What you need to know about renal colic. What is renal colic

To understand what renal colic is, one should understand the main causes of the onset of pathology, how the symptoms manifest themselves and how to cope with them. The symptoms of renal colic are often similar to those of other conditions.

A patient with this ailment needs immediate specialist help.

Renal colic is accompanied by spasms of smooth muscle muscles. The disease is manifested by a strong pain syndrome. An attack includes several factors at the same time, in particular the occurrence of spasms. Obstruction of the upper urinary tract causes urine to accumulate in the kidneys and cause severe pain.

Important! According to the conclusion of experts, in 15% of cases, the disease is a consequence of other diseases, in particular, renal colic occurs in the presence of infectious diseases.

Renal colic causes and risk factors

Doctors are convinced that kidney stones are the main cause of colic. This is not an age-related disease, it occurs in both young and more mature people. It happens in both women and men. The most common causes of an attack of renal colic are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • ignoring lumbar pain;
  • various kidney diseases;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • narrowing or spasm of the ureter;
  • insufficient fluid intake.

So, first of all, it is worth paying attention to such a factor as genetic predisposition. The likelihood of an ailment is high among those who have close relatives suffering from urolithiasis.

Renal colic is not always immediate. Attacks of pain in the lumbar region can bother for a long time, often a person does not even suspect that discomfort in the lower back is a manifestation of a serious illness.

Ignoring pain attacks, many do not start treatment in a timely manner. If lower back pain is a sign of kidney stones or sand, renal colic is unlikely to be avoided.

If the pain is accompanied by a high body temperature, which persists for a month, this indicates that an infection with blood or lymph has entered the kidneys. In this case, a symptom such as renal colic will certainly appear.

A triggering factor for an attack is severe overstrain, such as lifting weights or strenuous workouts in the gym.

Kidney colic is due to chronic urinary tract infections, circulatory disorders of the renal vessels and insufficient fluid intake.

There are other causes of renal colic. Often, the disease manifests itself due to incompletely treated cystitis, nephritis, hydronephrosis. Pyelonephritis can cause renal colic in women. Colic is often caused by:

  • diseases of the uterus;
  • damage to the fallopian tubes;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • abortion or pregnancy;
  • rupture of ovarian tissue;
  • twisting of cysts.


Until the disease begins to actively manifest itself, as a rule, a person does not take seriously the recurrent pain in the kidney area.

The most striking symptom of renal colic manifests itself in the form of unexpected severe persistent pain that requires immediate treatment. It is paroxysmal in nature.

The pain syndrome is very strong, a person literally cannot find a place for himself, trying to take a comfortable posture. All attempts to lie down and not move, so as not to cause yourself even more pain, are in vain.

During an attack, pain is often localized to the iliac region, but may include lower part belly. At the same time, there is pain when urinating, because of this, emptying the bladder becomes problematic, and the urge is constantly present.

Renal colic is unilateral and bilateral. Renal colic on the left occurs when there are problems with the left kidney; with right-sided pain syndrome, the right kidney is unhealthy, respectively. With both kidney disease, bilateral renal colic occurs. The latter type is accompanied by pain that radiates to the abdomen and lower back.

Renal colic presents with various symptoms and requires treatment. Often, pain occurs in different parts of the abdomen and is accompanied by the urge to empty the intestines. Due to unpleasant pain sensations, it is extremely difficult to go to the toilet, there is a bloating of the intestines.

The symptoms of renal colic are nausea and vomiting, which are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

An attack of renal colic often provokes long runs, fast walk... Painful sensations arise in the abdomen, lower back, thighs and perineum.

The symptoms of renal colic are the same for both women and men:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • thirst;
  • fever, chills;
  • pressure surges;
  • bloating;
  • pain shock.

Important! The patient experiences severe pain (on average from four hours), it is constantly increasing. Pain can be conditionally divided into three phases:

  • sharp;
  • constant;
  • extinction phase.

The first phase disturbs a person at night or in the early morning, thereby waking him up. At first it is quite soft, aching. After slowly, but gradually increases.

The attacks happen at different intervals. It's a dull pain is replaced by a sharp one. Often, too much pain leads to loss of consciousness, shock, numbness of the limbs.

The second phase is characterized by the duration of attacks from about one to ten hours. It is simply impossible to endure such pain for a long time, therefore, during this time, as a rule, the patient has time to seek help from a doctor.

The last phase is extinction. Its duration is about three hours. Often, the pain is so exhausting that a person falls asleep after taking an anesthetic pill.

When the attack ends, the pain syndrome recedes. The person stops experiencing pain when urinating.

To establish the cause of renal colic and choose the correct treatment regimen, you need to see a doctor. It is important to do this immediately.

After examination and diagnostics, the doctor will rule out diseases with similar symptoms:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hernia;
  • stomach ulcer.

As you can see, the spectrum of diseases with similar symptoms is extremely wide.

First aid

Sometimes it is not possible to turn to a qualified specialist right away. You should know how to properly provide first aid to a person who has had an attack of renal colic.

With pain, very effective remedy are thermal procedures: you should attach a heating pad or take a hot bath. A painful attack will be removed by a strong analgesic, it must be taken as early as possible.

Pills are not the most effective remedy. It is advisable to inject drugs intramuscularly or intravenously. Medication can relieve the effects of renal colic, in particular seizures.


You should see a specialist before treating your renal colic symptom. He will carry out the necessary differential diagnosis ailment and diagnose.

Diagnostic methods that are commonly used to diagnose diseases of the urinary system:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • general blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • urography;
  • chromocystoscopy;
  • CT (computed tomography);
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

A very important laboratory diagnostic method for determining an ailment is urine analysis. In the event that blood streaks are present in it, this may indicate the presence of kidney stones. The pH level is no less significant.

In order for the diagnosis to be as accurate as possible, it is advisable for the patient to provide a pebble for analysis. To get it, you need to urinate into a container (preferably through a strainer).

The results of a complete blood count will also help establish a diagnosis. With renal colic, the patient has elevated level leukocytes and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract is an equally effective method for diagnosing the disease. With the help of this study, the presence of not only stones, but also malignant tumors is revealed.

Stones in the urinary system are visible on x-ray.

During chromocystoscopy, the doctor examines the condition of the mucous membrane of the bladder and ureter using a cystoscope. Next, the patient is injected with a substance due to which the urine becomes dark blue.

The specialist draws a conclusion about the presence or absence of kidney pathology, based on the rate of excretion of colored urine and the intensity of the color. The procedure does not require special training, it is quite simple and safe, but it is performed under anesthesia, since it is quite painful.

If it is difficult to diagnose, CT of the pelvis and retroperitoneal space is performed. Thanks to the three-dimensional image, the specialist gets the opportunity to view the affected organ at the desired angle. This method is one of the most effective. CT scan is prescribed for difficult cases or before surgery.

During the initial examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease. Special attention the specialist pays a genetic predisposition to the disease. He draws the first conclusions after talking with the patient, based on complaints and symptoms.

The nature of the pain, provoking and arresting factors is important. The doctor also palpates the patient's abdomen and pelvic organs. In the lumbar region, pain occurs during tapping.

Important! It is highly likely that an additional examination will be required to determine renal colic, especially with unclear symptoms. Hospitalization is often required.

Renal colic occurs not only in adults but also in children. It is manifested mainly by pain in the abdomen and lower back. The attack is rather short (about 15 minutes). At the same time, the baby cries, the body temperature is elevated, weakness, vomiting and dizziness are observed. In this case, you cannot try to cope on your own. Call an ambulance as soon as possible.

The same recommendations must be followed if renal colic occurs in a pregnant woman, because the ailment can provoke premature birth. The likelihood of an attack in the third trimester is high. Of the symptoms: pain in the lower back, radiating to the genitals and thighs.

There are no symptoms that are characteristic only of renal colic and exclude any other disease, so it is important to see a doctor who can distinguish the disease from other diseases.

Further treatment

Treatment of renal colic in women and men begins with stopping the attack. To do this, you need to take an anesthetic pill and apply heat to the sore spot. You should not refuse hospitalization, only in the hospital you can not worry, because the patient's condition is monitored by specialists around the clock.

With a prolonged attack, the patient is prescribed drugs containing novocaine. Antibiotics are prescribed when there is an inflammatory process in the body. In the presence of stones, special methods are used to crush and remove them from the body. All this time, the patient takes painkillers.

An urgent hospitalization is needed if:

  • renal colic has spread to both sides;
  • body temperature is elevated;
  • the anesthetic drug does not work;
  • the patient has only one kidney;
  • disease in the acute stage;
  • there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process.

During treatment, the patient should adhere to bed rest and observe complete rest. In addition, a strict diet is imperative (by the way, it should be followed for prevention).

According to the prescription of specialists, a person with renal colic is recommended to eat according to the menu of table No. 10, that is, under no circumstances should one eat fatty, spicy, smoked foods, buns, dairy products, sweets.

It is important to eat in a balanced way and on time. It is necessary to rest, correctly distribute the load and adhere to the correct daily routine.

In the presence of calculi, sometimes to relieve the spasm, they are surgically removed if drug treatment is ineffective. Also, an indication for surgery is a ruptured cyst, purulent abscesses, blockage of the urinary tract.

If an ailment occurs, the patient cannot take pain pills on their own, because large doses will be required, which will negatively affect both the underlying disease and the state of the body as a whole.

Important! If there is no absolute certainty that the pain is caused by the release of stones, it is impossible to warm the sore spot.

It is possible to exclude a relapse and eliminate all the causes that provoked the onset of renal colic. The main thing is not to endure the pain or try to cope with colic on your own, without the participation of a doctor. It is advisable to exclude all factors that can provoke the disease, first of all it is necessary to cure urolithiasis.

If desired, you can combine traditional medicine with folk medicine. There are many effective recipes decoctions that will help to cope with the disease and the accompanying pain.

To prepare the broth, you need to use the dry leaves of the plant, which are poured with boiling water and brought to a boil over low heat. The broth should be cooled and filtered. You can add a little honey to it. You need to drink throughout the day, a few minutes before meals.

Pour boiling water over carrot seeds and leave in a warm place for 10-14 hours. After this, you should drink 3 tablespoons five times a day half an hour before meals. This remedy is very effective in kidney disease, including stones.

Chamomile + yarrow

Warm up the olive oil well, then put chamomile flowers and yarrow in it. Bring to a boil, set aside, cool. Use the resulting mixture as a means for compresses. Better to use gauze.

Possible complications

Pain syndrome most often occurs due to the movement of a stone, which often damages the ureter, thereby contributing to the occurrence of strictures. There is also a high likelihood of blockage of the ureter, which contributes to an attack of renal colic. As a result, the rate of peristalsis of the ureter decreases, which means that urine returns and stagnates in the kidneys.

The functions that the affected kidney cannot perform is taken over by the healthy one, thereby receiving an additional load. With an absolute blockage of the ureter, acute renal failure may develop. There is a high probability of rupture of the renal calyx.

If an infection enters the affected kidney, pyelonephritis, or inflammation with the formation of pus, occurs. The development of such a complication may well be fatal if the disease is not treated.

Treatment of pain attacks at home, ignoring the presence of colic in the kidneys leads to much more serious diseases with complications and even death.

After the appearance of a spasm in the kidneys, a person is forced to follow certain rules in the future, in particular, follow a diet, lead healthy image life, do not overstrain physically in order to exclude repeated exacerbation.

Note that even surgical removal of stones does not guarantee that there will be no relapse.

It is impossible to cure this ailment on its own, therefore, the sooner the patient seeks a doctor, the faster the condition will improve.

An acute attack of pain in the lumbar region, like a spasm, is a sign of kidney pathology, it knocks out any person from the usual rhythm of life. Renal colic emergency plays the main role in the correct relief of a painful attack, and should be provided immediately. Correctly provided assistance will improve the healing process and help doctors in a short time to settle the general condition of a person.

Urgent care

First aid for renal colic should be competent and timely. Must be observed correct algorithm carrying out special procedures. It is important to understand that only with a clear conviction in the diagnosis can independent steps be taken and used medications, otherwise, you need to urgently seek help from doctors.

What to do with renal colic in the first minutes?

Providing an ambulance first aid at home it is possible with a clear knowledge of all methods of localizing colic. At the first stage, pain can be relieved by applying thermal methods and special medications. The sequence of procedures is as follows:

  • call an ambulance;
  • create a calm environment;
  • to establish the place of localization of pain;
  • track possible temperature changes;
  • collect urine.

To remove spasms and restore the normal outflow of urine is the result for which all procedures are carried out with first aid help. The kidneys are very susceptible to heat, so the patient must be provided with warm objects: wrap a blanket, put a heating pad. As a rule, warming the place where the pain appears, leads to its decrease or complete cessation.

How to relieve pain with drugs?

After carrying out thermal procedures, the patient can be administered painkillers or antispasmodics. Medicines can be in the form of pills and injections. Antispasmodics for renal colic relieve the tone of the muscles of the ureter, improving the patency of the ducts. Most often, myotropic drugs are used for renal colic (No-Shpa, Papaverin, etc.). If worried sharp pain anesthesia is best done with the help of combined drugs ("Spazmonet", "Baralgin", "Avisan" and others). Let's take a closer look at the frequently used ones.

"No-Shpa" ("Drotaverin")

The most popular drug that is always at hand. It can be taken not only as medicine for renal colic, but also to relieve any pain. By decreasing the supply of calcium to muscle cells, the drug reduces muscle tone. To relieve renal colic, you can drink 4 tablets at once, but in case of emergency, to relieve an attack of renal colic, you must inject the drug intramuscularly.


The drug is strong (stronger than "No-Shpa"). The effect of tablets (0.5-2 pcs. Several times a day) is much slower, because they have to go all the way of digestion. The solution (2 ml) enters the bloodstream immediately, so injections for renal colic are more effective. The drug contains a sufficiently large dosage of components, and in order to avoid lowering blood pressure, it should be administered very slowly. At intramuscular injection(5ml-1 ampoule) the solution, entering the bloodstream, begins to act in a few minutes.

It is forbidden to remove the spasm using "Analgin". It can distort the manifestation of symptoms, thereby complicating the diagnosis of the disease.

"Ketorol" (KETOROL)

To remove renal colic at home with "Ketorol" is possible only with a firm conviction of the correct diagnosis. The drug helps to remove pain, but along the way it will lubricate all the symptoms. For home treatment, "Ketorol" is injected intramuscularly. The injection is done slowly (within half a minute), the result comes in 30 minutes.


Refers to drugs that act on cells (cholinergic receptors) in which neuromuscular transmission is carried out. It is well tolerated, but not very effective (it resembles Papaverine in action). The relief of an attack is carried out by subcutaneous injection of a 0.2% solution (1-2 ml).

Contraindications and restrictions

When providing emergency care, it is important to remember that any method that eliminates kidney pain has its own contraindications. Any intervention for renal colic at home should be supported by knowledge:

  1. It is necessary to ask the patient about the existing contraindications or allergic reactions for medications.
  2. It is important to understand that it is impossible to treat colic with drugs without the supervision of a doctor. They are used as an aid to relieve an attack of kidney stones. Their prolonged use can lead to poor health. Pain is a symptom of a disease that requires a complete examination and treatment.
  3. The use of thermal procedures is prohibited for inflammatory processes.
  4. If an elderly person has a pain attack, it is better to use a heating pad rather than a bath with warm water. This approach will prevent the development of a heart attack.

After providing first aid, you must call a doctor, or deliver the patient to the clinic.

When is hospitalization required for renal colic?

The decision on hospitalization is made based on the patient's symptoms and well-being.

Suspected renal colic requires prompt action and Ambulance will take the patient to the clinic quickly and under professional supervision. Hospitalization is indicated in any case, because kidney stones, having changed their position, can clog the ducts, and the attack will recur. Even with good dynamics, the patient is observed in the hospital for 3 days. There are situations in which hospitalization is required:

  • Pain after application medicines does not pass.
  • Deterioration of well-being:
  • Pain on both sides.
  • Accession of the inflammatory process, which is confirmed by the increased temperature.
  • With a physiological feature (one kidney in humans).

If the relief of renal colic at home has been successful, and the person refuses to be hospitalized, then it is recommended to him diet food, warmth in the back and control when urinating. It is important to collect urine in a clean container to track the presence of sediment or calculus. But it is advisable to be examined by a urologist in order to exclude the development of complications.

The task of the doctor with renal colic is to relieve the painful attack as quickly as possible.

If pain relievers for renal colic did not relieve acute painful sensations, and the duration of renal colic reaches several hours and no improvement is expected, the main task of doctors is to remove the attack in a short time. Interviewing the patient will provide information about what kind of first aid was undertaken, which helps in making a decision on the further treatment of the patient.

As a rule, relief of an attack always begins with analgesics or antispasmodics. With a prolonged attack, droppers from complex medicinal mixtures or novocaine blockade can help. While they are dripping, the nurse performs an independent intervention (monitors the patient's condition). At this time, a dropper from "Baralgin" No-shpa, "Platifillin", glucose is shown, also intramuscular injections of "Analgin", "Pipolfen", "Platifillin", additionally appoint "Promedol", "Dimedrol", "Papaverin", "No -shpa ".

Further therapy consists in finding out the causes of colic and the degree of obstruction of the urinary system. Dependent interventions (sampling of material for laboratory tests) are mandatory. If renal colic occurs against the background of an inflammatory process, the doctor will definitely prescribe an antibiotic to drink, most likely antibiotics will be prescribed wide range actions. Rapid elimination of infection in the case of urolithiasis is not always possible to achieve, therefore, drugs are prescribed before the removal of calculus from the body. If edema is present, diuretics are prescribed.

Renal colic is painful attacks, which are characterized by abrupt disturbances in the flow of urine through the urethra. At the same time, intralocal pressure suddenly increases and renal ischemia develops.

According to ICD-10, renal colic is considered unspecified and has a code - N23.

Renal colic as an individual disease is not considered, it is rather a consequence that develops as a result (ICD code - N20-N23) or hemodynamic disorders in the ureter.

The patient feels cramping pain, weakness, urination becomes painful. In the field of urology, this phenomenon is considered an urgent condition that requires urgent neutralization. pain syndrome and restoration of kidney function.

About what renal colic is, how this pathology manifests itself, and how to deal with it, will be discussed in more depth later in the article.

Renal colic causes

One of the reasons is a violation of the outflow of urine, which results in internal obstruction or external compression of the urinary tract.

This condition is characterized by involuntary spasmodic muscular vibrations of the ureter, venous stasis, high blood pressure column of water inside the pelvis, renal ischemia, parenchymal edema and excessive expansion of the fibrous renal capsule.

Receptor irritation provokes the appearance of a sharp painful attack - colic in the kidneys. Also, the reasons include mechanical barriers that interfere with the passage of urine. According to statistics, 58% of colic is considered one of the symptoms due to a pinched stone in the ureter.

Blockage (obstruction) can lead to purulent or bloody calculi with pyelonephritis (inflammation that affects the tubular system of the kidneys), caseous plugs or dead papillae with papillary necrosis.

Causes include rotation of the ureter when the kidney descends, renal dystopia, and stricture. Benign or malignant neoplasms of the kidneys, (prostate), ureter, subcapsular hematomas lead to external infringement of the urinary tract.

The appearance of renal colic can provoke protracted inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • hydronephrotic transformation of the kidney is an acquired or congenital pathology of the kidneys, which is characterized by an expansion of the pelvis. It develops due to a disorder of the passage of urine, which results in progressive atrophy of the kidneys;
  • acute - an acute bacterial disease. The parenchyma and renal pelvis become inflamed. Infections are caused by bacteria in the colon;
  • periurethritis - inflammation of the loose connective tissue that surrounds the urethra;
  • urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. The main reason is damage to the canal wall by various viruses and bacteria. Symptoms in women include cystitis or narrowing of the urethra;
  • - inflammation of the prostate gland. Symptoms in men can be very pronounced in the form of cutting pains in the groin, aggravated by urination, fever, etc.;
  • phlebostasis in venous system small pelvis - chronic illness organs of the small pelvis. It develops as a result of obstruction of the venous trunks, after which a plexus of collateral pathways appears, followed by an increase.

Some congenital abnormalities that can disrupt urodynamics in the upper urinary tract lead to the appearance of renal colic:

  • achalasia of the ureter is a type of hydroureter (dilation of the ureter). It occurs with neurogenic dysfunction of the terminal part of the ureter. The result is an abrupt return of urine up the ureter and only a small amount of urine flows into the bladder. In this case, the lower part of the ureter expands annularly;
  • - a disease that disrupts vibrations, its channels and the functions of the sphincter of Oddi. As a result, there are difficulties with the elimination of bile. Women are more susceptible to dyskinesia;
  • megacalycosis is an abnormality of the kidneys, which is characterized by an increase in the small renal calyces due to cystic medullary dysplasia. With megakaliasis, the renal pelvis can have a standard size, and the enlarged calyx gradually passes into the pelvis itself. In the case of an increase in all groups of cups, a generalized form of megapolicaliosis develops;
  • spongy kidney - multicystic deformation of the renal tubules and collecting ducts of the Malpighian pyramids, due to which changes appearance renal tissue (finely porous sponge). As complications appear: hematuria (blood in the urine), pyuria (purulent masses in the urine), etc.

Provoking factors of renal colic

In addition to the reasons, there are some factors that provoke the appearance of renal colic. The factors are:

  • improper drinking regime (lack or excess of fluid in the body);
  • taking medications for the treatment of kidney stones;
  • trauma;
  • prolonged driving on uneven roads;
  • heavy physical exercise;
  • long walks.

Such factors lead to a change in the localization of small microliths (stones) and their subsequent excretion through the ureter.


The main symptom of renal colic is considered to be sharp pain in the upper lumbar or on the left side in the Mayo-Robson area (costal-vertebral angle).

Most cases have shown that pain attacks begin at night.

The pain can change location and go to the mesogastric region or to the end of the digestive tract.

Symptoms in men are painful sensations in the penis and scrotum. Women feel pain all over the perineum. White or bloody discharge is also possible.

The attacks of pain last from 4 to 17 hours, the severity and location change. Patients become anxious and unable to adopt a position that would help relieve pain.

You can provide yourself with first aid for symptoms of renal colic, but it is best to call a doctor on time.

In addition to a painful attack, the following may develop:

  • oliguria (slow urine production);
  • anuria (urine does not flow into the bladder);
  • frequent and unsuccessful urge to go to the toilet, accompanied by cuts (tenesmus);
  • strong cutting sensations in the urethra;
  • dryness in oral cavity;
  • nausea;
  • (high blood pressure);
  • (violations of the heart rhythm and heart contractions);
  • subfebrile condition (persistent temperature within 37.9 ° C);
  • chills;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • pale skin;
  • bradycardia (violation of the sinus rhythm of the heart).

After the attack ends, the release of an excessive volume of urine begins, in which red blood cells are present (macro or microhematuria).

Signs of renal colic can be mistakenly compared with conditions that are characterized by the same back pain and abdominal syndrome - abnormal pregnancy, perforated, torsion, testicular torsion in men, acute blockage of the mesenteric vessels, embolism, herniated disc, etc.

Symptoms in men suddenly appear due to excessive fluid intake or after strenuous physical activity. Symptoms of renal colic in women are manifested by nausea, general malaise, spasmodic pain in the upper lumbar region, which can spread to the abdominal cavity.

Renal colic classification

Specialists in the field of nephrology and urology divide renal pain into two forms:

  • Unilateral... In this case, abruptly arising pain attacks appear only on one side, that is, where pathology is present. Renal colic is right-sided and left-sided and appears on a certain side:
    • Right-sided. Pain on the right, causing pain is associated with inflammation of the appendix, the presence of education, kidney abscess, rupture, etc.;
    • Left-sided. Some chronic inflammatory conditions contribute to the appearance of pain on the left:, tumors of the left kidney (fibroma , adenoma), hydronephrosis, etc.;
  • Bilateral... The pain is piercing and is felt throughout the lower back.

In addition to forms of pain, there are phases of development of pain attacks in renal colic:

  • acute phase. Colic is sudden and often appears at night when a person is asleep. The reason may be a large volume of fluid drunk the day before, heavy physical activity, stress or the use of diuretic medications. Pain long time does not subside and may gradually increase. The intensity manifests itself as the rate of increase in fluid pressure in the ureter, and also depends on the person's susceptibility to pain. An increase or renewal of an attack can provoke high level frequency of vibrations of the ureter;
  • constant phase... The pain that has reached the limit takes on a long course, that is, it may not pass for a long time. This phase is often the most painful and lasts from 1 to 5 hours. Much less often, the duration of an attack is more than 12 hours. It is during the constant phase that patients apply for medical help;
  • decay phase... In this phase, pain decreases until it disappears altogether. The cessation of pain can occur at any time after the onset of the colic attack.


To recognize and distinguish renal colic from similar symptoms, a set of diagnostic measures is performed. Initially, the doctor examines the entire history and general clinical picture.

When palpating the lumbar region and lightly tapping on the costal arch, the patient feels pain. These signs indicate the presence of renal colic.

Also, urine analysis is prescribed, but only at the end of the attack of pain. The study helps to identify the presence of fresh blood and purulent particles, leukocytes, epithelial cells, salts and protein.

Research method abdominal cavity with the help of synoptic radiography will allow to eliminate acute abdominal syndrome.

Thanks to radiograph and urogram too dense renal shadow is detected in the perirenal adipose tissues, intestinal pneumatosis is a pathology in which cysts filled with air are formed in the thickness of the walls of the intestine and stomach

Intravenous urography, aimed at clarifying the shift of the kidney, the transformation of the outlines of the pelvis and cups, the nature of the rotation of the ureter makes it possible to establish the main cause of the appearance of renal colic.

If the patient has an attack of renal pain only for initial stage then it is possible chromocystoscopy (indigo carmine test)... Thanks to this research method, a complete absence or a temporary delay in the production of indigo carmine from a blocked ureter is found, less often there is swelling, bleeding, or a stone pinched in the mouth.

To study the general condition of the urinary system is used ultrasound procedure the entire urinary system. To exclude the symptom complex acute abdomen(a pathology in which the peritoneum is irritated and the abdominal organs are severely damaged), the pelvic organs and the entire space located in the trunk below the diaphragm are examined.

Also effective methods diagnostics are considered tomographic studies - computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys.

Differentiation of renal colic is necessary when:

  • appendicitis, volvulus, pathological pregnancy, abdominal cavity and duodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane). With these pathologies, not only an ultrasound examination of the entire abdominal cavity is required, but also a transrectal and transvaginal examination;
  • lumbar osteochondrosis. In this case, due to osteochondrosis, with any movement, a person feels severe pain, and in a static position the pain sensations subside;
  • ... The pain is disturbing in the region of the lower costal margin, where the nerve is located;
  • ... Gradually, abundant itchy rashes appear on the skin in the form of small bubbles with a transparent liquid inside.

Renal colic treatment

Most often, patients experiencing renal colic need urgent emergency care. It is also mandatory to be admitted to the urology department and be present there on a stationary basis.

Outpatient treatment is acceptable in case of moderate pain. Children and the elderly are unconditionally subject to hospitalization. At the initial symptoms of renal colic, you must go to the hospital.

Symptoms and treatment of the consequences cause a lot of problems for the patient. The standard measures for the elimination and reduction of pain syndrome involve pain relief. For this, special injectable drugs are used.

In the hospital, anesthesia is done using spinal anesthesia, peripheral blockage of nerve endings, novocaine blockage in men of the spermatic cord, and in women of the round ligament of the uterus.

If the patient has renal colic in the acute phase, then electropuncture is applied(exposure to electric current on bioactive points) and acupuncture(impact on the human body using special needles through specific points on the body).

If small stones are found in the ureter, it is recommended diadynamic therapy, ultrasound therapy and vibration therapy... Spa treatment is an important way in the fight against urolithiasis and its consequences.

Drug treatment

Also, the treatment of renal colic is carried out using certain groups of medicines.

Duration drug treatment depends entirely on the underlying cause that led to the appearance of renal colic. The drugs include:

  • antispasmodics: Bendazol, Driptan, Enablex, Dicetel, Librax, Altalex, Droverin, etc. These drugs are prescribed in case of passing stones. The course of admission is 3-4 days;
  • antibacterial drugs: Cefaclor, Axetin, Abaktal, Nitroxoline, Vancomycin, Gentamicin, etc. The course of administration is from 10 to 20 days;
  • painkillers: Analgin, Spazmalgon, Baralgetas, Tempalgin, Brustan, Dolospa, Trigan, etc. Painkillers should be prescribed by the attending physician and only after a clearly established diagnosis;
  • drugs that improve the activity of the heart: Nitroglycerin, Verapamil, Anaprilin, Nerobol, Persantin, Riboxin, etc.;
  • preparations to accelerate the dissolution of stones and reduce their crystallization: vitamin B6, Magnerot, Complivit Magnesium, Solgar Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc, etc.


Surgical intervention is indicated only in case of ineffectiveness of conservative treatment or the development of any complications.

Thanks to the operation, it is possible to completely neutralize the obstacle that caused the obstruction of the urinary tract. Indications for surgical treatment renal colic are as follows:

  • complications of urolithiasis - chronic pyelonephritis, acute obstructive pyelonephritis, pyonephrosis, purulent paranephritis, nephrosclerosis, chronic, etc.;
  • hydronephrotic transformation of the kidney;
  • spongy kidney;
  • ineffectiveness of drug therapy;
  • stones of more than 1 centimeter in size.

Usually, renal colic develops against the background of urolithiasis, therefore surgery implies the removal of calculi.

In modern medicine, there are several effective ways allowing to destroy and extract the accumulated stones. The methods include:

  • abdominal (open) surgery on the affected kidney;
  • extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy - crushing stones using special ultrasonic directed waves;
  • ureteral stenting. It is carried out retrogradely through the bladder using a special endoscopic instrument - a cystourethroscope. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and X-ray control;
  • contact lithotripsy - crushing of calculi using laser exposure;
  • percutaneous nephrolithotomy - removal of stones with the least trauma. An incision is made on the skin in the area of ​​the projection of the collecting system of the kidneys, after which stones and all coral calculi are removed.

The operation involves preliminary preparation. Necessary preliminary delivery of urine and blood for analysis, the passage of ultrasound and X-ray examination of the kidneys. Also, a mandatory consultation with a therapist is required.

Complementary home treatments for renal colic

Treatment of renal colic at home is not prohibited, but it is still worth consulting your doctor before starting.

It is necessary to start treatment only after a clear and correct diagnosis. Alternative treatments include:

  • adherence to the correct regimen and diet;
  • treatment of renal colic at home folk remedies;
  • physical exercises.

To improve the supply of blood to the kidney capsule, dilate blood vessels, relieve ureteral spasms and facilitate the movement of the stone, it is not necessary to take special medications, this can be done using thermal procedures.

Using thermal procedures on the lumbar region, you can independently provide yourself emergency care and quickly get rid of the pain syndrome, while improving the outflow of urine.

How to provide first aid for renal colic at home

To provide first aid for renal colic, you need to be warm, a hot bath is suitable, but the position should be seated. However, you need to be sure that a person does not have cardiovascular disease... Also, this method is contraindicated for pregnant women. A hot bath can be replaced with a warm heating pad by applying it to a sore spot.

To provide first aid for renal colic, the patient can be given antispasmodics. The drugs will help relax the walls of the ureter.


One of the main factors that significantly affect the treatment of renal colic is proper nutrition. The diet should be aimed at reducing the likelihood of kidney stones and sand forming. It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • all fatty and fried foods;
  • canned foods (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.);
  • salted fish (salmon, salmon, pink salmon, herring, sardines);
  • alcohol;
  • strong drinks (tea, coffee);
  • broths cooked on meat;
  • smoked meats (sausages, fish, ham, cheese, etc.).

The portions should be small. With renal colic, it is necessary to eat well-grated soups from vegetables, cereals and fresh fruits that do not contain irritating acids (bananas, pears, melons, sweet apples). But it is better to refuse lemons, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits.

The fruit acid in citrus fruits irritates the receptors and can cause unpleasant sensations.

Folk remedies

Treatment of renal colic at home with folk remedies can be carried out.

More often, recipes are used based on medicinal herbs that are also part of some medicines aimed at combating pain in renal colic.

Some herbs, like pharmaceutical preparations, have certain properties. These include:

  • diuretic property - lingonberry fruits, wild strawberry leaves, calendula, rose hips, marsh dryweed;
  • bactericidal property - plantain, burnet, sweet clover, celandine, chicory, chamomile;
  • antispasmodic action - parsley, birch buds, blue cornflower, valerian, sage, peppermint, viburnum;
  • cleansing the kidneys from stones - sage, St. John's wort, knotweed, oregano, lemon balm.

How to relieve pain?

Recipes for neutralizing a painful attack with renal colic are as follows:

  • Infusion. Prepare a herbal collection of birch leaves, mint, sage, steel fruit and mountain ash. There should be 6 tablespoons in total. Pour the received fee in a liter hot water and leave to infuse for 45 minutes. The broth should be drunk warm a maximum of 3 times a day, half a glass;
  • A decoction of birch leaves. Pour 8 tablespoons of chopped birch leaves or buds with a liter of water and put in a water bath for 30 minutes. Drink warm, 3 glasses a day;
  • Lingonberry root decoction. Pour the root itself with five liters and cook over medium heat until the water boils off exactly half. Drink the resulting broth 150 grams three times a day;
  • A decoction of celandine leaves. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry leaves with a glass of hot water. Insist, strain, cool and drink half a glass twice a day before meals in the morning and evening;
  • Rosehip root decoction. Pour 3 tablespoons of ground root with 500 ml of water, cook for 25 minutes. Leave to infuse and cool. After drinking a glass 4 times a day. This broth is able to dissolve calculi in the urinary and gall bladders.

Physical exercises

Any strenuous exercise during bouts of renal colic is of course prohibited. but special exercises physiotherapy exercises as preventive measure with urolithiasis are necessary. The main tasks of exercise therapy include:

  • improvement and normalization of metabolism;
  • increasing the protective functions of the immune system;
  • creating conditions for the exit of calculi;
  • normalization of kidney function and urination.

Exercises aimed at minor movement are helpful. abdominal organs stimulating the peristalsis of the ureter and promoting their expansion.


After neutralization of a painful attack of renal colic and treatment of the underlying disease, a period of rehabilitation begins. Its method is selected by the attending physician, taking into account the nature of the disease, the presence of complications, the age and general condition of the patient.

Patients must strictly adhere to the diet prescribed by a dietitian physician. Non-compliance proper nutrition can lead to relapses of diseases that cause renal colic. Engage in physiotherapy exercises and adhere to all doctor's recommendations.

As a prophylaxis, sunbathing is not prohibited, since with this method the body is able to produce on its own. It is worth drinking at least 2 liters of liquid daily, do not overcool and avoid injuries to the lower back, abdomen, genitals, etc.

Prognosis for patients

  • stagnant urine infection... Against the background of this complication, the patient's temperature rises, it can reach 40 ° C, chills appear, dryness in the oral cavity, pallor of the skin, severe headache and general malaise. In this case, with the wrong method of treatment, sepsis may develop - blood poisoning, leading to death;
  • kidney failure... The continuous increase in pressure in the kidney is facilitated by the disturbed process of urine outflow. The kidney can permanently lose its main functions within a couple of days after the complete cessation of the outflow of urine. This condition is considered the most dangerous and common among the causes of death in patients.

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Renal colic is a severe pain syndrome that is considered a symptom of a number of urological diseases. Disorders in the renal system have a negative impact on a person's well-being. According to the ICD (international classification of diseases), the symptom is classified as renal colic, unspecified. Assigned code N23.

Renal colic is a sudden onset of acute cramping pain in the lower back. This dangerous condition comes on suddenly. A severe lumbar spasm develops, resembling a spasm. The painful shock is so strong that a person loses the ability to sit and move normally. He is forced to rush about, trying to take a comfortable position in order to at least slightly ease the pain. Actually, renal colic is not considered a disease, rather, it is a symptom indicating the origin of some kind of malfunction in the body. Pronounced symptoms are often observed after increased sports activities, motorcycle trips or cycling.

Often, a number of symptoms are noted that accompany the manifestation of colic. They differ depending on the reasons that provoked the disease:

  • Intolerable, sharp pain in the lumbar region, having a cramping character or persisting long time(up to 10-18 hours, in some individual cases the period extends to several days).
  • An increase in the urge to urinate, accompanied by increased pain.
  • Sudden darkening of urine caused by blood in it.
  • Nausea and vomiting, not relieving.
  • Bloating due to difficulty passing intestinal gas.
  • False urge to empty the bowels and bladder.
  • High blood pressure (as a rule, in this case, the use of drugs that lower it does not bring a strong effect).
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Shaking chills, fever (if infection is the cause).
  • Fever, dry mouth and headache (as evidence that an acute inflammatory process has begun in the kidneys).

In women, the symptoms are sometimes supplemented by pain in the labia. In men, pain in the penis and scrotum. This can be difficult to diagnose.

This painful syndrome, accompanied by bouts of pain in the navel, lower back and lower abdomen, can also occur in school-age children.

Factors that increase the risk of colic

The causes are varied:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Natural defects of the urinary system.
  • Infectious diseases of the urinary tract.
  • The formation of blood clots in the venous vascular system of the kidneys.
  • Limited fluid intake in the heat.
  • The consequences of trauma (hematomas formed near the kidneys).
  • Developing pyelonephritis.
  • Prolonged high physical activity.

Diseases responsible for the onset of renal colic

In women, a similar attack occurs when:

  • Pathologies of the uterus.
  • Inflammatory process in the area of ​​the appendages.
  • Rupture of tissue or torsion of ovarian cysts.
  • Polycystic kidney disease.
  • Cystitis, jade.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion).

In men with these diseases:

  • Urolithiasis (formation of sand and stones in the urinary system).
  • Uraturia (increased salt content in the body).
  • Oxaluria (calcium leaching and metabolic disorders).
  • Phosphaturia (urological disease, phosphate imbalance).
  • Cystinuria (formation of cystine crystals or kidney stones, genetic urological disease).
  • Congenital pathologies and injuries.
  • Pyelonephritis, tuberculosis.
  • Tumors (malignant neoplasms).

First aid

The onset of conditions that are accompanied by renal colic requires qualified diagnosis and treatment with medications. What if this is your first time dealing with a similar syndrome? Call your doctor urgently for an examination. A medical emergency will determine the patient's condition and decide whether or not he needs to be hospitalized.

It is undesirable to use analgin and baralgin tablets available in any medicine cabinet. In the described case, they are ineffective and will not produce complete relief. severe pain... To reduce the painful attack, you should try to alleviate the patient's condition as much as possible. He receives the necessary first aid for renal colic.

Before the arrival of an ambulance, or if it is temporarily impossible to call doctors, it is recommended to carry out the specified algorithm of actions to reduce the strength of painful sensations:

  • Increase the drinking regime. Give more fluids to drink.
  • Provide the patient with an upright position so that his lower back is in an elevated state.
  • Use a warm heating pad by placing it in the lumbar region.
  • When an attack occurs at the very beginning, it is permissible to offer to take a relaxing bath with hot water in a sitting position.
  • If it was possible to anesthetize the attack, and the kidneys continue to bother, intramuscular injections should be given. Take pain relievers or antispasmodics to relax the muscles. Medicines help: no-shpa, drotaverine, papaverine, spazmalgon. If the listed drugs are not found, it is possible to dissolve the nitroglycerin tablet.
  • If first aid is provided at home, it is forbidden to ignore any urge to urinate. It is supposed to provide an opportunity to relieve themselves even in a lying position.
  • The provision of assistance associated with heating the lumbar region (heating pad, bath) is possible only for patients who have left-sided colic. If the colic is bilateral or right-sided, the diagnosis of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) must first be ruled out.
  • Important! Until the arrival of medical professionals, analgesics that can distort symptoms are prohibited, and correct diagnosis of the disease will be very difficult.

The stone that blocks the ureter always causes an inflammatory process. Even taking into account the fact that in the process of providing first-aid assistance it was possible to relieve pain, the patient will still need to be examined by a specialist. When the stone is small and can come out on its own, doctors prescribe:

  1. A medicine that improves blood circulation in the kidney - pentoxifylline or trental.
  2. Antibiotics that eliminate inflammation in the ureter - ceftriaxone, fosfomycin, nitroxoline.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, lornoxicam, ketorolac.

If pain relief with medication helps, the patient may not be admitted to the hospital. In this case, according to the doctor's prescriptions, it is recommended to stay in bed.

Who is hospitalized first?

Regardless of the nature of the symptom, the following categories of patients are subject to mandatory hospitalization:

  • Child;
  • Pregnant woman;
  • Elderly person;
  • A patient with a solitary kidney;
  • If bilateral colic is present (left and right).

A way to the hospital is necessary if:

  • An antispasmodic or pain reliever did not have the desired effect.
  • Blood pressure and body temperature are very high.
  • Urine stops flowing because the urinary system is blocked by a stone.
  • There is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the appendix, or intestinal obstruction.

Inpatient treatment

In the hospital, the main treatment for colic is aimed at eliminating pain and eliminating kidney stones. The selection of the technique in a particular case is performed depending on the size of the stone, its location, the duration of the disease and the length of time, how much the syndrome manifested itself, the presence possible complications and other factors affecting its course.

The generally accepted approach to eliminating the disease is to administer analgesics and antispasmodics intramuscularly or intravenously (dropper). In rare cases, when conventional drugs cannot relieve pain, narcotic analgesics are prescribed.

The clinic performs an operation if such procedures did not bring the patient the long-awaited relief, complaints about a deterioration in well-being appeared. The risk of a serious complication is high. Modern urology allows you to treat urolithiasis and remove the formed stones with minimal surgical intervention... Most often it happens painlessly.

Diet of renal patients

All diseases have certain characteristics and require a correct nutritional system. Proper adherence to a healthy diet is important for people with kidney disease. Foods that irritate kidney cells are completely excluded from their diet. The taboo applies to canned foods, spicy, salty and sour foods, smoked meats and seasonings with an excess of pepper. Preference should be given to the use of vegetable dishes and fruits. At the same time, it is undesirable to eat radish, spinach, cauliflower, celery and garlic.

It is recommended to consume bread products made from wholemeal flour (helps to lower the amount of calcium in the urine and reduce the process of stone formation). Such bread is useful, its use is the prevention of such conditions. It is also suitable for preventing relapse.

Scientists have found that it is possible to prevent the formation of kidney stones by increasing the amount of magnesium in the body. If magnesium preparations are taken together with vitamins B6, the effect of the use increases. These substances are found in corn cobs and buckwheat, bran, wheat crops, potato tubers, avocados and bananas.

Remember that vitamin D increases calcium in the body and decreases magnesium, which leads to increased stone formation and re-attack. The vitamin is found in large quantities in animal products (butter, eggs, liver of animals and fish). Therefore, they try to refuse such products.

In moments of severe exacerbation, the following names must be excluded from the diet:

  • Cocoa.
  • Coffee.
  • Bold.
  • Smoked.
  • Canned.
  • Sweet soda.
  • Alcohol.

The amount of salt in food is provided for the minimum, it is advisable not to use it. Soups made from cereals, vegetable or fruit are suitable as first courses. For the latter, steam cutlets or meatballs, low-fat boiled or stewed meat in sour cream are recommended. Milk porridge is suitable: millet or rice porridge with apricots, plums, apples and pumpkin. From vegetables, fresh cucumbers, white cabbage, potatoes, beets, tomatoes are recommended. The patient excludes legumes from the diet. When aggravated inflammatory disease is on the decline, the diet can be diversified - add fish, poultry, cottage cheese, slightly fried meat.

Treatment with folk remedies

Along with the traditional and customary methods for eliminating renal colic, ethnoscience also has methods of getting rid of, proven for centuries.

Should take:

  • Decoctions of celandine herb, pumpkin seeds, rosehip roots.
  • Medicinal collection of caraway seeds, buckthorn bark, marshmallow root and mint leaves.
  • Flaxseed decoction.
  • The consumption of watermelon up to 2.5 kilograms per day helps.

What type of treatment should I prefer?

It is up to you whether to trust your health, medicines or alternative medicine prescriptions. If you notice signs of renal colic, try not to self-medicate. This way you will avoid unpleasant consequences. Remember that even completely self-relieved pain can come back at the wrong time. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Renal colic is the most common complex of symptoms of a number of diseases of the urinary system. It is an intense pain syndrome that develops in violation of the integrity of the ureteral mucosa during the release of calculi, as well as blockage of the upper urinary tract. The latter can occur due to the overlap of a large blood clot or calculus, as well as due to narrowing of the ureter.

An attack of renal colic can develop for no apparent reason, at any time of the day or night, during sleep and wakefulness. It can be life-threatening for the patient and requires immediate emergency care and often hospitalization.

You can relieve pain during an attack, as well as undergo the necessary examination, which allows you to identify the underlying disease, in the multidisciplinary clinic of CELT. Our specialists have everything necessary to accurately diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment, which will be successful with timely treatment.

Etiology of renal colic

The most common cause of renal colic is urolithiasis (URN), which is characterized by the formation of kidney and bladder stones. Based on statistical information, most often (98%) seizures develop at the moment when the stone passes through the ureter, somewhat less often (50%) - when it is in the kidney. The development of seizures is associated with a sharp violation of urine drainage from the kidney due to obstruction or compression of the upper urinary tract: the ureter, renal calyx and pelvis.

Etiology of obstruction

  • Concretions with MChB (almost 58%);
  • Large blood clots with inflammation of the kidney canals;
  • Large accumulations of mucus with inflammation of the kidney channels;
  • Accumulations of pus;
  • Crystalline conglomerates of urinary salts;
  • Necrotic tissue;
  • Kink of the ureter with prolapse or dystopia of the kidney;
  • Narrowing of the ureter.

Etiology of compression of the upper urinary tract

  • Kidney neoplasms of good and malignant nature;
  • Neoplasms of the ureter of good and malignant nature;
  • Prostate neoplasms of good and malignant nature;
  • Hematomas that appear after injuries and improperly performed medical procedures.

In addition, help with renal colic may be required for patients who suffer from inflammatory and vascular pathologies of the urinary tract, as well as a number of congenital anomalies.

Pathogenesis and risk factors for the development of renal colic

Severe pain during the development of attacks of renal colic occurs due to spasms smooth muscles ureter, as a response to obstruction of the outflow of urine. It is the cause of increased intralocal pressure and disorders of blood flow in the kidney. As a result: the affected kidney increases in size, and its tissues and structures begin to stretch, which leads to the development of pain syndrome. At the same time, it is important to understand that taking an anesthetic for renal colic is not enough, since it (in addition to causing pain) is also a symptom of malfunctioning of the kidney and ureter. This condition is dangerous to the patient's health and life and can lead to the development of such serious complications as:

  • Purulent pyelonephritis;
  • Perirenal phlegmon;
  • Urosepsis.

As for the factors that increase the risk of developing an attack, they are as follows:

  • Congenital predisposition - observed in more than 50% of patients;
  • Anatomical features structures of the urinary tract, provoking stagnation of urine and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • Row pathological conditions that provoke the development of urolithiasis: multiple cystic formations, Burnet's syndrome;
  • Excessive physical activity, including professional sports;
  • Insufficient absorption syndrome, which is characterized by chronic dehydration of the body;
  • Frequent consumption of salty food, as well as food in which animal proteins prevail, insufficient water intake.

The clinical picture of renal colic

The classic symptom of renal colic is a sharp, bright pain that comes on suddenly. Often it has a cramping character and manifests itself in the lumbar region and the costal-vertebral angle. Duration of an attack: from several minutes to several days, and if it is caused by calculus - up to a week. It can develop at any time of the day or night, regardless of what the patient is doing, and the pain from it is so intense that he cannot find a place for himself.

Pain from renal colic in men can be given to the penis and scrotum, in women - to the perineum. It can also spread to the umbilical region and laterally, in the projection of the affected kidney or in the outer surface of the thighs. The place of pain symptoms and a number of accompanying manifestations depend on the degree of blockage:

There are a number of other symptoms that do not depend on the location of the problem. They are as follows:

  • Micro- or macroscopic hematuria;
  • Enhancement blood pressure;
  • Severe chills.

Diagnosis of renal colic

Before starting the treatment of renal colic, our specialists carry out a comprehensive diagnosis, which allows you to correctly diagnose and differentiate this syndrome from a number of other conditions:

  • Intercostal neuralgia;
  • Acute appendicitis;
  • Testicular torsion;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • Inflammation of the pancreas acute form;
  • Inflammation of the testicle and epididymis;
  • Aortic dissecting aneurysm.

A pronounced pain symptomatology is the reason for seeking medical help. In fact, in this case, a doctor of any specialty can provide first aid - however, since the syndrome must be distinguished from a number of others, it is best to consult a urologist. Doctors of this specialty are most competent in the diagnosis and treatment of renal colic. The diagnosis itself includes the following:

  • Physical examination;
  • Interviewing and collecting anamnesis;
  • Excretory urography;
  • X-ray;
  • General analysis urine;
  • CT scan .

Treatments for renal colic

When an attack develops, it is best to call emergency help. Ambulance specialists know how to relieve pain in renal colic, and will also carry out preliminary diagnostics in order to know which department the patient needs to be hospitalized in. First of all, the specialists of the CELT clinic direct their efforts to eliminate the pain syndrome. For this, pharmacological drugs are used in the form of analgesics or antispasmodics.

A drug Features of the drug and its use Contraindications
"Baralgin M" NSAIDs with analgesic effect, used for pain medium intensity, administered intravenously.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages, alcoholism;
  • Chronic kidney disease;
  • Allergy to pyrazolones.
"Drotaverin" Lubricant, administered intravenously
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Renal failure;
  • Hypotension;
  • Hyperplasia of the prostate.
"Ketorolac" NSAIDs with analgesic effect, used for pain of high intensity, administered intravenously.

Our doctors

The indications for hospitalization of the patient are:

  • The introduction of medications did not give desired result and the attack continues;
  • Bilateral colic;
  • Elderly patient;
  • The attack developed in one kidney;
  • The patient has symptoms of complications: heat and inability to empty the bladder.

To remove stone and mucus, doctors prescribe drugs based on the details of the anamnesis. By promoting foreign body To bladder, relieving urinary tract spasm, medications contribute to the early completion of the painful attack. In addition to medications, the use of a large amount of liquid, as well as physical activity (but only in the absence of contraindications, which the doctor identifies during the examination), sometimes contributes to the removal of the stone. To relieve pain in renal colic, antispasmodics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

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