Visual aid "Sound analysis of words

Speech therapist, MOU d / s No. 294, Volgograd


Selection skill sound from a word appears spontaneously in preschool children, but in complex forms sound analysis need to be trained specifically. Without this skill, mastery of written language is impossible.

You can start training from the age of four, with condition sufficient speech and intellectual development. It is necessary to teach children not only to hear individual sounds in syllables and words, but also be able to determine their sequence.

Study of sounds happens in the process analytic-synthetic work on word, that is, the child masters the basic skills sound analysis(mental dismemberment the words to its constituents sounds, as well as the synthesis (combinations sound elements into a whole). Then comes the notation sounds in letters.

Target: fulfill sound analysis of words


Development of phonemic hearing

Automation sounds

Development sound analysis

Enrichment vocabulary

Development of perception, attention, thinking

Development of fine motor skills

preliminary work

Before proceeding to analysis

1) the child must get acquainted with the concepts "vowel sound» Red color, "solid consonant" blue color, "consonant soft" green color.

2) children need to know the concepts "Start", "the end", "middle", "first", "last", "second".

3) After the child learns to identify the first sound, last and middle can be defined sounds in order.

Visual material« Sound analysis of words»

Material: 1) A set of clothespins in three colors (red, blue and green). 2) Cardboard cards in the form of a circle 13 pieces, each of which is divided inside into three parts. One card equals one sound. Pictures have been upgraded for automation sounds in words in different positions.

List of pictures: [C] -forest, dog, beads. [S"] - seven, goose, octopus. [Z] - castle, eye, vase. [Z"] - strawberries, winter, shop. [C] - chickens, buttons, flowers. [W] - cabinet, cone, cherries. [F] - scissors, beetle, knife. [H] - candle, butterfly, watch. [Sch] - brushes, vegetables, pike. [L] - bow, chalk, shark. [L "] - lemon, sorrel, ring. [R] - cancer, ax, ram. [R"] - turnip, lantern, weight.

Instruction: Get a card sound, which is automated. We name one picture and make it consistent with clothespins sound analysis. The color of the clothespin should match sound which it denotes.

visual material


Card on sound [r]

We perform sequential sound analysis of words

Conclusion: Similar work is carried out with other cards

Sound [w]

Sound [w]

Sound [z]

Sound [z "]

Sound [l]

Sound [l "]

Sound [s]

Sound [s"]

Sound [h]

Sound [w]

Sound [ts]

Sound [p "]


Speech therapy for teachers, psychologists, parents, L. A. Barsukova, Rostov n / Don, 2010 Automation albums sounds for preschoolers,L. A. Komarova, M 2008 Riddles sounds, letters, syllables, l. m. Kozyreva, Yaroslavl, 2001

Related publications:

Speech therapy lesson for younger students “Syllables. Syllabic analysis of words» Performed by the teacher-speech therapist Orlova Elena Viktorovna. Goals and objectives: continue to teach children to differentiate the concepts of "letter" - "syllable" - "sound" ;.

Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Sound-letter analysis of words" Goals: 1. Repeat what sounds, letters are. 2. Exercise in isolating vowels and consonants from words. 3. Develop sound analysis skills.

Abstract of the lesson on teaching literacy “Sound analysis of words. Consolidation of the studied material " LESSON №13. Topic: “Sound analysis of words. Consolidation of the studied material. The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate knowledge of the studied topics through training.

This handbook is handcrafted. In it you can study both birds and domestic animals. Also pay attention to the pupils on the time.
