Harm and use of solarium for men. Is it possible to sunbathe in solarium without linen: practical recommendations, features and reviews how to sunbathe in the solarium men

How to sunbathe in the solarium men

In modern society, many people believe that the tan in the solarium is the lot of women. But in reality, men also need such a procedure. In general, the tan in the solarium is the same for representatives of each sex. But there is one feature. If the tan girls act in the role of a certain aesthetic component, then men have similar procedures to improve health.

The impact of ultraviolet rays contributes to the active method of testosterone and vitamin D. Testosterone is the main gender hormone. Due to the effects of ultraviolet rays, the Libido increases in a man, the quality of the seed fluid is improved.

Basic rules

If a man decided to go to the solarium, he needs to pay attention to such nuances:

  • Choosing clothes. The best smelters are best suited, which extremely open the body. Traditional boxers will not fit in this case.

Today, it is not necessary to sit in the sun on the sun for the receipt of even and beautiful sunburn. It is enough to spend in the solarium for several hours. This will give the opportunity to get a tan that does not differ from the sunny. Tint of the skin will be bronze even in winter.

Use of ultraviolet light

Ultraviolet rays contribute to reinforced vitamin D3 generation. The same rays give a man true tide of happiness and joy. After all, endorphin is allocated to the blood. Ultraviolet does not contain gamma radiation that harms a person. The sun rays cannot boast.

True, before going to the solarium, it is advisable to visit the doctor, consult about the need for a procedure. After all, with elevated pressure, dermatitis, oncology, diseases of the liver, such diseases are strictly contraindicated. If there are listed ailments to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to abandon the ultraviolet procedure.

Before the solarium, you can not take a shower using soap. After all, such a substance blends the skin protective sheath. As a result, a person risks getting the strongest burn. It is not recommended to make hair removal. On the skin it is impossible to apply perfume before carrying out respectual procedures.

It is important to consult with the administrator, how long and often can be sunbathing. Before you lie under the lamp, you need to remove any ornaments or hours. We must not forget about eye protection. You need to remove contact lenses, because they can harm the eyes. Separate attention deserve hair. It is very desirable to wear a special hat on my head. Otherwise, the hair will become lifeless and brittle. In addition, before the procedure, you need to apply a special cream.

After the tan in the solarium it is necessary to drink special vitamin tea. Then relax. Better - sleep. During the day after a solarium, it is better to limit physical exertion. After all, when tanning, the body strongly consumes energy. As a result, ultraviolet rays accelerate metabolism. To return to the previous state again, a full-fledged rest is required.

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It is no secret that men's sweat glands work much more intense than women, therefore such a cosmetics, like.

If a person has an overweight body, weight loss is the desired process. As a rule, loss of kilograms.

Many people have heard about such a problem as middle-aged crisis. However, as a rule, to the manifestation of such a state.

Sometimes people face such a concerning problem as burning and itching in the rear pass. This type of pathology is developing.

Copying materials only with reference to the resource.

Source: http://menportal.info/story/kak-zagorat-v-solyarii-muzhchinam

How to sunbathe in solarium for the first time a woman and a man?

Harm from the open rays of the hot sun has long been not a secret. Tanning on the beach is not always convenient, besides, a beautiful smooth tan I want to have constantly, and not only in the summer season.

Solarium will perfectly cope with the task. Experts will prompt how to sunbathe correctly, calculate the exact time for the first and subsequent sessions.

The procedure is simple and does not require any effort. It is important to choose a good salon, where the masters will correctly appreciate the skin type.

Table Time to visit the cabin for the first time for men and women.

For men and women, the rules are similar - you should take with you the most necessary things:

  • Special glasses.
  • Protection for breasts and nipples.
  • Hair cap.
  • Linen made of natural fabrics.

The last item is needed only in the cases if the tan is carried out in the underwear. For women, it is important to protect the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples, it is necessary to preserve their health.

Eyes should be reliably protected. Points, like all other necessary items, can be purchased in the solarium itself.

Soap, shampoo, gel or cream melt the protective layer formed on the skin, it will contribute to its damage during a session. The shower is taken a few hours before the intended hike into the solarium.

It is possible to use a special cream for a solarium. It should be recommended by specialists, having studied a specific skin type.

Any other means to use is prohibited. These include perfume, toilet water, deodorant. Women is strongly recommended to remove makeup, so that the tan is leng smooth.

Types of Solariyev

The most common are horizontal and vertical species. They are designed for a complex tan of the whole body. The rules of their visits are about the same.

There is another kind: seating. It is designed to obtain a local cosmetic tan for skin, face and neck.

This is a gentle procedure, suitable for the winter period, when most of the body is hidden from prying eyes.

Is it possible to visit the solarium during menstruation and during pregnancy?

A visit to the solarium can not be called a useful procedure. This is an artificial effect on skin cover. The procedure has its pros and cons. Many women in the desire to look good forget to think about the most important thing about health.

Future mothers do not have the right to risk their child. Even if it is very good for the procedure, it is necessary to obtain a permission of a gynecologist, which is observed over the course of pregnancy.

At this time, the main bodies of the baby are formed. It is during this period that the threat of pregnancy interruption occurs. Nursing mom is at all worth refrain from the procedure.

Deciding on a trip to the solarium during pregnancy, a woman needs to closely follow their condition. If the slightest indisposition appeared, you need to immediately interrupt the procedure and exit fresh air.

Visiting the salon during menstruation in women is extremely undesirable. This is possible only with the resolution of the gynecologist. But it is better not to risk and postpone the sessions.

The thermal impact on the area at the bottom of the abdomen these days can easily provoke bleeding.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has many positive:

  • The absorption of calcium in the body improves.
  • Serotonin is produced - a hormone of joy, the mood improves, depression passes.
  • The body is saturated with vitamin D.
  • It is especially useful to visit the solarium in the winter when there is not enough sun.
  • Solarium affects the skin more careful than straight rays outside in summer.
  • Immunity increases.
  • Purchase acne, acne rash.
  • Improves well-being.

All this is possible only with the right visit when the skin is not overwhelmed.

Cons of the procedure also have:

  • Procedures are not combined with the admission of hormonal contraceptives.
  • It is possible to get skin burns.
  • There is a danger of the formation of precancerous states, if you ignore contraindications.


Before going to the procedure, it is necessary to study contraindications for its visit. The procedure is innocent only at first, in fact it is not. The impact of ultraviolet does not pass for the body painlessly.

List of possible contraindications:

  • The presence on the body of non-leaving moles.
  • Too light skin.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the skin.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Gynecological diseases in women.

Contraindications are not strict, it all depends on the complexity and stage of the disease. You need to consult on this issue at the attending physician before you go for a beautiful tan. Even for a completely healthy person, it must be done before the first visit.

If there are no contraindications, visiting the solarium will allow you to saturate the body with useful substances that are not enough in the cold time. It will make you healthy and improves appearance.

Visit the solarium correctly, get the resolution of the dermatologist. For women, the resolution of the gynecologist is necessary. Then the procedure will benefit and joy.

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2018 Women's Journal | WOMANS7 · Copying site materials without permission is prohibited

For some reason, it is believed that body care and the desire to look attractive - not a male matter. Judging by numerous reviews, the tanning studio is a purely feminine location where the appearance of a man causes, to put it mildly, bewilderment. Although the first visitors who appeared more than 40 years ago, the Solyarians were precisely men-athletes. As it turned out in the future, ultraviolet rays not only give the skin a nice tan color and strengthen the immune system. They are useful for male health.

Many men gladly attend the tanning studio. And they do not pay attention to the oblique views of representatives of weak gender, which believes that the solarium for men is a sign of weakness and femininity. According to the owners and regular customers of tanning studios, the number of men using solarium is approximately 10% -15% of the total number of visitors.

Bronze tan requires men to participate in competitions in some sports. Someone visits the solarium, because this requires a profession, for example, circus artists, Latino dancers or stripters. There are those that just follow their appearance, want to get rid of unpleasant scars and spots from acne or prepare for the beach season.

The benefits of a solarium for men

In general, the insolation (impact of ultraviolet) female and male organism reacts equally. UV rays are equally useful for everyone if they take them in moderate doses:

  • in people who suffer from anemia, an improvement occurs - the skin color becomes more healthy, retreats headache and dizziness, improves appetite;
  • solarium is an excellent remedy for depression, fatigue and bad mood with gloomy in winter or tightened in spring;
  • the synthesis of vitamin D 3 is ensured, the lack of which provokes many diseases and pathological conditions.

In Russia, related to countries with reduced insolation, it is natural possible to replenish the stock of vitamin D 3 in winter it is possible only in solarium, since it is impossible to obtain the necessary quantity. The intake of the biological norm of vitamin D 3 is necessary to maintain the normal level of the testosterone hormone, which regulates many physiological processes in the male organism. He is responsible for "male strength", supports fertility (the ability to reproduce offspring).

Vitamin D3 provides normal metabolism. Including it activates the fat exchange, which matters for overweight men. It is due to the sufficient content of vitamin D3, a man may not be afraid of obesity for the female type.

If your goal is to fill the lack of vitamin D 3, choose a solarium, where UV-radiation is from 2% to 3%, it is under these rays that you will achieve the desired result.

Possible harm Solarium for men

If you comply with tanning rules in solarium, it will not harm. But there are special "male" risks.

  • Men can not sunbathe without melting. The skin on the genitalia and buttocks is very sensitive to ultraviolet and can quickly burn out, which will cause significant inconvenience and even suffering.
  • Another danger that seesing men in the solarium is the risk of falling under poor-quality or worn lamps. In this case, the insolation session becomes longer, which negatively affects the quality of sperm. In addition, overheating of the testicles under worn UV lamps can lead to the formation of fibroaden and other neoplasms.

Scientists from the anti-cancer society of Russia warn that men suffer from melanoma (the most aggressive type of skin cancer) are twice as often as possible. Therefore, the tanning time should be precisely calculated and not exceeding the rules for each skin type. This is an individual parameter, a cosmetologist or a tanning studio administrator will help to calculate the Tanning Studio.

Choosing a solarium, be sure to ask the state of the lamps and the period of their replacement or verification. The administrator must have documentation on the solarium, where all technical parameters of the equipment are specified.

Video: How to check lamps in solarium

Medical contraindications

For men, a list of medical contraindications is somewhat less than for women. Solarium can not be attended by those who suffer:

  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • any type of oncology (even if the neoplasm is benign);
  • cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, launched hypertension);
  • diabetes;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma with frequent attacks of choking.

An abundance on the skin of pigment spots, moles and freckles is also a contraindication for a solarium. If there are chronic skin diseases or acne, before visiting a solarium, it will not be superfluous to consult with a dermatologist - UV rays can cause aggravation of diseases.

Solar baths in solarium are incompatible with the admission of some drugs. If you are taking antibiotics, antidepressants, some painkillers, antiarrhythmic and diuretic drugs, consult with your doctor and postpone a visit to the solarium until the end of the course is treated.

Tanning Rules for Men

To avoid negative consequences, it suffices to comply with simple rules:

  • use special creams for solarium;
  • wear safety glasses or eye lining;
  • do not sunbathe without melting;
  • use protective stickers on tattoos (in order to avoid fast fading);
  • close from rays of moles and pigment spots;
  • for a flat tanning to get rid of the hair on the body - make depilation 2-3 days before the first session in the solarium (this does not concern hair in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin);
  • take shower with soap at least 2-3 hours before the procedure;
  • flush the cream for a solarium not earlier than 5-6 hours after a session.

In the solarium, it is impossible to go with contact lenses, they quickly dry out and cause eye irritation. Exclude the use of deodorant and antibacterial soap on the day of visiting a solarium. They can cause allergies to ultraviolet. It is not necessary to close the nipples during the tanning, for men, the risk of making breast cancer in the solarium is negligible.

What cosmetics for solarium use men

Famous manufacturers of facilities for solarium produce special men's series. This is due to the difference between male and female skin and its reaction to UV rays. What are the differences:

  • men's leather is more dense and coarse, therefore the concentration of active ingredients in men's creams is higher than in women's;
  • in men, there are more cells producing melanin, so the tan is lighter;
  • the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands in the men's skin is higher, and this may be the cause of irritation, so the creams for men are more saturated with moisturizing components.

Manufacturers have learned and tattoo fashion, including components that protect tattoos from fading in men's agents. Leadership in the market for solarium is held by American and German manufacturers.

Devoted Creations

The brand Devoted Creations (USA) owns a rich assortment of men's creams. The most popular of them, according to consumer reviews:

  • Titanium Bronzer is suitable for men with sensitive skin;
  • H.i.m. Moisturizer is designed for deep moistening of men's skin, contains vitamin E;
  • the Gold and Black Edition series is designed to activate the tan and contains natural oils and components that protect the moisture loss;
  • Platinum Indulgence is an excellent fixer containing the extract of silk and silicones that create the finest protective film on the skin.

All means Devoted Creations have a deodorizing effect and contain components that prevent the fading of tattoos. The price of 100 ml tubes is kept in the range of 1300-2300 rubles.

Men's cosmetics for solarium Devoted Creations - a unique complex of useful and efficient components that guarantee beautiful tan and reliable skin protection from cutting and irritation

Emerald Bay.

The Emerald Bay brand California Tan uses natural ingredients and modern technology in caring for tanned skin. The men's line of creams and lotions is designed for the sun of varying degrees - initial, medium and deep.

For example, Mojo Dark Bronzing Sauce - a tool for those who like saturated tan, it contains a double bronzer, soothing component and a tanning amplifier. The cream gathered excellent reviews due to the fact that the effect of its use allows to reduce the number of visits to the solarium. Sasha (15 ml) can be bought for 125 rubles, the bottle of 250 ml costs from 1000 rubles.

Australian Gold.

Another American brand Australian Gold produces high-quality cosmetics from the usual to ultra-premium class. It is balanced in composition and universal. In the men's collection G Gentlemen Collection from Australian Gold enters:

  • G Gentlemen Dark Intensifier - Cream, softening men's skin, is suitable for the first tanning sessions, deeply moisturizes the skin and stimulates melanin production;
  • G Gentlemen Black Bronzer is more suitable for the regulars of solariums and those who want to achieve a deep dark color of the tan, contains the protection of tattoo from fading.

Creams are suitable for any type of skin, they can be used for face and body. The price per package 250 ml begins from 5000 rubles.

Save the skin from a destructive ultraviolet and at the same time make a tan of attractive deep men will help the cosmetics line G Gentlemen Collection from Australian Gold


Tannymaxx cosmetics for solarium from Bodycosmetics is true German quality confirmed by careful studies on phototoxicity and with proven dermatological safety. The manufacturer includes only natural active ingredients in its creams and milk and ensures deep moisturizing, skin protection from photoregments and an antioxidant effect. Male series includes:

  • GOLD 999.9 FOR MEN BRONZER - cream combining toning and caring components;
  • Gold 999.9 for Men UV-Preparation - Gel accelerator, deeply moisturizing and preparing men's skin to receive ultraviolet baths;
  • Deep Tan Preparer - a tanning activator with cannabis oil and aloe vera extract, does not contain a bronzer, increases the intensity of the penetration of UV rays by 30% -50%, contains vitamins B and E.

Cosmetics for solarium Tannymaxx is considered hypoallergenic. It is quite affordable. The cost of Sasha (10 ml) - from 150 to 300 rubles, tubes and bottles of 100 ml cost 600 to 2000 rubles.

How often can men visit solarium

Men with the first (Celtic "phototype of tan skin under the sun and in the solarium is generally contraindicated. These are the owners of white, freckling skin. The rest should be started from three minutes, with each session, increasing the duration of 1-2 minutes. Maximum time without harm to health is 10 minutes. Given that men's skin sunbatches faster, 4-6 sessions are enough to obtain a golden shade.

It is recommended to take a break between the first procedures of at least 2 days. Then you can visit the solarium every other day. In the year, men are desirable to pass no more than two courses to a maximum of 10-12 sessions. To maintain a tan during the year, just one visit to the solarium per week.

Outside the window of the 21st century, and in order to get a bronze tone of the skin is not necessarily on the beach at 7 o'clock. We recommend that you visit the solarium. This device, in a short time, will help you buy a beautiful, and most importantly, smooth tan. How to achieve maximum effect and keep health, you will learn from our cognitive article. Solarium How to sunbathe at home, or rather in the salon conditions. To date, more and more people prefer salon procedures, namely solarium.

The benefits and harm of the Solarium

Solarium is the easiest way in a short time to acquire a bronze touch of the skin and not to spend too much money and time. To date, there are several types of solariums. You must understand that you always have a choice between horizontal and vertical solarium. It is also worth understanding that the solarium is a cabin that will allow you in 7 minutes to purchase a new skin shade. How to tan in solarium right you will learn now. It is worth starting with the fact that for novice visitors of the Solarium there is a certain norm of stay there. It is 7 minutes. Do not abuse solarium, especially for the first time. If you are in the booth too long, the likelihood of getting a burrow increases. This should not happen. Solarium how to sunbathe at home, you must understand that before reaching the solarium, you need to explore the rules of behavior in it and find out which cosmetics can be needed there.

To date, there are quite a lot of cosmetics for a solarium. These are creams and sprays that will help avoid a negative reaction of your skin on the solarium and its impact. Experts claim that the sunscreen cosmetics that we are accustomed to use on the beach cannot be used in solarium. These are two different groups of cosmetics. You must understand that the solarium is an artificial tan, which is worth getting right. We have already noted that for the newcomer, the stay in the solarium is largely limited. This means that you should be in a booth no more than 7 minutes. Before entering the cabin, it is worth identifying the necessary cosmetics. Solarium how to sunbathe at home, it is real art.

It is worth understanding that all cosmetics for solarium are divided into 3 large groups. These are developers, fixers and activators. This is a kind of complex of funds that will help you get a uniform bronze tan. Do not worry, if in the first minutes, after a solarium, your skin has acquired a specific reddish tint, which means that the skin has received the necessary dose of the rays and will soon acquire a uniform shade. Solarium is a simple and most importantly available way to get a beautiful tan.

There are three main components of the right tan. First of all, it is the solarium itself. You can give preference to horizontal or vertical solarium. They do not have a fundamental difference, the only thing that can be noted is the different degree of impact on different body zones. In the vertical solarium legs sunbathe worse than horizontal, but in the vertical version you can buy a good chest and hand tan. You can alternate these two types to get an ideal tan.

Tanning instructions in nature should also be observed. It is impossible to put a face under the outdoor sun rays. You must understand that the tan is not only beauty, it is also health. There is some group of people who cannot sunbathe, as this measure of the exposure to the sun on them is destructive. Unfortunately. Some people do not even suspect about it. Dermatologists and oncologists say that people with the first leather group should not be under the right rays of the sun, for them it can turn into serious problems. It is also worth reminding that the tanning instruction in nature should be in the memory of each person.

It is impossible to ignore the recommendations of the doctor and neglect it. When you are going to the beach or just to nature, you need to think about the basic means of protection against sunlight. It is worth understanding that the person requires greater protection than the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to buy a separate sunscreen body and face. Today. This is a compulsory tour of visiting the beach. Not many people understand that neglect of the elementary recommendations of the dermatologist can lead to the fact that a person can get skin cancer. Remember this. A man get a tan on the sea - this is explained by the physiology of his body.

But this does not mean that he does not need to use sunscreen. The funds that you apply on the skin must be high quality to purchase a flat tan. If the cream is cheap, then later the skin can disregard the impact with it. Remember this. Some people cannot understand what tan is better natural or in solarium. You must understand that today there is no fundamental difference. The only thing that doctors call on is to comply with security measures, and a limited stay in the sun. This is especially true for children.

In children, the skin is very gentle and getting a burden in the sun unfortunately to them very easily. It is worth understanding that you can not go to the solarium. There are some restrictions for pregnant women and children, also for people with open wounds and in some cases for people with tattoos. Remember this. Ways to slightly tan on the sun can be different, you can sunbathe as in the photo. In any case, we recommend that you take a headdress with you if you are going to the beach.

It is also worth remembering that it is not necessary to sunbathe in the afternoon, namely in the morning. Up to noon, the sun is useful for human health. You must remember that too long staying in the sun can lead to serious health problems. You can get a sunshine, and you can even burn. Be careful and observe all the recommendations of doctors. You can light up from the solarium without consequences, if you do everything right and you will visit a good salon with competent staff. It is also worth noting that the solarium is a worthy alternative to the natural tan. Purchase all the necessary creams and get a great uniform tan all year round and your friends do not need to know how it turns out. We wish to always stay beautiful and attractive at any time of the year.

Harm from the open rays of the hot sun has long been not a secret. Tanning on the beach is not always convenient, besides, a beautiful smooth tan I want to have constantly, and not only in the summer season.

Solarium will perfectly cope with the task. Experts will prompt how to sunbathe correctly, calculate the exact time for the first and subsequent sessions.

The procedure is simple and does not require any effort. It is important to choose a good salon, where the masters will correctly appreciate the skin type.

Table Time to visit the cabin for the first time for men and women.

For men and women, the rules are similar - you should take with you the most necessary things:

  • Special glasses.
  • Protection for breasts and nipples.
  • Hair cap.
  • Linen made of natural fabrics.

The last item is needed only in the cases if the tan is carried out in the underwear. For women, it is important to protect the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples, it is necessary to preserve their health.

Eyes should be reliably protected. Points, like all other necessary items, can be purchased in the solarium itself.

Before visiting a solarium, you should take a shower without using any hygiene items.

Soap, shampoo, gel or cream melt the protective layer formed on the skin, it will contribute to its damage during a session. The shower is taken a few hours before the intended hike into the solarium.

It is possible to use a special cream for a solarium. It should be recommended by specialists, having studied a specific skin type.

Any other means to use is prohibited. These include perfume, toilet water, deodorant. Women is strongly recommended to remove makeup, so that the tan is leng smooth.

Types of Solariyev

The most common are horizontal and vertical species. They are designed for a complex tan of the whole body. The rules of their visits are about the same.

There is another kind: seating. It is designed to obtain a local cosmetic tan for skin, face and neck.

This is a gentle procedure, suitable for the winter period, when most of the body is hidden from prying eyes.

Is it possible to visit the solarium during menstruation and during pregnancy?

A visit to the solarium can not be called a useful procedure. This is an artificial effect on skin cover. The procedure has its pros and cons. Many women in the desire to look good forget to think about the most important thing about health.

Future mothers do not have the right to risk their child. Even if it is very good for the procedure, it is necessary to obtain a permission of a gynecologist, which is observed over the course of pregnancy.

Important! In the first trimester of pregnancy should be refrained from visiting a solarium in general.

At this time, the main bodies of the baby are formed. It is during this period that the threat of pregnancy interruption occurs. Nursing mom is at all worth refrain from the procedure.

Deciding on a trip to the solarium during pregnancy, a woman needs to closely follow their condition. If the slightest indisposition appeared, you need to immediately interrupt the procedure and exit fresh air.

Visiting the salon during menstruation in women is extremely undesirable. This is possible only with the resolution of the gynecologist. But it is better not to risk and postpone the sessions.

The thermal impact on the area at the bottom of the abdomen these days can easily provoke bleeding.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has many positive:

  • The absorption of calcium in the body improves.
  • Serotonin is produced - a hormone of joy, the mood improves, depression passes.
  • The body is saturated with vitamin D.
  • It is especially useful to visit the solarium in the winter when there is not enough sun.
  • Solarium affects the skin more careful than straight rays outside in summer.
  • Immunity increases.
  • Purchase acne, acne rash.
  • Improves well-being.

All this is possible only with the right visit when the skin is not overwhelmed.

Cons of the procedure also have:

  • Procedures are not combined with the admission of hormonal contraceptives.
  • It is possible to get skin burns.
  • There is a danger of the formation of precancerous states, if you ignore contraindications.


Before going to the procedure, it is necessary to study contraindications for its visit. The procedure is innocent only at first, in fact it is not. The impact of ultraviolet does not pass for the body painlessly.

List of possible contraindications:

  • The presence on the body of non-leaving moles.
  • Too light skin.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the skin.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Gynecological diseases in women.

Contraindications are not strict, it all depends on the complexity and stage of the disease. You need to consult on this issue at the attending physician before you go for a beautiful tan. Even for a completely healthy person, it must be done before the first visit.

Important! Ramibable stains are a reason for the examination if they change the color or grow. Even in the absence of modifications, the ribbed stains inspect the dermatologist.

Only on his conclusion conclude about the possibility of visiting the solarium. Ignoring this rule will entail serious consequences, up to the development of oncology.

If there are no contraindications, visiting the solarium will allow you to saturate the body with useful substances that are not enough in the cold time. It will make you healthy and improves appearance.

Visit the solarium correctly, get the resolution of the dermatologist. For women, the resolution of the gynecologist is necessary. Then the procedure will benefit and joy.

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Men, as well as women, want to have a beautiful and tanned body at any time of the year. In winter, when there is no opportunity to sunbathe in the sun, you can visit the solarium. At the same time, to get a beautiful tan without defects, you need to comply with the basic rules for visiting a solarium, as well as take into account possible contraindications. We will then consider in more detail how to sunbathe in the solarium to men.

What is solarium

In the solarium use ultraviolet lamps that activate the synthesis of melanin in the body. He, in turn, paints the skin into a golden or chocolate shade. Compared to the Sun, ultraviolet lamps have increased power, so it is possible to tan over several sessions. Just like the sun's rays, an artificial ultraviolet can cause serious harm to human health if not observed the main rules of the tanning in the solarium.

Types of Solariyev

Today we can allocate such types of solariums:

  • Vertical solarium. This is a special capsule in which you need to sunbathe in a standing position. Due to the increased intensity of ultraviolet lamps, you can quickly tan in a short period of time. In addition, it is in vertical solarium that can be tanned in hard-to-reach places.
  • Horizontal solarium. In this case, you need to sunbathe in the lying position. Tanning need more time due to the low intensity of ultraviolet lamps. It is also not always possible to get a uniform tan in hard-to-reach places. Experts recommend alternating vertical and horizontal solarium to get a uniform skin tone.
  • Turbosolarium. This is a vertical capsule, which provides additional useful options for a comfortable tan.
  • Mobile solarium. Used at home.
  • Sealary in the form of a chair. Designed for face and zone neckline.


  • Skin diseases in which ultraviolet influence is contraindicated. Before sunbathing, you need to consult with a dermatologist. Under the influence of ultraviolet skin disease can be exacerbated.
  • Open wounds and inflammatory skin processes.
  • Reception of medication drugs affecting skin sensitivity or hormonal background.
  • Diseases of internal organs under which the thermal impact is contraindicated.
  • After the procedure of chemical peeling, removal of unwanted hair or tattoo application. It is necessary for the skin to recover after cosmetology procedures.
  • White leather, prone to irritation and allergies.
  • The presence of a large number of moles, papilloma, pigment spots and neoplasms of an unknown nature.

Benefit and harm

Solarium has its advantages and disadvantages. Before going to sunbathing, it is recommended to visit the dermatologist to avoid side effects in the future.

Beneficial features

Solarium brings such benefits to human health:

  • Ultraviolet rays accelerate metabolism. The body is faster and more efficiently assimilate all useful trace elements from food.
  • Ultraviolet as natural and artificial origin accelerates the synthesis of hormones, which are responsible for the stable operation of the internal organs and systems.
  • The body is better absorbed by phosphorus and calcium through the synthesis of Vitamin D. Solarium, especially in the winter, is the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Solarium allows you to prepare the skin to intensive ultraviolet. Several sessions are recommended before leaving in warm countries to avoid sunburn in the future.
  • Ultraviolet allows you to dry acne and accelerate their healing.
  • Under the influence of artificial ultraviolet on the skin, pathogenic viruses and bacteria are killed.
  • Immune functions of the body increase, which makes it possible to effectively deal with viruses.
  • The mood and overall health improves. Ultraviolet helps to fight stress and depression.

In everything you need to know the measure. Only moderate ultraviolet effect benefits the body.


Harm artificial tan for men:

  • If you do not comply with the basic rules of a safe tan, then you can get solar burns, allergic reactions, pigmentation, moles on the skin. In the risk group - men with sensitive and white leather.
  • Ultraviolet is the main reason for the development of malignant neoplasms on the skin.
  • From the impact of ultraviolet rays, the man rises pressure, which can negatively affect the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Chronic or hidden diseases of the internal organs, in which the thermal impact is contraindicated.
  • During the intake of drug drugs, ultraviolet can cause allergic reactions to the skin.
  • Ultraviolet leads to premature aging of skin. Fabrics lose elasticity and elasticity, wrinkles appear.

How to sunbathe in the solarium men

Solarium, how to correctly sunbathe for men?

It is necessary to carefully prepare the skin to get a uniform tan. Visit the dermatologist to eliminate possible contraindications. Buy high-quality sunscreen, taking into account the skin type and the intensity of ultraviolet lamps.

How often can you go to the solarium for men

In order to tan in solarium, enough from 8 to 10 procedures. It all depends on the type and features of the skin of a particular person. Attending the solarium twice a week with an interval of at least one day. The duration of the first procedure should not exceed 3 minutes. In the absence of side effects, you can increase the time of stay in the solarium, bringing it to 15 minutes. To maintain the tan, it is enough to visit the solarium once a week to 5 minutes. The interval between the courses of the Solarium should be at least six months. Otherwise, there is a risk of malignant neoplasms on the skin.


It is necessary to comply with the basic rules for visiting a solarium to get a uniform tan without defects.

Preparation for solarium

In order for the tan to leave evenly, the body should be prepared, observing simple rules:

  • We clean the body from dirt, the upper layer of dead cells and subcutaneous fat. The procedure of chemical peeling can be carried out two weeks before the solarium so that the skin manage to recover. At home after a hot tub, we process the skin with a home or shop scrub.
  • Remove unwanted hair in the salons can be a week before the solarium. Men can be shaved per day before the sun, so that the skin would have time to recover.
  • Before the solarium, you can take a light shower without detergent to clean the body from perfume and cosmetics.

Tan in solarium

A few minutes before the procedure, a sunscreen should be applied to the dry body. We put on the head a special hat, and on the eyes - glasses. You also need to choose melting, which will protect intimate places from intensive ultraviolet. It is recommended to cover the moles and tattoo with special lining. The duration of the first procedure should not exceed 3 minutes to avoid sunburn. It is recommended to take a drug from sunburns with you to remove possible redness and swelling after tanning on time. In the absence of side effects, the next time you can increase the time of stay in the solarium for 2 minutes.

Care after solarium

In order to secure the tan of the body, you need to take care, observing simple rules:

  • The shower can be taken only 4 hours after the solarium. Better all the water procedures to postpone the other day.
  • It is not recommended to use detergents and rigid washcloths. The water temperature should be room temperature.
  • Daily on dry skin applied creams with vitamins and minerals, which will restore the skin after intensive ultraviolet exposure.
  • It is possible to use a special cream to consolidate and maintain a tan.
  • It is not recommended to visit the baths or take hot baths that quickly wash off the tan.
  • Contraindicated pool. Chlorinated water can irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.
  • It is impossible to remove unwanted hair immediately after solarium, to do the peeling procedure or any other cosmetology manipulations. This will result in skin injury.
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