Developing massage for children

Children like this pleasant massage procedure. It relaxes kids well, gives a lot of pleasure. However, not all parents know that it is possible to use massage for the development of a child, both physical and intellectual. The procedures can be entrusted to a specialist or done independently. Systematic developmental manipulations bring the following results:

  1. Strengthen the reflex relationships of the vascular and muscular systems with areas of the cerebral cortex.
  2. Stimulates tactile sensations.
  3. Contributes to the development of many organs of the baby.
  4. Normalizes muscle tone.
  5. They have a positive effect on the level of speech development, the activity of the central nervous system.
  6. Promote synchronization and activation of the functioning of both cerebral lobes.

There are different complexes of developmental procedures. They can be performed in full or used as separate elements.

Hand massage for child development

The movements aimed at massaging perfectly develop the child's speech and motor skills:

Finger stimulation has a great effect on the physical health of the baby, since each one is associated with a specific organ:

  • Big - with a brain.
  • Index - with the stomach.
  • Medium - with a vertebral column, intestines.
  • Nameless - with a liver.
  • Little finger - with a heart.

The simplest method of children's developmental hand massage is stroking, the vector of which lies from the fingertips to the wrists, from the palms to the forearms. Can:

  • Iron.
  • Rub.
  • Pinch.
  • Press down.
  • Pat.
  • Bend your fingers.

Performing movements, it is necessary to pronounce them, show them, include elements of the game, select poetic texts. Such a developmental massage for children additionally increases intellectual abilities, because at this age there is a predominance of concrete-figurative thinking.

It is recommended to teach the child to self-massage. The following option is suitable: the baby should put the index of the left on the straightened fingers of the right hand. Rub it with the thumb of your right hand on all sides. Do the same with the rest of the fingers in turn. Repeat the manipulations several times on two hands.

It is necessary for the child to learn the rhyme and at this time to sentence, making movements in time with the words:

Exercises with the use of various aids are great for development:

  • Rolling walnut, ribbed pencil.
  • Squeezing a rubber toy.
  • Rolling plasticine balls, sticks.

Manipulations must be carried out 3 times a day. With kids they perform from 3 to 5 exercises, with older children 8. Between the elements, be sure to pause and relax.

Foot massage for the development of children

The zones on the child's feet have about 72 thousand nerve endings associated with all internal organs. Foot massage perfectly contributes to the development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system of the little man, and begins to prepare newborns for future steps. With the help of this procedure, the circulatory system develops, the general tone of the body rises. For carrying out, you can use the following technique, performed daily:

  1. Lying on the baby's back, grab the ankle with one hand, and stroke the foot with the other.
  2. With smooth circular movements of your finger, draw rounded figures, eights.
  3. After 4 months, the foot can not only be stroked, but pressed, rubbed, tapped.
  4. From 10 months, you need to twist your toes slightly. This can only be done clockwise.

Ear massage for baby development

There are 170 different points on the auricles, which activate all organs, systems of the child's body and develop its protective functions. Their massage can be applied from early childhood on a daily basis. For the effective development of the body, procedures are carried out at least 2 times a day. The following manipulations are recommended:

  1. Bend the ears forward with your fingers, press them to the temples, release them so that the cotton is felt. Do it 10 times.
  2. With your index and thumb, grab the baby's lobes, gently pull down, release. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Carefully put your thumb into the auricle, with your index finger press its protrusion located near the face. Press it a little, pull it lightly. Do 20 seconds.

Facial massage for child development

Professor Fritz R. Auglin has developed a manipulation system that promotes development and improvement:

  • In memory of kids.
  • Speeches.
  • Abstract thinking.
  • Intelligence.

It is useful to teach the little man to do such a massage on his own. It runs like this:

  • Ears. Do the manipulations in turn: lobes - pull down; top - to the ceiling; the middle part - forward, backward.
  • Cheeks. Draw lines around the eyes with your fingers, go down to the corners of the lips, go up to the nose and again to the cheekbones.
  • Eyes. Draw glasses with a figure eight along the lower and upper eyelids.
  • Oval face. With the second and third fingers of both hands, make smooth movements along the contour of the face, from the forehead to the chin on both sides.
  • Spout. With the pads of the middle fingers, press 10 times on points in the region of the bridge of the nose: near the inner corner of the eye; in the middle of the nose; at the level of his wings.

Features of developing massage for newborns

All preventive massage procedures for babies are already developing for a tiny body. Massage of feet, ears, face can be added to classic complexes from any age. However, it must be remembered that performing manipulations in newborn children has a number of features:

Developmental massage significantly speeds up the formation of physical, mental and speech skills in babies. However, do not forget that in interacting with children, an individual approach and understanding is very important: what procedures are needed during this period and their volume. That is why it will be useful to consult a pediatrician and get his competent advice before starting any massage manipulations.

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