Ultrasound kidneys. Urolithiasis on ultrasound

Stones in the kidneys or renal disease It is the most common disease in urology. A large number of people suffer from this disease, which greatly worsens the quality of life, bringing unbearable pain when moving stones.

Kidney the pair of the main function of which is electrolyte filtering and products metabizmawhich are later outlined with urine. Some chemical compounds dissolved in urine maybe crystallize and postponed on the walls of the cups and lochanks, in the future transforming into stones kidneys.

Stones in the kidneys In some cases, they do not show themselves and are a random find when ultrasound examination.

Clinical manifestations with kidney stones are diverse, distinguish complaints during the attack and out of the attack.

With latent flow (those. outside) The patient can feel the discomfort in the lumbar region, increasing with a long walking or shaking in a car when driving, rise and pain When urine, in urine may be determined footprints.

During an attack, clinical manifestations are more pronounced, determined acute pain in the lumbar region pain in the projection of ureters With irradiation B. inguinal region amplifying when changing the position of the body, non-anesthetic. This condition is called renal colic.

What do we see in the ultrasonic picture of the kidneys ???

Consider an example of an ultrasound study protocol of kidney stones outside the exacerbation:

The kidney dimensions are not changed, the contours of clear even, the kidney location is lying and standing the usual, the echoity is average, the structure is homogeneous, the kidney parenchyma on the right 17 mm, on the left of 18 mm, the focal pathology was not detected. The excretory system is not expanded, in the middle cups of the right kidney, the echo is determined to 7-8 mm, with a clear acoustic shadow (stone).

This is a standard description of the ultrasonic picture of the Kidney Stone !!!

Renal colic requires urgent diagnostics.

On all questions, call 8-937-15-17-418 !!!

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Indications for diagnostics

Urolithiasis - cunning pathology, which long time Maybe not to manifest itself any signs. But the stone in the kidney is gradually increasing in size, annoying nervous endings, causing discomfort and painful symptoms in the lower back area. As the accumulation increases and increases, the patient is disturbed:

  • renal colic and hematuria;
  • pains localized mainly in the right side;
  • renal failure;
  • increase in pressure;
  • problems with urination;
  • presence in the urine of pus and mucus;
  • increase temperature indicators.

If a person has at least 2-3 similar symptoms, it is important to immediately apply to the hospital and undergo a diagnostic examination. To determine pathology, laboratory studies of urine and blood are prescribed, as well as instrumental diagnostics, thanks to which the doctor will be able to learn the root cause of violation and put the final diagnosis.

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What will the first inspection show?

The first thing is the doctor at the reception, is asking for a patient.

Before you start passing all the tests, the patient should inspect the doctor. At least during the primary inspection, internal disorders are not visible, it is still a preliminary diagnosis based on the history of the history of the history. First of all, the doctor asks the patient about the disturbing symptoms, clarifies when approximately the problem began to manifest itself and whether such cases were previously.

After the survey is over, the palpation of the lumbar zone is necessarily carried out and abdominal cavity. When stone formation in the pair body of a person will be disturbed by sharp pains at easy-to-tear, and if the concretion has already begun to leave the kidneys, the intense, parlor pain, nausea, vomiting and increase the temperature are observed permanently. When suspicions are confirmed and the doctor sees that the situation is serious, the more in-depth diagnosis of stones in the kidneys is appointed.

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What tests need to be given to determine the kidney stones?

General urine analysis

In order to diagnose urolithiasis, it is mandatory for the study of urin on the presence of accrete microparticles, bacteria, blood, pus and mucus in it. If it can be seen that the samples are present protein, it says about the proteinuria. Visible blood particles indicate macrohematuria, it is one of the main symptoms of the movement of the stone from the kidneys.

Not always the analysis of urine at urolithiasis shows erythrocyturia and leukocyturia, but it does not mean at all that there are no concrections in the kidneys.

If urine is more alkaline, then this is an indicator of the formation of urates.

When the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes is greater than the norm, such a picture speaks of the pair of the infectious and inflammatory complication, which is important to identify and eliminate. When studying urin under a microscope, you can conduct an analysis of the renal stone, find out its nature, type, chemical composition. When sand in the kidneys, the sample study will also help identify the problem. The acidity of urine is also an important indicator. If the result exceeds 7, it means that the body multiplies the pathogenic microflora or plification stones are formed. And when the result of the study shows a value less than 5, often this is evidence of the formation of uric acid accumulation kidney.

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Daily analysis

Urin on research is handed over to reveal:

  • the beginning of the development of urolithiasis;
  • degree of damage to the authority;
  • the success of the appointed therapy.

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Blood analysis

A minor number of leukocytes may indicate an episode of renal colic, if the leukocytosis is expressed, it means in the body the infectious-inflammatory complication flows. Also, blood test will show the level of electrolytes, urea and hormones of the thyroid gland, which is important for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.

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Tool methods

Ultrasound diagnostics

Conductors in organs are well visualized on the ultrasound.

Ultrasound diagnosis of urolithiasis will help determine:

  • location, quantity and size of the accretion;
  • the degree of edema of the parenchyma;
  • the prevalence of inflammation.

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CT and MRI survey

If for any reason, the kidney stones on the ultrasound could not be considered in detail, especially if they are localized in the ureter, prescribe CT or MRI kidney. During the diagnosis on the monitor, the image of the organ in the 3D format is seen, so that the doctor sees any pathological changes. Often the MRI or CT kidney is prescribed before the operation, when it is important to determine the size of the concrete, its location and composition. Small stones on MRI are not visualized.

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Panoramic x-ray

This affordable, inexpensive and informative type of diagnosis is often prescribed when suspicion of urolithiasis. During the x-ray study, the contrast is used, due to which the concrections are clearly visible in the picture. It is still possible to presumably determine the chemical composition of the stone. Since small stones in the kidneys on MRI are not visible, then the analysis of the counters on an x-ray makes it possible to choose an adequate therapy scheme, as the doctor sees:

  • the location of the concrement;
  • exact size;
  • form.

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Radionuclide diagnosis

Such an examination allows you to identify the quality of the kidneys.

This type of diagnosis is common. Thanks to it, it is possible to determine the degree of kidney function, as far as the organ is affected by the accretions, as well as its secretory and evacuation ability. These data will help you choose the optimal scheme of therapy and determine the course of treatment.

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Intravenous pyelography

Before it began to apply MRI and CT with kidney stones, this diagnostic procedure was considered the most informative way to diagnose urolithiasis pathology. Before the examination of a person in Vienna, a contrast agent is introduced, which is distributed in the pair of the organ. After it is necessary to make a series of pictures, on which the position of the concrections and the work of the kidneys is seen. Intravenous pyroid will help to assess the work of the pair body, and determine the location of the stones, which is important before the appointment of therapy.

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Differential analysis

When entering the hospital with an attack of renal colic, doctors can not always immediately make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, so that the treatment is correct, is carried out. differential diagnosisThrough which such dangerous diseases will be able to exclude:

  • appendicitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis.

Other, no less dangerous pathologies, such as diseases of the abdominal organs and a spinal column, are characterized by symptoms similar to urolithia pathology. However, careful laboratory diagnostics, stones analysis, kidney ultrasound, radiography, MRI or CT will help in a short time to establish the correct diagnosis, which is extremely important for the selection of an adequate therapy scheme.


Laboratory research

The primary stage of the study after examining the patient will be laboratory tests. Their results reveal the doctor information about the functional operation of the kidneys, determine the presence of a pathological process. Laboratory methods are safe, possess high accuracy. The result can be obtained at a rather short period of time.

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General urine analysis

One of the first to suspicion of renal pathologies of patients with urine analysis. It does not require preliminary preparation, cash investments. According to its results, you can immediately learn about the problem in the work of the kidneys. The patient must be supplied:

  • analysis of morning urine;
  • analysis of daily urine.

The main indicator is red blood cells in the urine. The increased content of erythrocytes accompanies not only the urolithiasis. But the doctor, having studied the history of the disease, comparing it with the results of the analysis, easily put the alleged diagnosis. In addition to erythrocytes, crystals of salts, protein, bacteria are revealed in the urine. With stones in the kidney, their number will be overestimated. Studying the chemical composition of salts will tell about the type of stone.

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Blood tests

Common blood test helps determine the violation of the kidney.

More often, the overall blood test in patients shows normal results, but it is necessary to take it. In the period of exacerbation, there is an increase in leukocytes. Their percentage is shifted to the left and this indicates the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, pay attention to the change of ESO and manifestation of anemia. According to these indicators, it can be concluded that the kidneys is disturbed.

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Chemical analysis of stones

An important point in the examination of patients is a chemical analysis of kidney stones. According to information on the composition of the renal stone, you can trace the history of the development of the disease: disruption of metabolism, inflammatory process and even changes in the chemical structure of medicines in the body tissues. You can make a chemical analysis only in a special laboratory.

Stone in the kidney - deposits that do not dissolve. More often deposits form mineral salts: phosphates, oxalates, urates, cystin. Deposits can be seen not only in the kidney, but also in any part of the urinary system. The size of the stone reaches from 1 mm to several centimeters. Oxalates and urates are perfectly tracked on X-rays.

The structure, contours of the stone and urinary tract, their shape can be traced using an overview urography.

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Instrumental diagnostics

X-ray diagnostic methods

Panoramic x-ray

With the help of overlap radiography, the stones located in the urinary tract in the kidneys in the bladder are determined in the urinary bubble.

The diagnosis of urolithiasis is based on the history of the disease, physiological disorders, the exit of stones with urine. Important information Doctors are obtained using radiological studies. Cameras are visible on X-ray more than 3 mm consisting of oxalates. Stones of another makeup to identify difficult, they do not pass through themselves X-rays. Shadows on sightsets are not visible from them.

This is the usual study of the kidney with the help of X-ray. Contrast substances do not apply. For the use of X-ray preparation is not needed, so it is used in emergency cases. Sometimes the results are inaccurate, so it is recommended to clean the intestine before conducting the examination.

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Excretory Urography

The diagnosis of kidney stones is carried out with the help of survey radiography, with intravenous administration Contrast substance. Finding into the body, the contrast is allocated by the kidneys after a while, which allows you to clearly recognize the stones, determine the presence of pathologies and check the operation of the kidneys. This type of urography requires not only intestinal training. Necessarily analyzes that determines allergic reactions on a contrast agent.

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Retrograde pyelography

This method will show a clear image of the anatomical state of the kidney and urinary tract. The method is carried out using a quateurization cytoscope. Through the kidney entered in the kidney, the catheter is introduced gradually, under low pressure contrasting fluid. After the addition of contrast and extract the catheter, take a picture. With the help of the method, you can get a clear image of the renal loin and the entire length of the ureter.

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Angiographic examination of the kidneys

This method is used to study kidney vessels and clarifying the diagnosis.

Angiography is a method for studying renal arteries. After serving a contrast connection through the catheter in arterial vessels, the image is fixed using X-rays. Angiography will indicate possible pathology of blood flow, on the state of the vascular network, narrowing, spasms. The results of the method are characterized by maximum accuracy.

Angiography of the kidneys is not the main method of the study, is used in the complex, as an additional examination.

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Ultrasound (Ultrasound Research)

Ultrasonic kidney examination is an inexpensive and efficient method. Ultrasound kidneys will reveal:

  • presence of concretions;
  • inclusion value;
  • quantity;
  • dimensional kidney parameters;
  • sand in the kidneys;
  • pathological violations in the authority.

A distinctive feature is that ultrasound diagnostics allows you to detect small stones with sand, stone in the ureter and even those inclusions that are not viewed on an x-ray. Contraindications for the procedure does not exist. A small preparation will be required in the form of dietary nutrition and before the most examination it is necessary to drink about 2 liters of water (this will fill the bladder with liquid).

The inspection area doctor lubricates gel and directs the manipulator on it (the patient lies on the back or on one of the sides). With the help of a special bar on the monitor screen, the picture is displayed, and the doctor sees the condition of the organs, it can measure their dimensions, will determine the stones and the place of their concentration. The result is printed on a separate form or discharge.

If the kidney stones on the ultrasound are not visible, to diagnose them is possible at the characteristic overlap of the urinary duct. This is indicated by visible changes in the urinary tract: to the place of obstruction, the expansion of the duct is visible, and after it is a noticeable narrowing. If necessary, specialists apply additional examination methods to confirm the proposed diagnosis.

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Radionuclide diagnosis

Radionuclide diagnostics allows you to diagnose the disease in the early stages.

Radionuclide diagnostic methods are used to identify nephrological pathologies. It is used to determine pathology at the initial stage of development. The method is based on the introduction of radioactive substances permitted in a particular case, and the subsequent fixation of their radiation. The method with which is monitored by the correctness of the functioning of the kidneys is called Radionemography.

After the introduction of the radionuclide, the device monitors the curve of the substance from the moment to the kidney ingress until the renal is completely removed from the kidneys. It is possible to determine the presence of stones in the lifting curve, the decline in the localization of the concrete is not observed. The method is safe. Doses of radionuclide substances are low, and the duration of their activity is small.

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CT (computed tomography)

CT kidney through computer processing of translucent areas by X-rays provides bulk information about the organ, the presence of concrections and their location. High accuracy of the procedure is achieved by the highlighting of vessels and ducts, using the introduction of a contrast agent. Therefore, it has contraindications: pregnancy, diabetes, functional deficiency of the kidneys. After the injection of the contrast of the patient is placed on a special moving surface and placed inside the device. During the procedure, pictures of the zone under study are taken. CT with kidney stones are used as a diagnostic method and a method of control over the operation of the operation.

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MRI (magnetic resonance tomography)

Magnetic resonant tomography is the most accurate and informative method for the diagnosis of urolithiasis.

MRI under urolithiasis is used as a single diagnostic method and with the diagnosis already drawn, to confirm the correctness of the selected treatment. MRI accuracy determines the use of radio frequency pulses and a magnetic field. As a result, a detailed and enlarged image of the body under study can be seen. MRI kidney is divided into two ways:

  • With contrast. The image accuracy increases. But there is a possibility of developing complications in the form of fibrosis, therefore assign it in cases of suspicion of malignant tumor.
  • Without contrast. This method is used most often. It is harmless to patients and gives an exact, three-dimensional image of the kidney. The stones of a large size are clearly visible, which are bumping with urine outflow, provoke visible ureter expansion.

It is important to understand! Small stones in the kidneys on MRI are not visible.

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Differential diagnosis for determining kidney stones

The methods of diagnosis described above determine the presence of a stone in the kidney of any kind without much difficulty. As a rule, urolithiasis does not need differentiation from other diseases. The only case when the differential diagnosis may be needed - acute renal colic. In this case, it is important to differentiate colik from the attack of appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and even siza ulcers.

The basis of the faithful diagnosis is considered to be the knowledge of clinical symptoms of those pathologies with which the renal colic is differentiated. The attention is focused on the site of the concentration of pain, impairment in urination, changing the physical characteristics of urine. There are pathology of the organs of a small pelvis, the abdominal cavity, the symptoms of which is similar to the signs of urolithiasis. Careful collection of anamnesis, carrying out laboratory tests allows you to put a correct diagnosis and appoint proper treatment.


What does "kidney stones mean?

The kidneys is a bighemal pair body that filters and derives from the body the products of metabolism. Upon exposure to external negative conditions, there may be a violation of the body of the body, which is why salts dissolved in the urine crystallize and stick to the walls of the renal cups (lochs). Over time, these sediments turn into concrections - stone-like education.

Stones in the kidneys on the ultrasound, photo. A dense hyperheogenic calcinate in the renal pelvis with an arctic shadow is visible.

The disease is manifested quickly and sharply. The cutting pain in the abdomen, the lower back and internal organs can sometimes lead to loss of consciousness. In men and women, the symptoms are almost the same, they cannot be confused with another ailment. Nausea, vomit reflex, high temperature, sharp cutting abdominal pain - characteristic manifestations in pathology. But the exact diagnosis can be delivered only after a careful examination from a specialist.

Why do kidney stones appear?

There are different assumptions explaining the formation of concrections in internal organs. None of them cannot be called the most accurate and true.

Specialists identify two stress factor contributing to stone formation:

Endogenous (internal) factors Exogenous (external) factors
Hereditary predisposition Consumption of high protein products
Increased calcium absorption in the intestines Long hunger
Metabolism dysfunction in bones Coffee abuse and alcoholic beverages
Dysfunction of the urinary system Disorderly taking antibiotics, hormones, diuretic and laxative medicines
Infectious inflammatory processes Hydodina
Deviation in uric acid metabolism and purine metabolism Living conditions: climatic exposure, location
The disease of the function of the parathyroid glands Common employment
Violation of digestive organs
Some cancer
Forced bedding for a long time (after serious injuries)

In other words, the main catalysts provoking the imbalance of the renal system and the formation of stones are:

  • insufficient water consumption (ideally, the recommended amount of fluid necessary should be more than 2 liters per day);
  • loading, sitting, lack of physical exertion;
  • consumption of coffee and caffeine-containing products in large volumes: such food increases the quantitative content of stone-forming substances (calcium, for example) in the urine;
  • infectious diseases of urinary organs;
  • overweight;
  • rigid water and other

A variety of renal stones. Description

Before starting the therapy of the urolithic disease, you need to know about different types of stones formed. In no case cannot independently do the diagnosis and elimination of pathology. The chemical content of stones is determined only by medical examination. Stone is a dense formation from the compound of organic substances and minerals.

The type of renal stones depends on their chemical composition. Consider a Read more:

The large content of sorval acid salts in the body with insufficient flow of calcium may induce the development of solid black and gray seals. If you do not reveal these formations in a timely manner, the pathology takes the shape of a rigid stone with a hipged structure. This is oxalate stone, to detect which can be using X-ray. Removing it from the organ is possible only by the operational way.

Kidney stones on x-ray, photo. By radiography, you can confuse them with the gallbladder concrevents, in order to answer this question, it is necessary to perform CT or ultrasound.

Prolonged dehydration of the body leads to the fact that the volume of urine decreases and its acidity decreases. Such a phenomenon is observed in residents of countries with a particularly hot climate, as well as in patients undergoing chemotherapy or with some kinds of cancer. If you do not load the body with plentiful drinking water, it can contribute to the formation of urates. The analysis of urine and blood at an early stage of illness will help prevent the further development of stones.

One of the most dangerous types of stones are plification stones due to their rapid growth in size, which can lead to more complex difficult-to-delete concrevents - a coral sipped subspecies. Pulvitate stones are obtained in the event of an infectious process in ureters. The increased content of urease enzyme in the urine leads to its splitting and crystallization of salts, externally reminiscent of "sobility covers" (crystals can be detected using urine research). To eliminate the sediments, an operational method of DUVL - Litrotripsy is applied. In order to avoid recurrence, the patient must be under observation even after surgery.

People who have the pathology of the kidneys, or were cases in the family, are predisposed to nephrolity disease. The gene defect may result in the amino acid (cystine) can not dissolve in the urine, forming crystalline formations. As they grow and combine these forms, the growth and development of cystine stone begins. In the texture, the yellow-white stone is soft, smooth, rounded shape. It is difficult to detect x-ray. Therefore, the CT organ and intravenous urography will be more suitable here. Cystal crystals can be detected through urin analysis. Unfortunately, even complete elimination dense sediments will not give liberation from subsequent renal colic.

Examples of the norm (on the radiograph of the left) and pathology (right) during an excretory urography. Figure 1 left marked contrasted cups, digit 2 - renal pelvis, 3 - ureters. On the right blue arrows marked sharply extended cups. Also also pay attention to the absence of contrasting the renal jelly and ureter - all these are signs of urolithiasis. In this case, the situation is acute - to describe extended cups, you need to use the term "CalicoEctasia" (from lat. "Calyx" - renal cup and "-ectasia" - expansion). The term "hydronephrosis" is used in chronic, long, existing states associated with an increase in pressure in the urinary tract; In contrast to the CalicoEctasia, atrophic changes in the renal parenchyma are detected at hydronephrosis.

Examples of states that can reduce the accuracy of research. Excretory Urograms. On the left, a significant expansion of the kidney strip system is detected. It is clearly visible filled with a contrastful urine bladder. Pay attention to the chip-bloated loops that mask the right kidney. On the right arrows marked multiple calcinates in a small pelvis that can imitate stones in the ureter. It is usually ordinary sites in the uterus or in appendages (in women) or in the prostate gland (in men).

Renal stones that rarely occur:

The compound of phosphorus salts in alkaline urine leads to the formation of light gray soft phosphate stones.

The crystals of the urine salt, bacteria and fibrin protein during organ dysfunction can lead to the development of protein stones.

Rarely, it can be found in the kidneys cholesterol and carbonate stones.

Classification of kidney stones in quantity and form

Depending on how much "Kameshkov" was revealed in the kidneys, doctors divide the phenomenon on single formations, multiple, as well as two-concrete and three-concrete education.
The value and weight of the stones range from 0.1 to 15 cm or more, and from less grams to 2.5 kg and above, respectively. Often the grown stone takes the shape of a cup-glass system (type of blind), with compacted thick ends. They are called coral. Stones can form both in one and both kidneys.
The diversity of the forms of the councils is very impressive: from formlessly round.

Symptoms of the disease of the urinary system

A person may not long suspect that there are foreign education in organs. The first symptoms of pathology, as a rule, are manifested only when the formed stone changes its location. Rather, when the promotion of urinary tract begins. The acuity and tangibility of pain depends on the shape and size of the stone formation. Small concrections (sand) do not always cause uncomfortable sensations.

Here are the most basic signs of a bud in the kidneys:

  • Different degree of pain feeling, depending on the localization of stone in organs
  • The presence of blood, pus and other impurities in the urine
  • Violation of the process of urination, right up to Anuria (blockage of urinary channels by kidney stones)

The dependence of symptoms from the magnitude and position of the stones

Stones can be identified by chance, but more often they are detected in the case when complaints are already available - when conducting ultrasound or X-ray studies. The severity of symptoms largely depends on the location of the stone in the urinary tract, on its shape and size, the presence of sharp edges. So, they can localize:

1) in the renal cup (cups). At the same time, even if the size of education is large, symptoms may not be at all. A long-term existing stone makes it difficult to outflow of urine from a cup, can provoke kidney parenchyma atrophy, its cystic rebirth.

Computer tomography in identifying kidney concrections is a very valuable research method. The blue arrow in the images marked a large calcinate, located in the lower group of cups of the left kidney and (partially) in the lochk. It can be seen that both the cup, and the lochank are largely expanded, in the lower departments, the kidney tissue is thinned, atrophichnaya, which indicates the duration of the disease.

The same patient, CT-image with increasing and three-dimensional reconstruction. The stone is marked by an arrow.

CT kidney with contrast, arterial-parenchymal phase. It was revealed small (not more than 4-5 mm in the diameter) dense calcinate in the lower cup on the left. Such stones are more dangerous compared to large, since can (when they are washed out and pass to the ureter) to cause obturation (blockage) of urinary tract and provoke the renal colic.

2) In the renal loch. Here are usually localized by the accumulations of calcium salts of large size, in its shape, repeating the inner contours of the pelvis - the so-called coral stones. Coral stones in the kidneys - what to do? First of all, you need to carefully analyze the results of the CT and contact the urologist to solve the issue of the operation. The operation is necessary in the event of a risk of complications, because if the lumen of the lochank is overlapped, signs of increasing pressure in urinary tract can occur, and in the future the hydronephrosis (resistant expansion of cups and lochanks, often in conjunction with its parenchyma atrophy). Let us consider the complications in detail below.

Coral stones in the kidneys, photos. Computed tomography (CT). The formation is of large size, but clearly does not complicate the outflow of urine - there are no signs of hydronephrosis, the thinning of parenchyma.

3) in the ureter. When shifting down (from the renal loin in the ureter), painful sensations arise, the severity of which depends on the size of the stone and its shape, the presence of sharp faces. How to identify a stone in a ureter? Ultrasound can be used as the primary method, but the more accurate method is CT.

How to see a stone in a ureter. On CT of a small pelvis with contrasting in the upper row of the left, the arrow marked a small concrete at the mouth of the ureter (at the place of his imposition in the bladder), which provokes the extension of the pelvis (at the top of the left) and the ureter (on the images in the bottom row). In this case, the condition is acute, in the patient - the attack of the renal colic, therefore, we are talking about ureteropelectation (expanding the ureter and lochank), and not about hydronephrosis.

4) in the bladder. Such stones usually have the form of "eggs" or "ball", sizes are 10-20 mm in diameter - they are freely located in the cavity bladder (because they are formed in it), usually do not cause any symptomatics. If there are many of them and they occupy a significant part of the bladder volume, urination can break.

Interesting diagnostic observation. A large stone in the cavity of the bladder, detected by X-ray study of the hip joints (as a random find). In the images in the upper row - the pelviograph of the pelvis and the axial section (CT of a small pelvis), a dense shadow is visible in the form of "eggs" with dimensions of 8x6 cm. On the image below - the same stone after surgery. It is clearly visible its layered structure.

5) in the urethra. Usually, the urinary channels undergo the concrections that have formed in the upper departments of the urinary system, while painful symptoms are expressed, and when the walls of the urethra, urine becomes pink from prucorative blood - hematuria.

Medical diagnosis of kidney stones

For competent and full treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary to make a diagnosis correctly. Prior to laboratory studies, all information about the possible causes of pathology is collected from the patient's words. On the basis of inspection, the tactics of further surveys and treatment is determined.

In medicine, various methods of identifying stone in the kidney use depending on the period of the recurrence of the recurrence and severity of the disease:

  • Make ultrasound kidneys
  • Ultrasound bladder
  • Conduct urography
  • Take urine and blood analysis
  • Thanks to nephrocintigraphy - determine the degree of disruption of the kidney
  • Multispiral CT allows you to determine the type and size of education
  • Determine the degree of inflammation

An example of the detection of kidney calcinates during computed tomography (small concreters in kidney pelvis circles are circles). The stone is also noticeable at the mouth of the ureteral on the left (it is marked with a green arrow). Viden advanced left ureter (ureteroectasia).

A large arrow marked a major formation in the lower cup of the left kidney, described when deciphering the CT as "the conquering of the ovoid shape, with even edges, a homogeneous structure."

Diagnosis of complications of urolithiasis

The presence of concrections does not pass without a trace. If they exist for a long time, the risk of developing various complications. For example, in all cases, even after passing the stone through a ureter, some time there is an expansion of its lumen (ureteroectasia), it can also be revealed to expand the lumen of the pellek (pyelectation) and cups (CalicoEctasia). This state is temporary and passes after eliminating the cause of the violation of the outflow of urine.

If the obstacle of the urine outflow exists for a long time, the expansion of the urinary tract acquires a persistent nature and is combined with a decrease in the scope of the kidney parenchyma. This state is called "hydronephrosis". Hydronephrosis can be of varying degrees of severity - from the minimum expansion of the cup-lowering system to the terminal (in which the kidney becomes similar to the thin-walled "bag", filled with liquid). Of course, such a kidney does not fulfill its function.

CT kidney. Priced right-sided hydronephrosis and hydraulicaur. Cystous rebirth of the right cup of the right-loop system, normal kidney tissue is actually not visible due to thinning, atrophy. On the right arrow indicates the cause of hydroephrosis - the stone in the bottom third of the ureter, which fascinating (overlapping) its lumen.

Against the background of congestive phenomena in a cup-laughter system (especially with the accompanying sugar diabetes) The risk of infectious complications - pyelonephritis (and even pionephrosis - states, in which the kidney becomes a bag filled with pus), cystitis, urethritis.

Right-sided hydronephrosis due to the ICD complicated by pyelonephritis. The arrows in the images in the upper and lower row are marked extended cups. Note also on a sharp difficulty of urine outflow to the right in an excretory (10 minutes after the introduction of an ultravist in Vienna) phase on the image below to the right. Paranefral fiber muddy, has an inhomogeneous structure (due to edema, infiltration). In the analyzes of urine - leukocytes.

Than dangerous kidney stones

The table shows the possible consequences of nephrolithiasis.

Best treatment - good habits

The most optimal and timely action for the prevention of the formations of the kidney stone are your good habits:

  • Daily drink clean water at least 2.5 liters per day
  • Regular outdoor walks
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules
  • Eliminate from diet "heavy" products fried

Well, and if the kidneys have already found concrections, then it is necessary to strengthen all these actions. Advanced to comply with such rules: drink water only filtered, soft; Observe a strict diet designed personally under your case; In cold weather, insulate the zeal area, prevent supercooling; to avoid infectious diseasestransmitted by sexual path; limit the use of coffee, tea, caffeine containing products; Increase diuretic drinks: cranberry juice, green tea, drinks from anti-inflammatory herbs; With overweight, strive to reduce it.

What can I do, if in kidney stones

It is categorically impossible to engage in self-medication. It has been described above that even after the removal of foreign bodies from the kidneys, the consequences of pathology may arise, which only complicate the process of recovery of the affected organ.

Diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis should be carried out only in clinical conditions.

During the exacerbation and treatment of nephrolithiasis, it is recommended to limit, and it is better to completely eliminate the following foods:

  • greens and vegetables rich in oxalic acid and vitamin C
  • bouillons from meat, fish, mushrooms;
  • chocolate, peanut butter, sweet and flour, fruit jam;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • dairy drinks;
  • sharp spices and seasonings;
  • sour fruits, berries;
  • bean.

What to do if the diagnosis of "kidney stones" is diagnosed, but there are doubts

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It is difficult, and therefore the patient suffers not only from pain, but also from uncertainty. Alone to read the results of the study, it is only possible to understand the medical terms and norms well.

The kidneys in the human body perform important work. Blood, passing through this organ, cleared, and harmful substances are outlined with the urine. Blood and plasma pass through the Capsule of Sillyansky-Bouotan, are divided into blood and primary urine. With the further passage of the fluid on the kidney body, some nutrients are mixed again with blood and is distributed throughout the body, and all filtered substances, such as creatine and uric acid, fall into ureters and are derived from human body. In total, all the blood in the body passes through the kidneys to 100 times, and up to 150 liters of primary urine are formed from it and only about one and a half liters of secondary.

The kidneys in the body is usually two.

They are located symmetrically at the rear abdominal wall, closer to the lower back region, and the right kidney is usually lower than 1-2 cm below.
The right kidney with the upper edge adjoins the liver, and the top of the left is at the level of 11 ribs. In rare cases, the arrangement of organs in the body can be changed, the kidney can wander, and even less often the organs may be greater or less than two. Patients with such pathologies are regularly observed by the doctor.

The normal size of the organ is up to 12 cm long and up to 6 wide, and the standard weight does not exceed 200 grams. But in the presence of pathologies or congenital characteristics of the physique of a person, the sizes of organs may change. Is the size of the pathology or the norm of the norm - can only say the doctor after examining the entire body.

Nephrology doctors are engaged in kidney disease. They can send a patient therapist (or pediatrician) if the patient complains of unpleasant sensations when urination, lower back pain or if necessary, an operational intervention in the body, for example, kidney transplant.

What are the testimony for ultrasonic diagnosis of kidneys:

  • Renal failure, acute and chronic;
  • Suspicion of the presence of stones or sand in the kidneys;
  • Injuries and bruises of the organ;
  • Tumors, cysts and kidney swelling;
  • The presence of gas in the kidneys;
  • Pathological changes in ureters and urinary tracts, bladder;
  • Successfully produced transplantation or preparation for it.

In addition, if the patient's urine increased the content of creatine, red blood cells, uric acid or other substances, then the doctor has a reason to suspect a hidden inflammatory process, pyelonephritis, and not identified kidney diseases and urinary tract. They often flow in the patient's body is secretive, and are considered to be grounds for additional diagnostic procedures that will eliminate the disease.

How is the ultrasound kidneys?

Ultrasound kidneys can often be difficult due to the position of this organ.

Since ultrasound is fluent in soft fabricsbut dissipates in the air and does not penetrate the bones, it is possible to study the kidneys in detail only on the one hand.
Therefore, during diagnostics, the doctor asks the patient to turn alternately on the stomach, on the back, on the sides. This allows you to show organs from all sides in more detail, and to identify even low-challenging pathological changes.

In order for the study to be accurate, it is necessary to be carefully prepared. First of all, before the ultrasound of the kidneys, it is impossible to eat products causing gas formation in food, since the intestine-filled intestine ultrasound will not penetrate and the diagnosis will be non-informative.

It is impossible before ultrasound there is cabbage, legumes, black bread, drink beer and carbonated drinks. The diet is recommended to be observed within three days. If the patient suffers from constipation, then it is recommended to clean the intestine before the study starts, take a laxative or to make an enema.
In addition, before studying the bladder, it is necessary to drink around the half-liter of the fluid in 1.5-2 hours so that the bladder is filled. It is not necessary before the study of the renal vessels to take medicines or toning, vasoconducting drinks.

During the diagnosis, the patient falls on the couch, on the back. Laboratory assigns gel on the skin for better sliding sensor and air removal. The sensor that takes the reflected ultrasound is moving along the skin of the abdomen, so that the exact black and white image of the kidney is built on the screen in front of the doctor. It is forbidden to carry out ultrasound standing, since the incorrect position of the patient may affect the accuracy of diagnosis and not to show the results. The only option in which ultrasound can be carried out is a patient's poor health that cannot lie.

Similarly, diagnosis is carried out when the patient turns onto the back, on the right and left side.
Only a comprehensive inspection allows you to identify the disease or pathological changes in the structure of the kidneys and the urogenital system, and to call the reason for these changes.

What shows the ultrasound kidneys?

Ultrasound diagnostics is considered one of the most accurate research methods that currently exist, and therefore, if pathological changes are identified on the ultrasound, it is likely to say that the diagnosis is faithful. But to identify pathological changes in the system and only a doctor can explain their nature.

What shows ultrasound:

Dimensions of the kidneys. This is one of the first parameters for which the doctor and the laboratory assistant pay attention. Standard dimensions are as follows:

  • 100-200 mm Length;
  • 50-60 mm width;
  • 30-50 mm thickness;
  • The thickness of the outer tissue, parenchyma - up to 25 mm;
  • The size of the capsule is up to 1.5 mm;
  • The total mass of one body is up to 200 grams.

If the sizes of the kidneys go beyond the norm, the doctor can diagnose the tumor, the tissue hypoplasia, or reveal another pathology. Most often, the kidneys increase in the presence of inflammatory processes, and the decrease in tissues is associated with the age of the patient, and the parenchymal layer is usually reduced.

In Parenchim, tumors and cysts occur most often. Because of its structure, this fabric is more loose, mild, subject to change, including pathological. There may be an opposite effect: if one kidney has been removed, then the parenchymal cloth will be twice as much more.

What is the structure of kidney tissue?

In the normal state of the parenchyma is heterogeneous, and the ultrasound visible brighter and dark plots. This is due to the structure of the parenchymal tissue itself, which performs the function of the filter for impurities contained in the blood. Parenchima of pyramids, inner parts of tissue adjacent to the renal cups, and an outer layer, which is displayed on ultrasound as less dense, light fabric.

If pathological changes are present in the system of organs, then the parenchymal tissue will be changed, increased, or is generally generally or partially. The fabric structure is associated with the fact that cysts and tumors occur most often in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body, and during ultrasound diagnostics as of parenchyma, the first changes, signs and symptoms of the disease can be revealed.

The silence outlines themselves must be even, clear. The blurred border, which is revealed on the ultrasound, signals the development of inflammation in tissues, and requires additional diagnostics.

Internal structure of kidneys

A cup of maternity apparatus, which is responsible for the accumulation and elimination of harmful substances from the human body. It is here that the secondary urine accumulates, which will soon be removed from the body through the ureters and the bladder.

Cups are responsible for urine accumulation. They are within one body can be up to 10 pieces, 4-6 small and 3-4 large. Large cups are adjacent to loyal, cavities where urine accumulates. When the lochanks are partially filled, the muscle fibers surrounding the kidney are reduced, and the accumulated urine is displayed in the urinary bubble on the ureter.

When conducting ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor examines the internal cavities especially carefully. Most often, during the diagnosis, it is distinguished:

  • Urolithiasis, that is, the incorrect functioning of the body, because of which the salts are set aside in the kidneys, forming stones and sand. This pathology is dangerous in that the stone overlaps the urine yield to the ureter, and the excess fluid is squeezed by a parenchymal fabric that is atrophy from long compression. In addition, the urolithiasis gives a patient a lot of concern and unpleasant sensations;
  • The development of tumors and cysts, which can also squeeze the fabrics and vessels, and break the work separate parts kidney or organ as a whole;
  • The narrowing or curvature of the ureter, which leads to the delays of urine departing and the incorrect functioning of the entire system. This pathology leads to a stagnation of fluid in loosens and accumulation in the body of harmful substances.

The ureter itself is inspected no less thoroughly. It may look on the monitor screen as a tube less than 1 cm in diameter and up to 30 cm. Inside it is hollow, and therefore, on the ultrasound, this body will be displayed as a tube with light walls and a dark middle. If the ureter is scored, for example, with urolithiasis, when the stone is out, then ultrasonic diagnostics There will be a marked light spot.

One of the most particular diseases of the kidneys and the urinary system - pyelonephritis. This disease is characterized by constant pains in the region of the lower back, the high temperature of the patient's body, painful urination, and an increase in leukocytes in blood and urine analysis. There are other similar signs for which the doctor may diagnose, but ultrasound will be one of the main methods for the diagnosis of this disease.

The term "pyelonephritis" most often called any inflammatory diseases kidneys and bladder. But, strictly speaking, pyelonephritis is inflammation caused by bacteria, and striking lochanks, cups or a parenchyma. During the ultrasound, it is possible to identify an increase or change of the echogenicity of these bodies, and on the basis and results of ultrasound diagnostics and blood tests, the doctor may prescribe treatment.

When ultrasound diagnostics is completed, the patient receives its medical card with inspection and test results. According to analyzes, nephrologist will be able to put the most accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, as suitable as possible to the patient. Blood test and urine must be carried out before ultrasound kidneys for more accurate results.

It is equally important to carry out ultrasound kidneys during pregnancy, if earlier the woman had problems with them. Since at the time when a woman wears a child, her body weight and blood volume increases, and the load on the body is increased, the kidneys suffer from this first. In addition, during the third trimester, all organs are siled, which reduces the volume of kidneys. The doctor, in the presence of complaints, usually sends a woman to a reception to a nephrologist and on ultrasound, appoints a diet, which allows you to notice the disease in time or simply reduce the burden of the kidney.

Regular survey of the kidneys and the urinary system allows you to identify pathological changes in the early stages, show the beginning of the disease and explain its cause. With a regular examination and observation of their health, even a serious illness can be revealed and cured at the initial stage.

Urolithiasis delivers a patient a lot of inconvenience. And not even so much by their soreness as some complexity of diagnosis. As often kidney stones can be confused with others pathological conditions. However, the modern diagnosis of kidney stones with a competent approach of the professional-urologist allows you to identify the formation of a stony type and assign effective treatment. To understand how to differentiate the presence of kidney stones, in the material below, consider a detailed patient survey scheme.

Reward Disease: Basic Symptoms

Kidney stones can form at any stage of the patient's life, and at the same time in 15% of cases the patient may not even suspect the presence of such "guests" in their body. Most often, pathology in this case is detected during the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity according to other indications or when performing general analysis urine. In the remaining cases, pathology makes itself felt by collective painful syndrome, which can last from half an hour to several hours. In this case, the patient often does not find a place, tries to take the most comfortable position. The pain in the field of kidney and the waist may indicate that the stone began his movement and tries to go to the exit. In complications in the patient's urine, blood, pus or mucus can be observed.

IMPORTANT: if you do not contact a specialist urologist on time, pathology can grow to critical scales. In the most difficult cases, failed stones can lead to renal failure And even sepsis.

Diagnostics of the presence of stones

To put the correct diagnosis and appoint effective therapy, the urologist will start collecting anamnesis with a patient's survey. Here the emphasis will be made on the existing complaints and preceding the state of the patient. So, the doctor will find out such moments:

  • Were a patient with a complaint against kidney stones earlier and did not have operations to remove them;
  • Does the patient have a disease of the bone apparatus;
  • Was the sick blood in the urine or other impurities.

Also, a specialist will definitely pay attention to the patient's complaints who, with a 90% probability, indicate the presence of kidney stones. Such will be:

  • Pain in the lower back, in the groin or in the side;
  • Sensation of burning at the time of urine outrage;
  • False urges for urination;
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Nausea and vomiting with severe pickup pain.

In case of inspection and patient polling, the specialist will definitely eliminate the possibility of presence in a patient such pathologies as:

  • Acute appendicitis;
  • Acute cholecystitis;
  • Stones in the bustling bubble;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • The ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

If all these states are excluded in the survey process, the urolithiasis is confirmed. But for accurate diagnosis, additional examination of the patient is required.

Lab patient examination

Following the collection of anamnesis, the doctor will definitely prescribe laboratory tests, which are quite informative and regulate further diagnosis depending on the intended chemical composition of the stones. Since not every stone can be visible during radiography or ultrasound. So, the main methods of laboratory diagnostics are:

  • General blood analysis. In this case, if the presence of stones in the kidneys is chronic, then all the indicators will be unchanged. If the pathology is in the acute phase, leukocytes will be increased, EEE and anemia has been discovered.
  • Urine analysis is common. Here the level of the pH of the biomaterial will be revealed, as well as the presence in the urine of bacteria, cylindrical epithelium, etc.
  • Biochemical blood test. Here, the pathology will indicate the high concentration of uric acid, as well as the presence of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and creatine in the urine.
  • Urine axis bacteriological. It makes it possible to identify the presence of microflora in the urine and its type.
  • Sample Zimnitsky. This method of laboratory diagnostics makes it possible to track the kidney function through urine density by fence eight of its portions throughout the day. Normally, the value should fluctuate in the range of 1005-10025.
  • Hormonal research. Showing patients with suspicion of coral stones and recurrent stones.

Tool examination of the patient

Diagnosing kidney stones can also be a method for additional research. Thus, the most commonly used and informative are the following methods.

Ultrasound diagnostics

The easiest and most effective way of examination. In this case, the diagnostic method can be estimated to assess the condition and size of the kidneys, their position and dimensions of both loosen and cups and parenchyma of the patient organ. When carrying out ultrasound kidneys, you can see the location of the stone and its size. But it is worthwing to know that with the help of ultrasound research, the stones in the ureters will not be able to see, since they are far away in the retroperitoneal space.

X-ray study

If it was not possible to detect the stones on the ultrasound, the specialist will appoint a kidney x-ray. In this case, they make a radiological picture of the abdominal cavity, which allows you to track the condition of the kidneys, ureters and bladder. Such diagnostics makes it possible to identify the presence of stones, their shape and size. But it is worth remembering that the radiograph allows you to identify only X-ray stones. X-ray concrections with this method of research are not visible. X-ray attributes include cystine stones and urates.

Contrast radiography

This method of examination is used if all the symptoms and laboratory tests indicate the presence of stones in the kidneys, but neither x-ray nor ultrasound show them. In this case, before performing a picture, the patient is administered intravenously or through the catheter a special contrast agent, which, when contacting with urates and cystine stones, stains them in a certain color. As a result, a stone and place of its localization will be clearly visible in the snapshot.

Important: Such a research method can be used for any types of stones, since it makes it possible to evaluate the anomaly of the urinary system (if any), which could lead to the formation of concrections. Such a method of research is performed only in the absence of a patient. owl syndrome.

CT and MRI

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging make it possible to assess the condition of the patient's body as a whole and eliminate possible pathologies that are similar to the symptoms of urolithiasis. Both types of procedures are expensive, so appointed less often.

Radioisotope nephrumcintigraphy

It is appointed if the specialist implies complications in renal disease. Here, a special substance (radiopharmamp preparation) is introduced into the body of the patient, which subsequently goes through the kidneys, while forming a certain shade on the monitor throughout the path of its following in the body. Next, by scanning the kidney, it is possible to determine their condition and possible anomalies / pathologies.

Possible complications of urolithiasis

If you tighten with the treatment of renal disease, then the movement of stone will show one of the very first complications. It will be expressed in moderate or strong renal colic. In addition, the patient exposes itself to such complications:

  • Cystitis and urethritis;
  • Development of purulent infection;
  • Pionephrosis and hydronephrosis;
  • Necrosis of renal papillars;
  • Renal failure.

IMPORTANT: In the occurrence of pain in the kidney region, it is necessary to urgently turn to a specialist. The slightest delay can cost undermined health and severe complications. And with the right approach, the stones in the kidneys are diagnosed with which is understandable, will leave your body forever.

The ultrasound of the kidneys is the indicators, looking at which the doctor may eliminate the presence of a structural pathology of this pair body. If the figures and terms specified in the study protocol coincide with normal, this suggests that the kidney cloth suffered. But this does not exclude the fact that the kidney function is already impaired, and pain in the lower back or urinary disorders are caused by renal pathology.

Below we give figures and concepts that indicate the absence of damage to the kidney structure.

The norm of ultrasound kidneys of a person

The ultrasound of the kidneys shows the location, shape, structure, size of both kidneys. So, the normal sizes of the body on an ultrasound in adult are presented with such numbers:
  • thickness: 40-50 mm
  • width: 50-60 mm
  • length: 100-120 mm
  • the thickness of the parenchyma is up to 23 mm. This figure has a connection with the age of the patient, reaching even a minimum of 11 mm in people over 60 years old.

The norm is also when the following parameters are indicated in the decoding of ultrasound kidneys:

  • organ has a bean shape
  • left kidney is slightly higher than the right
  • outdoor contour - smooth, clear
  • hyperechogenic capsule, up to 1.5 mm thick
  • the echo orality of the pyramids of the kidney is lower than that of Parenhim
  • the renal sinus according to echo absorption is equal to the octochny (paranefral) fiber
  • kidney of the same echogenicity with liver or their echogenicity is slightly reduced
  • the term "Burten pillars" or "partial hypertrophy" korean kore - option of norm
  • a cup-making system should not be visualized, with a bladder filled with a bladder - anechogenic
  • normal front-rear kidney sizes with ultrasound - no more than 15 mm
  • kidney mobility with breathing - 2-3 cm
  • kidney dimensions are the same or different no more than 2 cm
  • under Dopplerometry The main resistance index renal artery In the area of \u200b\u200bthe gate - about 0.7, in interdole arteries - 0.34-0.74.

Ultrasound of adrenal glands normally:

  • may not be visualized in full of people
  • right adrenal gland - triangular, left - semi-lunged
  • echostructure - Homogenic
  • clear capsule is not visible
  • tumors less than 2 cm may not be visualized.

Also, the ultrasound of the ultrasound of the kidneys contains such items:

  1. Anomaly structure. Here the doctor emphasizes whether there is an aplasia, hypoplasia, cyst, spongy kidney.
  2. There are or no bulk education, where they are located as they are echogenicity and echostructures.
  3. Whether the concreteers are revealed, how many of them, from which side, their diameter, localization, size, there is an acoustic shadow or not.

The process of ultrasound diagnostics of the urinary system

The patient falls on the back couch, its belly to the pubic area and the sides should be available for the sensor. Next, the gel is applied to the skin, the sensor is put on it, which, during the study, move on the skin of the abdomen and lower back.

Also, during the procedure, the doctor asks the patient to turn alternately to the right and left side, breathe and delay their breath in each of these provisions. It is necessary in order to clearly consider the kidney, which in the breath comes out from under ribs. More details you can read in the article about how the ultrasound of the kidneys do.

How to understand the conclusion of ultrasound

Deciphering the ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder is carried out only by a doctor. It should not only focus on the compliance of the kidney parameters of this person norm, but also take into account the clinical picture and history.

For example, an increase in the size of the kidney can be in its inflammatory process (pyelonephritis, less often - glomerulonephritis). But the kidney will also be increased if it remained (or was) in the singular (after the removal of the second organ).

The norm of the ultrasound of the kidneys should not contain the terms "microcalculosis", "echogenic education", "ekhoteni". This means that there are stones in the kidney. There should also be no words "Volume Education". This may mean that this is either a cyst, or a tumor, or abscess.

See also:

Decipher the ultrasound of the small pelvis organs

The result of the renal research is attached in the form of a photo to verbal conclusion. If the doctor saw some pathology, it will be indicated on the image of the arrows so that the attending urologist or nephrologist himself could draw conclusions.

In cases of detection of vascular pathology or tumor structure, the optimal option is to ensure that the patient provides video ultrasound kidneys. Such visualization will give a doctor the opportunity to better analyze what they saw, compare with the clinical picture observed in this patient. More often this service is provided only on a paid ultrasound.

What can show urinary diagnostics of the urinary system

This type of research is informative in relation to diseases and syndromes:

  1. The narrowings of the ureters, the places of impulse of ureters in the bladder or the place of exit from it.
  2. Outmunction of the kidney.
  3. Inflammation of vessels.
  4. Transplant rejection.
  5. Kidney cysts.
  6. Tumors.
  7. Abscesses.
  8. The accumulation of fluid inside the organ or in an octoral tissue.
  9. Distrophic changes in the kidney.
  10. Urinary bubble diverticulus.
  11. Ureterocele.
  12. Inflammatory process in the organ.
  13. Ultrasound kidneys with dopplerography will show vascular diseases of the kidneys.
  14. Stones in the kidney.
  15. The presence of air in the renal-loching system.

Kidney tumor on ultrasound

The diagnostic value of the ultrasound in the detection of buds of the kidneys is more than 97%. A large percentage of tumors accounts for renal cellular cancer.

  1. In the description of the ultrasound of the kidneys, the cancer tumor can be described by the words "echo-positive education". Malignant education most often has a heterogeneous echostructure, it alternate sections with reduced and increased echo absorption. Circuit cancer tumor Uneven, if the tumor germinates in the nearest fabrics and organs - fuzzy. Also, a malignant tumor may contain echonegative sections that are formed by hemorrhage into a tumor or sections of its necrosis.
  2. Also, lipomes and its types (angiolipoma, miolyphoma, fibrolipoma or combination) are often found. In this case, the decoding of the kidney ultrasound includes the terms "hyperheogenic", "homogeneous" formations that are similar in structure with a fiber around the kidneys (paranefral).
  3. When the renal ultrasound decoding includes the words "anechogenic education", which has more such terms as "homogeneous", "with homogeneous anechogenic content", "without an internal echo" - is most likely a kidney cyst. In this case, the contours of the formation are smooth, no internal structures, reflected waves on the border are enhanced.

Obtaining such results of the ultrasound kidneys is not diagnosed. Confirm your suspicion of a malignant tumor can only be based on the results of a biopsy, which is carried out under the control of ultrasound. Refine the same type of tumor is possible according to the computer and magnetic resonant tomogram.

Video Fragment of Human Kidney, and how they function.

Kidney stones on ultrasound

Not any accretions (kidney stones) are visible in ultrasound examination - some can only be detected when X-ray radiation.

Those that can visualize ultrasound are referred to as hyperheogenic formations that are not shifted very actively with the movements of the patient (this is the difference from the air in the cup-laughter system).

If the stone is not visible on the ultrasound, but at the same time it overlaps the urinary pathways in part or completely, it can be suspected. This is done, based on the clinical picture and the fact that until the region of obstruction, the expansion of the urinary tract department is seen, and after it is a narrowing.

Spongy kidney on ultrasound

This is not the name of the disease. This is a special morphological term, "X-ray diagnosis". It means that a person has a congenital cystic deformation of various kidney structures, because of which the organ acquired a sponge look.

It can be seen such anomaly only with an excretory urography, that is, with an x-ray with intravenously administered contrast. Uzi helps only suspect this condition.

Almost always, this pathology is double-sided. It is believed that disruption of the development of the renal fabric of the fetus in the late periods of pregnancy and early period after birth.

See also:

Types of ultrasound diagnostics of small pelvis organs

At the same time, pathology can not manifest themselves for a long time, and it happens by randomly or under complications of this cartoon (pyelonephritis, calculation, renal colic, less often - renal failure).

In the video, the doctor tells, to the smallest kidney stones are visible on the ultrasound.

If you have seen such a sense of the Sonolog, contact the urologist immediately. Only he has the right to refute or confirm the diagnosis, almost always - only on the basis of a kidney x-ray study.

Treatment is assigned based on the diagnosis. In easy cases you can do the observance of the diet; If the complications of this state have arisen, in the treatment there may be an operation with drainage, and even the kidney removal.

How does the pyelonephritis on the ultrasound kidneys

The sharp pyelonephritis is not always "visible" on the ultrasound. To identify it more informative is CT. But to identify an acute inflammatory process in the kidney of a pregnant woman, it is an ultrasound "gold standard".

In severe cases, the pyelonephritis will be visible areas of expansion and compression of the renal sinus. Hypoheochogenic sites will mean areas in which the edema of tissue prevails, the hyperhehogenic areas - where hemorrhage occurred into the fabric.

Also, ultrasound can visualize the complicated pyelonephritis, when one or more abscesses, or purulent cavities, are formed as a result of purulent inflammation in the kidney.

Ultrasound "sees" also such a form of pyelonephritis as emphysematous, when specific bacteria fall into the kidney tissue. These microbes are not only melted from the inside, but also distinguished gases. In this case, hyperheogenic areas that have blurry shadows will be visible in this case. At the same time, the visualization of sinus will be distorted by bubbles of gas of bacterial origin.

Uzi Lohank Kidney

In the norm of pelvis, the kidneys during ultrasonic diagnostics are not visible. This structure can be visualized only in the case of such pathology:

  1. Increased lochank. The main reason for this state is the obstruction of the urinary tract at a level of tumor, stricture, stone, adhesive process. In order to clarify the reason, you need to make an ultrasound of another kidney, bladder, ureters. If the answer to the question is not found, a x-ray study is carried out with intravenous administration of a contrast agent (excretory urbory).
  2. Cancer kidney pellet. It looks like a hypo echogenic education, having a tech with a loyalty and a ureter ehostructure. At the same time, Doppler mapping can reveal additional vessels In Lohanka, which will indicate tumor tissue.
  3. Carcinoma renal cellular or metastases of another cancer can be visible in the region of the jelly, if they germinate in this area.

Where the ultrasound study of the kidneys is performed

So this is done ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder

This type of diagnosis can be performed in the conditions of a multidisciplinary urban or regional hospital, in specialized medical and diagnostic centers and clinics.

There is also a round-the-clock ultrasound of the kidneys, which can be held, as arriving at the clinic at any prescribed time of the day (you can call there around the clock there), as well as causing a sleep with a portable ultrasonic scanner to the house.

How much ultrasound kidneys can be found by calling the nearest to you diagnostic Centerwhere this study is carried out.

So, on average in Moscow, this price is 600-1200 rubles, if you need an inspection of other organs of the urinary system and adrenal glands - up to 1500 rubles. Calling the doctor's ultrasound at home until 18:00 can do with 3000 rubles, and later this time - up to 4-5 thousand rubles.

Thus, the norm of ultrasound kidneys is the concept of relative. If all the numbers and terms written in your conclusion coincide with the "normal parameters listed above, this does not mean that the kidneys are completely healthy.

Successful diagnosis and treatment, health and wonderful well-being!.

27.02.2015 Uzil

The Internet is shot with a huge variety of recipes: they say, you can dissolve stone with fir oil, mineral water, acidic juices, and even simply ordinary water. Which of this is true, and what is not, tells Evgeny Schat, a Urologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Urology of the Medical Faculty of the First MIMU. I. M. Suchenova

Litholithic therapy - that is, and the ureter with the help of medicines is the most effective in patients with ulatin stones. The basis of such stones - salt of uric acid.

How to distinguish?

During the diagnosis, uland stones are clearly visible on the ultrasound, but, unlike other types of stones, are not visible on X-ray, which is associated with their low density. It is possible to say for sure about the composition of the stone, by examining the previously left or remote stone. Analysis confirming the presence of uranded stones is the pH-metry, in which the acidity of urine is lower than the norm. Sometimes to clarify the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a computer tomogram - with this study, you can find out the exact density of the stone. But this study is optional: if there is a stone on an ultrasound, and on x-ray - there is no and repeatedly determined the shift of the pH of urine to the side of acid, it means that you can try to dissolve it.

Sand in the kidneys does not happen
We diagnose nephrolithiasis (urolithiasis) only under the condition if the detected stone has a dense structure, is more than 0.5 cm in diameter and has an acoustic path (that is, ultrasound does not pass through it). If "something" in the kidney does not correspond to this description, these are not stones. And the diagnosis of "sand in the kidneys" does not exist. Little "sandbirds" found on the ultrasound may be simply vessels compacted by fiber or inlaid renal papilla. If you in the clinic told about the "sand", do not rush to drink diuretic. Watch for the renal's condition - do ultrasound every six months. Thus, in dynamics, it is possible to determine whether the stone is growing, or your kidney just always looks like an ultrasound.

Often, uragual stones occur in patients with a disturbed purine exchange, for example, for gout, so all patients with suspicion of urate nephrolithiasis it is necessary to determine the level of uric acid in the blood.

Dreams of balance

To dissolve the uratestone stone, it is necessary to lower the level of uric acid - that is, it is necessary to increase the acid-alkaline balance (pH): so that water from the acid has become weak or alkaline. Citrate preparations are prescribed for this - alkaline drinking. It takes at least 2 months to dissolve the urates, and depending on the size of the stone, the treatment can delay and until six months. Therefore, with large uraban stones (2 cm or more), it is preferable to first produce a remote or contact endoscopic crushing session, followed by dissolving the remaining small fragments. It is important to combine such treatment with a properly selected diet and abundant drink.

Unfortunately, people who have "went," are most often falling towards us, that is, went on a journey from the kidneys along the ureter. In this case, there is no longer dissolution time. After all, the movement of the stone can be accompanied by renal colic, complicate obstructive pyelonephritis. It is necessary to take emergency measures - in one way or another way to remove the stone, but dissolve, if possible, remaining.

Myths and facts about dissolving stones

Uraban stones can be dissolved by conventional water.

Partly this is true. With an increase in the volume of fluid consumed, the acidity of urine decreases and the concentration of salts and small decrease. However, not all urachas stones dissolve even with the help of drugs. The stone can be mixed in the composition or with the help of drugs it is not possible to ensure the constant therapeutic pH of the pH of urine. Therefore, it is recommended to continue treatment with citrate drugs only with meaningful progress. The citrate mixture has a number side EffectsTherefore, the purpose of such drugs and evaluation of effectiveness should occur under the control of the doctor.

Oxalate stones, like uranium, can be dissolved by alkaline drink.

It is important to note that only urencular stones are significantly soluble during litholithic therapy. The use of citrate preparations in calcium-oxalate stones reduces the risk of stone formation after crushing.

To dissolve stones, it is necessary to consume acidic drink - lemon or cranberry juice.

I had a patient who followed such a recommendation. Every day, lemon juice drank every day - and eventually fell into the hospital with the perforation of the stomach ulcers and bleeding. Lemon acid is one of several components of citrate preparations, which reduces calcium suction in the gastrointestinal tract, but does not lead to dissolving stones.

Fir oil in combination with diuretic herbs allows you to dissolve stones.

Diuretic herbs. While the stone is in the kidney, treatment is not required, only regular observation and a certain diet is necessary. If you regularly drink diuretic herbs, the stone can be straightforward - and this can lead to renal colic and acute inflammation.

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