A ready-made portfolio of a speech therapist teacher. section: Regulatory documentation. Comparative analysis of work performance

Municipal state preschool

educational institution kindergarten №2 Plast.


teachers - speech therapist

Ryabkova Natalia Alexandrovna

  • An educated person is different
  • An educated person is different
  • An educated person is different
  • An educated person is different
  • An educated person is different
  • An educated person is different
  • from the uneducated who keeps counting
  • your education incomplete.
  • (K. Simonov)

General information

Date of Birth 18.09.1980

Education information : higher Specialty : speech therapy

Qualification : teacher speech therapist

Experience: pedagogical - 15 years, in this educational institution -1g9m.

General experience: - 17 years

Work experience as a teacher-logopedist: 9 years 4 months

  • Diploma of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Plastovsky Municipal District on February 27, 2015.
  • Diploma of the Education Department of Plast, Chelyabinsk Region, 09/29/2006.
  • Commendation from the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation in the Plastovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. For an active life position, comprehensive assistance in solving the tasks assigned to the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  • Certificate of honor of the Department of Education for participation in the festival "Teacher is a bright planet, when creativity lives in it" 03/19/2016.
  • Gratitude from the Head of the Plastovsky Municipal District A.V. Neklyudov for participation in the "Blooming Land" project competition
  • Diploma for the 2nd place in the competition of classes and festive events on patriotic education among preschool teachers educational institutions 09/26/2016

Internet publications

Job title


Methodical development:

Sounds and letters presentation

Post time

"Speech therapy massage"

http :// nsportal.ru / node / 2210210

Electronic portfolio

http :// nsportal.ru / node / 22212632

http :// nsportal.ru / natalya-aleksandrovna-ryabkova

education http :// nsportal.ru / natalya-aleksandrovna-ryabkova

creation date 03/15/2016

  • Filicheva TB, Chirkina GV .. The program of speech therapy work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children. Moscow, "Education" 2009.
  • N.V. Nishcheva The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment. - SPb .: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2004.
  • Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment. 3rd level - M .: Gnom - Press, 1999.
  • Kislova T.R. “On the way to the ABC”, Methodological recommendations for educators, teachers and parents to parts 3 and 4. Under the scientific editorship of R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva. –M .: "Balass", 1999.
  • Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with OHP. Abstract frontal exercises speech therapist - Moscow: GNOM Publishing House, 2011.

  • N.V. Nishcheva Subgroup synopses speech therapy classes in senior rupe kindergarten for children with OHP. –SPb .: DETSVO-PRESS 2007.
  • E. V. Kuznetsova, I. A. Tikhonova development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old: Summaries of classes. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.
  • Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words (textbook for speech therapists). - Humate. Ed. Center VLADOSS. - M.: 1999.
  • Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with OHP. Planning the work of a speech therapist in a preparatory group for school. - M .: Publishing house GNOM, 2011.
  • Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6 - 7 years old with OHP. Albums 1,2.3. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M.: Publishing house GNOM, 2012
  • Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Albums 1 -4. - M .: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2009.

Used modern educational technologies and methods

Development preschool education, the transition to a new quality level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies. Innovations define new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.

In my work I widely use information and computer technologies (ICT), systematically using them in preparation for classes. The most widely used are: Internet resources, multimedia presentations, electronic tutorials... Full-screen voice-over videos - and animated plots and high-quality photographs are rich in illustrative material.

The use of modern educational technologies and methods is the key to high results of correctional work.

Technologies and techniques

Purpose of use


Stimulates the brain, regulates neuropsychic processes.

technologies and techniques


2. Visual gymnastics.

Deployment Description

Relieves eye strain


Breathing exercises on individual, frontal, subgroup nodes by lexical topics.

Results of use

in teaching

promotes the training of hand-eye coordination.

1. Respiratory gymnastics

Strong and prolonged exhalation. Lower diaphragmatic breathing, organization of exhalation speech. Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation.

Using exercise after

Relieves stress, anxiety.

hard 10 minute work

Prevention of myopia.

It is one of the stages of work in a node.

The ability to control your body develops,

control your emotions, feelings, sensations.

4. Mimic gymnastics.

Promotes communication,

5.Dynamic pauses combined with

emotional development

Executed on every node

6. Gymnastics for fingers.

speech material.

Development of general motor skills,

in front of a mirror, by imitation or verbal instruction

Clearer mimic picture

Development fine motor skills and

Physical minutes on lexical topics.

coordination of movements and speech, removal of muscle tension.

Increased efficiency,

self-service skills, object manipulation, manual skill, removal of synkenesia and muscle clamps

Krupotherapy, sand therapy,

prevention of posture disorders and flat feet.

su-jok, mosaics, massage balls, games with clothespins, with counting sticks, with reels.

Direct proportional dependence

development of fine motor skills and speech.


8. Fairytale therapy when performing

Teaching children expressive

Normalization of speech motor skills,

articulatory gymnastics.

9. Bioenergoplasty.

movements, training of psychomotor functions, decrease

Games and studies for nodes. emotional stress.

emotional development.

Enhancement of intellectual activity,

10.Self-massage facial and

Tales on lexical topics per node.

Development of the emotional sphere,

development of coordination, fine and articulatory motor skills.

reflection of feelings.

Stimulation and activation

digital muscles.

Speech weighted with hand movements. Performing articulatory gymnastics is accompanied with identical arm movements

Improving pronunciation skills.

Speech improves.

muscle tone.

Complexes of exercises for nodes,

as one of the stages of work.

Strengthening the facial muscles,

the formation of tactile sensations, the development of speech.

Problem learning technology

The development of cognitive activity.

Concentrated learning technology

Consistent, focused

Making it as close as possible

" Developmental learning technology .

advancing cognitive tasks for pupils.

Active assimilation of knowledge.

to natural psychological characteristics human perception of structure educational activities.

Thematic planning.

Development of personality and its abilities

In-depth and comprehensive mastering of the material.

Orientation of cognitive activity

on the potential of the child.

Development of all components of the language system.

Differentiated learning technology

Creation of optimal conditions

Game learning technology

to identify and correct speech disorders.

Assimilation of the program at various

Development of imagination, attention,

planned levels.

Pure sound reproduction,

memory, speech, thinking, ability to compare, contrast, find analogies.

Didactic and word games,

sufficient vocabulary, grammatically correct sentences and statements.

games for the development of mental processes, phonemic hearing and sound analysis, syllabic structure, literacy

Increased cognitive activity,

formation of motivation learning activities.

Cabinet passport

  • General information about the speech therapy office
  • Organization educational process (cyclogram of working hours, a list of children engaged in a speech therapy group, etc.)
  • Information about the main blocks of materials in the office of a speech therapist:

Availability and characteristics

  • software;
  • methodical literature;
  • teaching materials;
  • didactic games and benefits;
  • information and technical support;
  • Ensuring safety conditions
  • Speech teacher documentation
  • Information about the equipment of the office room

Speech therapy constructor

Areas of work with the logo constructor:

Massage with prickly and smooth objects.

Select and name: fluffy, smooth, prickly, soft, etc. the words.

Pick up a sign for the subject (Touch and say: "What?".

Associations (What does it look like? What does it resemble?).

Compose a story ("A fluffy kitten walked along a long path, met a prickly hedgehog ...").

Participation of pupils in contests and quizzes

"Mosaic of childhood"

Craft from modular origami "Bunny"

"Khokhloma painting"

Painting on cutting boards

Working with parents

Purpose: to attract parents to participate in the pedagogical process in conditions speech therapy group DOE.

The correctional and developmental process is impossible without the participation of parents, therefore, it is necessary for them to conduct consultations at which they should talk about the peculiarities of the child's development at the moment, risk factors and the main directions of correctional and developmental work with them, as well as study, analyze the subject - subject relations in the family as a condition for the prevention of speech disorders. In practice, it is noted that unfounded parental ambitions cause stress in children, provoke neuropsychiatric diseases, discourage the desire to engage in speech correction. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the level of harmonization of parent-child relations.

Organizational methodical work


Name of the event (MO meeting, teachers' council, seminar, conference, etc.), in which the teacher took part as a speaker,

Form of participation

Participation document:

Participation in the festival "Teacher is a bright planet, when creativity lives in it"

(listener, speaker, presenter of a round table, section, etc.)

with status indication

1 Participation in a support group in the district competition "Pedagogue of the preschool educational institution Plastovsky municipal district" (2016)



Imprint and

protocol, diploma, certificate, certificate,

(international, all-Russian, regional, city, etc.)

(if any)

volume in printed sheets (if published)

Participation in a competition of classes and festive events for patriotic education among teachers of preschool educational institutions

Participation in the competition of projects "Blooming land", "City in flowers"

project Manager

Open parent meeting

in an unconventional form "Let's get to know each other"

Diploma, Gratitude.

Correct, beautiful speech is the key to future success.

The ability to speak beautifully, competently and concisely, always and in any society, was considered not just a manifestation of good upbringing, but was extremely necessary for making a good impression, acquiring new beneficial acquaintances and forming a positive opinion about a person.

“Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it. »Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

"Speech is the decoration of the soul." Lucius Annei Seneca (junior)

  • Section 1. General information about the teacher (Education, specialty, work experience, certificates individual achievements, essay)
  • Section 2. Scientific and methodological activity, social and professional activity (Raising the level of pedagogical qualifications, work on generalizing and disseminating one's own teaching experience, methodological support, methodical piggy bank)
  • Section 3. Educational and material base (Passport of the speech therapy office)
  • Section 4. Participation in events

Participation in events

Preschool educational institutions and district


speech therapist

Portfolio (from French porter - to express, formulate, carry and folio -list, page) - dossier, collection of achievements (dictionary of foreign words).

The main purpose portfolio compilation is coverage of all sides professional activity speech therapist

The volume of portfolio materials - folder - 30 files.

The text is placed on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper, observing the following margins:

  • left - not less than 30 mm,
  • right - not less than 10 mm,
  • top - not less than 20 mm,
  • bottom - not less than 15 mm.

With computer typing, printing is done in 13 point font. Line spacing is one and a half.

Requirements for the design of the portfolio of a speech therapist

(in print)


1.General information

  • date of Birth;
  • education, year of graduation, diploma specialty;
  • work experience, teaching experience (in the specialty), experience in this institution, qualifications, diplomas, certificates, etc.
  • RF Law "On Education";
  • "Convention on the Rights of the Child";
  • "Concept of preschool education";
  • "Model regulations on a preschool educational institution";
  • "Model regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students (pupils) with developmental disabilities";
  • RF Law “On Basic Guarantees of Children's Rights in the Russian Federation”;
  • Temporary (approximate content requirementsand methods of upbringing and teaching implemented in preschool educational institutions);
  • The list of programs that have passed the examination of the federal level is contained in the information letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03.24.95, dated29.01.96;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) in the educational

1.General information 2.Regulatory and legal documentation

4. Organizational and pedagogical activity

  • short essay
  • achievements in the following areas:
  • correctional and developmentalwork in kindergarten
  • scientific and methodological activity
  • advisory work
  • preventive activities
  • analytics
  • publications
  • summaries and materials reflecting the progress of children in the course of working with them.

1.1. On title page - a photo of a speech therapist; his life credo, the motto of professional activity.

1.2. General information about the teacher:

1.3. Refresher courses for a speech therapist teacher are indicated, with diplomas and certificates attached.

6. Achievements (diplomas, diplomas, certificates)

1.4. The educational institutions in which the teacher worked and received his professional experience are listed

  1. Feedback

The portfolio may contain quotes, poems, pictures, videos and photographs.

3.Software and methodological support

  • Diagnostic aids
  • Methodical aids
  • Didactic aids
  • Electronic educational resources

Slide 1

teacher - speech therapist Bondareva Lyudmila Yurievna MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13" Kalinka ", Arkhangelsk

Slide 2

Teaching experience - 22 years, in this position - 22 years. Completed refresher courses "Theory and practice of inclusive education" in 2010 at the GOU VPO "Pomor State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "General information

Slide 3

Graduated with honors from the Tashkent State pedagogical institute them. Nizami, 1990, faculty of "Defectology and speech therapy". Received the specialty "Teacher and speech therapist of an auxiliary school, an oligophrenopedagogue of preschool institutions" I have experience working as a speech therapist with children of school and before school age, with children with mental retardation and mental retardation, with children with orthopedic pathology. She worked in the children's central polyclinic in Dushanbe; secretary and speech therapist - defectologist at the PMPK of the Dzerzhinsky district of the Kaluga region; taught a course of practical speech therapy at the Pedagogical College of the Kaluga Region; worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Correctional Pedagogy in the Arkhangelsk AO IPPK RO. Additional specialties: GO nurse, secretary - clerk Brief autobiography

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Defended for the highest qualification category (November 2010) based on the results of a creative report, the provision of an electronic portfolio, study of documentation and a developmental environment

Slide 6

Created and published an author's program for preparing preschoolers to learn to read and write This program is now used as educational program in a number of institutions in Russia and abroad, Krasnoyarsk Children's Development Center BEMBI, Krasnodar Children's Center "Path to School", Mozzo Italy Russian School "Our World"

Slide 7

Websites of educational institutions that use my author's methodology in their work Krasnodar Children's Center "Path to School" Krasnoyarsk Children's Development BEMBI Center, Mozzo Italy Russian School "Our World" http://www.bambicentr.ru/zanyatiya- programmy.html http://stepstoschool.ru/stdsecondstep.html http://www.scuolarussabergamo.it/didaktika.htm

Slide 9

List of my publications: books, articles Published a book "Exercises for every day: teaching to read and write children of preschool and school age" Yaroslavl, "Development Academy, 2008 Published a book" Little researcher: develop memory, attention, logical thinking preschoolers ", Yaroslavl," Development Academy, 2008 Published an article " Differential diagnosis children with mental retardation from children with oligophrenia "in the collection" Scientific and Practical Conference "(Kaluga) Published the book" Tales of the Umka and His Friends "(November 2008) Prepared an article for publication" On the specifics of the speech therapist's work with children with orthopedic pathology " in the "Bulletin of Education" at PSU "Institute of Child Development", Arkhangelsk (November 2010) Prepared material for publication in the collection "Bulletin of the ORC" of the Northern District "Didactic outdoor games with a regional component" (March 2010)

Slide 10

Slide 11

aaaaaa Publication of the article "On the specifics of speech therapy work with children with musculoskeletal disorders" in the collection of materials of regional scientific and practical conferences "Correctional and pedagogical assistance to children of the Arkhangelsk region" (PSU named after MV Lomonosov. Institute of Child Development) ( January 2011)

Slide 13

Publication of material from pedagogical experience on the Internet on the website "Logopedia"

Slide 14

Visibility takes a big place in my speech therapy practice: there are about 300 games and aids for the development and learning of children.

Slide 15

My "Portfolio" includes the following sections:

- "Visiting card of the teacher";

- "Documents";

- "Methodological activity of a teacher";

- "Professional growth of a teacher";

- "Achievements and awards";

- "Developing subject-spatial environment";

- "Reviews of colleagues about the teacher";

- "Innovative educational activity";

- "Work efficiency";

- "Social activities of the teacher"




Slide captions:

Presentation of the work experience of a speech therapist teacher - Smirnova Lyudmila Evgenievna My pedagogical credo: An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education unfinished. (K. Simonov)

MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION of Yaroslavl KINDERGARTEN of a combined type № 193 Portfolio of the Teacher-speech therapist - Smirnova Lyudmila Evgenievna 1 qualification category 2015. August 15, 1977

1) Leningradsky State University them. A.S. Pushkin Received a diploma of higher defectological education... Was qualified - teacher speech therapist in 2000. 2) Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K. D. Ushinsky Faculty - preschool pedagogy and psychology. Received a diploma higher education... Awarded qualification - methodologist, teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology. Year of graduation - 1998 3) Rybinsk Pedagogical College named after KDUshinsky By specialty - preschool pedagogy and psychology with additional specialization. Received an honors degree in secondary education vocational education... Awarded qualification - kindergarten teacher with the right to conduct speech therapy work. Graduation year - 1996. Education: Work experience: 1996 - 1997. - teacher-speech therapist at school No. 18 in Rybinsk 1998 - 1999. - Typhlopedagogue in MDOU d / s No. 157 in Yaroslavl 1999 - Yaroslavl MDOU d / kindergarten No. 193 teacher-speech therapist in a speech therapy group for children with OHP Experience: General teaching experience: 18 years Experience in the specialty (speech therapy): 17 years Work experience in MDOU # 193: since 1999 - 16 years Qualification level: 1 qualification teacher-speech therapist (13.12.2000)

Educational: educational preschool program, developed on the basis of the general developmental program "From birth to school". ed. N.E. Veraksy; Correctional: Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. - "Correction of speech disorders. Programs for preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders." Diagnostic material: I developed my own diagnostic material - a speech map, based on the methods of Volkova G.A., Strebeleva E.A., as well as the development of a creative group of speech therapists in the city of Yaroslavl, which I was a member of. Software and methodological support: I work on a speech therapy group for children with OHP (2 years of study - senior and preparatory groups)

Diploma from the head of the MDOU d / s No. 193 for high results in professional activity in 2009 - 2010. Certificate of honor from the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region for many years of creative work, the successes achieved in teaching and upbringing of preschool children. Order dated 08.16.2010 No. 02-03 / 475. Diploma from the head of the MDOU d / s No. 193 for the introduction of innovative technologies and active participation in the life of the kindergarten from 05/27/2015. Gratitude from the pupils' parents Letter of thanks from the administration of the portal "You-Leader" for active participation in remote events, June 2015. Achievements (awards):

Date of passing Refresher courses Number of hours 15. 03. 2011 City center for the development of education in Yaroslavl on the topic: "Topical issues of speech therapy" 72 hours certificate 08. 04. 2011. GCRO in Yaroslavl on the topic: “Integration of preschool educational institutions in the system of musical speech development children with OHP by means of logarithmics "d / s No. 18 72 hours certificate 17.11.2014. GOAU YAO IRO according to the program: "Federal State Educational Standard for DO: the use of international experience in the development and implementation of preschool education programs" 16 hours certificate Professional growth of a teacher

Date of passing Refresher courses Number of hours 31.05.2015 GTSRO in Yaroslavl on the topic: "Theoretical - methodological and practical foundations of correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities in educational institutions (by types of deviant development)" 72 hours Certificate 23. 04.201 5, Leningrad State University named after Pushkin "Correction of speech disorders in educational and medical institutions" 24 hours Certificate 18.04.2015 "Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game" - game technology of intellectual and creative development of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO "24 hours. Certificate 05.19.2015. Center for speech correction "Vozrozhdenie" "Possibilities of using means of myofunctional correction in the work of a speech therapist" 8 hours. Certificate

Advanced training courses: "Integration of preschool educational institutions in the system of musical and speech development of children with OHP by means of logo rhythmics" d / s No. 18 2011.

Date of passage Participation in conferences, seminars, master classes Result 06.11.2014 Webinar: "Play techniques in the development of phonemic hearing in children as a prevention of dyslexia" 2h. Certificate "Mersibo" 27.11.2014 Webinar: "Prevention of violation written speech for older preschoolers and junior schoolchildren... New playing techniques and methods taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard ”2h. Certificate Internet-project "Mersibo" 04.12.2014. Webinar: "Development of visual-figurative and spatial representations in children 2-4 years old with the use of game methods as a prerequisite for successful learning" 2h. Certificate "Mersibo" 05.02.2015 Webinar: "Features of the design of the variable part of the adapted educational program for children with disabilities" Publishing house "Upbringing of a preschooler" 3 hours. Certificate Participation in conferences, seminars, master classes

master class by Semyonicheva E.E. MDOU d / s No. 193 04/03/2015 "The interaction of specialists and teachers of the speech therapy group in the application of innovative technologies in direct educational activities" Accumulation of practical experience on this topic, increasing creative activity. master class MDOU d / s No. 179 04/28/2015 "Building an individual educational route pupils with speech impairments "Development of an approximate individual educational route for the pupils of the group. City Center for Speech Correction "Vozrozhdenie" Yaroslavl Workshop "Possibilities of using means of myofunctional correction in the work of a speech therapist" Participant in the amount of 8 hours. Certificate 05/19/2015 master class MDOU d / s No. 15 05/22/2015. "Methodological support of the innovative activities of preschool educational institutions in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO on the example of mastering the technology of problem dialogue." Gaining experience on this topic Participation in conferences, seminars, master classes

Problems of pedagogical research Year Self-education topic Results of work 2010-2012 Development and implementation of the project "System of practical recommendations for the correction and development of speech for parents of children with OHP" Accumulation of practical material on this topic: Card index of games and exercises Consultations for parents, educators 2012 - 2013 "Creation of a professional electronic portfolio" " Project activities as a condition for improving the quality of correctional and educational activities of preschool educational institutions in the upbringing and education of children with OHP. ”Public presentation of professional achievements (electronic presentation) at preschool educational institutions, at MO speech therapists, participation in the All-Russian competition (participant diploma) Systematization of accumulated experience, didactic materials and developments. Development of projects for implementation in correctional and educational activities Improving the quality of correctional work. 2013-2014 "Health-saving technologies in corrective work teacher-speech therapist "Implementation of a speech therapy project. Improving the quality of correctional work. Public presentation of professional achievements (electronic presentation) at preschool educational institutions, at MO speech therapists.

2014 - 2015 "Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the work system of a speech therapist" Training on courses Development of a roadmap for a preschool educational institution specialist for the transition and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the speech therapist's correction work. Presentation of practical experience at a seminar-practical work for teachers of preschool educational institutions, at MO of teachers-speech therapists. Bringing documentation in line with the Federal State Educational Standard. Development work program... 2015 - 2016 "The use of electronic space for outreach and correctional educational activities between participants in the educational process." Expected result: Improved quality of correctional work. Public presentation of professional achievements (electronic presentation). Problems of pedagogical research Year Self-education topic Results of work

Academic year 2010-2011 Theme of the event (city) Form of holding and participation 2010 MO of teachers-logopedists of the Dzerzhinsky district of Yaroslavl "Development of the expressiveness of speech of children with OHP" d / s №109 Seminar-workshop participant 18. 02.2010. MO of teachers-logopedists of the Dzerzhinsky district of Yaroslavl "Visual-game means in speech therapy work" d / s No. 16 Seminar participant 11.02.2011. MO of teachers-logopedists of the Dzerzhinsky district of Yaroslavl "Developing education in the correctional activity of a teacher-speech therapist" d / s No. 54 Seminar-workshop participant 2011 MO of teachers-logopedists of the Dzerzhinsky district of Yaroslavl Business game "Grammar of fantasy" d / s No. 16 Business game Jury member Academic year 2011-2012 Theme of the event (city) Form of holding and participation 30.09. 2011 MO of teachers-logopedists of the Dzerzhinsky district of Yaroslavl "Development and correction of the psycho-speech sphere of preschoolers 2-5 years old by means of productive activity" d / s №235 Round table participant March 2012. "Using ICT in speech therapy work with preschool children" d / s No. 237 Pedmarathon participant March 2012 "Developmental education in the correctional activity of a teacher - speech therapist" d / s No. 16 Seminar participant Methodological activities

Academic year 2012-2013 academic year Theme of the event (city) Form of holding and participation 23.10. 2012 "The technology of making tactile hand-made books and their use in working with children with disabilities health "MUK" Central Children's Library named after I am the Wise ”Workshop participant 28.01.2013 MO of speech therapists Dzerzh.r-na “Formation of the skill of coherent storytelling. Traditional and non-traditional methods and techniques "d / s No. 54 Workshop-workshop participant 28.03.2013. MO of teachers-speech therapists Dzerzh.r-na: "Speech therapy work with children early age with neurological symptoms "d / s No. 126 Workshop-workshop participant 30.04.2013. MO of speech therapists Dzerzh.r-on "Diagnostics of speech development of preschool children" d / s No. 16 Round table participant 19.02.2013. Master class: "An integrated approach to organizing the interaction of preschool educational institutions in the process of introducing" Fairy-tale labyrinths of the game "into practice of working with children V.V. Voskobovich d / s No. 4 Pedmarathon participant monthly "Development and refinement of the procedure for researching criteria for assessing the development of a child with severe speech impairments" d / s No. 16 Participation in a creative group

Academic year 2013-2014 academic year Theme of the event (city) Form of holding and participation 17.12. 2013 MO of preschool teachers-logopedists: "Peculiarities of interaction of preschool educational institutions specialists in a speech therapy group" d / s No. 109 Presentation of experience, viewing an open lesson participant 19.02.2013. MO of preschool teachers-logopedists: "Integration of preschool educational institutions in the system of musical and speech development of children with OHP by means of logo rhythmics" d / s No. 18 Presentation of experience, viewing an open lesson participant 23.04.2014 MO of preschool teachers-logopedists of preschool educational institution: "Game techniques in the correction of impaired sound pronunciation in preschool children with dysarthria" d / s No. 135 Seminar participant

Academic year 2014-2015 academic year Theme of the event (city) Form of holding and participation 01.10. 2014 MO of preschool teachers-logopedists: “Organization of the work of a speech therapist for 2014-15 academic year. in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard "d / s No. 16 Round table participant 1 part - 27.11. 2014 Part 2 - 04/30/2015 MO of teachers-logopedists of preschool educational institution: "Comprehensive method of sound pronunciation correction in children with an erased form of dysarthria" d / s No. 183 Presentation of the experience, viewing an open lesson participant 17.12.2014 03.24.2015 MO of preschool teachers-logopedists: “Implementation of new standards in the practical activities of a speech therapist” Center “Development” Presentation of work experience: “The use of innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist Smirnova L.Ye. in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard "d / s No. 193 in the form of a practical (conducting an open logo-rhythmic lesson using ICT) theoretical part. participant Holding an open lesson Developer, organizer, active participant

Took part in the pedmarathon: "Logorhythm, as a circle work, for children with OHR" March 15, 2010.

Presentation of practical experience: "The use of innovative technologies in the correctional and educational work of a speech therapist teacher" at the Methodological associations of speech therapists in the city of Yaroslavl on March 24, 2015.

Feedback from colleagues about the event

Regular participant and organizer of competitions, exhibitions, seminars - workshops, teachers' councils and consultations for educators and specialists of kindergarten No. 193

Pedagogical council: "Development of speech and speech communication of children through works of fiction" in the form of a business game 2013.

Seminar-practical work on the topic: "Creating optimal conditions for the upbringing and education of children with speech disorders in preschool conditions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard "2015.

Level Year Name of the competition Total: OU 2014 Presentation of development centers 1st place International photo competition 2014 "My dear mother" Internet project "Pedstrana" 1st place Diploma International competition 2014 " Open class»On the topic“ What did the autumn bring us? ”Internet project“ Pedsovet ”Certificate of the participant International competition 2014.“ Speech therapist consultation ”Internet project“ Smart ”Certificate of the participant All-Russian 2015 Olympiad“ Fundamentals of ICT ”Internet project“ You are the leader ”1st place All-Russian Diploma 2015. Olympiad "Pedagogical Technologies" Internet project "You are the leader" 1st place Diploma Participation in professional competitions

Level Year Name of competition Total: International competition with publication of work 2015 "The best lesson (lesson) using ICT" Internet project "Pedstrana" 2nd place Diploma International competition 2015. "Speech therapist of the XXI century" Internet project "Smart" Laureate diploma All-Russian competition 2015. "Pedagogical portfolio" CDO "Show yourself" Diploma of the participant All-Russian 2015. "I am proud of my country" Internet project "Pedstrana" 1st place Diploma Participation in professional competitions

Level Publication name Place of publication, stamp Year of publication International Total: 1 Consultation for teachers: "Creating optimal conditions for the upbringing and teaching of children with speech impairments in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard" with the publication On the Smart website in the Pedagogical Fair section 26.02.2015 ... OU Level Total: Breathing games and exercises. Site MDOU d / s No. 193 November 2012 Speech therapist on the development of speech breathing. Site MDOU d / s No. 193 November 2013 Visual gymnastics in speech therapy classes (for specialists). Site MDOU d / s No. 193 November 2013 Games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in older preschool children. Site MDOU d / s No. 193 February 2014 Memo for enrolling children in the logogroup Site MDOU d / s No. 193 April 2014 Features of the correctional - educational process in the speech therapy group. Website of the MDOU d / s No. 193 10.16.2014. Why does a speech therapist assign homework assignments? Site MDOU d / s No. 193 01/15/2015. Availability of publications

Innovative educational activities

Educational technologies and methods Purposes of using technologies and methods Author's didactic support Results of use 1. Health-saving technologies - ensuring the health improvement, maintenance and enrichment of children's health; - creating conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of every child; -optimization of the speech correction process; 1.Technologies for maintaining and promoting health: dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, elements of su-jok therapy; gymnastics for the eyes, kinesiological exercises. 2. Teaching technologies healthy way life: problem-playing (game training and game therapy), classes from the Health series, self-massage, point self-massage). 3. Integrated classes. 1. Successful adaptation of students in the educational and social space, the disclosure of their creative abilities. 2.Improving performance and quality remedial education and education. 3. Formation of valeological culture among pupils. 4. Reducing fatigue during classes, as well as the level of morbidity during the school year. Technologies in correctional work L.E. Smirnova.

2. Correction technologies - the formation of full-fledged speech in children, contributing to the development of mental activity and personality in general, readiness for schooling, as well as the prevention of possible secondary disorders. Correctional technologies: 1. Technologies of speech therapy examination; 2.Gymnastics - breathing, mimicry, articulation, voice, elements of bioenergoplasty; 3.Massage and self-massage; 4. Technologies of correction of sound pronunciation; 5. Technologies for the development of the lexical and grammatical aspect of speech. 6. Technologies for the development of coherent speech. 7. Technologies for the prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. 8.Phonetic and speech therapy rhythmics. 9. Technologies of musical influence, psycho-gymnastics; Improvement of all components of the speech system by the end of the correctional period of training and education.

3. Technology of differentiated education Correction and education of everyone at the level of his capabilities and abilities, Assimilation of the program at various planned levels. Pure sound pronunciation, sufficient vocabulary, grammatically correct sentences and statements. 4. Technology of game learning Development of imagination, attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogies. I use didactic and verbal games, games for the development of mental processes, phonemic hearing, syllable structure, and literacy games. Increase of cognitive activity, formation of motivation for educational activity. five . ICT Increased motivation, development of independence and creative activity, the formation of the ability to work with information, a qualitative change in control over the activities of students. Developing speech therapy programs and simulators for all sections of the program: "Learning to Speak Correctly", "Fun Alphabet", games to automate sounds; games for the formation of higher mental functions. Presentations for classes. High-quality individualization of correctional education and upbringing, expanding the amount of information presented, ensuring cognitive interest.

Health-saving and corrective technologies

The final open integrated lesson on life safety and speech development in the preparatory speech therapy group

The final open integrated cognitive-speech lesson on the topic "What autumn brought us" in the senior logogroup


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Competition "Clever and clever people" with ICT Integration of specialists - psychologist and speech therapist in the framework of the preschool educational institution Participant of the regional competition "Clever and clever men", pupil of the speech therapy group Winner of the competition in the kindergarten

7. Technology of project activity - Increase of cognitive activity; - Development of the child's free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and research tasks of children. Forward planning on lexical topics; Software and methodological support. Developed creativity and communication skills, which allows the child to successfully adapt to a changed situation school education... Educational technologies and techniques Purposes of using technologies and techniques Author's didactic support Results of using Technology in correctional work L.Ye. Smirnova.

The project of the senior speech therapy group "Morozko" MDOU d / s №193 "I will save my health - I will help myself" 2014. Project activities Project of the preparatory speech therapy group "Morozko" MDOU d / s No. 193 "Wintering birds" 2015

Project MDOU d / s No. 193 "We are the great-grandchildren of Victory" 2015

Logorhythmic lessons with ICT Integration of specialists - teacher-speech therapist and music director

Working with parents "Day open doors »

Parents' meetings Consultations Trainings Master classes

Developing subject-spatial environment Passport of a speech therapy office (organization of a spatial subject-developing environment) 1. Zone of individual speech correction. There is a large mirror with a source of additional lighting; 2 tables, 4 chairs, hourglass - 3 minutes; cotton wool, alcohol, a set of probes for setting sounds by EV Novikova; kits for sound analysis and synthesis, collections of poems, games and materials for the development of speech breathing in children, etc. 2. Zone of methodological, didactic and play support. Presented by two bookcases and contains the following sections: materials on the examination of children's speech; methodical literature on sound pronunciation correction; methodological literature on overcoming OHR; educational and methodological literature on teaching literacy and the formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, on the development of coherent speech; manuals for didactic support of the correctional process (in boxes and envelopes); entertaining game support of speech therapy classes: board games (loto, puzzles, etc.) toys, pencils, etc .; equipment that promotes the formation of speech breathing; equipment for the development of auditory attention equipment for the development of fine motor skills. 3. Zone of TCO (technical training aids). Tape recorder, laptop 4. Game zone Designed for developing games that promote the development of non-speech processes.

Speech therapist's office Working area

Individual speech correction area Speech therapist's office Breathing development center Sensory development center

Center for Motor and Constructive Development Center for Speech and cognitive development Speech therapist's office


Sound reproduction during the graduation of children by school years

Assessment of the level of development (on the 5th scale) The level of readiness to learn literacy (number of children) Lexico-grammatical structure of speech Coherent speech (retelling) Sound pronunciation 1-very low 12 -86% 4 -29% 7 -50% 6 -43% 2- low 2 -14% 8 - 57% 7 -50% 8 -57% 3-average 2 - 14% 4-above average 5-normal Senior group September 2011 (14 people) Assessment of the level of development (on a 5 scale) The level of readiness to learn to read and write (number of children) Lexico-grammatical structure of speech Coherent speech (retelling) Sound pronunciation 1-very low 2-low 3-average 1 -7% 4-close to the norm 2 -14% 6 -43% 7 -50% 3 -21% 5-norm 12 - 86% 7 -50% 7 -50% 11 -79% Preparatory group (May 2013)

Senior group September 2011 (14 people) Comparative indicators of the level of speech formation at the beginning and end of the correctional period of study

Assessment of the level of development (on the 5th scale) The level of readiness to learn to read and write (number of children) Lexico-grammatical structure of speech Coherent speech Sound pronunciation 1-very low 15-100% 4 - 27% 6 - 40% 7 - 47% 2-low 6 - 40% 5 - 33% 5 -33% 3-average 4 -27% 4 -27% 3 -20% 4- close to normal 1 -7% 5-normal Diagnostic results at the beginning of correctional education (September 2013) -on 15 people Assessment of the level of development (on the 5th scale) The level of readiness for literacy (number of children) Lexico-grammatical structure of speech Coherent speech Sound pronunciation 1-very low 2-low 3-average 3 -20% 4-close to the norm 3 -20% 8 -53% 12 -80% 3 -20% 5-norm 12 -80% 7 -47% 12 -80% Diagnostic results at the end of correctional education (May 2015)

Results of diagnostics at the end of correctional training (May 2015) Results of diagnostics at the beginning of correctional training (September 2013)

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