Hurt belly after gods passed 3 months. After childbirth hurts the abdominal

After expulsion from Paradise, the person gained the ability to independently reproduce her like that, and the woman had to give birth to children in flour ... painful sensations in the process of childbirth and pain after childbirth doctors refer to the discharge of the inevitable. Even after almost painless births, which are conducted under epidural anesthesia, women in the postpartum period are experiencing pain.

Most often, pulling pains after childbirth in the lumbar region and the lower back of the back are associated with the displacement of femoral joints, as well as with the manifestation of those changes in the sacratschchik spine, which occur throughout the pregnancy and during the birth of a child.

Causes of pain after childbirth

We will look at typical pain after childbirth and their most frequent reasonsAlthough, of course, there is a mass of clinical cases when the symptoms of pain after childbirth are individual. For example, long-term heavy headaches after childbirth are tormented by the birthrooms, who have undergone regional epidural (spinal) anesthesia, in which the pain reliever, the drug is introduced into the spine area on the border of the lumbar and sleepy departments. The first three days after childbirth is a strong headache (with a veil before eyes and nausea) can be a sign of preeclampsia - if the future mother in the second and third trimester of pregnancy was a persistent increase in blood pressure.

Pain in the chest after childbirth, more precisely, the pain in the chest with shortness of breath and cough may indicate about infectious diseases Lungs, but this is the symptoms of the pulmonary embolism (thrombus in the pulmonary artery). Pains in the legs after childbirth - in cavracies of the legs - may be a sign of the threatening life of deep veins thrombosis, in which redness of the skin, swelling and temperature rise is observed. And strong pain after childbirth in the abdomen can be a sign of inflammation of the uterus at the place of attachment of the placenta.

However, typical causes of pain after delivery are related to the fact that in the process of the child's emergence, labor pathways are exposed to a strong mechanical exposure, which is often injured.

Abdominal pain after childbirth

Hormones, which are produced during pregnancy, cause relaxation of bundles and muscles. This is necessary for the normal development of the fetus, and for the entire period of the baby tooling the size of the uterus increases 25 times. After childbirth, the uterus begins to return to his "DEVERMENT" state. And pain at the bottom of the abdomen after childbirth, which many women are defined as pain in the uterus after delivery, are associated with a reduction in the size of the uterus.

These pains are most often gravating and in breastfeeding increases. All this is an absolutely normal phenomenon. The fact is that the hormone oxytocin, which in large quantities produces the hypothalamus of the woman born, enters the blood and stimulates the reduction in the smooth muscles of the uterus. 7-10 days after the birth of a child, such pains in the uterus after childbirth pass by themselves.

The bottom of the uterus after childbirth is approximately at the navel level. During the postpartum period, that is, for 6-8 weeks, the uterus is reduced to the previous sizes. But in women who had a big belly during pregnancy, the muscular tone of the peritoneum can be loosen that often becomes cause umbilical hernia. It is she who provokes pain in a navel after childbirth. To solve this problem, it is necessary to see a gynecologist who watched a pregnancy.

By the way, the pain in the stomach after childbirth, as well as pain in the intestine after delivery, may arise as a result of constipation, which suffer from many women in labor. In addition, the pain of this location can disturb those who have chronic diseases GET: In the postpartum period, they can exacerbate. So without consulting a specialist can not do.

Pain in the spine after childbirth

According to doctors, the reason that different women Differently feel after delivery, largely depends on how their body copes with a change in or drop in the level of hormones, which were produced during the period of the child.

After childbirth and the release of the placenta, the production of certain hormones stops sharply. For example, a hormone relaxin is almost completely ceased to be produced, which during pregnancy contributes to an increase in the elasticity of the muscles and relaxing the ligaments of the Lonnoy articulation of pelvic bones. But this hormone returns this hormone to the normal level of content in the body of the man in labor, but in about five months after childbirth.

Therefore, the entire musculoskeletal system of the woman after childbirth to normal functioning is gradually moving. And some stages of this process cause symptoms of pain after childbirth.

Pain in the spine after childbirth is associated with the fact that relaxing, relaxing the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, weakens and bundles around the spine. It is the increased instability of the spine for pregnancy and even some displacement of the vertebrae leads to a stretching back pain after childbirth. The same reason has pain in the joints after childbirth, including pain in the wrist after childbirth, pain in the legs after childbirth and pain in the knees after childbirth.

Back pain after childbirth

The pain in the lower back is partly due to the consequence of the overvoltage of the square muscle of the lower back, which is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear wall of the abdomen and connects the iliac bone, ribs and the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae. With its excessive contractions or with long-term static loads and the pains in the lower back begin to be felt and in the whole back.

In addition, during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles stretched and lengthen, and the muscles lumbar Departmentresponsible for the tilt and straightening the body and for the stability of the lower part of the spine, becomes shorter. And this also causes back pain after childbirth. The stretching of the lobes of the pubic joint, spine and the muscles of the pelvic bottom is also the causes of discomfort and painful sensations in the lumbar region.

Pain in the bowl after childbirth: pain in the sacrum and cock

Pacing in the sacrum and cocciece after childbirth, women usually do not distinguish and the pain in the smoking is taken for pain in the sacrum. Meanwhile, the cuxcession bone consists of several intersecting rudimentary vertebrae, and the seats are a large triangular bone, which is located at the base of the spine, slightly above the tailbone. Together, the tailbone and crescents make up the lower stationary department of the spine.

From the front and rear surfaces of the sacrum to the pelvic bones are bundles, which firmly hold the bones of the pelvic ring. But during pregnancy - literally from its very beginning - the musculoskeletal system of the woman begins to prepare for childbirth. How?

First, the vertebrae of the lumbar separator from the axis of the spine is rejected backwards. Secondly, lower limbs They begin to remove from the iliac bones, and the hip heads even come out of the gloomy depression. Thirdly, the bones of the lane and sacral-iliac articulation are somewhat divergent. Finally, the cocketer bend arc changes, and usually the motionless bone of the sacrum slightly moves the stop. All these changes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bone of the pelvis are provided for by nature and allow the child to leave the Lono Mother.

If the child is a big or its prepayment is wrong, or if the childhood passed too fast, then the pain in the sacrum after childbirth and the pain in the smokehouse after delivery appears as a result of excessive pressure on articulation in the pelvic area. Provocate pain in the pelvis after childbirth and eradicate joint data in case of forced manual release of the passage for the child's head during childbirth.

The more sacring the cockerel joints were overloaded, the stronger the pain in the basin in the bowl after childbirth, and the longer there will be a recovery process.

Often in the complaints of pain in the sacral zone of the feminine clarify that it is pain during defecation after delivery. Indeed, the pain of this localization may become stronger in the event of an expansion of the sigmoid intestine in the accumulation of carts or in the acute phase of chronic colitis, which is a complication of postpartum constipation. How to get rid of constipation in the postpartum period, we will tell a little later.

Pain in the pubic after childbirth

Under the influence of hormones, which "signal" all systems of the body of the woman in labor on the end of the child's birth process, the mechanism of postpartum recovery is launched. And usually immediately after delivery, the restoration of the LONA joint (symphiza), whose bones are somewhat diverged during pregnancy.

If everything is normal, the process of restoring the usual anatomical position of this articulation is coming without tangible consequences.

But if the woman gave birth complains of pain in the pubis after childbirth, it means that the joining the pubic bones of cartilage is injured due to the absorption of the pelvic bottom (which occurs when the head extending the head of the child). In this case, probably a violation of the symmetry of the right and left pubic bones. Doctors diagnose this pathology as a symphysuit - the dysfunction of the pubic joint, in which the patient feels pain in the pubic area when walking and forced to go into the crowd.

If the pain is very strong and give in all bones and articulations of the pelvis, then this is no longer just a stretching of cartilage, but a breaking of the Lonnoye - symphysiolysis.

Crotch pain after childbirth

The crotch area (Regio Perinealis) forms the bottom of the pelvis and consists of muscles, fascia, adipose tissue and leather. Crotch pain after childbirth occurs when it is injured - a break or dissection (perineotomy).

According to obstetric practice, most often the crotch injury is in women with well-developed muscles, in the elderly primary, with a narrow vagina with inflammatory changes in tissues, with tissue swelling, as well as the presence of scars after previous delivery.

With perineotomy, only the skin of the perineum dissects, and during episiotomy - crotch and back wall Vagina. Both of these procedures are made in the threat of an arbitrary rupture of the perineum, as well as to avoid the brain injuries of the newborn. When the crotch is breaking or cut, immediately after delivery, their embedding is carried out. The exterior seam is removed the day before discharge from the maternity hospital, internal over time is absorbed.

At the same time, the surgical dissection of the crotch is better than the gap, as the wound is flat and clean and in 95% of cases heals, as doctors say, Prima Intentio (primary tension) - that is, quickly and without consequences.

However, at the same time the pain in the perineum is inevitable after delivery. When complying with hygiene, the wound heals after a couple of weeks, during which a woman cannot be sitting in order not to disturb the seams. In case of episiotomy, the seams can cause pain in the vagina after delivery, which will disturb longer - while the process of healing internal fabrics is underway.

Pain in plow after childbirth

Many women pain in the groin area are beginning to disturb even in the period of tooling the child. The growth of the uterus can lead to pain in the groin, as well as the gradual discrepancy between the bones of the pelvis. In addition, pain in groin after childbirth (giving up to the lower back) can be associated with the presence of a stone in the kidney or a ureter. It is impossible to exclude such a reason as inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus body - endometritis. According to gynecologists, the acute postpartum endometrite occurs when the uterus is infected in the process of birth, it is quite often, while after holding a cesarean section, it manifests itself in almost 45% of cases.

For acute postpartum endometritis, such symptoms are characterized as pains in the lower abdomen and in groin, an increase in body temperature, purulent selection and uterine bleeding. If there are such signs, you should immediately apply for medical help.

In addition, pain in Pahu after childbirth gives genital herpes, which was diagnosed in a pregnant woman.

Headache after childbirth

Headache after childbirth specialists are associated with several reasons. First of all, this change in the hormonal background in the postpartum period: the instability of the level of estrogen and progesterone. Moreover, if the fever does not feed the child with breasts, then headaches arise much more often than in nursing women. Promotes headaches after childbirth and taking contraceptive preparations, which contains estrogen.

The negative impact on the health status of a woman in the postpartum period is provided by stress, overwork, lack of sleep, etc. Against the background of hormonal changes, these factors can lead to the fact that the newly-made mammy will displays frequent and rather intense headaches after childbirth.

Pain in muscles after childbirth

Muscular pain of various localization (in the lower back, muscles pelvis, legs, backs, chest etc.) - a natural phenomenon after such a strong tension of the muscles, which they are experiencing during the appearance of a child. Such pains are in a natural way and do not need any therapy.

However, it should be borne in mind that all changes through which again have to undergo the body of a woman born, it is necessary to control and prevent exacerbation of the existing diseases. For example, diseases of the spine, sexual sphere, a gastrointestinal tract, which can show themselves with a new force after the loads transferred during labor.

Pain in the chest after childbirth

We have already told about Gormon oxitocin, which stimulates the contraction of the uterus after delivery. In addition, oxytocin has another critical function. During the lactation period, it causes a reduction in myoepithelial cells surrounding alveoli and breast ducts. Due to this, the breast milk produced under the influence of the hormone is prolactin undergoes the subareolar ducts of the breast and is released from the nipples.

Milk appears in the chest after the birth of a child - first in the form of a colostrum. The deadlines of "arrival" of the most commonly milk, but the obstetrics of the norm of lactation are considered to be 48-72 hours after childbirth. This process occurs literally in the eyes - by swelling the mammary glands, which is quite often accompanied by pain in the chest after delivery. In the future, the process of milk production is adjusted, and all unpleasant sensations will be held.

Pain at monthly after delivery

Very often, after delivery, menstruation in women become not regular as before pregnancy. And within 5-6 months after the birth of the baby, this should not be a reason for concern. In addition, the first 4 months after the birth regulation can be of different intensity and duration. What is also not pathology, since the hormonal restructuring on the "DEVERY" mode continues.

It was noted that the majority of women who have before pregnancy there were Algomenoria (painful menstruation), after delivery, they are exempt from these pains, or at least pain become much weaker. But it happens on the contrary - pain during periods after childbirth begin with those who have not experienced them before.

If there are the slightest concerns about recovery menstrual cycle After childbirth, including pain, you need to consult with a gynecologist.

Pain when urination after childbirth

Pain with urination after childbirth and unpleasant burning during this physiological process is a very common phenomenon in the first days of the postpartum period.

Often the feminine face with such problems as the impossibility of emptying the bladder due to full absence urges. All these symptoms have reasons. The fact is that the space for the expansion of the bladder after childbirth has increased, or during the generation of the bladder could be injured, then some time calling may be absent.

Pain in urination after childbirth, death of the perineum, as well as soreness of the seams imposed when stitching a break or cut of the perineum. In any case, 8 hours after the completion of the birth, the woman should free up the bladder. This is extremely important both to reduce the uterus and to prevent possible infection of urinary tract.

If the pain in urination after delivery continues and after healing the seam on the perineum, this is already a sign of dissatisfaction: probably inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. In this case, you need to immediately seek medical help.

Sex pain after childbirth

Postpartum recovery in the norm takes at least two months. Previously, doctors do not recommend renewing the sexual relations of spouses. Nevertheless, even after these two months, at least a third of women feel physical discomfort and even pain in sex after childbirth.

Pain in the vagina after delivery can be caused by various local infections, which led to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and it is precisely this causes painful sensations in sex after delivery. And the pain in the clitoris after delivery is related to its swelling and the presence of seams in the crotch area, especially after episotomy.

Diagnosis of pain after childbirth

For the timely identification of possible pathologies after the birth of a child, each woman needs to visit his doctor - after a month and a half after childbirth. This visit will be odd, even if the woman feels good and does not complain about anything.

Inspection of the gynecologist, first of all, will show how things are with the child's childbearing bodies. The health of women largely depends on their health.

If there are any complaints, the diagnosis is made on the basis of the same inspection and collection of anamnesis, including the history of childbirth, in which all their stages, complications and manipulation carried out are indicated.

Doctors say that can be used in perineal pain after childbirth panthenol (usually it is used to treat burns). This bactericidal and localized drug is used to accelerate healing at various skin damage and mucous membranes and postoperative wounds. Panthenol is applied to damaged skin several times a day, it can be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding period.

In order to traverse the seams on the crotch as little as possible, the doctors recommend using non-ordinary layers, but special postpartum, in which the top layer is made of a material that does not stick to the seam.

In case of pain in the spine after childbirth and back pain after childbirth, exercises are recommended:

  • lying on the back to bend in the knee right leg, the left remains in a horizontal position,
  • take the foot sock of a bent right leg under the caviar of the lying left leg,
  • left hand take up the right thigh and tilt to the left right knee.

This exercise is performed 8-10 times, then the same is done with the left foot.

For pain in the back, try to lean less, not to raise anything heavy, during feeding to choose the position, the most comfortable for the back - with a mandatory support under the lumbar area.

The task of paramount importance in the postpartum period is to get rid of constipation! As problems with a chair can enhance pain in a cobster and a sacr. No laxatives, except - in extreme cases - enemas or glycerin candles. Best and safer - there are dried fruits, oatmeal, fermented milk products; Take the sunflower oil in the morning on the tablespoon, and on an empty stomach drink a glass of cold purified water without gas.

Remember that any laxative drug during breastfeeding will result in a similar effect and your baby. But the constipation of the mother will cause problems with the intestine in the child.

But in the treatment of pain in the pubis after childbirth, especially in the case of a discontinuity of the LONA joint (symphysiolysis), bedding, painful medicines, physiotherapy procedures and a pelvic bandage for fixing bones are necessary. All this must appoint a doctor - after diagnosis.

TO folk remedies The treatment of pain after giving birth includes champs and infusions of medicinal plants. So, the shepherd bag is not only an excellent hemostatic agent, but also contributes to the reduction of the uterus. The decoction of the shepherd bag is preparing at the calculation of one teaspoon of grass on a glass of boiling water (poured and insisted about half an hour). It is recommended to drink three times a day on a tablespoon.

Aloe will help in the cure of the crotch breaks: the leaf juice is extruded on the hygienic gasket. It will reduce the pain when cut or break the perineum, as well as soften the breast, hardened from the tide of milk, compress with a decoction of a ginger root: 50 g of ginger on a liter of water.

And remove the headache after childbirth can be using essential oils (Lavender, Lemon, Graperute, Basilica, Rosemary and Melissa), which are rubbed whiskey, behind the ears and region of the cervical vertebrae.

If the pain after childbirth does not stop (or strengthen) three months after the birth of a child, then without treatment it is not necessary. But the use of a nursing woman whatever medicinal preparations, first of all, anesthetic, without recommendation, the doctor is unacceptable!

Pain prevention after childbirth

Prevention of pain after childbirth should begin during pregnancy. For example, to reduce postpartum pain in the lower back area, future mothers need to be engaged in special fitness or aerobics in water, master and correctly apply in the process of childbirth. To avoid problems with pain in the spine, legs and muscles, it is necessary to strictly monitor your weight throughout the pregnancy and prevent the appearance of a pillar of legs.

The postpartum period is normally lasts from six to eight weeks. During this time, the organism of the feminine is again rebuilt, and its reproductive organs return to the prenatal state - are involved. Unfortunately, the majority of women's births are painful after childbirth. But the pain quickly passes, and the joy of motherhood remains for life!

And for pain after childbirth, this joy does not dare, do not forget to consult with your gynecologist. His recommendations will help you quickly come back and maintain health.

It's important to know!

The progressive promotion of the preemptive part of the fetus in the cavity of the small pelvis (lowering) is an important feature of normal delivery. The lowering usually begins with the maximum disclosure of the cervix and is easily traced in the deceleration phase and especially in the second period of childbirth. Some degenerates are completely absent.

Roda - A difficult process that resistant tolerates the female organism. Rhodework is accompanied by pain, overvoltage of the muscles, often occurring breaks and other complications. Doctors warn - Generic activities are unpredictable and to predict the events is almost impossible. But if the pain during the appearance of the baby to the light - It is a natural condition, then its appearance after childbirth can be dangerous. When is the new mammies worth worrying?

Physiological norm of postpartum pain

Abbreviation - Here is the main reason why some time after childbirth, the woman feels an intense, sharp pain. As soon as the baby takes the chest, the active production of oxytocin begins - The hormone responsible for this process, residual, waste materials are out of the body.

Similar phenomenon - this is the normal response of the body to the changes that have not requiring additional interventions. But painful symptoms manifests itself in the first hours and can disturb in the first 1-3 days, gradually decline.

If the woman passed the cesarean section procedure, then this process is somewhat delayed, and the woman put special drugs that normalize contractile reflexes. However, if the belly hurts after childbirth after 2 weeks or more, then we can talk about pathological processes.

After all, 2-3 months after the delivery of the women's reproductive system is restored, and high risks of the development of complications. In most cases, after 3-4 weeks after the birth of a child, a woman forgets about the unpleasant sensations.

Pain syndrome May arise due to the following states:

  • in the fallopian tubes, fragments of a kindergarten remain;
  • the inflammatory process is developed, localized in the mucous membrane - There are a lot of reasons, and if 2 weeks after childbirth hurts the abdomen, then maybe it is a symptom of inflammation;
  • inflammation in uterine appendages;
  • the inflammatory process spread from the reproductive organs in the peritoneum - If you ignore the primary symptoms and write off the unpleasant sensation to the postpartum state, then such complications can be expected.

If the pains join additional symptoms: purulent discharge from the vagina or chest, heat, swelling, etc., most likely, a serious infection has developed in the body. Any states requires access to a gynecologist, and a woman should protect themselves from possible infection.

In addition, some women face such a pathological condition as the discrepancy between the womb. This phenomenon occurs even during pregnancy, and during childbirth there are risks of tissue rupture. After some time, inflammation may occur on a damaged area. The disease is called, which requires mandatory integrated therapy.

And if the pains are not related to childbirth?

If a stomach hurts 2-3 weeks after childbirth, it is worth excluding the state, not related to them. Pain syndrome develops:

  • on the background pathological state intestines;
  • due to violation of the urinary bubble;
  • due to kidney diseases;
  • with inflammation of appendix.

Most of the above aids are extremely dangerous and require emergency hospitalization. It is not recommended to solve the problem independently, it is more so to stop unpleasant symptoms with the help of painkillers and analgesic drugs. Reception of any drugs lubricates the general crystal picture and makes it difficult to formulate a diagnosis.

If after 3 weeks after delivery hurts the bottom of the abdomen, in no case should you ignore a similar phenomenon and think that this is the norm. A woman should better follow her health, timely passing examination and adequate treatment.

The organism of the guinea in the post-rod period does not cease to work: multiple hormonal restructuring is underway, lactation occurs, and the uterus itself continues to shrink. Full takes place not in one month. But when it hurts after childbirth, is it worth worrying? What is considered the norm, and when should I urgently cause ambulance?

The first month or two after the birth of the woman in labor is in the complex emotional and physical condition. Birth happened, but the processes of rebirth of the organism continue. This is natural and nature provided for a period that is just survived. However, some situations cause frank concern. In particular, when there are spasmodic or mischievous pains in the uterus after childbirth, is it considered a normal postpartum process? What symptoms should alert, and when is it really worth worrying for your health?

The uterine reduction of the postpartum period is mandatory, and even more so - the necessary phenomenon that does not have to cause worryens of concern. Thanks to such cuts, it frees its cavity from the residues of blood clots, placenta, and sensations of spasm are associated with a reduction in the muscles of the body, which, after release, should come again in the previous form and sizes. But, to say that such contractions are very painful, it is impossible. Strong pain in the abdomen, back, the inner sides of the thighs should cause concern about the woman in labor. After all, such a manifestation of painful symptoms may indicate the presence or formation of complications.


A smaller pain after childbirth (cutting of the uterus) is felt by the girlfriends who gave birth to naturally without the use of additional anesthetics. The feminine who gave birth to cesarean section are subject to stronger fights after the birth of the baby, especially in the first 5 days.

The main causes of pain

To find out, whether it is normal when the uterus is sick after delivery, it is necessary to clarify the reasons why such a feeling may occur.

Meat sore: Natural Causes

Fights after childbirth do not have such strong localization as a generic activity. Nevertheless, such sensations are noticeable and quite noticeable. However, a woman should not worry about this. On the contrary, there must be alertness the absence of kits immediately after the birth of the baby. This may entail serious complications and stimulation of contractions with medicines.

The more and more often to apply the baby newborn to the chest - the faster the uterus will be able to cut, the better for the woman in labor.

To natural reasons of pain in the uterus after childbirth, which do not cause concerns include:

  1. Oxytocin reaction. The uterus is reduced immediately after removing the child and the generic site (placenta). It becomes possible only if there is a necessary amount of oxytocin, which is produced female organism. Light, but tolerant pain can be observed clearly in the first 5-7 days. These are such a reduction, which is even visible to the Greenhouse: when feeding, there is a compression of the uterus, the stomach literally vibrates.
  2. Running surface. The uterus cavity is a solid muscle, which immediately after childbirth is literally open wound. When reducing such a muscle, like any wound, hurts, this is normal.
  3. Intestinal. Stomach, liver, pancreas after pregnancy again "learn" to work in the former rhythm, returning to the previous place. Therefore, such manifestations often arise as colic, stomach spasms, nausea, fermentation.
  4. Reducing the cervical part. The cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed to 10 cm. In order for the uterus to skip the head of the baby at the time of the dug. After pushing out (especially, if not correctly stumbling), gaps may appear in the part where the child passed. After childbirth, the obstever inspects all the organs, if necessary, imposes seams. Of course, the first 5 days (before extracting) the uterus will whine and root. After this period there is a decrease in soreness.

Reducing the uterus after childbirth and dangerous symptoms

Pains at the bottom of the abdomen In the first few weeks after the delivery, there should be alertness, if such signs appear together with these symptoms:

  • an increase in temperature (as a rule, the increase occurs instantly, and to bring down the temperature is actually impossible);
  • purulent discharge or blood with a smell of rotten fish, purulent smell;
  • there is no reaction to the light (pupils are not narrowed);
  • the belly when palpation is hard, painful, tight (perhaps - hot to the touch);
  • vomiting, nausea, headache;
  • fight of the uterus acquire an increasingly painful spasmodic effect;
  • swelling the chest, painful on the touch of nipples.

All the above symptoms are vital for feminine. For example, endometritis symptoms develop in just a few hours. As a rule, such problems may arise with the presence and development of infection, which are deadly diseases after childbirth.

Increased mortality rates, which make a decision to give birth at home, is associated with the development of peritonitis. 80% of the diagnosed household complications ends with a fatal outcome.

What to do

If the cause of a serious illness is infection, the remnants of the placenta in the uterus, blood clot, then in this case only the early hospitalization will help preserve the health and life of the woman in labor.

If the diseases after delivery were not detected, and doctors after delivery bind the painful condition at the bottom of the abdomen with natural reducing processes, it is possible only to ease pain, using simple methods:

  • cold compresses immediately after childbirth down the belly (nurses bring);
  • lie on the stomach (especially the first few days after childbirth);
  • do not take hot shower;
  • carry out permanent wipes of external genital organs;
  • do respiratory gymnastics during the pulsation period;
  • do not lift the cargo, the heavier weight of the child;
  • do not tolerate in need, regularly urinated;
  • do the exercises .

It is important to remember that the most tangible painful manifestations occur for the period of the first days when applying the baby to the chest. After an intensive reduction in pain leaves, and mommy will not respond to permanent internal reductions of the body, which continues to decline for another 2 months.

Generic contractions inevitably occur with strong pain. But sometimes she does not let go and after the child after the child appears, although it is not so intense. What are the reasons for the uterus after childbirth, is it normal? Or maybe in the emergence of these sensations, other organs are guilty?

Read in this article

Why the uterus hurts after childbirth in the first month

The uterus for pregnancy transfers an increasing load. The strong test for it is childbirth, when the muscles are intensely reduced, pushing the fruit. The fabrics are strongly stretched, the cervix expands. There is also damage to the set blood vessels, which is why after delivery, the inner surface is a solid wound.

All this means that to reverse the uterus to the state to pregnancy will not happen immediately. Recovery occurs progressively, and will not pass imperceptibly for the nerve terminations located in the field.

More The process looks like this:

  1. The organ decreases in the amount of what happens with abbreviations smooth muscles. The weight should drop from 1000 g to 50 to the expiration of 6 to 8 weeks from the end of childbirth. The involution of the uterus occurs when compressed by the cutting muscles of blood vessels, which cannot be passed without unpleasant sensations.
  2. The cereal part of the organ changes. On the initial stage It is expanded (up to 10 - 12 cm). The restoration of the cervix suggests its narrowing as a result of muscles. And this also causes discomfort.
  3. The surface of the walls of the organ from the inside heals, which is accompanied by the discharge. First, there is a lot of blood in them, then its volume, as well as the total amount of mucus, decreases.
  4. The binder uterus apparatus first gives her the opportunity to be more mobile than usual. And this can cause pain with an awkward movement, overflow of the bladder. But gradually and supporting the uterus binders return to the norm (4 weeks after childbirth).

How to understand that everything goes fine

Given the changes taking place, even if they go perfectly, some discomfort is still present. Woman is important to control:

  • As the uterus is reduced after childbirth, sensations. The strongest of them are during the expulsion of the last. But then the pain is not immediately. It should not be strong, but sometimes requires admission of spasmolitics. It happens more often in women who gave birth to the second time, or undergoing cesarean cross-section. In general, pain is characterized as a number, quite tolerant. Sometimes it looks like weak contractions, it becomes more noticeable during breastfeeding. The process stimulates hormonal changes that enhance muscle contractions.
  • How long the uterus sores after childbirth. Despite the fact that the process full recovery The authority after childbirth goes up to 2 months, a noticeable feeling should be present for longer than 7 days. What is felt then cannot be called pain, rather discomfort. It may be present just 1.5 - 2 months, when the uterus will get the final size, the tone of muscles and ligaments will be restored.

See this video about how the restoration of a woman after childbirth is:

Pathological causes of pain in the field of uterus

Not always postpartum recovery is fragile. In any of his aspects, obstacles may occur, the signal of which is becoming a long and intensive pain in the uterus. For its occurrence, there are several common reasons related to the wrong processes in the authority:

  • Redued tone. This means that the uterus is not able to actively shrink enough. That is, the internal surface of the selection organs formed during the healing system will not completely go out. And their delay inside provokes, enhancing pain. The liquid in the uterus after childbirth is one of the signs of the Loci-Lichiometers. It is found for other reasons.
  • Bending uterus. It has already been said that her bundling apparatus is weakened and cannot effectively support the authority. The uterus shifts back, as a result of which it turns out to be forced to reduce contractile activity. Lochi are slower, swelling also does not fall longer.
  • Stenosis of the cervix. It also causes a delay of Lohi, as it is a mechanical obstacle to their exit. Stenosis may occur due to surgery spent during childbirth. But without it, this is also not excluded, since among the causes there are also inflammation of the cervical canal or atrophic cervical process. If the uterus cavity is expanded after childbirth, it is deformed, a woman intensifies pain at the bottom of the abdomen, well-being deteriorates, and everything happens against the background of a sharp cessation of succeeds, it is possible that the cervical stenosis is guilty.
  • Leaving the tissues of the placenta in the cavity of the organ. Even if part of her lobby was detained, she can clog the cervical canal. Lochi do not have the ability to be excreted, and blood due to the presence of placenta plots becomes more. A bright sign - the uterus is expanded after childbirth, has the stronger shape. The process is accompanied by the process, raising the temperature, fever. The placenta tissue stuck in the cavity is not necessarily blocking the cervical canal. But if the lochies go too long, do not quantify quantitatively over time, it is possible that foreign particles in the uterine cavity are.
  • The consequences of cesarean sections. One of them is hematoma in the uterus after delivery. It is formed as a result of injury to a large vessel and blood cluster under the mucosa. If the hematoma size is large enough, it can interfere with existence and other organs, from here and pain. But a small formation of this nature causes drawing sensations. And it may be charged, and then the increased temperature, weakness, anemia is joined to the symptoms. Hematomas arise in natural childbirth, if a woman has problems with vessels, kidneys, was a pelvic preview. Even the deficit of vitamins can cause a break of the vessel in the uterus with a cluster of blood.
  • The consequences of the delay of the tissue of the placenta. One of them is the polyps in the uterus after childbirth. They are called both placental. The remains of the fabrics provoke the appearance of growth, which detects itself, except for pain, intensified discharges with blood. If the lochies are not reduced, but quantify the bloody color quantitatively, it is possible that the polyp is guilty. It may happen after 2 - 5 weeks after childbirth. There are general weakness, dizziness.
  • Expansion of the uterine veins. The process of exiting the fetus forces to strong sweeps, and the pregnancy loads the vessels for a long time. If they are weakened, or the child is large, a woman can diagnose varicose veins after childbirth. It causes stupid pain, moving into the bottom of the back, the vagina. It increases with the slightest exercise: When a woman is trying to get up from a lying position, when urinating, etc.
  • . This inflammatory occurs in acute form Due to bringing infections into the uterus. More often suffer those who gave birth with the help of Cesarean. Endometrite provokes not only spasms in the uterus, but also the release with gently and blood, high temperature.

All listed causes of pain require measures. Pathology is dangerous in themselves, and the consequences caused by them. Some are just answers to the question why after delivery to the uterus. These are polyps, increment to the wall of the residual authority, causing bleeding. With them, the body cannot be cleaned by unnecessary tissues.

Ignoring the need to scraps will lead to inflammatory diseases, infections, anemia. In the launched cases, the death of a woman is not excluded.

When the cause of pain after childbirth is not in the uterus

Sometimes postpartum abdominal pain is not connected with violations of the process of incolutions of the uterus, but by other problems with health or natural reasons:

Problem The reasons
Restoration of the muscular corset and the position of the spine When pregnancy on the belly of fabric is stretched, and in the lower back area - reduced. Now the muscles and vertebrae must return to the initial position, which causes pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coccyx and above the pubic due to the unusual load.
The consequences of complex labor We are talking about the need to help the baby get out with the manual liberation of tributes. It causes after pelvic pains, since the load on the sacroy-flip articulation was too big. The same happens with rapid childbirth and a large baby appearance.
Damage to the pubic articulation In this area there is cartilage, which can not only be injured, but also break due to stretching in the process of generic muscles of the pelvic bottom. The pains are concerned later during physical activity in the pubic zone, the gait is changing, becoming a rotational.
Enterocolit Publisops pursue many pregnant women, and childbirth lead to even greater complications in the intestine. In addition, nursing is forced to limit themselves in the use of fiber. All this leads to a delay in the root masses in the intestine and pain in the stomach.
Vaginal injury It may occur during childbirth with strong tension when passing the baby's head. Spasms will be felt at the bottom of the abdomen and give to the crotch.

On doubt and fears, why the uterus is hurt after childbirth, the doctor must answer. Deviations in the work of the body should be discussed with a specialist, because the reproductive system is not always able to recover itself.

In the postpartum period, the processes of the organism of the mother after stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth occur. These processes are particularly intense in the first four to seven days from the moment of the child's appearance. If after the month after childbirth - it is necessary to exclude pathology. In this case, the gynecologist is needed.

The entire maternity process consists of three periods:

  • smoothing and opening of the cervix;
  • birth of a child;
  • birth of a kindergarten.

The childbearing organ during pregnancy increases, respectively, the growth of the fetus, the muscles are stretched. In childbirth, they rhythmically decrease, extending the fruit, and then the placenta from the uterine cavity.

Physiological reasons

After childbirth, the inverse development of the uterus occurs - it becomes smaller in size, the muscles are reduced, their volume decreases several times. The most active muscle contraction occurs in the first hours and days. This process is accompanied by the presence of pain at the bottom of the abdomen after childbirth, but soon it should pass.

Process reverse development It occurs under the action of hormone oxytocin. It affects the muscles of the uterus, the bladder, the walls of the belly, the pelvis, contributing to the reduction. Under its action, breast milk begins to produce. The separation of oxytocin is intensified during the attachment of the baby to the chest. The nipple and zone around it are abundantly devoted by receptors, with irritation of which a large amount of oxytocin is produced, the muscles of the uterus under its action are reduced stronger.

At the birth of a child, with the help of cesarean section, the recovery goes more difficult and last longer. The reason for this is the presence of a wound on the wall of the abdomen and the uterus.

Pathological reasons

Most often, a month after the birth, the childbearing organ is restored, painful sensations disappear. This process is delayed when complications occur:

  • the presence of a piece of kindergarten in the uterus;
  • inflammation of its mucous;
  • inflammatory process of appendages;
  • transition of inflammation into the abdominal cavity;
  • vertebral displacement;
  • the discrepancy between the bones of the Lonatic Countess;
  • pathology of the intestines;
  • violation of the bladder function.

A number of reasons why belly hurts after childbirth, pass on their own in monthly time And do not bring significant harm to the health of a woman. However, the emergence of inflammatory complications may be dangerous to mother health.


Hurts in the lower departments of the abdomen after giving birth to all women. At first, stretching, unpleasant pains in the lower stomach departments appear. Each time during breastfeeding, they are enhanced, they can become grapple-shaped, but tolerable. First, they are stronger than, in the future the above symptoms will be held as the discharges disappear. If complications occur, the pain does not take up to 4 months.

Symptoms in endometritis and inflammation of appendages

Blood is an excellent nutrient medium for the growth of pathogenic microbes. If the pieces of placenta remained in the uterus, the uterus cannot fully shrink, from the vagina in its cavity through the open zev, bacteria rises. For cesarean section Infection can get through an operating wound.

Symptoms with inflammatory complications:

If the child appeared using the operation:

  • seam and skin around it blush;
  • become hot;
  • from it begins to stand the mucus with the pus.

If the mother continues to feed her baby with breasts, he becomes restless, constantly crying and sucks with legs. In the baby, the chair can become liquid with an unpleasant smell, jeeping or vomiting appears.

Symptoms for mastitis

If the infection fell into chest glands A nursing mother, her abdominal pain can appear from below and change the nature of the selection. This often happens in a situation, if not passed 2 months from childbirth.

The patient will disturb the pain and the selection of a pus from the chest, it's a dull pain At the bottom of the abdomen, the temperature rises.

Symptoms at Peritonitte

The transition of the inflammatory process into the abdomen can occur from the focus of inflammation in the uterus or her appendages at the late appeal for medical care. In this case, the patient's condition deteriorates:

  • hurts all the stomach;
  • enhanced by touching it;
  • becomes unbearable at the time of tearing hands from the abdomen;
  • the body temperature rins up to the highest digits;
  • reduced pressure;
  • pulse is participated.

If two months passed from the moment the child appeared, there was no longer a discharge, with the development of such complications they appear again, become greenish with an unpleasant odor.

Symptoms when dismissed vertebrae

If the pain is not attenuated after 4 months from the birth of a baby, you need to think about the displacement of the vertebrae. For him, it is characteristic:

  • pain is acute;
  • localizes in the zone of the waist;
  • enhances when turning to the side, slopes, attempts to raise the child;
  • it can happen to "jam".

When "jamming", a woman cannot rake after an unsuccessful tilt or turn. In severe cases, the substance is pushed spinal cord. Then the woman will disturb the numbness of one or both legs.

This complication will not pass on their own. The patient should consult a neurologist's doctor.

Symptoms for intestinal pathology

As the fetus grows, the uterus presses the intestines up. It is all the pregnancy in the squeezed position. After childbirth, women often have constipation. On average, up to 4-6 months is necessary in order to normalize the work of the intestine.

In this case, the patient, bloating it. The stomach can get sick if desired to go to the toilet, pain can pass after the intestinal emptying.


When 2 or 3 months passed after the birth, and the pain remained, the doctor conducts a number of studies:

  • inspection on the chair;
  • study of the contents of the vagina;
  • study of sewing from the seam on the stomach;
  • x-ray of the spine and bones of the pelvis;
  • urine and blood analysis.

Such studies help detect placenta pieces in the uterus. In this case, the childbearing organ remains large in size, its wall will be loose. In the discharges find pathogenic microbes. Inflammatory changes are visible in blood analysis.

The spine and bones of the pelvis will allow you to find the displacement of the vertebrae or the discrepancy between the bones in the symphiz area.


The treatment program depends on the cause of pain. At inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed, solutions are dripped into vein to reduce the manifestations of intoxication, drugs are introduced to reduce the muscles of the uterus.

In the intestinal diseases, they recommend a diet with turning on there equal milk products and natural yogurts. Vegetables and fruits are allowed depending on the age of the child and the reaction to their use. When peritonitis occurs, perform operation. Antibiotics Patient also gets.

At first after childbirth at the very first urges to the toilet, a woman must be changed. Each containment leads to the development of constipation.

It is impossible to use synthetic gaskets and tampons. They should be made of natural fabric. You need to change such gaskets as they are impregnated with secretions, but at least in two hours. It is necessary to wash with the use of special means. At first, at least 4 times a day.

Apply the child to the chest is needed at its request. Milk residues need to write. The chest must constantly be warm.

In the case when a month after childbirth, the abdomen hurts, the patient should turn to the gynecologist.

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