Finger massage for the development of fine motor skills reviews. Speech development with hand massage

In children. In previous articles, we sorted it out, and in this article Elena Barysheva (head of the column) shared with us finger games to massage the fingers and palms of the child. And I decided to add to the article a massage of fingers and palms with a spiky massage ball.

Finger and palm massage develops and is also very useful little child... It has long been known that the fingers are associated with internal organs and the brain: the little finger - with the heart, the nameless - with the liver, the middle - with the intestines and spine, index - with the stomach, large - with the brain.

Strengthening basic grammar skills - retaining graphic material and the ability to emulate various black line patterns while maintaining the direction of drawing the line from left to right. Develop some preliminary math skills - a sense of perceiving a logical sequence and regular rotation of elements in a line. To increase the maturity of the school, encourage the use and perception of the right direction in the series. Lead your children through exciting activities to a joyful experience in acquiring new skills and knowledge.

  • Encourage children to cooperate in solving a common problem.
  • Offer children sophisticated techniques.
The Christmas tree plan will give the children a fountain of light, and the children will then color the Progres with the grafted cutter.

Finger and palm massage

So that our finger is healthy,

Let's give him a massage.

We'll crush it harder

And let's move on to another.

Children put the straightened index finger of the left hand with the back on the index and middle fingers of the right. Then rub its inner side along the entire length with the thumb of the right hand. The rest of the fingers are massaged in the same way. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
We are on the other side

You must rub your finger,

Using potato stamps, which alternate regularly, logical lines are created - chains on a tree. Children work in pairs, each with one type of seal, and they have to talk to each other about their regular rotation. In the final part, a group of children works with alcoholic creams. Together, we first advise which chains can be drawn, different lines and patterns of the black line. The teacher can place pre-drawings next to the children. The children then draw different types of lines from left to right.

Increase children's perception of rhythm and pencil control in the rhythm of a song or poem. Free your arm from the shoulder along the elbow to the tiny muscles of the arm by making a graphic entry in a low position. Secure the correct fixation of the graphic material, the so-called clamping handle. Guide the children to graphically record a pre-drawn figure or mimic a specific shape in the rhythm of a song or poem. Offering kids triangular graphic tool system with strong imprint and graphics low level... Lead children to develop fine motor skills and related skills related to school maturity. To enhance the maturity of the school, stimulate the cooperation of both hemispheres of the brain. ... Regular schedules with gram motor turn on once a week.

To make him cheer up

He was healthy and not sick.

Children place the straightened index finger of the left hand with the inner side on the index and middle fingers of the right. Then rub its back side along the entire length with the thumb of the right hand. The rest of the fingers are massaged in the same way. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
To be strong in the palm -

Let's massage a little:

Children always work in a low position with strong small ones and sit so that they have one knee under the butt and the other under the belly. This ensures that the back is flat and that the blades are symmetrical in activity. In the rhythm of songs, poetry or rhyme draws, complements or touches lines and shapes. It is important that the hand is active at the same time, kissing the eyes, stimulating the cooperation of both hemispheres of the brain.

Head of hands, neck of legs, girl or boy? Belly, fingers or palms, find a moment on them. Together we talk about what our body has. Stimulate grapho-motor skills at the individual level of individual children and create related skills in this regard. Ask the children to separate the preparation and cleaning of art aids. Let the kids down to maintain order and reward good creative work skills. Encourage proper holding of the graphic material, the so-called clamping handle. Through action on a large area of ​​paper, working in a low position, offering graphic material with a strong print and brushes to guide the hand from the shoulder along the elbow to the small fingers of the fingers. Teach children to name certain parts of the body, some organs and know their functions at a level appropriate for the age of the children.

  • Strengthening understanding separate parts body.
  • Encourage proper retention of graphic material.
  • Develop collaboration skills through group work.
  • Develop communication skills in a group by agreeing to a common task.
We will use the entire sheet of brown paper to wrap the human figure.

Press ten times

And we will change the palms.

Children place the back of their left hand on the straightened index, middle, ring and little fingers of the right, and with the thumb of their right hand press in the center of the left palm. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
Here are the funny chicks

They came to the garden to the garden.

Children work in two groups. Boys make up the figure of a boy and girls, a girl. The teacher will depict two children in the classroom with a strong alcohol fix that will not spray when painted with any line of paints. Children will be able to draw the details of their face and clothes using this graphic, and then they will be painted with aniline flowers together. Again, we remind the children to have one knee under the belly and the other under the shoulder when working on the ground.

For the oldest age group For children, we also offer graphics in a very thin size. This makes children understand the details and strengthen fine motor skills. When working with preschool children, a semolina extract is very often used. Children can draw on it with their fingers or type or try traces of different objects - a massage ball, stones, wood, etc. It can be spontaneous or teacher guided. In a supervised activity, the children drew a city with a house where they lived and then joined the paths so they could visit with their friends.

They walk happily

The grains peck quickly.

Children pat on the inside of the left palm with the fingertips of their right hand. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
Now friends are chickens

A garden bed was climbed onto the other.

This is how the children peck the grain

Just as bold and agile.

Precise hand movements are one of the most difficult movements. The development of self-care, drawing, writing and articulation, as well as broadly understood communication, depend on the development of the small motor. The main prerequisite for raising a child is to create best conditions for all-round development and preparing him for a full independent life. Unfortunately, sometimes there are various difficulties in the development of the child, which makes it very difficult and often impossible to prepare. It is important to be aware of the difficulties as soon as possible, because the earlier the professional intervention is carried out, the more likely it is to be completely overcome.

Children pat on the back of the left palm with the fingertips of their right hand. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
A crab came out of the sea

And a claw on the hand - a dac!

But it will not cope in any way -

Too strong hand.

Children squeeze the joint at the base of the little finger of the left hand with the pads of the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. This is how the similar joints of all the other fingers are massaged. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
The crab did not go back -

He has now found a finger

Emerging developmental problems can have many origins and manifest themselves in many ways. In this article, we will try to focus your attention on child functioning, especially in the area of ​​small motor skills, and demonstrate the mechanisms responsible for the development of self-care and other work skills.

If we have good hands we can do most work around us, which makes us much more independent from others, even when, for example, we are moving in a wheelchair. Deficiency in the functioning of the hands can be said on a very wide scale: from a complete inability to control their movements, to minor difficulties of the graph motor. At each stage, it is important to offer your child the appropriate interaction in order to work out the best possible performance, which automatically translates into the quality of his or her life.

And grabbed the nail.

This is unlikely to be useful.

Children squeeze the little fingernail of their left hand with the pads of the thumb and forefinger of their right hand. This is how the nails of all the other fingers are massaged. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
We need to rather, brothers,

Amicably to do karate.

The Manual Therapy program aims to improve the so-called. Small movements, i.e. precise hand and finger movements as well as sensory delivery and learning through various forms and the structure of materials, as well as the ability to distinguish between them. The program uses exercises and exercises to develop movement upper limb child, hand manipulation, grip skills, hand coordination and self-improvement. Since the hand performs its function when all of its components such as bones, joints and muscles are functioning properly and their multifaceted cooperation is maintained, it is important not to improve individual components of the hand during therapeutic treatment, but to see it holistically and work on development.

We train our palms

Nobody will touch us now.

Children knock with the edge of the right palm on the inside of the left palm ten times, then change hands. Repeat the exercise several times.
Even from this side

We have to stretch our palm.

So that the palm is strong,

We'll beat her a little.

Features such as learning to hold a spoon, drinking from a cup, etc. Later he also taught writing. All offered games have their own order and cannot be entered randomly. It should also be remembered that the development of a small engine is included in the development of the child's psychomotor and takes place in parallel with his overall development... This means that all activities offered during therapy must be appropriately matched, not only at the level of the child's leadership, but also at the level of his cognitive functioning.

This is especially important when working with patients with severe manipulation difficulties but full intellectual capacity. Often the suggestions they give can seem boring or childish, and you should avoid developing such feelings so as not to discourage your children from further cooperation.

Children knock with the edge of their right palm on the back of their left palm ten times, then change hands. Repeat the exercise several times.
Knocked and then

We will rub our palm.

You rub it some more

So that got hot.

Children put the palm of their left hand with the back side on the fingers of their right and with the thumb of their right hand they massage the entire inner part palms, then change hands. Repeat the exercise several times.
So that your palms are clean,

Nicely lathered them with soap.

Applying for work to improve low physical activity, careful observation of the child in terms of the functioning of the hand, as well as disorders and dysfunctions of the whole organism. While observing, follow the diagram of the pyramid below, going through all its levels from the base to the top.

Diagnostics will allow us to set goals, over and over and cook individual plan for a child. Depending on the level of the pyramid, most of the problems exist, since the level has to start the process of improvement, higher and higher if they are achievable, because some children, due to their degree of disability, will not. in the state of these higher levels master.

Three palms, come on

Wipe them off the dirt.

Children rub palm on palm, imitating soaping.

Finger and palm massage with a prickly massage ball

1. Clamp the ball between the child's palms, fingers pressed to each other. Roll the ball back and forth.

2. Starting position, too, perform circular movements, rolling the ball over your palms.

The basis of this pyramid and the beginning of our observation is the general picture of the child, or, in other words, the impression, the ideas that come to us at the first meeting. It is important to note here how the child moves, what the posture is, whether the decreased or increased muscle tone is clearly visible, or whether he wants to accept the pleasure and exercises that we offer.

In further observations, we pay attention to the location of the shoulders, head control, movement of the upper limb, contractures, deformities and undigested reflexes. The next level of the pyramid is the function of the upper limbs, so here we will be interested in at what stage functional development the observed child is observed, whether he can perform support.

3. Take the ball with your fingertips and rotate it forward (as if twisting the lid).

4. Hold the ball only with the pads of your fingers and press firmly on it 4 - 6 times.

5. Take the ball with your fingertips and rotate it back (as if unscrewing the lid).

6. Throw the ball with both hands 20-30 cm and catch it.

7. Clamp the ball between the palms, fingers interlocked in a "lock", elbows to the sides. Press on the ball with your palms (4-6 times).

How do you use the grip to make precise finger movements, or adjust the grip on an object that is being controlled and can change it? It is also important at this stage to know how and how your child uses everyday objects and performs basic self-care activities. At the top of the pyramid there are graphomotor skills, the highest degree of mobility in our hands. We analyze the writing style and how we continue to write. For many children, this is an unattainable level, especially with a high degree of disability.

We offer children fun and exercise, mainly with shoulder and shoulder joints... Sometimes it happens that the volume of the patient's problems does not allow moving on to the next stages, and at this level the whole class takes place. At this stage, we offer some fun activities that improve the mobility of the upper limb in elbow joint.

8. Move the ball from one hand to the other, gradually increasing the tempo.

In the next article, Elena will tell you how to draw with your fingers with a child and how this activity is useful for the baby.

Our speech is at our fingertips. The more flexible and stronger hands the child, the clearer and clearer the speech. This article is about development fine motor skills hands of the child with acupressure.

Dear parents!

The fingertips are the second mind. This was proved by ancient thinkers (the great philosopher Kant wrote that the hand is the external bulge of the brain).

The development of a child's speech depends on the development of finger movements.

Massaging the hands improves blood circulation throughout the body, promotes relaxation, uplifts mood and restores balance. Helps restore many body functions.

Massage strengthens health and promotes the full development of the body. Massage procedures can be performed as early as 2 months. Such an early approach to the development of a small motorboat by means of massage will prevent the development of disorders of the body, including speech.

There are zones on the palms of the child that are associated with internal organs and different parts of the brain. Figuratively you can put it this way: hands are a person in miniature.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the health of children, also with speech disorders. Surely parents know that they need to train the activity of the baby's hands.

For this, there are various educational games for children. Modeling from plasticine, constructor, lego, paper applications, working with paints - such creative activities contribute not only to the creative development of the child's personality, but are very effective.

It is imperative to devote at least 10-15 minutes to massage every day, then the development of speech will go faster. Also, massage helps to strengthen the health of the baby.

The result of the massage: epidermal cells are removed from the skin, the skin improves, the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases. After the massage, the skin becomes soft. The skin takes part in many processes in the body. Massage plays a huge role in human health, improves performance and muscle resistance. When massaging the abdominal area, it decreases blood pressure in patients with hypertensive diseases. A good massage has a calming effect on nervous system, renders positive impact on vegetative functions: blood circulation, respiration, digestion and others.

In order for massage to deliver only benefits, not harm to health, and there were no negative consequences, you need to know massage rules.

Hand massage involves influencing the projection points with movements such as:

  • Kneading - movements that act only on the muscles.
  • Tingling is a massage technique in which a person's skin is caught between the fingers.
  • Stroking - when the hand glides over the skin and smooths out wrinkles.
  • Vibration - vibrations are transmitted along the massaged area at different speeds.

Massage movements:

  • Gentle stroking - stroking the entire inside of the palm of the back of the hand from the ends of the fingers to the center of the forearm.
  • Pincer stroking - stroking when each finger is massaged separately, from the tip of the finger to the beginning along the back, palmar and lateral parts.
  • Pincer-shaped circular and rectilinear rubbing - rub gently with your fingers.
  • Annular and rectilinear rubbing of the posterior and palmar planes - rub with a fist.
  • Vibration and punctate movement - with the pads of the fingers of the hand along the back and palmar plane, from the ends of the fingers to the wrist.
  • Rubbing each finger - circular and rectilinear thumb movements all over the place.
  • Rubbing each finger in all directions.
  • Spiral rubbing of the hand with a fist from all sides.
  • Rubbing the left and right side, sections of all fingers are done synchronously.
  • Extension and flexion of the fingers into fists, movements as when rubbing stiff hands.
  • Vibration of hands or shaking of any finger.
  • We collect one of the baby's handles in a fist, and start with the index finger, open our fingers with light stroking movements, everything except the thumb.
  • The baby's handle lies with the palm down, with one hand an adult fixes it, and with the other he raises it up to the limit position.
  • The baby's hand lies with the palm up, holding it with his left hand, the adult alternately bends his fingers with his right hand.
  • The arm is bent at the elbow, the child's hand is fixed by an adult, the other hand alternately performs a circular motion of the baby's fingers.

We always finish the massage with gentle stroking.

Lydia Selischeva © All rights reserved

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