Meta-subject skills as a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard. Formation of subject and meta-subject skills in English lessons

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution
higher education


Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute -

branch of the Siberian federal university

Faculty additional education


Department of General Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines


History and social studies

name of the professional retraining program



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IEC Chairman ___________M.I. Kudankina

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REC members ___________A.V. Pelenkova

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___________ N.G. Kharitonov

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Supervisor _________N.G. Kharitonov

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Listener _________S.V. Turov

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Lesosibirsk 2016

Formation of subject skills in history lessons (on the example of the section: "Greco-Persian Wars")



The final attestation work on the topic: "Formation of subject skills in history lessons (on the example of the section:" Greco-Persian Wars ")" contains 52 pages of a text document, 2 tables, 3 figures, 35 sources used.


The purpose of the work: to identifyfeatures of the formation of subject skills in history lessons.

Object of study:subject skills in history lessons.

Subject of study: didactic games as a means of forming subject skills.

Summarizing the results of the study of the levels of formation of subject skills based on the results of observation, we conclude that a sufficient level of formation of subject skills is observed in the majority of subjects - 8 people (40%); high - in 5 subjects (25%); medium - in 4 subjects (20%); initial - in 3 children (15%).

In order to increase the level of formation of subject skills in history, we used various training games.

Comparing the results of primary and repeated observation, we came to the conclusion that the system of exercises implemented by us, using didactic games, is an effective means of developing subject skills in history.


Modern social transformations, the rapid growth of informatization of society, the introduction of innovative learning technologies need to improve the practice of learning in general education school. In this regard, personality-oriented, activity-based and competence-based approaches to learning have become dominant in the methodology of teaching history.

The fundamental approach to learning as a result of reforming the education system is a competency-based approach, which provides for the formation and development of basic and subject skills based on knowledge that allow a person to act effectively and perform a certain function. Solving these problems requires the introduction of such methodological developments allowing to implement a new educational paradigm. Games occupy a prominent place among them.

Thus, the relevance of the topic of this study is due to the need to develop students' subject skills in history lessons within the framework of a competency-based approach to learning.

The object of the study is subject skills in history lessons.

The subject of the research is didactic games as a means of forming subject skills.

The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation of subject skills in history lessons.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

    To analyze the concept of subject skills in the scientific literature.

    To study the possibilities of didactic games in the process of forming subject skills in history lessons.

    Conduct an experimental study of the features of the formation of subject skills in history lessons.

Hypothesis: we assume that the use of didactic games will become an effective means of developing subject skills in history lessons.

Research methods:

1. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature.

2. Observation.

3. Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Methodological basis: the works of such researchers as G.S. Hayrumyan , L.N. Akimova, T.S. Vasilyeva, O.S. Gazman, E.M. Minskin, M.V. Smorodinova, A.V. Khutorskoy and others.

The practical significance of the final attestation work lies in the fact that the work analyzes and systematizes the material on the problem of subject skills. The data obtained during the study can be used by teachers, psychologists, parents. And also, the material presented by us can be used by students in preparation for classes, when writing essays, term papers and theses.

The final attestation work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used, including 26 titles. The results of the study are presented in 3 figures and 2 tables. The total volume of work is 40 pages.


    1. The essence of the concept of subject skills

Let us consider in detail the concept of "skill". An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature shows that in pedagogy and psychology there is no single definition of the concept of "skill". This category is considered both as a psychological category and as a pedagogical category. Therefore, this explains the differences in approaches to the consideration of the concept of "skill".

Considering the definition of skill, we see that there is a tendency to expand this concept. In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: "Skill is a person's ability to perform an activity or action based on previously gained experience." The Pedagogical Encyclopedia expands this concept (vol. 4, 1968): "Skill is the ability to effectively perform an action in accordance with the goals and conditions in which one has to act."

We will give an example of the definition of this concept given by G.I. Schukina:skill is a unit of objective activity, which reflects its motivational, content and operational aspects.

Orientation to the results of education is the most important component of the design of the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation. In accordance with this fundamental difference, the structure, content and methods of applying standards in the educational process have changed.

The concept of the Federal State Educational Standard specifies the requirements for the results of mastering the main general educational programs, which are structured by key tasks general education and include:

1) subject results - the assimilation by students of specific elements of social experience studied within the framework of a separate academic subject, that is, knowledge, skills, experience in solving problems, experience in creative activity;

2) meta-subject results - methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, applicable both within the framework of educational process and in solving problems in real life situations;

3) personal results - a system of value relations of students to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself and its results, formed in the educational process.

It is quite obvious that the subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes cannot be separated from each other and represent the triune task of modern education.

The requirements for the subject learning outcomes are reflected in the document "The Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education" . It lists the main elements scientific knowledge in every subject taught in high school. These results are traditionally prescribed in all methodological manuals, published in a large number in any school discipline. Subject knowledge is tested in USE tests and GIA, and therefore it is to them that teachers are accustomed to give the most (well, if not the only) attention.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation, the role of the teacher is changing, who must move from the role of a mentor to the role of a tutor. With such a role, the teacher must simultaneously initiate the educational and educational process, adequately respond to the needs of students, use information and communication technologies, organize project activities students to build partnerships. The teacher needs to master the technology in which, in practice, he can diagnose the needs of the child in a timely manner, accurately explain the goals and objectives, the result of the activity to all subjects of the educational or upbringing process, involve all children in the activity, teach children to express their own opinion, attitude, without requiring unanimous support; develop the child's self-esteem.

An analysis of theoretical sources showed that the problem of introducing a competency-based approach to education is at the center of modern pedagogical thought, reflected in normative documents about the school, is actively developed by domestic and foreign scientists. There are many views of scientists regarding the fundamental issues of the competence-based approach. Namely: the nature and structure of competence, the classification of competences, and the like.

Competence is the general ability of a person to act rationally in various situations, to effectively solve urgent problems in various spheres of life. Competence is the end result of learning, the purpose of which is to form and develop the personality of the student, revealing his abilities and talents.

Competence structure components, its main elements are: knowledge, activity, motivation, values. All of them complement each other and are influenced by social interaction.

Scientists offer different approaches to the allocation of certain groups of competencies. For example, A. Khutorskoy proposes to classify competencies into[ 32 ] :


    general subject;


Competence is provided by a combination of components - knowledge, activities, personal qualities. All these components are closely related.

Each of the competencies includes a large complex of knowledge, skills, abilities and values.

Teachers attach particular importance to the acquisition by students of subject and general subject competencies, as the foundation on which key competencies are based. General subject competencies include competencies that are formed within a certain education, and subject competencies are those that are formed in the study of individual subjects.

The process of formation of subject competencies of students involves structural and functional diversity and integration of forms and methods of teaching based on a system-activity approach and includes four successive and interrelated stages:

    motivational (formation of cognitive motives of students);

    cognitive (a set of knowledge necessary for the implementation of the formation of subject competencies, on the basis of which each student selects the means, builds a program for working with the text);

    activity (possession of a variety of ways of activity, allows you to implement skills in a given subject area: the amount of skill, the strength of the theoretical basis of skill; integration, stability, flexibility, effectiveness);

    evaluative-effective (aimed at correlating the result and the goal of the process of forming subject competencies, as well as studying the extent to which the goal was confirmed).

Thus, subject skills are skills acquired in a particular subject.

In pedagogy and psychology, skill is considered as an ability and result of activity, on the one hand, and as an ability and quality of a person, on the other hand.

It should also be noted that the importance of the formation of subject skills is very high, since individuals will need them not only in school activities in various classes, but also in Everyday life. Formed subject skills are the ability to think logically, and the ability to determine cause-and-effect relationships, etc.

    1. Didactic games as a means of forming subject skills in history lessons

The problem of the game began to attract the attention of scientists at the endXIX- at firstXXcenturies The theoretical foundations of pedagogy and psychology of play were laid by L.S. Vygotsky, A.S. Makarenko, S.L. Rubinstein and others. A significant contribution to the theory of the game was made by foreign scientists - F. Buitendijk, W. Wundt and others.

History education today is one of the most complex and controversial elements of the federal education system. Before the history teacher, he sets important goals and objectives, the solution of which contributes to the education and upbringing of the new generation. Thus, the general goal of the historical education of students is to familiarize students with national and world cultural traditions, personal development based on knowledge of the past and the ability to navigate the most important achievements of world culture. The objectives of historical education also follow from the goal:

provide students with historical knowledge about the experience of mankind, that is, create conditions for them to master a certain system of knowledge, the ability to navigate historical information, understand and give an objective assessment of historical events in their interconnection.

based on development emotional spheres s personality by means of influencing it with historical images to cultivate respect and arouse respect and arouse students' interest in the history and culture of their own and other peoples, to form a creative attitude towards the world.

develop the personality of students on the basis of mastering historical knowledge and the language of culture (in this case, the actual intellectual abilities can be developed on the basis of mental operations for compiling and analyzing historical facts).

The implementation of the goals and objectives of historical education occurs most of all during the main form of organization of the educational process - in the classroom. The effectiveness of achieving goals and objectives depends on the effective use of a particular method or technique in the lesson.

This paper discusses the psychological and methodological aspects of using such a methodological path as cognitive games that increase the creative activity and independence of students, lead them to new knowledge, or new ways of acquiring knowledge.

Increasing the effectiveness of the lesson in modern conditions requires, first of all, the thoughtful and skillful use by the teacher of the ideas of optimizing the educational process. At the same time, such training is called optimal, which ensures the achievement of the maximum possible conditions for these conditions (school, composition and level of training of students, availability of teaching aids, results in education, upbringing and development of schoolchildren without exceeding the time allotted by the curriculum and school order for classroom and homework students and teachers).

Each lesson should be aimed at developing the ability to learn in students.

One of the proven ways to motivate students to learn, to form students' cognitive interest isa game . Game activity in the classroom helps to increase interest in the subject and facilitates the assimilation of theoretical issues. On the other hand, the game is the main activity of the child and at the same time the main means and condition for the intellectual development of the student, because, before learning to deeply understand the essence of cause-and-effect relationships, a person must go through a period of mental exercises in childhood, which will affect the formation of his own vision of objects. and phenomena.

But not all activity in conditional situations is a game. The task in a math textbook is also conditional, although the task can turn into a game, acquiring entertainment for students. An entertaining presentation of the conditions of the problem can turn it into a role-playing game. And the main goal of the didactic game should be precisely the active cognitive position of students, which has become the basis of their own and independent mental activity.

Thus, a pedagogical game should have an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of learning and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, clearly identified and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

The pedagogical game fulfills the following target orientations:

Didactic. It broadens the horizon, activates cognitive activity, forms the necessary skills and abilities, promotes the assimilation of the necessary educational material, and allows you to quickly check the effectiveness.

Developing. Promotes the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, find analogies, make optimal decisions. The development of the motivational orientation of educational activity, creative abilities, fantasy, imagination is activated.

Educational. Certain positions, approaches, moral, ethical, worldview attitudes are being formed. A sense of collectivism is brought up, and at the same time, personal qualities are more clearly expressed. Communication skills develop. The student joins the norms and values ​​of society, adapts to environmental conditions, learns the skills of self-regulation, stress control, psychotherapy.

The problem of the didactic game as a pedagogical technology is explored by L. P. Borzova in the teaching aid for the teacher "Games in the history lesson"; A. Gin in the teacher's manual "Techniques of Pedagogical Techniques"; A.P. Ershova and V.M. Bukatov in the article "Theatrical stages of school didactics"; classification and system of games can be found in the collection of G.A. Kulagina "One hundred games in history"

In history lessons, the use of gaming technologies is also necessary because students can not only process information, but experience its assimilation as a subjective discovery of knowledge that is still unknown to themselves, they can “try on” the roles of various historical characters, feel the uniqueness of the historical era. In addition, the game contributes to the formation of such qualities in children as teamwork, responsibility, innovative thinking, etc. There can be many games:

Classification of historical games:

1. Business

a) discussions

b) research

2. Retrospective:

a) role-playing (theatrical performances, theatrical games)

b) non-role-playing (competitive, route)

3. Training (desktop, based on a given algorithm, plot).

Recently, variouscompetitive games. The main distinguishing feature of this species is their competitive nature. Competitive games are testing in nature, their goal is to repeat and summarize the material already covered. In this category, games based on the popular TV shows Field of Miracles, Own Game, Brain Ring, What? Where? When? But the old forms of holding board games, such as quizzes, have not lost their popularity. And use computer technology brings any game to life.

Competitive games are good because they can be held with any age of children and on any topic. Using this form of the game, you can repeat both a large section and a separate topic. Repetitive-generalizing lessons carry a large informational and semantic load, since the information received in several lessons is repeated, systematized, and analyzed.

Repetition lessons are often overloaded with information, new concepts, dates, which causes additional difficulties and does not always contribute to the development of interest among children. Competitive games help to solve these problems.

So, in the 5th grade, you can hold a quiz"THE ANCIENT EAST"

Lesson Objectives: check and summarize students' knowledge of the history of the Ancient East


contribute to the further development of the ability to reproduce the information received, to highlight the main thing, to navigate the main events in the history of the Ancient East;

promote further development of the ability to compare, contrast, identify cause-and-effect relationships, use information in new conditions, analyze and draw conclusions;

to cultivate in students respect for the history, traditions, culture of the peoples of the Ancient East.


1. Projector,

2. Presentation

3. Handout (appendices)

During the classes:

Eastern music.

Students enter the classroom and sit down in teams: 4 teams.

Hello guys! Today in the lesson we will repeat the topic "Ancient East". The quiz game will help us with this.

Good luck!

Competition 1. "Cartography" - 1 min - up to 4 points (Appendix 1)

It is known that without knowledge of the map it is difficult to navigate the terrain, especially if you are going on a long and possibly dangerous journey. Let's check how well you know the map of the Ancient East. Team captains receive envelopes by lot, open them at a sound signal and proceed to the task.


1. Write the country

2. Write a river or rivers.

Extra score:

1. Where is the country

2. Show on the map.

Competition 2. "Replace the expression" - 1 answer - 1 point.

Competition No. 3 "Recognize a historical figure by description."

The teacher offers students a description of the appearance of historical figures. The task of the students is to recognize a historical figure from the description or to correlate the description with the portrait.

Card 1

He had no physical defects, only the head was elongated and too large in relation to other parts of the body. That is why on all the statues he is depicted with a helmet on his head. Obviously, the sculptors did not want to depict him in an unattractive way. However, Attic comedians called him shinokephalos, that is, "onion-headed".

Card 2

He had an imperceptible slight inclination of the neck to the left and an affectionate look. One of the artists, drawing him in the form of a thunderer, failed to convey the color of his skin, as he gave it a shade darker, darker than it really was. According to the evidence, he had fair skin, which turned, especially on the chest and face, into pink.

Card 3

They say he was tall, fair-skinned, well built, smooth-faced, with quick black eyes. He took great care of his body and not only cut and shaved, but also plucked his hair. He tried to cover up his bald spot, which disfigured him, with thinning hair, for this he combed his hair from the top of his head to his forehead. For the same reason, he enjoyed the right to constantly wear a laurel wreath on his head with great pleasure.

Card 4

He looked handsome, and at any age his appearance was attractive, although he did not try to follow it. His face was calm and clear when he spoke or was silent. His eyes were bright and shining; he liked to feel some kind of divine power in them, and was very pleased when, under his piercing gaze,

the interlocutor lowered his eyes, as if from the radiance of the sun.

Answer: 1 - Pericles; 2 - Alexander the Great; 3 - Julius Caesar; 4 - Octavian August.

Contest games good to use in final lessons. They help to summarize and consolidate the studied material. Such games help to learn complex material, arouse interest in history, develop historical thinking, imagination, speech, memory.

Another example of a competitive game used in the generalization stage is"My own game" (may be presented in a computer version, or maybe the playing field is drawn on the board). All she needs is interesting questions in several categories. The game allows you to repeat the main events of the era in 15-20 minutes.

A didactic game in history is a practical activity in which children use the knowledge gained not only in history lessons, but also in the process of studying other academic disciplines, as well as from life experience. The undoubted advantage is that through games knowledge is synthesized, becomes more vital. In this sense, the classification according to interdisciplinary connections has the right to exist: historical and literary; historical and philological; historical and geographical; historical and mathematical, etc.

Sometimes, when planning the educational process, it is necessary to divide educational games according to the source of knowledge: visual, interactive, mass, etc.

These are just a few models for the classification of games that allow us to show some of the possibilities of their systematization, depending on the purpose of using the game in different aspects of activity. It must be remembered that the essence of the game is to create an entertaining conditional situation, thanks to which the activity acquires a game character. Therefore, it is expedient to separate games based on the means by which this conditionality is achieved.

The greatest difficulty, in our opinion, is caused by role-playing, business games, dramatization and theatricalization.

    Role-playing game

A role-playing game is a form of organizing educational activities in which each student acts as a participant in the events of the past. History is a specific science, its content cannot be observed, it is impossible to become a participant in events that have long passed. Role-playing in the classroom is nothing more than "creating unrealistic situations" (Goder).


    Study, repeat, consolidate or summarize the material.

    Check the degree of mastery of certain general educational or special skills and abilities.

    Build communication skills through group work.

    To promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of students, to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves.

Positive effect:

    In the process of preparation and during the game itself, the historical knowledge of students deepens, the range of sources for comprehending history expands.

    The acquired knowledge becomes personally significant, emotionally colored, as the student has been in the role of a participant in the events of the past.

    The game form of work creates a certain mood that sharpens the mental activity of students.

    An atmosphere of looseness, freedom of thinking is created, the opinions of the student and the teacher become equivalent, since the teacher himself is in the role of a spectator.

    Collective work helps to develop feelings of mutual assistance, support, to get to know each other better, to identify leaders in the team.

    Teamwork allows you to teach business communication, to give the experience of public speaking.

    The role-playing game makes it possible for a student who does not have good knowledge to excel, to overcome his inner fear of the remarks of the teacher and classmates.

    For the teacher, such forms of work provide an opportunity to accumulate visual material for subsequent lessons.

What roles can students play?

Really existing person (king, prince, traveler, leader of the uprising, commander, politician, etc.)

Fictional character, a typical representative of the era (peasant, feudal lord, warrior, merchant, etc.)


    Game planning.

    Working with students:

message of the topic, dates of the role play,

distribution of roles and tasks,

breakdown into groups, if necessary - the election of the jury, presenters,

introduction to the game plan

explanation of goals and expected results,

material presentation form,

additional literature,

if necessary - consultations, rehearsals,

production of the necessary didactic materials,

knowledge control message.

Knowledge control options:

    Evaluation for the work in the lesson, i.e. direct participation in the game in the work of their group.

    Assessment for preparing for the game at home (drawing, diagram, costume, crossword puzzle, message, etc.)

    Work in a notebook during the game (recording of performances of other students, table, keywords, etc.)

    In the next lesson - a test, a test, a historical dictation, etc.

Game progress:

Organizing time.

Role-playing game.

Reflection: oral analysis at the end of the lesson, a questionnaire, an article in the school newspaper, an exhibition of creative tasks, etc. The game should be not just an exercise, but also a cognitive experience, so at the end of the lesson it is necessary to fix the goal and cognitive value of the lesson, discuss and evaluate the process itself and its results, to outline the future.

Techniques that can be used during the role-play:

    Personification - a real-life person participates in the game as a teacher's assistant, consultant, jury member, etc.
    Examples. Lesson "Old Babylonian Kingdom". A student - Hammurabi - evaluates situations from the standpoint of his laws.
    Lesson of repetition "Ancient Egypt". Jury-priests evaluate the activities of groups of warriors, farmers, scribes, etc.

    Interview - students ask questions to a representative of another historical era. Lesson "The life of the feudal lords." Questions to the knight: How much did the armor weigh? Have you cheated in tournaments? What did the winner receive?

    Travel is a test of cartographic skills. Lesson "Fair in Champagne". Merchants from different countries show on the map their way to Champagne, talk about road adventures and dangers.

    Historical letter or telegram. Find out who might have been the author. Lesson "India in the Middle Ages". “I am writing to you, a glorious descendant of Genghis Khan. I have conquered northern India and created a vast and powerful state. Advise me how to name it so that the memory of it remains for centuries. (Babur, Mughal Empire). Students not only guess, but also write letters on behalf of historical characters or historical characters (Joan of Arc, M.V. Lomonosov, False Dmitry 1, etc.)

    Historical document. Get to know the author. What event are we talking about? For example, “When a wolf gets into the habit of sheep, it will drag the whole herd if you don’t kill it” (Drevlyane about Prince Igor).

    Story-protection (coat of arms, city, cultural monument, etc.).

    Text with errors or omissions. Such texts are compiled in such a way that it is easy to determine which particular event is being discussed. Errors here can be in significant phenomena, well-known, as well as inaccuracies regarding minor facts. This task tests not only memory, but also attention. We use texts from the book by I. A. Fedorchuk “Intellectual games for schoolchildren. History ”If not all errors are found, the strongest student in the role of a character of the era can turn to students with questions and wishes.

    Crosswords, rhyming riddles, chants, etc.

    Theatrical play

Theatricalization- the use of theater tools in the pedagogical process. The theatrical game, elements of theatricalization are a harmonious combination of theatrical art (conventionality of attributes, peculiarities of speech pronunciation) with the pedagogical process in terms of its goals and principles of construction (collectivity, distribution of roles, the need for pedagogical guidance). However, the phrase "theater in the classroom" often scares teachers, as it is associated with a lot of scenery, costumes, rehearsals. Therefore, it is better to use the term "theatrical elements". In no case should a lesson be replaced by an entertaining performance, and full use of the theater facilities can be made on an elective course, in a historical circle, or in a school theater.

Requirements for theatrical play:

    Psychological : the game must have significance for each student, that is, it must be motivated; the environment in which the game action takes place should be conducive to communication in an atmosphere of friendliness, mutual understanding and cooperation, the content of the game should be interesting, and any game action should end with a certain result, the student should have the opportunity for self-expression and self-realization.

    Pedagogical: the game action should be based on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired earlier in the lessons; the goal of the game should be determined in accordance with the tasks educational process; game participants must be provided with appropriate methodological material, documentation, etc.; the game is effective only in combination with other (non-game) teaching methods and means and should not be predominant (overwhelming) in the learning process.

Techniques for using elements of theatricalization in the lesson (any type of lesson):

    Personification - a real-life historical character participates in the lesson as a teacher's assistant (consultant, guide, etc.) Lesson "Alexandria of Egypt", guide - Alexander the Great.

    "Who am I?" A student dressed as a character talks about him. Students guess who he is. Lesson "Religion of the ancient Greeks." “Thanks to me, the dwellings of people became bright in the darkest evenings. I helped them overcome the winter cold. Why did the king of the gods punish me so severely?” (Prometheus). Lesson "The Poem of Homer" Iliad ". “Tomorrow is my duel with the leader of the Trojans, Hector. I'm ready to fight. If only the arrow or spear of my enemy did not hit me in the heel ”(Achilles).

    Speech by a historical person (speech, program, laws, etc.) Lesson "Greco-Persian Wars". Themistocles speech before the Battle of Salamis: “The Spartan military leaders believe that it is necessary to withdraw the fleet to the Peloponnese. They want to protect Sparta, but then who will protect the Athenians? Our city has already been sacked and destroyed by the Persians. I think we should fight right here in the narrow Strait of Salamis. We Hellenes know here every pitfall, where shallow, where deep, we have studied every undercurrent, the directions of all winds. The Persians are not at all familiar with this strait. Our triremes are much smaller than the heavy and clumsy Persian ships. Triere sits shallow in the water, it will easily pass among the rocks and shallows. And heavy Persian ships will break on pitfalls or run aground. Salami Strait - the best place to fight the Persians. After Themistocles' speech, students answer the questions: Why is Themistocles so sure of victory? Give his arguments.

    Historical scene - a small performance - a way to convey historical information to students through role-playing according to a pre-compiled scenario using theatrical attributes.

Training: script writing, role distribution, preparation of costumes and props, rehearsals.

4. Examples of role-playing and theatrical games used in history lessons in the teacher's own practice.

Theatrical games are small plays acted out by students, mostly improvised. The purpose of the games: to revive historical events, increase understanding of the situation, evoke empathy and emotions. We have developed a seriestheatrical games "Performance without rehearsals". At the preparatory stage, children receive roles, study the biographies of their heroes, their characters. At the lesson, they have to act in the proposed circumstances, they do not know the plot in advance. Therefore, improvisation lessons are held differently in different classes, with unexpected twists and turns, original finals. In the lessons in the 5th grade “Democracy in Athens”, “Religion of the Ancient Greeks”, in accordance with the plot, children try to solve a problem, give advice, quarrel, try to get out of a difficult situation, condemn their heroes and sympathize with them. It is interesting that the proposed circumstances may be different: the feast of the gods on Olympus, the national assembly, the meeting of the Gerousia in Sparta. The storyline conflicts are also different. Such dramatization techniques are useful, because children learn to think independently historical facts, interact with each other, find a non-standard solution to the problem. They are directed against automatism, they are characterized by surprise and paradox. In the 6th grade, such a theatrical game can take place on the topics “Knight's Tournament”, “Novgorod Veche”, “English Parliament”. In the 7th grade, you can take such proposed circumstances as “Moscow in the Time of Troubles”, “Meeting of the Legislative Commission”. During the game, students, having collected material about their characters in advance, understanding the logic of their actions, play within the framework of a given situation and a given role, experience the situation, look for answers to questions. It is very important here that the historical plot be based on a conflict, this supports the activity of students, leads to non-standard thoughts and actions.

Role-playing games assume reincarnation, for example, in journalists, guides, film crew. Here the rules of the game, the plot are determined in advance, the game requires serious preparation, the ability to use special literature, the conceptual apparatus. 10th grade students spendvirtual tour along the Acropolis of Athens, along the medieval cities of Russia Vladimir, Novgorod, along the Moscow Kremlin of the times of IvanIII. Sometimes sightseers come across very meticulous, especially if they are "foreign tourists". "Foreigners" ask "tour guides" a lot of questions, and they try to get out of rather difficult situations. Try to explain the meaning of such words as apses, zakomaras, pilasters, consoles. A group of students playing the role of “foreign sightseers” prepare tricky questions in advance. Therefore, the game takes place in the competition mode, with a lot of activity of students.

An effective game technique that is not difficult for students is the “Relive the Picture” technique. Students voice typical characters of the eras that are depicted in the paintings, for example, "The Fresh Cavalier", "The Arrest of the Propaganda", "Boyar Morozova", "Morning of the Streltsy Execution". To do this, they need to present the history of the character, comprehend the features and characteristics of the time. If the student has added something of his own that does not correspond to the spirit of the time, he must justify why.

Word-logic games

These are games in which, based on the creation of a conditional game situation, a logical relationship of terms, titles, names, dates, factors, questions, phrases, small passages of text is established.

Schoolchildren are attracted to these games not only by the possibility of winning, but also by the process of guessing, the manifestation of ingenuity, ingenuity, and speed of reaction.

No matter how many times the game is repeated, for all its participants it takes place as if for the first time, as it provides completely new obstacles and difficulties. Overcoming them in the subjective sense is perceived as a personal success and even as a kind of discovery of oneself, one's capabilities, expectation and experience of joy. In this motivation gaming activity(“I want”, “I have to”, “I can”) is concluded, obviously, the main mechanism of its influence on the personality.

The dynamism of these games is manifested in the mobility of the form. These games are not tied to any particular topic, like some kind of puzzle or crossword puzzle. The crossword can only be used with specific questions on a specific topic. If you use other questions, then the crossword itself will change. One and the same verbal-logic game can be played many times, and it will always be interesting. The most famous non-historical games of this type are “Cities” (consistently name the names of cities so that the name of each subsequent city begins with the letter that the previous one ends with: Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Krasnodar, Ryazan, etc.) or “I was born a gardener ".

In terms of time, the proposed games take, with good organization, an average of 7 to 30 minutes of time, that is, this is part of the lesson, and not the entire lesson.


Anyone who is into historical games knows that there are many variations of the Auction game. Below are two of them.

Option 1

After one of the historical periods has passed, for example, the "Era of Ivan the Terrible", in a generalization lesson, you can offer the children a game. "For sale" score "5" or a prize. Each of the students can "buy" it. To do this, raise your hand and name any historical person who lived during the reign of Tsar IvanIV. Any other "bidder" can name a higher "price" by naming another contemporary of Ivan the Terrible. In this case, the called times should not be repeated, the repeated participant is eliminated from the fight. Each named name can be written on the board (a special student is assigned for this) and in students' notebooks (which, on the one hand, makes repetition more effective, on the other, brings more order to the game). If the person named by the student is little known, then the teacher may ask the person who called to say a few words about him. If after the next named name there is a pause, the teacher slowly hits the hammer three times, the guys during this time can name other historical heroes. The winner is the one who is the last to name the name of the historical hero, after which, until the third blow with the hammer, no one else will pronounce any new name. The winner receives a score of "5" (or a prize).

In the same way, you can hold an auction of dates, events, etc.

Option 2.

In this form, the game is more organized, in time it takes more than 7 minutes. Before announcing the "auction", students are invited to "calculate the cash conventional units", that is, each write in a notebook their most complete list of historical names, dates, events, terms related to a particular topic. A certain time is allotted for this work, let's say 5 minutes. Five minutes later, the "Auction" is announced. An initial price is offered, let's say 6 conventional units - "Who can offer more?". Participants name their figure (that is, how many words they have written down in the list). The head of the "Auction" takes notebooks from the three "richest citizens". Why three? The fact is that in the list of one student there may be historical errors or repetitions, and then you can turn to other works. The most complete list is announced, and the guys are invited to add what they forgot. At the same time, work is underway to clarify and discuss information about some historical heroes. The winner solemnly receives a mark of "5" (or a prize)

The game allows you to summarize the material of the topic from a certain angle. It can be successfully applied at the beginning of the school year in the first introductory lesson of any history course, with its help, students can remember the material of the previous history course.

Methodological assistance in organizing the game:

The game will be more organized if you ask all the players to come to the board and stand in one line. Then the one who makes a mistake or takes too long a pause, leaving the game, sits down in his place. The chain quickly thins out, and the remaining players remain in the spotlight. The teacher does not have to memorize the whole chain. You can ask one of the students to write down the resulting chain, and his task is to be the first to declare that a mistake has been made. The teacher can be next to this student - this will help him to exercise control over the situation. To strengthen the didactic function, the first word can be called by the teacher: firstly, he can set a complex, important word, for example, “Tokhtamysh”, repeating which many times, students can remember it well, secondly, the teacher becomes a direct participant in the game, connects with students, creating an atmosphere of cooperation.

The guys who are not participating in the game should write down and monitor the correctness of the chain. One student can write the words on the board. The players face the class, so the written words on the board are visible only to the teacher and those who have left the game. And then the teacher, together with the class, looks through the chain, determining the relationship of its words.

The game allows you to remember difficult-to-learn terms, names, names, etc. in a fun way.

Vassal - Senior

This game can be used when studying the course "Middle Ages" (the topic is "Feudal Stairs"). It is held after the teacher has already explained the concepts of “vassal” and “seigneur”, and with the help of the feudal ladder diagram drawn on the board, he spoke about the subordination between such representatives of feudal society as the king, duke and count, baron, knight. Using the diagram drawn on the board, the students must name who is the vassal in relation to the feudal lord whom the teacher names. For example, the teacher says “count”, the children should answer in chorus who will be the vassal in relation to the count. They answer: "Baron". The teacher says: "king", the children - "duke, count." The teacher is a "baron", the children are a "knight", etc. After that, the game changes a little: the teacher calls the vassal, and the children must answer who is the lord in relation to him.

Then the teacher erases the hint diagram from the board. The same game begins, but only the children themselves must reproduce the studied material from memory. This is the second round. After it, as usual, the material is already firmly mastered.

The game consolidates the assimilation of the hierarchical structure of the feudal society of Europe, defuses the situation, acting as a physical minute (since it does not carry a serious intellectual load), enhances the positive background in the lesson: everyone participates in the game. (A game similar in form, only with a modified specific content, can be organized when studying any other social structures based on hierarchy. Only in this case the teacher will ask students which class (caste, rank, etc.) is higher (or lower) in relation to the one named).

Continue the story

In this game, two students must tell the material of the topic being studied in one sentence. One starts, the other continues. The winner is the one whose proposal will be the last, while the other will no longer be able to remember anything else.

The game allows you to effectively repeat the material covered, develops the efficiency of thinking and memory, the ability to logically present the material, the ability to listen to another person.

Story in reverse

The teacher offers students a text in order to extract the maximum information from it in a certain amount of time. It is announced that at the end of the study of the text, a game task will be announced. Then the teacher selects the text or the book where it is placed is selected. And students should tell the text one sentence at a time - just the other way around. For example, if this is a story about Batu's invasion of North-Western Russia in 1237-38, then the first participant says: "By the summer of 1238, the Mongols returned to the steppes, and North-Western Russia lay in ruins." The second participant in the game continues: “The city fought off the attacks for seven weeks, and the Tatars called it the “evil city.” Third: “On the way back, the Tatars stumbled upon the small town of Kozelsk,” etc.

This game can also be used when learning new material. The “narrative in reverse” itself is a justification for the previous work with the text. In addition, information built in such an unusual way has additional opportunities for meaningful perception of the material.

Practice shows that playing in the classroom is a serious occupation. A methodically correctly organized game, especially a role-playing game, requires its participants to actively cognitive activity not only at the level of reproduction or transformation, but also at the level of creative search, promotes cooperation between the teacher and students in the learning process. However, it should be noted that educational games, of course, cannot be considered as universal remedy and should only be used in conjunction with other methods and teaching aids.

Educational games in a reasonable combination with other methods and teaching aids will help intensify the process of teaching history, more successfully solve problems in the formation of students' creative thinking, their independence.

Analysis methodical literature allows us to conclude that for the formation of subject skills, scientists-methodologists propose to use various types of gaming activities: educational games, role-playing games, business or simulation business games, dramatizations, discussions, dramatizations, projects, the methodology of which is very close to conducting business games.

We consider it expedient to use such a type of didactic game as training games in history lessons.

Training games are called games, the distinguishing feature of which is external (hard) rules. At their core, they do not have copying and imitation (unlike role-playing games).

There are two types of training games:

1) those that contain tasks of the same type;

2) those that consist of a set of competitive tasks.

Thus, didactic games have great potential in the process of forming subject skills in history.


We conducted an experimental study to study the level of formation of subject skills in history lessons among 5th grade students.

The study was conducted on the basis of MBOU secondary school No. 10 of the village of Ust-Kem, in September 2015 - May 2016. The study involved 5th grade students. Totalsubjects - 20 people.

Stages of experimental research:

Stage 1 (September 2015) - selection of diagnostic tools to measure the level of formation of subject skills;

Stage 2 (October 2015) - conducting primary diagnostics in order to study the level of formation of subject skills;

Stage 3 (October - November 2015) - analysis of the results of primary diagnostics of the level of formation of subject skills;

Stage 4 (December 2015 - March 2016) - organization of work to improve the level of formation of subject skills.

Stage 5 (April - May 2016) - conducting a re-diagnosis in order to study the level of formation of subject skills, a comparative analysis of the results of the study, determining the effectiveness of the work done to increase the level of formation of subject skills, formulating conclusions.

2.1. Ascertaining experiment

In our study, at the ascertaining stage, we used the method of observation to assess the level of formation of subject skills. Observation was carried out in the lessons of history, Special attention applied to the main subject skills in history:

    chronological competence:

the ability to establish a chronological sequence of events;

the ability to set dates for periods for events, phenomena, processes, which are discussed in excerpts from documents;

    logical competence:

selection of facts on a certain basis. Recognition of facts, events, phenomena, processes with visual historical sources;

determination of causal relationships between events, phenomena, processes;

    information competence:

selection of information and analysis of the content of the document: identification of the historical figure, event, phenomenon or title of the document referred to in the source;

    axiological and linguistic competence:

clarification of the essence of the events, phenomena, personalities described in the source in a historical context, highlighting the facts and emotional and value judgments of the author, expressing his own judgment about the document and its author; determining the meaning of the described events, phenomena, processes in history, explaining their attitude to the events, phenomena, figures described in the source, determining their value.

We proposed to single out the following levels of formation of subject skills:

I level - initial. The student's response to the reproduction of educational material is elementary, fragmentary, due to the initial ideas about the subject of study;

II level - medium. The student reproduces the basic educational material, is able to solve problems according to the model, has elementary skills in educational activities;

III level - sufficient. The student knows the essential features of concepts, phenomena, patterns, relationships between them, and independently applies knowledge in standard situations, has mental operations (analysis, abstraction, generalization, etc.), is able to draw conclusions, correct mistakes. The student's answer is complete, correct, logical, justified, although he lacks his own judgments. He is able to independently carry out the main types of educational activities;

IV level - high. The student's knowledge is deep, strong, generalized, systemic; the student is able to apply knowledge creatively, his educational activity has a research character, indicated by the ability to independently assess various life situations, phenomena, facts, to identify and defend a personal position.

As a result of the study, we obtained the results shown in Table 1:

Table 1 - results of observations

Graphically, the results of the observation can be presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1 - Item Skill Levels

So we found that:

    initial - in 3 children (15%).

Thus, we found that most children have a sufficient level of subject skills, but there are also those who need to be systematically and purposefully worked in this direction.

2.2. Formative experiment

In order to increase the level of formation of the subject skills of 5th grade students in history lessons, we used didactic games, in particular, their type as training games.

The orientation of training games to perform one type of task underlies non-imitation one-vector games, which are divided into conditional and graphic ones. Games that require the observance or fulfillment of certain conditions are conditional. These are, for example: “Three sentences” (give an answer to a question, retell the content in three sentences), “Clean board” (during the story, the teacher erases questions pre-written on the board that players can answer, the game ends when the board becomes clean ), “Blitz poll” (in a certain order, students quickly ask each other questions or teams answer those posed by the teacher), “Guess by description” (players name a figure or event according to the description given), “Historical association” (game participants indicate associations with a certain period or event), “Historical chess” (participants or teams give answers to questions encrypted on the “chessboard”), “Define the excess” (find in the list of objects that does not fit into a certain logic), “Tree of Knowledge” (students in the course of getting to know the new material should make several questions to it), etc.

Games, the purpose of which requires the solution of a certain schematic representation, are called graphic. These are crosswords: classic (requiring an answer to be entered), crossdata (built on the basis of dates), chainwords (composed in a circle), anagram crossword (with rearrangement of letters), primers (with letters placed in a grid), charades (combine disparate concepts, names , letters into a specific word related to the topic), rebuses (ciphered words are presented in the form of drawings, symbols, signs, numbers and letters), cryptograms (establishing a correspondence between letters and numbers according to a given algorithm), labyrinths (with the correct passage, letters are collected, form a word associated with the topic when compiled).

A multi-vector game is an additive sum of one-vector games. These include "KVN" (opposition of teams in competitions, preparation for which is carried out in advance or during the game); "Quiz" (competition of students (individually or as a team) for the fastest and best answer to the question); "Brain Ring" (confrontation for the speed and correctness of the answers of several teams of 5 students); “Clever and smart girls” (competitions to achieve the final championship on individual lanes:І - without the right to make a mistake, II - with the possibility of making one mistake, III - with the possibility of making two mistakes).

Training games are mainly aimed at systematization and verification of learning material. The methodology of their organization involves, first of all, the creation of an idea - the first structural component, incorporated in the didactic task, which is achieved during the games. It is most often formulated in the form of a question or a riddle that designs the course of games and provides them with a cognitive character, and also puts forward certain requirements for the participants. Depending on the purpose of the lesson and the individual properties of the students, each game is performed using certain rules, the violation of which leads to the loss of its meaning.

One of the main features of training games is their competitive basis. Also.Geising emphasized the impossibility of separating the competition from the game, since this leads to the loss of the essence of the latter. A. Gazman ismorganic unity saw the root cause of the generationIenthusiasm, perseverance, tirelessness, excitement, student activity and the desire to win.

Drawing up tasks for training games requires compliance with gradualness. When a student is able to solve simple problems, overcome the first difficulties, while feeling satisfaction and joy, he will be ready to move on to more complex As E. Minskin aptly notes, the student develops faith in his own strength, develops« mentallythappetite", which means that the goal of the game is achieved. Therefore, when selecting and developing tasks, one should take into account the dependence of the pace and efficiency of their implementation on the level of competence formation of each student. The level of complexity of tasks in training games is determined by the educational goal of a certain stage or type of lesson. In particular, the organization of one-vector games at the stage of updating basic knowledge and motivation of educational activity involves the selection of simple, easy-to-solve questions that do not require much time, for example, guessing riddles, games like "Historical associations", "Guess by description", etc. at the stage of mastering knowledge, forming skills and abilities, these types of games make it possible to realize the knowledge and skills gained during the lesson at the reproductive and creative levels. Thus, there is a complication of tasks.

The task for conducting training multi-vector games in generalization lessons is determined by their didactic goal, which is to compile and systematize the acquired knowledge. Taking this into account, the load of students in these lessons occurs gradually due to a consistent increase in the number and complexity of competitions. Games that are used for the first time may consist of 3-4 tasks. In the future, it is advisable to increase the number of competitions and complicate tasks, for example, by solving mathematical examples in which historical dates are encrypted, solving aphorisms, evaluating the activities of historical figures from different views, and the like.

The problem of choosing varieties of training games depends on the content of historical information. By the nature of cognitive activity, they provide for tasks of a reproductive and reconstructive nature, which leads to the reproduction and partial transformation of factual material. In particular, one-vector graphic games are reduced to specifying a date, geographical feature, term, name of a historical person based on a description or performance of successive actions. According to this, the formation of historical competencies is carried out by formulating the names of a historical period or date (chronological), a geographical object (spatial), a historical figure or concept (logical). During the organization of conditional one-vector games at the level of reproduction, tasks are given to indicate dates, geographical boundaries, names, etc., and transformation - to highlight the main ideas, determine cause-and-effect relationships, establish conclusions and generalizations, sometimes - evaluate the activities of historical figures . In accordance with this, the formation of chronological, spatial, logical, less often - informational, axiological and speech competencies takes place.

Conducting multi-vector games provides for a combination of graphic and conditional games that connect the reproductive and reproducing levels of cognitive activity. Therefore, the formation of chronological competence involves tasks for determining the periodization and duration of an event, the correlation of an event with dates, and the solution of simple chronological problems; spatial - for comparing geographical objects with events, orientation on a historical map, identifying an extra geographical object in the list, correlation of the development of historical phenomena and processes with the geographical position of countries; logical - to establish the causes, consequences and significance of events of generalization of facts, the definition of historical concepts, historical persons and their type of activity, the selection of a pair to the proposed list of historical figures; axiological - to evaluate events, the activities of a historical personality, by revealing internal motives and external factors activities, identifying values, interests, needs and contradictions in the positions of historical figures; informational - by analyzing historical sources, speech - based on the expression of thought, using explanations, evidence, reasoning and generalizations.

An example of the development of a training multi-vector game is the "Quiz" on the topic "Greek-Persian Wars".

In terms of content, the topic is saturated with factual material, including a list of dates, terms, names. This allows you to determine the goal of the game to develop the following historical skills in students:

    logical (generalize facts and phenomena on the topic "Greco-Persian Wars", determine the role of Solon, Darius, King Leonidas, etc.);

    axiological (identify values, interests, needs in the positions of the Greeks and Persians);

    informational (identify different points vision when evaluating historical figures);

    spatial (correlate the development of historical phenomena and processes with the geographical position of countries);

    chronological (correlate events with a certain period);

    speech (use explanations, evidence and generalizations when formulating thoughts).

The preparatory stage, held at the beginning of the lesson, provides for the division of the class into 4 teams, the election of two experts and team captains. At the stage of entering the game, the teacher names the number of competitions and the maximum number of points that can be obtained for the game. Notes that the experts record the achievements of each team and, if necessary, each participant.

During the game stage, competitions are played aimed at the formation of historical competencies.

І competition - "Solve an example" (chronological competence). The teams are provided with mathematical examples in which historical dates are encrypted. Each correct date is worth 0.5 points. Time to complete - 5-6 minutes.

ІІ competition"Cartographic" (spatial competence). Each team draws tasks from the chest: “Mark on contour map...", behind correct execution, which receives 4 points. Time to complete - 3-4 minutes.

ІІІ competition"Expert"th» (axiological, speech competence). Evaluate the activities of individuals in terms of:

1) national values; 2) universal human values. The correctness of the answer, its completeness, floods of meaningful arguments are taken into account. Time for discussion and presentation - 3 minutes each. The maximum number of points is 5.

І V competition - "Aphorism" (logical, axiological, speech competence). Solve the aphorism using the hint. Time to complete - 4-5 minutes. For the complete completion of the task - 5 points, for solving only hints - 3 points, for providing an argument - an additional 3 points.

At the final stage, experts:

    the total number of points is determined;

    winners are announced;

    the captains announce the scores of the team members;

    the teacher analyzes the work of groups as a whole and individual participants;

    grades are given according to the number of points earned.

2.3. Control experiment

After the formative experiment, we repeated the observation.

As a result of the repeated study, we obtained the results shown in Table 2:

Table 2 - results of observations

Graphically, the results of the observation can be presented in Figure 2.

Rice. 2 - Item Skill Levels

So we found that:

    a sufficient level of formation of subject skills is observed in the majority of subjects - 8 people (40%);

    initial - in 2 children (10%).

Thus, we see that the level of formation of subject skills of students has increased (Figure 3).

Rice. 3 - Comparison of the results of ascertaining and control experiments

Thus, we see that the use of didactic games in history lessons is an effective means of developing subject skills.


The main feature of today's education is the orientation of the requirements for the level of training of graduates to the achievement of competencies, which are considered as an integrated personal quality acquired in the learning process. Competence covers not only knowledge, skills, but also life experience gained, values ​​formed, attitude to objects, people. New state standard gives the following hierarchically subordinate list of competencies: key, general subject, subject.

General subject (industry) competencies relate to the content of a particular educational area or subject. Subject competencies are determined for each subject, each year of study, based on general subject competencies, and are stages, levels of acquisition.

The orientation of the content of education on the development of students' competencies, first of all, implies a thorough development of a system for the formation of competencies at various levels.

The task of the teacher is to find the maximum pedagogical situations in which the child's desire for active cognitive activity can be realized. The teacher must constantly improve the learning process, which allows children to effectively and efficiently assimilate the program material. Therefore, it is so important to use didactic games in the classroom.

The didactic game is effective remedy formation of subject skills.

The game is the main condition for the development of the child, which contributes to the manifestation of his abilities, opens the level of his immediate development, which is possible only with full-fledged game activity.

The game contributes to the development of the child's personality, his psyche, which have a direct impact on the success of the child's educational and labor activities, on his relationships in society.

The game of a person is a product of activity, with the help of which he changes the world and transforms reality.

The basis of a role-playing game is an imaginary situation that includes a role and actions associated with it. The role-playing game serves as an emotional and intellectual basis for the child to master the system of human relations and reality, acquire the skills and abilities of communication, coherent speech through modeling and reproducing situations.

Role-playing games serve as a natural form of neutralizing children's fears, allowing them to reproduce life situations that cause fear in an indirect form.

We believe that the difficulty of using the game in education is related to its features (two-dimensional behavior, the absence of personal responsibility for the results of actions, a simplified view of reality), which requires the student to make efforts to enter the game. Students need to be performance oriented.

During the game, students develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, and developing attention. Carried away by the game, the guys do not notice that they are learning, even the most passive students are involved in active work.

The use of games and game moments in the lessons makes the process interesting, creates a cheerful creative mood in children, and facilitates the assimilation of educational material. A variety of game actions, with the help of which one or another mental task is solved, support and enhance children's interest in the learning process. Therefore, the game is an invariable lever of the mental development of the child.

The game requires composure, endurance, a desire to help those who are lagging behind, naturally brings up an adequate perception of failures and mistakes.

The game begins not when the students receive the task, but when they become interested in playing. This means that the game evokes pleasant emotions and puts their mind to work.

The didactic game helps communication, promotes the transfer of accumulated experience, the acquisition of new knowledge, the correct assessment of actions, the development of a person’s communication skills, his perception, memory, thinking, imagination, emotions, such traits as collectivism, activity, discipline, observation, attentiveness. In addition to the fact that didactic games are of great methodological value, they are very interesting for both the teacher and the student.

Identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure effective learning makes it possible to achieve productive results in educational activities for the development of subject skills, to outline ways to optimize and intensify the educational process.

We conducted a study in order to identify the level of formation of subject skills of 6th grade students.

At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we found that:

    a sufficient level of formation of subject skills is observed in the majority of subjects - 8 people (40%);

    high - in 5 subjects (25%);

    medium - in 4 subjects (20%);

    initial - in 3 children (15%).

Taking into account the results of the ascertaining experiment, we have developed a system of exercises, the purpose of which is the formation of subject skills. The priority was such a type of games as training games.

As a result of the control experiment, we found that:

    a sufficient level of formation of subject skills is observed in the majority of subjects - 8 people (40%);

    high - in 7 subjects (35%);

    medium - in 3 subjects (15%);

    initial - in 2 children (10%).

Thus, we see that the level of formation of subject skills of students has increased. The hypothesis of this study has been proven: the use of didactic games is an effective means of developing subject skills in history lessons.


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Meta-subject approach in teaching lessons in mathematics

Part 1.

The role of the subject "mathematics" in the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation in educational institutions at the second stage of education

Meta-subject skills as a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard.

A graduate who has received a certificate of general secondary (full) education, in order to enter adulthood normally, must be able to do a lot of things: write a statement, act according to instructions, make independent decisions, choose the best ways to solve problems, set goals, be able to achieve them, lead dialogue, work with information and much more. These basic skills are the key to the future well-being of an adult.

The school was, is and will remain the center where everyone comes. Therefore, it must form the skills that will make its graduate prosperous. These skills, one way or another, were formed in the school throughout its existence. Everyone is familiar with the declarations: “Learning to learn and learn”, a harmoniously developed personality, developmental learning, student-centered learning, project-based learning. But, for the first time, the state demanded that the school be responsible for ensuring that the student, in addition to knowledge of the subject, possesses the necessary skills and abilities that allow him to maturely enter adulthood, exercise his rights and obligations. With the introduction of the new state educational standard, the requirements for the results of mastering the basic general education programs began to be a description of the totality of the graduate's competencies educational institution determined by family, social and state needs. Formation of these requirements with division into subject, meta-subject and personal results educational activities reflects the innovative nature of the new standard. Previously, there was no such division; educational results meant only subject results.

Let us analyze in detail what can be attributed to metasubject results? The first and most famous metasubject is Aristotle's Metaphysics. Translated from ancient Greek, metaphysics means « what after physics » , this name was introduced not by Aristotle himself, but by Andronicus of Rhodes, who collected the works of the scientist. Initially, the word "Metaphysics" was used by him to refer to those philosophical books of the thinker with reasoning about the root causes of being, which were literally located after Aristotle's "Physics".

It is logical to assume that meta-subject skills are what should remain after studying academic subjects, that is, inter-subject concepts mastered by students and universal learning actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative). The ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice. Here is a quote from Albert Einstein: “Education is what remains after everything that we have been taught is forgotten.” [i]

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program basic general education should reflect:

1) the ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in study and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity;

2) the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways solving educational and cognitive problems;

3) the ability to correlate their actions with the planned results, to control their activities in the process of achieving the result, to determine the methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements, to adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation;

4) the ability to evaluate the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, their own capabilities for solving it;

5) possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities;

6) the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, reasoning (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

7) the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive problems;

8) semantic reading;

9) the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

10) the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; fluency in oral and writing, monologue contextual speech;

11) formation and development of competence in the field of the use of information and communication technologies;

12) the formation and development of environmental thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional orientation.

According to Khutorsky, the goal of meta-subject education is not the development of educational activities, but namely the generation, production of an educational result that is valuable not only for the student, but also for the society around him, the world, humanity. This is the difference from, for example, developing education, the purpose of which is the personal development of the student.

1.2. The value of the subject "Mathematics" in the formation of meta-subject skills and universal learning activities.

AT pedagogical literature two ways to achieve meta-subject results are proposed: direct inclusion in curricula educational organizations specially organized meta-objects; the formation of meta-subject skills by means of the subject, including the relevant types of activities in the lesson. From the point of view of optimality and saving students' personal time, it is advisable to follow the second path.

The dominant value in this case will be the subject "mathematics", since its study plays a system-forming role in education. Its essence and content presupposes the existence of situations in which the student would build logical reasoning, draw conclusions, create concepts, prove, substantiate, establish cause-and-effect relationships, apply and transform signs and symbols, thus, would learn by means of the subject "mathematics" required skills. But, until now, skills that are so necessary in life have only been declared. Productivity standards have been blurred. The success of the student was assessed twice: by the final exam at the end of secondary school and by the entrance exam to higher education. educational institution. Moreover, in In the process of social changes, the problems of the development of mathematical education have become more acute:

The low educational motivation of schoolchildren is associated with the public underestimation of the importance of mathematical education, the overload of educational programs of general education, as well as assessment and methodological materials with technical elements and outdated content, with the lack of curricula that meet the needs of students and the actual level of their training.

Inconsistency of the tasks of the intermediate and state final certification with the existing software and methodological support.

The virtual absence of differences in curricula, assessment and teaching materials, in the requirements of the intermediate and state final certification for different groups of students leads to the low efficiency of the educational process, the substitution of training by "training" for the exam, ignoring the actual abilities and characteristics of the preparation of students.

Most people have a strong opinion that mathematics is not given to everyone, not everyone can master it, not everyone has the ability. Teaching mathematics often comes down to memorizing rules, formulas and theorems, on the basis of which typical tasks are solved according to the algorithm. At the same time, memory develops, but not thinking. The development of thinking occurs only in a small part of children who have the inclinations to study mathematics. Of course, not all students associate their future with mathematics. It is necessary to learn how to use the resource of the subject, by means of the subject to teach all children to be smart, possessing skills that are so necessary for a child in adulthood. The state final certification in the 9th grade, and with passing in the form of the OGE in mathematics without fail, determined her leading role in the development of the graduate as a full-fledged mature member of society at the state level. In this regard, the degree of responsibility of the mathematics teacher has increased, including for the formation of universal educational activities. He has no other choice, he must teach everyone. The results of the State Final Attestation are an indicator of the success of the teacher's work, his career growth.

1.3. What are meta-subject skills and universal learning activities?

Let's define what meta-subject skills and universal learning activities are.

Meta-subject skills are inter-subject skills mastered by students and universal learning activities (UUD): regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

As metasubjects (metasubject concepts) Gromyko singled out: Knowledge, Sign, Problem, Task.

Sign (the ability to schematize, the ability to express with the help of schemes what they understand, to think, what they want to do, the ability to create an image of an object according to the scheme).

Knowledge (the ability to work with knowledge systems, use special techniques that provide the birth of new knowledge).

Problem (obtaining the appropriate equipment to deal with problems).

Task (the ability to understand and schematize the conditions, model the object of the task, design solutions, build activity procedures to achieve the goal).

Mathematics teacher does not need special explanations, everything is obvious. Mastering the relevant skills will make it easier for the student to master mathematics.

The universal nature of universal learning activities is manifested in the fact that they:

They have a supra-subject, meta-subject character;

Ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development and self-development of the individual;

Ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process;

They underlie the organization and regulation of any activity of the student, regardless of its specially-subject content;

Provide stages of assimilation educational content and the formation of the psychological abilities of the student.

AT regulatory universal learning activities (UUD) includes actions that ensure the organization of educational activities:

Planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals to achieve the final result;

Goal-setting - setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned and what is not yet known;

Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

Forecasting - anticipation of the result and the level of assimilation of its intermediate results;

Control - comparison of the result obtained with a given standard, detection, analysis of deviations and differences;

Correction - the introduction of additional deviations and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard and the real action and its product;

Evaluation - highlighting and awareness of what has already been learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

Self-regulation is the ability to mobilize forces and energy, volitional effort - to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict, to overcome obstacles.

AT cognitive universal educational actions distinguish general educational actions, including sign-symbolic and logical ones. The student will learn:

Fundamentals of the implementation of design and research activities;

Conduct observation and experiment under the guidance of a teacher;

To carry out an extended search for information using the resources of libraries and the Internet;

Create and transform models and schemes to solve problems;

To carry out the choice of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions;

Define concepts;

Establish causal relationships;

Summarize concepts;

Carry out a logical operation of transition from specific features to a generic concept, from a concept with a smaller volume to a concept with a large volume;

Carry out comparison and classification, independently choosing the bases and criteria for the specified logical operations.

Communicative universal learning activities provide social competence and consideration of the position of other people, the ability to listen, engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, integrate into a group and productively interact and cooperate with peers and adults. The graduate will learn:

Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions in cooperation;

Formulate your own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common solution in joint activities;

Establish and compare different points of view before making decisions and making choices;

Argue your point of view, argue and defend your position in a way that is not hostile to opponents;

Ask questions necessary for organizing your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

To exercise mutual control and provide necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;

Adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities; adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks;

Be fluent in oral and written language;

Build a monologue contextual statement; organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, determine the goals and functions of the participants, ways of interaction; plan general ways of working.

1 Education, quotes p.3


1. GEF basic general education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. No. 373.

2. The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, approved on 22.11. 2012.

3. The concept of the development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation on December 24, 2013. No. 2506-R.

4. Gromyko N.V., Polovkova M.V. "Meta-subject approach as the core of Russian education", an introductory seminar for participants in the All-Russian competition "Teacher Node of Russia - 2009"

5. Khutorskoy A.V. "Meta-subject content of education from the standpoint of human conformity", published in the journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Human Education" 2.13. 2012 Moscow.

6. Presentation on the topic: “Formation of UUD in the main secondary school. Four interdisciplinary study programs”.

We learn to form subject and meta-subject knowledge and skills in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.

"Life in the classroom must become authentic."

To make it so is the task of the modern teacher.

I. Metaobjectivity, metaactivity, metaknowledge, metamethods and their relationship with each other.

"Meta" - ("for", "through", "above"), universal, integrating: metaactivity, metasubject, metaknowledge, metaskill (metamethod). This is sometimes referred to as universal knowledge and methods. Sometimes - mental activity.

The established new requirements for the results of students make it necessary to change the content of education based on the principles of metasubjectivity as a condition for achieving a high quality of education. A teacher today should be able to design new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating by students their own products in mastering knowledge.

The meta-subject approach incorporates the best didactic and methodological examples of the development of the subject form of knowledge. But at the same time, it opens up new development prospects for such an educational form as a subject and a lesson.

The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of an over-subject, meta-subject nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal, and cognitive development and self-development of the individual. Universal educational activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the student's psychological abilities.

Thus, the meta-subject approach ensures the transition from the existing practice of splitting knowledge into objects to a holistic figurative perception of the world, to meta-activity. According to A.A. Kuznetsova, meta-subject results of educational activity are methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects.

Today, the position that the success of learning is based on general learning activities that take precedence over narrow-subject knowledge and skills is becoming increasingly recognized.

Relevance of the problemrelated to the need to implement a project of innovative changes in the teaching of the Russian language and literature in a secondary school, is:

  • in new approaches to measuring the educational results of schoolchildren;
  • in the requirement of new technologies for the organization of educational and extracurricular activities;
  • in providing an integrated approach to innovation processes;
  • in the ideas of student-centered learning included in the school development program;
  • in the forms and methods of ensuring the motivational readiness of teachers to improve their professional skills,
  • in providing individual educational needs of students.

The basis of modern educational standards is the formationbasic competenciesmodern man:

  • informational (the ability to search, analyze, transform, apply information to solve problems);
  • communicative (ability to cooperate effectively with other people);
  • self-organization (the ability to set goals, plan, treat health responsibly, make full use of one's own resources);
  • self-education (willingness to design and implement their own educational trajectory throughout life, ensuring success and competitiveness).

Requirements for the results of education that have a universal, meta-subject value:

1. Ability to organize your work:

  • determine its goals and objectives,
  • choose the means to achieve the goal,
  • put them into practice
  • collaborate in a group to achieve common goals,
  • evaluate the results achieved.

2. Key competencies, which have a universal value for various kinds activities:

  • generalized methods for solving educational problems,
  • research, communication and information skills,
  • ability to work with different sources of information.

3. Readiness for professional choice:

  • ability to navigate in the world of professions, in the situation on the labor market and in the system vocational education taking into account their own interests and capabilities.

Implement new standard, focused on the development of the child's personality, is impossible without the formation of universal educational activities as a proper psychological component of the fundamental core of education.In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the child's ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower, actually psychological, sense, universal learning actions are a set of student action methods, as well as related learning skills that ensure independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process. The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of a supra-subject, meta-subject nature, ensure the integrity of the general cultural personal and cognitive development and self-development of the child, ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process, underlie the organization and regulation of any student activity, regardless of its specially-subject content. Universal learning activities provide the stages of mastering the educational content and the formation psychological features student.

Functions UUD consist, firstly, in ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods of achieving, control and evaluate the process and results of activities,
secondly, in creating conditions for the development of the personality and its self-realization in the system of continuous education, the formation of "competence for the renewal of competencies" (Y.A. Kuzminov), tolerant attitudes of the individual, ensuring her life in a multicultural society, high social and professional mobility, thirdly, in ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of a picture of the world, competencies in any subject area of ​​knowledge.

Among the main types of UUD, four blocks can be distinguished:

1. Personal.
3. General cognitive.

The possibilities of forming meta-activity are embedded in a number of methods, approaches and technologies:
developmental education of Elkonin-Davydov;
thought activity pedagogy;
communicative didactics;
heuristic learning;
logical-semantic modeling;
School of M. Shchetinin

Technology for the development of critical thinking, etc.

According to experts (M.E. Bershadsky, M.V. Klarin, P.I. Tretyakov, A.V. Khutorskoy and others), the common basis for various innovative learning models with a search orientation is an integrative over-subject search learning activity. This is a special activity for the construction of educational knowledge - research, heuristic, project, communicative-dialogue, discussion, game. The essence of the activity lies in the fact that the assimilation of any material (concept, mode of action, etc.) occurs in the process of solving a practical or research problem, a cognitive problem situation. At the same time, the more difficult the situation you choose,

the higher will be the personal development potential of the lesson.« The arguments that a person thinks out himself usually convince him more than those that came to the mind of others ”(B. Pascal). A system of innovative creative projects can become a mechanism for the development of metaactivity. When they are created, students form concepts, facts, ideas, laws common to all sciences, develop methods, actions that they acquire in the learning process, develop the habit of thinking and acting in accordance with the principles of metasubjectivity, that is, knowledge is integrated, experience is gained. creative activity.

The principle of "metasubjectivity" also consists in teaching schoolchildren general techniques, techniques, schemes, patterns of mental work that lie above objects, on top of objects, but which are reproduced when working with any subject material (Yu. Gromyko). This is the compilation of concept trees, clusters, fishbone schemes, methods of folding information (abstract, table, diagram).

In the practice of educating students, meta-subject technologies are used, which are included in subject teaching, which transforms the subjects themselves and the pedagogical style. This allows students to demonstrate the processes of formation of scientific and practical knowledge, reorganize training courses, including modern issues, tasks and problems, including those that are significant for young people.

II. Implementation of the principle of metasubjectivity in the learning process (from experience in integrative technology).

With an acute shortage of the humanitarian component in the social field of our culture, the synthesis of various academic subjects and, above all, subjects of the humanitarian cycle in the paradigm of culture, the development of integrated courses, the interconnection and interpenetration of all school disciplines is of great importance. It is not surprising that the ideas of integration are increasingly penetrating into school practice. It is advisable for the school to work on the creation of a system of integrated sciences, which, of course, include the subjects of the humanities cycle. Such work is carried out in stages: coordination of curricula, discussion and formulation of general concepts, coordination of study time, mutual consultations, planning of topics and summaries of integrated lessons. In the process of integrating the humanities, meta-subject skills are formed:

  • analytical,
  • educational and informational,
  • communicative speech.

In integrated lessons, analyzing facts and phenomena, students actively learn about reality, find cause-and-effect relationships, and the following skills are formed:

  • ability to compare phenomena and facts;
  • ability to highlight the main thing;
  • the ability to compose a whole picture from individual elements;
  • ability to formulate a general problem;
  • ability to draw philosophical, economic, political, moral conclusions.

Integrated lessons develop students' cognitive interest, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, therefore it is very important to form students' meta-subject educational and informational skills:

1. the ability to extract information from various sources;

2. the ability to make a plan;

3. the ability to select material on a given topic;

4. the ability to write written abstracts;

5. ability to select quotes;

6. ability to make tables, charts, graphs.

The necessary communicative and speech metasubject skills are formed:

  1. the ability to compose a coherent oral statement;
  2. ability to observe orthoepic and grammatical norms;
  3. the ability to highlight intonationally significant parts of the statement;
  4. the ability to observe emotional pauses and contrast pronunciation;
  5. the ability to maintain a certain style of speech in messages and reports;
  6. the ability to use various visual aids;
  7. the ability to express one's opinion and argue it;
  8. the ability to draw up research papers;
  9. the ability to retell the text (in detail, selectively, concisely);
  10. the ability to lead a discussion.

Thus, integrated lessons give the student a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, about mutual assistance, about the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis in the integrated lesson falls not so much on the assimilation of knowledge about the relationship between phenomena and objects, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated lessons also require the mandatory development of students' creative activity. This makes it possible to use the content of all academic subjects, to attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life. In high school, integrated lessons are the most important part of the system of interdisciplinary connections. The material of such lessons shows the unity of the processes taking place in the world around us, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences. The acquired meta-subject skills will be useful to students when performing a creative task on an exam in the form of the UNT, as well as in their future professional activity and everyday life.

I have been using integrated lessons in my work for a long time. First of all, it is intra-subject integration. The school literature course itself is already integrated, because contains the science of literature (literary criticism), the reading experience of students, the basics of writing, i.e. phenomena of a different order, interconnected on the basis of goal-setting.
First, the integration of the Russian language and literature. The state educational standard for the Russian language is focused not only and not so much on teaching spelling and punctuation, but on the formation of the language and spiritual culture of schoolchildren, the ability to think competently and speak and write well in different conditions communication. Therefore, the integration of Russian and literature and the creation of Russian literature, a subject that synthesizes students' knowledge of the language with penetration into the world of fiction, becomes natural. Such lessons provide a wonderful opportunity to consolidate the knowledge gained in the Russian language lessons and deepen the motivation for learning. At the heart of such lessons is an interesting text that contributes to the spiritual development of the student, corresponding age characteristics schoolchild, at the same time containing something new intellectually and emotionally, rich in spelling, grammar, punctuation and, if possible, relevant at the time of use.

When selecting didactic material for Russian language lessons, I try to find such texts and sentences that the children would ask: “Where does this come from? Who is the author?”, and it’s also nice when children say: “So we read it.”

Of course, integration with history cannot be avoided in literature lessons: studying the biography of a writer or the facts described in a work requires reliance on a certain historical era, on information about historical figures. How to reveal the image of Pugachev in Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" without relying on historical material about the Pugachev rebellion and the personality of the leader? How to show the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov without affecting the real fate of the Don Cossacks?

In such lessons, it is appropriate to use the research method of teaching, giving students individual and group advanced tasks. This allows not only to expand knowledge, but also to cultivate cognitive interest, increasing the motivation for learning.

Preparing for lessons on the development of speech on the description of paintings, I actively use illustrative material. As a rule, all students are given the task of preparing a message, a presentation about the artist, whose painting will be described in the lesson. And then, collecting material for an essay, everyone gets the opportunity to talk about the author and his works, to tell orally and in writing - in the introduction to the essay. At the same time, the following goals are achieved: broadening one's horizons, improving the ability to extract the main thing, compositionally correctly build an essay, and the communicative task is also solved - educating the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

The children get acquainted with several works of the artist, reflecting his skill and individuality of manner. By the way, such lessons are not complete without integration with literature and music, history.

Painting also plays an important role in literature lessons. This, of course, is primarily illustrations by different artists for works that develop in children figurative thinking, aesthetic taste, the ability to compare and analyze.

When telling the biography of the writer, using my presentations, I try to illustrate my story with portraits painted by different artists depicting the writer at different moments of his life. This is how a child can get a holistic perception not only of a person, but also of an era, and how one cannot do without history as a subject.
I try to integrate all subjects: history and literature,

Geography (A. N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" theatrical integrated lesson - reflection) Russian language and society, so that they take away from the lesson the idea that everything that surrounds us is interconnected.

Not so long ago we studied the story of L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball". At the lesson, we talked not only about the character of the protagonist, not only about landscape sketches, details, sounds and the skill of the writer, but also about the historical era.

At such lessons, the main goal is probably not so much an educational and developmental goal as an educational one: the education of moral qualities in a person, the development of interest and respect for the culture of another people, the formation of the ability to work in groups, the ability to listen to the opinions of others.

The methodological basis of an integrated approach to learning is the establishment of interdisciplinary connections. Preparation for an integrated lesson begins with the definition of a specific topic, study group and venue. But the main thing is the choice of a partner with whom it is necessary to achieve a certain psychological compatibility. Therefore, such lessons are planned only with the colleague who causes personal sympathy. Since the course of an integrated lesson is unpredictable, the roles of teachers change dynamically.

At the next stage, the type of integrated lesson is jointly determined: lesson-conversation, lesson-excursion, lesson-lecture, laboratory-practical lesson, etc.
Each type of lesson involves its own goal-setting, construction and structuring of educational material.

The pedagogical technology of preparing an integrated lesson includes:
- Coordination by teachers of the content and methods of teaching;
- The nature of communication and relationships with students and among themselves during the lesson.
Simply put, these are several subjects in one lesson.

A teacher preparing to conduct an integrated lesson should

take into account that integration is not just addition, but the interpenetration of two or more objects. And therefore, literature and history, physics and chemistry, literature and music cannot be equally represented in one lesson. One of them needs to make room, absorbing the second one, and, illumined by it, reveal itself in a new way. Otherwise, the benefits of integration are doubtful, and the harm (at least in the form of overload) is obvious. What is the difference between an integrated lesson and a regular lesson form? Comparative analysis shows that the difference primarily lies in the specifics of the educational material being considered or studied on it. Most often, the subject of analysis is multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various academic disciplines. For example, in a literature lesson, talk about history, for example, a lesson on "Eugene Onegin" and talk about that time, about people, customs, duels, and if you also pay attention to the use of French words in the novel, then this will already be a connection with foreign language lesson.

Thus, integrated lessons give the student a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, about mutual assistance, about the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis in the integrated lesson falls not so much on the assimilation of knowledge about the relationship between phenomena and objects, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated lessons also require the mandatory development of students' creative activity. This makes it possible to use the content of all academic subjects, to attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.

In high school, integrated lessons are the most important part of the system of interdisciplinary connections. The material of such lessons shows the unity of the processes taking place in the world around us, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences.

The acquired meta-subject skills will be useful to students when performing a creative task on an exam in the form of the UNT, as well as in their future professional activities and everyday life.

The purposeful formation of the general cultural and civic identity of the individual acts asactual taskraising a child at the first stages of his inclusion in socialization. It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of the educational space in order to optimize the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of children, the creation of conditions for the achievement of success by all students.

The meta-subject lesson is…

This part of the work represents the author's reflections on the topic of the meta-subject lesson, its features, differences and advantages.

Meta-subject lesson is a lesson, the purpose of which is

transfer learning theoretical knowledge in subjects in the practical life of the student

Preparing students for real life and developing the ability to solve personally significant problems;

Formation of key competencies: value-semantic, general cultural, educational, cognitive, informational, communicative, social and labor and personal self-improvement competencies

Formation of meta-subject and universal educational activities, taking into account real needs and interests in communication and cognition.

Orientation to the close relationship of learning with the immediate needs of life, interests and socio-cultural experience of students.

The acquisition by students of knowledge that can be applied not only in the educational process, but also in real life situations.

Formation of universal learning activities

Orientation to the development of basic abilities in schoolchildren, the development of meta-subject knowledge on the example of clashes between the positions of science and art

necessary knowledge is used not only for memorization, but also as knowledge for meaningful use

The ability to learn, that is, the child's ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience

Creating conditions for activating the child's thought processes and for analyzing the components of this process

Formation of a holistic view of the world, the interconnections of its parts that intersect in one subject or combine in it, comprehend the inconsistency and diversity of the world in activities

Formation at each moment of the lesson in the student's understanding of how he achieved new knowledge and what methods he needs to master in order to learn what he does not yet know

A meta-subject lesson is a lesson in which

there is an integration of various training profiles into a single system of knowledge about the world

necessarily there is work with the activity of the student, the transfer to students not just of knowledge, but of activity methods of working with knowledge and, accordingly, activity units of content, universal abilities are manifested by students,

are manifested in the active application of knowledge and skills in cognitive

and subject-practical activities.

schoolchildren learn general techniques, techniques, schemes, patterns of mental work that lie above objects, on top of objects, but which are reproduced when working with any subject material, the real needs and interests of schoolchildren are taken into account.

there is a inclusion of the child at times in the types of activities that are important for a particular child, the search activity of students is organized, a variety of which are: posing a problem, generating ideas, communicative-dialogue activity, it is necessary"first of all, to teach children to think - and, moreover, all children, without any exception"develops the personality of the student methodological techniques and forms allows you to get meta-subject results.

The child masters two types of content at once - the content of the subject area and activity

the student 1) foresees, traces the origin of the most important concepts that define a given subject area of ​​knowledge. He seems to rediscover these concepts. 2) then analyzes itself

way of dealing with this concept. The student lives the history of the discovery of the phenomenon, that is, he simultaneously perceives all the experience necessary for this, he masters the methods, not even the activities - LIFE.

A meta-subject lesson is a lesson with which

there is not only cognitive, but also personal development of the student, as well as the formation of his own worldview system.

there is a preservation and upholding of the culture of thinking and the culture of forming a holistic worldview

the integrity of the student's ideas about the world around is ensured as a necessary and natural result of his knowledge

you can prepare the child for real life.

the meta-subject content is included in the general content of education by:

Allocation of individual academic disciplines (meta-subjects "problem", "knowledge", etc.)

Inclusion of fundamental educational objects (reflecting the unity of the world) into ordinary subjects

you can find out the ability of students to build logical reasoning, draw conclusions and conclusions, organize and plan educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers, apply the acquired knowledge outside the school.

not just to teach how to solve problems in physics, but to show the operation of basic physical laws, for example, Newton's law in life, to explain how a child can apply the knowledge gained in chemistry and biology, why geometry and algebra are needed. And then our children will have the main thing: the desire and meaning to learn

learning turns into a process of self-development of the student and expands the horizons of his knowledge, the child is included in different types of activities associated with the analysis of the peculiar ways of action of each particular child, thereby creating conditions for his personal growth, the teacher leads the child to reflect on the process of his activity in the lesson (or in general activities ) to restore the genesis of a particular concept. All the complexity of the world is presented through the subject being studied.

Meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of basic general educationshould reflect:

1) the ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in study and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity; 2) the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems; conditions and requirements, adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation; 4) the ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, one's own ability to solve it; 5) possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities; 6) the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, reasoning (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

7) the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive problems;

8) semantic reading;

9) the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

10) the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech;

11) formation and development of competence in the field of the use of information and communication technologies;

12) the formation and development of ecological thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional orientation.

Meta-subject technologies were created in order to start cultivating a different type of consciousness for both the student and the teacher, who did not “get stuck” in the informational limitations of one academic subject, but worked with the interconnections and limitations of knowledge in each of the disciplines. This is possible due to the fact that in meta-subject and training sessions using elements of meta-subject technologies, the teacher and student are brought to the over-subject basis, which is the very activity of the student and teacher.


Used Books

  1. Vagina S.G., Glivinskaya O.V., Mikhailyuk Ya.V. Implementation of the meta-subject approach in teaching the humanities cycle of subjects in a secondary school.
  2. Valkova G., Zainullina F., Shteinberg V. Logical and semantic models - didactic multidimensional technology / V. // SCHOOL DIRECTOR: scientific method. magazine for hands. textbook institutions and educational institutions. - 2009. - No. 1.
  3. Kanaeva M.V. Development of universal learning activities
  4. Kovaleva G.S., Krasnovsky E.A., Krasnyanskaya K.A., Loginova O.B., Tatur O.A. Model of the system for evaluating the results of the development of general education programs. /www. standard. edu. ru/.
  5. Masyukova N.G., head of Department of Humanitarian Disciplines SKIPKRO
    Guidelines to help students of courses in the nomination "Teacher of the Year" in history and social studies.
  6. Dictionary-reference book on pedagogy. Author-compiler V.A. Mizherikov, ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo, M. 2004.
  7. Fedorova S.Sh. Metaknowledge appropriation technology /
  8. Fomenko I.A. Creation of a system for the formation of a new content of education based on the principles of metasubjectivity./
  9. Khutorskoy A.V. Heuristic type of education: results of scientific and practical research // Pedagogy. - 1999. - No. 7. - P.15-22.

Formation of subject and meta-subject skills in the classroom in English.

New realities of the 21st century, processes of internationalization of all aspects of life, features information society put forward special requirements for mastering foreign languages. The federal state educational standard of the second generation and new exemplary programs fix the line on early education, which, according to the main provisions and directions, should have a positive impact on the development of both foreign language communicative competence and the general competence of students, and will also allow achieving higher personal and meta-subject learning outcomes.

The system-activity approach laid down in the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard corresponds to nature elementary school student who perceives the world holistically, emotionally and actively. This allows you to include a foreign language speech activity into other activities characteristic of a child of a given age (playing, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic) and makes it possible to make various connections with the subjects studied in primary school, and to form general educational skills that are interdisciplinary in nature. In accordance with the requirements of the standard, in the structure of the planned results, personal and meta-subject results are presented in separate sections, since their achievement is ensured by the entire set of academic subjects. The achievement of subject results is carried out through the development of the subject "Foreign Language", therefore the subject results are also grouped separately and are given in the most detailed form. The personal results of mastering a subject are understood as a system of value relations of students - to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself and its results.

personal the results of learning a foreign language in elementary school are:

General idea of ​​the world as a multilingual and multicultural community;

Awareness of the language, including a foreign one, as the main means of communication between people;

Acquaintance with the world of foreign peers using the means of the language being studied.

metasubject The results of learning a foreign language at school are:

Development of the ability to interact with others, performing different roles within speech needs;

Development of the student's communicative abilities, the ability to choose adequate language and speech means for the successful solution of a communicative task;

Development of the cognitive, emotional spheres of the younger student;

Mastering the ability to work with UMC.

The peculiarity of meta-subject results is related to the nature of UUD, where meta-subject actions form the psychological basis and the decisive condition for the success of students in solving subject problems. The achievement of meta-subject results can act as a result of the performance of specially designed diagnostic tasks aimed at assessing the level of formation of a particular type of UUD, it can also be considered as a means of solving and as a condition for the successful completion of educational and educational-practical tasks by means of educational subjects. Finally, the achievement of meta-subject results can be manifested in the success of complex tasks on an inter-subject basis. And the use of various test tasks, the successful completion of which requires mastering the skills of working with information, will allow assessing the formation of meta-subject results.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature shows that the interest in learning a foreign language is great initial stage teaching, then it weakens significantly. The transition from primary to secondary school has a huge impact on the motivation for learning. A child of younger adolescence is on the verge of a developmental crisis, his interest in learning is declining. At this time, special attention should be paid to the selection of material. Among the difficulties of teaching students in the middle link is the inability to work independently with a book, computer programs and other sources of information, assimilate the material given in lecture form, participate in project and research work, the inability to approach the material being studied critically, to develop one's own point of view. They tend, as in elementary school, to learn certain algorithms and adapt them as needed to emerging learning situations in the middle level.

Considering motivation as the main driving force in the study of a foreign language, we note that motives are determined by the internal motives of a person. Hence all the difficulties of calling motivation from the outside. A person will be able to learn a foreign language if he himself feels the need for it, that is, he is motivated. Creating conditions for the formation of internal motivation in students of the 5th grade in learning English (the formation of personal interest and need for learning the language) leads to the realization of the need to develop additional materials that contribute to the emergence of motivation to learn a foreign language, the formation of communicative competence.

The solution of this problem will be helped by the presence of a bright emotional component that arouses interest in learning and contributes to the formation of meta-subject skills. Such a component, in our opinion, can be complex of projects who should help solve problems such as:

    mastering by students the skills of search activity, the ability to work with literature, the ability to search for the necessary information on the Internet;

    selection of the necessary information, its generalization;

    the formation of the ability of the participants in the project work to present their projects in the form of a presentation, to prepare their speech;

    mastering the ability to respond to questions, engage in discussion;

    development of the ability for introspection and self-assessment;

    development of creative abilities;

    increased interest in the language being studied.

So, in the textbooks of S. Ter-Minasova "Favourite English" for grades 3-5, constantly, after each section, it is proposed to draw up a project according to a specific plan. We repeatedly use the project method in our work. Students completed projects on the following topics: "Fun Park" (grade 3), "Wild Animals" (grade 4), "A traditional Russian holiday", "My day", "The house I like" (grade 5) and others.

Thus, we can assume that the improvement of meta-subject skills in English will be more successful if students have motivation, which is formed by attracting additional teaching tools (learning materials). The use of project technology can help raise interest and initiate the improvement of meta-subject skills in English.

Modern educational technologies that are used to form a student's foreign language communicative competence are the most productive for creating an educational environment that provides student-oriented interaction of all participants in the educational process. Obviously, the use of any one learning technology, no matter how perfect it may be, does not create the maximum effective conditions for the disclosure and development of the abilities of students and the creative search of the teacher. Thus, modern learning technologies foreign language accumulate successful information of each of them, enable the teacher to adjust any technology in accordance with the structure, functions, content, goals and objectives of teaching in this particular group of students.

The principle of "metasubjectivity" also consists in teaching schoolchildren general techniques, techniques, schemes, patterns of mental work that lie above objects, on top of objects, but which are reproduced when working with any subject material (Yu. Gromyko).

One of the most important meta-skills is information processing skills (analysis, synthesis, interpretation, extrapolation, evaluation, argumentation, ability to fold information).

The following techniques can be used: compiling mental maps, concept trees, clusters, denotative graphs, fishbone schemes (fish bones - the pros and cons technology), graphical models of knowledge, information folding techniques (summary, table, diagram) and others.

mental maps

Mental maps were proposed by American educators B. Derporter and M. Henaki. Mental maps are drawn in the form of a diagram with a center and "branches" radiating from it. On the branches are placed words or pictures. This shows the infinite variety of possible associations and, consequently, the inexhaustibility of the possibilities of the brain. This way of recording allows the mental map to grow and supplement indefinitely.

At the lesson on the topic “Seasons”, when we were compiling mental maps, students were offered tasks of a differentiated nature: enter the names of the seasons and the corresponding months or words associated with one or another season of the year. Moreover, the choice of the task was carried out by the students themselves, assessing their own level of preparedness.

FISHBOUN schemes

The "fishbone" schemes ("fish skeleton") were invented by Professor K. Ishikawa. They are a graphic representation that helps to identify and visually display the causes of specific events, phenomena, problems or results. In the head of the skeleton is a problem that is being considered in the planned project. The skeleton itself has upper and lower bones. On the upper bones, the causes of the problem are noted, on the lower bones, facts are written confirming the existence of the formulated causes. In the "tail" - the conclusion.

Reception "FOR" and "AGAINST"

On the initial stage the formation of this meta-skill, a simpler option is possible - the technique of "for" and "against". So, at the lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic "Meals", the meta-theme "Harm and benefit", students (3-4 grades) were offered the actual problem of proper nutrition. It is indicated in the head of the skeleton; on the upper bones, students write down the names useful products, on the lower - harmful. As a conclusion, it is proposed to choose a well-known English proverb.


    bundle, bunch(a cluster of grapes)

    Group(a cluster of people)

- graphic method of systematization of the material.

Thoughts do not pile up, but “pile up”, that is, they are arranged in a certain order.

Compilation technology:


    Writing words around the main word. They are circled and connected to the main word;

    Each new word forms a new core that causes further associations. Thus, associative chains are created;

    Related concepts are connected by lines.

Possibilities of use:

    Clusters can become the leading technique at the stage call,

    Systematization of information received before acquaintance with the main source (text) in the form of questions or headings of semantic blocks; on the stage reflection,

    Correcting incorrect assumptions in preliminary clusters, filling them in on the basis of new information, establishing cause-and-effect relationships between separate semantic blocks (individually and in groups).

    When systematizing, repeating the material;

    When working with text;

    When repeated at the beginning of the lesson;

    When introducing a topic;

    When collecting the necessary language material;

    Under control.

Drawing up mental maps, denotation graphs, fishbone schemes are effective methods of processing information not only in English lessons, but also in the lessons of any other subject. By transferring the universal method, we show students the way out of their subject to other subject areas of knowledge.

Meta-subject skills are necessary for students when performing a creative task at the Unified State Examination, in their future professional activities, in everyday life. The purposeful formation of a general cultural and civic personality acts as an urgent task of raising a child. It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of the educational space in order to optimize the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of children, the creation of conditions for the achievement of success by all students.

The content of the subject English allows you to create conditions for achieving a wide range personal educational results and the formation of communicative learning skills. The main task of the teacher in preparing for the lesson is to analyze, highlight and select the content in such a way that the lesson is focused on the targeted achievement of personal and meta-subject results chosen as priorities in the study of a particular topic.

Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region, Ekibastuz

School-Lyceum №6

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Boguraeva Natalya Pavlovna

Formation of subject and meta-subject knowledge

and skills in the lessons of the Russian language and literature

"Life in the classroom must become authentic."

To make it so is the task of the modern teacher.

I.Metaobjectivity, metaactivity, metaknowledge, metamethods and their relationship with each other.

"Meta" - ("for", "through", "above"), universal, integrating: metaactivity, metasubject, metaknowledge, metaskill (metamethod). This is sometimes referred to as universal knowledge and methods. Sometimes - mental activity.

The established new requirements for the results of students make it necessary to change the content of education based on the principles of metasubjectivity as a condition for achieving a high quality of education. A teacher today should be able to design new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating by students their own products in mastering knowledge.

The meta-subject approach incorporates the best didactic and methodological examples of the development of the subject form of knowledge. But at the same time, it opens up new development prospects for such an educational form as a subject and a lesson.

The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of an over-subject, meta-subject nature; ensure the integrity of the general cultural, personal, and cognitive development and self-development of the individual. Universal educational activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the student's psychological abilities.

Thus, the meta-subject approach ensures the transition from the existing practice of splitting knowledge into objects to a holistic figurative perception of the world, to meta-activity. According to A.A. Kuznetsova, meta-subject results of educational activity are methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects.

Today, the position that the success of learning is based on general learning activities that take precedence over narrow-subject knowledge and skills is becoming increasingly recognized.

Relevance of the problem related to the need to implement a project of innovative changes in the teaching of the Russian language and literature in a secondary school, is:

  • in new approaches to measuring the educational results of schoolchildren;
  • in the requirement of new technologies for the organization of educational and extracurricular activities;
  • in providing an integrated approach to innovation processes;
  • in the ideas of student-centered learning included in the school development program;
  • in the forms and methods of ensuring the motivational readiness of teachers to improve their professional skills,
  • in providing individual educational needs of students.

The basis of modern educational standards is the formation basic competencies modern man :

  • informational (the ability to search, analyze, transform, apply information to solve problems);
  • communicative (ability to cooperate effectively with other people);
  • self-organization (the ability to set goals, plan, treat health responsibly, make full use of one's own resources);
  • self-education (willingness to design and implement their own educational trajectory throughout life, ensuring success and competitiveness).

Requirements for the results of education that have a universal, meta-subject value:

1.Ability to organize your work:

  • determine its goals and objectives,
  • choose the means to achieve the goal,
  • put them into practice
  • collaborate in a group to achieve common goals,
  • evaluate the results achieved.

2. Key competencies, which are of universal importance for various types of activities:

  • generalized methods for solving educational problems,
  • research, communication and information skills,
  • ability to work with different sources of information.

3. Readiness for professional choice:

  • the ability to navigate in the world of professions, in the situation on the labor market and in the system of vocational education, taking into account one's own interests and capabilities.

It is impossible to implement a new standard focused on the development of the child's personality without the formation of universal educational activities as the actual psychological component of the fundamental core of education. In a broad sense, the term "universal educational activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the child's ability to self-develop and new social experience. In a narrower, actually psychological, sense, universal learning actions are a set of student’s ways of action, as well as related learning skills that ensure independent assimilation of new knowledge,

the formation of skills, including the organization of this process. The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of a supra-subject, meta-subject nature, ensure the integrity of the general cultural personal and cognitive development and self-development of the child, ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process, underlie the organization and regulation of any student activity, regardless of its specially-subject content. Universal educational activities provide the stages of assimilation of educational content and the formation of the psychological characteristics of the student.

Functions UUD consist, firstly, in ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods of achieving, control and evaluate the process and results of activities,
secondly, in creating conditions for the development of the personality and its self-realization in the system of continuous education, the formation of "competence for the renewal of competencies" (Y.A. Kuzminov), tolerant attitudes of the individual, ensuring her life in a multicultural society, high social and professional mobility, thirdly, in ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of a picture of the world, competencies in any subject area of ​​knowledge.

Among the main types of UUD, four blocks can be distinguished:

1. Personal.
3. General cognitive.

The possibilities of forming meta-activity are embedded in a number of methods, approaches and technologies:
. developmental education of Elkonin-Davydov;
. thought activity pedagogy;
. communicative didactics;
. heuristic learning;
. logical-semantic modeling;
. School of M. Shchetinin

Technology for the development of critical thinking, etc.

According to experts (M.E. Bershadsky, M.V. Klarin, P.I. Tretyakov, A.V. Khutorskoy and others), the common basis for various innovative learning models with a search orientation is an integrative over-subject search learning activity. This is a special activity for the construction of educational knowledge - research, heuristic, project, communicative-dialogue, discussion, game. The essence of the activity lies in the fact that the assimilation of any material (concept, mode of action, etc.) occurs in the process of solving a practical or research problem, a cognitive problem situation. At the same time, the more difficult the situation you choose,

the higher will be the personal development potential of the lesson. « The arguments that a person thinks out himself usually convince him more than those that came to the mind of others ”(B. Pascal). A system of innovative creative projects can become a mechanism for the development of metaactivity. When they are created, students form concepts, facts, ideas, laws common to all sciences, develop methods, actions that they acquire in the learning process, develop the habit of thinking and acting in accordance with the principles of metasubjectivity, that is, knowledge is integrated, experience is gained. creative activity.

The principle of "metasubjectivity" also consists in teaching schoolchildren general techniques, techniques, schemes, patterns of mental work that lie above objects, on top of objects, but which are reproduced when working with any subject material (Yu. Gromyko). This is the compilation of concept trees, clusters, fishbone schemes, methods of folding information (abstract, table, diagram).

In the practice of educating students, meta-subject technologies are used, which are included in subject teaching, which transforms the subjects themselves and the pedagogical style. This allows students to demonstrate the processes of formation of scientific and practical knowledge, reorganize training courses, including modern issues, tasks and problems, including those that are significant for young people.

II.Implementation of the principle of metasubjectivity in the learning process (from experience in integrative technology).

With an acute shortage of the humanitarian component in the social field of our culture, the synthesis of various academic subjects and, above all, subjects of the humanitarian cycle in the paradigm of culture, the development of integrated courses, the interconnection and interpenetration of all school disciplines is of great importance. It is not surprising that the ideas of integration are increasingly penetrating into school practice. It is advisable for the school to work on the creation of a system of integrated sciences, which, of course, include the subjects of the humanities cycle. Such work is carried out in stages: coordination of curricula, discussion and formulation of general concepts, coordination of study time, mutual consultations, planning of topics and summaries of integrated lessons. In the process of integrating the humanities, meta-subject skills are formed:

  • analytical,
  • educational and informational,
  • communicative speech.

In integrated lessons, analyzing facts and phenomena, students actively learn about reality, find cause-and-effect relationships, and the following skills are formed:

  • ability to compare phenomena and facts;
  • ability to highlight the main thing;
  • the ability to compose a whole picture from individual elements;
  • ability to formulate a general problem;
  • ability to draw philosophical, economic, political, moral conclusions.

Integrated lessons develop students' cognitive interest, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, therefore it is very important to form students' meta-subject educational and informational skills:

1. the ability to extract information from various sources;

2. the ability to make a plan;

3. the ability to select material on a given topic;

4. the ability to write written abstracts;

5. ability to select quotes;

6. ability to make tables, charts, graphs.

The necessary communicative and speech metasubject skills are formed:

  1. the ability to compose a coherent oral statement;
  2. ability to observe orthoepic and grammatical norms;
  3. the ability to highlight intonationally significant parts of the statement;
  4. the ability to observe emotional pauses and contrast pronunciation;
  5. the ability to maintain a certain style of speech in messages and reports;
  6. the ability to use various visual aids;
  7. the ability to express one's opinion and argue it;
  8. the ability to draw up research papers;
  9. the ability to retell the text (in detail, selectively, concisely);

10. the ability to lead a discussion.

Thus, integrated lessons give the student a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, about mutual assistance, about the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis in the integrated lesson falls not so much on the assimilation of knowledge about the relationship between phenomena and objects, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated lessons also require the mandatory development of students' creative activity. This makes it possible to use the content of all academic subjects, to attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life. In high school, integrated lessons are the most important part of the system of interdisciplinary connections. The material of such lessons shows the unity of the processes taking place in the world around us, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences. The acquired meta-subject skills will be useful to students when performing a creative task on an exam in the form of the UNT, as well as in their future professional activities and everyday life.

I have been using integrated lessons in my work for a long time. Primarily,

it is intra-subject integration. The school literature course itself is already integrated, because contains the science of literature (literary criticism), the reading experience of students, the basics of writing, i.e. phenomena of a different order, interconnected on the basis of goal-setting.
First, the integration of the Russian language and literature. The state educational standard for the Russian language is focused not only and not so much on teaching spelling and punctuation, but on the formation of the language and spiritual culture of schoolchildren, the ability to think competently and speak and write well in different communication conditions. Therefore, the integration of Russian and literature and the creation of Russian literature, a subject that synthesizes students' knowledge of the language with penetration into the world of fiction, becomes natural. Such lessons provide a wonderful opportunity to consolidate the knowledge gained in the Russian language lessons and deepen the motivation for learning. Such lessons are based on an interesting text that contributes to the spiritual development of the student, corresponding to the age characteristics of the student, at the same time containing something new intellectually and emotionally, rich in spelling, grammar, punctuation and, if possible, relevant at the time of use.

When selecting didactic material for Russian language lessons, I try to find such texts and sentences that the children would ask: “Where does this come from? Who is the author?”, and it’s also nice when children say: “So we read it.”

Of course, integration with history cannot be avoided in literature lessons: studying the biography of a writer or the facts described in a work requires reliance on a certain historical era, on information about historical figures. How to reveal the image of Pugachev in Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" without relying on historical material about the Pugachev rebellion and the personality of the leader? How to show the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov without affecting the real fate of the Don Cossacks?

In such lessons, it is appropriate to use the research method of teaching, giving students individual and group advanced tasks. This allows not only to expand knowledge, but also to cultivate cognitive interest, increasing the motivation for learning.

Preparing for lessons on the development of speech on the description of paintings, I actively use illustrative material. As a rule, all students are given the task of preparing a message, a presentation about the artist, whose painting will be described in the lesson. And then, collecting material for an essay, everyone gets the opportunity to talk about the author and his works, to tell orally and in writing - in the introduction to the essay. At the same time, the following goals are achieved: broadening one's horizons, improving the ability to extract the main thing, to construct a composition correctly in a composition, and the communicative task is also solved - educating the ability to listen to an interlocutor.

The children get acquainted with several works of the artist, reflecting his skill and individuality of manner. By the way, such lessons are not complete without integration with literature and music, history.

Painting also plays an important role in literature lessons. This, of course, is primarily illustrations by different artists for works that develop in children figurative thinking, aesthetic taste, the ability to compare and analyze.

When telling the biography of the writer, using my presentations, I try to illustrate my story with portraits painted by different artists depicting the writer at different moments of his life. This is how a child can get a holistic perception not only of a person, but also of an era, and how one cannot do without history as a subject.
I try to integrate all subjects: history and literature, geography (A. N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" theatrical integrated lesson - reflection) Russian language and society, so that they take away from the lesson the idea that everything that surrounds us, interconnected.

Not so long ago we studied the story of L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball". At the lesson, we talked not only about the character of the protagonist, not only about landscape sketches, details, sounds and the skill of the writer, but also about the historical era.

At such lessons, the main goal is probably not so much an educational and developmental goal as an educational one: the education of moral qualities in a person, the development of interest and respect for the culture of another people, the formation of the ability to work in groups, the ability to listen to the opinions of others.

The methodological basis of an integrated approach to learning is the establishment of interdisciplinary connections. Preparation for an integrated lesson begins with the definition of a specific topic, study group and venue. But the main thing is the choice of a partner with whom it is necessary to achieve a certain psychological compatibility. Therefore, such lessons are planned only with the colleague who causes personal sympathy. Since the course of an integrated lesson is unpredictable, the roles of teachers change dynamically.

At the next stage, the type of integrated lesson is jointly determined: lesson-conversation, lesson-excursion, lesson-lecture, laboratory-practical lesson, etc.
Each type of lesson involves its own goal-setting, construction and structuring of educational material.

The pedagogical technology of preparing an integrated lesson includes:
- Coordination by teachers of the content and methods of teaching;
- The nature of communication and relationships with students and among themselves during the lesson.
Simply put, these are several subjects in one lesson.

A teacher preparing to conduct an integrated lesson should

take into account that integration is not just addition, but the interpenetration of two or more objects. And therefore, literature and history, physics and chemistry, literature and music cannot be equally represented in one lesson. One of them needs to make room, absorbing the second one, and, illumined by it, reveal itself in a new way. Otherwise, the benefits of integration are doubtful, and the harm (at least in the form of overload) is obvious. What is the difference between an integrated lesson and a regular lesson form? Comparative analysis shows that the difference primarily lies in the specifics of the educational material being considered or studied on it. Most often, the subject of analysis is multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various academic disciplines. For example, in a literature lesson, talk about history, for example, a lesson on "Eugene Onegin" and talk about that time, about people, customs, duels, and if you also pay attention to the use of French words in the novel, then this will already be a connection with foreign language lesson.

Thus, integrated lessons give the student a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, about mutual assistance, about the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis in the integrated lesson falls not so much on the assimilation of knowledge about the relationship between phenomena and objects, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated lessons also require the mandatory development of students' creative activity. This makes it possible to use the content of all academic subjects, to attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.

In high school, integrated lessons are the most important part of the system of interdisciplinary connections. The material of such lessons shows the unity of the processes taking place in the world around us, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences.

The acquired meta-subject skills will be useful to students when performing a creative task on an exam in the form of the UNT, as well as in their future professional activities and everyday life.

The purposeful formation of the general cultural and civic identity of the individual acts as actual task raising a child at the first stages of his inclusion in socialization. It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of the educational space in order to optimize the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of children, the creation of conditions for the achievement of success by all students.

Used Books

  1. Vagina S.G., Glivinskaya O.V., Mikhailyuk Ya.V. Implementation of the meta-subject approach in teaching the humanities cycle of subjects in a secondary school.
  2. Valkova G., Zainullina F., Shteinberg V. Logical and semantic models - didactic multidimensional technology / V. // SCHOOL DIRECTOR: scientific method. magazine for hands. textbook institutions and educational institutions. - 2009. - No. 1.
  3. Kanaeva M.V. Development of universal learning activities
  4. Kovaleva G.S., Krasnovsky E.A., Krasnyanskaya K.A., Loginova O.B., Tatur O.A. Model of the system for evaluating the results of the development of general education programs. /www. standard. edu. ru/.
  5. Masyukova N.G., head of Department of Humanitarian Disciplines SKIPKRO
    Guidelines to help students of courses in the nomination "Teacher of the Year" in history and social science.
  6. Dictionary-reference book on pedagogy. Author-compiler V.A. Mizherikov, ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo, M. 2004.
  7. Fedorova S.Sh. Metaknowledge appropriation technology /
  8. Fomenko I.A. Creation of a system for the formation of a new content of education based on the principles of metasubjectivity. /
  9. Khutorskoy A.V. Heuristic type of education: results of scientific and practical research // Pedagogy. - 1999. - No. 7. - P.15-22.



The meta-subject lesson is...

This part of the work represents the author's reflections on the topic of the meta-subject lesson, its features, differences and advantages.

Meta-subject lesson is a lesson , the purpose of which is

teaching the transfer of theoretical knowledge in subjects into the practical life of a student

preparing students for real life and developing the ability to solve personally significant problems;

Formation of key competencies: value-semantic, general cultural, educational, cognitive, informational, communicative, social and labor and personal self-improvement competencies

Formation of meta-subject and universal educational activities, taking into account real needs and interests in communication and cognition.

Orientation to the close relationship of learning with the immediate needs of life, interests and socio-cultural experience of students.

The acquisition by students of knowledge that can be applied not only in the educational process, but also in real life situations.

Formation of universal learning activities

Orientation to the development of basic abilities in schoolchildren, the development of meta-subject knowledge on the example of clashes between the positions of science and art

necessary knowledge is used not only for memorization, but also as knowledge for meaningful use

The ability to learn, that is, the child's ability to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience

Creating conditions for activating the child's thought processes and for analyzing the components of this process

Formation of a holistic view of the world, the interconnections of its parts that intersect in one subject or combine in it, comprehend the inconsistency and diversity of the world in activities

Formation at each moment of the lesson in the student's understanding of how he achieved new knowledge and what methods he needs to master in order to learn what he does not yet know

A meta-subject lesson is a lesson in which

there is an integration of various training profiles into a single system of knowledge about the world

necessarily there is work with the activity of the student, the transfer to students not just of knowledge, but of activity methods of working with knowledge and, accordingly, activity units of content, universal abilities are manifested by students,

are manifested in the active application of knowledge and skills in cognitive

and subject-practical activities.

schoolchildren learn general techniques, techniques, schemes, patterns of mental work that lie above objects, on top of objects, but which are reproduced when working with any subject material

real needs and interests of schoolchildren are taken into account.

there is an inclusion of the child at times in the types of activities that are important for a particular child

the search activity of students is organized, a variety of which are: problem statement, idea generation, communicative-dialogue activity, it is necessary "first of all, to teach children to think - and, moreover, all children, without any exception"

develops the personality of the student

a variety of methodological techniques and forms allows you to get meta-subject results

the child masters two types of content at once - the content of the subject area and activity

the student 1) foresees, traces the origin of the most important concepts that define a given subject area of ​​knowledge. He seems to rediscover these concepts. 2) then analyzes the very way of his work with this concept

the student lives the history of the discovery of the phenomenon, that is, he simultaneously perceives all the experience necessary for this

the student masters ways, not even activities - of LIFE

A meta-subject lesson is a lesson with which

there is not only cognitive, but also personal development of the student, as well as the formation of his own worldview system.

there is a preservation and upholding of the culture of thinking and the culture of forming a holistic worldview

the integrity of the student's ideas about the world around is ensured as a necessary and natural result of his knowledge

you can prepare the child for real life.

Allocation of individual academic disciplines (meta-subjects "problem", "knowledge", etc.)

Inclusion of fundamental educational objects (reflecting the unity of the world) into ordinary subjects

you can find out the ability of students to build logical reasoning, draw conclusions and conclusions, organize and plan educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers, apply the acquired knowledge outside the school.

not just to teach how to solve problems in physics, but to show the action of basic physical laws, for example, Newton's law in life, to explain,

how a child can apply the knowledge gained in chemistry and biology, why geometry and algebra are needed. And then our children will have the main thing: the desire and meaning to learn

learning turns into a process of self-development of the student and expands the horizons of his knowledge

the child is included in different types of activities associated with the analysis of the peculiar ways of action of each individual child, thereby creating conditions for his personal growth

the teacher leads the child to reflect on the process of his activity in the lesson (or activity in general) to restore the genesis of a particular concept

all the complexity of the world is presented through the subject being studied

Meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education should reflect

1) the ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, set and formulate new tasks for oneself in study and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity; 2) the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems; conditions and requirements, adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation; 4) the ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, one's own ability to solve it; 5) possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities; 6) the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, reasoning (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

7) the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive problems;

8) semantic reading;

9) the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

10) the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express one's feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech;

11) formation and development of competence in the field of the use of information and communication technologies;

12) the formation and development of ecological thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional orientation.

Meta-subject technologies were created in order to start cultivating a different type of consciousness for both the student and the teacher, who did not “get stuck” in the informational limitations of one academic subject, but worked with the interconnections and limitations of knowledge in each of the disciplines. This is possible due to the fact that in meta-subject and training sessions using elements of meta-subject technologies, the teacher and student are brought to the over-subject basis, which is the very activity of the student and teacher.
