Tattoo dreamcatcher meaning. Dreamcatcher tattoo - for mysterious girls

The material world, given to us in sensations, is only a part of the global system of the vast universe. The non-material world, with which we come in contact through intuition and dreams, also has a great influence on people.

The dream catcher is a special talisman of ancient Indian culture. According to legend, this Indian amulet protects its owner from negativity, damage, which are entangled in the weaving of its threads. A small free hole in the very center of the symbol provides access only for good thoughts and pleasant dreams. Removing all worries and anxieties from your dreams and our life, it opens access only to good emotions that come to you from the world around you.

What does dream catcher tattoo mean?

A dream catcher is that protection that covers your entire body with an invisible web, protecting you from any negative influence from the outside.

This tattoo takes on special meaning for girls. Dreamcatcher tattoo is two in one. In addition to the aesthetic value, it also carries a deep meaning. The unusual drawing symbolizes a positive interpretation of the subtle world, its energies and currents. The meaning of a dream catcher tattoo can be interpreted as a kind of message that you have an extraordinary, mysterious nature in front of you, interested in ancient cultures and esoteric practices.

This keeper looks especially attractive on girls. It can be positioned on your arm, thigh, back, leg, ribs, or buttocks. The talisman, stuffed on the leg or on the arm, is open to the views of others, therefore, there, first of all, its artistic performance is evaluated.

The largest size can have a dreamcatcher tattoo on the back. There, the artistic concept can be supplemented with various details. The back allows you to decorate the amulet with a flock of birds flying away, a fluttering hummingbird or a flap of a butterfly's wings.

But men also choose a dreamcatcher tattoo for themselves, but place it on closed areas of the body. Often this pattern is used to mask scars, cuts, traces of surgery, turning small imperfections of the body into its aesthetic benefits.

Dreamcatcher tattoo: photo

Especially for our visitors: photos of dream catcher tattoos for girls, men. Compilation with different body parts.

Each representative of the fair sex seeks to find new opportunities to decorate herself, to make herself more noticeable, and a dream catcher tattoo, the meaning for the girls of which we will describe in detail in the article, is just such a method. She is able not only to distinguish us from the crowd, but also to emphasize femininity, beauty and focus on those parts of the body that I would like to emphasize.

In addition, it is also a means to create your own personal style. And therefore, the choice of a pattern that will be applied to the skin and will remain for the rest of your life should be approached very carefully and scrupulously. It is necessary to take into account not only the shape, but also the location, the fineness of the lines, the accuracy of the work and, of course, the idea and purpose.

What they should be

First of all, it should reflect the inner world, the character of its owner, and emphasize her individuality. The main requirements for the image are:

  • its visual appeal;
  • the presence of meaning;
  • elegance;
  • compliance with the state of mind;
  • ability to reflect temperament.

Intuitively, each of those wishing to get a body tattoo chooses it in accordance with the described parameters. Very often, girls give preference to romantic, floral and generally floral ornaments.

Advice! Choose less bulky, sleek options. Volume is the privilege of men.

When deciding, you should not blindly follow fashion trends that exist in the world of tattoos. It is necessary to choose those that are right for you, correspond to your complexion. For example, a fragile petite young lady is unlikely to fill him half his height, it will look ridiculous. Of course, if this is your way of life, then there are no limits.

A feminine solution is sometimes an intimate adornment that is inaccessible to prying eyes. Or only those that the girl herself decides to open it to. That is why the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity choose places for her that are not subject to prying eyes. And at the same time it becomes the very highlight, giving us a sense of uniqueness and originality.

Fashion ideas

The main purpose of a woman's tattoo is to decorate and emphasize the beauty of the body. Most often, the following drawings are chosen for the girlish version:

  • dragonflies;
  • inscriptions;
  • angel wings;
  • crowns;
  • zodiac signs;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • lynx or fox;
  • cats;
  • graceful ligature from a variety of patterns;
  • talismans and amulets.

Advice!If you have low self-esteem, then drawing on the body can fix it! This is the conclusion made by psychologists.

Any painting on the skin of a woman is full of meaning. Girls who are fond of esotericism, astrology most often choose the signs of the zodiac, sacred symbols, stylized pictures of flora and fauna. But talismans deserve special attention, among which the dreamcatcher has become the most popular. It happened at the general peak of fashion for everything Indian. Let's tell you more about it.

Description and use

It belongs to the culture of the Indians, it is believed that the Anishinaabe tribe was the first to invent and manufacture it. They believed that while the children were sleeping, a spider came to them and twisted nets around the cradles, thereby blocking the path of bad dreams into their minds. Based on this belief, the women of the tribe created an amulet that embodies the image of this spider.

What it looks like:

  • base - a wooden circle;
  • woolen threads are wound inside it, personifying a spider web;
  • bird feathers are fixed on the sides;
  • in the center of the "web" - a small hole for the penetration of good dreams.

It was believed that bad dreams get stuck in the wound threads, and good dreams pass through the hole left to entertain the newborn.

Advice! It is hardly possible to carry an amulet with you all the time these days, but a body drawing will perform this function just as well.

Owl feathers were used for female amulets, they were symbols of breath, air movement, that is, integral parts of life itself. It was also sometimes decorated with beads. And when the feathers on the talisman swayed in the wind, it was believed that at that moment a good dream comes to a person.

After the protective amulet was ready, it was hung over the bed so that it not only did not miss negative thoughts and bad dreams, but also drove away evil spirits. Thus, protecting a person from the evil eye and damage. On some in the web of threads, you can see the paw print of a wolf, owl or bear, with which the Indians also associated the action of the amulet.


It's no secret that the indigenous people of America loved to paint themselves, each pattern, line carried its own sacred meaning, was a distinctive or defining feature of a person.

There are quite a few Indian tattoos, they are all colorful, beautiful and interesting, each with its own subtext. But it was this one that became the most popular, demanded, in fact, the hallmark of this art form of the indigenous tribes of the American continent. It is mysterious and colorful, because it can be made not only in black, but also in color.

Advice! You can use not only black or colored paints, but also colorless, phosphoric ones, they will add uniqueness, originality and exclusivity.

In fact, the role of the drawing is the same as that of the original amulet. But many people like him for his ornateness, elegance of lines, beauty, appearance without semantic reference. In any case, by applying it to yourself, whether you know it yourself or not, you shield yourself from negative thoughts, block the way for bad dreams and evil spirits.

Applying out of ignorance, its effect will be weak. Or it won't be at all. But when you believe in the power of the amulet, it will protect you, helping to find peace of mind. It is also believed that such a tattoo can help a person in spiritual growth and development.

Advice!Not only the Indians applied such a protective web on themselves, but also the peoples of Siberia. They were mainly shamans, for them it was a way to better see, understand, perceive and remember visions during the ritual.

It helps to find inner harmony, to know yourself. Therefore, the owners of this symbol on their body treat it with special respect, but also with caution.


  • Mysteriousness.
  • Calmness.
  • Protection.
  • Colorfulness.
  • Amulet.
  • Mascot.

Thanks to the colorfulness inherent in Indian culture, they are especially bright and noticeable, combining the most attractive appearance and all the variety of style of patterns.

Where is the best location

In order for a tattoo to have a positive influence on its owner, it must be done in those places that are closest to the head. After all, it is there that our thoughts arise, dreams come there at night. Despite the fact that there are no strict restrictions on the choice of location, the recommended ones are:

  • forearm;

Although the majority just needs to know that the amulet is on the body, and therefore they stuff it where they just like it more.

Advice! Having shown imagination, you can add other elements from wildlife, for example, birds that will surround it.

There are no special restrictions here, but most often these are:

  • back;
  • ribs;
  • shoulder;
  • inner side of the wrist;
  • ankle;
  • foot.

The size directly depends not only on your personal preferences, but also on which place you choose to apply.

Possible design options

When choosing a drawing that will be applied to you, clearly define what size you want it to be. The larger the selected area, the larger the image can be. But here it is also worth starting from two factors:

  • Do you like large tattoos that take up most of the body?
  • Do you want just a small, neat, perhaps invisible to anyone else.

  • On the back - a huge platform for creativity! The amulet itself can be of different sizes, and a flock of birds is drawn to it.

  • On the ribs make a more compact version, for example, a dreamcatcher in the form of not a circle, but a horseshoe. Thus, the symbol obtains a double protective action: protection from bad thoughts and attraction of good luck. You can also add a flock of birds flying along the ribs to the collarbones.

  • On the shoulder: Plain black, complemented by bold, hot pink roses. It turns out to be gentle, but at the same time quite catchy and eye-catching.

Advice! If you don't want the pattern to be too provocative and bright, roses can be made white.

  • Wrist or foot: small black and white or color version, you can add feathers or small birds flying off.

  • On the neck: An attractive place for feminine tattoos, especially round designs like in our case. Here you can also add a flock of birds heading for the shoulder.

Advice!Check with the master what paints he uses, what harm they can bring to the body, how quickly they are removed.

By the way, you can choose any feathers for him, but if you follow the beliefs of the Indians, it is best that they be owls. If you want the feather of another bird, first ask what meaning it carries, because each has its own.

Significance in ancient and modern culture

Protective power is impossible without knowing its deep meaning, which was laid in it in ancient times. Many believe that its main essence is a remedy for insomnia and nightmares. But if you think about what the Indians defined as evil spirits, then its power and value expands.

In fact, it is designed to protect against some universal evil that can befall a person. He is a barrier between people and evil, and therefore he was not only hung at the head of the bed, but also decorated:

  • clothes;
  • body;
  • buildings.

Also, the amulet was often part of the beads, earrings, bracelets that the indigenous people of America wore in large numbers. From the tattoo, it breathes with bewitching pagan magic. Even looking at the photo, you can physically feel its power and somewhere in the distance you can hear the quiet chants of shamans.

Its owner will be protected from all kinds of negative influences, unexplained diseases, all kinds of troubles. The owner of such a strong talisman on her own body will become more self-confident, stronger.

Advice!He believes that in order to enlist the special patronage of the Indian gods, the drawing should not be hidden from prying eyes under clothes.

The amulet, which is constantly in sight, not hidden by the details of the wardrobe, becomes a shield, covering the wearer from anger, ill-wishers, disappointments and resentments. For hundreds of years, having survived several eras, the amulet and its artistic display have retained their value.

Who wears where

Despite the fact that for the most part this is a female drawing for tattooing, sometimes guys do it too. But for this, the pattern is usually roughened up a little, adding masculinity. At the same time, the strong half applies in black, which makes it more strict, masculine.

This tattoo is very popular among stars, especially foreign ones. I especially want to say about the actress and singer Miley Cyrus.

Advice!Since this drawing will remain on your skin for life, be careful about finding a good master. In addition to the fact that the result may be far from the desired, working with poor-quality materials or tools, it can cause infection.

Dreamcatcher - Indian cultural heritage - has become a popular design for tattoos

Ancient Indian culture has always fascinated. One of the attributes, cultural heritage of the tribes of North American Indians is a dream catcher. Traditionally, a do-it-yourself amulet made of a willow branch, feathers and threads is designed to protect dreams from the magical effects of evil spirits, to protect thoughts from negativity, to develop and grow spiritually. Many people believe so much in the magical power of the symbol that they prefer a dreamcatcher to a tattoo. You can treat tattoos in different ways, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to beautiful drawings on the body. This is especially true of images with a sacred meaning, which include a dreamcatcher tattoo. What is the meaning of a dreamcatcher tattoo, how and where is it better to depict the Indian symbol?

Dreamcatcher in culture

Many unknowingly interpret the meaning of the symbol too narrowly, believing that the ancient sign can only protect dreams. The symbol appeared long ago, in North America, in the Lakota tribe. The Indians attributed all misfortunes to the influence of night spirits, from a poor harvest and poor hunting to enemy attacks from neighboring tribes. Therefore, a beautiful symbol was hung not only traditionally at the head of the bed, but also decorated with clothes, household items.

For young children, such a craft was made by shamans or mothers with their own hands. When the craft was hanging at the head of the crib, the baby slept soundly and soundly. For adults, one of the ways to protect their body and soul from negative magical effects was a dream catcher in a tattoo. It is recommended to apply such a body pattern closer to the head, for example, on the neck, on the back and its nape, as a tribute to ancient traditions. Unlike other magical symbols, it is not customary to hide a dream catcher under clothes, such a tattoo can be worn openly, without hiding under clothes, as if warning others that its owner is reliably protected from envy, evil spirits and the negative effects of ill-wishers.

Unlike other tattoos, it is not customary to hide a dreamcatcher under clothes.

Advice to those who decide to decorate the body with the most ancient symbol. Carefully study the meaning of the dreamcatcher symbolism, only faith in the power of the sign will activate it.

Before getting a tattoo, you need to study the designation of each component of the picture:

  1. A circle. The base of the symbol is a circle, which means the cyclical and infinite life path.
  2. Web. The most "working" part of the catcher, since it is the web that catches bad thoughts, nightmares, evil spirits that interfere with thinking clearly in its nets.
  3. Feathers. Feathers represent lightness, breath, air necessary for life.
  4. Beads. Four beads represent the four cardinal directions, and one is the symbol of the keeper of the hearth. This is worth paying attention to if the tattoo is for girls.

To understand the meaning of a dreamcatcher tattoo, it is enough to penetrate the secrets and legends of the ancient Lakota tribe, to believe in the mighty power of the ancient symbol. If the tattoo is planned in color, then it is important to know what the color of the web means:

Color tattoos are a special kind of art, playing with the palette, you can create real masterpieces on the body of men or women. A dream catcher is not just a drawing, but an ancient talisman that protects sleep, thoughts and consciousness.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

Turning to a master artist, you can always get an exclusive sketch of a beautiful underwear design. But only those tattoos that are made according to all the ancient canons are endowed with a deep meaning and power of the amulet. Tattoos in the form of a dream catcher are done by girls and guys, but the lines and colors of female and male drawings are significantly different.

Most often, such a tattoo is performed in color, this is the only way the master can convey all the power and beauty of the ancient symbol. It is believed that the ideal location of the pattern for men is the dream catcher on the back, on the spine, or closer to the neck and head. A person who decided to get a tattoo, be it a man or a woman, is free to choose the place of the drawing himself, but it is still necessary to take into account the sacred meaning of the ancient symbol. We offer several ideas and a popular rating of the popularity of the location of stylish Native American drawings on the body:

Often a dreamcatcher tattoo is done on the ribs.

Interesting horseshoe dream catcher tattoo design. This combination of symbols will protect you from bad dreams, evil spirits and will bring good luck. Girls can complement the main drawing with a flock of birds, such a composition is symbolic and original.

  • Tattoo on the shoulder, on the arm. This is a classic choice for women, because a small but sophisticated and original pattern can be depicted on the shoulder or inside of the arm. To give the catcher feminine features, tenderness and elegance, you can add bright shades to the drawing, and decorate the base circle with roses, orchids and other flowers.

Girls often get dreamcatcher tattoos on the inside of their arms.

Men and women, movie and music stars, representatives of all professions, classes and ages gladly decorate their bodies with a dream catcher tattoo. A well-known representative of bohemia with a similar pattern is the idol of millions of Miley Cyrus. The singer is an ardent fan of tattoo art, there are more than 18 drawings on her body, but the dream catcher is the most noticeable.

On the body of the shocking Miley Cyrus, the most noticeable tattoo in the form of a dream catcher

As you sketch, you can make some adjustments that reflect your life. For example, the number of beads, knots on a web, can mean important milestones in life, personal achievements or significant events. Feathers are the most refined part of the design. Choose feathers of a bird that is close to you in spirit, reflects the state of the inner world. At the same time, it is important not to forget that birds have their own special meaning.

The tattoo in the form of an Indian dream catcher is chosen not only by lovers of wearable designs. The sacred meaning and properties of the amulet will be able to help everyone who wants them to have bright and good dreams. A dreamcatcher is a magic shield, a talisman against the evil eye, envy and evil influence, but at the same time, a true masterpiece of art can be born in the talented hands of a tattoo artist

Rings, complemented by flowers, indicate softness of character, readiness to help at any time.

The individuality and beauty of the girl is emphasized by the butterfly. The image is perfect for young and young girls.

Swirling black birds around feathers - a symbol of an insidious nature

The place where the feathers are attached can also be decorated as you wish. Look elegant gems . They indicate personal consistency, moral strength. Hearts symbolize well-being, love, sincerity, hope for the best.

If feathers develop on a dreamcatcher, they indicate love for the living. The female version features owl feathers. They testify to the wisdom and greatness of the girl. In the male version, the strength is emphasized by the falcon feathers.

Rings, complemented by flowers, indicate softness of character, readiness to help at any time.

To increase self-confidence and gain power, psychologists recommend depicting the figure of a lion in the center of the dream catcher. The symbol will not let you lose heart and will give strength for the constant struggle for primacy.

The lizard symbol helps in communicating with people. If a woman's activities are related to sales, you need to choose this particular image. Diplomatic skills will begin to unfold in a new way.

Advice! It is easy to develop an individual design of a dreamcatcher tattoo if you think in advance which character traits you want to show more strongly, and which you want to hide.

The dreamcatcher tattoo is an ancient symbol of the culture of the Indians of North America. These Indian symbols refer to protective amulets. They are designed to protect a person during a night's sleep, when the sleeping person is completely defenseless. The symbol is filled with a deep sacred meaning that requires awareness, respect, and an irrational attitude. It draws attention to itself with its mystery, colorfulness, originality.

Dreamcatcher tattoo history

The ancient legends of the Lakota tribe tell of the Spider God, who weaved a web to protect his children from nightmares, fears, diseases. The web caught all unrighteous thoughts about children and protected them at night.

The next legend says that once a heavenly ruler appeared to a local priest and presented a staff. The top of the staff was decorated with a pattern of woven thick cobwebs, which were complemented by bird feathers from below. The heavenly ruler also said that the amulet will protect the sleeping people from the influence of evil spirits, whose purpose is the heart and soul of the sleeping person. Evil spirits get entangled in the web and stay in it until the morning. And with the first rays of the sun, all evil dissolves and disappears.

Such legends exist among many peoples, as well as amulets-circles with an openwork network. This can only be explained by the mystical, mysterious origin of the amulet, which speaks of the supernaturalness of its appearance. And since the amulet has existed for thousands of years, the power of the amulet has increased many times over thanks to the faith of its numerous followers.

The ancestors of the Indians, as well as the Altai shamans, created a protective amulet from willow branches, deer veins or threads. To decorate the talisman and to increase its power, eagle or owl feathers were used. Sometimes a bear or wolf paw print was drawn in the center of the circle. Some Indian tribes made eight points of contact of the web with a circle according to the number of spider legs.

In addition, precious stones were added to the amulet. The presence of one stone symbolized the presence of a single path in life, which was chosen once and for all life. The presence of four stones symbolized protection from all directions of the world - east, south, west, north. The amulet was attached at the head of a sleeping person. According to ancient legends, he scared away evil that could approach the sleeping person.
For the clergymen themselves, the amulet helped to find out the meaning of their own dreams. The victory over the spirits won in a dream gave the shaman the gift of foresight.

The meaning of a dream catcher tattoo

Today people practically do not carry amulets with them, but it is possible to have this symbol with them constantly in the form of a tattoo. You don't have to be a North American Indian to have the protection of this image.

It is believed that the modern drawing of a dream catcher is also endowed with the power to protect its owner from the influence on his life of spirits carrying evil and suffering. The web closed in a circle is designed to catch negative, negative thoughts, allowing a person to maintain a positive attitude in any life situation. There is a small gap in the center of the web that skips good, life-affirming, prompting, directing dreams to the sleeping person.

Feathers have their own deep meaning, the essence of which is air and breath, which is the basis of life. Feathers swaying in the air attracted good sleep. In addition, it is believed that a tattoo with a dream catcher helps to restore internal strength, contributes to becoming on the path of self-development and active advancement in this direction. Thanks to her, a rich experience of spiritual development is acquired.

You can highlight the main motives for which people choose this drawing:

  • protection from the effects of the evil eye and damage;
  • the opportunity to be under all-round protection from the effects of negative energy that is around each person;
  • have a good restful night sleep, free from nightmares;
  • join the centuries-old power inherent in this figure;
  • show your passion for centuries-old culture.

Once applied, the tattoo will be permanently with its owner. It will lead a person along the path that contains the least obstacles, help to overcome the difficulties in life that have arisen, help weed out evil intentions and strengthen good ones, make them stronger and more confident.

Position, placement, colors of body tattoo

The symbol has no restrictions on the place of application. It is advised to stuff the image closer to the head to protect it. Very often the back is chosen for this pattern. A large area allows you to expand a wide creative picture. Often girls choose a place on the back to apply the selected picture.

The next popular tattoo site is the ribs and side. The image is not so voluminous here, but its beauty is preserved. Sometimes girls choose a horseshoe instead of a circle, which is characterized by the fact that it attracts good luck to a person.

A colored dreamcatcher tattoo can be placed on the shoulder, although the design can be black and white. A tattoo with scarlet roses looks bright and colorful, but if you are a fan of a more strict version, then the roses can be white.

A small tattoo with a dream catcher will fit compactly on the wrist, ankle, foot or behind the ear. Such a pattern on the stomach looks very feminine. Before applying a tattoo to yourself, ask the master to make you an individual sketch of the future image. Among the celebrities with such a tattoo is Miley Cyrus, who made personal additions to the traditional drawing.

Women's tattoo with a dream catcher, compatibility with other symbols

The beautiful half of humanity is attracted by the similarity with beautiful and popular jewelry in the symbol. The girls choose each element according to the meaning, supplement the meaning with their own elements, forming a vivid and memorable picture. Feminine personality prevails in the whole image - rosebuds, blooming roses, a doll, a rowan branch often serve as additional elements. Usually, the master applies to the girls an image of owl feathers, the meaning of which stands for wisdom. Additional elements are a heart, an owl, bright images in the form of pebbles.

Dreamcatcher tattoo for men and additional symbols

Representatives of the strong half choose the classic image, practically without adding additional elements to it. An additional element can be the paws of a wolf, a bear in a circle, or drawings of these animals. The stuffed eagle feathers symbolize purely masculine qualities - courage and courage.


The choice of a dream catcher tattoo style is associated with the meaning that a person puts into a picture. Guys often get monochromatic tattoos, and girls choose colored ones. To create a work of art, a bright watercolor style is used. Polynesia, ethnicity, tribal - lead to the creation of a picture with national motives, both ancient and modern. Monochrome graphic tattoos are a classic style.

Salon masters also use other styles - old school, thrash polka, blackwork. The combination of a black and white image with bright color splashes looks extraordinary.


Once applied, the tattoo will be permanently with its owner. It will lead a person along the path that contains the least obstacles, will help to overcome the difficulties that have arisen, with its help evil intentions will be eliminated and good intentions will be strengthened, it will make the owner stronger and more confident.

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