Quotes about death. Sad aphorisms about death and quotes with meaning Sayings about the death of a loved one

If death were a blessing, the gods would not be immortal.
Sappho (Sappho)

If you cannot escape death, die at least with glory.

The death of a sage is death without fear of death.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Before you die or later, it doesn't matter; good or bad, that's what matters. And to die well means to avoid the danger of living badly.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Death is not evil. - You ask what she is? - The only thing in which the entire human race is equal.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Death is for everything: it is a law, not a punishment.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Death is the resolution and end of all sorrows, the limit beyond which our sorrows do not cross.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

In order not to be afraid of death, always think about it.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

You don't have to go far for death.
Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Do not be afraid of the last day, but do not call for it either.
Martial Mark Valery

God Himself commands you to remember death.
Martial Mark Valery

When you are disturbed or upset by something worldly, then remember that you will have to die, and then what you previously thought was an important misfortune and worried you will become in your eyes an insignificant nuisance that is not worth worrying about.

No slowness is too great when it comes to the death of a person.
Juvenal Decim Junius

Let's try, while life is given to us, so that death gets it as
as little as possible that it can destroy.
Pliny the Younger

An unchanging and great consolation in the death of people who died from the disease is its inevitability.
Pliny the Younger

You grieve incurably for those who themselves called death, because you believe that they could live for a long time.
Pliny the Younger

The death of those who do immortal deeds is always premature.
Pliny the Younger

Death, like birth, is a mystery of nature. These are the same elements, on the one hand, uniting, on the other, decomposing into the same beginnings. There is nothing repulsive in death to a rational being or to the plan of our structure.
Marcus Aurelius

The thought of death is more cruel than death itself.

About the dead or good, or nothing.
Inscription in the Anatomical Theater of the University of Paris

If you called unfortunate only those who are destined to die, you would not miss anyone living.
Unknown author

Here rests the one who has never rested, keep quiet!
Unknown author

What is life, such is death.
Unknown author

People would be unhappy if they knew the day of their death.
Unknown author

Peace be upon him. May he rest in peace.
The inscription on the headstone.

It is possible for someone who does not like to live to die.
Unknown author

About the dead, as well as about the living, neither good nor bad, but only the truth.
Unknown author

Later or earlier we hurry to one dwelling (grave).
Unknown author

May the earth be easy for you. May the earth rest in peace for you.
The usual formula of Latin epitaphs.

The priest claps his hands when he hears the death knell.
Unknown author

Nobody can avoid death.
Unknown author

Death is the last argument.
Unknown author

Death always has one cause or another.
Unknown author

Death chases the fleeing.
Unknown author

Death is certain, but its hour is unknown.
Unknown author

Death comes quickly, takes us mercilessly.
Unknown author

The dead have neither a sovereign above nor subjects below; they have no worries that the four seasons bring. Careless and free, they are as eternal as heaven and earth, and even the joys of the kings who sit with their faces turned to the south cannot be compared with their bliss.
Unknown Chinese author

If we know so little about life, what can we know about death?
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

What made my life beautiful will make my death beautiful.

When you retreat, death stands behind you and your meeting with it is inevitable.
Ali ibn Abi Talib

We are all perishable, child, such is the course of the universe.
We are like sparrows, and death, like a hawk, is waiting.
And sooner or later - any flower will fade, -
With his grater, the death of all creatures will grind.

The care of the burial, the arrangement of the tomb, the pomp of the funeral - all this is more a consolation to the living than a help to the dead.
Aurelius Augustine

Death is evil only because of what follows it.
Aurelius Augustine

The life of the deceased seems to us smoothed out, as if we see it through a haze.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Death is not a life event.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Fear of death is the best sign of a false, that is, a bad life.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The one who is happy should not have fear. Even before death.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

To wish for death when one is living is just as cowardly as to lament over life when it is time to die.
Anatole France

We will all someday be swallowed up by non-existence, know how to forget about it - this is what wisdom is.
Anatole France

The death wish for another is really everywhere, and in order to find it, one does not have to delve into the human soul for a particularly long time.
Elias Canetti

Everyone stubbornly believes that he should not die.
Elias Canetti

As long as death exists, every word is a contradiction to it.
Elias Canetti

Cemeteries have an attractive power, they are visited, even if no one from relatives lies there.
Elias Canetti

The moment of survival is the moment of power. The horror from the feeling of death turns into satisfaction from the fact that it is not you who is dead, but another.
Elias Canetti

There is no such tribe, clan or people, which would not indulge in long thoughts about their dead.
Elias Canetti

The higher the piles of dead bodies over which the survivor stands, the more often he experiences these moments, the stronger and more irresistible the need for them becomes.
Elias Canetti

Death as a threat is the coin of power. It is very easy, adding coin to coin, to accumulate a huge amount of capital.
Elias Canetti

Death is the first and oldest, one would like to say - the only fact. It is monstrously ancient and new every hour.
Elias Canetti

A person sentenced to death immediately before execution begins to believe that he will be pardoned at the last moment.
Viktor Frankl

What really happened is death.
Alexander Vvedensky

Only the individual dies completely.
Georg Simmel

Death is the more complete for a being, the more individual it is.
Georg Simmel

Death is only the end of the individual form of life.
Georg Simmel

Only looking at death, we are aware of another mystery - the mystery of conception.
Oswald Spengler

Death so immeasurably surpasses any earthly darkness.
Ernst Simon Bloch

Only a person dies. The animal circles.
Martin Heidegger

With mortality statistics, society reduces life to a chemical process.
Theodor Adorno

The "organic" world, the realm of life in its various forms, is surrounded by the hostile element of death, a dead mechanism, oppressive necessity.
Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov

Death is only powerful to produce a temporary separation.
Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov

The fear of death is explained solely by a sense of self-preservation.
Lev Shestov

In the birth of an individual, the world is born; in his death, the whole world dies.
Lev Karsavin

The burden of earthly, irretrievable losses is unbearable.
Lev Karsavin

A poem about death ... Why, in fact, should this not be a poem? - That's why it is sung that it's hard.
Lev Karsavin

Death is the greatest of all possible forms of slavery.
Vladimir Frantsevich Ern

Dying at eighty and dying at 10 each has only a second of death.
Alexander Vvedensky

There is no difference between a maternity hospital and a cemetery, the suicide claims.
Frantisek Lid

Do not hope that you will know which path death will take you.
Frantisek Lid

Descriptions of death are as naive as descriptions of immortality and infinity.
Frantisek Lid

Usually people have a good idea of ​​their funeral.
Eric Bern

Death is not an act or even an event for the dying person. She will be both for the living.
Eric Bern

Suicide appears only with civilization.
Émile Durkheim

Civilization is concentrated in big cities; suicide too.
Émile Durkheim

It is death that must finally reveal us.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

We will rise above death if we discover God in it.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

A world lacking death would be a world where hope could only exist in a latent state.
Gabriel Honore Marcel

In a sense, death is an impostor.
Georges Bataille

In death, disgust and ardent seductiveness unite, rage.
Georges Bataille

In the dreary nature of death, a person's need for longing is reflected.
Georges Bataille

When a shadow of cruelty lies on a person, and a person looks death "straight into the eyes", life for him is a complete blessing. Nothing can
to destroy it, death is the condition for its renewal.
Georges Bztai

It is only when I die that I see the gap that constitutes my nature.
Georges Bataille

The day will come and you will die an idiot.
Georges Bataille

The shadows of death are reborn against our will.
Georges Bataille

Knowing that he himself is mortal, the slave also knows that the master can also die.
Jacques Lacan

Death manifests itself primarily as the destruction of life.
Jacques Lacan

Death is exactly what it means to be light.
Maurice Blanchot

Death is life, closed on me alone and therefore lost in advance.
Maurice Blanchot

Communion in death is a substitute for true communion.
Maurice Blanchot

There is probably no society that does not show respect for the dead.
Claude Levi-Strauss

Many die too late, and others too soon. For the time being, the teaching will seem strange: “Die in time!”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Some do not succeed in life: a poisonous worm gnaws at their heart. May they use all their strength to make death a better success for them!
Friedrich Nietzsche

Death is close enough to not be afraid of life.
Friedrich Nietzsche

... The death of one person is death, and the death of two million is just a statistic.
Erich Maria Remarque

Dying is quick and easy; living is much more difficult.
Lion Feuchtwanger

Omniscience about death will not cancel the fact that death is not an integral part of life, and we have no choice but to accept the very fact of death; no matter how much we worry about our life, it will end in destruction.
Erich Fromm

The worst thing that can be is to die alive.
Martin Andersen-Nexo

Someone once said: the right to die is an innate right of every person born into the world.
Jawaharlal Nehru

There is a group of people who were born on earth just to talk about death. There is a peculiar beauty in the slow fading, like the beauty of the sky at sunset, and this fascinates them.

Life as a whole never takes death seriously. She laughs and dances and plays; she builds and collects and loves in the face of death. Only when we single out one single fact of death do we notice its emptiness and become embarrassed.
Rabindranath Tagore

Some of the dead rest in peace, others are deprived of it.
Benito Galdos

If there were no death, life would be deprived of all poetry.
Arturo Graf

A man does not die as long as those who knew him live.

We are all like that. We remember each other towards the end of life, when someone becomes seriously ill or dies. Then it suddenly becomes clear to all of us who was lost, what he was like, what he was famous for, what deeds he did.
Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov

In the depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dormant under the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Believe in dreams, for the gates to eternity are hidden in them. Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd standing before the king, who will soon lay his hand on him as a token of mercy. Doesn't the shepherd's trembling rejoice at the fact that he will be marked by the king? And isn't it trembling that worries him most of all?
Kahlil Gibran Gibran

If you truly want to see the spirit of death, open your heart to the flesh of life. For life and death are one, as the river and the sea are one.
Kahlil Gibran Gibran

When you comprehend all the secrets of life, you will strive for death, for it is nothing but another mystery of life.
Kahlil Gibran Gibran

Those who die leave behind their blessings and carry their sins with them.
Ernesto (Che) Guevara

To live - so at will,
Dying - so at home.
Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

It's not death that's scary - it's scary that it always comes ahead of time.
Sergei Petrovich Borodin

Man is mortal, and that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

Blissful hours pass, and it is necessary, it is necessary ... to preserve at least somehow and at least something, that is, to oppose death, the flowering of wild rose.
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

For some reason, it is perhaps more pleasant to die than to sit and wait for death like that.
Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky

Death is a serious matter, it enters into life. You have to die with dignity.
Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

A person, dying individually, a somatic death, does not die socially, pouring his behavior as part of a team and creativity into a living environment, the public. He continues to live in those who remain alive, if he lived while alive, and was not dead. The living collective resurrects the dead.
Nikolai Yakovlevich Marr

Perhaps the fear of death is nothing but the memory of the fear of birth.
Yuri Karlovich Olesha

The deeper individualism penetrates into the human soul, the stronger the fear of death is strengthened in it.
Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov

Everything collapses, everything falls, but nothing dies, and even if it dies, it immediately passes into something else.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

At the end of life, a sage understands that death is terrible only from the outside, for loved ones, but there is no death for oneself, and a person himself, as soon as he is born immortal, leaves us.”
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Death is that after which nothing is interesting.
Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov

There is nothing more difficult than to die without paying with death for death.
Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov

To remember death is to live without thinking about it. One should not remember death, but live calmly, joyfully with the consciousness of its constant approach.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The only consolation in the thought of the necessity of death is that which is the consolation in danger on the ship: that everyone is in the same position as me.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The best proof that the fear of death is not a fear of death, but of a false life, is that often people kill themselves out of fear of death.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

We must live in such a way as not to be afraid of death and not to desire it.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The fear of death is inversely proportional to the good life.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The better a person is, the less he is afraid of death.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The fear of natural death will be destroyed by a deep knowledge of nature.
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

I'm not afraid of death. So life is mine.
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin

The one who lives in his works does not die.
Christian Nestel Bowie

Those who invoke death upon themselves know it only by hearsay.
Wilson Mizner

A person is not yet able to overcome death, but premature death, premature old age is possible and necessary.
Alexander Evdokimovich Korneichuk

Death and life are equal: they cannot do without each other.
Ashil Dalsem

After death, a person can only live on his own land.
Henri Barbusse

In death, play and heroism acquire their true meaning.
Albert Camus

The bitter waters of death
Albert Camus

If I were destined to die far from the world, in a cold prison cell, the sea at the last moment would flood my dungeon, raise me to a height unknown to me until now and help me die without hatred in my soul.
Albert Camus

The only brotherhood possible in our time, the only one that is offered and allowed to us, is the vile and dubious brotherhood of soldiers in the face of death.
Albert Camus

... The only freedom that can be opposed to the freedom to kill is the freedom to die, that is, to free oneself from the fear of death and find a place in nature for this accident ...
Albert Camus

There is only one freedom - to find out your relationship with death. After that, everything becomes possible. I can't make you believe in God. To believe in God means to come to terms with death. If you were reconciled to death, God's problem would be solved - but not vice versa.
Albert Camus

Death communicates a new form of love - as well as life, it turns love into destiny.
Albert Camus

Die without deciding anything. But who dies, having decided everything, except?.. Decide at least how not to disturb the peace of those you loved... We don't owe anything to ourselves, even - and especially - the peace of death.
Albert Camus

What I have been searching for so long is finally here. Ready for death.
Albert Camus

I wanted a violent death - the kind where it's forgivable to scream in pain because your soul is being torn out of your chest. On other days, I dreamed of dying for a long time and in full consciousness - so that at least no one could say that death took me by surprise, that it came in my absence - in a word, to know ... But it is so stuffy in the earth.
Albert Camus

Man will not be free until he overcomes the fear of death. But not by suicide. You can't overcome by giving up. To be able to die, looking death in the eyes, without bitterness.
Albert Camus

Another descends into the grave of a hundred years, and died as soon as he was born.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

He lies who claims that he is not afraid of death. Every man fears to die; it is the great law of sentient beings, without which all mortal beings would soon be annihilated.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Every organism begins to die from the moment of birth and carries within itself the causes of its impending destruction.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Whether to rot under marble or underground, rot anyway.
Denis Diderot

If you are afraid of death, you will not do anything good; if you're going to die anyway because of some pebble in your bladder, or from an attack of gout, or for some other equally ridiculous reason, then it's better to die for some great cause.
Denis Diderot

The thought of death is treacherous: captured by it, we forget to live.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

A man who knew only his own existence would have no conception of death.
Etienne Bonnot de Condillac

Before the flame of sin is extinguished and sorrow fades, death will come to us with friendly participation; an open bud, turned to heaven, bestows its color on the sky.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

As we go through life, we suddenly discover that the ice under our feet is getting thinner and thinner, and we see how our peers fall under it around us and behind us.
Robert Louis Stevenson

In essence, it doesn't matter what you die for; but if you die for something you love, then such a warm, devoted death is better than a cold, unfaithful life.
Heinrich Heine

Death can be feared or not feared - it will inevitably come.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Death is evil for everyone.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Who is afraid of death, he no longer lives.
Johann Gottfried Zeime

Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value.
Immanuel Kant

Let life die, but death must not live.
Karl Marx

Death is the cessation of the exchange between internal and external excitation, between the soul and the world.

Death is the romantic beginning of our life.

Death is scarier than people think. She darkens the light, she blows out, one after another, all the lamps that sparkle so colorfully and cheerfully around us; everywhere it becomes dark, but in the heart a light is kindled, so light is made, and much, much much becomes visible, which could not be seen before.
Christian Friedrich Hebbel (Gobbel)

At the moment of death, egoism undergoes a complete collapse. Hence the fear of death. Death, therefore, is a kind of teaching to egoism, uttered by the nature of things.

The following consolation is available to each of us: death is as natural as life, and there, what will be, we will see.
Arthur Schopenhauer

With the death of each person, a certain world that he carried in his head also disappears. The more intelligent the head was, the more distinct, clearer, more significant was the world, and the more terrible its disappearance. With the death of an animal, only a wretched rhapsody or a sketch of some world disappears.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Nature is a monster unworthy of chanting, engendering and nourishing in order to kill: if premature death is a misfortune, then why do you doom innocent heads to it? If it is good, then why is separation from life so difficult for both the dying and those who remain? Why is there no grief more inconsolable? ..
Giacomo Aeopardi

Death is the great peacemaker.
Alessandro Manzoni

Alas, if death is the lot of every being,
Does it matter who it comes from!
Alexander Petrovich Baryatinsky

The desire for death shows the most false and illusory state of mind.

People die in order for humanity to live.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

It’s not good to get sick, it’s even worse to die, and to get sick and die with the thought that nothing will be left after you in the world is the worst thing.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Anyone who left behind at least one bright, new thought, at least one feat useful to mankind, did not die childless.
Alexander Alexandrovich Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

What happiness it is to die on time for a man who, in his time, can neither leave the stage nor go forward.
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

As it happens, life is not sickening, dying is even sicker.
Ivan Andreevich Krylov

I'm not afraid of death. Oh no! I'm afraid to disappear completely.
Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

Life is eternity, death is but a moment.
Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

... Worse than death, nothing happens - and death cannot be avoided.
Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

To look into the eyes of death, to foresee its approach without trying to deceive oneself, to remain true to oneself until the last minute, not to weaken and not be afraid - this is a matter of a strong character.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

The first step of a baby is the first step towards his death.
Kozma Prutkov

Death is set at the end of life in order to more conveniently prepare for it.
Kozma Prutkov

Death and the sun cannot gaze at each other.
Kozma Prutkov

Do not be afraid of death, then you will probably beat. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

The old thing is death, but new for everyone.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Death is only one step in our continuous development. Our birth was the same step, with the only difference that birth is death for one form of being, and death is birth into another form of being. Death is happiness for a dying person. When you die, you cease to be mortal.
Theodore Parker

Death consoles - alas! - and makes you live. She is the goal of life and the only hope, which, like an elixir, invigorates and intoxicates us, and gives us the courage to go our own way until the very evening of our existence.
Charles Baudelaire

It is good to die - it is to die, like Leonidas, in the name of the fatherland; like Socrates, in the name of reason; like Jesus Christ, in the name of brotherhood.
Victor Marie Hugo

The only consolation in the death of those whom we loved is that we are not consoled and that we do not have to see how they die a second time in our hearts with that death that is deeper than the first and which is called oblivion.
Alphonse Jean Carr

There is nothing after death. It doesn't scare, it calms.
Alphonse de Sade

He is too zealous, shouting: "It's me!"
In the purse, it strums with gold: "It's me!"
But as soon as he manages to set things up -
Death knocks on the window to the braggart: "It's me!"
Omar Khayyam

Some people are deceived by earthly life,
Part - in dreams refers to another life.
Death is a wall. And in life no one will know
The highest truth hidden behind this wall.
Omar Khayyam

I can't lay my head anywhere.
To believe in the world beyond the grave - alas! - I can not.
Believe that, having decayed, I will rise from the ashes
Even a stalk of green grass - I can not.
Omar Khayyam

I have made knowledge my trade,
I am familiar with the higher truth and the baser evil.
I untangled all the tight knots in the world,
Except death tied in a dead knot.
Omar Khayyam

Of all those who left without leaving a trace
Will anyone come back here to tell the story?

Do not look for our grave in the earth after death - look for it in the hearts of enlightened people.
Jalaluddin Rumi

Passions burn like a flame. But as soon as thoughts of illness flicker, the soul becomes like cold ashes. Dreams of glory and awards are sweet as honey. But if you think about death, they will seem as tasteless as wax. Therefore, one who always mourns death and thinks about illnesses will be able to cast off illusions and always remember the righteous path.
Hong Zicheng

Whether you live a hundred years or one day, you still have to leave these halls that please the heart.
Muhammad Babur

... They say that it is good to die, saving the life of another.
Giovanni Boccaccio

Death follows us, circles around us, never leaving us for a single moment; under her banner, sleep seizes us every day.
Fernando de Rojas

What is death? Is it such an evil
How does it all seem to us? Perhaps dying
In the last bitter hour that has reached the edge,
As in the first hour of the journey - not hard at all?
Pierre de Ronsard

Better a worthy and heroic death than an unworthy and vile triumph.
Giordano Bruno

The fear of death is worse than death itself.
Giordano Bruno

I would like death to find me working in the field.
Michel de Montaigne

Neither that which precedes death nor that which follows it belongs to it.
Michel de Montaigne

Death must be the same as life; we don't become different just because we die.
Michel de Montaigne

Everything in the world can be fixed, except death.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

When we leave this world, when we are laid in the ground, the prince occupies the same small piece of it as the day laborer.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

The lady of Death has more power than delicacy - that's someone who is not picky at all.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

You will live ten times in the world
Repeated ten times in children,
And you will have the right in your last hour
Triumph over conquered death.
William Shakespeare

I have thought much about death, and I find that it is the lesser of evils.
Francis Bacon

Die - to cut costs.
Robert Burton

What could be more stupid than to live like a dog and die like a king.
Robert Burton

As long as we are not separated from death, we are not afraid of any troubles.
Thomas Brown

He who is not afraid of death is not afraid of threats.
Pierre Corneille

Everyone wants to gain fame, but no one wants to lose their life; therefore, the brave show no less resourcefulness and intelligence to avoid death than the chisel-makers - to increase the fortune.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Neither the sun nor death can be looked at point-blank.
François de La Rochefoucauld

The equanimity that those condemned to death sometimes show, as well as the contempt for death, speaks only of the fear of looking directly into her eyes; therefore, it can be said that both are to their minds what a blindfold is to their eyes.
François de La Rochefoucauld

The splendor of funeral rites does not so much perpetuate the dignity of the dead, as it pleases the vanity of the living.
François de La Rochefoucauld

The bravest and most intelligent people are those who, under any plausible pretext, try not to think about death.
François de La Rochefoucauld

In great people, contempt for death is caused by a blinding love for glory, and in simple people, by a limitation that does not allow them to comprehend the full depth of the misfortune that awaits them and makes it possible to think about extraneous things.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Let us fear death not in the hour of danger, but when nothing threatens us: let a man remain a man to the end.
Blaise Pascal

It is easier to die without thinking about death than to think about it, even when it does not threaten.
Blaise Pascal

How will I get out of life? Where? Through which door? When will it happen? Will I endure a thousand sufferings that will make me die in despair? I am lost in these thoughts and find death so terrible that I hate life more for the fact that it leads to death than for the thorns with which it is studded.
Marie Sevigne

To one who lives for the sake of life in the ages, death is not terrible.
William Penn

The fear of death is more painful than death itself.
Jean de La Bruyère

There are strange fathers who, until their death, are occupied with only one thing: to give their children reason not to grieve too much for her.
Jean de La Bruyère

Speaking in human terms, death has one good side: it puts an end to old age. Death, which prevents decrepitude, is more appropriate than death, which ends decrepitude.
Jean de La Bruyère

If we were given a choice: to die or live forever, no one would know what to decide on. Nature relieves us of the need to choose, making death inevitable.
Jean de La Bruyère

If some of us died and others didn't, it would be extremely annoying to die.
Jean de La Bruyère

Death comes once, and we wait for it all our lives: the fear of death is more painful than death itself.
Jean de La Bruyère

Unfortunate is he who dies no sooner than he wanted to die.
Thomas Fuller

It is impossible to imagine that such a natural, necessary and universal phenomenon as death was conceived by Heaven as a punishment to humanity.
Jonathan Swift

The remains of people who made a lot of noise and turmoil during their lifetime, now lie among the graves of their neighbors as quietly as everyone else.
Jonathan Edwards

To die means to stop dying.
Samuel Butler

Death is so hideous that none of us are able to look at its approach without horror.
George Sand

When a person stands at the last frontier, when hope and endurance are running out, only great and simple feelings - love, sadness, compassion, despair - can help him find the strength in himself to step over this frontier.
Alistair McLean

Man, as a social being and respectful of his own kind, in fact, should retire to some rocky gorge of the Gobi desert in order to die alone there. Just as before death, elephants hide in remote places. Or how songbirds disappear.
Gyula Iyesh

It is not death that should be feared, but an empty life.
Bertolt Brecht

In the name of goodness and love, a person should not allow death to take possession of his thoughts.
Thomas Mann

Even in death your spirit and virtue must blaze, like the evening dawn over the earth: otherwise your death did not go well for you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Man is not only a social being. At least he has control over his own death. We are made to live side by side with others. But we really die only for ourselves.
Albert Camus

Imagine life without death. Out of desperation, every day we would try to kill ourselves.
Jules Renard

The hardest thing about death is silence.”
Romain Rolland

The surest path that brings us closer to the dear dead is not death, but life. They live our life and die with our death.
Romain Rolland

Death is the only thing that is greater than the word for it.
Jean Rostand

He who dies for the sake of advancing our knowledge, or for the sake of being able to heal our illnesses, is dying to serve life.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

For life in the present, death does not exist.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

If suicide is allowed, then everything is allowed.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Thinking about death devalues ​​life.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Death is the symbol of any disorder.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Death is a purely individual act.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

How funny it is to die.
Emil Michel Cioran

The death of a suffering righteous person leads to the emergence of a certain meaning of the death of God.
Paul Ricoeur

Any death is dual.
Gilles Deleuze

The Greeks entered Death backwards, with their past in front of them.
Roland Bart

The stereotype is the nauseating impossibility of dying.
Roland Bart

Death places a limit on human life in time; madness places a limit on it in the animal element.
Paul Michel Foucault

Life is a riding camel; we stay in the saddle.
Until the thief-death hides us in the ground.

From black dust to heavenly bodies
I unraveled the secrets of the wisest words and deeds.
I avoided deceit, unraveled all the knots,
Only the knot of death I could not unravel.
Mbn Sina (Avicenna)

Death is an arrow shot at you, and life is the moment that it reaches you.
Ibrahim al-Husri

The actions of the creator are worthy of surprise!
Our hearts are filled with bitterness,
We leave this world without knowing
No beginning, no meaning, no end.
Omar Khayyam

Life is slipping away, darkness is approaching,
Death torments hearts and shreds bodies,
There are no returnees from the underworld,
Who would I deal with; how are things there?
Omar Khayyam

Since one's own death cannot be postponed,
Since from above the path is indicated to mortals,
Since you cannot make eternal things out of wax -
It's not worth crying about it, friends!
Omar Khayyam

From the earth everything will turn into the earth in the end.
Xenophanes of Colophon

Immortals are mortal, mortals are immortal; by each other's death they live, by each other's life they die.
Heraclitus of Ephesus

You can't know non-existence... you can't express it in a word
Parmenides of Elea

Anyone who has lost a loved one should not fall into despair. Suffering greatly, he only tortures himself, and the dead person does not benefit from this. The one who is smart, with tears, escorts the deceased to the cemetery, but, betraying him to the ground, expels sorrow from his heart. He remembers that he himself is mortal, that the same fate is destined for him.

Some people, not knowing about the destruction of the mortal nature of man, tormented by a badly spent life, being in anxieties and fears, invent false fables about what will happen after death.

It is good to leave this life, as from a feast: not thirsty, but not drunk either.
Diogenes of Sinop

Everyone knows that death is inevitable, but since it is not close, no one thinks about it.

Get used to thinking that death is nothing to us; for everything good and bad is in sensation, and death is the deprivation of sensation.

The most terrible of evils, death, has nothing to do with us; when we are, then death is not yet, and when death comes, then we are no more.

The life of the dead continues in the memory of the living.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Nobody can escape death.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Death removes from evils, not from blessings.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Death is common to all ages.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Why should I be afraid if after death I either will not be unhappy, or I will be happy?
Cicero Mark Tullius

The path to the underworld is the same everywhere.
Cicero Mark Tullius

It is better to die immediately than to live in anticipation of death.
Caesar Gaius Julius

Immortal death.
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Car)

So death is nothing to us and does not matter at all,
If mortal must certainly be spirit nature.
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Car)

In sorrow and misfortune, death is not torment, but repose from hardships
Sallust (Gaius Sallust Crispus)

I won't die all.

The same night awaits everyone, everyone will someday have to enter the death path.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

You have to make the death journey only once.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Death will overtake even those who run from it.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

O Postumus! Posthumus! Pour, slide years!
What prayer will we give away the arrival of wrinkles and future old age
And relentless death from mortals?
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Death is the last feature of human affairs.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Death knocks on everyone the same way.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

The fear of death is worse than death itself.
Publilius Sir

No one can hide from death and love.
Publilius Sir

Die while life caresses you.
Publilius Sir

A person dies as many times as he loses his loved ones.
Publilius Sir

In a thousand images, death hovers before my eyes;
Death is not as hard as the expectation of it.

Death itself is less painful than its expectation.

Sooner or later we will arrive at one harbor.

I want death to catch me in the middle of my labors.

It is foolish to die out of fear of death.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Our mistake is that we look at death as a future event. Most of death has already come: the time that is behind us is in her possession.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

No evil is great if it is the last. Has death come to you? She would be terrible if she could stay with you, but she will either not appear, or will soon be behind, nothing else.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

No one is late to come to a place from which he can never return.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Neither babies, nor children, nor the mentally damaged are afraid of death - and shame on those to whom reason does not give the same serenity that stupidity gives.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

There is nothing after death.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Be courageous and calm, because all human aspirations are not significant from the point of view of eternity. There is no memory and pain in the oblivion of the grave.
Aurelius Mark Antoninus

In essence, it doesn't matter what you die for; but if you die for something you love, then such a warm, devoted death is better than a cold, unfaithful life.
Heinrich Heine

In this life, dying is not new,
But to live, of course, is not newer.

Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich

Is joy possible in life when you have to think day and night that death awaits you...
Cicero Mark Tullius

Everyone knows that death is inevitable, but since it is not close, no one thinks about it.

Everything created is subject to the law of destruction. Achieve your goal through non-dissoluteness.
Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

Everything that seems mortal is just a shell. Life is immortal, and the body is only a sheath that gives it a visible mortality when breathing becomes inactive.
Inayat Khan Hidayat

Everything that is constructed is subject to extinction. Try hard!
Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

For each of us, the world disappears with his own death.
Freud Sigmund

If you want to be able to endure life, prepare for death.
Freud Sigmund

Pitiful is the old man who, during such a long life, has not been able to learn to despise death!
Cicero Mark Tullius

The life of the dead continues in the memory of the living.
Cicero Mark Tullius

The care of the burial, the arrangement of the tomb, the splendor of the funeral - all this is more a comfort to the living than a help to the dead.
Augustine Aurelius

This body is worn out, a nest of diseases, mortal. This putrid heap decays, for life has an end - death.
Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

How can we know what death is when we don't yet know what life is?

No matter how terrible the war, it still reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his strongest hereditary enemy - death.
Heinrich Heine

When we die, then one and all
We know that we know nothing.

When I die, a lot of rubbish will be put on my grave, but the wind of time will mercilessly sweep it away.
Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

When I die, bury me and write on the monument: "Died of disgust."
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

Who is constantly with the sick, who faithfully serves him, He dies sooner.

Who is afraid of death, he no longer lives.
Zeime Johann Gottfried

Death itself is less painful than its expectation.

The thought of death is more cruel than death itself.

Do not be afraid of death, then you will probably beat. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

Do not be upset and leave life. But if life has left you, you should be upset.
Jobs Steve

You should not mourn the dead, but the one who is born for a hard struggle with the hardships of life.

The equanimity that those condemned to death sometimes show, as well as the contempt for death, speaks only of the fear of looking directly into her eyes; therefore, it can be said that both are to their minds what a blindfold is to their eyes.
La Rochefoucauld Francois de

It is given to few people to comprehend what death is; in most cases it is done not out of deliberate intention, but out of stupidity and according to established custom, and people most often die because they cannot resist death.
La Rochefoucauld Francois de

Neither the sun nor death can be looked at point-blank.
La Rochefoucauld Francois de

No one knows what death is and whether it is the greatest good for man. And, however, everyone fears her, as if in the consciousness that she is the greatest evil.

Nobody can escape death.
Cicero Mark Tullius

One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic...
Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

He will die from the expansion of fantasy.
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

From black dust to heavenly bodies
I saw the secrets of the wisest words and deeds.
I avoided deceit, unraveled all the knots,
Only the knot of death I could not unravel.

The memory that I am about to die is the most important tool that helps me make the tough decisions of my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. The memory of death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have a reason not to follow your heart.
Jobs Steve

The first sign of the beginning of knowledge is the desire to die. This life seems unbearable, the other unattainable. You are no longer ashamed that you want to die; asking to be transferred from the old cell that you hate to the new one that you are only just beginning to hate. It also affects the rest of the faith that during the journey the chief accidentally passes along the corridor, looks at the prisoner and says: “Do not lock this one up anymore. I'm taking him with me."
Kafka Franz

Since we do not know what death is, it is illogical to be afraid of it.

The path to the underworld is the same everywhere.
Cicero Mark Tullius

The best thing for a person is not to be born at all, and after that the best thing is to die as soon as possible.
Cicero Mark Tullius

The death of a loved one can stir up the whole past in a person.
Freud Sigmund

Death smiles in our face, we just have to smile back at her.
: Aurelius Mark Antoninus

Death has nothing to do with us - when we exist, it does not exist, when it exists, we no longer exist.
Aurelius Mark Antoninus

Death is in front of us - something like a picture on the wall of the classroom, depicting the battle of Alexander the Great. The whole point is to overshadow the picture with your deeds in this life or completely extinguish it.
Kafka Franz

Death is terrible, but even more terrible would be the realization that you will live forever and never die.
Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

Death is probably the best invention of Life. She is the cause of change. She purifies the old to make way for the new.
Jobs Steve

Old age is just disgusting. I believe that this is the ignorance of God when he allows you to live to old age. Lord, everyone is already gone, but I still live. Birman - and she died, and I did not expect this from her. It’s scary when you’re eighteen inside, when you admire beautiful music, poetry, painting, and it’s time for you, you haven’t done anything, but you’re just starting to live!
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

He lies who claims that he is not afraid of death. Every man fears to die; it is the great law of sentient beings, without which all mortal beings would soon be annihilated.
Rousseau Jean-Jacques

Knowing the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening.

I have learned to look at death as an old debt that must be paid sooner or later.
Einstein Albert

I'm going on my last journey. I take a giant leap into the dark.
Hobbes Thomas

Every morning think about how you should die. Every evening refresh your mind with thoughts of death. Nurture your mind. When your thought constantly revolves around death, your life path will be straight and simple. Your will will fulfill your duty, your shield will become impenetrable.

Death sometimes comes at the zenith of life, it will take the measure. You forgot, you don't remember who came, you live as you used to live. But the dress is sewn.

We all go to the execution in the same cart: how can I hate someone or wish harm to someone?

When you read epitaphs, you get the feeling that the only way to save the world is by resurrecting the dead and burying the living.

The very first hour that gave us life shortened it.

Some people are so afraid of dying that they just don't start living.

I have learned to look at death simply as an old debt that will have to be paid sooner or later.

Nature is difficult to change, But life is changeable, like the sea. Today - joy, tomorrow - grief, And every now and then the thread is torn.

I don't live to eat, I eat to live.

The first condition for immortality is death.

When you comprehend all the secrets of life, you will strive for death, for it is nothing but another mystery of life.

Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value.

Life doesn't stop being funny when people die, just as it doesn't stop being serious when people laugh.

Death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person.

Life is a second in death.

Death, before appearing, does not send signs, it creeps up imperceptibly and usually from the back.

Life is a big surprise. I don't see why death shouldn't be no less.

A person lives a real life if he is happy with someone else's happiness.

It doesn't take much to die, but he who strives for death strives for nothing.

I have only one unsatisfied curiosity left: death.

Until you realize the continuous law of dying and being born again, you are just a vague guest on this Earth.

To die means to join the majority.

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

Only those are able to feel life, who often happen to be on the verge of death.

Death... If it were bad there, they would run away from there.

How much is needed to preserve the memory of a person? Marble work hours.

A person is born to wear four baby coats and six to seven adults. Ten suits - that's the whole person.

The most terrible death is the one that you don’t dream about and that you don’t think about.

Once Anaxogoras was talking with friends, he was informed that both of his sons had died. To which he calmly said: "I always knew that I gave birth to mortals."

Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.

Don't think you will die. Think you will be born.

Man is the only animal who knows that death awaits him, and the only one who doubts its finality.

Those who are truly devoted to philosophy are concerned with only one thing - dying and death.

Who knows, maybe to live is to die, and to die is to live.

Briefly about death: Lie down and bury.

Death is always new opportunities.

Death should be the same as life - we do not become different just because we die.

Being dead is not a problem. Being forgotten is disgusting!

Quotes about death. Sayings, aphorisms about the death of famous philosophers and thinkers.

Just as a well-lived day brings peaceful sleep, so a well-lived life brings peaceful death.

Better death than fatigue.

Whether you are afraid of death or not, it is always difficult to come to terms with it.

Life is a song, and its refrain is death.

If a person is only a bodily being, then death is the end of something so insignificant that it is not worth even regretting it. But if man is a spiritual being and the soul is only temporarily in the body, then death is only a change.

Quotes about the death of Leo Tolstoy

It is necessary to reduce life to death in such a way that life has a part of the solemnity and incomprehensibility of death, and death is part of the simplicity and everyday life.

Death is the best doctor on earth who has never had a bad case.
author: Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

The feeling of pain increases in a person faster than the feeling of pleasure, and increases in a very special way due to the real idea of ​​​​death.

Death is the inspiring muse of philosophy: without it, philosophy would hardly exist.

Quotes about the death of Arthur Schopenhauer

Death is the most convenient moment to take a tax from a rich man.
author: David Lloyd George

In this world, only death and taxes are inevitable.

If you don't want to be forgotten immediately after death, write things worth reading or do things worth writing about.
author: Benjamin Franklin

Life is eternity, death is but a moment.

I'm not afraid of death. Oh no!
I'm afraid to disappear completely.

The old thing is death, but new for everyone.
author: Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

There is no death in the literary world, and the dead also interfere in our affairs and act together with us, as if they were alive.
author: Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

It is better to die without thinking about death than to think about it, even when it does not threaten.

Even the dead do not know what death is.
author: Ramon Gomez de la Serna

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about the death of famous people in English with translation.

The report of my death was an exaggeration.
Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation.
It is currently possible to survive anything but death and make amends for anything but a good reputation.

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about the death of famous people in Latin with translation.

Quis furor est atram arcessere mortem?
What kind of madness is it to defy a grim death?

Mors laborum ac miseriarum quies est.
Death is a rest from suffering and misfortune.

Homini necesse est mori.
Death is inevitable for a person.

Moriendum est omnibus.
Everyone must die.

A malis mors abducit, non a bonis.
Death removes (the unfortunate) from evils, and not from blessings.

Mortem effugere nemo potest.
Nobody can escape death. Nobody can escape death.

Omni aetati mors est communis.
Death is common to all ages.

Malam mortem non facit, nisi quod sequitur mortem.
Death is evil only because of what follows it. Lit.: evil makes death only what follows after death.

Curatio funeris, conditio sepulturae, pompa exsequiarum magis sunt vivorum solatia, quam subsidia mortuorum.
The care of the burial, the arrangement of the tomb, the pomp of the funeral - all this is more a consolation to the living than a help to the dead.

Ipse jubet mortis te meminisse deus.
God Himself commands you to remember death.

Honesta mors turpi vita potior.
An honest death is better than a shameful life.

Mors immortalis.
Immortal death.

Nil igitur mors est ad nos neque pertinet hilum, quandoquidem natur(a) animi mortalis habetur.
This means that death is nothing to us and does not matter in the least, if the nature of the spirit must certainly be mortal.

Non longe esse quaerentibus mortem.
You don't have to go far for death.

Quum sciamus nos morituros esse, quare non vivamus?
If we know that we are doomed to death, why shouldn't we now enjoy our lives?

Cum moriar, medium solvar et inter opus.
I want death to catch me in the middle of my labors.

Morsque minus poena quam mora mortis alphabet.
Death itself is less painful than its expectation.

Occurrunt animo pereundi mille figurae, morsque minus poena quam mora mortis alphabet.
In a thousand images, death hovers before my eyes; Death is not as hard as the expectation of it.

Ossa quieta precor, tuta requiescit(a) in urn a, et sit humus cineri non onerosa tuo.
May your bones rest peacefully in the urn that stores them, and may the earth be light to your ashes (on the death of Tibullus).

Mors dolorum omnium et solutio est et finis, ultra quam mala nostra non exeant.
Death is the resolution and end of all sorrows, the limit beyond which our sorrows do not cross.

Nemo ad id sero venit, unde nunquam, cum semel venit, potuit reverti.
No one is late to come to a place from which he can never return, if he has already got there. Wed: It's never too late to die.

Post mortem nihil est.
There is nothing after death.

In luctu atque miseriis mortem aerumnarum requiem, non cruciatum esse.
In sorrow and misfortune, death is not torment, but repose from hardships.

Calcanda semel via leti.
You have to make the death journey only once.

Certa finis vitae mortalibus astat.
An inevitable end awaits mortals.

Eheu fugaces, postume, postume, labuntur anni nec pi etas moram rugis et instanti senectae adferet indomitaeque morti.
O Postumus! Posthumus! Pour, slide years! With what prayer shall we avert the arrival of wrinkles and old age of the coming and relentless death from mortals?

Mors aequo pulsat pede.
Death knocks on everyone (lit.: foot) the same way.

Mors et fugacem persequitur virum.
Death will overtake even those who run from it. Wed: You can’t ride death on a horse.

Mors spuria.
Imaginary death.

Mors vitae prodest.
Death is at hand.

Nil sine magno vita labore dedit mortalibus.
Life has given nothing to mortals without great difficulty.

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.
Keep in mind that any day may be your last.

For us, he is alive and somewhere nearby,
In memories, in heart and in dreams
The soul is always alive, she knows everything
And see how we suffer now!
There was more than one angel in heaven,
And it's obvious, I know for sure!
Today, tomorrow and all my life
We remember, love and mourn!

I feel bad without him... Unbearable
I just exist, don't live
Oh Lord, give me some strength!
I don't ask for more

Separation cuts more and more, strangles
There is no air. Only bitter gray smoke
All sounds strain the ear and the soul,
And the world became somehow gray empty

Closing my eyes, I imagine that he is near,
Will pierce the heart with a trembling in the chest,
His face with a blank and sad look
And quietly I whisper: "Don't go..."

You left so fast
We didn't say goodbye
It's amazing before
We didn't even talk.

Every time at night
I am sad...
You know, Arkashik,
I miss you, waiting...

You are far away - out of the communication zone
And unavailable - I'm so sorry
How I want to hear your voice
And tell your sadness
Talk about what happened
About what will dream.
I appreciated from a distance
How can you understand me.
You are the older brother - my support,
The closest friend. The fact,
I know we'll meet soon
When we arrive at our father's house.
Well, until I see you
And you have to wait, whatever one may say,
All I hear on my phone is:
"...Out of network coverage."

The soul shrinks into a ball,
He was given a short sentence.
And he couldn't do much.
Although I wanted to continue to live, I could,
But alas...
Time is over and life is too short.
And it's not easy to leave, but you can't return anything,
A sharp knife to the heart...
And it's better not to touch anything,
Wanted to help? well...
You can't help anything
And the strip of the knife will not grow together
You die slowly
You scream like you're not breathing
But all in vain .. He left for another world forever ...

You left, the whole world faded ...
my heart is already beating a little...
I don't believe that you are gone.
Why did it all happen?
You left, taking everything with you ...
There were tears in my eyes...
And in the heart there is only a silent pain ...
We will always remember YOU...

Hearts are burning and candles are crying
For our dear ones.
And in the early morning, afternoon and evening
We remember them, yearn and mourn
We ask their souls eternal rest
Save love and memory
And we pray on our knees
And again we yearn and mourn.

All poems for you, my angel,
Pain pierces through every word
And the soul does not find its peace
Until we are together again.

You will live forever in memory
And no matter what anyone says
There, behind the cemetery fence,
The world remembers you.
People like you will never be forgotten
Eyes will shine with tears.
And for a very long time people will still be
Carry you bouquets of scarlet roses.
Are you sleeping. But everything is so unusual.
Everything reminds me of you.
And only the rain is so quiet, barely audible
Knocking. As if saying hello.

It's so hard for me to live without you
And you - you tease and disturb.
You can't replace me
The whole world .... But it seems that you can.
I have mine in the world:
Deeds, successes and misfortunes.
I just miss you
For complete human happiness.
It's so hard for me to live without you
Everything is uncomfortable, everything is disturbing ...
You cannot replace the world,
But after all and he you not can!

You are in my heart forever...
So it was, is and will be...
My love can't be killed
Let people know...
And even on the day
That dark day...
She wasn't exterminated...
She is always with me like a shadow...
My dear and beloved...
My love can't be killed...

Our loved ones don't die
They return with warm rain.
They even come back from paradise
To see how we love and wait.
Running through the gardens and across the field,
Having drunk, and flowers and forests,
Taking a deep breath of native air,
Rise up - into the sky.
Rise up - evaporation,
Turning into a cloud again.
And again they spill - a downpour,
To see our love
Our loved ones don't die.

A man lived and suddenly he was gone.
His heart stopped beating.
Mom is crying, my love is crying
What have you done, you ruined it.
But it could have been different
And do not help grief by crying.
You don't know how to live on
Only in life you forget to love.

The voice of the native is not heard,
You can't see the kind, sweet eyes.
Why was fate cruel?
How early you left us!
Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears of grief do not help
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.
Nobody could save you
Passed away too soon.
But the bright image is your own
We will always remember...

When the closest one leaves,
Native, beloved person.
The whole world will appear as a bitter drama
Where everything turns black, even the snow.
And never! Nothing in the world
The warmth of their hands cannot be replaced.
As long as you're alive, don't be stingy
Give love to family...

Loved ones don't die.
Don't cry for those who leave.
After all, it's only candles that melt,
Hearts don't fade, no...

Don't curse, don't blame
You are nobody and nothing.
Lovers soar like birds
And they are calm and easy.

Loved ones don't leave.
They will be with us forever
Protecting, warming
Day by day, hour by hour.

Loved ones don't disappear.
They live in me, in you,
Spring with nature bloom
And the stars burn in the darkness.

Loved ones don't die.
Don't cry for those who leave.
After all, it's only candles that melt,
Hearts don't fade, no...
