When a small child begins to speak his first words

Until one year of age, many events take place in a child's life. He learns to keep his head, begins to recognize and understand close people, tries to control his body. The most important of the neoplasms is the mastery of speech. Thanks to this process, communication with others is built in a new way, and the personality of the baby itself also develops. He moves to a new stage of his formation, knowledge of himself in this world. Let's see how children's speech is formed when the child speaks the first word.

Passive and active vocabulary

Speech activity takes place in stages. First of all, a passive vocabulary develops, that is, an understanding of the meaning of words, their storage in the inner world of a little person. When the first words appear, we can talk about an active vocabulary, which expands with an increase in the spoken words, phrases and sentences. Passive and active vocabulary are replenished at the same time, positively influencing each other.

It is very important that the baby connects his understanding of words and their pronunciation. It depends a lot on the adult. Sometimes children just repeat the words they like. For example, a child has already repeated "kitty" ten times. The mother from this may start to get irritated and ask: "What is" kitty "? Have you seen the kitty? Where can I get it for you? " A pedagogically competent technique would be to switch the child's attention with the help of questions and the organization of a dialogue: “A kitty is a cat, a cat. Say correctly: "cat". Repeat. What does the cat say? "Meow". Say meow! "

This is how the baby consolidates an active vocabulary, gains an understanding of what he is saying. The law of feedback applies here: how much you invest in a child - so much you will get from him in return.

Before starting to understand the meaning of words, children go through many separate stages in speech development. Consider at what age the most active formation of the child's vocabulary takes place and what precedes this:

  • 1 week of life. The kid is already able to distinguish sounds and react to them, follows the speaking person.
  • 2 week of life. The newborn distinguishes and distinguishes the voice of his mother from the range of other sound noises.
  • At the age of one and a half to three months, the articulation apparatus is actively developing, children begin to "walk", that is, stretch, as if "sing" sounds, repeat the intonation heard.
  • By the age of three months, the child is capable of non-verbal communication, that is, he reacts with a smile to a kind intonation, cries in response to a cry. Consequently, the baby begins to understand the emotional coloring of the speech of other people, but does not yet realize its meaning. You can say harsh words to him in a soft voice, and the child will smile.
  • Babbling appears from five months. It consists in the repetition of individual sounds and syllables. At first it happens unconsciously, the child just plays with the pronunciation, tries to use it. With the help of an adult, the baby repeats the necessary syllables, which are then able to turn into separate words.
  • From eight months, there is already a deeper mastery of non-verbal means of communication with the world: gestures, facial expressions and pantomime. Children make attempts to explain and tell something to an adult, but so far they are unsuccessful.
  • 1 year. Most babies begin to use the first words, make simple sentences from them.
  • One and half year. At the request of an adult, children can name objects, animals, people depicted in pictures, photographs.
  • 2-3 years. At this age, the child begins to ask simple interrogative sentences himself, adds phrases of two or four words. How many elements does the vocabulary include at this age? It is believed that the baby has a vocabulary of 400-1000 words.

In the future, speech is being improved more and more. It should be understood that all these periods are individual: how many children, so many separate stages in their development. However, it is important to know the average indicators so that, in the absence of speech, the baby starts correction on time.

Help in the formation of speech

The most important condition for a child's speech development is constant communication with him. Children need talk, words and support from the first months of life. However, there are also some requirements for communication with the child. Compliance with them ensures that babies begin to speak much earlier than a year. In what way should you interact with young children?

  • Eye-to-eye contact. When communicating, it is important to keep the child's gaze, then he will be attentive to the addressed speech of an adult.
  • Correct pronunciation of words. You cannot distort, distort verbal constructions. In addition, you should not repeat the wrong pronunciation, funny words that the baby pronounces. The child quickly catches everything, and can remember exactly the wrong option. Then it will be difficult to retrain him, no matter how much you repeat the word clearly and correctly.
  • Broadening your horizons. In order to have something to talk and ask about, new impressions are needed. A variety of walks, excursions, travel, games with other children have a beneficial effect on the speech of children.
  • Use of the artistic word. Reading and telling fairy tales, rhymes, nursery rhymes expands vocabulary and activates interest in speech. Children especially enjoy playing different stories. For this purpose, you can use finger puppets, as well as organize family performances.
  • Hand development. Fine motor skills activate the speech apparatus - this has been proven by many scientists. The baby begins to massage the hands, then from the first months of life they are given various objects in the palm of their hand, different in texture and properties. The main thing is that these toys are safe for the baby.
  • Moderate stress on the psyche. A lot of learning and development is also harmful. Experience and attentive attitude will help to understand how many cognitive activities a particular baby needs during the day. Children demonstrate fatigue through whims and crying. In addition, they can become sleepy and look painful. Then it is worth giving the baby a rest, turning on pleasant music, silently walking with him in nature.
  • Maintaining a favorable emotional climate in the family. It is noticed that children begin to speak much earlier, sometimes as early as eight months. If scandals and misunderstandings reign in the life of a husband and wife, the baby sharply responds to this by immersion in his inner world. As a result, there is a slowdown in all mental development as a whole. No matter how much you work with the child, his development will lag behind his peers until the conflicts in the house stop.

For a small child, the family is the back, support and protection, where he can express himself. The affectionate, attentive, caring attitude of both parents ensures that their children not only begin to speak early, but also get ahead of their peers in mental development in general. In the future, such kids have every chance of becoming gifted, which means they are able to learn this world with joy and interest, actively develop in various activities, become pride for their relatives and an example for other children.

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