Do I need an early child development? Does the child need an early development centers

Parents, guided exclusively by good intentions, strive as early as possible to give their children to all sorts of circles and sections. The concept of " early development"It has already become familiar, and today, two-year-old kids learn from the first school school program. The Village found out from specialists, whether it always benefits.

Oksana Orlova

child psychologist

In psychology, there is a concept of early development - when parents' efforts are aimed at learning a child to read, write, classify items and so on. This process has both its advantages and cons. It happens that the child with which he was hard to go to school early, but his psychological development, in contrast to the intellectual, will be late. Such children often easily communicate with adults, but it is difficult to build relationships with peers, because it seems to be nothing to talk about. And so they miss such important stages of formation as socialization, maintaining competition, presentation of themselves.

Of course, there are gifted children who begin to read, write and play on tools in early age. But developing their abilities, do not forget that children should also be able to play, build relationships with peers, obey the elders. Otherwise it turns out that the child is quickly embedded in the work, learns a lot of useful, but, for example, it does not know how to live in conditions of unstructured time, it is not able to take himself. Often, when the child was not completely dosured, and his struggle would be drawn into study, the situation turns into neurosis. If you hold an analogy: Children, like plants, you need to give fertilizers to grow. When one flower blooms earlier than others, it is beautiful and cool, but is it will survive freezing? After all, at the same time, the child develops a nervous and hormonal system, and at high load a young organism can just break.

Now it is considered the norm if children begin to read by five years, but there is no single rule for everyone, everything is very individual. The child, for example, can be good in sports, but beaten in reading. At the same time, it is absolutely incorrect to compare your children with others: it can develop a feeling of insecurity, to suppress the will.

Early development has become fashionable, and parents are pushing themselves. Arises interest Ask: Why do adults need it? It is believed that children are a narcissistic expansion of parents, their business card. That is, looking at the child, you can say what my mother and dad he has.

Evgenia Berdichevskaya

neurologist, Deputy Director General for Medical Activity Company "Doc 24"

The baby is born with the maximum number of brain cells that form neural connections during the first two to five years of his life. In children under the age of two years in the brain, the largest number of neural connections necessary for the development of intelligence. Next, in the process of growing, their number is only reduced. The United States conducted studies that confirm that the more to do with the child at an early age, the more return. Specialists compared two groups of kids: from socially prosperous and disadvantaged families. At the first level of development, with other things being equal, it turned out to be higher just because they were engaged. At the same time, I do not encourage parents from breastside to give children to schools and teach three languages \u200b\u200b- everything should be an adequate approach.

Often adults bend a stick, trying to stuff a child with all sorts of knowledge. Once the parents turned to me, who complained about the problems with their son's behavior. When I found out the schedule of this unfortunate child, I realized that I had with my four works and then more free time. In his schedule, classes in English, Hebrew and music, he also went to tennis and therapeutic physical education. Of course, this child at some point is tired. At the same time, developing classes in moderate quantities go only beneficially at an early age.

In addition, modern children acquire basic knowledge earlier than those who grew, for example, several decades ago. For this now there are all the prerequisites: it is an evolution (and the psyche and evolution are closely connected with each other), and the rapid development of technologies, and the dissemination of early development techniques. And if the child was able to learn to read or play the musical instrument in three or four years, then his psyche allows it to do. Often the promise associated with the receipt of early knowledge comes from the children themselves. Among my patients was a boy whose parents said: "We do not know what to do. He does not part with books, it sits for all day and everything himself studies, and then comes in kindergarten And he is trying to share with his friends with their encyclopedic knowledge. But peers do not respond to it, because they play transformers. " Once this child came from the garden offended, threw all the books, said that he would no longer read anymore, and asked him to buy a transformer. As a result, we smoothly adapted it to encyclopedias, and to toys. Taking the development of the intellect of the child, one must not forget that his psyche is children.

But, if, for example, it turned out that the child was not engaged in early development and he went to school, not knowing the letters and account, this does not mean that the baby will lag behind study. It all depends on what environment children grow. It happens, parents fundamentally want a child to have childhood, and they are not raping his classes to school. With this approach, you can also agree. The main thing is that the child has a proper motivation, interest in life and knowledge.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

You are mom! The first year of diaper-diaper madness behind, and the school is still very far away. It would seem, it would be time to just enjoy maternity and watch the baby knows the world around.

But ... a neighbor gave birth a month later you, and her Chado already talks in might and mainly! And you barely loves ... Togo and look, they will start the letters to teach - would not be late, to three years, they say, you can already know the whole alphabet! Need early development !!!.

Why need earlier development?

We will not even wonder if it needs early development at all - I hope this issue has long been rhetorical for modern parents! Of course, to develop and teach a child from the smallest age: it is important to improve and speech skills, and small motor, and thinking!

However, every mother without any smart books in his own experience knows what improves is happening daily: in everyday communication with the baby, in games - almost any action gives something to a child, no matter how it seems that the kid "does not do anything "

All folk pedagogy is aimed at early development: here the traditions of functions, "ladies", lullaby, games, etc. In principle, if nothing is taken on top of these simple and natural for any mother of action, the child will grow absolutely normal, without delays in development and developmental deviations - and the millennia happened!

But in recent decades, special pedagogical techniques began to be developed, aimed at instilling certain knowledge and skills much earlier than adopted. For example, teach to read in 3 years, and count in 4.

About some of them (for example, o), the site "Beautiful and Successful" has already told. We will not go into details now, but the general idea of \u200b\u200ball the techniques is that a child can perceive and remember a lot and quite complicated if you teach information in the form of a game or other natural for the baby of this age of activity. For example, letters are depicted on cubes, of which the child builds turrets, etc.

Does such early development and whether it works? Theories say that if everything is done correctly, the result will be from any child. In practice, both moms and educators notice that with one children, all this is quite good, and there is no other result or it is irrelevant.

Why? The thing is that different children perceive the information differently and think a little differently. For example, one easier to deal with visual images (for example, to fold the "squares of nikitin"), the other remembers well for the hearing, it is necessary to turn something tangible in the handles, etc.

Again, one children are quite satisted by seating quiet practicing type of drawing, and other fidgets - the focus should be focused on moving games.

And ... often happens.

One child's child with two watering on all sorts of classes and carefully tested smart techniques, but the result is insignificant, the child develops approximately on a par with the "undeveloped" peers, the parents scold the Halturschikov-educators and "wrong" techniques. And with another child, all this is not done, raising traditionally.

As a result, the first begins to read in five years - mom is finally proud and attributed to this miracle techniques. And the second one at the same age sits down for the Soviet buckle with a suberpoded grandmother and ... after a couple of weeks, the letters are no longer worse than the first, "developed" peer!

What's the matter? And it happens - they ripen some "structures" in the brain, something "clicks" - and the baby quickly and with the summer is mastering the fact that in another with the titanic efforts "shook" from two to three years!

That is, it is often necessary to early development when a child himself is ready to perceive this or that information - the main thing is to choose the most appropriate method of your feeding method!

What early development is needed?

Very often, early development is needed to meet the maternal pride: here, see, we are three and a half, and we know the letters, the colors are distinguished, the sun is smooth around - and the baby is the most intelligible, and I am an ideal mother!

The peers really do not know letters, colors and draw the rogulins.

But the children go to school and ... It turns out that those who are three years old thanks for early development techniques seemed to be equal to the "lagging", and go to the school. Further studies and may not reflect the "breakthrough" that happened in 3, 4 years ...

Based on this, is it needed early development?

Answering this question, you need to be honestly decide why it is your child? It is as soon as possible to learn to read-write? Or, maybe, in general, to develop a small motorcy, to practice memory, logic, give to manifest creative abilities - and it doesn't matter that the child does not read, but, for example, will it begin to overster a fantastic masterpiece wallpaper?

The second answer seems here in the article, so logical and right, but many leaders of children's studios and groups regularly hear from their parents: "And he will start reading?!"

Is there real benefits from groups (schools, studios, etc.) early development?

So you decided that the baby needs early development. Methods are many, and as mushrooms appear all sorts of studios, schools, groups, private gardens ...

Start somewhere to drive a baby or engage in developing events at home, after studying the techniques?

Let's just say - the second is quite real. Nothing is supervised, which can not master mom, teachers with children-preschoolers do not do!

Moreover, often homework with mom is more effective than in a group with other kids and unfamiliar aunt-educator! Mom more sensibly catches the reaction of the child - is it clear to him, I wonder if he was not tired? And the child is not distracted and does not closes due to an unfamiliar situation and other people, as it happens with young children.

But the group has pluses.

First, the team of peers. Communication skills are a very important thing for the development of a child! Sometimes exactly what is being done together is friendly (or vice versa, if a competitive moment is present), stimulates the baby to something that he did not remember or did not fulfill! Even very small kids often try to make it better, show how it happened, etc.

In addition, sometimes children are more attentive to what a foreign person says, not a homely.

And besides ... Well, let's get honestly?

Often, moms that believe that the child needs to be early developed in the group, they simply get tired constantly engage in small child on their own.

This is not reproaching - indeed, it is very hard and physically and psychologically constantly with a shock-karapuz, but not just to look at and care, but to educate, develop, engage ... and the opportunity for a watch-another to take a child in a group where it is interesting and not immediately crown Other people, not so bad!

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It has been scientifically proven that 20% of children possess depressures of adderkind. But the real situation is such that geniuses among us units. Nobody says that the remaining 80% of children are increasing. Just the talents laid in them, you need to be able to see and support. It is for this that numerous developing techniques have been created, thanks to which your child will read, write and consider much earlier than its peers. The only question is who needs it.

It is known that the human brain develops most intensively during the first three years of life. The creators of early development techniques are focused on this fact. Initially, many of these techniques were developed for children with limited mental capabilities. The result exceeded all expectations! At that moment, the idea of \u200b\u200bapplying the same methods to ordinary, completely normal children. After all, you can grow genius from any child!

Attractiveness and universal passion for early development techniques are easy to explain. What kind of parent will not be nice to observe when his child declares poems, distinguishes many shades of color, quotes the encyclopedia, while the rest are just starting to talk and barely distinguish colors?

As practice shows, the children with whom they were hard from birth, occupy the first positions only in junior classes. Then there is a sharp stop and deterioration of indicators. The fact is that early development techniques are aimed at stimulating the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for logic and abstract thinking. With normal development, this hemisphere begins to function much later. From birth, the child is actively working right hemisphere. It provides knowledge of the world through emotions and feelings. Thus, early development systems, contributing to the development of the left hemisphere, suppress the right. And this in itself is a deviation from the norm, which makes itself felt in the future decline in progress, the emergence of chronic fatigue, a problem in communication, inability to adapt to the surrounding society.

Therefore, it is definitely not worth it from early childhood to load a child with all sorts of developing classes, English is almost from birth, etc. The same applies to dances. Do not led to those dancing where children preschool age Make stretch marks and train the positions of classic dance at the machine more than dancing with them (of course, if you do not grow a future ballet star). Children from 2 years old are much more pleasant to repeat and teach new movements, dance to the music, and not pull the foot and sit on the twine. Children should not be hurt after dancing! Children's dances should remain kindergarten, fun and light.

We will be optimal a couple of classes on the day or the kindergarten for half a day, where children will communicate with peers, learn something in the game (no more than an hour per day), then eat and sleep at home, and in the evening and on weekends to play and know the world with parents.

Being a parent is also a job. Much more important than the one we earn money. Accelerate the development of the child or not - each decides itself. Play together into your favorite game, splash in the river, show the real forest and animals not on cards, but live - is it not better development? And may you not become the parents of the genius, but next to you will be smart, sensitive, able to make decisions and take responsibility to you in the spirit of the Spirit. The person who will be grateful to you for his carefree childhood. And so it should be.

· Why deal with the development of a child?

In order to:
. Develop basic functions: Attention, imagination, memory, logical and spatial thinking, ability to analyze and summarize;
. Create the necessary intelligent base that will become a solid foundation for further successful learning will make a child's psyche more resistant to school stress;
. Rise up a happy, comprehensively developed personality that will know what she wants and how to achieve it;
. Your child was able to see the opportunity to choose in life, could defend his life positions;
. The baby grew up healthy, active, strong, dexterous, energetic, with severe immunity;
. get closer to your child, learn from each other, make yourself and baby kinder, carefully and spiritual, stay friends and after 20 years

· How to deal with development?

* Only in the game form! The kid will do only what is interesting for him. Therefore, your fantasy, good mood, love for your child is the most important requirements in organizing your successful playing games.
* Without coercion! It is necessary to listen to the desires and opinions of the child. No need to tie yourself and baby to temporary frames. If the baby is tired - finish later, transfer the lesson the next day, suggest playing something else. Let the child himself choose a lesson who you teach it to independence.
* Development must be comprehensive:

Active physical development is a guarantee of successful intellectual and emotional development. The most effective studies during the growth period of the human brain. The brain grows up to 7 years, but intensively he grows in the first 4 years of life. Therefore, the more parents physically develop the baby, the more highly developed its intelligence, the easier it will be in further adult life.

· What will help in the development of the child?

Free access you must have:

All for creativity - paints, plasticine, colored paper and pencils, markers, glue, etc.;
. Sports inventory - balls, kegli, hoops, rope;
. Role sets - kitchens, garages, dollhouses, cribs, children's workshops;
. All for intellectual development - cards, puzzles, mosaic, liners, cubes, etc.;
. Musical Instruments - Drums, Baby Synthesizers, Bubnes, Duffers, Bells;
. Soft toys, dolls, machines;
. Sports corner - staircase, horizontal bar, hill, trampoline, mats, hinged shells - rope staircase, rings, rope, hammock, swing.

· What are the children's sports corners?

* Swedish walls - occupy little space and have low cost, oriented for children from 3.5 years. A feature of the Swedish ladder is that it can be tightened and hanging both children and their parents.
* Sports corners "G", "T" and "P-shaped" - Of all the modifications presented "P-shaped" corners are most functional, it is possible to use attachments. Suitable for children over 4 years old. Good for regular workouts between visits to sports sections.
* - Used from birth to 7 years old, multifunctional (has 5 positions for games and classes), takes 1.5 sq.m., does not require fastening.

· What is the most important advantages of the early start in front of other children's sports complexes? 10 Plus

1. Mobile - In 10 minutes, it is going to the sections, it will easily fit in the trunk of most small, medium and family machines.

2. All-season - Due to its mobility, it can be used at any time of the year and anywhere. You get: a children's sports complex for home + children's sports complex for the street.

3. Reliable - The center of gravity is evenly distributed on 4 corners of any of the verge, due to the early start, is safe, steady, stable and well barked in any of the 5 positions. Withstands the load up to 200 kg. There are several levels of SW.

4. Safe - Production uses environmentally friendly raw materials and materials that are not hazardous to children's health. Early starts meet all international standards. Provide yourself with calm and confidence that your child is not only intact, but also protected, doing and playing in an early start.
5. Functional - The complex can be used in five different positions, it makes it always new and interesting for children of different ages from birth to 6 years. This is the horizontal bar, and the Swedish wall, and the children's playpen, a children's corner. Your fidget will not be bored.

6. Unique - All sizes, distances, the diameter of the crossbar, are calculated by the engineering center, taking into account the age of the smallest users.

7. Developing - A large and constantly updated range of accessories and gaming covers allows you to use not only in sports activities, but also active developing and role-playing games.

8. Universal - The design of the early start has all the necessary sports elements: an inclined staircase, a row, horizontal bar, a band of obstacles, a slide and much more, which allows you to grow a healthy, active, physically and mentally developed child.

9. Compact - The children's corner takes 1,5kV. m. Does not require fastening to the walls. Fast disassembly assembly allows you to buy a sports complex for home to parents who live in a one-room small apartment and want to grow a healthy, active child.

10. Durable - The early start frame is made of high-quality steel. Systems of interconnections of parts withstand a long service life, thanks to the exact, neat, phased processing. Early start strength guarantees security

Maria Mantisori in his works does the main emphasis on the organization of children's space. In her opinion, the child should be three main zones:

. sensory (there must be objects of different textures, water, massage balls, boxes with different odors, etc.);
. Game.

Includes all these zones.

In the cold season, when the main part of the kids are at home, it is very important to give a child to move a lot. That is why it is necessary to think about the organization of the sports and game zone in advance. Believe me, it is much more important than foreign language Or encyclopedic knowledge that is a person so will get, if necessary, even adults. Do not everyone know that the ability to climb up in children stimulates mental abilities, faith in itself. Who could think - buying a child a sports complex, thereby developing the leader.

Taken on the Internet, I fully agree with this. But first a little about us)

When the son was 1.3, I, as a good mother, went with him to a developing center, were rejected from December and before the summer, and then you left rest to my grandmother. My son liked to draw, sculpt, glue, speech development classes were gently to say no, on musical lesson Horics we did not drive, the son did not love and sang songs). Now we are 2.4, we do not go anyway and the son is happy, we walk, play, draw and scratch in your pleasure, we watch the birds on the street, cars, as water drips, we know that the ice is slippery and so on., Learning to move the way ) And now I understand that the child does not need early development, now we are developing on the planned nature plan.

- I have already been trying to fold in the syllables. I think it would be necessary to go close to her!
-Yes? And we already read for a long time! But we have been doing with him from the diaper on a special technique - that's the result!

You probably will be very surprised when you find out that this is a dialogue between two moms of the kids and a half years.

Parents start to compare their children from birth. When turned, went, spoke? Often, all conversations of young parents are only spinning around the skills and success of their kids. Of course, it seems that if you do not engage in your child for some technique, do not use a special developing material or do not read it in 2 years encyclopedia, then you miss something very important and in something hopelessly behind others peers. And of course, the first desire of caring parents - urgently crash!
Development Development - Returns

"I probably will give Sasha to another developing center. Once I come to pick it up early, and they just play there! Well, it's not a matter! He will play and then can, and it is necessary to learn! ", - Mom of 4-year-old Sasha is indignant.

Indeed, how can I play if you need to learn letters and numbers? After all, the game is so ... empty entertainment ...

Is it really when it comes to preschooler? And is it really necessary to learn something at the desk at such a young age, instead of runner, jumps, catch-up and dolls with cubes?
Let's try to figure it out

When it comes to early development, the first question to which it is worth answering parents - why? Do I need to develop something in a child exactly "early"? Each kid develops in its own schedule and in its pace. Therefore, to compare among themselves children in terms of skills, simply meaningless.

Often, you can see a picture when one child begins to speak in a year and a half, and the other is only three. But suddenly the four years it turns out that the latest spectacle is much more developed than the first: wider vocabulary, more competent and complex speech structures.

You should not forget that there are certain medical standards for the development of a child, which is worth native. If, for example, parents notice that the child is lagging behind some kind of development, then, of course, it is worth consulting from a specialist and pay an increase in attention to this issue.

But it is completely ungrateful to chase over the success of other children. It is important to compare the baby with himself: is there progress in development, new skills and skills, is the child with interest to everything new? This parents really should pay attention and carefully monitor the development of their child, and not chase at imaginary records and successes.

This, of course, does not mean that the baby must be granted himself. Communication with adults and peers, joint games, reading literature suitable by age, walks and mobile games - All this is not a waste of time, and the most real and necessary development for the preschooler!

Everything has its time. Lessons, stubborn repetition of the material, memorizing - all this is still waiting for your child in the school. That's just he will already be ready for this and such development will bring and benefit, and their fruits.
Raise genius?

Indeed, under the age of 3 years, the child's brain perceives and assimilates information with increased efficiency. The kid with the go remembers and repeats a lot, the speech is growing rapidly, the child as a sponge absorbs everything that sees and hears. And develop a child at this age is actually very and very important. That's just developing correctly. The best thing that parents and close people of the child can do is not to discourage innocent curiosity, interest in the world and to everything new.

Going with a child for a walk, pay attention to everything that happens around. Here is snow melts, I drip icicles, the sun has become harvested - it means Spring has come. Let the Kroch takes her toothwater with her finger, nap her in a bucket, trigger on a paper boat in a stream.

All these uncomplicated, according to adult, classes help the child think, fantasize, analyze and summarize. That's just happening all this fun, emotionally, in the game. And it means that it is best to remember. Well, think about what to know the baby to know the capital of Austria in three years and is able to count to 100 without a stick? How can he apply his knowledge in practice? What do they give him?

At best, it will be useless, and at worst - can seriously harm. After all, excessive, unbearable and no one needed the load in such an early age can lead to overload and disrupting the faster nervous system kid. And this entails a number of consequences, ranging from uncontrollable behavior, and ending with serious medical diagnoses.

Many modern research and experience have already proven that children who have specifically developed for any particular work of early development, did not become launderkindam, nor even people with outstanding abilities. To a certain age, such children lined up with their peers in the level of knowledge and development and did not differ from them.

Therefore, let the childhood remains childhood! The main thing, love and take your crumb to what it is, let him be yourself, and not invented by Mom and dad little genius!

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