Quotes about female friendship. Quotes about friendship of friends. Quotes about female friendship with meaning short

We often come across the opinion that there is no female friendship. It is believed that it is fleeting, artificial, feigned and quickly ends when true envy, competition or betrayal invariably occurs.

Best quote about female friendship according to the site:

● Did you know that girls are friends in threes, that is, three people each, so that you can discuss the third together.

● A woman can enter a burning hut alone, but one should go to the toilet exclusively with a friend.

● “Alcohol, men and smoke! Let's get drunk for the whole week! Well ... this, of course, only if there are no tickets to the theater ... "

● Women's friendship has one advantage: a friend will never tell you that you are wrong, but for the hundred thousandth time she will tell you what a bastard your boyfriend is.

● The fact that real female friendship does not exist is a well-known fact. The fact that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, too. The question is only one: so with whom is the female sex to be friends ???

● Often women are cold to companionship due to the fact that it seems somewhat dry and insipid in comparison with all-encompassing love.

● Men, playing with friendship, like with a soccer ball, leave it intact, and women, playing with it, like with a crystal phase, break it sooner or later.

● Women are able to give to friendship only that and so much that and in what amount they borrow from Love.

● As long as the interests of friends do not overlap, female friendships can continue to exist.
Women's friendship can be simply called a non-aggression pact.

● You do not have to tell your man about the existing shortcomings, as your beloved friends will do it with great pleasure.

● Friendship between two women is nothing more than a conspiracy against a third female.

● Joys are rare, but sometimes a friend is unlucky.

● The best friend can be called the one who really forgets about her problems, because she sincerely understands that your problems are more serious.

● Real female friendship is when you stumble and fall, and your girlfriend first laughs at your absurdity, and then falls next to you.

● Who is a girlfriend? A friend is the person whose closet contains half of your wardrobe and vice versa.

● If life has given you a friend, be sure to tell her that she is good.

● A true friend knows how to hear between the lines, to hear what has not been said.

● The most beautiful moment in my life is the moment of realizing that in my life there is a friend, like-minded person.

● You know, you will always be my best friend, because you know too much about me.
A childhood friend is the person who will help you in moving to a new apartment, but a good friend is the person who will help cover all traces of the crime you committed.

● Praise your friend in public, and scold only face to face.

● Female friends do not exist, there are only like-minded people.

This page contains quotes about female friendship.

How to lose two people close to you at once? - Introduce your best friend to your boyfriend.

If a friend happily jumps into your limousine, but does not notice you standing at the bus stop, then is this a friend? Oprah Winfrey

Monday, 9 am… 29 friends online. Well done! Everyone works!

Diligently avoid all friendship with fools and rogues, if the word friendship is generally applicable in relations with such people. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield on friendship ...

Friendship is when you send your friend out on a date yourself, and then you’re angry at her all evening because you have nothing to do.

True friendship comes from equality.

A true friend is a girl who knows your favorite song and reminds you of her tune when you forget it yourself.

If a friend is drowning, you need to become an island for him. An island of friendship, where he can rest, find consolation, gain strength and patience and return to the ocean.

I have a sweater with a picture of my friends, but I call it a ram sweater.

And why is she so jealous of him to me because friends should share everything

Sharing idiocy breeds friendship.

The brotherly closeness of like-minded people is stronger than any walls. Antisthenes of Athens

Praise your friend in public, and scold only face to face.

But only mom believes that you will be happy with him, despite the fact that her friends say It's not destiny!

Test a friend, but love a tried one. Unknown author

A true friend is the greatest of blessings, and at the same time that blessing, the acquisition of which is least thought of. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The old adage is true that equality creates friendship. Plato

A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. Shota Rustaveli

It is a value in our time to have a friend or friends who are not influenced by time, seasons or challenges.

Not sure - don't betray. Maxim Zvonarev

Having many friends means not having one. Rotterdam.

Friendship between a girl and a boy weakens with the coming of night.

He who communicates with the wise will be wise, but whoever is friends with the foolish will be corrupted. Old Testament. The parables of Solomon

A faithful friend is known in a wrong way. Annius.

The girl who never gossips just doesn't have girlfriends to talk about.

The devotion of rascals is as unreliable as they are. Pliny the Younger

Friendship is based on mutual good, on common interests; but as soon as interests collide, the friendship breaks down: look for it in the clouds. Arthur Schopenhauer

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. William Shakespeare

If my friends are crooked, I look at them in profile. Joseph Joubert

There is no better friend in the world than the best friend!

Mothers confess, confess with girlfriends.

Friends help us live and hinder our work.

Anyone who boasts that he has made many friends never had a single friend. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Make friends with a smart one, because a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy. Rumi.

Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, lasting and permanent feeling that it can be preserved for a lifetime, unless, of course, you try to ask for a loan.

A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships. Rustaveli Sh.

A true friend knows how to hear between the lines, to hear what has not been said.

You shouldn't remember the traitors' friends ...

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, God! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

People can be close to each other not only by virtue of romantic attraction or blood relationship. Often, hand in hand with these feelings goes another feeling - between a man and a woman, between a mother and a daughter.

In this regard, we have prepared for you a luxurious selection, which contains a wide variety of quotes about your friendship, apt and biting phrases about friendship, and other equally interesting and funny pictures. Friendship is as strong as love, a bond, and maybe stronger, it can be between a simple man and a woman, despite the greasy jokes!

The statements of great people about friendship allow us to think about how valuable this part of human life is, how many-sided. Wise aphorisms about friendship, presented below in huge numbers, will allow you to feel the deep meaning of these sayings. Some of them may well suit you, like statuses about female friendship, and some statements about friendly relations between an ordinary man and a woman will make your heart respond to these lines.

Remember how often you say “thank you” to your friends for their support, for always listening to you and helping you? What if it's "Thank you!" will be clothed in pretty pictures? Warm relationships are not a product that can be scattered left and right, you need to cherish and maintain it, and therefore, statuses about the friendship of friends are at your service, if you have especially close-minded people, and statutes about friends and friendship, if now you serve the Motherland somewhere in the vast expanses of our country.

It's so easy to send cool pictures with the words "Thank you for being!", "You are the best friend!", Filled with a simple, understandable and warm meaning, thereby delighting your family.

But our selection contains not only cool and funny pictures with cool inscriptions that will certainly amuse your friend - we bet that after receiving funny phrases about strong friendship from you, your spiritual double will definitely smile!

If you want something with meaning, then wise aphorisms from great people are offered to your attention, and many thanks to their contemporaries for being able to preserve these statements about friendship.

Statuses about female friendship are just the right thing to do in order to post them on your page in a social network, thereby hinting to your friends how important they are to you, and as if saying to them “Thank you for being with me!”. This is how ordinary quotes about female friendship are filled with sacred meaning for those who need to hear them.

You can download all the cool and memorable pictures about friendship between a man and a woman, decorated with inscriptions, absolutely free, which is one of the indisputable advantages of our collection. After all, what could be more pleasant when you have such a luxurious library of images for all occasions in the free access - here you can find statuses about friendship and cool phrases that you can memorize in order to effectively screw them in when talking with your best friends.

“Thank you,” we say to our parents, when, in a fit of feelings, we thank them for everything given to you.

“Thank you,” we say to our beloved or loved one at the moments when you receive powerful emotional and physical support.

But do not forget to say “thank you” to those who are close to you not by blood, but by spirit. It's so easy to send your friend cute aphorisms with a deep meaning about friendship, reminding you of your strong connection.

Or if you have a male friend, you can send him cool quotes about the friendship between a man and a woman to discuss together. Or you can send funny pictures with beautiful captions to laugh - online or in person.

Deep, meaningful phrases about female and male friendship will attract your attention, forcing you to re-read yourself over and over again, but short statuses about friendship can be saved to your phone and changed as many times as you want.

It doesn't matter who you were born - a man or a woman, friendships are almost as strong as love ones, with the only exception that romantic attraction does not arise. Although there are precedents, it would be foolish to deny their existence.

But even romantic feelings between a man and a woman, as a rule, begin not with insane passion, but with friendship. It starts with the fact that you, jokingly, send each other cute pictures, read interesting quotes, persuading yourself that this cannot be falling in love in any case.

But over time, your statuses on social networks about friendship between a man and a woman may change to a love theme - so be careful, perhaps your friend or girlfriend of a different sex does not at all like the aphorisms of people you send about friendship, even with deep meaning, as well as your statuses about friends and friendship. After all, it is very painful when your secret love stubbornly does not notice your real feelings, and the friend zone is not a very good idea for someone who wants more.

With a deep meaning, you can easily download it to your personal gadget - a computer or phone, fortunately, you can choose absolutely any pictures. Friendship is that flame that warms us when, it would seem, everything is going worse than ever. And therefore, let pictures with warm inscriptions remind you that you are dear to several other people.

See, read the statements of people about friendship, share them with your friends.

And what do evil and ironic men not say about female friendship? But how can they know something about a woman in general, and about female friendship in particular.

It's better to listen to the women themselves.

I have compiled a selection of a wide variety of quotes, aphorisms, statuses and sayings, the authors of which are women.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings and statuses about female friendship

The most wonderful moment in my life I can call the one when I realized that I had a friend, a like-minded person.

I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood.

A good friend can tell you the whole truth to the uterus. True, in a minute she will no longer be the best ...

I'm your best and only friend, you just don't know about it yet ...

Men treat their male friendship like a soccer ball, which they throw anywhere and at random, but it does not break. Women, however, rush about with their female friendship as with a crystal vase, and if it falls, it breaks to smithereens, into small pieces.

Once a friend asked me: "What will happen if one day I betray your trust?" I replied: "Trusting you is my decision, and whether to convince me of the correctness of my decision or not is only your choice."

Our roads may separate, but there will always be only one friend in my heart - you.

Girls' best friends are diamonds. And also - men of non-traditional sexual orientation.

You are my best friend forever - you know too much.

Friendship is not one big heroic deed, but many small concessions.

A true friend is a girl who knows your favorite song and reminds you of her tune when you forget it yourself.

True female friendship occurs as often as flowering fern.

In your friend you find yourself.

I came to my friend to cry for life ... Whinnying until morning ...

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.

I am treating you as a friend, asking you to be lenient to my shortcomings now, in the hope that in the future you will be lenient to my merits.
By Katherine Mansfield

We often come across the opinion that there is no female friendship. It is believed that it is fleeting, artificial, feigned and quickly ends when true envy, competition or betrayal invariably occurs.

● Did you know that girls are friends in threes, that is, three people each, so that you can discuss the third together.

● A woman can enter a burning hut alone, but one should go to the toilet exclusively with a friend.

● “Alcohol, men and smoke! Let's get drunk for the whole week! Well ... this, of course, only if there are no tickets to the theater ... "

● Women's friendship has one advantage: a friend will never tell you that you are wrong, but for the hundred thousandth time she will tell you what a bastard your boyfriend is.

● The fact that real female friendship does not exist is a well-known fact. The fact that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, too. The question is only one: so with whom is the female sex to be friends ???

● Often women are cold to companionship due to the fact that it seems somewhat dry and insipid in comparison with all-encompassing love.

● Men, playing with friendship, like with a soccer ball, leave it intact, and women, playing with it, like with a crystal phase, break it sooner or later.

● Women are able to give to friendship only that and so much that and in what amount they borrow from Love.

● As long as the interests of friends do not overlap, female friendships can continue to exist.
Women's friendship can be simply called a non-aggression pact.

● You do not have to tell your man about the existing shortcomings, as your beloved friends will do it with great pleasure.

● Friendship between two women is nothing more than a conspiracy against a third female.

● Joys are rare, but sometimes a friend is unlucky.

● The best friend can be called the one who really forgets about her problems, because she sincerely understands that your problems are more serious.

● Real female friendship is when you stumble and fall, and your girlfriend first laughs at your absurdity, and then falls next to you.

● Who is a girlfriend? A friend is the person whose closet contains half of your wardrobe and vice versa.

● If life has given you a friend, be sure to tell her that she is good.

● A true friend knows how to hear between the lines, to hear what has not been said.

● The most beautiful moment in my life is the moment of realizing that in my life there is a friend, like-minded person.

● You know, you will always be my best friend, because you know too much about me.
A childhood friend is the person who will help you in moving to a new apartment, but a good friend is the person who will help cover all traces of the crime you committed.

● Praise your friend in public, and scold only face to face.

● Female friends do not exist, there are only like-minded people.

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