What a high pressure can lead to. What is hypertension and what it is dangerous

The main cardiac surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation declares:"Hypertension is not a sentence. The disease is really dangerous, but you can fight it and you need. Science stepped forward and medications appeared that eliminate the causes of the development of hypertension, and not only its consequences.Just just ... Read Article \u003e\u003e

High pressure is the main symptom of many diseases and is a slow "destroyer" of the body.

A constantly elevated level of blood pressure inside the vessels forms dangerous pathologies and can cause infarction and strokes.

What is dangerous high pressure, learn in the article.

Causes of high pressure

Increased pressure may occur for various reasons. However, constantly increased blood pressure can talk about deviations in cardiovascular system and the development of such a disease as arterial hypertension.

Pathology develops for some time and can be prevented by its complication in advance.

Factors that provoke pressure fluctuations, a lot. Hell may increase for the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • kidney disease;
  • Abuse of alcohol and tobacocco;
  • excess weight;
  • discharged nervous system;
  • hormonal failures;
  • Climax in women;
  • insomnia;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • Incorrect power mode;
  • TAPC problems;
  • diabetes.

The main reason for the increase in pressure is atherosclerosis. In addition, the hypertension can lead a low-wear lifestyle, consumption of a large number of salted food, nervous exhaustion.

These factors can provoke arterial hypertension, and over the years, the risk of developing this disease is only increasing. Hypertensive includes a risk group to get stroke and heart attack.

Symptoms of increased pressure

Although hypertension at the first stages practically proceeds asymptomatic, it can be noted an increase in pressure on the following symptoms:

  • An explicit sign of pressure in humans is a head, squeezing in the temples;
  • Dizziness occurs with a sharp rise from bed, slope or turning the head;
  • Fast fatigue, apathy;
  • irritability;
  • sword, heartbeat;
  • pain in the heart;
  • edema feet;
  • Cold in hands, feet.

Often these symptoms are confused with conventional overwork and ignore, without paying attention to the indicators of blood pressure. When these states find a permanent character, hypertension can develop.

The persistent state due to the following symptoms, indicates the presence of hypertension:

  • dizziness;
  • no concentration of attention;
  • gravity in the field of the head;
  • frequent sweating;
  • frequent forgetfulness;
  • fluctuations in body temperature;
  • apathy, lethargy;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • Fast ripples, heartbeat;
  • noise in ears or reduced hearing;
  • insomnia;
  • flies before eyes;
  • Edema, redness of the skin, face.

Hypertension and pressure jumps - will remain in the past!

Measurements hell needed for about three times in 24 hours. A person should be in a calm state, while the norm is 120 to 70.

The development of the disease begins with minor symptoms, which over time are only aggravated and progress. Many people deny the presence of serious pathology. Ignoring hypertension leads to the development of serious complications.

Why increases pressure.

Than dangerous high pressure

Many are interested in the question than dangerous high pressure? First of all, the danger lies in the risks of the appearance and aggravation of atherosclerosis. The rate of blood flow increases, the walls of blood vessels are injured, platelets are prone to destruction.

What is the dangerous hypertension? The presence of this pathology leads to serious violations of the body, all organs suffer, namely:

  • violated vision. With a constant increase in blood pressure, an artery spasm occurs, which is responsible for the operation of the optic nerve, it fails in the blood supply. Hypertension can cause hemorrhage in the eyes, which can lead to blindness;
  • renal failure. When jumps, the kidneys do not withstand such loads, it fails to eliminate toxins from the body. Hell in most cases becomes the reason for the appearance renal failure;
  • cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, angina). Hell prevents the normal flow of blood for the work of the heart. It cannot normally provide organism oxygen. If the heart system suffers, this is reflected in the work of the whole organism as a whole;
  • left ventricular hypertrophy. From constant reductions, blood supply to the heart is violated. There is constant voltage and low-pass;
  • Stroke, heart attack. In the brain vessels, blood circulation is broken, hemorrhage can occur.

In chronic increase in pressure, the vessels are constantly in the voltage, they are spashed and coated with cholesterol plaques.

The effects of high pressure are serious, and you need to consult a doctor in time, even at the first stages of the appearance of the disease. One of the most serious exacerbations of hell is a hypertonic crisis that has rapid development strings. It begins with sharply increased blood pressure with symptoms of tachycardia and arrhythmias and can lead to deposits.

Men can develop impotence. Hypertension contributes to the formation of arterial plaques in the vessels, which leads to a closure of the vessel, which is responsible for filling the penis by the blood.

because of hazardous complicationswhich can lead to death, you need to listen to the state of your health and turn to the doctor in time. Increased blood pressure is an important signal to pay attention to your body.

To facilitate the situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the lifestyle - to adjust the power mode, sit on the diet, refuse bad habits, play sports, get enough sleep, often be in the fresh air.

The problem of high blood pressure is very relevant today. Unfortunately, many people do not give values \u200b\u200bto high pressure until it starts to disturb seriously. When persistent complaints begin, the reason for which are serious changes in many vessels of the body, they begin to use drugs, and do it, most often, not correctly. How to recognize the symptoms of arterial hypertension, and how with this disease it is correct to fight to avoid such terrible complications as a myocardial infarction, stroke, memory violation, attention, so-called encephalopathy (which can also be a cause of high pressure) we and Let's talk in this article.

The prevalence of the problem of high blood pressure (AD)

The problem of high blood pressure is quite common. According to statistics, 25% of the adult population suffers from high arterial pressure, people who have reached the age of 65 and over the percentage rises to 65 and higher. The most commonly mild form of arterial hypertension is 70 - 80%, and the remaining cases fall on pronounced arterial hypertension.

Signs of high pressure

The main signs of increased pressure are:

  • headache (sensation of pressure in the field of temples, forehead),
  • dizziness,
  • feeling pressure on the eyes from the inside
  • redness of the face
  • noise in ears,
  • flies before eyes.

The difference of arterial hypertension from hypertensive disease

Arterial hypertension - This is the presence of high pressure actually. This is the result that showed a tonometer. Hypertonic disease same - this is a persistent long-term increase in blood pressure.

Arterial hypertension - symptom of hypertensive disease (primary arterial hypertension), which is the causes of which: increased cholesterol content, which is postponed as cholesterol plaques In the vessels, excess amount of salt and fluid in the body, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, excess body weight, hereditary predisposition.

There is also symptomatic arterial hypertension (secondary arterial hypertension). Symptomatic arterial hypertension happens in diseases of the kidneys, with diabetes and other endocrine diseases, with diseases of the central nervous system (stroke, brain tumors), with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, heart defects, the pathology of the aorta, valves. There is also a drug arterial hypertension (when taking glucocorticosteroids, contraceptives, antidepressants).

Danger of high pressure

A persistent increase in blood pressure can lead to such complications as stress angina, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, stroke. Therefore, it is important to reduce blood pressure and carry out the prevention of its re-enhancement not only in order to improve the quality of life of the patient, but also to extend the patient's life itself. Such formidable complications as a stroke and myocardial infarction can lead not only to the disability of the patient, but also to his death.

Hypertensive crisis

Under the hypertonic crisis, an excessive increase in blood pressure is understood (young people often have a picture of a criste with low-digits of blood pressure, it is important to listen to the symptoms here, and not to focus on the blood pressure numbers). Hypertensive, as a rule, know the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis - these are headaches, dizziness, shaking when walking, heartbeat, shortness of breath. These symptoms talk about the defeat of target organs, such as a brain and heart. In some patients, neurological symptoms are also observed: vomiting, convulsions, disturbances of consciousness. Hypertensive crisis It can lead to myocardial infarction and stroke, so it must be immediately stopped.

What to do with high arterial pressure?

The first thing to be done, if the symptoms of the crisis are insignificant and crisis just begins, it is to sit down and lower the legs, so slightly decreases the influx of blood to the heart and the overload is reduced. You can also massage ear shells, attach a cold to your head, make a hot foot bath - these procedures help as reflex with distracting effect. Deep breathing with delays at an altitude of breath can help unamiculatedly bind a starting crisis. It is possible to calm the patient with the help of a vocal panine and kivalol.

What drugs are used for first aid with high arterial pressure depends on clinical symptoms Chrusa:

  1. Crisis without disrupting blood circulation (chopping, heartbeat, swelling on the legs, increased liver; and the pathology of the central nervous system (traffic disorders, the ability to speak, numbness fingers and feet, asymmetry of the face) With such crisis, the doctor gives drugs in the form of tablets and must control the state Patient for the month.
  2. When crised with neurological symptoms, stubborn pain and shortness of breath, the condition is estimated as severe, drugs are administered only parenterally (intravenous) and the patient must be hospitalized for further treatment in the hospital. Hospitalization in the hospital is obligatory, since in this symptomatics in the patient may be diagnosed with stroke, myocardial infarction.

Nifedipine, metoprolol, metoprolol are used from tabletled preparations for young patients. In chronic lung diseases bronchial asthma Metoprolol is contraindicated. If the patient is an elderly and suffered myocardial infarction, then the captive, Carvedilol, is recommended. When receiving a quoter, it is necessary to lie 8 hours, because the pressure can fall sharply when you try to get up.

Magnesia sulfur is considered to be an obsolete drug, but sometimes it is still used in a hypertonic crisis, from the standards of treatment, such drugs are excluded such as but-shap, papavers, dibazole in injections.

For intravenous administration Use drugs nitroprusside sodium, nitapane, verapamil, hydralazine, enalaprilat, labetalol, clonidine, azametonia Bromide.

Now let's talk about the treatment of hypertensive disease. If the doctor diagnosed hypertension and prescribed antihypertensive therapy, then the first thing is obliged to remember the patient - antihypertensive drugs need to be used regularly, since their main goal is not to reduce already increased blood pressure, but to prevent its increase. What preparations are used to treat hypertensive diseases?

High pressure treatment

There are five major groups of antihypertensive drugs. It is also important than it is complicated and the hypertensive disease is combined with this patient.

Inhibitors of angiotensin glossy enzyme (IAPF), One of the best preparations of this group are Perindopril, Ramipril. Preparations of this group are used with quite frequent complication of hypertension - hypertrophy of the myocardium of the left ventricle. It has been proven that the drugs of this group not only reduce blood pressure (have a hypotensive effect), but also contribute to the reduction of the hyperrophy of the myocardium of the left ventricle, and also have an antiarrhythmic effect.

The combination of the drug perindopril with Indapamide (a diuretic drug) is fully justified, since diuretic also have a hypotensive effect, as well as in combination with a diuretic, this drug is more efficient. The preparations of the IAPF Group are the first in the treatment of hypertension. It is preferable to use the preparations of a new generation in counterweight to older drugs (such as Enalapril), as they are accepted once a day, as well as more efficiently.

Also, the AAPF is effective in secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease and heart failure, and preferably among other drugs in diabetes and renal pathology.

In case of intolerance, the IAPF is assigned inhibitors of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system or Sartan: Lozartan, Valsartan, etc.These drugs are also effective in hypertrophy of myocardial left ventricle (reduce it when long reception), heart failure, diabetic nephropathy, renal pathology, arrhythmias ( paroxysmal form Fibrillation atrial).

Betta - blockers(for example, Concor, Nebivolol). In addition to antihypertensive properties, they have an anti-hiece and antiarrhythmic effect, this allows them to be used to prevent sudden cardiac death. Betta blockers - preparations of choice with a combination of hypertensive disease (GB) with ischemic disease Hearts (IBS), especially after transferred acute coronary syndromes (myocardial infarction), as well as with any kind of arrhythmias, including tachycardia (increasing heart rate). From this group, it is preferable to use selective preparations that have the least side Effects (Concor, Nebivolol), including a negative effect on sexual activity.

Tiazid diuretics(Hypothiazide) . Therapy with thiazide diuretics reduces the frequency of complications of IBS, as well as the frequency of heart failure and renal disorders.

Calcium antagonists (AC). Preparations of selection in this group depend on the heart rate, with a tendency to tachycardia, the preparations of the choice becomes a group of phenylaclamines (verapamil), with the tendency of bradycardians - a group of dihydropyridines (nifedipine, amlodipine).

Calcium antagonists reduce the frequency of IBS complications due to the anti-naniginal effect. Antianginal (or anti -cechemic) AK effect is implemented due to expansion coronary vessels (vessels feeding the heart), therefore, the frequency of seizures of the prudged pain decreases, and then they are stopped and their prevention is carried out. The cardioprotective effect of AK is associated with their ability to reduce left ventricular myocardium hypertrophy, which is a frequent complication of GB. Also, AK helps to reduce the complication of hypertensive disease with heart failure.

These are the main five groups that are used to treat hypertensive disease.

Currently, it is widely used to treat arterial hypertension. combined drug therapy . It should be noted that at the stage of selecting the drug, the use of combination therapy is inappropriate, because it is necessary to find out how much this drug is suitable for a patient, as well as decide on the dosage. In the future, when the dosage is selected, the combined drugs are often used. There are combinations that are more efficient. Combined therapy is considered more efficient because different groups Preparations have different mechanisms of action, and their combination will give a more resistant and long effect.

IAPF + potassium-saving diuretik (for example, Noliprel, Ko-Perineva). This is one of the most popular and well-portable combinations.

Sartan + thiazide diuretics (for example, Vozn N, Lorista N). often used in the intolerance of the IAPF.

Sartan + Blockers of slow calcium channels (for example, export, exefor n with diuretic). Used with a combination of GB and IBS, stress angina.

IAPF + BMKK, Equator. Also used when combined with GB and IBS, stroke angina.

Betta blocker + BMKK, Concorp AM. This combination is considered effective with a combination of GB, IBS, stress angina and tachyarithmium.

Tiazid Diuretik + Betta-Adrenoblocator (Tenoric, Loprestor). This combination is considered effective, but there has deficiencies in the impact on lipid metabolism and sexual activity.

Features of the course of hypertension at different ages

If we talk about elevated arterial pressure in childhood, the main reason are kidney disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney polycystic), some defects of hearts, congenital changes in large vessels (for example, stenosis renal arteries, coarcation of aorta). A teenage period increases the role of endocrine pathology (hypothalamic syndrome). Now in many countries there is an increase in primary children's hypertension, which is associated with overeating and a low-tech personnel leading to obesity that promotes a failure in the regulation of blood pressure.

After 30 years, the value of secondary arterial hypertension gradually decreases, and the actual hypertension or hypertensive disease, a multifactorial disease, which cannot be cured, can only be cured, and can only be controlled, regularly taking pressure reduction. In this period, the increase in pressure is associated with mental and physical overloads, work in night shifts, stress. Such hypertension is called reactive and needs permanent observation. From the period of regular enhancement of blood pressure, it is necessary to control it and refer to the doctor for the preparation and appointment of treatment.

After 40 years, the danger of formidable complications, such as myocardial infarction, stroke increases sharply, so it is necessary to monitor the figures of blood pressure, not to skip the reception of drugs and regularly observe the attending doctor.

Sport and high pressure

What to do if the hypertonic disease suffers from playing sports? Is it worth the worsening of the state?

Despite the elevated arterial pressure digits, physical exertion is necessary, but they must correspond to the patient's condition. Under systolic pressure 140/180 mm. Art., a diastolic 105 mm. RT. Art. The patient is recommended to remain active and combine different sports. Regular physical exercises Contribute to normalization of blood pressure numbers.

If the figures of blood pressure are higher, then sports activities are harmful to health. Such patients need uniform physical exertion that strengthen the muscles.

Prevention of arterial hypertension

Have you become noticing an increase in blood pressure? What to do?

The prevention of high blood pressure is the fight against a low-tech lifestyle, normalization of labor and recreation, avoiding stress, and, of course, diet. For the prevention of arterial hypertension, it is necessary to limit salt and liquid in use, as well as eliminate coffee, strong tea, carbonated sweet drinks, chocolate, smoked products, sausage, mayonnaise, fatty and fried food. Exclude fully or strongly limit.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Therapist E.A. Kuznetsov


Any hypertension is a persistent increase in blood pressure caused by a violation of the heart and tone of the vessels. The disease has a local status, is not directly related to diseases of the organism or other organs. The danger of hypertension is in the risk of chronic focal damage to the walls of vessels that lose elasticity. So the conditions for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques are created. When blood circulation is difficult, the normal functioning of the brain, kidneys, hearts, the probability of occlusion appears - the blockage of blood vessels.

What is hypertension

Arterial hypertension is diagnosed in arterial pressure (AD) from 140 (upper, systole), the lower (diastole) is 90 mm mercury pillars. More than 90% of registered cases is essential hypertension (primary), which is characterized by the morphological change in the heart and blood vessels. According to statistics, about 30% of the total adult population of Russia suffer from arterial hypertension (AG), and with age, the percentage of sick people increases: after 65 years - up to 50%. Arterial hypertension occurs with long-term influence on a person psycho-emotional loads.

As a result of overvoltage, there is a violation of the regulation of hormonal mechanisms that affect blood pressure. Any stress provokes new attacks. Changes in the heart, vessels with long periods of increased blood pressure lead to the pathology of hemodynamics, a complication of hypertension is formed. The effects of blood supply disorders can be expressed in strokes, renal and heart failure, heart attacks.


A sharp violation of the adjustment mechanism of blood pressure leads to an increase in pressure to critical values. There is a change in blood circulation, the disorder of normal functioning internal organs. It is characteristic of the disease, changing the blood supply to the heart and brain, which leads to a decrease in working capacity, fast fatigue even with low loads. Experts diagnose hypertension with the following symptoms:

  • Anxious state, unfortunate fear, irritation.
  • Unnatural saturated face and chest redness.
  • Strong head (pulsating) pain, especially localized in the occipital part.
  • Stileging condition accompanied by noise and ringing in the ears.
  • Pain in the chest department.
  • The deterioration of vision against the background of the appearance of "flies" or "fog" before the eyes.
  • Strong heartbeat, shortness of breath.
  • With in-depth neurological disorders, a slight permanent of consciousness may occur, accompanied by severe dizziness.

The initial stages of the disease are characterized by morning malaise, the inability to focus on the problem performed due to headaches, nervous tremor, rapid heartbeat. Complication of hypertension can be threatening for life, develop pathologies in target bodies. With the identified symptoms, it is important to provide a timely medical assistance to the patient's adequate state.

Who in the risk area

The World Health Organization specialists allocated the main risk factors that affect the development of arterial hypertension. In WHO reports, it is indicated to aggravate the situation with the spread of hypertension due to a raising standard of living. Hydodina, high-calorie food is a real beach of a modern person. The most common causes of high pressure are:

  • age changes in the body;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • non-harmony use of table salt;
  • diabetes mellitus of various origin;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • heredity (one of the genes, "responsible" for illness - angiotensinogen);
  • low calcium diets;
  • obesity or overweight;
  • lack of sleep against the background of psycho-emotional overloads.

The progression of the disease occurs gradually. Pathology of arterial pressure begins at the initial stage of the disease. There is an opportunity to adjust the patient's condition by changing the lifestyle, a decrease in blood cholesterol, conducting medical treatment. The symptoms of the first stage is manifested by an increase in systolic pressure to 160 mm Hg. Art., Diastolic pressure indicators exceed 90 mm Hg. Art. After a short rest, a return is coming to the norm, but only on a short length of time.

Than dangerous increased pressure

Elasticity of vessel tissue is one of the indicators of a healthy person. At high pressure of the walls of the vessels are damaged, hypertrophy occurs smooth muscles, narrowing of lumen, cholesterol deposition with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Atherosclerosis develops over time, the reduction in vessels reaches a critical value. The risk of a hypertensive crisis that is complicated by:

  • acute impaired brain circulation;
  • settlement of aortic aneurysm;
  • acute insufficiency Left ventricle heart.

What is dangerous hypertension for target organs: the blockage or spasm of vessels lead to a pathological change in blood circulation, the edema of light, brain and renal failure develops. The heart attack (gap of the heart wall) or stroke lead to disability, and complications are the cause of death. The retina is affected by the retina, an atrophically visual nerve, a loss of vision occurs. Another consequence of hypertension - hemolytic anemia With increased destruction of red blood cells.

Danger for internal organs

It is difficult to assume what consequences of high pressure will be for a particular person. Studies of this area have shown that arterial hypertension has a destructive impact on the entire body, affecting the areas weakened by the disease. Often hell "beats" on target authorities, process pathological changes Without proper treatment, it can become irreversible:

  • The brain is the development of vascular pathology, which leads to dementia, strokes, deterioration of memory functions.
  • Heart - ventricular hypertrophy due to the increase, which takes place of the walls (heart attack).
  • The kidneys - nephrosclerosis and renal failure, which provokes further development of hypertension.
  • Eyes - damage to the retina and its vessels.
  • Liver - cirrhosis.
  • Pancreas - pancreatitis.
  • Sex system - dysfunction.

Complications of hypertensive disease are aggravated by age factor. The first stage of hypertension passes almost asymptomatic, only with the defeat of the organs there are typical complaints of health. The main "target" becomes the brain as the most difficult mechanism for managing all the systems of the body. The patient points to constant headaches, changes in the perception of information and difficult adaptation to new conditions. To sort out how increased blood pressure leads to complications, learn about its influence on the internal organs.

Changes in the nervous system

Small arterial spasms Already at the initial stages of the disease, direct influence on the nervous system can cause unpleasant symptoms. When referring to the doctor, it often turns out that even before the beginning of pronounced signs of hypertension, the patient noted the characteristic attacks of nervous weakness, seventhortic condition and dizziness. Some patients confirmed cases of poor well-being in premises with a large number of people and with a sharp change in weather. Often people turn to the doctor with nervous symptomsthat occur at an early stage of the disease:

  • excessive vegetative reactions in situations;
  • emotional instability;
  • caught fears;
  • headache.

As the situation and the development of the following stages exacerbate, clearer differences in the behavior of the patient are manifested, additionally provoked by the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine. There is such a concept as the "psyche of hypertensive", concretizing human behavior before the disease and after the occurrence of characteristic changes. It often dismissed psychopathic character traits, overload of the sympathetic department. As a result of the damage to the nervous system, the following symptoms are observed:

  • strengthening irritability;
  • fast fatigue, uncertainty in their actions;
  • alarming state;
  • slowing down the memorization processes;
  • difficulty in a sharp change of activity;
  • elevated emotional excitability for minor incidents.

Vision problems

The symptoms of the arterial hypertension of the relative bodies of vision is very diverse, which is due to the differences in the structure of the vessels of the visual nerve, the retina and the shell. Explicit changes in the eye bottom can only be determined when examining the patient by the doctor. The degree of lesion of vision depends on the duration of the high blood pressure and the time of appeal to the specialist. Manifestations of hypertension:

  • Angiopathy is the expansion of the veins on the eye day, the narrowing of the arteries. These symptoms are functional, that is, passing with proper and timely treatment.
  • Angiosclerosis - thickening of the walls of the arteries and a decrease in their lumen against the background of the listed symptoms.
  • Retinopathy - hemorrhage in the retina, swelling, fabric damage. The acuity of vision is reduced regardless of the patient's age.
  • Neuroretinopathy - swells the visual nerve and increases in size.

The relationship of the eye failure changes with complications in hypertension is seen. So, if a patient is diagnosed with retinopathy, the risk of stroke has increased significantly, even if the level of blood pressure is currently close to the norm. The possibility of left ventricular hypertrophy increases with changes in the retina.

Changes in the work of the heart

Coronary and peripheral arterial spasms cause disorders in the blood circulation of the heart. A systematic increase in pressure leads to the loss of elasticity of the walls of the vessels, the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, further narrowing of the lumen. These chains of one link, which make the heart work with an increased load, to overcome the resistance of the affected arteries. Long overload of the heart muscle provokes the following changes:

  • development in myocardial dystrophy;
  • heart failure;
  • left ventricular hypertrophy.

Hypertensive crises are accompanied by:

  • heart pains;
  • breath;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • infarction.

The effect of hypertension on the brain

The main target organ that is subjected to devastating morphological changes in arterial hypertension is a brain. Permanent high pressure affects premature aging of white substance and cerebral vessels. Destructive processes are the cause of thinning the walls of the arteries, the formation of fibrous plaques, deforming extracranial and peripheral vessels. Diffuse and small-scale pathologies lead to the development of the following complications:

  • Vascular dementia at which the personality changes occur. The patient is not able to memorize new information, loses social skills, "flows into childhood." The result of the disease is a fatal outcome.
  • Changes with cerebral blood flow, which aggravates neurological disorders and their activity.
  • Reducing the masses of the brain, violation of cognitive functions, premature aging.

Problems of kidneys

As a result of the research conducted, it was revealed that high pressure represents a threat to kidneys, contributes to changes in the smallest vessels included in the organ filtering apparatus. When a decrease in the kidney functional, water exchange is broken, urine is poorly excreted from the body, carcinogens are accumulated. The system of emission of hormones responsible for normalization of pressure is suffering, the system is no longer capable of adjusting this process. As a result, chronic disorders accumulate:

  • The imposition of hyaline sclerotic changes to the smooth muscle walls, which provokes the loss of gloms (increasing pressure in capillaries) through which the liquid is filtered.
  • Renal failure.
  • Nesklerosis.
  • Inflammation of adrenal glands.
  • Kidney wrinkle.

Violation of sexual function

With arterial hypertension, the vessels lose the elasticity and ability to relax and shrink in normal mode. The blood flow is not regulated, the quality of the filling of the cavernous bodies is reduced, which generates eryactile dysfunction. The diameter of the vessels is gradually narrowed, atherosclerotic plaques are growing on the walls, as with natural aging of the body. And with the defeat of the coronary vessels, the problem of the erection is further aggravated, the disease takes chronic form. Violation of sexual function with hypertension is accompanied by symptoms:

  • The gradual increase in the inability to make a full sexual intercourse.
  • The absence of spontaneous night erections.
  • The emergence of problems with erection under any circumstances.

How to deal with hypertension

AT initial stage Diseases can be dispensed without special drugs that reduce blood pressure to normal importance, use the advice of a doctor to change the lifestyle. The recommendations of specialists are usually the same type and concern the harmful habits provoking hypertension. In some cases, patients help light folk remedies, herbs aimed at calming the nervous system and normalization of sleep. Traditional measures that reduce the risk of developing hypertension:

  • weight loss to normal;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • reduction of alcohol consumption or full refusal of alcohol;
  • reducing the amount of salt in food;
  • an increase in the share of vegetable food in the diet, the fibers of which contain magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • reducing the content of animal fats food.

Drug treatment begins only according to the testimony of the doctor, drugs are prescribed, taking into account concomitant diseases, blood pressure and complications of hypertension. If the disease is in the initial stage, monotherapy is practiced using only one drug. Combined therapy is used at 2 and 3 stages of the disease, preferences are given to drugs, which with the help of a certain enzyme suppress the ability to synthesize with specific hormones in the body.


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Articles do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment based on individual features Specific patient.

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What is dangerous hypertension and why: the consequences of the disease

Hypertension is considered a cardiovascular disease, the main symptom of which is increased pressure. Than terrible disease and what are the consequences of high blood pressure, not all people know. In addition, not everyone is known and the fact that the pressure rate depends on the age of a person. Therefore, not all indicators are considered a disease.

On the tonometer screens there is a special scale, which you can determine the level of pressure in humans. In the indicator there are 2 digits: upper and lower. The top is responsible for the power of the blood pushing from the heart into the vessels, and the lower depends on the ability of these vessels to restrain the blood flow.

Launched hypertension that is not treated may threaten very dangerous consequences. On 2-3 stages of the disease there is a risk of problems with heart, tachycardia, or hypertrophy of myocardians on the left ventricle.

Most often, arterial hypertension develops among the following category of people:

  1. Older people: the higher age, the greater the likelihood of the death rate. Regularly measure specialists are advised from 45 years.
  2. People who smoke a lot or too fond of alcohol.
  3. If parents diagnosed hypertension, the risk of appearing it in children is quite large.
  4. Thought people.
  5. People working on harmful work related to noise and vibrations.
  6. Patients suffering from diseases of the kidneys.
  7. People who have ever injured their heads.
  8. Representatives of the strong half of humanity. Men more often has a problem than women.
  9. People often stay in stress. This is explained by the fact that adrenaline, a hormone of stress, leads to tachycardia and increase pressure. If this process continues for a long timeThe vessels wear out and hypertensive disease occurs.
  10. People who move very little. Athletes have the risk of hypertension much lower than those who suffer from hypodynamines.

What are the causes of the appearance of the disease?

Arterial hypertension is divided into two types: primary and secondary.

The nature of the development of the primary form of the disease is still unknown. Doctors agree that atherosclerosis is the most important reason for its appearance. But here there is a statement that it is atherosclerosis that is caused by the presence of hypertension. In addition, wine can be a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of a large amount of salt, oily food and regular stresses of the house or at work.

The secondary form implies the fact that there are problems with the internal organs. It can be the pathology of the endocrine system, heart disease, stenosis of the artery in the kidneys, jade.

What does the heightened pressure lead to?

The consequences of arterial hypertension can be very deplorable. Here is some of them:

  1. Problems with vision. During a sudden pressure jump, there is a risk of developing an artery spasm that feeds the visual nerves. As a result, disorders occur in the retina, and the integrity of its vessels is damaged.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys. High pressure interferes with the kidneys to function normally, which threatens in the human body of various toxins. The risk of renal failure is very large here.
  3. Heart ischemia. In this case, there are little blood in the artery to feed the heart. If you keep hypertension under control, it can be prevented by ischemia.
  4. Heart failure. It is chronic illness, during which the muscle is not able to provide a person with a proper oxygen. The patient is strongly weakened and not able to perform physical work.
  5. Angina. At the same time, there are problems with the work of the heart. The disease occurs due to overwork or excessive emotionality. Man is experiencing dull pain In the chest and vomiting.
  6. Stroke. This very dangerous Nedug It is the result of high pressure and leads to a violation of blood circulation in the brain and even hemorrhage. Symptoms of stroke can be called unbearable pain in the head, curvature of smiles, problems with speech and paralysis of the body. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, then the consequences of the stroke are minimized.
  7. A heart attack, which manifests itself a strong and long-term pain in the chest area on the left side, and can lead to a fatal outcome for counting minutes.
  8. - The most common occurrence from high pressure. It happens as a result of overwork or psycho-emotional breakdown, almost every hypertension. Crisis develops rapidly: the pressure sharply jumps up, nausea is observed, vomiting, dizziness and pain in the occipital part of the head. In addition, there is a strong tachycardia or arrhythmia. Mete-dependent people and women in the period of menopause are prone to hypertensive crisis.
  9. Impotence. Hypertension contributes to the fact that plaques are formed in vessels, which, when opening, can become causes of blockage of small vessels. This vessel may be a vessel filling the bodies of the guy's gender organ. It threatens erectile dysfunction.

Arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis go to the leg. As a result of the fact that the plaques are settled on the walls of the vessels, they narrow their clearance and lead to blood flow resistance. This is the cause of high pressure in vessels with atherosclerotic plaques.

What are the results of increased pressure?

Doctors are confident that it is the consequences of arterial hypertension give heavy complications. The first blow falls on the cardiovascular system, the brain, kidneys and vision suffer behind it.

With a regular increase in blood pressure on the heart muscle, a very strong load is supplied. The heart begins to work in unusual mode and rather quickly "wear out": Evenkers appear on the limbs and shortness of breath.

All organism systems are interconnected. Therefore, with an increase in pressure indicators, hemorrhage occurs. It affects the brain vessels, which leads to mental disorders, problems with memory, pain in the head and dizziness. But the worst is a hypertonic crisis that can provoke stroke.

What is dangerous hypertensive crisis?

This term includes the state of the human body, at which the upper pressure exceeds the figure of 180 millimeters of the mercury pillar, and the lower range ranges in the range of 120 millimeters of the mercury pillar.

The main cause of hypertensive crises is arterial hypertension. This condition is quite dangerous for health, and even for the patient's life. Without timely medical care The consequences may be tragic.

As medical statistics shows, every tenth person suffering from high blood pressure, periodically experiencing crises lasting as a couple of hours and for several days. Most often, the problem is observed in older people, but it is found in the younger generation.

According to physicians, in the event that the pressure arrows on the tonometer are rapidly, the risk of detachment of the aortic aneurysms appears. Such a state should be immediately corrected: to bring pressure by any ways as quickly as possible. But if the patient hypertension led to circulatory disorders in the brain, the pressure cannot be reduced very sharply. It is necessary to do it slowly, otherwise there may be difficult consequences: a brain infarction, hemorrhage, angina or even stroke.

Prevention of hypertension

Preventive measures are consistent with the following recommendations:

  1. Regular exercise and sports. Antihypertensive effects have exercises on simulators, respiratory activities and workouts for endurance. Specialists advise to engage in no longer than half an hour.
  2. A diet based on a decrease in the amount of salt used in food. A person is quite enough to use 5 grams of salt per day.
  3. Restriction in the diet of animal fats. You need less cream oil, sausages, sour cream and other oily food.
  4. Fighting smoking and drinking alcohol.
  5. Mastering psychological unloading techniques: meditation, autotraining, self-sucking. It is very important to learn how to enjoy life and change its worldview.
  6. Control of blood pressure.
  7. Compliance with the doctor's prescriptions regarding the treatment of the problem manifested.

Experts indicate that arterial hypertension, whose therapy is not conducted, is the cause of early death. Very often, heart attacks and strokes occur due to not a borrowed problem.

Hypertension is a dangerous disease that a person kills without treatment. Today, high pressure is diagnosed in many people of old age, but even young people are not insured from hypertension. Despite the seriousness of the state, not many know than dangerous high pressure. It is not necessary to wait for the consequences of the disease, it is necessary to immediately stop the pressure growth at the first manifestations.

To determine the pressure must be measured using a tonometer. Normally, human indicators must be 120 per 80 mm Hg. Art. Such values \u200b\u200bare characteristic of fully healthy people, but there may be small deviations of up to 20 units, which is also considered normal. Indicators may vary as a result of stress, coffee or physical activity, but if there are no hypertension, they are rapidly normalized, without the use of drugs.

You can estimate the norm not only by the values \u200b\u200bof the tonometer, it is also important to take into account its condition, sensations. If in the eyes begins to darken sharply, headache and head hurts in the ears, then hypertension is most likely developed. As a rule, patients with a diagnosed diagnosis are known than dangerously increased pressure, how to stop it and facilitate their condition. Such patients always have pills that can reduce high indicator on a tonometer.

It is much more difficult for those who occur with the attacks of sharp pressure growth for the first time. In some cases, the disease is not accompanied by obvious symptoms, with the initial stage of hypertension. Therefore, patients may not know that their pressure is elevated.


It's important to know!

The vessels are very rapidly polluted, especially in older people. To do this, it is not necessary to eat everydays of burgers or potatoes. It is enough to eat one sausage or scrambled eggs so that some amount of cholesterol is deposited in the vessels. Over time, pollution accumulates ...

It is possible to determine the growth of pressure according to characteristic symptoms:

If one or several symptoms described appear, you need to immediately do pressure measurements. This will help determine what to do and best turn to a specialist to obtain recommendations and continue to diagnose the organism.

Experts identify 3 types of hypertension, which are characterized by different pressure indicators:

If the patient has the first type of hypertension, then the symptoms and growth of indicators may not be felt. From time to time, small pains and fatigue are possible. With each new increase in pressure, the state will deteriorate, pathology develops. To control it is necessary to make measurements from time to time, especially if the described symptoms appear. The first type of illness does not cause dangers for the body, but starting from the second, the internal organs are exposed to strong load and change.

Most often suffer:

Internal changes occur slowly, sometimes up to several years. If you do not treat treatment, it develops 3 of the hypertension stage. It is with a high resistance pressure in patients begins strokes, heart attacks, and death occurs in heavy patients. Symptoms of growth of indicators cannot be defined. If signs appear, you must immediately call ambulance, it is possible to stop the attack by the attack, but to save health and life, without medical care can not do.

The arterial pressure indicator indicates the speed of blood movement in the vessels. If the normal mode, then the tonometer data is within the limits of the norm. If the blood flow gives failures, the digital parameters immediately change. With pressure growth, blood flow changes, the body becomes little oxygen, hearts and other organs do not receive nutrients in the desired volumes. The pressure growth will be for the following reasons:

With the growth of indicators, all authorities have to work with the load, due to this, their rapid wear occurs.

Systolic pressure

When measuring the pressure, the first digit is the systolic indicator, it is also the top. Indicates the number of the heart and the frequency of heart cuts, during blood ejection. With an increase in the upper pressure, the pulse increases, discomfort appears in the chest. In medicine, systolic pressure is often called systolic pressure, since it depends on the state and work of the heart.

Sharp growth is dangerous for people and leads to the following:

It is the growth of the upper pressure that is always more dangerous for people than increasing the lower indicator.

This indicator is the second digit on the tonometer during the measurement. Most often, differences from systolic pressure will be 40-50 units. Digital value depends on the functioning of the vessels during the reduction in the heart. Increased lower pressure says that vascular system Could not fulfill its work in due measure. Often, the problem is hidden in violation of the elasticity and blockage of vessels, the narrowing of their lumen.

Among the main reasons can be allocated:

The sharp rise in the lower pressure is also dangerous for people, because it can cause:

Even with long-term finding of a person in the cold, the indicators can jump, because the blood circulation in the cold changes, and then begins to restore due to the increased activity of the vessels.

Risk group


90-95% of people are high blood pressure Developed regardless of lifestyle, being a risk factor for diseases of the brain, kidneys, heart, vision, as well as infarction and strokes! In 2017, scientists have discovered the relationship between pressure enhancement mechanisms and blood clotting factor.

Anyone may suffer from hypertension, and it does not develop just like that. To do this, there must be some provoking factors that lead to sharp rise in indicators. The risk group includes the following category of people:

According to statistical data in men, the development of hypertension appears twice as much as women and the main causes in improper nutrition and lifestyle

What is the danger?

Many patients are wondering than dangerous hypertension and consistently increased pressure. First of all, it should be noted that the risk of atherosclerosis development increases, and if the pathology is already there, it will begin to be aggravated. The flow of blood according to vessels is also enhanced, which traums their walls, strongly affected parts can be destroyed and hemorrhage begins. Also hypertension is dangerous for the entire body and specific organs.

A heart

The main human body is the heart. With the growth of pressure, it has to work in reinforced mode, the number of abbreviations is increasing, as well as blood emissions. If this body is affected specifically, then complications are as follows:

With hypertension, the heart does not have time to relax, it constantly works and through time loses the possibility of normal functioning. In case of heart disease, the entire body, systems and internal organs begin to suffer.

Vascular system

At high pressure, the vessels are also strongly susceptible. dangerous consequences. They have to, like the heart is in constant voltage, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls, over time they wear out. Patients with the disease begin to appear permanent spasms of vessels, as well as they are blocked by cholesterol plaques.

The danger is that the vascular system does not receive all oxygen, there is a lack of power and walls deform. When the walls are ruptured, hemorrhage begins, which leads to a stroke, irreversible consequences and death.


With hypertension and high tonometer marks, a frequent spasm of the arteries begins, which is responsible for the functions of the optic nerve, still knocks on the blood supply. All this can lead to impairment of vision and even full blindness.

Pathological processes are often developing in the brain due to blood circulation and organ nutrition.


Attacks and sharp jumps of indicators that appear often, and stay for a long time, inevitably affect the functioning of the kidneys. Diseases of the kidneys in hypertension are developing the first. Toxins, slags cannot be completely output, which leads to their sediment in the blood and on the vascular system.

With permanent jumps, the pair body also experiences loads, which causes the organ deficiency, and in the launched cases, complete dysfunction.

As can be seen, the consequences are not just serious, but also life-threatening. If unstable indicators are observed on a tonometer, then you need to turn to the doctor as soon as possible. At the very beginning of the development of pathology, it is possible to quickly normalize the state, even without the use of medicines.

No less terrible exacerbation of hypertension is crisis, which is rapidly developing and difficult to stop at home, without certain knowledge and skills. Crisis is characterized by sharp jumps, as well as symptoms of arrhythmias, tachycardia. In some cases, the fatal outcome occurs if the patient does not have time to assist.

For men, the disease is dangerous by the development of impotence, since all vessels are affected in the body, which is responsible for sexual activity. As a result of all the complications described, each person needs to listen to his health and respond to any changes. To facilitate treatment and overall state, you need to adjust the diet, lifestyle, including in the routine of the day of sports, as well as more in the fresh air.

Simple tips and timely preventive inspection make it possible to avoid the appearance of the disease and eliminate the dangerous consequences.

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