The formation of a Wood through the game technologies in English lessons in elementary school in the framework of the GEF. Effective innovative methods and teaching of English language at the initial stage in the GEF of the new generation

Since 2011, our school has moved to the Federal State Educational Standard of the 2nd Generation. In this regard, the question of professional retraining of personnel composition failed. From 10/10/2011 On 25.06.2012, among the teachers who received the direction for retraining, I had the opportunity to pass on the program: "Theory and Training Methodology foreign language in primary school"In Bow DPO" Institute for the Development of Education of the Omsk Region ". Classes (in the amount of 504 audited hours) were conducted by highly qualified teachers who have extensive experience in teaching the language, as well as a clear idea of \u200b\u200bmodern language learning trends. As a basis, the textbooks of the publishing house "OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS" ("New English File" took place as a basis. Our attention was given courses of lectures that were given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the basics and innovations in the methodology of learning grammar, vocabulary, audience, reading, writing, speaking. A clear organization and planning of each lesson allowed high level Language training and language communication skills, which successfully apply to me in the process of teaching English. Learning (any) language at an early stage contributes not only to the stronger and free practical possession of them, but also carries a large intellectual, educational and moral potential.

I work with the CMD "Spotlight", the authors: M. Pospelova, V. Evans, D. Duli, who, in my opinion, allows you to build training both individually and differentiated, there are the greatest possibilities of intensifying and improving learning.

The activities of the teacher working on GEF is strikingly different from the traditional activities of the pedagogical worker in many indicators. Even when preparing for a lesson, the teacher is now spending two times more time compared to past schools, in addition to the textbook and methodical recommendations It uses Internet resources. GEF NEO makes requirements not only to the subject, but also to meta-credit and personal results. You need to implement these requirements within the urgent and extracurricular activities. First of all, the nature of the activity of the teacher and the student is changing. The student ceases to be a passive participant. educational process And on a par with the teacher, it participates in the formulation of the goals and objectives of each lesson, determines the plan of its work, chooses funds and ways to achieve them, actively participates in the evaluation of their activities and activities of classmates. If you try to list the most characteristic features of the modern lesson of a foreign language, then this is, in my opinion, the following qualities:


Harmonious organization of speech and linguistic material;

Strict sequence of exercises performed;

Special atmosphere of communication;

Practical orientation (communicativeness);


Every my lesson I try to spend fascinating, using creative forms and techniques in each class, depending on individual abilities. I always start a lesson from the Stage "Warming Up Activity". This moment perfectly "warms up" students and prepares for work in the lesson. I try to make the Stage "Warming Up Activity" echoed with the theme of the present or previous lesson.

At the stage of formulating the theme and objectives of the lesson, students are formed by cognitive and regulatory Woods (for example: to allocate and maintain a target specified in the form of a sample, orient to the sample and the rule of action). When teaching goaling, the introduction of a problem dialogue is possible, as a result of which children determine the border of their knowledge - ignorance and put a goal for a lesson. At the planning stage, the teacher and students in joint activities determine the sequence of work in the lesson. When planning practical activities, students in the lesson should take into account the differentiation of students on the level of preparation and by the papers of work. It is necessary to choose such tasks so that a success situation is created for any student. For example, I developed assignments aimed at the formation of phonetic, lexico-grammatical skills (multi-level measurement and didactic material). Also at this stage you need to think about the form of organizing students in the lesson. If a frontal work was used more often in a traditional lesson, now it can be individual, steam room, group forms. Work in pairs and groups is necessary in order to train students to cooperate with each other, teach interaction, the ability to distribute roles, i.e. to form students communicative skills. In my work as a basis, I took the Communicative Approach Approach english languagewho is aimed at the practice of communication. I consider the purpose of your work not only to give a student a certain amount of knowledge, but also to teach learn, increase interest in teaching. When schoolchildren proceed to English language, I can not complain about the lack of interest in the subject. Novelty of the subject and educational process Do not leave children indifferent. My task is to ensure that interest is permanent and sustainable. Where interest is there and success. In its teaching activity, much attention is paying for the formation of motivation. The formation of motives is the creation of conditions for the manifestation of internal motivations to the teaching, the awareness of them by the students themselves. A special role in the formation of motivation is played by the novelty of the information received, the inclusion of students in searching, creative activities. My task is to make the children understand: learn is very interesting. And I want to convey to every student that English, these are not boring grammatical rules, but above all - interesting, beautiful, studying which they can communicate in any country. Group work is good to use to create creative projects. In elementary school, the game is one of the forms of knowledge of the world. Considering age peculiarities Younger school age, I try to use as many game moments in my lessons. What is boring with traditional forms of work is easily absorbed in the game. When presenting and consolidating a new vocabulary, "work" such games like: "Echo", "What's Number?", "What's Missing?", "What's Changed?". I use different types of role-playing games (monologue drawing, plot role-playing game). The time in the lesson and the playing time time depends on a number of factors: the preparation of students, studied material, specific goals and conditions of the lesson. The teacher should be remembered that any educational process is a methodological technique belonging to the group of active learning methods of practical possession of a foreign language. The game should stimulate the motivation of the teachings, to cause schoolchildren interest and the desire to fulfill the task, it should be carried out on the basis of a situation, an adequate real situation of communication. The game must be accepted by the entire group, call the schoolchildren to satisfy, joy. The more frequently feels a student in the game, the initiative it will be in communication.

In training self-control and self-esteem, students are formed by regulatory and communicative Woods (for example: the development of educational cooperation with teacher and peers, the development of planning and regulatory functions of speech). Along with the five-point estimation system, other techniques can also be used. For junior schoolchildren It is best to turn an estimate from the figure to the word. For example: 5 -Perfect, Excellent, 4-Very Good, Nice, 3- NOT BAD. The teacher must remember that the assessment is, above all, for the child a means of motivation. It is advisable to teach children with the interconnection of written and oral works, objectively assess their work, answers. The stage of reflection in the lesson in its correct organization contributes to the formation of the ability to analyze its activities in the lesson. The reflection of the mood and the emotional state of children is also important. Reflection can be carried out not only by the results of one lesson, but at the end of the quarter, the study of any topic. Here are approximate reflection options:

Offer students after each lesson to complete sentences:

I like it…

I learned…

I made mistakes ...

Best of all in the lesson I got ...

"Success Staircase":

When solving each task of the lesson, draw a little man on the appropriate step of the drawn staircase.

"Come and Color"

"Helping Hands".

Working a foreign language teacher in elementary school, I came to the conclusion: it is impossible to use only those techniques that have been once considered generally accepted. "Teaching is art, not a craft - this is the very root of the teacher's case. Protect ten methods and choose your own, revise ten textbooks and not adhere to any strictly - this is the only possible way of living teaching. Eternally to invent, demand, improve - this is the only correct course of the teacher. " New standard, presenting new requirements for learning outcomes, gave us the opportunity new look at the lesson, embody new creative ideas. But this does not mean that traditional techniques and methods of work should be rejected. They can be used in a new vein, along with modern technologies. A modern teacher is a person who is able to self-development, self-improvement, aware of the need for the study and introduction of new technologies, innovative approaches in teaching.

Ivanova Nina Vladimirovna

MKOU "Chapaevskaya average comprehensive school»Kolosovsky Municipal District Omsk Region, English Teacher

Chekuna Alevtina Viktorovna,

english teacher

MBOU SOSH No. 9 Gukovo

Effective innovative methods and techniques of teaching the English language at the initial stage in the FGEs of the new generation.


Modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage of the development of society is not least related to innovative processes in organizing training in foreign languages. New generation teachers should be able to qualify to choose and apply those technologies that fully comply with the content and objectives of the study of a specific discipline, contribute to the achievement of the goals of the harmonious development of students taking into account their individual features. According to the educational standard of basic general education in a foreign language, English learning has two main objectives:

    the development of foreign language communicative competence, which implies the development of speech, linguistic, socio-cultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive competencies;

    development and education of the ability and readiness for independent and continuous learning English [2].

Objectives can be implemented subject to the use of all groups of educational technologies that are not used isolated. There is an active process of their integration. In practice, this technology is implemented by applying a variety of methods and forms of work.Currently, such methods of learning English are very popular as communicative method, Project and activity technique, Method 25 of that frame, TPR (Total Physical Response), or a complete physical response method.Modern linguistic schools are tirelessly developing all new and new methods of studying English and memorization foreign words: Associatative method, immersion method, express method.

A large amount of information and a quick update of knowledge make me, a foreign language teacher, switch to new thinking - critical, creative and dialectical and seek the embodiment of these ideas when choosing an educational and methodical complex. For many years I work on the author's program V.P. Kuzovlev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. In the English language teaching methodology, we use certain training technologies, many of which are aimed at developing the skills of setting a goal, on planning the result of their activities, the implementation of information retrieval and the extraction of information from various sources, its further use for planning and carrying out its activities.

The main task of the teacher is the training of children to the skills independently produce the necessary information, analyze the knowledge gained and apply them to solve new tasks. The use of the project method allows me to achieve a given goal.In English lessons, the guys make creative, informative, fantastic projects. Most of the projects are mainly carried out by my students during the final lessons when the results of its implementation are evaluated by learning educational material. An example of such works can be the projects that we did with students of the 5-8 grades: "My Dream Clothes", "IT's My Favourite Shop", "The Board of Fame of Our Class", "My Beautiful Carpet", "My Favourite Music "and others.

Speaking of children of younger school age, when choosing the technology of their training, it is necessary to take into account the psychological and age features of younger students who require frequent change of forms, methods and teaching techniques. Learn the language of schoolchildren is art, and babies - art of art.

For effective learning, it is important:

    Study the identity of each student and the team as a whole (by observing the lesson and outside it, the exchange of opinions with colleagues, conversations with parents);

    Use when organizing communication such situations and suggest such tasks that affect the interests of the student associated with its personal experienceencouraging schoolchildren to use a mastered material to express their thoughts in accordance with a particular communication situation;

    Maintain interest in students with low speech status and low popularity status in the organization of pair and group forms of work;

    Systematically paying attention to the group of students on the successes of individual children in activities.


teacher's skills correctly organize a lesson and competently choose this or that formation depends largely in many ways the effectiveness of the educational process. Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to increase the interest of students to the subject studied, but also to develop their creative independence, train work with various sources of knowledge. Such forms of classes "remove" the traditional lesson, revitalize the thought. An example of a non-standard approach to schoolchildren's schoolchildren is a creative lesson "Christmas" in grade 3, during which students of each group have created creative individual products: letters of Santa Claus.

Creating a situation of success in a foreign language lesson seems to be an important aspect of teacher's activities. What kind of activity is the most interesting for the child? Of course, the game! It is a natural form of a child. The game carries a big positive charge in the formation of communicative motivation, because the basis of any communication is a solution to a problem that is discussed in the life situation.

The game "Animals" ("Animals")

Speech task:training students in the name of various animals, in the use of personal pronouns with the verb to. bE.


charged stand in a circle. Each participant with a drawing of an animal or holds a toy in his hands. Children in turn call the animal of the neighbor on the right and their animal.

    P 1:Not is a rabbit. I "M a monkey.

    P 2:Not is a monkey. I "M an Elephant. Game "Tell the Question".

For this game it will take the ball.

Task in this game development of oral speech skills .

The teacher transmits the ball with a student and asks a question. The student, responding to the question, transmits the ball to another student with his question, etc. The teacher reports the ball with a student and asks a question. A student who answered the question, transmits the ball to another student with his question, etc. .

Students primary classes Cannot sit calmly for a long time due to lack of control over the motor muscles. Given the needs in the movement of elementary students, you should conduct various relaxation pauses :

1) Hands Up, Hands Down, Hands on Hips, Sit Down.
Hands Up, Hands To The Sides, Bend Left, Bend Right.
One, Two, Three Hop! One, Two, Three Stop!
Stand Still!

2) In the course of physical attacks, I effectively use a song

"IF You Are Happy and You know it ..."

Children are happy to perform movements and execute a song.

3) To remove the fatigue of the eyes, I spend special electronic physical attacks, during which the guys repeat the movements of fabulous heroes or track the trajectory of the butterfly flight.

Speaking about the means promoting the development of interest in English, it is impossible not to stay onsinging. Using singing in the lesson, we solve several tasks: singing contributes to the improvement of foreign language pronunciation, develops memory, carries a large aesthetic and educational potential. In addition, singing makes a diversity in lesson, relieves fatigue. To memorize the forms of verb to be, we sing a song with the guys"I am, You Are" on the motive of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." A student of grade 4 after using this song in the lesson came up with his song on this motive with the word "sorry".

Application in the lessons of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof modern information technologies increases the motivation I. cognitive activity Students of all ages, expanding their horizons. I have great help when conducting lessons, I have multimedia tutorials: "Professor Higgins. English without accent», « English base course"," Bridge to english ", Macmillan English Dictionaryand Macmillan Essential Dictionary. .

For the development of educational motifs of students in learning English, we actively use various methods and techniques, including non-standard forms of lessons, extracurricular activities, Foreign Language Week, Olympiad by language. Every year our school students take part in the remote Olympiads in English "British Bulldog, "Olympus", "Eidos", showing good results.

The importance of a suitable approach in training was noted L. N. Tolstoy, who wrote: "Wisdom is not to know as much as possible, but to know what knowledge of the most necessary, what less and what are the even less necessary" [6 ].

The correct selected theoretical material effectively enshrined in practice by integrating different methodical techniques During the joint creative activity of the student and the teacher, is a qualitative innovative strategy of the modern teacher.


1. Bim I.L. Personally oriented approach is the main school renewal strategy // Foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school. - 2002. - № 2.

2. Galskova N.D. Modern technique Learning foreign languages. Manual for the teacher. // Moscow, Arcta 2004.

3. Gladilina I.P. Some techniques of work in English lessons in elementary school / I.P. Gladilina // Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin School. - 2003.- 4. Kavtaradze D. N. Training and the game. Introduction to active learning methods. - M., 1998

4. Ondanzhanyan N.L. Elements communicative technique English learning in high school. - English. - September 1 // №6, 2005.

5. Passs E.I., Kuzovlev V.P., Korostelev V.S. The purpose of learning a foreign language at the present stage of the development of society. General method of learning foreign languages. Reader / Ed. Leontyev A.A. M., 1991.

6. Open lessons http. :// aRT.- rOERICH.. org.. uA./ humaneped/ open._ lessons. hTML.

7. University reading - 2011 library.. pglu. ru/ files./ public/ unuvread.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Parabel gymnasium

One of the most important purposes primary education In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education is the formation of universal training actions in the lessons.

The educational standard of the new generation puts new goals in front of the teacher. Now in elementary school, the teacher must teach the child not only to read, write and count, but should also instill two groups of new skills.

First, it is universal educational actionswho constitute the basis of the ability to learn.

Secondly, to form in children a motivation for learning.

The use of games and play situations in the lesson reveals the ability of children, their individuality, increases the motivation of students to study English, contributes to the creation of a benevolent atmosphere in the lesson.

Games allow you to carry out an individual approach to students.

Collective games develop the ability to work in a group, find the necessary forms of cooperation to achieve the task.

Students successfully assimilate the didactic material, the involuntary memorization of lexical units is activated, speech skills are formed.

Being in a training game, students receive mental, motor and emotional discharge;
This method of learning is of great interest among students to the absorption of a new material and motivates them to further obtain practical knowledge.

In a wide range, the term "universal learning actions" - the ability to learn, self-development and self-improvement by conscious and active assignment of new social experience, and not just the development of educational specific objectives and skills within individual disciplines ..

In a narrower (actual psychological meaning), "universal training actions" is a set of actions of the studying, providing its cultural identity.

There are four types of Wood: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

It is obvious that there is no tough gradation to form a specific species in the process of studying a particular subject. In some topics, great attention can be paid to the formation of some kinds of Wood, in others - on the formation of other types of Wood. But in general, all four types of universal training actions are being established in modern English lessons.

Foreign language training at an early stage should be based on the game. The game in foreign language classes is not just a collective entertainment, but the main way to achieve certain learning tasks at this stage. The game should have a motive, purpose and result. Therefore, such a learning method as a game can contribute to the formation of a Wood.

The game is considered as a student preparation for personal-oriented interaction with other participants in the educational process, providing personal growth, raising the level of reflection, awareness of themselves by the subject of knowledge and thinking, actualizing the need for self-realization and self-development in the field of studying a foreign language.

Games are an active and fun way to achieve many educational purposes. The game is an excellent way to spur the students, make them actively work in the lesson. After a difficult oral exercise or other tedious lesson, a fun game is the perfect opportunity to relax. The games are aimed at improving the effectiveness of the educational and cognitive activity of students, to master the knowledge gained, to increase interest in the subject studied by the impact on the human psyche produced during the game.

Games help relieve stiffness, especially if we exclude the element of the competition or to minimize it. Spontaneous game increases attention. The game allows the teacher to correct the mistakes of students quickly, in the course of the case, without giving them a deeply entry into memory.

In any game, there is an element of surprise, an element of rivalry, and we all love everything. Even if the victory is not the main thing, then everyone loves to check out their strength. Do not forget that the game is a projection of life situations.
Students usually remember what they had nice to do. Therefore, games allow you to remember deep and for a long time.
Games make the learning process, sometimes difficult and tedious, cheerful, and this strengthens motivation to teaching.

You can start a lesson with a five-minute game to make it easy to enter the school rhythm to refresh their memory, to interest in the study of a new material. And yet, you can spontaneously interrupt the lesson when you start feeling that attention disappears to create a brief game situation.

The game at the end of the lesson is also very useful. In anticipation of recreation, students work with great enthusiasm, which perhaps the appearance of students to expect the next lesson with impatience.

In various games, different linguistic skills are developing: audience, speaking, reading, letter.

Phonetic games:

Often, the children of primary classes arises a problem with the pronunciation of sounds. Phonetic games contribute to the setting of proper articulation of the speech of students when pronouncing individual english sounds.

"Playing Airplane"

The game is used to train students in the pronouncement of sound [V].

Teacher: Let's Pretend We Are Airplanes Flying In The Sky. (Children depict airplanes) What Sound Do We Make? - [F]. And how about english children? - They Say [V]. Let's Fly! (The teacher tells the poem, and the children utter the sound [V])

The Plane IS Traveling Up in The Sky,


Over The Land and Over The Sea,

But We Always Come Back In Time for Tea.

"Catch the sound"

The game is used to repeat sounds, developing hearing.

The teacher utters different words, familiar and not. Children must hear the word with the desired sound and "catch" it, depicting cotton.

Grammar Games:

These games pursue the following goals:

  • teach students to use speech samples containing certain grammatical difficulties;
  • create a natural situation to use this speech sample;
  • develop speech activity and independence of students.
Games in English lesson.


A piece of chalk almost always in the hand of the teacher. If you imperceptibly clamp it in a fist, then you can ask:

"Children, What do you think I have in My Hand?"

Katya: You Have A Pen.

Teacher: Oh, no. CAN IT REALLY BE A PEN? My Hand Is Very Small.

Andrei: You Have An Eraser.

Teacher: NO, I Have Not.

Masha: You Have Money.

Teacher: NO, I Have Not. I Have a Piece of Chalk. Do you Want to Hide Something and Ask Me to Guess? Now i "LL Close My Eyes, One ... Two ... Three ...

Pavel: What haply i in my hand?

Teacher: Oh, You have An Eraser. NO? I "M NOT SO Good at Guessing As You Are. What is it? Oh, it" s a drawing-pin!

Unnoticed by the teacher showed two options for the game. The third option is a game of teams. Two teams stood against each other. Each hides its subject. "Hands Down," says "Teacher. The guys removed their hands behind the back and began to pass the thing chosen by them. "Stop!" The other team followed. The subject remained from someone in hand. Who?

Team "L" Team "in"

Oleg: Misha Has The Stone.

MISHA: NO, I Have no Stone.

Katya Has The Ball.

Katya: No, I Have No Ball. Masha Has The Stone.

Masha: No, I Have no Stone.

Andrei: He Has The Ball. Etc.

The team wins, the first guessing, who has a subject.

Lexical games:

In English lessons, children are constantly acquainted with new words and expressions. To work out a new lexical material, games are often used.


The game is used to secure new words on a specific topic. Children are divided into 2 "cross" and "Noliki" teams. The board shows a playing field with inverted cards with words or images. If the disciples are correctly called, the teacher draws a cross or zero in the field, respectively. Wins a team that fills the line faster.

"Mexican Wave"

The game is designed to secure new words. The disciples overlook the board and line up in the hands of each picture with the word on the topic studied. Teacher in turn calls words, at first slowly, gradually accelerating.

Pupils raise cards with words and in the end should turn out "Wave".

"Chinese whisper"

The game is used to work out, consolidate and repeat the words. Pupils in a whisper are transmitted in turn, according to the class of the word, the word and the last student should call the heard word.

Spelling games:

The purpose of these games - Exercise in writing english words. Part of the games are designed for training of students' memory, others are based on some laws in spelling English words.

The team gets a set of cards with letters of the alphabet. When a teacher pronounces a word, for example, "Mother", students with appropriate letters run to the board and make up this word. For each proper word The team gets a point.

  • Biboletova M. 3. English. English with pleasure (enjoy english): Tutorial - English. Yaz. for 4 cl. general education. Institute. - Obninsk: Title, 2013.
  • The new educational standard puts serious challenges to the formation of not only subject, but also interprete results. Modern lesson involves the selection of the most effective techniques and methods of work, forms of organization learning activities. The tasks of the tutorial must be subjected to selection and reconstruction.

    Working in Tandem with primary school teachers according to the GEF NEO to study the "second generation standards", we introduced new forms of the educational process in school, created different forms Educational process: lesson - as a collective action, lesson - presentation, lesson - workshop, lesson - consultation, lesson solving project problems.

    Systems and activity approach underlying a new educational Standard, requires a combination of traditional and non-traditional forms of the lesson. I want to show an approach to the formation of a Wood on an example of learning to read in English in the 2nd grade on the textbook Vereshchaginna I.N. and Bondarenko K.A. ()

    The plot of the text is the journey of monkeys in search of a friend, her meetings with different animals. Equipment, as the formulation of the educational task, is built out of the correlation of vocabulary about famous children of animals and the one that is mentioned in the text, with the help of a viewing of reading (they find their names in the text). Motivation to reading with a complete understanding of the text given to the house occurs through the assumptions of students about the objectives of their meetings and qualities characterizing them. Pupils suggest what kind of character may be beasts, remember the adjectives known to them from the material passed and additionally, by their desire, study new ones. The goal is to insistee the same text, embodying different properties in animals, in fact, presenting human characters that exciting them can be their friends and it causes not only interest. The possibility of self-expression is the basis of creative activity. As homeworkBy choosing the trial reading of text, children, in fact, independently identify and form a cognitive goal: reading with a complete understanding. Students after lesson are spontaneously integrated into groups in the number of characters plus reading from the author, determine the goals and functions of the participants (well explore the text, learn all the details and accurately respond to actions while reading., Methods of interaction (help to weaker students in a group, possible rehearsals) , Solving conflicts are learning (for example, if several challengers are for one role; not fair preparation of a member of the group), learn to plan training cooperation with the teacher (if you need help, advice, consultation).

    Forecasting and anticipation of the result occurs already in the process of interaction between the group after receiving the homework in the after-hour time. Communicating in groups, children learn to take into account the position of other people, partners, participate in the discussion of emerging problems. The closure, the visibility is overcome in the process of interaction, integration to the group of peers is facilitated, productive interactions and cooperation are being built - thereby increasing the social competence of students.

    Children control the preparation of weaker comrades, including using modern means of communication.

    In the next lesson, one of the students reads the text of the fairy tales, the rest of the students are playing heard. Thus, there is an emotional and kinesthetic training of lexical and audit skills. The very and mutual control is carried out not only within this group, but also the one that observes the speech - all inaccuracies are beautifully interested in the competition. Effectively takes place and awareness of students, which has already been learned, and what else to learn. They themselves make the necessary additions, which is the basis of the regulation and mobilization of students.

    The staged reading allows you to fully achieve the assimilation of the lexico-grammatical component of the text, improve the skills of meaningful reading and listening. Further tasks on the basis of the read text (retelling, the dialogues between the characters) serve as the basis for the further development of oral and written speech (For example, listed animals, describe them in nature, make a proposal from word data, etc.).

    It is impossible to overestimate the creative component in the preparation of groups. In an effort to entertainment and clarity, they even prepare the elements of costumes and masks.

    I believe that the joint creativity with the author of the text is manifested in endowing the characters with different characters (on the choice of students): In one group, the lion can be a brave hero, and in another - a cowardly hooligan or "stainless". Accordingly, the moral of the text is also changing, children show a variety of fairy tales, subconsciously aiming for variability, search for alternative approaches to life situations and ways to solve problems. Pleasuram elements are laid in this form of work, help students live on stage and overcome their own complexes and fears, resolve conflict situations, because the characters that children give their characters are usually taken from their life experience. Refiguring the tasks of the textbook, taking into account the GEFs of the EMO, provide ample opportunities for the formation of personal, communicative, educational and regulatory URU and provides both the creative, aesthetic perception of artistic text and the formation of the ideological and moral basis of the individual.

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