A disease accompanied by an inflammatory process in the nerve plexus - plexitis of the shoulder joint: symptoms, treatment, prognosis and prevention. Shoulder plexitis medication treatment Shoulder apoplexy

Plexitis is an inflammatory process of large nerve plexuses, in particular cervical, brachial, lumbosacral. The disease affects people of absolutely any age category, which is why it is often diagnosed in babies in the first months of life. If you do not seek help from a specialist or improper treatment, an ailment can cause loss of performance and disability. In the international classification of diseases (ICD 10), this disorder has its own code, depending on the nature of development - G 54, G 55, M 50 and M 51.

The cause of the progression of this disease can be trauma to the nerve plexus with fractures, a history of disorders such as tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus or syphilis, allergies or drug overdose. In a newborn, the disease develops against the background of birth trauma. The severity of symptoms depends on the type, location and severity of the disease. The first sign is soreness, expressed constantly and increasing with movement or performing minor physical activity.

Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out by examination by a specialist, as well as on the basis of laboratory blood tests and hardware examination of the patient. Treatment tactics are determined depending on the nature of the disease. Without timely treatment of any form of the disease, complete loss of working capacity and disability can occur - these are the main complications of plexitis of the shoulder joint, cervical and lumbosacral regions.


The main factor in the formation of plexitis is a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses through the nerve plexuses. The predisposing circumstances are:

  • oxygen deficiency of the nervous tissue due to prolonged compression by neoplasms, immobility of the limbs;
  • complications after severe surgical interventions;
  • diabetes mellitus, syphilis, tuberculosis and other infectious processes;
  • allergies to food, medicines, or vaccines;
  • drug overdose;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • poisoning of the body with chemicals;
  • a wide range of injuries - falling, dislocation, cut or stab wounds;
  • birth injury.


There are several classifications of plexitis, differing in many factors. At the place of occurrence of the inflammatory process, there are:

  • shoulder plexitis - a disease-causing process can spread to the entire arm, significantly reducing or completely eliminating the possibility of movement;
  • pathology of the cervical spine;
  • inflammation of the lumbar and sacral plexus - the lower limb is involved in the disease process;
  • coccygeal plexitis is an extremely rare form of the disorder.

By the way the pathological process spreads, the disease is divided into:

  • unilateral - with damage to the left or right limb;
  • bilateral.

According to the severity of the course, the disorder of the nerve plexus is divided into:

  • partial - individual nerve trunks are exposed to pathology;
  • total - the defeat extends to the entire structure of the plexus.


The clinical picture of the disease differs depending on the place of manifestation of the disease. Thus, plexitis of the shoulder joint is expressed by such signs as:

  • paroxysmal pain spreading throughout the injured limb;
  • decreased sensitivity in the shoulder and hand;
  • muscle weakness;
  • limitation of motor functions;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased fragility of the nail plates;
  • significant sweating of the palms.

Symptoms of plexitis of the cervical spine:

  • manifestation of soreness in the front and side of the neck, which increases with bending and turning;
  • spread of pain to the back of the head, shoulder blades and ears;
  • difficulty moving your head;
  • constant hiccups that cause discomfort;
  • violation of sensitivity.

Manifestations of plexitis of the lumbosacral region:

  • localization of back pain with spread to the lower limb from the affected side;
  • involvement in the pathological process of the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • a significant decrease in the sensitivity of the legs to external stimuli;
  • decrease in physical activity;
  • sweating feet;
  • the skin on the affected area is cold to the touch, pale, sometimes with spots of a bluish tint;
  • change in gait - severe lameness is observed.

Symptoms of coccygeal plexus plexitis are - violation of the emission of urine and feces, disorder of sexual function.


A preliminary diagnosis of plexitis of the shoulder joint, cervical spine or lumbosacral plexus can be made by a specialist by examining the history, finding out the possible causes of the formation of the disorder, the first time and the severity of the symptoms of the disease. Additional information will allow a thorough examination of the patient, as well as an assessment of the strength of the muscles of the limbs and neck, the condition of the skin and nail plates.

Laboratory studies of a blood test are aimed at detecting additional signs of the disease - an increase in the concentration of leukocytes. Hardware examination of a patient consists in carrying out:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • electroneurography - measuring the speed of transmission of a nerve impulse;
  • electromyography - a technique that allows you to assess muscle activity;
  • radiography of the affected area;
  • CT scan of the joints;
  • Whole body MRI.

To differentiate plexitis from other disorders with similar symptoms, consultations of specialists from other fields of medicine, in particular - gynecology, urology, oncology, neurosurgery, traumatology, orthopedics, will be needed.


Treatment of plexitis is aimed at the complete elimination of the factors that cause the disorder. With the infectious nature of the disease, patients are prescribed antiviral and antibacterial medications. Plexitis of a metabolic nature is eliminated by normalizing sugar levels. Medical intervention is necessary for post-traumatic and compressive type of ailment. Therapy involves removing tumors and blood clots that can compress the plexus. For any etiology of plexitis, appoint:

  • pain relievers and hormonal medications;
  • vitamin complex;
  • physiotherapy - treatment with electric current and magnetic field, acupuncture and hydrotherapy is carried out;
  • a course of physiotherapy exercises both in a rehabilitation room and at home.

Plexitis of the shoulder joint - characteristic

Painful sensations, whatever localization they may have, negatively affect the human condition in all aspects. Poor health not only interferes with timely execution of the planned tasks, but also significantly spoils the mood, makes a person irritable and tired.

It is especially difficult when the simplest tasks are difficult to complete due to pain. So, for example, symptomatic manifestations of plexitis of the shoulder joint can disable the arm, making it impossible not only to move it, but even sleep on the sore side.

Plexitis is a disease of the nerves, this name hides inflammation of a specific area or the entire branch of the nerve fiber located in the shoulder. The first very unpleasant manifestation of the disease is pain, the intensity of which increases in proportion to the patient's inactivity.

In addition, over time, serious complications may appear that threaten the loss of control over the entire arm, therefore, if there is a suspicion of the development of plexitis, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital.

The prognosis of treatment depends entirely on the patient's response rate - the earlier the problem is detected, the more likely a positive treatment result is. Plexitis of the shoulder joint is an inflammatory disease in which there is damage to the nerve structures of the shoulder.

The plexus includes the anterior branches of the four lower nerves of the cervical spine and the first thoracic spinal nerve. The shoulder, as an anatomical unit, is distinguished by its large size and complexity of its structure.

It is located on the lower and upper sides of the collarbone, and also originates from the spine and continues to the lower border of the armpit. This pathology is quite serious, because it can cause disability.

Moreover, this concept includes not only the loss of the opportunity to work. Patients with plexitis lose the ability to perform even the simplest hand movements, so they cannot take care of themselves and require constant care.

More often, the pathology affects middle-aged people. It also develops as a result of the injury inflicted at the birth of the fetus. It is especially difficult for the patient to adapt to new conditions when the arm is damaged, with which he performs all the basic actions.

In such cases, it takes a lot of effort, time and desire to retrain to make any movements with the other limb. In addition, brachial neuritis gives patients intense pain due to the development of the inflammatory process of the nerve plexuses.

The painful sensations increase significantly when trying to make some kind of movement, for example, raising a hand or taking it to the side. Also, this symptom becomes more intense at night. At the same time, fine motor skills suffer.

It is difficult for the patient to perform actions with his fingers (tying laces, holding objects, opening locks in doors, etc.) With the progression of the disease, the limb completely loses its sensitivity, paralysis, paresis, muscle atrophy of the right arm or the left one develop, depending on the location of the pathological process.

Pathogenesis of plexitis

The muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper limb are affected, deep reflexes on the upper limb decrease or disappear. Vegetative-trophic disorders develop in the form of cyanosis or pallor of the hand, pasty hand, sweating, violations of nail trophism, and more.

Plexite has two stages of flow:

    1. neuralgic
    2. paralytic.

The neuralgic stage is characterized by spontaneous pain, which intensifies when the plexus is compressed and during movement. For paralytic steel, peripheral paresis and paralysis of the muscles innervated by the branches of the affected plexus, a decrease in the corresponding deep reflexes, a violation of all types of sensitivity and trophism in the innervation zone are characteristic, which is manifested by edema, pastiness, and so on.

When the disease affects the cervical plexus, the occipital region begins to hurt, and paresis of the deep muscles of the neck and diaphragm progresses. Irritation of the phrenic nerve leads to hiccups. The defeat of the brachial plexus causes pain, localized in the supra- and subclavian regions, radiating to the arm.

In most cases, brachial plexitis affects the working hand: in most patients, plexitis of the right hand occurs, and in left-handers, the left hand. Often, plexitis of the shoulder joint leads to the inability to live a full life - the patient cannot move his arm, lie on the sore shoulder, becomes helpless in many everyday situations, and loses his ability to work.

Classification and types

The brachial plexus is divided into external, posterior and internal bundles, which form a kind of cocoon around the axillary artery. These bundles are composed of sensory and motor nerves, which are responsible for the corresponding functions in the hands.

The defeat can affect both the entire plexus (total plexitis), and some part of it (upper, or otherwise Duchenne-Erb, paralysis and lower, Dejerine-Klumpke), mainly on one hand (occasionally both).

Erb-Duchenne palsy (upper plexitis). The manifestations in this form of the disease are similar to the symptoms of irritation of the radial and axillary nerve. The work of many muscles is impaired, in particular, the brachial, biceps, deltoid, brachioradial, sometimes infraspinatus and supraspinatus suffer.

If untreated, the pathological process leads to their atrophy. With this form of the disease, it is difficult for the patient to raise and move the shoulder aside, to bend the limb at the elbow. The reflexes of the biceps muscle weaken, and over time they can fade completely.

On the outside of the forearm and shoulder, there is an increase in sensitivity or its complete absence. The pain is diffuse and is most intense in the upper shoulder. Above the collarbone, during examination, the doctor can determine the Erb pain point, which is located closer to the outside of the fixation point of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis (lower shoulder plexitis). Lower plexitis is characterized by damage to the nerve plexuses of the shoulder, elbow, skin and part of the median nerve. In this form, the main blow falls on the muscles of the hand, except for the area that is regulated by the radial nerve.

Dejerine-Klumpke's paralysis is manifested by paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the forearm and hand. Atrophic changes extend to such small muscles as hypothenar, vermiform, interosseous, flexors of the fingers and hands.

Motility disorders are observed, finger movements are significantly hampered, the carporadial reflex fades away. Sensory disorders and pain sensations extend to the inner part of the shoulder and forearm, ring finger, little finger. The same symptoms occur on the back of the hand. In addition, Horner-Bernard syndrome can be detected.

Total plexitis. This form is very rarely diagnosed. The spread of the pathological process over the entire length of the nerve plexus of the shoulder is characterized. Pain sensations are localized in the supraclavicular region and under it, can be given to the hand.

There is a violation of sensitivity in the entire arm, its complete paralysis occurs. All this leads to the development of atrophic processes in muscle tissue. Periosteal and tendon reflexes disappear.

In addition, patients can find severe vegetative-vascular disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of edema, dysregulation of the temperature of the hand and forearm, sweating, pulsation of the wrist artery.

The pathology is included as "brachial plexus lesion" in the International Classification under the code G54.0. The disease is quite common in all age groups, reaching a maximum frequency in the period from 20 to 60 years.

In newborns, a similar injury, often accompanied by a fracture of the clavicle, also occurs due to:

    • prolonged presence of the child in the birth canal;
    • wide shoulders of the fetus;
    • lowering the baby's thrown back hand.

Among the patients of neurologists with this pathology, men predominate. Also, shoulder plexitis is a frequent birth injury, developing due to hyperextension of the trunks of the nerve plexus during difficult labor (when the fetus is squeezed out, its foot or breech presentation).

In addition to the fact that the pathology brings discomfort and pain to the patient, it can lead to disability up to the complete lack of the possibility of self-care.


Plexitis of the shoulder joint is a very unpleasant disease, accompanied by damage to the nerves of the brachial plexus. Every day the pain increases and leads to the fact that the patient cannot move his hand or lie on the sore shoulder.

The pain radiates to the scapula, neck, elbow. The causes of plexitis of the shoulder joint are: being in an uncomfortable position for a long time (while working in the garden or sleeping), sprains or dislocation of the shoulder joint, prolonged physical activity, injuries in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical roots. The disease can also be a complication of gout, osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, diabetes mellitus.

The clinical picture of brachial plexitis is usually classic with a standard set of symptoms, which cannot be said about the primary source of the disease. A large number of plexuses of nerve fibers are concentrated in the shoulder, this part of the body itself has a complex structure and relatively large size, which is why there can be a lot of causes of nerve inflammation, and they are very diverse.

The brachial plexus is formed by the first thoracic spinal nerve and the anterior branches of the four lower cervical nerves. The accumulation of nerve fibers is responsible for the innervation of the upper shoulder girdle, arms, diaphragm.

It contains sensory, motor and vegetative fibers, which are responsible for various types of sensitivity, motility and trophism of innervated tissues. The cervical plexus is located above the brachial plexus, but is closely connected with it both anatomically and functionally.

Involvement in the pathology of the nerves emanating from the plexus leads to a violation in the shoulder, forearm, elbow joint and small joints of the hand. Shoulder plexitis leads to muscle atrophy in the shoulder and upper shoulder girdle. The development of plexitis of the shoulder joint can be provoked by the following adverse factors:

    1. injuries of the brachial plexus with a fracture of the clavicle, dislocation of the shoulder, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the upper shoulder girdle, including during pathological childbirth;
    2. ischemic lesion of the brachial nerve with prolonged non-physiological position of the upper limb, which occurs in the case of narcotic sleep, unconsciousness, improper hand immobilization, the use of uncomfortable crutches, the development of tumors;
    3. an increase in lymph nodes of an infectious or malignant nature;
    4. periarthritis (inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues) as a result of infections and injuries;
    5. large aneurysms of arterial vessels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nerve plexus;
    6. osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine;
    7. infectious and toxic effects on the nervous tissue due to bacterial (tuberculosis) and viral (herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus) diseases, poisoning with alcohol surrogates, heavy metals, mercury salts;
    8. metabolic disorders in the body (gout, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
    9. costoclavicular syndrome with the formation of additional cervical ribs;
    10. constant hypothermia.

Shoulder and cervical plexitis in newborns occurs with breech and foot presentation, prolapse of the fetus's handle during childbirth, and prolonged presence of the child in the mother's birth canal.

The most common cause of this disease in newborns is birth trauma. In severe childbirth, incorrect obstetric tactics, hemorrhages, bruises and sprains of the nerve plexuses may occur. Shoulder plexitis occurs as a result of excessive stretching of nerve fibers with:

    • delivery in a breech or foot presentation,
    • inconsistency in the size of the fetus,
    • falling out of the hand from the birth canal,
    • long standing of the fetus in the birth canal.

When the nerve fibers are compressed or stretched, the restoration of functions begins in a few days. With the right treatment, it leaves no consequences. With more severe injuries - rupture, bruises, hemorrhage in the nerve plexus, recovery is slow, muscle atrophy occurs, and a lag in the development of the affected limb.

Without intensive treatment and physical therapy, complications can occur in the form of contracture (limited passive movements), osteoporosis and growth retardation. Diagnosis of this disease can be difficult, and treatment should be started as early as possible.

It is worth paying attention to such symptoms in a newborn child - general anxiety, constant screaming, strange abduction of the hand, lack of movement and hypertonicity, the occurrence of pain when touching the hand, swelling in the shoulder joint.


With the development of pathology as a result of the influence of an infectious-toxic agent, the fading of reflexes, impaired sensitivity are observed, and movement is significantly hampered. The latter symptom occurs due to atrophic paralysis and paresis.

This disease is characterized by a mass of serious symptoms that the doctor can determine and, depending on the degree of progression, prescribe a course of treatment. With pathology, patients have the following symptoms:

    • Pain syndrome that spreads along the affected nerve plexus and can be observed both from the back and from the inside of the hand.
    • Paralysis and paresis.
    • Atrophic changes in the muscles that are innervated by the nerve involved in the pathological process.
    • Sensory disturbance from the inside of the limb.
    • Difficulty trying to move the affected limb.

On the side of the localization of the pathological process, sometimes there is a narrowing of the pupil (miosis) and a deepening of the eyeball (enophthalmos).

A similar clinical picture is pronounced if a viral infection became the cause of the development of plexitis. The pain has a sharp, aching, shooting, breaking character. Sensory impairment in most cases is observed in the lower part of the limb.

In addition, patients often suffer from increased sweating, swelling of the hands, trophic changes in the skin and nails, and a slowdown in the pulse can also be observed. All these symptoms appear due to the development of a malfunction in the vascular system.

Sometimes plexitis of the shoulder joint can be determined by the behavior of the eye located on the side of the diseased shoulder: there may be disturbances in the work of the eyelid muscles, deepening of the eyeball and constriction of the pupil.

When the infectious-toxic process spreads to nearby tissues, pain develops, resembling brachialgia in nature. A similar disease may be accompanied by an increase in the cervical lymph nodes from the side of the lesion and their soreness.

With plexitis, patients describe pain as aching, boring, or breaking. When the cause of the disease is an active infectious process, reflexes are lost, there is increased sweating, changes in the condition of the nail plate and swelling of the hand.

Undoubtedly, pain syndrome significantly complicates life, but the main danger of the disease lies not in constant discomfort. Without proper treatment, nerve fibers are damaged more and more, which at first threatens with a violation of fine motor skills, and subsequently - the shutdown of all functions and atrophy of muscle tissue.

Diagnosis of pathology

When the first symptoms occur, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist; delay threatens with difficulties in treatment and recovery. The doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic tests:

    1. x-ray of the shoulder;
    2. CT (computed tomography) of the affected area;
    3. For diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be prescribed;
    4. ultrasound procedure;
    5. superficial neuromyography (using a special device, the state of the nerves and the process of transmitting impulses by them with additional stimulation are examined);
    6. blood test.

When diagnosing shoulder plexitis, treatment should be started immediately. It is really necessary to rush to treatment, since in most cases, after a year, the lesion reaches the stage when it becomes impossible to repair the damage.

The specialist also conducts differential diagnostics with such diseases as polyneuropathy, polyneuritis, arthritis of the shoulder joint, reflex-shoulder syndromes, radicular neuritis, radiculitis of the cervical spine.

Shoulder plexitis - treatment

Before therapy, a diagnostic examination is prescribed, which helps to differentiate plexitis from other neurological pathology. For this, electromyography, X-ray of the shoulder joint, computed and magnetic resonance imaging (CT, MRI), and ultrasound are performed.

After establishing the final diagnosis, they begin to treat the disease. It should be remembered: the earlier therapy is started after the first symptoms of the disease appear, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery.

Complex treatment includes measures aimed at the etiological disease that led to the appearance of plexitis. In case of injury, the integrity of the bone is restored, the bone processes are removed, and the injured limb is immobilized.

Osteochondrosis requires the appointment of chondroprotectors, and endocrine disorders - the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Tumors, aneurysms, additional ribs are removed surgically. Infectious-toxic plexitis is treated with antibacterial agents and detoxifies the body. Symptomatic therapy of the disease, aimed at its manifestations, includes:

    • pain relievers - novocaine blockade, analgin, aspizol, oxadol;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - diclofenac, nimesulide, indomethacin;
    • vitamin therapy based on vitamins of group B, A, C, E - neurovitan, milgamma, aevit, ascorbic acid;
    • anticholinesterase agents that improve the conduction of nerve impulses - proserin, kalimin, invalin;
    • decongestants - beckons, urea;
    • trophic drugs - nicotinic acid, potassium orotate, nerobolum, lidase;
    • means for improving microcirculation - trental, compliant;
    • physiotherapy - ultrasound with hydrocartisone, electrophoresis with novocaine, magnetotherapy, ozokerite;
    • massage during the period of abatement of the acute inflammatory process;
    • physiotherapy;
    • folk treatment;
    • reflexology (acupuncture), laser therapy, balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters), cryotherapy (local exposure to low temperatures).

Treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint is complex and is aimed at solving several problems at once: firstly, relieving pain, secondly, improving tissue nutrition and blood circulation in the affected area, and thirdly, restoring normal nerve function and returning the functional abilities of the affected arm.

To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes pain medications (selected individually based on the patient's condition). The main therapy for plexitis is anti-inflammatory. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed, they perform two functions at once - and they affect the reduction of the inflammatory process, and relieve pain.

These medicines are available in both pill form and injectable liquid form. When the disease is at an advanced stage, more serious hormonal drugs are required to reduce inflammation.

They effectively fight inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. The type of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the disease. So, if plexitis provoked an infectious process, then antibiotics will definitely be present in the appointment.

Treatment is often supplemented by a course of vitamins to improve the processes in the body. During drug treatment, in order to prevent or slow down muscle atrophy, electrical stimulation is prescribed - an electrical effect on soft tissues, which stimulates the muscles to contract and thereby allows them to keep them in good shape.

Physiotherapy methods for plexitis of the shoulder joint are divided into several groups, depending on the type of their influence:

    1. to reduce pain, electroanalgesia is prescribed by short-type impulses or drug electrophoresis;
    2. UHF therapy will help prevent fluid accumulation in the joint to prevent fluid accumulation in the joint capsule - UHF therapy;
    3. infrared laser therapy and ultrasound therapy will accelerate tissue repair;
    4. neurostimulating procedures - neuroelectrostimulation and bioregulated type stimulation;
    5. vasodilatation will be facilitated by infrared irradiation and high-frequency magnetotherapy.

If you experience acute pain in the shoulder joint, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The earlier the treatment of plexitis is started, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery. According to American doctors, if you delay a year and do not start treatment for plexitis, then, due to muscle atrophy, recovery occurs extremely rarely (no more than 10% of cases).

Treatment of shoulder plexitis is quite long and is carried out according to an individual scheme for each patient. If the cause of plexitis is a hand injury, then the hand is fixed with a bandage, over time, special exercises for the hands begin to be performed: at first simple, then more and more complex.

Sometimes surgery is required for severe injuries. Often, doctors prescribe antibiotics, vitamins, and other medications to treat shoulder plexitis. However, the main focus is on physiotherapy, massage and remedial gymnastics.

Surgical measures are indicated for the tumor origin of plexitis, and if it is caused by trauma (for example, if the plexus is compressed by bone fragments), aneurysm or cervical ribs.


For the treatment of plexitis, special physical education and massage sessions are additionally prescribed. Both in the first and in the second case, a set of exercises is compiled individually for each patient in order to achieve the best effect.

To prevent exacerbation of plexitis, improve blood flow and metabolism in the affected area, restore strength and elasticity of atrophied muscles, a set of exercises for daily performance is recommended.

    1. Raising and lowering the shoulders 8-10 times in one approach.
    2. The maximum reduction of the shoulder blades is up to 10-12 times.
    3. Starting position - the arms are bent at the joints, the hands lie on the shoulders. Rotation in the shoulder joint, first forward, then backward 6-8 times.
    4. Abduction of the sore arm to the side at right angles to the floor and adduction to the body 10-12 times.
    5. With a straightened injured hand in front of you, make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise 12-15 times.
    6. Starting position - hands along the body. Flexion and extension of the sick upper limb in the elbow joint 6-8 times, at first you can help with a healthy hand.
    7. The starting position is the same, turn the hand and forearm to the right and left sides 10-12 times.

Finger motor skills are restored by gripping, feeling and shifting small objects - beads, peas, screws. Swimming and aqua aerobics are helpful. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, intense sports, heavy physical labor.

As for massage, it is worth starting the procedure with professional sessions, and then you can continue on your own. The process usually boils down to a thorough kneading of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle, often with a method of targeted impact on biologically active zones.

After recovery, it is imperative to observe preventive measures to avoid the re-development of the disease. As a preventive measure, experts recommend swimming and other physical activity, but within reasonable limits.


Uncomplicated plexitis of the shoulder joint can be cured with folk remedies. However, before using such a technique, it is imperative to consult a doctor. In the treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint, a natural product such as mumiyo is often used.

For treatment, you will have to purchase or make yourself an alcohol solution of mumiyo, in which the concentration should be 8 - 10%. This solution should be rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bsoreness on the shoulder. Each procedure should last at least 5 - 6 minutes.

The full course of such such therapy is up to 20 - 25 days, depending on how the remedy acts on pain. If, after 4 - 5 procedures, no improvement was noticed, then the use of this remedy should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

If the treatment helps, then after 5 to 10 days this course can be repeated. It is also recommended to simultaneously take mumiyo with milk inside in the proportion: 1 part mumiyo and 20 parts milk. With this treatment, the tone decreases much faster, and symptoms such as pain and irritation disappear.

Another method is no less effective - the use of propolis ointment. To prepare it, you need to have 3 g of bee propolis on hand. This is about a ball the size of a pin. It must be mixed with 50 grams of pork fat or lard, which must first be melted.

Rub the resulting ointment three times a day into the sore shoulder. The course is up to a month. Such treatment should be avoided by people who are allergic to propolis and bee products. If this method is ineffective, you should consult a doctor.

At the initial stage of plexitis, saline dressings on the shoulder area can also help. However, before starting such treatment, you should definitely consult a specialist wasps. To start this therapy, you need to prepare a linen cloth or gauze.

If it is fabric, then it must be rolled into four layers, if gauze - then in 8 layers. Then the saline solution should be prepared. It must be prepared strictly according to the instructions. For five hundred ml of water, you need 50 grams of salt. You can take the usual, cooked, without additives.

And you can use the sea. Put a cloth in this solution and keep it in the solution for half an hour. After this time, the solution must be warmed up, wring out the fabric so that water does not drain from it. Apply a warm compress to the sore joint and fix it with a bandage.

It is very important not to use cellophane. This procedure should be carried out before bedtime for one month. A new salt solution should be prepared each time. It should be remembered that a neglected disease is more difficult to treat and most often causes serious complications. Prolonged paralysis, weakening of voluntary movements, and limited passive motor functions worsen the prognosis and may even cause disability.

Plexite - what is it?

Plexitis (plexopathies) is a separate group of diseases that occur when the nerve plexus formed by the spinal nerves is damaged.
"Plexus" - translated from Latin means "plexus", and the ending "it" mainly indicates an inflammatory disease. For example, neuritis - inflammation of a nerve, encephalitis - inflammation of the brain, poliomyelitis - damage to the spinal cord, etc.

Types of plexites

In the human body, there are not so many large nerve plexuses.
This is the brachial plexus, lumbosacral, cervical plexus and lumbar, respectively, and there are as many varieties of plexitis, i.e. brachial plexitis (aka brachioplexitis), cervical plexitis, lumbar and lumbosacral. If the disease affects only one limb, the conversation is about a one-sided process, with a bilateral process both limbs are affected.

The causes of plexitis

There are not so many reasons for the occurrence of plexitis, but according to statistics, various injuries are in the first place. And not only those that were obtained already in adulthood (for example, a strong blow to the plexus area, a broken or bruised hand, or a fall on the tailbone). Obstetricians are also familiar with post-traumatic plexitis, since the disease can also occur as a result of birth trauma - Duchenne-Erb paralysis. Other causes of plexitis include:

    1. Metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus)
    2. Alcohol abuse (especially "left")
    3. Infections (tuberculosis, Lyme disease and many others)
    4. Dislocations are especially dangerous, because nerves overstretch along with them (but they can also be attributed to post-traumatic reasons)
    5. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
    6. Curvature of posture.
    7. Long and frequent stay of a person in an uncomfortable position

Plexitis symptoms

Unfortunately, our people (especially the "Soviet" generation) go to the doctor only when they are really bad. Few people pay attention to minor pain in the neck or back. Well, think, tired at work, now I'll lie down and everything will pass. Meanwhile, it is the pain in the shoulder area that can indicate the onset and development of shoulder plexitis.
When cervicobrachial plexitis occurs, pain is localized in the neck or in the scapula. When the arm moves and the bend (especially in the direction of injury), the pain worsens (up to a sharp lumbago).

Hip pain radiating to the buttock may indicate lumbar plexitis. Plexitis of the coccygeal plexus is characterized by the absence of an anal reflex, a disorder of defecation, urination and sexual function.
Painful sensations can occur both on their own and during movement. The pain is worse at night.

Complications with plexitis

Unfortunately, it is difficult to completely and without consequences cure plexitis even with the modern level of development of medicine. But the sooner the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the more chances are. But if plexitis is not treated, then the consequences can be dire:

    • partial or complete paralysis of a limb
    • decreased sensitivity followed by muscle atrophy
    • weakness in the arms and legs
    • significant decrease in physical activity

In addition, the disease can become chronic. All these complications can lead not only to loss of working capacity, but also to disability.

Diagnosis of plexitis

It is quite difficult to determine the development of plexitis visually. To obtain a more accurate picture, an X-ray of the affected area, neuromyography (a procedure that allows you to clarify the degree of nerve damage), magnetic resonance imaging (to identify the cause of the disease) are performed, and blood is taken for analysis.
It is very important not to confuse plexitis with other diseases that have similar symptoms, such as sciatica.

Otherwise, there are chances that the person will be treated for a long time and unsuccessfully, and even for another disease. Additional consultation with a neurosurgeon will also not be superfluous.

Plexitis treatment

As in the case of neuritis, the treatment of plexitis is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Thus, if a patient is diagnosed with traumatic plexitis, then first of all it is necessary that the damaged area be at rest. Those. if it is a hand, then it is fixed with a splint, then actions are taken to restore the integrity of the bone. If plexitis occurs as a result of infection, antiviral and antibacterial drugs are used. With dysmetabolic plexitis, hypoglycemic drugs are used to normalize blood glucose levels and hypouricemic agents are used to reduce uric acid levels.
In any form of plexitis, it is first of all necessary to relieve the patient of pain with the help of painkillers (analgin, aspizol, oxadol). If the pain is very severe and conventional remedies do not help, novocaine blockade is used. It is necessary to take vitamins of groups A, B, C, E (neurovitis, milgamma and other vitamin complexes)
Also, do not forget about drugs to improve tissue nutrition - nicotinic acid, lidase, nerobol, potassium orotate.
If osteochondrosis has become the cause of plexitis, chondoprotectors (chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, hyaluronic acid) are used.
There are also methods of alternative treatment, but their effectiveness is not so high, so we will not focus on them.

In addition to medications, in the treatment of plexitis, they help well:

    • magnetotherapy and electrophoresis with novocaine
    • Light massage to improve blood circulation and restore sensitivity of damaged tissues
    • Physiotherapy exercises to improve metabolism, as well as to restore strength and elasticity of atrophied muscles
    • acupuncture
    • Swimming and water aerobics are very helpful.
    • For faster recovery, ultrasound and laser therapy is used.

Plexitis code according to ICD 10

In the ICD handbook (international classification of diseases), plexitis are in the sections:

G54.1 - defeat of the lumbosacral plexus

G54.4 - Lesions of the lumbosacral roots, not elsewhere classified

Sudden weakness in the hand, the inability to perform this or that movement, indefinite soreness, which does not have exact localization - all these are symptoms of a formidable neurological disease. Shoulder plexitis can develop for various reasons. Usually the disease is characterized as a chronic dystrophic process with a predominant lesion of the motor and sensory axons of the nerve fiber. If symptoms of brachial plexitis appear, then treatment with full restoration of all lost functions can be carried out only in the first 10 to 14 months. then the process of atrophy of the nerve fiber begins and it will be almost impossible to restore its working capacity.

This article describes in detail about the characteristic symptoms and treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint using manual therapy techniques. if you notice such signs in yourself or your loved one, then we recommend not to hesitate and immediately seek professional medical help from a neurologist. you can also sign up for a free consultation with a neurologist at our manual therapy clinic. During the first appointment, which is carried out completely free of charge, you will learn about the alleged diagnosis, prospects and possibilities of conservative treatment of pathology.

It is necessary to understand that plexitis of the shoulder joint is a dangerous condition that can lead to a complete loss of mobility of the upper limb. This damage is not one nerve, but the whole plexus and bundle, which is responsible for the innervation of all tissues of the upper limb. the primary clinical sign is pain, which is further complemented by symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. In particular, the patient may complain of lack of physical activity, decreased skin sensitivity, muscle weakness, feeling of coldness in the hand, the appearance of paresthesia, creeping, etc.

Basically, the clinical picture is formed due to the severity of the lesion that caused the cause of plexitis and the continuation of its negative impact. if it was an injury, then the increase in clinical symptoms will occur extremely slowly. But if the cause is cervical osteochondrosis and intervertebral disc herniation, then the clinical picture will form intensively with an increasing load on the radicular nerves.

Self-diagnosis is not effective, since only an experienced orthopedic surgeon can distinguish brachial plexitis from other degenerative diseases. To clarify the diagnosis, a number of laboratory examinations will be required. This can be X-ray, MRI, ultrasound, arthroscopy, electromyography, electroneigraphy, blood tests to exclude rheumatism, etc.

Causes of plexitis of the brachial plexus nerve

In the formation of the brachial plexus, axons are taken from the radicular nerves located in the intervals between the 5-8 cervical vertebrae and the first thoracic vertebrae. Accordingly, the development of osteochondrosis with protrusion of the intervertebral disc in this area may contribute to the development of brachial plexitis.

This plexus is responsible for the innervation, motor function and sensitivity of all tissues of the upper limb and directly of the shoulder. When the entire brachial plexus is affected, Kehrer's paralysis is formed, in which motor and sensory functions may be completely absent. Differential diagnostics must be carried out without fail with acute cerebrovascular accident.

Plexitis of the brachial plexus of the upper part of the cervical spine with damage to the C5-C8 radicular nerves causes the development of proximal paralysis, bearing the names of Drs. Duchesne and Erb. And when diagnosing distal muscle paralysis of Dejerine-Klumpke, we can say that the patient's radicular nerves C8-Th1 have suffered.

Depending on what cause provoked it, brachial nerve plexitis can be toxic or infectious, traumatic or compressive, ischemic or metabolic, tumor or autoimmune.

Consider the most common causes of this neurological disease:

  • traumatic effects, including on the shoulder joint, axillary area, collar region of the neck;
  • fractures of the shoulder, clavicle, scapula, acromial process;
  • stretching of the ligamentous apparatus with the formation of rough scars that disrupt the passage of the nerve fiber;
  • tuberculous infection of soft tissues with foci of spread along the spinal column;
  • work in conditions of increased harm (for example, miners, with constant contact with vibrating jackhammers, risk getting the brachial plexus of nerves damaged very quickly);
  • prolonged walking on crutches (when the axillary region is squeezed, there is a regular microscopic injury to the brachial plexus with the gradual formation of a clinical picture of plexitis);
  • in children, birth trauma predominates, caused by a violation of the technique of providing obstetric care;
  • compressive effect on radicular nerves by intervertebral hernias and protrusions;
  • wearing tight clothing in the armpit and collar area;
  • development of hematomas in the area of \u200b\u200bpassage of the brachial plexus;
  • tumor growth, lymphadenopathy and metastasis of the neoplasm in the axillary group of lymph nodes;
  • malnutrition due to deformation of the bloodstream, for example, in diabetic angiopathy;
  • operative surgical interventions;
  • transferred purulent tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, brucellosis, syphilis, etc.

All possible causes of the development of brachial plexitis should be excluded at the stage of differential diagnosis. Full-fledged successful treatment with continued action of the cause of the disease is impossible. There will be a deterioration in the innervation process as transforming pressure will continue to be exerted on the damaged brachial plexus.

Symptoms of plexitis of the shoulder joint

The first symptom of brachial plexitis is plexalgia (pain syndrome). It can be shooting, stabbing, cutting, aching, or boring. Pain can be localized in the shoulder, forearm, neck area, etc. often pain syndrome is localized in the clavicle and then spreads along the outer and inner surfaces of the upper limb.

All symptoms of plexitis of the shoulder joint are aggravated in the evening and at night. the patient complains that he literally cannot find a suitable position for sleeping at night. any movement causes a severe aggravation of pain in the upper limb.

As the clinical picture of brachial plexitis develops, the following symptoms appear:

  1. constantly increasing muscle weakness;
  2. decreased muscle strength - the patient cannot even hold a cup filled with tea in his hand;
  3. violation of mobility in the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints;
  4. inability to bend the arm completely;
  5. the inability to take the hand away from you and return it to the opposite position without assistance;
  6. with paralysis of Dejerine-Klumpke, while maintaining mobility in the shoulder and elbow joints, movements in the wrist joint and hand suffer.

When performing functional tests, a neurologist can determine a decrease in the intensity or complete loss of some reflexes. Basically, the elbow reflex suffers. less often, the absence of the carporadial reflex is detected.

Hyperesthesia and hypersensitivity of the skin is defined by the patient as a condition when all the "nerves are exposed." At the initial stage of development of shoulder plexitis, creeping creeping sensations regularly occur. Then these sensations develop into constant itching. Then there is a decrease in skin sensitivity.

In the later stages of brachial plexitis, trophic disorders occur - ulcers appear, the skin becomes dry and pale. This is a consequence of a violation of the innervation of the bloodstream. Capillaries lose their tone and do not transport blood to all soft tissues in a timely manner. Pasticity of the skin may be accompanied by a slight swelling that occurs with incorrect venous outflow. Increased sweating with marbling of the epidermis gradually passes in the absence of sweat production and complete pallor of the skin.

Many women suffer from permanent fragility of the nail plate. Various creams and restorative formulations have been used, but the problem persists. Because the real cause of brittle nails is shoulder plexitis.

Most often, plexitis of the shoulder joint is a unilateral disease, i.e. nerve fibers are affected only on one side. Bilateral shoulder plexitis can be metabolic with diabetes mellitus or toxic.

How to treat post-traumatic plexitis of the shoulder joint

Post-traumatic shoulder plexitis is a fairly common disease that can occur after sprains and tendons, collarbone fracture, shoulder dislocation, etc. it is not uncommon for post-traumatic plexitis to occur with the constant use of crutches. Representatives of some professions are susceptible to microscopic injuries: builders, painters, finishers, hairdressers, etc.

Before treating brachial plexitis, you need to conduct a diagnostic examination. Then, after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to exclude the continuation of the traumatic effect. If the patient reveals the presence of scar tissue in the area of \u200b\u200binjury, then it is necessary to take measures to remove it. This can be done surgically. But it is safer to remove cicatricial changes using manual therapy techniques and laser exposure.

It is possible to effectively and safely treat plexitis of the shoulder joint by several methods: conservatively, surgically, pharmacologically. The most effective methods of influence are manual, physiotherapeutic and kinesiotherapy. The first stage of therapy is to restore nutrition and position of the brachial plexus. Then, measures are taken to restore the lost functionality of the soft tissues of the upper limb.

Complex treatment of plexitis of the nerve of the shoulder joint

Treatment for shoulder plexitis should be comprehensive. During the initial consultation in our manual therapy clinic, a neurologist gives each patient individual recommendations. They are aimed at eliminating negative factors. Then a treatment plan is developed individually.

It can include various techniques. For the treatment of plexitis of the shoulder joint, the following methods of therapeutic conservative effects can be used:

  • traction traction of the spinal column, in the event that plexitis is triggered by osteochondrosis and its complications;
  • osteopathy and massage to restore microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid;
  • reflexology - by acting on biologically active points on the human body, it is possible to start the process of tissue regeneration;
  • therapeutic gymnastics and kinesiotherapy restore muscle strength and the ability to perform any movements with the upper limbs;
  • physiotherapy, laser treatment, electromyostimulation.

If you need an effective and safe treatment for brachial nerve plexitis, then you can sign up for an initial free consultation with a neurologist at our manual therapy clinic. Here you will be given a preliminary diagnosis, a special examination is recommended and information on treatment options is provided.

The appearance of painful sensations in the body has a negative effect on the human condition in any aspect. But it is especially difficult when pain makes it difficult or impossible to complete the simplest tasks. So, the symptoms of plexitis of the shoulder joint can disable the hand. The success of the treatment of the disease depends on the timeliness and completeness of the diagnosis: with the earliest possible detection of the problem, the probability of a complete cure is quite high, but delay threatens with the appearance of serious complications, up to loss of control over the hand.

Plexitis, or plexopathy, of the shoulder joint in medicine is usually called an inflammatory pathology that affects the branches of the nerve plexus located in the shoulder near the subclavian artery.

The degree of damage to nerve fibers in shoulder plexitis can vary from local inflammation of individual nerve bundles to the spread of the inflammatory process along the entire long branch of the nerve trunk, which innervates the skin and muscles of the adjacent upper limb from the shoulder to the fingertips.

The presence of the disease is evidenced by pain not only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder joint and clavicle, but also in the neck, scapular region, and arm.
Due to the fact that in most cases, the pathology affects the leading hand, a person suffering from plexitis partially or completely loses his ability to work.

Types of plexitis of the shoulder joint

The disease can be left- and right-sided, and there is also a bilateral form, which is considered the most complex. Bilateral shoulder plexitis is accompanied by excruciating painful symptoms and weakness in both hands, requiring longer treatment and a longer course of rehabilitation.

Depending on the factor causing the appearance of pathology, plexitis is divided into the following types:

  • Toxic, in which the disease is preceded by poisoning.
  • Traumatic, arising after mechanical damage to the nerve plexus.
  • Infectious, caused by the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the nervous tissue.
  • Dysmetabolic, associated with metabolic disorders.
  • Infectious-allergic, which occurs as a reaction of the body to certain types of vaccines.
  • Compression-ischemic, which is caused by prolonged compression of the nerves or staying in an uncomfortable position, which disrupts the processes of tissue nutrition.


The brachial plexus is formed by the inferior cervical and superior thoracic spinal nerves.

The following factors can lead to their inflammation:

  1. Traumatic injuries - dislocations, fractures, wounds, sprains and bruises in the clavicle and shoulder joint.
  2. Long-term irritating effect on the nerves that form the brachial plexus in connection with the peculiarities of professional activity (the influence of vibration), compression of the nerve branches during an uncomfortable posture during sleep, walking with crutches.
  3. Chest or cervical osteochondrosis.
  4. Hypothermia.
  5. Birth trauma in a child.
  6. Lymph node pathology.
  7. Viral or bacterial infection (cytomegalovirus, herpes, etc.).
  8. Compression of nerve fibers by malignant neoplasms, accessory cervical ribs or aneurysm - a pathological protrusion of the wall of a nearby blood vessel.
  9. Metabolic disorders and related diseases - diabetes, gout, etc.

Massagers will help to improve blood circulation and reduce pain at home. Details.

Treatment methods

The purpose of the ongoing treatment for plexitis is to get rid of the causes of the disease. This solves the following tasks:

  • pain sensations are eliminated,
  • measures are taken to improve blood circulation and nutrition of the tissues of the affected area,
  • normal functioning of the nerves is restored,
  • the functional abilities of the sore hand return.

Depending on the factors that provoked the development of the disease, the following methods of therapy are used:

After the main course of treatment and elimination of the factor contributing to the development of plexitis, they switch to healing types of procedures designed to eliminate all symptoms of the disease, restore normal blood supply, trophism in tissues, sensitivity and motor functions of the shoulder joint and the affected limb.

Shoulder plexitis (shoulder) is an inflammation of the brachial plexus. Often the cervical plexus is involved in the pathological process due to the anatomically close location of the nerves in the neck and upper shoulder girdle.

The disease is more common in able-bodied patients aged 20-50 years, the defeat of the leading hand leads to disability and difficulty in self-care in everyday life. Cervicobrachial plexitis can develop in newborns as a result of birth trauma, which slows down physical development and contributes to impaired motor ability of the affected limb.

Early diagnosis of the disease and comprehensive treatment provide good chances for recovery. Neglected cases of the disease lead to a complete functional failure of the left or right hand.


The brachial plexus is formed by the first thoracic spinal nerve and the anterior branches of the four lower cervical nerves. The accumulation of nerve fibers is responsible for the innervation of the upper shoulder girdle, arms, diaphragm. It contains sensory, motor and vegetative fibers, which are responsible for various types of sensitivity, motility and trophism of innervated tissues. The cervical plexus is located above the brachial plexus, but is closely connected with it both anatomically and functionally.

When cervical plexitis occurs, especially of an infectious-toxic nature, brachial plexitis often develops and vice versa. Due to the inflammatory process, the shoulder joint is the first to suffer - a large joint responsible for the movement of the upper limb. Involvement in the pathology of the nerves emanating from the plexus leads to a violation in the shoulder, forearm, elbow joint and small joints of the hand.

Shoulder plexitis leads to muscle atrophy in the shoulder and upper shoulder girdle

The development of plexitis of the shoulder joint can be provoked by the following adverse factors:

  • injuries of the brachial plexus with a fracture of the clavicle, dislocation of the shoulder, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the upper shoulder girdle, including during pathological childbirth;
  • ischemic lesion of the brachial nerve with prolonged non-physiological position of the upper limb, which occurs in the case of narcotic sleep, unconsciousness, improper hand immobilization, the use of uncomfortable crutches, the development of tumors;
  • an increase in lymph nodes of an infectious or malignant nature;
  • periarthritis (inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues) as a result of infections and injuries;
  • large aneurysms of arterial vessels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nerve plexus;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • infectious and toxic effects on the nervous tissue due to bacterial (tuberculosis) and viral (herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus) diseases, poisoning with alcohol surrogates, heavy metals, mercury salts;
  • metabolic disorders in the body (gout, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • costoclavicular syndrome with the formation of additional cervical ribs;
  • constant hypothermia.

Shoulder and cervical plexitis in newborns occurs with breech and foot presentation, prolapse of the fetus's handle during childbirth, and prolonged presence of the child in the mother's birth canal.

Clinical picture

The manifestations of plexitis of the shoulder joint depend on the prevalence of pathology and the stage of development of the disease. The inflammatory process can affect the entire plexus, then they talk about total plexitis, or only individual nerve fibers. When the upper nerve bundles are damaged, Duchenne-Erb paralysis develops, and involvement in the inflammation of the lower nerve bundles leads to Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis. Rarely there is a bilateral process, which complicates the course of pathology. In the international classification of diseases ICD 10, the lesion of the brachial plexus belongs to the G54.0 subgroup.

According to clinical manifestations, two stages of the course of plexitis are distinguished. The initial stage is called neurological and is characterized by pain syndrome, trophic, sensory, motor disorders in the upper limb. When a complex of therapeutic measures is carried out, the symptoms are reversible. The progression of the disease against the background of improper therapy or refusal of treatment causes the transition of plexitis to the paralytic stage, in which persistent paralysis or paresis of the upper limbs develops.

The defeat of the shoulder joint with plexitis impairs muscle contractility

The following clinical signs are characteristic of shoulder plexitis:

  • intense pain in the shoulder joint at rest, sometimes paroxysmal in nature, which intensify during movement and spread to the arm, supraclavicular and subclavian region;
  • trophic disorders - the skin of the affected upper limb becomes shiny, edematous, cold to the touch, pale or bluish in color, brittle nails and sweating of the palms appear;
  • decreased sensitivity on the outer surface of the hand in case of Duchenne-Erb paralysis and the inner surface of the limb with Klumpke-Dejerine paralysis;
  • weakness and atrophy of the arm muscles, the inability to raise the upper limb, lead it behind the back, violation of fine motor skills of the fingers, as a result of which difficulties arise in performing elementary movements in everyday life and professional activity;
  • excruciating hiccups and difficulty breathing when the phrenic nerve is involved in the inflammatory process;
  • narrowing of the pupil and retraction of the eyeball on the affected side rarely occur.

Unilateral or bilateral paralysis of the upper extremities causes not only disability, but also leads to a loss of self-care skills, which makes patients dependent on the help of people around them.

Therapeutic tactics

Before therapy, a diagnostic examination is prescribed, which helps to differentiate plexitis from other neurological pathology. For this, electromyography, X-ray of the shoulder joint, computed and magnetic resonance imaging (CT, MRI), and ultrasound are performed. After establishing the final diagnosis, they begin to treat the disease. It should be remembered: the earlier therapy is started after the first symptoms of the disease appear, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery.

Plexitis of the shoulder joint in the acute stage requires immobilization of the upper limb

The complex treatment includes activities aimed at the etiological disease that led to the appearance of plexitis. In case of injury, the integrity of the bone is restored, the bone processes are removed, and the injured limb is immobilized. Osteochondrosis requires the appointment of chondroprotectors, and endocrine disorders - the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Tumors, aneurysms, additional ribs are removed surgically. Infectious-toxic plexitis is treated with antibacterial agents and detoxifies the body.

Symptomatic therapy of the disease, aimed at its manifestations, includes:

  • pain relievers - novocaine blockade, analgin, aspizol, oxadol;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - diclofenac, nimesulide, indomethacin;
  • vitamin therapy based on vitamins of group B, A, C, E - neurovitan, milgamma, aevit, ascorbic acid;
  • anticholinesterase agents that improve the conduction of nerve impulses - proserin, kalimin, invalin;
  • decongestants - beckons, urea;
  • trophic drugs - nicotinic acid, potassium orotate, nerobolum, lidase;
  • means for improving microcirculation - trental, compliant;
  • physiotherapy - ultrasound with hydrocartisone, electrophoresis with novocaine, magnetotherapy, ozokerite;
  • massage during the period of abatement of the acute inflammatory process;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk treatment;
  • reflexology (acupuncture), laser therapy, balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters), cryotherapy (local exposure to low temperatures).

Therapeutic exercises are prescribed to prevent atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle

As an additional method of therapy and prevention of plexitis, folk remedies can be used after the approval of the attending physician. The most effective methods include the use of mummy with milk, herbal preparations from sweet clover, hops, burdock, string. Apply ointments and baths based on herbal ingredients. It should be remembered that such treatment does not exclude, but complements the conservative therapy of the disease.

To prevent exacerbation of plexitis, improve blood flow and metabolism in the affected area, restore strength and elasticity of atrophied muscles, a set of exercises for daily performance is recommended.

  1. Raising and lowering the shoulders 8-10 times in one approach.
  2. The maximum reduction of the shoulder blades is up to 10-12 times.
  3. Starting position - the arms are bent at the joints, the hands lie on the shoulders. Rotation in the shoulder joint, first forward, then backward 6-8 times.
  4. Abduction of the sore arm to the side at right angles to the floor and adduction to the body 10-12 times.
  5. With a straightened injured hand in front of you, make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise 12-15 times.
  6. Starting position - hands along the body. Flexion and extension of the sick upper limb in the elbow joint 6-8 times, at first you can help with a healthy hand.
  7. The starting position is the same, turn the hand and forearm to the right and left sides 10-12 times.

Finger motor skills are restored by gripping, feeling and shifting small objects - beads, peas, screws. Swimming and water aerobics are useful. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, intense sports, heavy physical labor.

With timely diagnosis and treatment, plexitis of the shoulder joint has a favorable prognosis. Otherwise, persistent motor and sensory disorders occur in the upper limbs, which leads to disability and loss of the ability to self-care.

Table of Contents [Show]

Plexitis symptoms

  • Cervical plexitis
    • sharp pains in the neck (along the lateral surfaces), often paroxysmal, sometimes radiating to the back of the head;
    • weakness of the cervical muscles - while tilting the head, turning the neck;
    • hiccups - sometimes painful, incessant. This is due to the involvement in the inflammatory process of the phrenic nerve, which innervates (provides nerve fibers) to the diaphragm, whose involuntary contraction leads to hiccups;
    • respiratory failure - in this case, a person's breathing is shallow, the stomach is drawn in when breathing while inhaling. It is also associated with the involvement of the phrenic nerve in the process and paralysis of the diaphragm, which is normally actively involved in breathing. Often a person cannot cough, speak loudly.
  • Shoulder plexitis manifested by the following symptoms:
    • severe pain in the clavicle with irradiation (spreading) into the arm, aggravated by active or passive movement in this limb;
    • decreased sensitivity of the skin of the hand and shoulder girdle;
    • weakness of the arm muscles - up to the complete impossibility of active movement of the arm. At the same time, the hand "hangs down like a whip";
    • swelling of the soft tissues of the hand;
    • pallor and coldness (cold to the touch) of the skin of the hand;
    • brittle nails on the fingers of the hands.
  • Lumbosacral plexitis manifested by the following symptoms:
    • severe pain in the lumbar region and in the leg (in the thigh, lower leg, foot), which increase with active or passive movement in this limb;
    • decreased sensitivity of the skin of the legs;
    • weakness of the leg muscles - up to the complete impossibility of its active movement;
    • swelling of the soft tissues of the leg;
    • pallor and coldness (cold to the touch) of the skin of the legs;
    • brittle nails on the toes.


  • Allocate two stagesplexitis currents:
    • neuralgic - symptoms associated with irritation of nerve fibers predominate, such as pain in the skin, muscles, aggravated by active movements and compression of the plexus;
    • paralytic - symptoms of dysfunction of nerve fibers prevail (muscle weakness, edema and malnutrition of soft tissues).
  • Depending on from reason, which caused plexitis, is distinguished by the following forms:
    • traumatic - associated with trauma to the nerve plexus;
    • compression-ischemic - occurs with prolonged compression of the plexus, which leads to a malnutrition of the nervous tissue;
    • infectious - associated with the introduction of infection into the nerve plexus;
    • infectious-allergic - associated with an unusual allergic reaction of nerve fibers to an infectious agent or vaccine, which leads to an excessive inflammatory process in the plexus;
    • toxic - develops in case of poisoning (for example, heavy metal salts);
    • dysmetabolic - associated with metabolic disorders throughout the body, which negatively affects the nutrition of the nerve tissue of the plexus.
  • Depending on from the side, on which plexitis has developed, the following forms are distinguished:
    • right-sided plexitis;
    • left-sided plexitis;
    • bilateral plexitis.


  • Plexus injuries, such as trauma to the brachial plexus from fractures of the arm, as well as during childbirth (birth injury).
  • Prolonged compression of the plexuses, for example, prolonged fixation of the hand in the wrong position during surgical operations, with plaster fixation of the hand after fractures, as well as compression by tumors.
  • Infections: Most often bacterial infections of the hand that have passed from the soft tissues to the nerve plexuses.
  • Vaccination: this sometimes develops an allergic reaction directed against the nerve fibers of the body's own.
  • Intoxication, for example, heavy metal salts.
  • Metabolic disorders: for example, with diabetes mellitus (a disease manifested by periodic or constant rises in blood glucose levels, which negatively affects the metabolism and blood supply to all body tissues), with gout (a disease manifested by an increased level of uric acid in the body, which negatively affects on the fabric).

LookMedBook reminds: the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the more chances you have to stay healthy and reduce the risk of complications:


  • Analysis of complaints and anamnesis of the disease:
    • how long ago such complaints appeared (weakness or pain in the muscles of the arm, leg, neck, thinning of nails on the hands or feet, hiccups, etc.);
    • whether any event preceded the onset of complaints: vaccination, surgery, hand plaster cast, humerus injury;
    • does a person suffer from diabetes mellitus (a disease manifested by periodic or constant rises in blood glucose levels, which negatively affects the metabolism and blood supply to all body tissues) or gout (a disease manifested by an increased level of uric acid in the body, which negatively affects tissues).
  • Neurological examination: assessment of the strength of the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, condition of nails and skin, assessment of reflexes (with plexitis, reflexes are reduced) and muscle tone (with plexitis, decreased).
  • Blood test: it is possible to identify signs of inflammation (an increase in the number of leukocytes (white blood cells), an increase in the rate of erythrocyte (red blood cell) sedimentation), especially in the infectious nature of the disease.
  • Electroneuromyography: the method allows you to assess the speed of the impulse along the nerve fibers and determine the signs of damage to the nerves or nerve plexuses.
  • CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the neck (if cervical plexitis is suspected), arms (if brachial plexitis is suspected) or the lower back and abdomen (if lumbosacral plexitis is suspected): allows you to study the structure of the listed areas in layers and identify any changes that can lead to impaired plexus function (trauma, edema, tumors).
  • It is also possible to consult a neurosurgeon.

Plexitis treatment

  • Treatment should always be aimed at eliminating the cause of the inflammation of the nerve plexus:
    • antibacterial and antiviral drugs for the infectious nature of plexitis;
    • surgical treatment for traumatic or compression plexitis, when there are blood clots or tumor formations around the plexus, squeezing it;
    • normalization of blood glucose levels using hypoglycemic agents and lowering the level of uric acid in the blood using hypouricemic agents for dysmetabolic plexitis.
  • For any nature of plexitis, the following treatment is also carried out:
    • pain relievers (analgesics);
    • vitamin therapy (groups B, A, C);
    • physiotherapy - ultra-high-frequency currents, magnetotherapy;
    • physiotherapy exercises - a set of exercises that help restore damaged nerve fibers.

Complications and consequences

  • Preservation of a persistent neurological defect in the form of paralysis (weakness in the limbs), sensitivity disorders.
  • Violation of labor adaptation due to the existing neurological defect (most often, pronounced muscle weakness in the hand develops in right-handers in the right hand, and in left-handers in the left, which leads to the impossibility of performing some types of work).

Prevention of plexitis

  • Wearing warm clothing in winter.
  • A balanced and rational diet (eating foods high in fiber (vegetables, fruits, herbs), avoiding canned, fried, spicy and hot foods).
  • Frequent fractional meals (5-6 times a day in small portions).
  • Timely treatment of infectious processes (possibly with the use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs).

Plexitis refers to various lesions of complex connections of nerve fibers (nerve plexuses). When making a diagnosis, the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is also indicated. Accordingly, shoulder plexitis is a pathology of the brachial plexus. The latter is formed from nerves emanating from the thoracic spinal and cervical. This connection is localized between the muscles that link the chest to the neck.

Plexitis of the shoulder joint - a description of the disease

The brachial plexus is divided into external, posterior and internal bundles, which form a kind of cocoon around the axillary artery.

These bundles are composed of sensory and motor nerves, which are responsible for the corresponding functions in the hands.

The defeat can affect both the entire plexus (total plexitis), and some part of it (upper, or otherwise Duchenne-Erb, paralysis and lower, Dejerine-Klumpke), mainly on one hand (occasionally both).

The pathology is included as "brachial plexus lesion" in the International Classification under the code G54.0.

The disease is quite common in all age groups, reaching a maximum frequency in the period from 20 to 60 years. Among the patients of neurologists with this pathology, men predominate.

Also, shoulder plexitis is a frequent birth injury, developing due to overstretching of the trunks of the nerve plexus during difficult labor (when the fetus is squeezed out, its foot or breech presentation).

In newborns, a similar injury, often accompanied by a fracture of the clavicle, also occurs due to:

  • prolonged presence of the child in the birth canal;
  • wide shoulders of the fetus;
  • lowering the baby's thrown back hand.

In addition to the fact that the pathology brings discomfort and pain to the patient, it can lead to disability up to the complete lack of the possibility of self-care.

Causes and provoking factors

Up to 25% of shoulder plexitis are of an infectious nature; immune disorders, injuries and other factors also play a significant role in the development of pathology.

Typical causes of plexitis of the shoulder joint:

  • injuries (sprains, dislocations of the joint, fracture of the clavicle, bruises and wounds in the neck, shoulder joint, shoulder girdle, trauma during childbirth, etc.);
  • microtrauma as a result of prolonged compression of the plexus, for example, when using a crutch, during an uncomfortable position during sleep or work, a tumor of the pulmonary apex or spine, aneurysm of a nearby artery, etc.;
  • infections, including those caused by viruses (influenza, cytomegalovirus, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes, etc.);
  • osteochondrosis (chest, cervical);
  • costal-clavicular syndrome ("cervical ribs", etc.);
  • lymph node lesions;
  • hypothermia, etc.

Inflammation of various nerves is most common in neurology. Such diseases are usually called with one word "Neuralgia". Lumboischialgia is one of them. It develops quickly enough, more often as a result of hypothermia, and leads to significant restrictions on motor functions and pain.

In contrast, purulent meningitis is characterized as an infectious disease of the nervous system. From the article you will find out how it is dangerous and what are the consequences of the disease.

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Neuralgic (initial) manifestations of plexitis include pain (often nocturnal), arising or increasing with movement of the joint and pressure on the plexus.

The localization of pain is the periclavicular area with impact to the limb.

Paralytic (late) signs relate to muscles, the action and sensitivity of which are provided by the nerves emanating from the brachial plexus, and include:

  • fine motor dysfunction - problems with the manipulation of small objects;
  • paralysis, paresis;
  • decreased reflex responses;
  • change in sensitive functions;
  • eating disorders (paleness, cyanosis of the skin of the hand, its swelling and sweating), etc.

Partial defeat with Duchenne-Erb plexitis is manifested:

  • sensitive dysfunctions outside the forearm and shoulder;
  • the inability to bend the arm at the elbow and take it back in the shoulder.

Lesions with Klumpke-Dejerine plexitis appear in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plexus itself, the inner surface of the forearm, shoulder and hand.

Total plexitis includes the symptoms of both of the above lesions.

The viral form is characterized by:

  • pain (aching, shooting, boring, breaking) in the plexus and inner lower region of the arm;
  • weakening of the wrist muscles, finger and wrist flexors, paralysis;
  • dysfunction of sensitivity from the inside;
  • in some cases, damage to the eye from the side of the plexus - constriction of the pupil, violation of the movement of the eyelid, "retraction" deep into the eyeball.

Infectious toxic damage is manifested:

  • weakening of reflexes up to loss;
  • dysfunction of sensory abilities;
  • paresis, paralysis;
  • discoloration of nails;
  • weakening of the pulse;
  • apparent malnutrition of tissues, etc.

Perhaps an increase and soreness of the cervical lymph nodes on the part of the diseased plexus.


  • Neurological examination.
  • X-ray.
  • Electroneuromyography.
  • CT or / and MRI.
  • Blood tests.

Differential diagnosis

Plexitis of the shoulder is differentiated from:

  • pathologies of the shoulder joint (arthritis, periarthritis);
  • radicular neuritis;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • polyneuritis;
  • reflex cervicobrachial syndromes;
  • cervical radiculitis, etc.


How to treat plexitis is determined by the cause of the pathology, since therapy is carried out through a whole range of measures.

With this problem, you should exclude:

  • lack of heat;
  • excessive exercise;
  • work with chemical compounds with toxic activity.

Orthopedic styling is also carried out on a splint or bandage.

Medication treatment

  • Painkillers (novocaine blockade, analgin, baralgin, etc.).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, etc.).
  • Preparations for the restoration of nerve conduction.
  • Medicines that improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition.
  • Vitamin therapy (B1, B12).
  • Anticholinesterase agents for motor dysfunctions (invalin, proserin).
  • Antibacterial agents for the bacterial nature of the lesion (ampicillin).
  • Dehydration agents (urea, beckons).


  • Treatment with impulse currents.
  • UST with hydrocortisone.
  • Electro- and inductophoresis.
  • Mud applications.
  • Paraffin treatment.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Balneotherapy.
  • Massage.

Chronic plexitis requires treatment at a specialized sanatorium or resort.


  • Raising - lowering the shoulders.
  • Reduction - dilution of the shoulder blades.
  • Breeding the elbows, circular movements with the shoulders with the hands fixed on them.
  • Flexion, straightening, abduction towards the affected limb (straight or bent).
  • When tilting towards the defeat of the rotation with a straightened arm.
  • Throwing your hand back - forward.
  • Flywheel and cross movements.
  • Turns of the forearm and hand.
  • Exercises on the "Swedish" wall, manipulations with objects.

Operative treatment

Surgical measures are indicated for the tumor origin of plexitis, and if it is caused by trauma (for example, if the plexus is compressed by bone fragments), aneurysm or cervical ribs.

Doctors call blurred vision and headaches as frequent signs of a hematoma of the brain. Why is this happening, and what else is characteristic of this pathology, as well as the prognosis for full recovery.

Have you noticed that sometimes when people are excited, their heads begin to shake or twitch a little? In medicine, this phenomenon is called head tremor. You can read about it here.

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Unconventional methods

  • Hirudotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Laser puncture.
  • Homeopathy (Colocynthis, Arnica in appropriate dilution).

Folk remedies

For home treatment, the following are widely used:

  • application of an alcohol solution of mummy;
  • propolis ointment;
  • herbal decoction (parsley + buckthorn + dandelion) inside;
  • a compress from the infusion of white willow bark;
  • baths with mint water.

Consequences and forecast

The consequences and prognosis are determined by the cause of plexitis.

As a rule, early treatment increases the chances of a successful recovery. It should be remembered that a neglected disease is more difficult to treat and most often causes serious complications.

Prolonged paralysis, weakening of voluntary movements, and limited passive motor functions worsen the prognosis and may even cause disability.

Preventive measures

  • Timely identification and treatment of the root cause (infections, metabolic disorders, etc.).
  • Prevention of injury.
  • Swimming.
  • Adequate physical activity.
  • Hardening.
  • Ensuring comfortable sleep conditions, etc.

In order to prevent progression and complications when the first symptoms of plexitis occur, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Thus, if the patient has pain in the shoulder area, it is imperative to see a doctor to exclude plexitis. Such a pathology can lead to disability, depending on the degree and site of the lesion, but with prompt adoption of adequate measures, it is quite curable.

TV show "Life is great!" about plexitis of the shoulder joint:

Shoulder plexitis: symptoms and treatment

Shoulder plexitis is an inflammatory lesion of the nerves of the brachial plexus. This plexus is formed by the first thoracic spinal nerve and the anterior branches of the four lower cervical nerves. The brachial plexus is large enough and complex in structure. It occupies a wide area from the spinal column to the lower part of the armpit, and is also located above and below the collarbone. The location of the nerve fibers of the brachial plexus in this large space changes many times.

Shoulder plexitis is a disease that causes a lot of trouble to its owner, and often leads to disability. A person not only loses his ability to work, but also becomes unable to perform ordinary everyday tasks. This is due to the fact that with plexitis it is the “leading” hand that is affected, that is, in right-handers - the right, in left-handers - the left. And as you know, losing the function of the hand that you have used all your life, it is rather difficult to learn how to be well controlled with the other hand, this takes a lot of time and effort. Patients suffer not only a lot of inconvenience, but also severe pain, which is accompanied by inflammation of the brachial nerves.

The greatest intensity of pain syndrome is at night, when making minimal movements, especially when trying to lift it up or place it behind the back. A sharp decrease in fine motor skills is observed, it becomes difficult for the patient to hold small objects in his hand, for example a cup, open the door with a key, and fasten buttons on clothes. In severe cases, as well as in advanced cases, there is a high probability of complete loss of sensitivity, the development of muscle atrophy, paresis and paralysis.

What are the reasons that can lead to shoulder plexitis?

There are enough reasons why plexitis of the brachial plexus can develop. Among the main ones, the following can be distinguished:

  • compression of the brachial nerves during prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, for example, in bedridden patients, during deep sleep, as well as in an uncomfortable position when performing work,
  • injuries of the brachial plexus or cervical roots with a fracture of the clavicle, sprains, dislocations of the shoulder joint,
  • microtraumatization of the brachial plexus for a long period of time, this can happen when working with prolonged exposure to the body of vibration, as well as when using crutches,
  • cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis - quite often these diseases lead to the development of radiculoplexitis,
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body (diabetes mellitus, gout and others),
  • plexitis can also occur due to birth trauma,
  • bruises, contusions, stab and gunshot wounds of the shoulder joint, as well as the neck area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder girdle,
  • diseases of the lymph nodes,
  • additional "cervical ribs" and other variants of costoclavicular syndrome, for example, aneurysm of the subclavian artery, tumors,
  • hypothermia,
  • infectious diseases, including viral - herpes and cytomegalovirus.

In total, there are three forms of plexitis of the shoulder joint: upper, lower and total.

Plexitis symptoms

The phenomena of paralysis and atrophy of small muscles of the hand are observed, with the capture of the flexors of the hand and fingers. The pain is localized in the plexus area and on the inner side of the lower arm. There is also a disorder of sensitivity along the inner surface of the hand. In some cases, on the same side, there is a disorder of eyelid movements - ptosis, constriction of the pupil - miosis, deepening of the eyeball - enophthalmos. This symptomatology indicates the likelihood of infection with viruses.

The pain is shooting, breaking, aching, boring. Symptoms of paresthesia may be present in the affected arm, especially in its lower part.

If there is an infectious-toxic plexitis, then its symptoms may be a weakening or loss of reflexes, a sensitivity disorder. In addition, movement disorders are observed, expressed in the form of atrophic paresis and paralysis. Trophic and vasomotor disorders are manifested in the form of atrophic, glossy skin, cyanosis, excessive sweating, swelling of the hand, weakening of the pulse in the radial artery, and nail changes.

It must be emphasized that pain resembling brachialgia is in many cases the result of a primary infectious-toxic process manifested in the surrounding tissues and spreading to the cervical and brachial plexus. With this development of the disease, there is an increase and soreness on palpation of the cervical lymph nodes on the affected side.


The most important are diagnostic methods such as:

  • x-ray examination
  • electroneuromyography,
  • ultrasound diagnostics,
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging, as well as some others.

Shoulder plexitis treatment

Treatment is carried out in a comprehensive manner, after establishing an accurate diagnosis and finding out the cause of the disease. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of plexitis and the disease that caused it.

First of all, the methods of drug therapy are used. It includes the use of modern drugs with high efficiency. They use analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to restore nerve conduction, improve blood circulation and trophism, vitamins B1 and B12. Depending on the cause, therapy with specific drugs may be prescribed.

The following methods are also used:

  • laser and cryotherapy,
  • various types of reflexology,
  • electrotherapy,
  • ozokerite,
  • massage,
  • physiotherapy,
  • balneological methods of therapy,
  • hirudotherapy.

If there are tumors, cervical ribs, aneurysms of the subclavian artery, traumatic plexitis, then surgical operations are indicated.

In the presence of plexitis of the brachial plexus, patients should not be exposed to physical overstrain, cooling, as well as work with substances that have a toxic effect.

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Additional Information

Attention! The material is intended solely for information. Any treatment should be carried out as directed by a physician.

Plexitis occurs when complex nerve fibers are affected. When a diagnosis is made, it takes into account which area is affected. With plexitis of the shoulder joint, the brachial plexus is affected. It contains a large number of nerves, they exit from the thoracic, cervical spine. They are localized between the muscles.

Characteristics of plexitis of the shoulder joint

The posterior, external, internal bundles can be affected, they collect in a cocoon that comes from the artery. The bundles contain a large number of motor, sensitive types of nerves, they are responsible for the functionality in the hands. When they are affected, there are shoulder problems.

The disease is common at different ages, most often occurs in 20-60 years. Men often suffer from it. In some situations, plexitis can be a consequence of trauma during childbirth, arises from the fact that the nerve trunks are stretched when the fetus is squeezed out, if it was in breech presentation.

A newborn has a collarbone injury when he is in the birth canal for a long time, and plexitis in a child can also be triggered by wide shoulders. In addition to the fact that the pathological process leads to discomfort, pain, everything can end in disability, a person cannot serve himself.

Reasons for the development of plexitis in the shoulder joint

1. Trauma - due to sprains, bruises, dislocation of the joint, fracture of the shoulder girdle.

2. Microtrauma due to the fact that the plexus is compressed for a long time, when a person uses a crutch for a long time, sleeps uncomfortably, works. The patient has a tumor of the lung, spine, aneurysm in the artery.

3. Disorders of metabolic processes - diabetes mellitus.

4. Due to osteochondrosis, damage to the lymphatic system.

5. Subsequently hypothermia.

6. Often there is an inflammatory process of various nerves, a person has limited movements, severe pain occurs.

7. In case of purulent meningitis, which is an infectious neurological disorder.

Shoulder plexitis symptoms

1. The pain increases when a person begins to move the joints, it is not the plexus that affects.

2. The pain is localized in the subclavicular region, radiates to the extremities.

3. Sometimes paralytic symptoms are observed - the movements of fine motor skills are disturbed, a person cannot use small objects, sensitivity is lost, the skin becomes cyanotic, the metabolic process is disrupted.

Manifestation of different types of shoulder plexitis

1. Plexite Duchenne-Erba. The disease manifests itself as loss of sensitivity outside the shoulder. The patient cannot bend his arms at the elbows.

2. Klumpke plexitis - Dejerine arises in the plexus area, radiates to the forearm, hand, shoulder.

3. The total view combines the symptoms of the two previous diseases.

4. Infectious-toxic plexitis is characterized by the fact that reflexes are weakened, in some situations they are completely lost, there are problems with sensitivity, paralysis, paresis occur, the appearance of the nail can change dramatically, the pulse often weakens, an inflammatory process in the tissues is observed.

5. The viral form has the following symptoms - severe pain, which is most often localized in the muscles of the hand, fingers, it is impossible to bend them. It is dangerous when the whole process leads to paralysis. Sometimes the disease can affect the eye - the pupil is completely narrowed, the movement of the eyelid is disrupted, it can be deeply retracted.

Diagnostics of the shoulder plexitis

X-rays are required, in addition, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound, MRI, CT. A blood test is also important. The doctor must in time to distinguish brachial plexitis from arthritis, radicular neuritis, polyneuritis, cervicobrachial syndrome, radiculitis.

Treatment methods for shoulder plexitis

It is important to determine the pathology in time. The course of therapy will be complex. A person should have enough warmth, do not overdo it and do a lot of physical exercise. Additionally, orthopedic styling is performed.

Medication is used with it, it is necessary to take drugs for pain - novocaine blockade, baralgin, analgin. Ibuprofen is of no small importance, it turns out to be an anti-inflammatory agent. Additionally, it is necessary to take medications to restore nerve conduction.

Medicines help to improve blood circulation, tissue nutrition. In this situation, vitamins B1, B12 are prescribed. If motor function is impaired, you need to take anticholinesterase drugs, you need to take separately beckons, urea.

The complex of treatment includes special physiotherapeutic procedures, pulsed current, electrophoresis, laser therapy, cryotherapy. A massage is required. The chronic form must be treated in a special sanatorium.

Physical activity is important, constantly performing physiotherapy exercises:

1. To bend, abduct, straighten the affected limb in different directions.

3. It is necessary to rotate with a sore hand.

4. Bring and part the shoulder blades, elbows.

5. Perform circular movements with your shoulders.

6. Bend, straighten the affected limbs.

7. It is advised to use swinging movements.

8. It is useful for plexitis to perform exercises on the Swedish stairs.

The operation is necessary if plexitis has developed due to a malignant tumor, aneurysm, or trauma. Additionally, it is recommended to pay attention to herbal decoctions with dandelion, parsley, buckthorn. It is advised to use propolis ointment. Perform a compress with white willow infusion.

So, if you identify and start treatment in a timely manner, you can prevent complications. For preventive purposes, it is advised to constantly be monitored by a doctor if you know that you have problems in this area. The pathological process can result in disability. It is better to prevent complications of the disease than to treat it.

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