements.

A significant place in correctional work should be occupied by teaching students how to perform verbal instructions with several tasks. Children should learn to listen carefully (read) the instructions, be able to retell it in their own words, clearly imagine the number of work links and their sequence. They should be able to return to the instructions read, step by step checking the correctness of its implementation.

The formation of educational activity - “the process of gradual transfer of the implementation of individual elements of this activity to the student himself for independent implementation without the intervention of the teacher” (DB Elkonin) - is a pressing issue for a mass school as well. , impulsive, not enough purposeful activity this question becomes even more urgent.

Thus, during educational and correctional work with children with mental retardation, the following rules must be adhered to:

a) it is necessary to carry out an individual approach to each of the children in the lessons of the general education cycle and during correctional classes;

b) it is necessary to prevent the onset of fatigue, using a variety of means (alternation of mental and practical

activities, presentation of material in small doses, the use of interesting and colorful didactic material, etc.);

c) in the learning process, you should use those methods with which you can maximize the cognitive activity of children, develop their speech and form the necessary skills in them;

d) in the system of correctional measures, it is necessary to provide for the conduct of preparatory (for the assimilation of sections of the program) classes and ensure the enrichment of children with knowledge about the world around them;

e) in the classroom and after school hours, it is necessary to pay attention to the correction of the activities of children;

f) when working with children of this category, the teacher must show a special pedagogical tact. It is very important to constantly notice and encourage the smallest successes of children, timely and tactfully help each child, develop in him faith in his own strength and capabilities.

Thus, a number of features of children with mental retardation determine the general approach to the child, the specifics of the content, system and methods of correctional education. Subject to the specific conditions of education, children of this category are able to master educational material of considerable complexity, designed for normally developing students of a general education school.


1. Children with mental retardation. / Ed. IN AND. Klubovsky M., "Pedagogy", 1984.

2. Teaching children with mental retardation. / Under the editorship of T.A. Vlasova. M., "Education", 1981.

3. Egorova T.V. Features of cognitive processes in ml. schoolchildren with learning disabilities. M., 1971.

4. Egorova T.V. Features of memory and thinking of younger schoolchildren who are lagging behind in development. M., 1973.

5. Smirnov A.A. Psychology of memorization. M., 1948.

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