Facial artery departs from. Surface temporal artery

  1. Surface temporal artery, atemporaalis superficialis. One or two end branches of the outer carotid artery. Together with ear-viscular nerve goes in front of the ear shell. Fig. A, B.
  2. Branch of the parotide gland, Ramus Parotideus. Breasts the same iron. Fig. BUT.
  3. Cross artery face, a. TRANSVERSA FACIEI (Facialis). It takes place below the zickie arc under the fascia of the parcel of the gland in the direction of the cheek. Fig. BUT.
  4. Front ear branches, Rami Auriculares Anteriores. Numerous branches K. own sink and outdoor auditory passage. Fig. BUT.
  5. Sculprointent artery, azygomati-coorbitalis. It takes higher zickie arc to the lateral edge of the orbit. Fig. BUT.
  6. Average temporal artery, a. Temporaalis Media. He departs above the zickie arc and blood supply to the muscle of the same name. Fig. BUT.
  7. Lobal branch, Ramus Frontalis. Front branch of surface temporal artery. Anastomoses with the same vessel of the opposite side, supervisant and supervised arteries (branches of the inner carotid artery). Fig. BUT.
  8. Dark branch, Ramus Parietalis. The rear branch of the surface temporal artery. Anastomoses with the same branch of the opposite side, the rear ear and occipital arteries. Fig. BUT.
  9. Topper artery, a. Maxillaris. Large finite branch of outdoor carotid artery. It begins below the temporomandibular joint, passes from the outer or inner side from the lateral wing muscle and branches in the wonderland-palate. Fig. A, B.
  10. Deep ear artery, aauricularis profunda. It goes backward and up to the temporomandibular joint, external auditory passage and eardrum. Fig. B.
  11. Front drum artery, a. Tympanica Anterior. Accompanied by Chorda Tympani through the rocky-drum slit enters the drum cavity. Fig. B.
  12. Lower alveolar artery, A Alveolaris Inferior. It passes between the medial walled muscle and the branch of the lower jaw. In Canalis Mandibulae lasts before the chores. Fig. B.
  13. Dental branches, Rami Demotes. They are sent to the roots of the teeth. Fig. B. 13a Rami Peridentales.
  14. Maxillo-pupping branch, Ramus Mylohyoideus. It starts in front of the lower jaw hole and with N.Mylohioideus lies in the furrower of the same name. Anastomoses with a.submentalis. Fig. B.
  15. Choining branch, Ramus Mentalis. The ultimate branch of the lower alveolar artery. Heavy chin. Fig. B.
  16. Middle meningeal artery, a. Thiningea Media. It passes media from t. Pterygoideus LAT and through an oestoid hole enters the middle skull, where branches the final branches. Fig. B, V.
  17. Extensor branch, Ramus Accessorius. It starts from the middle meningeal or maxillary artery and hearing a hearing tube, the wonderful muscles. It penetrates the skull through the oval hole and branches down in a solid shell around Ganglion Mgeminale.
  18. Stony branch, Ramus Petrosus. It begins on the middle meningeal artery in the skull cavity. Through the cleft channel of a large rocky nerve, anastomoses with a velocity of the artery. Fig. IN.
  19. Upper drum artery, a. Tympanica Superior. Lies next to the rocky branch and together with N.petrosus minor penetrates the drum cavity. Fig. IN.
  20. Lobal branch, Ramus Frontalis. Large finite branch of the middle meningeal artery. Inside the skull lies in the bone furrow or canal at the edge of small wings of a wedge-shaped bone. Fig. IN.
  21. Dark branch, Ramus Parietalis. Breaks the back of the hard shell in the skull arch area. Fig. IN.
  22. Eye branch, Ramus Orbitalis. Passes through the top foreign gap To the tear gland. Fig. IN.
  23. Anastomotic branch [[with tear artery]], Ramus Anastomoricus []. Fig. B. 23a Wallendneneningheal Artery, ApteryGomeningea. It begins on the topless or moderate meningeal arteries and through the oval hole enters the skull. Breakfasts muscle, straining sky curtain, wonder muscles, hearing pipe, solid cerebral sheath and triple knot.
  24. Chewing artery, a. Masseterica. It passes over the cutting of the lower jaw and blood supply to the muscle of the same name. Fig. B.
  25. Front deep temporal artery, and Temporalis Profunda Anterior. It goes up and enters the temporal muscle. Fig. B. 25a Rear temporal artery, a. Temporaalis Profundae Anterior.
  26. Wonderful branches, Rami Pterygoidei. Breakfast wonder muscles. Fig. B.
  27. Pickup artery, a. Buccalis. It passes along the peeled muscle forward and down. Heavy cheek and gum. Fig. B.
  28. Rear upper alveolar artery, a. Alveolaris Superior Posterior. Its branches enter the alveolar channels and blood supply to the upper molars, gums and mucous membranes topper-eyed sinus. Fig. B.
  29. Dental branches, Rami Dentales. They are sent to the roots of the molars of the upper jaw. Fig. B. 29A Occorn branches, Rami Peridentales.
  • 3. Microcirculatory course: departments, structure, functions.
  • 4. Venetic system: general structure of the structure, anatomical features of veins, venous plexuses. Factors providing the centripetal flow of blood in the veins.
  • 5. The main stages of heart development.
  • 6. Features of the blood circulation of the fetus and its changes after birth.
  • 7. Heart: topography, chamber structure and valve apparatus.
  • 8. The structure of the walls of the atria and ventricles. Conductive heart system.
  • 9. Blood supply and innervation of the heart. Regional lymph nodes (!!!).
  • 10. Pericard: structure, sinuses, blood supply, venous and lymphatic outflow, innervation (!!!).
  • 11. AORTA: Departments, topography. Branches of the ascending department and arc of aorta.
  • 12. Shared carotid artery. Outdoor carotid artery, its topography and the overall characteristics of the side and end branches.
  • 13. Outdoor carotid artery: front group of branches, their topography, blood supply area.
  • 14. Outdoor carotid artery: medial and finite branches, their topography, region of blood supply.
  • 15. Topper arteries: topography, branches and blood supply.
  • 16. Subclavian artery: topography, branches and blood supply.
  • 17. Blood supply of the head and spinal cord (internal carotid and vertebral artery). Formation of the arterial circle of a large brain, its branches.
  • 18. Inner jugular vein: topography, inside and extra charge.
  • 19. Brain veins. Venous sinus solid cerebral shells, their connection with the outer vein system (deep and surface veins of the face), emissary and diploic veins.
  • 20. Surface and deep veins of persons, their topography, anastomosis.
  • 21. Top hollow vein and shoulder veins, their formation, topography, tributaries.
  • 22. General principles of structure and function of the lymphatic system.
  • 23. Breastbank: formation, parts, topography, tributaries.
  • 24. Right lymphatic duct: formation, parts, topography, place of sign in venous bed.
  • 25. Ways of the outflow of lymphs from the tissues and organs of the head and regional lymph nodes.
  • 26. Ways of outflow of lymphs from tissues and neck organs and regional lymph nodes.
  • 14. Outdoor carotid artery: medial and finite branches, their topography, region of blood supply.

    Medical branches of the outer carotid artery:

    Rising pharyngeal artery (A.Pharyngea Ascendens) departs from the inner semicircle of the outer carotid artery at its beginning, rises up to the side wall of the pharynx. The following branches depart from the ascending pharyngeal artery:

    1) Pipped branches (rr.pharyngeals) are sent to the muscles of the pharynx, a soft sky, sky almond, hearing pipe;

    2) rear meningeal artery (A.Meningea Posterior) follows the skull cavity through the jugular hole;

    3) Lower drum artery (A.Tympanica Inferior) Through the bottom hole of the drum tube penetrates the drum cavity to its mucous membrane.

    The final branches of the outer carotid artery:

    1. Surface temporal artery (A.Temporalis superficialis) is a continuation of the stem of the outer carotid artery, passes up ahead of the ear shell (under the skin on the bezing of the temporal muscle) into the temporal area. Above the Zyloma Arc, a living person is trying to the ripple of this artery. At the level of the supervised edge of the frontal bone, surface temporal artery is divided into Frontal branch (r.frontdlis) and Dark branch(R.Parietalis) powered by the overall muscle, the skin of the forehead and the patterns and anastomosing with the branches of the occipital artery. Surface temporal artery gives a number of branches:

    1) Branches of the parish gland (RR.Parotidei) depart under the zilly arc in the upper part of the salivary gland;

    2) Cross Artery Face (A.Transversa Faciei) goes forward next to the output of the parotid gland (below the zilly arc) to the Mimic muscles and the skin of the peeled and under-judicial areas;

    3) front ear branches (RR.AURICULDRES ANTERIORES) go to the ear sink and an outer auditory aisle, where they are anastomized with the branches of the rear ear artery;

    4) Sculgarian Artery (a.zygomaticoorbitdlis) departs over the zyloma arc to the lateral corner of the soccer, bloodsink the circular muscle of the eye;

    5) Medium temporal artery (A.Temporaalis Media) Performs the fascia of the temporal muscle, which this artery is heavily suited.

    2. Topper artery (A.MaxillaRis) is also the final branch of the outer carotid artery, but the larger than the surface temporal artery. The initial part of the artery is covered with the lateral side of the branch of the lower jaw. Artery reaches (at the level of the lateral wing like muscle) to the advantage and further to the walled-sky pits, where disintegrates on its end branches. Accordingly, the topography of the maxillary artery in it is distinguished by three departments: mining, wonder-shaped and wonderland-palate. From the maxillary artery within her Maxim Department The following artery moves:

    1) Deep ear artery (a.auricularis profunda) goes to the liquid-leisure joint, external auditory passage and eardrum;

    2) Front drum artery (A.Tympanica Anterior) through the rocky-drum gap of the temporal bone follows the mucous membrane of the drum cavity;

    3) Lower Alveolar Artery (A.alvelaris Inferior) is large, entering the channel of the lower jaw and gives the dental branches on its path (RR.Dentales). This arterie leaves the channel through the chiffer hole as a chiner (A.Mentalis), which branchs in mimic muscles And in the skin chin. Before entering the channel from the lower alveolar artery, a slim-in-lore branch (R.Mylohyoideus) is branched down to the muscle of the same name and the front abdomen of the bubbly muscle;

    4) Middle Meningheal Artery (A.Meningea Media) is the largest of all arteries that feed the solid shell of the brain. This artery penetrates the skull's cavity through an awesome hole of the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone, gives the upper drum artery (A.Tympdnica Sup6Rior), flowing through the muscle channel, pulling the eardrum, to the mucous membrane of the drum cavity, as well as the frontal and dark branches (RR. Frontalis et parietalis) to a solid cerebral shell. Before entering an oestoid hole from the middle meningeal artery, it departs a duletny branch (R.Accessorius), which first, before entering the cavity of the skull, blood supply to the walled muscles and the hearing tube, and then passing through the oval hole inside the skull, sends branches to solid cerebral shell and triple node.

    Within Wonderful department From the upper-eyed artery, branches that feed the chewing muscles are departed:

    1) Chewing Arteries (A.Masseterica) goes to the muscle of the same name;

    2) Front and rear deep temporal arteries (Aa.Tempordles Profundae Anterior et Posterior) go to the crowd of the temporal muscle;

    3) Wonderful branches (RR.PteryGoidei) go to the muscles of the same name;

    4) cheat artery (A.Bucalis) is sent to the cheek's peel and mucosa;

    5) Rear Upper Alveolar Artery (A.alvelaris Superior Posterior) through the same holes in the top of the upper jaw penetrates the maxillary sinus and blood supply to its mucous membrane, and its dental branches (RR.Dentales) - teeth and gums of the upper jaw.

    From the third - Worfall-sky department Three final branches depart up the topless artery:

    1) Suppleague artery (A.INFRAORBITDLIS) passes into the orphanage through the lower eye slit, where gives the branches to the lower straight and oblique muscles of the eye. Then, through the supporting hole, this artery goes through the channel of the same name on the face and blood supply to the Mimic muscles located in the thicker of the upper lip, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and the lower eyelid, and the skin covering them. Here, the supporting artery anastomoses with the branches of the facial and surface temporal arteries. In the attribute channel from the subordinate artery, the front Upper Alveolar Arteries (AA.alveoldres Superiors Anteriores), which give the dental branches (RR.Dent & LES) to the teeth of the upper jaw;

    2) downward pacific arteries (A.Palatma Descendens), giving first an artery of a walled channel (A.Canalis Pterygo "IDEI) to the top of the pharynx and the auditory pipe and passing through a small parallery, blood supply to a solid and soft sky through large and small pacific arteries (AA.palatinae Major et minores); gives a wedge-shaped artery (a.sphenopalatina), which passes through the hole in the nasal cavity, and the lateral rear nasal artery (AA.Nasales Posteriores Lat- Erales) and the rear sectional branches (RR. Septales Posteriores) to the nasal mucosa.

    Arteries of the head and neck are represented by systems levyand right common sleepyand connect arteries(Fig. 177). The right overall sleepy and plug-in artery usually depart from the shoulder barrel, and the left is independently from the convex part of the aorta arc.

    Shchezhegol barrel (Truncus Brahiocephalicus) -unpack, large, relatively short vessel. He departs from the aorta arc up and right, in front crosses the trachea. Behind the handle of the sternum and the beginning of the sternum-ply and sternum-thyroid muscles, as well as the left shoulder shoulder vein and the fork gland, it is divided into the right connective and right overall carotid artery (Fig. 178). Sometimes takes off from him low thyroid artery (a. Thyroidea IMA).

    Subclavian artery (a. subclavia),pair; Right originates from the shoulder barrel, left - directly from the aortic arc. Gives arteries to the head, neck, shoulder belt and upper limb. The initial part of the artery envelopes the top of the lung, then the artery goes on the neck. On the neck distinguish 3 of the plug-in artery: the first - before the entrance to the inter-jet space, the second - in the inter-junior space and the third - duck from the specified space to the outer edge of the I edge, where the connectible artery moves into the axillary (see Fig. 178). In each of them, the artery gives branches.

    Branches of the first department (Fig. 179):

    1. Vertebral artery(a. vertebralis)departs from the upper seightelessness of the artery and follows, behind the general carotid artery to the opening of the transverse process of the Vi cervical vertebra. Next, the artery takes place up to the second cervical vertebra in the bone-fibrous canal formed by the holes of the transverse processes and ligaments. Upon exit from the channel, it will perform the rear atlantozatilochil membrane, passes through a large hole in the skull cavity and on the slope of the occipital bone connects with the arteries of the other side, forming unpaired Basilar artery (a. basilaris)(Fig. 180). Branches of vertebrate and basilar arteries blood supply trunk

    brain, cerebellum and the occipital share of the hemispheres of the final brain. In clinical practice, they got the name "Vertebrobasilar System" (Fig. 181). Spinal artery branches:

    1)spinal (RR Spinalies)- to the spinal cord;

    2)muscular (RR. Musculares) -to pre-convertible muscles;

    3)meningheal (RR. Meningeales) -to solid cerebral sheath;

    4)front spinal arteri (a. Spinalis Anterior) -to the spinal cord;

    5)rear lower cerebeller artery (a. Inferior Posterior Cerebelli)- To the cerebellum.

    Fig. 177.General view of the arteries of the head and neck, view of the right (scheme):

    1 - the parietal branch of the Middle Meningkeal Artery; 2 is the frontal branch of the Middle Meningkeal Artery; 3 - sculpacarial artery; 4 - supervised artery; 5 - eye artery; 6 - Advanced artery; 7 - the artery of the back of the nose; 8 - Wedge-shaped artery; 9 - corner artery; 10 - under-judicial artery;

    11 - Rear upper alveolar artery; 12 - brush artery; 13 - Front upper alveolar artery; 14 - upper lip artery; 15 - walled branches; 16 - Dorsal tongue artery branches; 17 - deep arteries of the language; 18 - lower lip artery; 19 - chin artery; 20 - lower alveolar artery; 21 - Podium artery; 22 - pre-class artery; 23 - ascending roasting artery; 24 - Facial Artery; 25 - Outdoor carotid artery; 26 - Pennaya Artery; 27 - subwage bone; 28 - the adhesive branch of the paternal artery; 29 - the sub-banding branch of the paternal artery; 30 - Upper Gunted Artery; 31 - upper thyroid artery; 32 - the breast-curable and large branch of the upper thyroid artery; 33 - Shield-speaking muscle; 34 - Shared carotid artery; 35 - Lower Thyroid Artery; 36 - lower thyroid artery; 37 - the paralular barrel; 38 - plug-in artery; 39 - Shchezhegol barrel; 40 - internal chest artery; 41 - aortic arc; 42 - rib-cervical trunk; 43 - Adopaper artery; 44 - transverse artery neck; 45 - Deep cervical artery; 46 - Dorsal artery of the blade; 47 - Surface cervical artery; 48 - vertebral artery; 49 - Rising cervical artery; 50 - spinal branches of the vertebral artery; 51 - bifurcation of the carotid artery; 52 - Internal carotid artery; 53 - ascending pharyngeal artery; 54 - Sulfuge branches of the ascending pharyngeal artery; 55 - the preceding branch of the rear ear artery; 56 - Crowded Artery; 57 - occipital artery; 58 - maxillary artery; 59 - transverse arteries; 60 - the occipital branch of the rear ear artery; 61 - rear ear artery; 62 - Front drum artery; 63 - chewing artery; 64 - Surface temporal artery; 65 - Front earring; 66 - average temporal artery; 67 - Middle meningeal artery; 68 - the dark branch of the surface temporal artery; 69 - Frontal branch of surface temporal artery

    Basil artery branches:

    1)front bottom cerebeller artery (a. Inferior Anterior Cerebelli) -to the cerebellum;

    2)upper cerebeller artery (a. Superior Cerebelli) -to the cerebellum;

    3)rear brain artery (a. CERERBRIPOSTERIOR),separating arteries of the occipital fraction of the final brain.

    4)bridge arteries (AA. Pontis)- To the stem of the brain.

    Fig. 178.Connect arteries and their branches, front view: 1 - medium cervical assembly; 2 - vertebral artery; 3 - shoulder plexus; 4 - left parallery; 5 - left connectible loop; 6 - Left plug-in artery; 7 - left first edge; 8 - Left internal chest artery; 9 - left diaphragmal nerve; 10 - Left overall carotid artery; 11 - Long Muscle Neck; 12 - aortic arc; 13 - shoulder barrel; 14 - left and right shoulder shoulder veins; 15 - upper hollow vein; 16 - Parietal pleura; 17 - right inner chest artery; 18 - Right first edge; 19 - right plug loop; 20 - Dome of the pleura; 21 - right plug-in artery; 22 - right diaphragmal nerve; 23 - right paral-free trunk; 24 - rear staircase muscle; 25 - front staircase muscle; 26 - sympathetic trunk

    Fig. 179.Spinal artery right, side view:

    1 - Atlantic part of the vertebral artery; 2 - cross-aging (cervical) part of the vertebral artery; 3 - PRESENTAL part of the vertebral artery; 4 - ascending cervical artery; 5, 10 - total carotid artery; 6 - ascending cervical artery; 7 - lower thyroid artery; 8 is a paralular trunk; 9 - plug-in artery; 11 - appropriate artery; 12, 16 - internal chest artery; 13 - shoulder barrel; 14 - clavicle; 15 - sternum handle; 17 - I edge; 18 - II edge; 19 - the first rear interrochemical artery; 20 - the second rear intercostal artery; 21 - Middle Artery; 22 - the highest intercostal artery; 23 - downward blade artery; 24 - first breast vertebra; 25 - seventh cervical vertebra; 26 - rib-cervical trunk; 27 - deep cervical artery; 28 - intracranial part of the vertebral artery

    Fig. 180.Basil and inner carotid arteries in a skull cavity, a view of a skull cavity:

    1 - front brain artery; 2 - front connecting artery; 3 - internal carotid artery; 4 - right middle brain artery; 5 - rear connecting artery; 6 - rear brain artery; 7 - Basilar artery; 8 - right vertebral artery; 9 - front spinal artery; 10 - rear spinal artery; 11 - Left vertebral artery; 12 - rear bottom cerebellar artery; 13 - front bottom cerebeller artery; 14 - upper cerebellar artery; 15 - Front Village Artery; 16 - left medium brain artery

    Fig. 181.Arteries on the basis of the brain (part of the temporal share of the left is removed): 1 is a post-communal part of the anterior brain artery; 2 - front connecting artery; 3 - pre-commercial part of the anterior brain artery; 4 - internal carotid artery; 5 - Island arteries; 6 - medium brain artery; 7 - Front Pulling Artery; 8 - rear connecting artery; 9 is a pre-commercial part of the middle cerebral artery; 10 - post-communal part of the middle cerebral artery; 11 - Basilar artery; 12 - lateral occipital artery; 13 - Left vertebral artery; 14 - front spinal artery; 15 - rear lower cerebeller artery; 16 - front bottom cerebellar artery; 17 - Vascular plexus IV ventricle; 18 - bridge artery; 19 - upper cerebeller artery

    2. Inner thoracic artery(a. tHORACICA INTERNA)departs from the lower semicircle of the connector artery behind the clavicle and the connector vein, descends along the inner edge of the cartilage I rib; It takes place between intrathustrial fascia and rib cartilage to the sixth intercostal, which is divided into final arteries (Fig. 182, see Fig. 179). It sends branches to the fork glare, mediastincture, pericarde, sternum, breast, and also: front intercostal branches connecting with rear intercostal arteries, pericardo-diaphragmal (a. Pericardiacophrenica), muscular-diaphragmal (a. Musculophrenica) -to arricarde and diaphragm and upper Neshrenova

    Figure 182.Inner chest artery, rear view:

    1 - right-handed shoulder vein; 2 - top hollow vein; 3 - right inner chest artery; 4 - diaphragm; 5 - upper left artery; 6 - muscular arterium; 7 - Left inner chest artery; 8 - front interrochemical branches of inner chest artery; 9 - the sternum branches of the inner chest artery; 10 - medioched branches of the inner chest artery;

    11 - Left plug-in arteries

    (a. Epigastrica Superior) -the abdominal muscle, in the thickness of which anastomoses with the bottom left artery.

    3. Shoe trunk(truncus thyrocervicalis)- a short vessel, branched at the medial edge of the front staircase (Fig. 183) and divided into 4 artery:

    1)lower thyroid (a. Thyroidea Inferior) -giving branches to thyroid glands, larynx, sip, esophagus and trachea;

    2)ascending cervical (a. Cervicalis Ascendens);

    3)supported artery (a. Suprascapularis) -to the muscles of the shoulder belt and the blades;

    4)transverse artery neck (a. Trasversa Colli (Cervicis) -to the muscles of the neck and the blades.

    The last artery is more often departed from the third section of the subclavian artery (see below). In these cases, surface artery of the neck may be branched from the shielding trunk.

    Artery of the second department (see Fig. 179).

    Fig. 183.Shoe trunk, right, front view:

    1 - thyroid gland; 2 - vertebral artery; 3, 10 - right common carotid artery; 4 - right connectural artery and vein; 5 - parallery; 6 - apparent artery; 7 - cross-artery neck; 8 - lower thyroid artery; 9 - a diaphragmal nerve; 11 - internal jugular vein

    Rib-cervicalTRUNCUS COSTOCERVICALISleaving behind the front staircase muscle and divided into deep cervical artery (a. Cervicalis Profunda) -to the deep muscles of the neck and the highest intercostal artery (a. INTERCOSTALIS SUPREMA) -to the first two intercostals.

    The arteries of the third department (see Fig. 179).

    Cross artery neck(a. tRANSVERSA COLLI (CERVICIS)the duck from the front staircase muscle takes place between the trunks of the shoulder plexus to the lateral edge of the muscle, lifting the blade, where it is divided into the surface branch, going to the muscles of the shoulder belt, and deep - to the sublock and diamond muscles. In cases where the surface artery of the neck is separated from the palate barrel, the transverse artery of the neck, starting from the third section of the plug-in artery, continues to the deep branch that was named dorsal artery blades (a. Dorsalis Scapulae)and runs along the medial edge of this bone.

    General Sleepy Artery (a. Carotis Communis) -the steam room, on the right, departs from the shoulder barrel (Fig. 184, 185, see fig. 177), on the left - from the arc of aorta, so the left artery is longer than the right. Through the upper aperture chest These arterys are put up on the neck, where they are located on the sides of its organs in the composition of the vascular-nerve bundles of the neck, clutching by knutrice and the kleon from the inner jugular vein. Between them and behind them are a wandering nerve. Internally, almost all over the arc is covered with a breast-curable-luming muscle. In the sleeping triangle at the level of the top edge of the thyroid cartilage (III cervical vertebral), it is divided into inner and outer carotid artery (see Fig. 185). Side branches does not forms.

    Internal carotid artery (a. Carotis Interna)pair, departs from the total carotid artery at the level of the top edge of the thyroid cartilage; The artery distinguish 4 parts: cervical, stony, cavernous and brain (Fig. 186, 187, see Fig. 177, 180, 181).

    Neckline (Pars Cervicalis)begins thickening - sleepy sinus (Sinus Caroticus),the wall of which contains a rich nervous apparatus with a variety of baroque and chemoreceptors. In place of the development of the common carotid artery is located sleepy Glomus (Glomus Caroticus),containing glomble cells - chromaffinocytes producing mediators. Sleepy glomows and sinus make up sylocarotide reflexogenic zone,regulating blood flow to the brain.

    On the neck, the inner carotid artery is first located laterally of the outer carotid artery, then it is sent upwards and medially it goes between the inner jugular vein (outside) and the HLL

    Figure 184.General, outdoor and internal carotid artery in the neck area, right:

    1 - the parole branches of the surface temporal artery; 2 - Adjoke Artery; 3 - artery of the back of the nose; 4 - lateral nose arteries; 5 - corner artery; 6 - upper lip artery; 7 - lower lip artery; 8 - pre-class artery; 9 - facial artery; 10 - the adhesive branch of the paternal artery;

    11 - paternal artery; 12 - Upper Gunted Artery; 13 - upper thyroid artery; 14 - bifurcation of a carotid artery; 15 - carotid sinus; 16 - lower thyroid artery; 17 - total carotid artery; 18 - the paralular trunk; 19 - plug-in artery; 20 - cross artery neck; 21 - surface cervical artery; 22 - ascending cervical artery; 23 - the breast-entertaining branch of the outer carotid artery; 24, 27 - occipital artery; 25 - Outdoor carotid artery; 26 - internal carotid artery; 28 - ear branch of the occipital artery; 29 - Rear ear artery; 30 - transverse arteries of the face; 31 - Surface temporal artery; 32 - Scoillrapy Artery

    Fig. 185.Right carotid arteries in the triangle of the same name:

    1 - rear ear artery; 2 - varnish iron; 3 - Outdoor carotid artery; 4 - facial artery; 5 - pre-class artery; 6 - contractile gland; 7 - paternal artery; 8 - the above-handed branch of the paternal artery; 9 - Upper Gunted Artery; 10 - upper thyroid artery;

    11 - cross artery neck; 12 - surface cervical artery; 13 - Sleepy Triangle; 14 - bifurcation of a carotid artery; 15 - internal carotid artery; 16 - Growing Artery

    ca (from within) and reaches the outer aperture of the sleepy canal. The branches do not give up on the neck. Stony part (Pars Pertrosa)located in the sleepy canal of the pyramid of the temporal bone and is surrounded by thick venous and nervous plexuses; Here, the artery moves from the vertical position to the horizontal. Within the channel from it depart sleep drum arteries (AA. Caroticotimpanicae),penetrating through the holes in the wall of the canal into the drum cavity, where they are anastomized with the front drum and vessels of the arteries.

    PARS CAVERNOSAit begins at the outlet of the sleepy channel when the inner carotid article, passing through the torn hole, enters into the cavernous venous sinus and is located in the sleeping groove, forming the so-called siphon in the form of the letter S. The bendes of the siphon attaches an important role in the wemption of the pulse wave. Within the cavernous sinus from the inner carotid artery: basal branchto note (R. basalis Tentorii), edge branchto note (R. marginalis Tentorii)and meningheal branch (r. Meningeus)- to the solid sheath of the brain; branches for a trigester (RR. Ganglinares Trigeminales), branches for nerves(triple, block) (RR. Nervorum); Branch to the cavernous sinus (r. Sinus Cavernosi)and lower pituitary artery (a. Hypophyisialis Inferior) -to the pituitary.

    Brain Party (Pars Cerebralis) -the shortest (Fig. 188, 189, see Fig. 180, 181, 187). Upon exit from the cavernous sinus, the artery gives upper pituitary artery (a. Hypophysialis Superior)to the pituitary branches for Skate (RR. Clivales)- to a solid shell in the skate area; eye, front milling, rear connecting arteriesand divided into finite branches: frontand medium brain artery.

    Eye artery(a. ophthalmica)it follows through the visual channel together with the visual nerve in the eyeboard (see Fig. 187). It is located between the specified nerve and the uppermost muscle; in the upper nuclear corner of the socket, the block is divided into adjust artery.(but. supratrochlearis)and dorsal nose artery (a. Dorsalis NASI).The eye artery gives a number of branches to the eye and tear gland, as well as branches going on face: medialand lateral artery artery (AA. Palpebreles Mediales et Laterales),forming joint anastomoses of the arc of the upper and lower eyelids ARCUS PALPEBRES SIPERIOR ET INFERIOR); Supervised artery (a. SupraorBitalis)to the frontal muscle and skin of the forehead; rearand the front lattice artery (AA. Ethmoidales Posterior et Anterior) -to the cells of the lattice labyrinth and the nasal cavity (from the front

    go front meningheal branch (R. Meningeus Anterior)to a solid cerebral shell).

    Front porcelain artery(a. choroidea Anterior) -the thin branch, departs from the rear surface of the inner carotid artery, goes along the visual path to the lower horn of the lateral ventricle of the final brain, gives the branches to the brain and enters the vascular plexus of the side ventricle.

    Rear connecting artery(a. cOMMUNICANS POSTERIOR)connects the inner carotid artery with the rear cerebral artery

    (See Fig. 180, 181).

    Front brain artery(a. cerebri Anterior)it goes on the medial surface of the frontal lobe of the brain, bearing first to the olfactory triangle, then in the longitudinal slit of the big brain goes to the upper surface of the corn body; Breakfasts the final brain. Not far from its beginning, the right and left front brain arteries are connected by front connecting artery (a. Communicans Anterior)(See Fig. 181, 188).

    Fig. 186.Internal carotid artery, view of the right:

    1 - Adjoke Artery; 2 - artery of the back of the nose; 3 - Long rear eye artery; 4 - supporting artery; 5 - front upper alveolar artery; 6 - corner artery; 7 - rear upper alveolar artery; 8 - ascending roasting artery; 9 - deep arteries of the language; 10 - subwage artery; 11 - facial artery (cut); 12 - paternal artery; 13 - the adhesive branch of the paternal artery; 14 - Outdoor carotid artery; 15 - upper thyroid artery; 16 - Upper Gunted Artery; 17 - the breast-curable-bed-like branch (cut); 18 - branches of the upper thyroid artery; 19 - lower thyroid artery; 20 - esophageal branches; 21, 35 - general carotid artery; 22 - tracheal branches of the lower thyroid artery; 23, 36 - vertebral artery; 24 - internal chest artery; 25 - shoulder barrel; 26 - plug-in artery; 27 - edge-cervical barrel; 28 - the highest interrochemical artery; 29 - the paralular trunk; 30 - Adoptup artery; 31 - Deep cervical artery; 32 - ascending cervical artery; 33 - transverse process VI cervical vertebra; 34 - Pipper branches; 37, 50 - internal carotid artery; 38 - ascending pharyngeal artery; 39 - occipital artery; 40 - the Atlantic part of the vertebral artery; 41 - intracranial part of the right vertebral artery; 42 - Left vertebral artery; 43 - Lower drum artery; rear arteries of a solid cerebral shell; 44 - rear meningeal artery; 45 - Basilar artery; 46 - maxillary artery; 47 - Chatoidal artery; 48 - rear brain artery; 49 - rear connecting artery; 51 - eye artery; 52 - rear short decoration artery; 53 - rear lattice artery; 54 - Non-chassal artery; 55 - front lattice artery

    Fig. 187.Cave and brain parts of the inner carotid artery (eye artery, the top wall of the orbit is removed):

    1 - supervised artery; 2 - block; 3 - scales of the frontal bone; 4 - tear gland; 5 - rear short rash artery; 6 - tear artery; 7 - eye artery; 8, 9 - internal carotid artery; 10 - central retinal artery; 11 - rear lattble artery and vein; 12 - front meningeal artery; 13 - front lattice artery and vein; 14 - rear long lattice artery and veins

    Medium brain artery(a. Cerebri Media)large, located in the lateral furrow, which dates up and laterally; gives branches to the final marrow (see Fig. 181, 189).

    As a result of the compounds of all brain arteries: the front brain through the anterior connecting, middle and rear brain - rear connecting - on the basis of the brain is formed arterial Circle of Big Brain(Circulus ARTERIOSUS CEREBRI),having important for collateral blood circulation in brain arterial pools (see Fig. 181).

    Fig. 188.Arteries on the medial and lower surfaces of the Hemisphere of the brain:

    1 - corn body; 2 - arch; 3, 7 - front brain artery; 4 - rear brain artery; 5 - rear connecting artery; 6 - Internal carotid artery

    Fig. 189.The branches of the medium cerebral artery on the dorsolateral surface of the hemispheres of the brain

    Outdoor carotid artery (a. Carotis Externa)the steam room, runs from the bifurcation of the total carotid artery to the level of the lower jaw neck, where in the thickness of the near-dry salivary gland, it is divided into terminal branches - the maxillary and surface temporal arteries (Fig. 190, see Fig. 177, 184, 185). From it, branches are deployed to the walls of the oral and nasal cavities, the tile of the skull, to the solid sheath of the brain.

    On the neck, within the carotid triangle, the outer carotid artery is covered with facial, pagan and upper thyroid veins, lies with a superficial internal carotid artery. Here, the branches of the Kepened, medial and the stop.

    Front branches:

    Top thyroid artery(a. thyroidea Superior)it moves close to the bifurcation of the total carotid artery below the large horns of the sub-band bone, it goes arcuately forward and down to the upper pole of the thyroid gland (Fig. 191, see Fig. 177, 184, 186). Anastomoses with the lower thyroid artery and the upper thyroid artery of the opposite side. Got subjective branch (r. infrahyoideus), breast-curable-length-like branch (r. Sternocleidomastoideus)and upper Gundy Artery (A. Laringea Superior),the accompanying top of the mountain nerve and the blood supply and the mucous membrane of the larynx above the voice slot.

    Pethenage artery(but. lingualis)it begins on the outer carotid artery, it goes up and the kleri on the average pharmaceutical resistance to the top of a large horn of the sub-band, which intersects with an approximate nerve (Fig. 192, 193, see Fig. 177, 184-186, 191). Next, there is a medial of the sub-band-paternal muscle, respectively, the Pirogov triangle (some authors call it a pagan triangle; it is limited in front of the edge of the maxillary-speaking muscle, from below - the tendon of the two-dimensional muscles, from above -

    Fig. 190.Outdoor carotid artery, view of the left (the branch of the lower jaw removed): 1 is the frontal branch of the surface temporal artery; 2 - the dark branch of the surface artery; 3 - Surface temporal artery; 4 - rear ear artery; 5 - occipital artery; 6 - maxillary artery; 7, 11 - ascending pharyngeal artery; 8 - ascending roasting artery; 9, 15 - facial artery; 10 - Pennaya Artery; 12 - upper thyroid artery; 13 - almond facial artery branch; 14 - pre-class artery; 16 - chin artery; 17 - lower lip artery; 18 - Upper Lifting Artery; 19 - cheat artery; 20 - descending roasting artery; 21 - Wedge-shaped artery; 22 - under-judicial artery; 23 - angular artery; 24 - arteries of the back of the nose; 25 - Adjoke Artery; 26 - Lower Alveolar Artery; 27 - Middle Meningheal Artery

    Fig. 191.Top thyroid and tongue artery, front view: 1 - Podium Iron; 2 - left sublingual artery and vein; 3 - Left deep arteries of the language; 4, 14 - outer carotid artery; 5 - Left upper thyroid artery; 6 - bifurcation of the total carotid artery; 7 - Upper Gunted Artery; 8 - Shared carotid artery; 9 - thyroid cartilage; 10 - left fraction of the thyroid gland; 11 - right share thyroid gland; 12 - ferrous branches of the right upper thyroid artery; 13 - Podium bone; 15 - right upper thyroid artery; 16 - right paternal arteries; 17, 19 is the right subwinding artery (cut); 18 - Right Deep Artery Language

    Figure 192.Petniary Artery, Left view:

    1 - paternal artery; 2 - Outdoor carotid artery; 3 - internal jugular vein; 4 - facial vein; 5 - Page Vienna; 6 - Advanced Artery; 7 - Dorsal Artery language; 8 - subsidiary duct; 9 - artery in the bridle of the language; 10 - Deep artery language and accompanying veins

    Fig. 193.Pennaya artery in the pagan triangle, side view: 1 - facial artery and vein; 2 - contractile gland; 3 - Podium-tongue muscle; 4 - sub-public nerve; 5 is a pagan triangle; 6, 9 - paternal artery; 7 - tendon of the bubbly muscle; 8 - Podium bone; 10 - external carotid artery; 11 - parole iron; 12 - Shielded Muscle

    approximate nerve). Continues in the language as deep artery language (a. PROFUNDA LINGUAE)and goes to the top of the tongue. Got adjustable branch (r. Suprahyoideus)to the adhesive muscles; sublard artery (a. sublingualis),passing forward and lateral and blood supplying sublingual salivary gland and mucous membrane bottom oral cavity; dorsal Language Branches (RR. Dorsales Linguae)- 1-3 branches, ascending to the back of the tongue and blood supplying soft pawn, the epiglotter, a chicken almond.

    Facial artery(a. facialis)it moves close to the angle of the lower jaw, often a common barrel with a pagan arterier (pagan-facial trunk, truncus linguofacialis),awards forward and up the upper patch constructor medially rear abdomen of the two-minded muscles and the tidy-speaking muscle (see Fig. 177, 184). Next comes on the deep surface of the subband salivary gland, driving through the base of the lower jaw ahead of the chewing muscle and goes back to the medial corner of the eye slot, where it ends angular artery (a. angularis).The latter anastomoses with the dorsal artery of the nose.

    Artery to neighboring organs depart from the facial artery:

    1)ascending arteries (a. Palatina Ascendens)it comes upstairs between the cylinder and shill-speaking muscles, penetrates through the phase phasmarity and supplies the blood of the throat muscles, a soft almond, a soft packed;

    2)almondlikovaya branch (r. Tonsillaris)performing the upper assembly of the pharynx and branches in the pharyngeal almond and the root of the language (see Fig. 186);

    3)ferrous branches (RR. Glandulares)go to the subband salivary gland;

    4)sub-arrangement artery (a. submentalis)departs from the facial artery at the place of her inflection through the base of the lower jaw and goes the kleon under the maxillary-speaking muscle, giving the branches to her and to the two-dimensional muscle, then approaches the chin, where it is divided into surface branchto the chin I. deep branchperforating maxillary-lifting muscle and blood supply to the bottom of the oral cavity and the sublard salivary gland;

    5)lower lift artery (a. Labalis Inferior)it takes place below the angle of the mouth, it will cut down between the mucous membrane of the lower lip and the circular muscle of the mouth, connecting with the same arteries of the other side; gives branches to the bottom lip;

    6) top loving artery (a. Labalis Superior)departs at the level of the corner of the mouth and passes in the sublifted layer of the upper lip; Anastomizes with the artery of the opposite side of the opposite side, constituting the near-eye arterial circle. Gives branches to the upper lip.

    Medial branch:

    Rising pharyngeal artery(a. Pharyngea Ascendens) -the thinnest of the cervical branches; The pair, it takes off near the bifurcation of the total carotid artery, passes up, deeper in the inner carotid artery, to the throat and the base of the skull (see Fig. 186). Blood supply to the throat, soft packed and gives rear Meningkeal Artery (A. Meningea Posterior)to a solid cerebral shell and lower drum artery (a. Tympanica Inferior)to the medial wall of the drum cavity.

    Rear branches:

    Growing artery(a. Occipitalis)it starts from the rear surface of the outer carotid artery, opposite the beginning of the face artery, go up and back between the sternum-curable-cottage and dummy muscles to the mastoid process, where it falls into the cottage clipping and in the subcutaneous fiber, the backbone branches up to the pattern (Fig. 194, cm . Fig. 177, 184, 185). Got breast-entertainment branches (RR. SternocleIdomastoidei)to the muscle of the same name; ear branch (r. Auricularis) -to the ear shell; growing branches (RR. Occipitals) -to the muscles and skin of the nape; meningeal branch (r. Meningeus) -to solid cerebral shell and downward branch (r. Descendens) -to the rear group of the muscles of the neck.

    Rear ear artery(but. auricilaris Posterior)sometimes a common barrel with a stilt artery from the rear semicircle of the outer carotid artery, at the level of the tip of the cylinder proceeding, is ascebated by the Kossekiye and upstairs between the cartilaginous outer auditory passage and the maternity process in the ear zone (see Fig. 177, 184, 185, 194). Separate branch to parotide (r. parotideus),brewells muscles and skin head (r. Occipitalis)and ear sink (r. Auricularis).One of its branches - playing Aid Artery (a. Stylomastoidea)penetrates the drum cavity through the veil hole and the front of the face nerve, gives the branches to the facial nerve, as well as rear drum artery (a. Tympanica Posterior),that sucepical branches (RR. Mastoidei)the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the drum cavity and the cells of the mastoid process (Fig. 195). The rear ear artery anastomoses with the branches of the front ear and occipital arteries and with the dark branches of the surface temporal artery.

    Fig. 194.Outdoor carotid artery and its branches, side view: 1 - frontal branch of surface temporal artery; 2 - Front deep temporal artery; 3 - supporting artery; 4 - supervised artery; 5 - Advanced artery; 6 - maxillary artery; 7 - the artery of the back of the nose; 8 - rear upper alveolar artery; 9 - corner artery; 10 - under-judicial artery; 11 - chewing artery; 12 - side nose branch of the face artery; 13 - cheat artery; 14 - the wingid branch of the maxillary artery; 15, 33 - facial vein; 16 - upper lip artery; 17, 32 - Facial artery; 18 - lower lip artery; 19 - dental branches of the lower alveolar artery; 20 - chiffering branch of the lower alveolar artery; 21 - pre-class artery; 22 - subband salivary iron; 23 - ferruginous branches of the facial artery; 24 - thyroid gland; 25 - total carotid artery;

    On the face of the outer carotid artery is located in the railless beam, in the parenchyma of the near-dry salivary gland or deeper, the kleon and the lateral of the inner carotid artery. At the level of the lower jaw, it is divided into final branches: topless and surface temporal artery.

    Surface temporal artery(a. Temporalis superficialis) -thin finite branch of the outer carotid artery (see Fig. 177, 184, 194). It lies first in the near-dry salivary gland ahead of the ear shell, hereinafter - above the root of the zylomal process goes under the skin and is located behind an earnest nerve in the temporal area. Somewhat above the ear shell is divided into final branches:front frontal (r. Frontalis),and rear dark (r. parietalis),the blood supplying skin of the same name of the skull arch regions. From surface temporal artery branches for parotidei (RR. Parotidei), front ear branches (RR. Auriculares Anteriores)to the ear shell. In addition, larger branches will be departed from it:

    1)cross Artery Face (a. Transversa Faciei)it is branched in the thickness of the parole salivary gland below the outer auditory passage, it comes out from under the front edge of the gland together with the flip branches of the facial nerve and branches over the stubborn branch; Breasts the gland and muscles of the face. Anastomoses with the facial and under-judicial arteries;

    2)sculproinant artery (a. zygomaticifacialis)it departs above the outer auditory passage, goes along the zilly arc between the plates of the temporal fascia to the lateral corner of the eye slit; blood supply to the skin and subcutaneous formations in the region of the zick bone and the eye;

    3)medium temporal artery (a. Temporaalis Media)he moves over the zilly arc, perforates the temporal fascia; blood supply to the temporal muscle; Anastomoses with deep temporal arteries.

    26 - Upper Gunted Artery; 27 - Top thyroid artery; 28 - internal carotid artery; 29, 38 - outer carotid artery; 30 - Internal jugular vein; 31 - Pennaya Artery; 34 - Rangeless Vienna; 35, 41 - occipital artery; 36 - Lower Alveolar Artery; 37 - the maxillary-lift branch of the lower alveolar artery; 39 - a mastoid process; 40 - maxillary artery; 42 - rear ear artery; 43 - Middle meningeal artery; 44 - transverse artery face; 45 - rear deep temporal artery; 46 - average temporal artery; 47 - Surface temporal artery; 48 - dark branch of surface temporal artery

    Fig. 195.Artery of the middle ear:

    a - view from the inside to the drum wall: 1 - the upper branch of the front drum artery; 2 - branches of anterior drum artery to anvil; 3 - rear drum artery; 4 - Deep ear artery; 5 - the lower branch of the deep drum artery; 6 - front drum artery;

    b - view from the inside to the labyrinth wall: 1 - the upper branch of the front drum artery; 2 - Upper drum artery; 3 - Sleepy-drum artery; 4 - Lower drum artery

    Topper artery(but. maxillaRis) -the final branch of the outer carotid artery, but larger than the surface temporal artery (Fig. 196, see Fig. 177, 194). It departs in the near-dry salivary gland behind and below the temporomandibular joint, there is a kleri between the branch of the lower jaw and the walled-mandibular bundle in parallel and below the initial part of the earnest nerve. It is located on the medial walled muscle and the branches of the mandibular nerve (pagan and lower alveolar), then goes forward along the lateral (sometimes medial) surface of the lower head of the lateral wing muscle, comes between the heads of this muscle into the walled-like hole, where gives the final branches.

    Topographically highlight 3 parts of the maxillary artery: mandibular (Pars MandiBularis); Worlenoid (Pars Pterygoidea)and wondergopalatina (Pars Prahygopalatina).

    The branches of the mandibular part (Fig. 197, see Fig. 194, 196):

    Deep ear artery(a. auricularis PROFUNDA)it takes back and up to the outer auditory passage, gives branches to the eardrum.

    Front drum artery(a. tympanica Anterior)penetrates the drum-scaly gap into the drum cavity, supplies the blood of its walls and the eardrum. Often leaving a common barrel with a deep ear artery. Anastomoses with the artery of the walled canal, the veil and the rear drum arteries.

    Middle meningeal artery(a. meningea Media)rises between the wonderland-mandibular bundle and the head of the lower jaw on the medial surface of the lateral wonderland muscle, between the roots of an earnest nerve to an oestoid hole and through it enters the solid sheath of the brain. It usually lies in the furrow of scales of temporal bone and the groove of the parietal bone. Divided by branches: Dreadful (R. parietalis), frontal (r. Frontalis)and eye (r. Orbitalis).Anastomoses with the inner carotid artery through anastomotic branch with a tear artery (r. Anastomoticum Cum a. Lacrimalis).Puting also stony branch (r. Petrosus)to triple node upper drum artery (a. Tympanica Superior)to the drum cavity.

    Lower Alveolar Artery(a. alveolaris Inferior)descends between the medial walled muscle and the branch of the lower jaw along with the lower alveolar nerve to the hole of the lower jaw. Before entering the channel of the lower jaw gives maxillary-lifting branch (r. mylohyoideus),which is located in the sampling of the same name and the blood supply to the maxillary and medial wallel

    muscles. In the channel, the lower alveolar artery gives to the teeth dental branches (RR. Dentales),which through the holes on the top of the tooth root fall into the root canals, as well as to the walls of the dental alveoli and to the gums - river-free branches (RR. Peridentales).At the level of the 1st (or 2nd) small native tooth from the channel of the lower jaw from the lower alveolar artery, through the chin hole is branched choining artery (a. Mentalis)to the chin.

    The branches of the wonder part (Fig. 197, see Fig. 194, 196): Chewing artery(but. masseTerica)it goes down and the duck through the cutting of the lower jaw to the deep layer of the chewing muscle; Gives a branch to the temporomandibular joint.

    Deep temporal arteries, front and rear(AA. temporales Profundae Anterior Et Posterior)go to the temporal hole, located between the temporal muscle and bone. Blood supply to the temporal muscle. Anastomosy with surface and medium temporal and tear arteries.

    Worfall branches(RR. pterygoidei)supplies with blood wonder muscles.

    Pickup artery(a. buccalis)it passes along with the pep nerve forward between the medial walled muscle and the branch of the lower jaw to the penette muscle, in which it is divided; Anastomoses with the facial artery.

    The branches of the wonderland part (Fig. 198, see Fig. 186):

    Fig. 196.Topper arteries:

    a - view from the outside (the branch of the jaws is removed): 1 - anterior deep temporal artery and nerve; 2 - rear deep temporal artery and nerve; 3 - chewing artery and nerve; 4 - maxillary artery; 5 - Surface temporal artery; 6 - rear earring; 7 - Outdoor carotid artery; 8 - lower alveolar artery; 9 - medial walled artery and muscle; 10 - cheek artery and nerve; 11 - rear upper alveolar artery; 12 - under-judicial artery; 13 - Wedge-shaped artery; 14 - lateral wonderland artery and muscle;

    b - view from the outside on the nasal cavity partition: 1 - Wedge-shaped artery; 2 - downward roasting artery; 3 - artery of the walled canal; 4 - front deep temporal artery and nerve; 5 - rear deep temporal artery and nerve; 6 - middle meningeal artery; 7 - Deep ear artery; 8 - front drum artery; 9 - surface temporal artery; 10 - external carotid artery; 11 - chewing artery; 12 - walled arteries; 13 - small roast arteries; 14 - large kind of artery; 15 - cutting artery; 16 - cheat artery; 17 - Rear Upper Alveolar Artery; 18 - Nosno-artery; 19 - Rear Partitioner Artery

    Fig. 197.Branches of the mandibular part of the maxillary artery:

    1 - front drum artery;

    2-deep ear artery; 3 - rear earring; 4 - Outdoor carotid artery; 5 - maxillary artery; 6 - Middle Meningheal Arteries

    Fig. 198.Topper artery in a walled-nicheme (scheme): 1 - Cutting unit; 2 - ply-fagant artery and nerve in the bottom of the orphanage; 3 - Wedge-shaped hole; 4 - Wedge-shaped artery rear top nose nerves; 5 - pharyngeal branch of the maxillary artery; 6 - Big Dog Channel; 7 - Big rooftic artery; 8 - Small Nebault Artery; 9 - downward roasting artery; 10 - artery and nerve of the walled canal; 11 - maxillary artery; 12 - walled-upper-eyed gap; 13 - Round hole

    Back Upper Alveolar Artery(a. alveolaris Superior Posterior)it departs at the venue of the maxillary artery in the walidoid hole behind the Bug of the Upper Jaw. Through the rear upper alveolar holes penetrate into the bone; divided by dental branches (RR. Dentales),passing along with the rear upper alveolar nerves into the alveolar channels in the rear agent wall of the upper jaw to the roots of the upper large indigenous teeth. From dental branches occorn branches (RR. Peridentales)to the tissues surrounding the roots of the teeth.

    PRIPRAORNY ARTERIY(a. infraorBitalis)it is branched in a wallad odor, being a continuation of the trunk of the maxillary artery, accompanies the supporting nerve. Together with the under-judicial nerve through the bottom of the ordro, enters the orphanage, where it is located in the Srozde of the same name and in the canal. It turns out through the under-judicial hole in the canine fossa. Finite branches supply adjacent facial formations with blood. Anastomosy with eye, cheek and face arteries. In the eye sends branches to the eye muscles, tears. Through the eponymous channels of the upper jaw gives front Upper Alveolar Arteries (AA. Alveolares Superiors Anterior Et Posterior),from which to the roots of the teeth and near-thesis (RR. Peridentales)direct dental branches (RR. Dentales).

    Artery of the Chat Canal(a. canalis Pterygoidei)often departs from the downlink artery, headed in the channel of the same name along with the nerve of the upper pharynx; Heavy tube, mucous membrane of the drum cavity and the nasal part of the pharynx.

    Downward rooftic artery(a. palatine Descendens)passes in a large packer canal, where it is divided into large roast artery (a. Palatine Major)and small roast arteries (AA. Palatinae minores),exiting, respectively, through large and small roasting holes on the palate. Small nebatic arterys go to a soft nebu, and the latter applies to the kepened, the blood supply is solved and the oral surfaces of the gums. Anastomoses with an upward root artery.

    Wedge-shaped artery(a. sphenopalatina)goes through the hole in the same name in nasal cavity And divided by rear nasal lateral artery (AA. Nasalis Posteriors Laterales)and rear partition branches (RR. Septales Posteriors).Breaks the rear cells of the lattice labyrinth, the mucous membrane of the side wall of the nasal cavity and the nasal partition; Anastomoses with a large roasting artery (Table 13).

    Table 13.Innemistant anastomoses of the arteries of the head and neck

    Questions for self-control

    1. What branches are departed from the subclavian artery in each of the departments?

    2. What vertebral artery branches do you know? What arteries does she anastomizes?

    3. Where is the shoal trunk? What branches does he give?

    4. What parts are topographically distinguished in the inner carotid artery?

    5. What branches depart from each part of the inner carotid artery?

    6. What arteries are bloodsmaping the contents of the soccer?

    7. What arteries are the arterial circle of the big brain formed?

    8. How can you imagine the topography of the outer carotid artery?

    9. What is the front branches of the outer carotid artery are you known?

    10. What is the trunk of the face artery occupy?

    11. What arteries are departed from the facial artery? What anastomoses have facial artery?

    12. What arterys depart from the upper-eyed artery in each part of it?

    13. What do you know the anastomosis of the maxillary artery?

    (a. Meningea Media, PNA, BNA; a. Meningica Media, JNA) See the list of Anat. Terms.

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  • 5. The main stages of heart development.
  • 6. Features of the blood circulation of the fetus and its changes after birth.
  • 7. Heart: topography, chamber structure and valve apparatus.
  • 8. The structure of the walls of the atria and ventricles. Conductive heart system.
  • 9. Blood supply and innervation of the heart. Regional lymph nodes (!!!).
  • 10. Pericard: structure, sinuses, blood supply, venous and lymphatic outflow, innervation (!!!).
  • 11. AORTA: Departments, topography. Branches of the ascending department and arc of aorta.
  • 12. Shared carotid artery. Outdoor carotid artery, its topography and the overall characteristics of the side and end branches.
  • 13. Outdoor carotid artery: front group of branches, their topography, blood supply area.
  • 14. Outdoor carotid artery: medial and finite branches, their topography, region of blood supply.
  • 15. Topper arteries: topography, branches and blood supply.
  • 16. Subclavian artery: topography, branches and blood supply.
  • 17. Blood supply of the head and spinal cord (internal carotid and vertebral artery). Formation of the arterial circle of a large brain, its branches.
  • 18. Inner jugular vein: topography, inside and extra charge.
  • 19. Brain veins. Venous sinus solid cerebral shells, their connection with the outer vein system (deep and surface veins of the face), emissary and diploic veins.
  • 20. Surface and deep veins of persons, their topography, anastomosis.
  • 21. Top hollow vein and shoulder veins, their formation, topography, tributaries.
  • 22. General principles of structure and function of the lymphatic system.
  • 23. Breastbank: formation, parts, topography, tributaries.
  • 24. Right lymphatic duct: formation, parts, topography, place of sign in venous bed.
  • 25. Ways of the outflow of lymphs from the tissues and organs of the head and regional lymph nodes.
  • 26. Ways of outflow of lymphs from tissues and neck organs and regional lymph nodes.
  • 15. Topper arteries: topography, branches and blood supply.

    Topper artery (A.MaxillaRis) is also the final branch of the outer carotid artery, but the larger than the surface temporal artery. The initial part of the artery is covered with the lateral side of the branch of the lower jaw. Artery reaches (at the level of the lateral wing like muscle) to the advantage and further to the walled-sky pits, where disintegrates on its end branches. Accordingly, the topography of the maxillary artery in it is distinguished by three departments: mining, wonder-shaped and wonderland-palate. From the maxillary artery within her Maxim Department The following artery moves:

    1) Deep ear artery (a.auricularis profunda) goes to the liquid-leisure joint, external auditory passage and eardrum;

    2) Front drum artery (A.Tympanica Anterior) through the rocky-drum gap of the temporal bone follows the mucous membrane of the drum cavity;

    3) Lower Alveolar Artery (A.alvelaris Inferior) is large, entering the channel of the lower jaw and gives the dental branches on its path (RR.Dentales). This arterie leaves the channel through the chiffer hole as a chiner (A.Mentalis), which is branched in the Mimic muscles and in the skin of the chin. Before entering the channel from the lower alveolar artery, a slim-in-lore branch (R.Mylohyoideus) is branched down to the muscle of the same name and the front abdomen of the bubbly muscle;

    4) Middle Meningheal Artery (A.Meningea Media) is the largest of all arteries that feed the solid shell of the brain. This artery penetrates the skull's cavity through an awesome hole of the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone, gives the upper drum artery (A.Tympdnica Sup6Rior), flowing through the muscle channel, pulling the eardrum, to the mucous membrane of the drum cavity, as well as the frontal and dark branches (RR. Frontalis et parietalis) to a solid cerebral shell. Before entering an oestoid hole from the middle meningeal artery, it departs a duletny branch (R.Accessorius), which first, before entering the cavity of the skull, blood supply to the walled muscles and the hearing tube, and then passing through the oval hole inside the skull, sends branches to solid cerebral shell and triple node.

    Within Wonderful department From the upper-eyed artery, branches that feed the chewing muscles are departed:

    1) Chewing Arteries (A.Masseterica) goes to the muscle of the same name;

    2) Front and rear deep temporal arteries (Aa.Tempordles Profundae Anterior et Posterior) go to the crowd of the temporal muscle;

    3) Wonderful branches (RR.PteryGoidei) go to the muscles of the same name;

    4) cheat artery (A.Bucalis) is sent to the cheek's peel and mucosa;

    5) Rear Upper Alveolar Artery (A.alvelaris Superior Posterior) through the same holes in the top of the upper jaw penetrates the maxillary sinus and blood supply to its mucous membrane, and its dental branches (RR.Dentales) - teeth and gums of the upper jaw.

    From the third - Worfall-sky department Three final branches depart up the topless artery:

    1) Suppleague artery (A.INFRAORBITDLIS) passes into the orphanage through the lower eye slit, where gives the branches to the lower straight and oblique muscles of the eye. Then, through the supporting hole, this artery goes through the channel of the same name on the face and blood supply to the Mimic muscles located in the thicker of the upper lip, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and the lower eyelid, and the skin covering them. Here, the supporting artery anastomoses with the branches of the facial and surface temporal arteries. In the attribute channel from the subordinate artery, the front Upper Alveolar Arteries (AA.alveoldres Superiors Anteriores), which give the dental branches (RR.Dent & LES) to the teeth of the upper jaw;

    2) downward pacific arteries (A.Palatma Descendens), giving first an artery of a walled channel (A.Canalis Pterygo "IDEI) to the top of the pharynx and the auditory pipe and passing through a small parallery, blood supply to a solid and soft sky through large and small pacific arteries (AA.palatinae Major et minores); gives a wedge-shaped artery (a.sphenopalatina), which passes through the hole in the nasal cavity, and the lateral rear nasal artery (AA.Nasales Posteriores Lat- Erales) and the rear sectional branches (RR. Septales Posteriores) to the nasal mucosa.

    Vertebral artery (A.VERTEBRDLIS) is the largest branch of the plug-in artery, departs from its upper semicircle at the level of the VII cervical vertebra. It highlights 4 parts: between the front staircase and the neck of the neck is located Poverty part Pars Prevertebrilis. Next, the vertebral artery is sent to the VI cervical vertebra - it is her cross-stroke [cervical] part (Pars Trans-Versaria, S.cervicalis), it passes up through the transverse holes of the VI-II cervical vertebrae. Coming out of the cross hole of the cervical vertebra, the vertebral artery turns laterally and goes into Atlanta part (Pars Atlantica). Having passed through the opening in the cross process of Atlanta, the artery envelopes behind his upper articular fossa (the surface) will perform the rear atlantozatilochyl membrane, and then the solid shell of the spinal cord (in the spine channel) and through a large occipital hole enter the skull cavity. Here is it intracranial part (Pars intracranialis). Behind the brain bridge, this artery is connected with a similar artery of the opposite side, forming a basilar artery. From the second, cross-stroke, part of the vertebral artery deposit [root] branches (RR.spindles, S.Radiculares), penetrating through intervertebral holes to the spinal cord, and muscle in e t- in and (RR.Musculares), going to deep muscles Neck. All other branches are separated from the intracranial part of the vertebral artery:

    1) meningeal branches (RR.Meningei; Total 2-3) are sent to the solid cerebral sheath of the brain in the rear cranial fossa;

    2) rear spinal artery (A.Spinalis Posterior) envelopes outside the oblong brain, and then along the rear surface of the spinal cord, descends down, anatomosing with the arterial artery of the opposite side;

    3) front spinal artery (a.spinilis anterior) is connected to the artery of the opposite side in the unpaired vessel, heading down in the depth of the front gap of the spinal cord;

    4) rear lower cerebelchik artery (Right and left) (A.INFERIOR POSTERIOR CEREBELLI), having encouraged the brain, branches into the rear of the underwent cerebellum departments.

    - Basilar artery (A.Basilaris) is an unpaired vessel, located in the Basilar Basilar Basil of the bridge (Fig. 90). At the level of the front edge of the bridge, it is divided into two final branches - the rear right and left brain artery. From the Basilar artery trunk:

    1) Front bottom cerebeller artery, right and left (A.INFERIOR ANTERIOR CEREBELLI), branched on the lower surface of the cerebellum; T.

    2) Artery Maze, right and left (A.Labynnthi), pass alongside the sentence and sniffy nerves (VIII Couple card nerves) through the internal hearing passage to the inner ear;

    3) artery bridge (aa.pontis) blood supply bridge;

    4) Middle-Section Artery (AA, MeSENCEPHALICAE) are sent to the middle brain;

    5) upper cerebeller artery, Right and left (A.Superior Cerebelli), branches in the upper cerebellum departments.

    - rear brain artery (A.Cerebri Posterior) goes behind and up, envelopes the leg of the brain, branches on the lower surface of the temporal and occipital fraction of the hemisphere of a large brain, gives the cortical and central (deep) branches. The rear cerebral artery has rear connecting artery (from the inner carotid artery), as a result of which it is formed Arterial (Willisyev) Large Brain (Cir- Culus ARTERIOSUS CEREBRI).

    The right and left rear brain arteries are involved in the formation of this circle, closing the arterial circle from behind (see Fig. 90). The rear brain artery with the inner sleepy on each side connects rear

    n and the bodies of art Etia.The front part of the arterial circle of the big brain closes Front connecting arterylocated between the right and left front cerebral arteriesextending M and respectively on the right and left domestic carotid arteries. The arterial circle of the big brain is located on its foundation in the subpasy space. It covers in front and from the sides of the auditorium; Rear connecting arteries lie on the sides of the hypothalamus, Rear brain artery There are ahead of the bridge.

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