Why is reading good for a child?

Books, books, books ... fairy tales, novels, fantasy ... How many of them were in our life and how many more will there be? Someone reads to take time, and someone just loves to read. Why do children need to read?

As far back as I can remember, I've always read books. In childhood, these were fairy tales and numerous stories and adventures, now - classics and other similar literature. At first I read it because I have to, for assessments. And now I don't understand how you can live without books. I was never forced to sit at books and read constantly, rather, on the contrary, they asked me to take care of my eyes (but this did not help much, I’ll tell you a secret).

Reading is important and necessary. Many mothers start with babies while they are still in the womb. So we try to instill in children a love of books, to influence their future development. After birth, we read before bedtime so that the child falls asleep faster. For children who do not yet know how to read, this is an opportunity to learn how to communicate with other children. Reading aloud teaches you to correctly form phrases and correctly express your thoughts, so after reading, be sure to ask the child to briefly talk about what he heard and learned new.

The eternal source of information

Reading is an important skill for gaining information. Without reading books, we will not know, for example, when Ivan the Terrible was born, what is DNA or why it is raining. The book opens up a new, yet unexplored and vast world for the child. If children see a source of information in books and in reading, then all the knowledge accumulated by mankind will be open to them.

It is important that the child gets acquainted not only with domestic, but also foreign literature. You can start with simple fairy tales br. Grimm, G. Andersen and the adventures of J. Swift and M. Twain. This will help in the future to realize yourself as part of a larger world that does not end with the framework of home and school.

Personal development

Reading provides an excellent opportunity to feel like not just a child or a student, it makes it possible to try on the role of any character you like (for example, Tom Sawyer, Dunno, etc.). The child develops logical thinking: even adults, when reading a book, always try to guess - and how will it end? Even a simple riddle will increase children's confidence in themselves and their abilities. What is not an important achievement? But how interesting is it to come up with an ending at the beginning of the book, and then compare - so or not? I have acquaintances who, in their childhood, composed the endings for the books they liked, if they were not satisfied with the existing one. And this is not as bad as it might seem. The child builds his own logical chain and shows his vision of the world of the book and the world of the hero.

From books, children will learn how important it is to help not only parents, but also other people. Learn to respect people, animals and the environment. Books enrich the child's vocabulary and teach correct speech skills.

Reason for mutual communication

Reading is not necessarily a solitary process. You can read a book with your child and have a general discussion, so you will teach the child to clearly express his thoughts, listen to the opinions of others and develop communication skills with other people. You can invite other guys to such an event, and arrange something like a mini-club of book lovers. This form of acquaintance with books cannot but interest the child.

If you want your child to read, set an example. If he sees that there are books and magazines in the house, then he will know that you value reading and will follow your example. The main thing is that there is no need to force him to read, otherwise the child will perceive the process as hard labor, a punishment that he wants to get rid of as soon as possible. After such measures, your child is unlikely to want to continue reading for himself. After all, first of all, a book is all the same entertainment and endless hours of pleasure. It should be perceived as a pleasant experience, a source of interesting and useful information, and not an imposed necessity.

For the modern world of technology, where the Internet is our everything, the ability to effectively use Internet resources and assess the reliability and value of the information there is of paramount importance. Therefore, reading skill is so important, which develops the ability to think critically.

Don't worry if your child reads the same book multiple times. Children are more comfortable when they already know the end of their favorite story and can tell it by heart. Reread your favorite books with your child, but slowly offer him new options.

What does it take for a child to love to read?

For initial reading, children need 5 skills:

  1. - be able to listen and recognize intonation during oral reading (expressive reading);
  2. - to correlate what is written in the book with the sounds of oral speech;
  3. - know and understand as many words as possible;
  4. - to understand and extract meaning from what you read;
  5. - be able to read quickly and accurately.

And finally, I want to say: be sure to read with your child, discover new fairy-tale worlds with him and immerse yourself in the world of children's literature.

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